Presentation on the topic "Russian folk crafts." Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Folk crafts (presentation)

“Folk music” - Vasily Tatishchev. Researchers. Ensemble "Russian Song". Rain, rain more... Research of folklore. Collect folklore. Prose genres: Fairy tales Traditions Legends Bylichki Byvalshchina. Folk performers. Truly popular. Laureate All-Russian competition pop artists. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

“Folk crafts” - Birch bark. Presentation to familiarize and deepen students' knowledge about folk crafts. Vologda lace resembles a precious cobweb. What is arts and crafts? Russian doll. Zhostovo trays. Find answers to questions. Additional material to the project. What should you do?

“Russian folk instruments” - Now he gets fat, now he loses weight - he shouts to the whole world. He grew up in the forest, cries in his arms, was taken out of the forest, and jumps on the floor. Riddles from the music notebook. Three strings played on four sides. They sculpted from clay. On the sides of the box, he stretched his furs - he looked like a groom. Russian folk instruments. Original Russian instruments.

“Crafts of Russia” - Folk crafts of central Russia. Khokhloma. Palekh. Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks, Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty... Like two rainbows - eyebrows, poppy lips, crimson outfit And blush, fresh carrots, glossy cheeks are burning. Matryoshka dolls. Simple in form, but pleasing to the eye. Zhostovo. Fill out the table.

“Folk arts and crafts” - Ornament with “berries” and “leaves”. Internet resources. Folk arts and crafts. Children's homemade Khokhloma costumes. Theme of the year: “Secrets of the masters.” Theme of the quarter: “Masters and apprentices.” “Khokhloma painting” 4th grade. Painting. Varnish coating. According to the program of N.M. Konysheva “Artistic and design activities (basics of design education) grades 1-4.”

“Russian folk songs” - Song, Russian song - Life our soul! Gradually, the harmonica spread widely in Russia. In the pre-Soviet era, such topics included religion. “Village music” is this a fair definition for harmonica? How was music created among the people? Music of my people. Folk art - folklore.

  • Silverchemical element periodic table D.I. Mendeleev, having atomic number 47, is designated by the symbol Ag (lat. Argentum).
  • Silver is a noble metal that has antibacterial and healing properties. This is a rich metal interesting story, legends, myths and mysteries... In nature silver They are found in native form; there are known facts of finding silver nuggets weighing up to 20 tons.
  • Silverprecious metal white, widely used in jewelry, is malleable, malleable and malleable. Silver products are highly artistic folk crafts . Silversilverware , silver jewelry , religious silver items , jewelry silver , various silver products– these examples of unique folk art by masters Veliky Ustyug, which our tourists can purchase after visiting homeland of Santa Claus .

  • IN Veliky Ustyug since 1682 talented craftsmen have been blackening silver in ways different from other art centers. In their works, plot engraving, very rich, much denser in color than Moscow and St. Petersburg, acquired special significance. Silver works created by our craftsmen have been repeatedly presented at national and international exhibitions and, as a rule, received the highest awards.

  • Birch bark(t.s. Dahl) – the upper, light, remkovy layer of birch bark.
  • Birch - a slender, white-trunked, light-colored tree that provides a through shade, decorating any rural landscape at any time of the year, is especially loved in Russia. Since ancient times, the birch has been the image of Russia. The simple and touching beauty of birch gives it high aesthetic value.

Birch bark products.

Products made from birch bark as folk crafts - boxes, tues, baskets, boxes, souvenir toys, jewelry, beads, combs, trays, paintings, panels - magnificent works of art from Veliky Ustyug, made in the style and traditions of folk art.


Lapti - low shoes, common in Rus' in the old days, but, nevertheless, were in wide use in rural areas Russia until the 1930s, woven from wood bast (linden, elm and others) or birch bark. The bast shoe was tied to the leg with laces twisted from the same bast from which the bast shoes themselves were made. In Russian folklore and culture, stories, songs, and sayings are dedicated to bast shoes.

  • Origins of wood carving go back into the distant past. Judging by the objects found by archaeologists, wood carving in Rus' dates back several tens of thousands of years. Undoubtedly wood carving, which requires certain artistic abilities, some experience in implementing a plan and professional use of an instrument, was the main and one of the first types of arts and crafts. IN Ancient Rus' wood carving, although mostly cult, was widespread and very skillful.

