About the “Mother and Child” tour. Free vouchers for the Mother and Child program

Did you know that mothers with children from St. Petersburg are entitled free treatment and rest in sanatoriums Mother and Child in Solnechny? I’m telling you a review about the sanatorium and how to get there)

We have been going to this resort for the third year in a row. The shift lasts almost a month. A free trip to the “Solnechnoye” sanatorium in the “Mother and Child” department includes accommodation in a separate room “ward” (with a child (or several of your own) 2-10 years old), doctor’s examinations and all prescribed procedures, meals for the child and accompanying person , a change of linen, if necessary, medications, etc. Also in the sanatorium there are departments where they can take one child from four years old, preschoolers and schoolchildren up to 17. There is also a school on the territory.

Both children and children can enter the sanatorium various diseases(and our doctors like to give diagnoses and by the age of two everyone has “something”), so do children who are often ill. That is, if a child constantly catches a cold - which is rather a pattern in St. Petersburg - he is also a candidate for a sanatorium. The main thing is to have registration in St. Petersburg.

By the way, you can get to the Mother and Child department for a fee of 2,300 rubles per day with a place. (I just don’t understand, it says “bed-day” per ward or place. So it could be twice as much for two people. It’s nice that the city takes care of mothers and gives children treatment for at least 60,000 just like that. About treatment and I’ll tell you the procedure below, it’s worth it.

How to get to the Mother and Child sanatorium for free?

To do this, you need to get on the waiting list with the head of your clinic. It is useless to ask a therapist; you will most likely hear that everything is busy. Vacations are usually distributed at the beginning of the year, so go in early January. Of course, you must understand that there are many applicants, and the number of places at each clinic is limited. This means that, first of all, places are given to children with more serious illnesses, mothers of many children, single children, etc. However, I got in for the third year in a row and in this race everyone, it seems, was from two-parent families and only one grandmother with three children. What is the secret of how to get to the sanatorium? Especially if the children do not have serious illnesses. In fact, this is not at all difficult - you need to ask to be included as a candidate in case someone refuses. And remind yourself more often - namely, the first - second day of every month when the races take place. Because many people, having received a ticket, refuse - some have a sick child, some are on vacation, some older children have school competitions, etc...

And in the end, almost everyone who persistently wants it gets in. The only thing is that you need to prepare in advance: it is important to have a fluorography done for those who will travel with children. Most of the tests can be done in the sanatorium, both for yourself and for the child. And collect the certificates in a day. But you can’t make a flash drive quickly, unless you pay for it. When you get to the sanatorium for the first time, then sign up as a candidate there directly with the head of the department and your chances will be even greater.

The first time I signed up my daughter with the head of our clinic, when she was not yet 2, but since they talked a lot about the queue, I signed her up... a year later! She should have been just under 3 years old by that time. I looked at the manager three times, heard that there were no places, insisted, got fed up (at that time my daughter had a lot of colds and I really wanted to improve her health) and achieved my goal. We waited a year and went. Before 2.5 years they still won’t accept it. The next 2 times we got there instead of those who didn’t come unscheduled. Here you have to be ready to get ready literally a day, maximum two, and move in.

What documents are needed at the Mother and Child sanatorium in Solnechny:
Documents per child:

  • Sanatorium-resort card with the stamps of the clinic and the signature of the department head (this is completed by your pediatrician - it’s long and tedious, because doctors don’t know the disease codes for which they send children to the sanatorium)
  • Extract from outpatient card child (with a note about the absence of head lice) (they have never asked us personally)

  • Analyzes:
  • scraping for enterobiasis; (Necessarily)
  • feces for I/worms + protozoan cysts; (Necessarily)
  • blood for ALT; (preferably)
  • Information about vaccinations (certificate or photocopy of a certificate, a certificate from a school or clinic with stamps) - any of the listed options;
  • Compulsory health insurance policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Certificate of quarantine in the preschool educational institution (24 hours before);
  • Certificate of quarantine in the apartment (24 hours in advance).

  • Everything can be collected in a day at the clinic, except for tests. If anything happens, they can be delivered on the spot.
    Please note that if you are anti-vaxxer, they don’t like people like that and may not be allowed in. For the second time in a year we didn’t have any manta rays - we fought our way through.

    For the accompanying person adult:

  • Passport
  • Blood test for ALT
  • Conclusion on fluorography completed no more than a year ago.

