Simple banner system phpFBS. Advertising banner network (advertising network, banner network)


For small projects, if they are not initially focused on advertising, there is often a need for partner exchange of banners. This usually happens a couple of times a month, and you decide that it would be nice to have a tool at hand with which you can easily and simply manage banner spaces on the pages of your site.

What does this mean in our case? What do we need from a banner system? We list the necessary functions:

  1. Centralized storage of banners and information about them.
  2. Uploading a banner to the site via the web interface.
  3. Setting up a guide link.
  4. Adding new entries about banners.
  5. Deleting banner records.
  6. Reviewing the code and testing the banner.

All these functions are performed by a simple, in my opinion, banner system phpFBS(FoxWeb Banner System), written in PHP with a MySQL database in 4 hours.

Description of the banner system

The system consists of three PHP scripts:

  1. adm.php- banner administration panel.
  2. conf.php- connections to the database and settings.
  3. i.php- for two functions: banner display and transition.

In the b> directory, image files, that is, the banners themselves, will be stored and loaded by default. Naturally, rights must be established for it chmod 777 for downloads.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to use the word banner or similar words, in which case data sent to the user automatically by proxy servers and firewalls. When testing a banner system for my customer, this is exactly what happened :)

Let's start with something simple - connecting to a MySQL database. This is done by the script conf.php. Set the necessary MySQL connection credentials in it. It is placed separately because connection is necessary for both parts. We only need one table in the database banners following structure:

CREATE TABLE `banners` (
`banner_id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`bannername` varchar(50) default NULL,
`filename` varchar(50) default NULL,
`url` varchar(50) default NULL,
`comment` varchar(50) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`banner_id`)

I would like to immediately please supporters of the file method of storing records - you are free to come up with your own functions, but with the database this system turned out to be extremely simple. And if you need 100 or more records in the future, then of course the database undoubtedly wins.


mysql_connect("localhost", "db_user", "db_pass");

Let's move on to the output and redirection script. It is passed two parameters: action (action) and id (banner number in the table). First of all, the script connects to the database and performs a request for an id record in order to find out the path to the banner file and the link to which it leads. Generally speaking, in both cases a redirection is performed:

  • i.php?action=redirect&id=1- redirection is performed to the banner address specified in the database in the field url. This is a familiar action for everyone when clicking on a banner with the mouse.
  • i.php?id=1- redirection is performed to the banner file specified in the database in the field filename. In fact, the banner is displayed in the browser window as if we requested it directly (but through redirection from i.php). Well, in general you understand :)

include "conf.php";
$query = "SELECT * FROM banners WHERE banner_id=$id";
$f = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
if ($action=="redirect") header("Location: ".$url);
elseif (!$action) header("Location: http://$HTTP_HOST/b/".$filename);

Redirection is performed by standard PHP function header(). As you can see from the code, nothing complicated.

The most difficult part (compared to the rest, but in fact everything is very simple) is the administration script adm.php. Here brief structure this file:

  • include("conf.php")- connection to the database.
  • function http($str)- adds http:// if necessary. The user can enter the banner URL either with or without the http:// prefix, and the system takes this into account.
  • function banners_table()- displays a table of banners. In fact, on the screen - the contents of the banners table from the database.
  • functionbanner_ code($ banner _ id) - displays the HTML code of the banner to the user.
  • function banner_show($banner_id)- shows banner test. It will be shown as it would appear on the site's HTML page.
  • updating data in the database and uploading a file when you click the submit button on the form
    if ($action=="write" && $banner_id)
  • adding a new entry (strictly after the max number)
    if ($ action==" add" && $ comment)
  • deleting a record with the specified id
    if ($ action==" delete" && $banner_id)
  • loading data into the form from a record with the specified id
    if ($ action==" read" && $ banner_ id)
  • displays banner HTML code
    if ($action=="code" && $banner_id)

Now you can put this code in the right places your HTML pages and... forget about them, because now when you change the banner you will only need to change the entry in the administration panel.