  • Types of wood carving– conditionally, three main types can be distinguished: through carving (this includes sawed and slotted threads), blind carving (all subtypes of relief and flat carvings), sculptural carvings, house carvings (this is a separate direction, since it can combine all three of the above types) .
  • Relevance wood carvings has grown very much in lately and more and more persistently and confidently it enters our lives and everyday life. None artificial materials will not replace the beauty and warmth of natural wood. Once in the hands of a true master, the tree acquires a second life. Possession of an inexhaustible imagination, excellent knowledge of the material, and a sense of beauty allows the master to wood carvings create original works of art - cutting boards, chess, paintings, sculptures, wooden toys, dishes and many other things.

  • The basic typological principles of Kubachi patterns developed at the turn of the 17th – 18th centuries. Therefore, in the ornamental culture of Kubachi jewelry art, all stages of the history of the development of the artistic, material and spiritual culture of this people were reflected as in a mirror. Kubachi ornament is rich and varied. It allows masters not only to create and preserve the bright individuality of their creative style, but also to embody a completely new, original artistic solution each time. A canonical set of images in the form of stylized leaves, buds, shoots and flexible branches, intertwining in accordance with the laws of “Kubachi harmony”, build original rhythmic groups that are combined into a single compositional monolith - this is how the “music” of the Kubachi pattern gradually emerges. Therefore, every work is the dream of the eternal beauty of the world embodied in silver, frozen in the “meaningful” ligature of ornaments. The combination of mountain silver, sunny gold and heavenly azure seems to have frozen in each product. Daggers in silver and gilded frames, sabers decorated with enamel, niello and filigree are an indicator of the highest craftsmanship and quality.

Knife "Stone Age"*. Bear fang, bas-relief carving.

Knife "Fang"*. Bear fang. Damascus steel. Case: shank, burning.

Knife "Claw"*. Bear claw. Damascus steel. Case: shank, burning.

Knife "Marine"* on a stand made of obsidian and Kamchatka gems. Sea tree, elk horn. Damascus steel Size: 23x7x11 cm.

Knife "Horn"*. Snow sheep horn. Damascus steel.

  • What is the history of Gzhel and the Gzhel rose? Gzhel itself pottery craft existed back in the 14th century. Gzhel masters have long been famous for their skill, their pottery, and the clay they used - for their high qualities. Since the middle of the 17th century, Gzhel craftsmen have been producing majolica dishes, and when in the middle of the 17th century the Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov discovered the secret of hard porcelain, the craftsmen gradually began to prepare porcelain products. Gzhel masters also began painting dishes a long time ago. Initially these were herbaceous patterns, bouquets, unusual birds, entire plot scenes. At the same time, Gzhel was multi-colored. Today, only two primary colors are used in Gzhel painting - white and blue. Some say that these colors were chosen specifically, based on the color of the clear sky in Russia, but it seems that there is only a grain of truth in this beautiful judgment. It is known that initially bright green, yellow, and red colors were used for painting. Gzhel was not a luxury item and was intended for ordinary people. Dishes painted with bright colors decorated peasants' houses and were widely used in everyday life. But at the beginning of the 20th century, the bright, intricate flowers on the dishes did not correspond to the color scheme and geometry of the revolutionary stars and banners. Thus, the multi-colored ancient plant ornaments and bouquets were replaced by the Gzhel rose, the color of the sky and field cornflowers.

Goal: - to introduce students to the traditional crafts of Russia - Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel; - developing the ability to distinguish between decorative and applied crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel and Gorodets; - development of understanding characteristic features products of various folk crafts. - nurturing the need for creativity, the desire to bring beauty into one’s life: - nurturing patriotism, pride and tolerance for folk art.

Today we are starting a big and very interesting topic: “Russian folk crafts.” Ancient Russian art is a source of our national pride. You will get acquainted with the traditional folk crafts of Russia: Khokhloma, Gzhel and Gorodets painting.