  • (A blood test can be done there, it seemed like 200 rubles, but they won’t let you in without a flask)
    Previously, for those under 35 they required a measles vaccination or an extract from the clinic about it, this time they didn’t ask and there is no information about it on the website.

    Theoretically, for those who will replace an adult (for example, mothers usually go home for the weekend, fathers or grandmothers stay with the children), all certificates are also needed. Practically, they have never demanded it yet.

    Who can accompany you?
    Mother, father, grandmother. I believe that any relative, the main thing is that the father or mother brings their passport and an accompanying person, then write the power of attorney application on the spot, or you will need to draw up a power of attorney from a notary.

    Review of the Mother and Child sanatorium in Solnechny

    When I went to the sanatorium for the first time, I had a lot of anxiety and worry.

    First - what kind of children will there be? With what diseases? It turned out that in our building the Mother and Child are the same children as mine, that is, in general, healthy (children may have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and respiratory system). If suddenly someone gets sick common cold- then he is put on home regime. To the dining room or game room They don’t go with a sick child. If anyone is worried, there is no one with contagious diseases. The sanatorium has five main departments: Diseases of the digestive system, Psychoneurological diseases, Diseases of the respiratory system, Diseases urinary system, Oncological diseases and children are divided into buildings according to diseases. In general, each department and building has its own walking areas, so you almost never intersect with children from other buildings. Children with oncology are not allowed to walk on the playground next to the building at all; they immediately chase them away. So that unnecessary viruses are not brought to them, and so that children from other buildings do not ask unnecessary questions.

    Second - what the treatment at the Solnechnoe sanatorium for children?
    All treatments are prescribed by doctors. First, the manager examines, looks at diagnoses, refers to specialists, who needs an ultrasound, a cardiologist, a physical therapy doctor, a dentist, a speech therapist, an ENT specialist, a gastroenterologist, etc., etc. Basically, she and the doctors prescribe various procedures.

    What was prescribed to us below, not all at once, but one at a time, because some procedures are compatible, some are carried out in the first 2 weeks, some in the last.
    Mostly every day except weekends for 2 weeks.

    Salt caves (halochamber)



    Pearl baths

    Pine baths, Lavender baths

    Psychologist (she asked for it because of the super rooms, games and relaxation, there are 4 different rooms - there is just a super room with the sound of thunder, light effects.)

    Paraffin wraps

    And a bunch of other things that I don't remember)

    Third. Household issues, living conditions in the sanatorium.
    Each family is given a separate room. How many people - so many beds.

    Children's health is important task for any family. In the sanatorium, you can restore the baby’s health, and the treatment will be especially effective if the child is relaxing with his mother. Not everyone has access to spa procedures at their own expense, but some categories of the population can count on a free trip as part of the Mother and Child program. These include, for example, parents with many children or families with children with chronic diseases.

    Vouchers are distributed at the regional level. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own rules, so you should find out about the possibility of traveling to a sanatorium with a child at the clinic at your place of residence or at the district social protection department. Nevertheless, a number of basic conditions will be the same for everyone, including the procedure for obtaining a preferential voucher and the list of required documents.

    Who can count on sanatorium treatment at state expense?

    Right to spa treatment together with one of the parents have children with poor health. This category includes children with disabilities and children who are registered at a dispensary for a particular disease. A voucher can also be issued to a frequently ill child if the pediatrician or other doctor considers compulsory course health activities.

    In most cases, the “Mother and Child” program applies to children over four years of age, but in some cases it is allowed to send a mother and a child under this age to a sanatorium.

    Registration of a voucher for a referral from a clinic

    To obtain a voucher, you must first contact your doctor and clarify the procedure for obtaining it. Among the main documents are:

    1. certificate of the need for treatment in form No. 070/u-04 (issued by a pediatrician);
    2. application for a travel voucher (a sample can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health);
    3. copies compulsory medical insurance policy and the baby's birth certificate.

    Since we're talking about about traveling with an accompanying person, you will also need documents from the parent. The collected papers are transferred to the Ministry of Health.

    It is advisable to submit the application in advance (about six months in advance). In addition, in the summer, the number of citizens applying for health-improving holidays at the expense of the state increases significantly, so it is better to choose a less “hot” season.

    Shortly before departure, you will need to issue health resort cards for an adult and a child. They indicate the results of tests and examinations, ECG and fluorography data.

    Where else can they help with free wellness?

