Pottery craft for beginners. What is pottery: training for beginners

Any creative person sooner or later he thinks about changing his boring office job to one that will delight his soul. Various ideas come to mind, from drawing to organizing holidays. For many, it is important that their business is ethical and brings real benefits to society. One of these is learning an ancient craft - pottery art.

Clay is a pure natural material, which, on the one hand, allows you to relax and escape from routine. On the other hand, since ancient times clay has been an excellent material for construction and various production. Clay is still used to make bricks, dishes and decorative pottery. Expensive porcelain and earthenware are also made from clay in a process not unlike making bricks. The difference in production lies only in the type of clay and some specific final processes. Despite the antiquity of pottery, it is still relevant. And with the increased availability of tools, it has become popular among ordinary people who want to make ceramics for themselves and friends, as a hobby. Therefore, the business of training and providing the opportunity to engage in this wonderful activity will always find its consumer.

Why pottery school?

Agree, everyone loved to sculpt from plasticine in childhood, and some were lucky enough to work with the purest natural material - clay. By itself, clay is a viscous substance that is easily susceptible to plastic changes. Clay is used to make dishes, decorative interior items, jewelry and much more. But learning to sculpt something worthwhile from clay yourself is quite difficult. This is why people willingly sign up for master classes on modeling clay with their hands and on a pottery wheel.

Both children and older adult couples come to classes. Clay modeling calms, clears the mind and gives a positive outlook for the whole day. In addition, the products received after classes can be fully used in everyday life. Some compare the process of sculpting with clay to meditation. Group classes are also in great demand, such as great shape for a birthday or corporate event.

Where to start?

Many people think that in order to open a pottery school, you need to be very good at sculpting with clay. Partially this is true. You must have at least two specialists on your staff who understand pottery, preferably one of them is a ceramic designer, trained in a special educational institution. It is important to understand that after your students make clay products, you will need to dry them yourself and fire them at correct temperature. Also, do not forget about technological processes: glazing of products (glazing), painting with engobes, waste and secondary firing.

Of course, if you do not want to teach courses yourself, then you should entrust control of these important components of the business to your employees. But in reality, these processes are not that complicated, but, of course, it is better to hire an experienced specialist in this field for the first time in order to adopt his experience and create your own technological manual. As for the modeling itself, there is nothing complicated here. You can create a training program in literally a week. Study the literature on pottery art on your own and for the first time this will be enough for children and beginning ceramists.

Some subtleties and tips on equipment and opening your own pottery school

To get started you will need:

  • clay kiln
  • potter's wheel
  • set of tools (brushes and special devices)
  • furniture and shelving
  • clay and paints

The business of opening a pottery school has low threshold occurrences. First, you will need to purchase a kiln; its price starts from 90,000 rubles. For the first time, the simplest stove will be enough. Please note that it is important that the kiln can fire clay at temperatures above 1000 degrees. You will also need the clay itself, tools and special paints for it (engobes and glazes). Don't forget about the potter's wheel, it will be indispensable if you want to start learning how to make tableware, although at first, classes can only be conducted on hand modeling. All this can be purchased in specialized online stores.

An important expense will be the purchase of furniture to organize a workspace in a pottery school. It all depends on the area of ​​the room. Minimum purchase for organizing a pottery school from secondary throughput about 100 people per month – 150,000 rubles, excluding premises rental.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 30 square meters, but keep in mind that the larger the room, the more comfortable it is for the students. Try to locate yourself closer to schools and kindergartens, preferably in the city center, so that it is convenient to get to the workshop.

Select a special place for the furnace (this will be an electric muffle furnace), take into account the requirements fire safety, consult with specialists who produce clay kilns.

Training formats can be:

  • — single master classes on hand modeling or on a pottery wheel (for everyone)
  • — basic course, consisting of 8-12 lessons (for those who want to learn modeling)
  • — narrowly focused classes for professionals in their field (advanced courses, advanced training)
  • — rental of workspace for advanced potters and individual classes (pottery coworking)
What can you expect in the end?

The payback for such a business is approximately 6-8 months, it all depends on advertising and proper positioning in your city. At the start, it is very important to attract students with friendly service and a flexible pricing system. Average check for a master class can reach 2000 rubles per listener.