VOCABULARY Fishing - mining, an additional occupation with the main one. (The fishery was formed on the basis of those natural materials that the region was rich in: soft trees, deposits of clay, metals, sources of natural natural dyes- often determined the type of craft). Utvar - comes from the old Russian word utvariat (to dress up, clean, decorate). And now, utensils - decorations, outfits, jewelry, everything movable in the house: furniture, jewelry, dishes. Creativity is the creation of new cultural and material assets. Create – create creatively.,

Literature used in preparation for the lesson: Vasilenko V.M. Folk art. – M., Shevchuk L.V. Children and folk art: book for teachers - M., 1985. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., Dal V.I. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 2008

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Folk crafts of Russia Prepared by technology teacher Bykova O.V. 2012

Project goals - To form general idea about the folk culture of Russia, the desire to study it and the inclusion of this information as an asset of one’s worldview. - Mastering the basic techniques of making samples of handicrafts. - Form the foundations of civic identity.

Golden Ring of Russia

Khokhloma painting Appeared in the city of Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod province in the 17th (17th) century. It was used to decorate wooden dishes and matryoshka dolls. We used gold, black and red paints.

Tula samovar

Gzhel The picturesque region of Gzhel is located 60 km from Moscow. Traditional ornament decorating porcelain products - blue and blue flowers, leaves, cereals and Gzhel blue rose. The history of Gzhel porcelain begins in the 14th century.

Palekh miniature Palekh is the center of icon painting. Located near the city of Ivanovo. Boxes, brooches, and pincushions are painted in gold on a black background.

Gorodets painting Yellow evening, black horse And the baths are like fire, Birds are looking from the casket - Miracle painting of Gorodets

Filimonovskaya toy There is a village near Tula, called Filimonovo, and craftswomen live there, bringing good things to homes. And the good there is not simple, And not gold and silver. It's called a Filimonov toy.

We welcome Gorodets painting

Subjects of Gorodets painting Subjects of Gorodets painting most often include horses, birds, and flowers. Paints use rich shades: red, blue, yellow, black, green.

Step-by-step painting: 1. Outline the central element of the pattern. 2. Apply the pattern with primary colors. 3. Draw the elements with black strokes. 4. Draw the elements with white strokes.

Gzhel painting techniques

Gzhel scenes The traditional colors of Gzhel are blue and light blue. Subjects for painting include flowers, leaves, and birds. Free space filled with various ornaments.

The procedure for painting: 1. The boundaries of the future pattern are drawn in blue and light blue. 2. Mark the location of the ornament. 3. Draw large elements of the pattern. 4. The remaining space is filled with mesh.

Work procedure 1. Apply a contour in blue and light blue on the side, along the spout and handle, along the lid, comb and tail of the cockerel. 2. Draw a flower with leaves on the side of the teapot. 3. Decorate top part teapot border.

Subjects of Khokhloma painting Traditional colors: black, red, gold. the most common motifs: berries, leaves, flowers.

Literature and sources Wooden miracle. Album for coloring. M.: “Baby”, 1978 Krupin V. Dymka. M.: “Baby”, 1987 Perova E.N. Lessons on the course "Technology" grades 5-9. M.: 5zaznaniya, 2008 htth //

Folk crafts Fairytale Gzhel Lilik Olga Grigorievna

Fairytale Gzhel

The Gzhel people have long said: “We don’t feed on the earth, clay is our gold.”


Miracle with blue flowers

Blue petals

blue flowers,

Delicate curls.

On white porcelain,

Like on a snowy field,

From under the white snow

Blue flowers are growing.

Really, really

You haven't heard of Gzhel.

Gzhel is the name of a village not far from Moscow, where ceramic craftsmanship has been developed for a long time. The first information about Gzhel as an area rich in good clay dates back to the middle of the 17th century. In 1724, the first factory appeared in Gzhel.

Gzhel dishes are very diverse in shape and purpose: plates, butter dishes, salt shakers, cups, teapots, bowls.

All parts of the object are decorated decoratively with a closed ornament. The handle and spout are usually decorated with a ribbon design or blue

Masters apply "smear on one side" or "brushstroke with shadows"

The strokes are applied in a wide circular motion. It shows a gradual transition from light to dark


Oh yes, vases, what a wonder, both are good,

All are elegant and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

Here are roses and chamomile, dandelion, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off it.

They created this miracle not far away

They painted those dishes in Rus', in the town Gzhel .

The edge of a porcelain miracle, and forests all around it.

Blue-eyed dishes, like the skies in spring.

Vases, teapots and dishes

That's how they shine on the table!

From painted dishes

Eating tastier and more fun.