The full set of files is available. The SQL script for creating the table is also stored there. banners and a demo version of the system.

The described banner system is actually used on the site. It should be noted that this is a very simple banner system, and I tried to make it as transparent as possible for subsequent expansion and improvement.

1. Introduction

The basis of Internet marketing is, first of all, a well-organized advertising campaign. Advertising on the global network is represented primarily by activities to promote websites, contextual advertising, as well as banner advertising. The listed tools are the main ones in attracting targeted visitors to the site.

This master class will focus exclusively on banner advertising.

It cannot be said that she is the most effective tool attracting the target audience to the site. However, it should not be underestimated either, since, together with website optimization measures, it can give a significant positive result.

During the master class, we will find out whether the banner, the main tool, is involved banner advertising, in organizing link ranking. We will also get acquainted with the concept of banner exchange networks and the most popular of them and give them a short comparative description.

2. What is a banner?

Even if you hear the word “banner” for the first time, this does not mean that you do not know what it is. Taking advantage global network, you see them literally on every page. A banner is a graphic file, clicking on which will take you to a page on another site.

Designers who develop banners most often create them in JPEG format. A graphic file created in this format allows you not to overload the site page, as a result of which it will load faster, even if you are working in dial-up mode. In addition, the loss of information that occurs during JPEG compression is almost invisible to human eye, therefore, the quality of the banner does not deteriorate significantly.

Those who believe that a decrease in quality does occur with JPEG compression use the GIF format. However, it should be noted that banners made in this format weigh more.

The considered formats are perhaps the most popular when developing a banner. At the same time, they are gradually beginning to be replaced by banners made using FLASH technologies.

Undoubtedly, animated banners in Flash outperform static banners in GIF and JPEG format. A “live” picture is more attractive. And this is decisive in attracting users to the site, despite the fact that the graphic file will ultimately weigh more. At the same time, we note that Internet technologies do not stand still: ADSL connections, as well as various dedicated communication channels, are gradually entering our lives. In this regard, you don’t have to worry too much about the banner’s weight exceeding several kilobytes, since the download speed will remain high with these types of connections.

As for sizes, banners are usually created in the following ratios: 88 x 31, 100 x 100, 120 x 60, 468 x 60 (pix).

And now the most important thing. In order to determine the effectiveness of a banner, you need to evaluate such an indicator as CTR (click/through ratio). From a mathematical point of view, it represents the ratio of clicks on a banner and the number of banner impressions on a particular page. On average, the number of users clicking on a banner is 4-5, which means that with 100 displays of a banner on a website page, about 4-5 people clicked on it. So, we have, by and large, figured out what a banner is. Now you need to study the principles of operation of banner networks.

3. Banner exchange networks

Participation in the banner exchange network

In this paragraph, we will try to talk about the traditional steps that must be taken in order to successfully register and start working in the banner exchange network.

Firstly, any self-respecting banner exchange network has a set of rules that regulate the behavior of participants within the network.

Therefore, first you need to carefully read them. The points that appear most often in the rules:

  • weight restrictions (the most common option is up to 15 kb);
  • size limitation (the most popular banners are 468x60);
  • ban on placing banners in invisible;
  • a ban on placing a banner leading to a website that contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation and moral standards;
  • a ban on placing a banner in an area of ​​the page where it will not be visible to the user (often the banner is installed at the top of the page);
  • prohibition on placing a banner on automatically updated pages;
  • a ban on the use of programs that artificially increase the number of banner displays on the site (using proxy servers, anonymizers, autoclicker programs, etc.);
  • a ban on the placement of flickering banners that affect a person’s vision and psyche and interfere with the user’s normal work on the site.

Be sure to read the network rules and make sure that your banner actually complies with the agreed rules! It is absolutely useless to register a banner online if it does not meet at least one of the listed points. The network moderator in the future, most likely, will not even inform you that you are not a participant in the banner exchange.