Design is important to the image of a pottery school, so pay attention special attention, both in name and external design. The pottery school attracts with its creative process, both children and parents. As a rule, no one remains indifferent, because clay modeling is a wonderful way of self-expression that will always be in demand in the service market.

Pottery art initially developed as a craft that served for the manufacture of containers for meals or vessels in which bulk and liquid materials were stored. Today, it involves processing by molding on a specially designed pottery wheel, after which glaze is applied to the dried product, followed by the obligatory process. In this way, objects are made that are used in any field: household items, construction, decorations, jewelry, souvenirs. These products are called pottery ceramics, they can be found in every corner of our planet.

There are three main classes of production in pottery technology:

  • production of building bricks;
  • making clay or stone utensils;
  • production of more refined earthenware or porcelain objects.

Based on production technology, all classes of pottery art are similar to each other, however, there are a number of nuances that affect the final result. The main difference is the types of clay that form the basis of the product.


As mentioned earlier, the art of pottery originated from a craft that served exclusively to make vessels for storing materials and food. Over time, it developed, became enriched, and today appears before us no longer in the same form as our distant ancestors saw it. Thanks to technological discoveries, new crafts began to appear, they led to the appearance of such items as fire-resistant bricks, stoneware, tiles, tiles, drainage pipes, architectural decorations and other numerous products.

Due to the fact that society began to decorate and decorate familiar clay products, pottery moved from the category of craft to the category of art. Making clay pots was popular in ancient times, ever since humanity became acquainted with the material common on the planet - clay and its properties.

The Old Testament contains several references to the profession of a potter and his products. The oldest clay vessels, even in prehistoric times, were finished by human hands and, accordingly, were irregular in shape. A little later, round and oval products are found, apparently made using a potter's wheel. History has not preserved information about the exact appearance of this circle, but mentions of it have been going on since antiquity.

It is known that the first porcelain products appeared in Asia two thousand years ago. This indicates that the pottery industry in China developed much more rapidly than throughout the world.

Each nation had its own traditions associated with this craft, which turned into art. So in African countries at the beginning of the twentieth century, pots were made by hand, the clay was dried in the sun, and the product was fired using a bundle of straw and fire.

As for Europe, here until the eighth century pottery was in complete decline. Only the Spanish Moors gave it an impetus; around the same time, products that were covered with glaze appeared.

Pottery made its heyday around the thirteenth century. The most striking splash occurred in Italy, where majolica was invented - a type of ceramics made from baked clay. Florence gave the world such a master of pottery as Luca della Robbia; his sculptures and other works are considered the pride of the nation in our time.

Using the technologies of the sculptor Robbia, Tuscan factories took another step forward - earthenware products. They were first fired with fire, then they were covered with white glaze, on which drawings were made, after which the product was subjected to a second firing, stronger than the first. Not only architectural decorations, but also flowerpots and figurines began to be made from majolica.

After the decline of pottery in Italy, France took over the baton. It was here that the clay kiln was invented.

In the Middle Ages, pottery was created and used only by the poor; the upper classes used tin, silver, and gold. Wide Application Pottery art also found its way into church decoration. Here it was used to create jugs. Churches of Novgorod, as well as temples of the Romanov times, are decorated with similar products.

At the end of the eighteenth century, entire factories began to appear around the world that were engaged in pottery making.

Ceramic products

The main difference between the types of ceramics is the composition of the mass, as well as the type of glaze from which they are made. There are two types of pottery: dense and porous.

Dense are those products that, when fired due to high temperature merge into a homogeneous solid mass. When broken, this product resembles glass. It is translucent and does not absorb liquid, and when it hits the steel it produces sparks. An example of dense pottery is porcelain.

Porous ones, on the contrary, break easily and allow liquid to pass through. Among such products is faience.

There may be products that do not belong to either type, but are something transitional between these two types.