    You can also participate in the “Mother and Child” program through the management line social protection. In this case, the application for a trip must be submitted along with the following documents:

    1. birth certificate;
    2. passport of one of the parents;
    3. document confirming the difficult financial situation(income data);
    4. certificate of family composition;
    5. certificate of a parent with many children;
    6. SNILS;
    7. compulsory medical insurance policy;
    8. certificate of death of a serviceman or receipt of survivor benefits (if there are such grounds for benefits);
    9. pediatrician's report;
    10. certificate for issuing a voucher.

    All this information is also transferred to the Ministry of Health along with consent to the processing of personal data.

    A sanatorium with a suitable treatment profile can be selected from a list provided by specialists. In this case, the institution must work according to the “Mother and Child” system. The sanatorium-resort card is mandatory; at the end of treatment, the tear-off part is attached to the child’s medical card.

    Payment for travel to the place of treatment

    The “Mother and Child” tour is provided free of charge. But the trip to the sanatorium itself is usually paid for by the parents. At the same time, low-income families can receive compensation for the cost of tickets. To do this, you need to confirm that the income for each person in the family does not reach the minimum level (available in the form of the regional subsistence level).

    To get a refund, you must keep your travel documents. In addition, you may need proof of your stay at the sanatorium. A more accurate list of documents will be provided by the social security authorities. When recuperating disabled children, travel is paid from the Fund social insurance.

    So, it’s been decided: we’ll send the child to a sanatorium. What are we doing? It is clear that buying a ticket is not particularly difficult - if only you had the money. However, there is no need to rush. Why pay extra if you can improve your health at public expense? There are several options to make sure of this. In order to obtain a voucher, you must qualify for a preferential category or meet several conditions for receiving it. General conditions No, and it is necessary to consider each situation separately. Depending on what category of citizens you belong to, in order to receive a referral to a sanatorium for a child, you must have medical or other indications. According to Russian legislation, every child has the right to health-improving recreation. For those who did not know this or knew but did not understand how to get a referral to the sanatorium and where to go and what to do, we have compiled clear instructions.

    Free referral to the sanatorium

    So, look at article 12 Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation" According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents must line up in advance and collect necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited. It should be taken into account that the law is uniform, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course there is also general requirements. We will talk about them.

    Who gets a free referral to a sanatorium?

    Referral to a sanatorium from the clinic is primarily given to those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:

    • disabled people;
    • orphans;
    • sick children and children after surgery;
    • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.
    • A preschooler or a child who needs to be looked after can be accompanied by an accompanying person under the Mother and Child program. As the name suggests, Mom can always go. Dads, grandmothers, aunts and other adults need to check with a specific sanatorium or camp.

    Are there huge queues for free tickets?

    Not really. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium - bureaucratic procedure. Some parents don’t know about it, others don’t want to understand it. Therefore, you may well get a free trip that others were too lazy to apply for. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to agree to a spring, autumn or even winter vacation if you like the institution, its location and other conditions. Even if they tell you: “There is nothing,” still stand in line. Several tours may become available in your region. People change their plans or complete paperwork incorrectly. Then the place is passed on to the next.

    How to get a referral to a sanatorium for a child for free

    • Get discounted voucher Almost all children who are assigned to this institution can visit the district clinic. They mainly distribute vouchers to sanatoriums. general profile and in sanatoriums specializing in a number of diseases. As a rule, information about the availability of discount vouchers is posted near the information desk or at the reception desk, on the door of the pediatrician’s office. If you haven’t seen anything similar, don’t be lazy to ask your local doctor or the head of the clinic about the availability of vouchers. Often, staff at district clinics are simply too lazy to inform citizens about the availability of preferential vouchers.

    Found a suitable trip? You should:

    1. fill out an application for a voucher;
    2. register with a pediatrician health resort card(form No. 076/у);
    3. get a certificate from a dermatologist about the absence of infectious skin diseases and a certificate of contacts with a pediatrician (the results of the test for enterobiasis are attached to it) - taken on the day/the day before departure;
    4. get a ticket:
    • If the baby has suffered serious illness or surgery, he often requires rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium. In this case, parents are offered a voucher for the child right before discharge from the hospital. If you have not received an appropriate offer, be sure to ask your attending physician or the head of the department about the possibility and necessity of sending your child to a specialized sanatorium for recovery. If medical center is not able to provide you with a discounted voucher, you must be given a conclusion about the need for such treatment and explained where and how you can get it. Documents that must be issued by the medical institution where your baby was treated: a sanatorium-resort card, an extract from the medical history with recommendations + tests.
    • The voucher can be obtained from the Social Insurance Fund office. True, first of all, discounted vouchers are given to disabled children. To do this, after receiving a referral from your attending physician for sanatorium-resort treatment or a conclusion about its necessity, you need to contact the local branch of the fund and register to receive a voucher. Persons accompanying disabled children are also entitled to one discounted voucher. The processing time for applications is about 20 days. Simultaneously with receipt from the regional branch of the fund sanatorium-resort voucher parents of children are provided with special coupons for the right to free travel on a long-distance train to the place of treatment and back. In addition to the sanatorium-resort card, you will need a document confirming that you have benefits: a certificate of disability, a certificate of a mother of many children, etc.
    • If the child is an orphan or has a disability, feel free to contact the department of social protection of the population at your place of residence. Experienced mothers advise that after registering, get to know your inspector and don’t skimp on a smile: establish normal human relations- you don’t have to beg or demand due to the child San-kur, they will periodically call you and offer you travel packages, including last-minute ones.

    The following documents must be submitted to the Department of Social Protection of the Population:

    1. application of the established form;
    2. documents confirming social status child;
    3. medical report, confirming the absence of contraindications to sanatorium treatment, and a certificate from the children's clinic, form 070/u-04;
    4. a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport and his medical policy;
    5. copies of parents' passports.

    If God protects and the child has no health restrictions, that is, no chronic diseases, there is another option for obtaining a voucher - from the district government. You dial the number of the information office in your area and ask which phone number to call to find out about the availability of vouchers for children. Children 4-7 years old can be offered a family holiday with one of the parents in a boarding house or sanatorium holiday home (attention: a trip to sanatorium institution, received through the council, does not imply treatment - the course, if desired, can be purchased on the spot, at your own expense). In this case, you need to contact the clinic only to obtain a certificate of vaccinations (form 079), valid for three months, and a certificate of contacts, which is taken immediately before departure. If the child is already 8 years old and has no health restrictions, the council may offer a trip to children's health institutions, for example, a camp, without parental accompaniment. Each specific case has its own set of documents.

    What documents are needed?

    To queue for a ticket, you will need:

    • statement;
    • a copy of the parent's passport;
    • information about the child’s registration at the place of residence;
    • certificate from medical institution, confirming the absence of contraindications for relaxation in a sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
    • referral for treatment for certain indications.

    To register for a sanatorium or health camp when the voucher is already in hand:

    • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician at the clinic after the child’s test results arrive);
    • certificate of no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in children's institution(at the pediatrician);
    • extract from the medical history;
    • certificate of the epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from school);
    • copies of birth certificate and medical policy.

    Some institutions may require some additional information. Check this on the website or by phone. It is better to take tests when they have already called you and said that they are giving you a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you will have to take everything again. There are cases when the child has already arrived at the holiday destination, and the parents send some certificate or updated analysis result that was lost in a hurry by email or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

    How to get a ticket faster?

    You can buy a ticket and then receive partial or full compensation for it. This way you will have more chances to choose your holiday destination and check-in time. The same documents will be needed for registration. Compensation is guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, the type of camp, and the category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can receive a full refund. They receive compensation after check-in from the Social Insurance Fund. You can check this in advance with the authorities where the voucher was issued. To receive you need to provide:

    • statement;
    • original and copy of the parent’s passport;
    • birth certificate or passport of the child;
    • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
    • return ticket from the camp;
    • bank account number.

    One parent can receive compensation once a year.

    How to get a referral to a sanatorium for a pregnant woman

    It is possible to issue a trip while waiting for a child if there are certain indications which may threaten miscarriage or serious problems with the health of both the mother and the unborn child. Another condition is the availability of a place of work, since the payment for restoration is made by the Social Insurance Fund. In addition, a woman must spend 7 to 10 days in hospital before receiving a referral. When referring to a hospital to continue pregnancy, it is better for you to ask your attending physician in antenatal clinic at your place of residence, whether your case is suitable for further treatment at a specialized resort. To do this, it is enough to notify the doctor who will observe you in the maternity hospital and present two certificates from your place of work stating that you are employed and about contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. It is also necessary to undergo a commission to obtain a conclusion about the absence of contraindications. For example, most often a referral is refused due to excessive vomiting during toxicosis or gestosis (in this case, only a course of treatment in a hospital is required).