  • Hard porcelain. The mass is fused, translucent, fine-grained, elastic, homogeneous, hard, it will not yield to the action of a knife. This porcelain contains kaolin, chalk, quartz and feldspar. It is fired twice: first weakly for glazing, then strong after glazing.
  • Soft porcelain. It is also called French. Its content is an almost transparent lead glaze. Here, double firing is also necessary, only very strong at first, and weaker at the end.
  • Unglazed porcelain, or bisque. It has the usual porcelain mass.
  • Pariyan. It is close in mass to soft porcelain, has a yellowish tint, and is difficult to melt.
  • Carrara. White, translucent. Its mass is a cross between stone products and pariyan.
  • Stone products. They are characterized by a dense, fine-grained mass. There are ordinary and delicate products, mostly white.


  • Delicate faience. It is a mixture of refractory clay and silica. It is covered with a transparent glaze. The mass is opaque, ringing.
  • Ordinary faience, or majolica. This is a red-yellow mass, which, after firing, is covered with an opaque tin glaze.
  • Products made from ordinary and fire-resistant clay. This includes bricks, tiles, drainage pipes, etc.
  • Burnt stone mass, or, as it is also called, terracotta. Its composition is purified clay and ground fragments of finished products. It is used to decorate vases and other products.
  • Ordinary pottery. The mass is made from clay, clay marl, and also from opaque lead glaze.

Materials for pottery

To make brick, porcelain, earthenware, you need to do the following work: make a clay mass, shape it, dry it, fire it and cover it with glaze. The main material for making products is clay. Potters prefer to use pottery clay, which has the necessary viscosity and its temperature resistance is ideal for creating products. Despite the fact that the clay itself has high level plasticity, it is necessary to add auxiliary materials due to the fact that during firing it undergoes rapid and uneven compression, which turns the product into an awkward thing. To make the simplest product, you also need sand, ash, sawdust, for production best quality you need fireclay - a powder that is obtained from crushed products.

To produce conventional pottery, previously mined clay must be left in air or water for one to two years. After that, it is kneaded in wooden boxes; this is done in factories and factories by special machines. This action is necessary in order to clear the clay of stones or debris. After the clay is taken out of the boxes, it is placed in piles, which are cut into thin slices with a knife. They are again placed in the boxes and kneaded again, clearing them of impurities that could remain on it. Higher grades products, especially colorless ones, require components that must be perfectly cleaned. The basic rule of a good-quality clay mass is its uniformity. For the purpose of high-quality cleaning, the clay is divided into small pieces, which are watered and, after a day of “soaking,” thrown into kneading machines. The teeth of this machine, when rotating rapidly, cut the clay, and a stream of water passing through this chamber carries very small pieces into a special pool, while large ones remain at the bottom. The pool is intended for next level cleaning, here the coarse particles settle, after which another jet carries them into the second pool. In it, the clay is completely eliminated. This technology uses only warm water, because it better separates clay pieces, and the cleaning process is noticeably accelerated due to the optimal temperature.

Proportions components are determined for each type of product separately. Mixing of products also occurs in different ways: dry, with knives or with jets of water. Upon receipt of this homogeneous mass, it still contains large number unwanted bubbles. This problem can be eliminated either with special equipment or with the help of feet, with which the clay is simply trampled until the required consistency is obtained.


In a narrow sense, ceramics is the same clay, but fired. Accordingly, when they say “ceramics,” they mean products made from inorganic materials (often clay), as well as their mixtures with various additives, which are produced under the influence of high temperatures and subsequent cooling.

The firing process initiates irreversible changes, after which the material turns into ceramics. Under the influence of high temperature, small particles fuse in those places where they come into contact.

When producing porcelain, technologies undergo significant changes. This is due to differences in materials, required temperature And different properties components. Each source material has its own proportions, as well as a certain temperature regime:

The technology of roasting products is carried out various methods. Nevertheless, the kiln firing process is a centuries-old, unchanging tradition. Depending on the temperature and duration of the process, products of varying quality are obtained. Therefore, the maximum temperature in production furnaces does not change until the production of an entire batch of products is completed.

Moreover, appearance The finished product also depends on the composition of the atmosphere in the firing furnace. One or another degree of air oxidation can be caused. Using specially set parameters, you can even make pottery clay change color from brown to green.

Applying glaze

Some pottery works are not glazed at all. These include bricks, tiles, terracotta, pots. The so-called glazing is carried out in order to protect clay products from excess moisture. The same result was achieved in ancient times by milk firing - a method of imparting beautiful view and waterproof.

Not the most expensive clay products are glazed in their raw form simultaneously with firing. This is called antsing. The essence of this action is that during firing, salt is thrown into the oven, which turns into vapor and settles on the product. In the place where it lands, a fusible compound called murava is formed.

Another coating method is to sprinkle the product with glaze, crushed into a fine powder. Often these are crude products: pots, unfired pipes, etc. Before applying the coating, the product is coated with flour paste and fired.

The essence of the third method is that the product is doused with glaze, which has the consistency of cream. Similar method cover solid products that practically do not absorb liquid. For example, some types of porcelain and earthenware.

And the last method is that porcelain and earthenware are placed in a container with glaze. This method Designed for products that are lightly fired and initially absorb liquid. The glaze is ground into a fine powder and mixed with water. A product is placed in this liquid, which resembles milk in consistency, to absorb this mixture. It is possible to make a drawing on this glaze.

Art therapy

In the modern rhythm, everyone finds their own way to relax. One of the most beautiful and unusual methods- do pottery. There are two ways to try yourself in this art. The first is to buy a pottery wheel and necessary materials to practice on your own. A pottery workshop in your own home is not only stylish and fashionable, but also incredibly exciting for you, your family and friends. In this case, you can feel like a free artist, try various shapes, based on video tutorials.

The second way is a pottery school. In a class of beginners like yourself, you will have the opportunity to try on the role of a creator of beauty, an artist and a sculpture.

Psychologists say that pottery is great way cope with stress, become more balanced and attentive. Art therapy, according to experts, is one of best methods combating depression and other nervous disorders. Spending time at the potter's wheel helps to organize thoughts, distract from small everyday troubles and find a way out of difficult situations. life situation. “Complete dedication to your work will not solve your problems, but it will definitely help you find ways to solve them,” doctors say unanimously.

DIY products

Every home contains clay, ceramic or porcelain products. In conditions mass production It’s hard to surprise someone with factory-made dishes or a flower vase.

Pottery making is an incredibly fun and exciting activity for the whole family. You can have fun, learn a new job, develop skills and dexterity.

After attending your first pottery master class, you will be able to make your own pot. Attentive teachers usually treat beginners with patience, guiding them and helping them in everything. Pottery art helps to cope with minor stress and distracts from the everyday hustle and bustle. And the products that you make yourself will be a reason to be proud of your next victory over yourself. In addition, after you work in a circle and make your own pot, you will have the opportunity to paint it with your own hands. Here you can show all your imagination. This product will be a wonderful gift for a loved one.

Parties, birthdays and corporate events spent in such an unusual activity are popular. This good opportunity communicate, get to know each other better and see the creative potential of your friends. In addition, such a holiday will certainly be remembered for its unusualness and originality, and products made independently at the pottery wheel will be an excellent gift in memory of a wonderful day. And someone, perhaps, will discover their talent and take this business seriously in order to open their own museum of pottery art in the future. Children will especially enjoy this activity. If they are good at sculpting from plasticine, then you should try sending them to a pottery school. This will help develop hand motor skills, have a beneficial effect on the baby’s mood, and will also open up the child’s creative potential. An interesting and exciting hobby develops attention, imagination and thinking.

Hobby or business?

IN modern world pottery products are very popular. They belong to the category of products that are always in demand and relevant. Each house has dishes, vases, pots, various figurines and souvenirs. It has been developing into art for many centuries and is popular and in demand. Therefore, the passion for pottery is increasingly developing into a real business. Having your own pottery workshop is a very profitable business, because the main raw material is clay - a free material that literally lies just under our feet. Beautiful, original, designer products can be brought to the manufacturer good income. A pottery master is a profession for the soul. You can diversify the world around us, get a unique hobby that will bring you profit and also reveal your creative potential.

Pottery art is popular all over the world. Despite the fact that it is several decades old, it will never go out of fashion.

Few people can imagine that you can earn quite impressive money from such little things as figurines, photo albums, watches, refrigerator magnets, pots and vases.