    Free trips under the “Mother and Child” program allow thousands of children from all regions of the country to visit the sanatorium with their mother every year. Families that are considered to have many children, or where there are children with health problems, may receive this opportunity.

    Since 2010, the powers to distribute vouchers have been vested in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in each region the program is implemented in its own way. This means that the conditions for providing such vouchers in the regions of the country differ, and detailed information should be found out at the clinic or social welfare department at the place of residence.

    Each region has its own subordinate sanatoriums or commercial organizations medical profile, with which relevant government contracts have been concluded through the placement of a state order. Many of these organizations work under the “Mother and Child” program - they provide sanatorium and resort services to children in need of treatment and provide the opportunity to be accompanied by their parents. For example, Moscow has about 130 sanatoriums and health camps for children and teenagers. In addition to selling tours on a commercial basis, the city Department of Culture for certain periods of the year offers free trips to these institutions to children on benefits based on Moscow and federal documents.

    The general principles of obtaining a free voucher to the Mother and Child sanatorium have been preserved since 2010. These include the procedure for obtaining and a set of documents.

    Sanatorium-resort treatment: who can qualify for a free trip

    The “Mother and Child” tour can be provided free of charge to children with health problems. These can be both disabled children and children registered at clinics. Sanatorium-resort treatment involves a complex health activities. Children suffering from chronic diseases and defined as a frequently and long-term ill child can receive a referral for a voucher from a pediatrician or specialist. When making a plan dispensary observation In clinics, the item “Sanatorium-resort treatment” is usually indicated, according to which you can receive free health program You can in any of the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Free vouchers to the Mother and Child sanatorium are usually given to children over 4 years old. However, if the child younger age discovered chronic disease, he also has a chance to get a ticket.

    The procedure for obtaining a voucher through the clinic

    If a child is often sick and needs sanatorium-resort treatment, a ticket to the Mother and Child sanatorium can be requested free of charge through the clinic. To do this you need:

    • obtain the necessary certificate from the pediatrician in form No. 070/u-04
    • fill out an application form (available on the website of the regional health department);
    • Next, a copy of the medical insurance policy and the child’s birth certificate are provided.

    If the mother is required to accompany her and the selected sanatorium operates under the “Mother and Child” program, then the parent’s documents must be submitted. The clinic itself must submit your documents to the Ministry of Health for inclusion in the program.

    It is important to take into account that during popular seasons, when there are many vacationers, there may not be places in the sanatorium. It is best to apply for the fall and winter periods.

    There is one more moment. If a child applies for sanatorium-resort treatment on the recommendation of the attending physician, he must receive a sanatorium-resort card, which will indicate the results of examinations, general tests, expert opinions, fluorography, ECG.

    When else can they give free trips?

    The “Mother and Child” program, which gives the opportunity to go to a sanatorium for free, is provided to children who are under the supervision of social protection authorities.

    In this case, the list of documents is more extensive. It includes:

    • child's birth certificate;
    • parent's passport;
    • documents that confirm difficult situation in the family (certificates of income, certificates of family composition);
    • medical certificates (general tests, certificate from a dermatologist, test results for enterobiasis);
    • compulsory health insurance policy;
    • insurance certificate of compulsory medical insurance;
    • certificate of a mother or father of many children (for large families);
    • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the death of a serviceman (for children of deceased servicemen);
    • pension certificate or certificate of receipt of a survivor's pension;
    • conclusion of the local pediatrician;
    • certificate for obtaining a voucher.

    In this case, a package of documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Health and an application must be written for permission to process personal data. The application must be made no later than six months before the desired travel date. As in the previous case, it is better to choose the season in winter or autumn, when the flow of vacationers is not so large. You can look for a sanatorium yourself from the presented list of available establishments working under the “Mother and Child” program. Based on the results, a health resort card must be issued.

    The trip is free, but what about the road?

    Free trips to the Mother and Child sanatorium do not require payment for travel to your destination. Typically these costs are borne by the child's parents.. However, there are still exceptions. If the child is from a family where the income is below the subsistence level, social protection can compensate for travel costs. Money is issued upon return from the sanatorium. This question should be clarified in advance; you may need to provide any documents to the social security authorities. The Social Insurance Fund can pay for travel for a child with a disability. This question also needs to be clarified in advance.