However, this is true. In Russia, the souvenir trade brings very significant profits, and forecasts for the further development of this business are very rosy. It turns out that your own pottery workshop is quite capable of bringing you a stable and considerable income.

Business organization

If you decide to organize your own business, then you must understand that there are certain subtleties here. A pottery workshop can be opened with as little as $10,000, which may not be considered that much of an investment. You will need to find a room whose area should be 50-80 square meters.

If you are interested in how to equip a pottery workshop in a private house, then you should understand that if you have such free space, this is already quite possible. You will also need a small warehouse where finished products will be stored. It is also necessary to purchase some equipment, namely: scales, with the help of which the clay mass will be accurately dosed, a kiln for firing products, a pottery wheel, and also a kneading machine. To create photo frames and refrigerator magnets, you will need to stock up on a variety of molds.


If you are interested in a pottery workshop, then you should know that the production technology is not too complicated, as it might seem at first glance. First, the clay is kneaded, and for each type of product it can be different varieties– red, white, with admixtures of limestone, sand and other things. After mixing, the clay is placed on a potter's wheel, in molds or on a molded board. After the product has dried, it is sent to the oven.

So, when drawing up a business plan for a pottery workshop, you should understand that you won’t be able to organize a business alone. You must employ qualified workers. It is not at all necessary to look for professionals; it is important that everyone has their own responsibilities and scope of work. It usually takes about two hours to make one pot.

Financial side of the issue

Naturally, a pottery workshop requires certain financial investments. As already noted, they are necessary for renting premises and purchasing equipment and tools for work. As the business develops, it will be possible to purchase new molds in order to master the production of other products.

Pottery production technology

To make a product from clay, it first needs to be kneaded. Can be used for different products different types raw materials, which will affect their quality. Next, the formation process takes place. For this purpose, molds, a pottery wheel and a molded board are used. After the formation is completed, the product must be dried and then fired. It's important to know well process. Due to poor quality of the molding or incorrect determination of the initial drying time, it may turn out that 20-30% of your products will be defective.

Organization of the production process

So, if you already have equipment for a ceramic workshop and it is located indoors, then you should know that you should not take on the production process alone. You will need several specialists with whom you can organize and establish a continuous production process. These should not be super-masters, since it is important for you to develop your business and not make money from your competitors.

Each of them must take on his own area of ​​​​work. The first one carries out the mixing of clay, which will also require a clay mixing machine, the second one forms future products, and the task of the third one will be firing. When each of them achieves proper professionalism in their operation, they collaboration will lead to high quality work.

One pot takes about 2 hours to make, with 10 minutes each for kneading and shaping, and firing for the rest of the time.

Sources of income

So, a pottery workshop must generate income. And due to what? Molded clay products always find their buyer. However, it is not always easy to come to an agreement with representatives of supermarkets or owners of souvenir shops. Various overheads may appear in the form of kickbacks.

In addition, the conditions for selling products are not always favorable for the supplier. If the batch of goods of one type exceeds a thousand pieces, you can try to become a supplier for the Russian souvenir chain. If products are sold to a small store, then their volume should be smaller.

If you have a pottery workshop, you can open training courses on its basis. A lot of people are willing to pay for such an activity in order to take a break from their everyday life. Once you can attract people and get them interested in pottery, then gradually you can think about organizing advanced training courses.

Next, you will need to hold various competitions, exhibitions, and competitions. However, such a pottery school will require additional costs. Classes should be organized in a room located within reach of public transport. Students will need additional materials and equipment.

The owner of a pottery workshop may well be interested in another source of income - making custom clay products. It is quite possible that you will receive an order for the interior design of a room, which is considered a great success: it could be the interior of a restaurant, theater, bar, or country house.

Ideal option

The workshop is working on the production of large quantities of pottery products, which are sold to supermarkets and wholesalers. The school is constantly engaged in training and conducts mastery courses. The production of new goods in small batches works separately. And the entrepreneur always controls the quality of products and monitors all processes. If a person is busy own business who loves, all this turns out to be quite possible. This is what an ideal pottery workshop should be like.

Pottery is always at the peak of popularity. The technology for their manufacture has not changed for several thousand years. Even materials such as glass, metal or plastic could not influence the popularity of these products. With demand constantly outstripping supply, pottery production may become promising direction to create a less common and fairly profitable business.

Where to start a business?

At first glance, it may seem that it is enough to simply open a pottery workshop, purchase raw materials and equipment, and you can start making money. In fact, you need to prepare thoroughly before starting such a business. To achieve success, you need to become a master potter. The manager who runs the business must carefully study the production process and also become familiar with the basics of pottery art.

Legal registration

This type of activity should be registered using the code “Production of decorative and household ceramic products.” If you issue individual entrepreneur, the number of hired workers should not exceed 5 people. In this case, you can choose a simplified taxation system. Thanks to this, you do not have to do accounting and fill out tax returns.


To organize pottery production at home, you will need a small room of 50 square meters. meters. In addition, you need to allocate a separate area for a warehouse, with an area of ​​15 square meters. meters. This is where you will store your finished products.

It is advisable that the pottery workshop be located on the ground floor of the building. As for communications, the premises must have electricity, sewerage and running water. Also do not forget about air conditioning and ventilation.


To make ceramic products, you need to purchase a potter's wheel.

In addition to this, you will need:

  • Scales;
  • Machine for kneading clay;
  • Kiln;
  • Molds for frames and various figures;
  • Paints and brushes.

You will have to invest approximately 300 thousand rubles in the production of pottery. This is a small start-up capital that any aspiring entrepreneur can raise.

Before purchasing equipment, you need to study special literature to become familiar with some important nuances.

There is no need to buy new equipment right away. Sometimes, through advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet, you can find used equipment for a pottery workshop that is in excellent condition.


If you have an irresistible desire, as well as a certain amount of perseverance, you can do everything. production processes on your own. But it is much more efficient to use hired labor.

You can hire people to work in a pottery workshop:

  • For mixing clay;
  • Product molding;
  • Firing;
  • Decoration and painting finished products.

Technology for making clay products

Homemade pottery production is as follows:

  • A solution of a certain consistency is mixed from clay and water. Different types of clay are used as raw materials;
  • The mixture is sent to the potter's wheel, where the master makes dishes from it. Various figures are made using special molds on a pottery table;
  • Firing in a kiln. This is the longest process. The longer the product is fired, the more durable and stronger it is;
  • Coloring of finished products.

If you are interested in pottery production, you can watch the video on the Internet on specialized resources. Also, see other ideas for making money in the field of manufacturing materials and products, for example.


Pottery almost always finds its buyers. To organize the sale of finished products, you can hand them over to supermarkets or souvenir shops for sale. This is not the most profitable way, so you should try hard to become a regular supplier of a large souvenir chain. In this case, the volume of one batch of products will be at least 1000 pieces.

It is worth noting that pottery production as a business brings good profits. To increase income, you can open training courses at the workshop. Many modern people who are tired of the everyday hustle and bustle and are happy to engage in creativity. Refresher courses can also be organized. In this case, you will have to purchase additional equipment for pottery production and consumables.

In addition, you can make custom pottery. Large companies often order large quantities of souvenirs with their logo or symbols. The pottery business will be successful if you choose a competent pricing policy. For regular wholesale buyers it is necessary to provide special system discounts

Purchase of raw materials

It is important to know that clay for pottery production can be of different varieties - white, red, and also with lime or sand impurities.

Before you start purchasing equipment, decide what kind of clay you will work with. The choice of equipment and its cost largely depend on this.

Experienced potters mostly use red clay. The most important thing is that it contains a little lime. Experts advise finding one specific place where you can constantly take raw materials. It is desirable that the clay be oily and contain no more than 1% metal oxide. You can find out about deposits of such material from local geologists or local historians.

Features of pottery art

Before you start sculpting, you need to prepare the mixture. Traditional pottery production technology involves squeezing air bubbles out of clay. That is, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. To do this, the workpiece must be rolled several times. wooden board. Using a wire, it is cut into pieces and thrown with force on the table. After this, the workpiece must be twisted in a spiral several times. This is very important process, on which the number of defects largely depends.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to learn pottery? The most important thing is to be patient, as this art requires a lot of polishing. If something doesn't work out for you, don't be upset. Think about those potters who worked several thousand years ago. They did not have special equipment and literature from which to draw necessary knowledge, but despite this, they created real masterpieces.

Let's sum it up

Nowadays, finding courses in pottery art is not difficult. Therefore, if you have the desire, you can master this profession without any problems.

Experts recommend not turning your apartment into a workshop. Use a dacha, a garage or rent a room for this. Otherwise, you will pollute all the rooms, burn the wiring, clog the sewer and, as a result, quarrel with all your neighbors.

The pottery workshop will bring good profit, if you have a large enough number of clients. After you have resolved organizational and production issues, immediately look for reliable distribution channels.

Use advertising for this, and also take part in various art exhibitions. Offer souvenirs to small shops in the city center, at train stations and airports. If you take into account all these recommendations, your pottery workshop will become a profitable and promising business.

For adults

For potter's wheel lessons, I classify people over 15 years of age as adults.

I invite everyone to discover their talents and try their hand at this exciting activity, regardless of their preparation.

For children

I invite children from 10 years old to get acquainted with the pottery wheel.

There is a professional pottery wheel in the workshop. It requires a certain amount of physical strength to operate it.

For young children, classes in molded ceramics are more suitable.

Watch out for your nails!

Pottery is incompatible with long manicures and extended nails!

Tested in practice. Ladies with long nails will find it difficult, and to be honest, almost impossible to master the pottery wheel.

You will have to give up long nails, no matter how sad it is. And it's better to do it at home.

1. Practical skills"

You will gain practical skills in working with clay and working on a potter's wheel.

Throughout the day you can work at the pottery wheel as much as you like.

I will give you all the theoretical materials during breaks from working with the circle - so that your hands can rest.

2. A product created by your own hands

I cannot guarantee you that during the first lesson you will be able to create your product. Some are able to make more than one product, others are not.

But I will do my best to make it work for you!

You will not be able to pick up your product immediately after class - it must be dried and fired. This takes about a week.

I will fire your products without your participation and you can pick it up in a week.

3. Individual lessons

No need to wait for a group to be recruited. Classes are conducted individually. All the attention of the master is only for you!

Prices for adults

The price of one day of classes (6 hours) for one adult is 4-5000 rubles.

The price includes everything you need - tools and equipment, clay, glazes, engobes, firing.

If you come with family or friends, then each person receives a 20% discount.

Prices for children

Based on practice, a child will not be able to withstand a lesson that is full in time and volume of the program, designed for 6 hours.

Therefore, for children under 15 years old, one lesson lasts 3 hours. The cost of such a lesson is 2500 rubles.

A special program has been developed for children, where less time is devoted to the theoretical part and more practical work with clay both on the potter's wheel and mastering the basic techniques of clay sculpting. If the pottery wheel is too difficult for the child, then we will start making simple vessels by hand.

Introduction to the stages of creating pottery vessels

You will get acquainted with the main stages of creating pottery - creating products on a pottery wheel, drying, firing, decorating.

Introduction to ancient Russian decoration technology

I will tell you about the ancient Russian technology of decorating pottery. You will learn what polishing, milking, black, scalded and oil firing are.

Old Russian forms of ceramics

You will learn about such vessels as kumochka, kandushka, spruce, kukhlya, kashnik, latka, buckwheat and many others.

This is a small but fascinating excursion into the past, an acquaintance with the life of the Russian people of the 16th - 17th centuries.

Getting to know clay"

You will learn:

  • Where can I get pottery clay?
  • What clay is suitable for working with a pottery wheel?
  • How to store clay?
  • How to prepare clay for work.

Working on a pottery wheel

I will show you the basic techniques of working on a pottery wheel - centering, forming the bottom, raising the walls.

And you, under my supervision, will try to do the same. The result should be a simple vessel - a cup, bowl or vase.

Manual processing of the product

We will do this together - we will attach a handle, use special stamps or a pottery loop for decoration

Getting to know modern methods decoration

There are many different methods for decorating ceramic products. Many methods have come to us from time immemorial and from different countries. It’s simply not realistic to tell and show all the methods in one lesson. This could be a whole separate course. But I will definitely briefly talk about the main popular methods used by modern masters.