Secondly, you will need to register and add your banner to the number of network participants.

In most cases, the first step towards registration will be to fill out a traditional application form, consisting of fields such as

  • site url;
  • site name;
  • site theme;
  • brief description of the site;
  • contact email;
  • personal passwords of the exchange owner.

Thirdly After filling out the form, you need to add your banner to the system directly. You already do this step when you log into your own account with a registered password and login. This procedure is very simple and is carried out by simply uploading a banner from your computer’s hard drive to the Internet (banner exchange network). If you have problems downloading, write to the network administrator. In most cases, he leaves contacts and a list of the files that need to be sent to him in the event of an unsuccessful download. Usually this problem characterizes banners created in FLASH.

Fourth The final step in organizing your participation in the banner exchange network is to receive the html code that you will need to place on your website. Please note: in most cases, no changes are allowed in the code!!!

Sample code:

Principles of operation of banner exchange networks

First point.

If you haven't heard of the term “targeting” yet, then it's time to hear about it.

Targeting is a mechanism that allows you to select from the entire existing audience only that part that meets the specified criteria (target audience), and show advertising specifically to them.

Popular banner exchange networks, as one of the functions in your account, will definitely implement the ability to manage targeting. What will it be expressed in?

You will choose:

  • the subject of the sites on which your banner will be placed;
  • country or region to display;
  • time of day and days of the week when your banner will be shown, etc.

Take this point seriously . The influx of target users to your website depends on the correct choice of display site and display time of your banner.

Second point.

What is the mechanism of action of the banner exchange network?

Every time a page is loaded, the code that was installed at the request of the creators of the network contacts the server of the banner exchange system, requesting a banner from there. The system often independently selects a picture based on the criteria that a user like you has set for it.

You probably paid attention to such a phrase as exchange commission .
Let's say in our case it is 15%. This means that for 100 banner impressions on your site, yours will be shown 85 times. 15 impressions represent a nominal fee for the banner exchange network to work with your banner. Subsequently, these 15 impressions can be sold to people who do not want to display banners from other sites on their site.

If you have doubts about the conscientious placement of your banner on the Internet, then you can familiarize yourself with the statistics: how many impressions there were, on which sites, how many clicked on the banner.

Some progressive creators of banner exchange networks have also provided the possibility of exchanging earned points between sites.

Brief comparative analysis some banner exchange networks .




Gif, JPEG, Flash, HTML

Gif, JPEG, Flash, HTML

Gif, JPEG, Flash, HTML


The list of banner exchange networks is not limited to our table. In RuNet you can find several dozen more such networks. After conducting such a comparative analysis, you can choose the one that really suits you.

4. Conclusion

We examined the issue of banner exchange networks in some detail: we learned about the principles on which they are based; have completed the steps required to become a participant in the banner exchange; conducted a small comparative analysis of some banner exchange networks.

To summarize, it should be said that a banner in the right hands becomes a powerful advertising tool on the Internet.

As for promotion, in this case the banner can help you little, since it does not carry a semantic load, therefore, does not participate in the organization of link ranking (it can only convey weight).

The main source of virtual money constantly supplied to the Internet is advertising. Huge amounts of money are spent on it and this niche has a variety of ways to earn money.

Regular banners can bring good profits, and not only website owners can use them; there are alternative options.

Earning money from banners is profitable, regardless of the chosen direction.

In this article we will look at how you can earn income from installed banners on the site, their creation and traffic arbitrage. Each method involves working with the most popular format of promotional materials.

How to make money on banners with a website?

Even newcomers to the Internet know what banners are. These are advertising blocks that contain different information. They happen different sizes and types, but their essence is the same - to attract the attention of a potential client.

If you don't understand what we're talking about, scroll the page a little lower and you will see the 24Option broker banner on our website:

The most common way to make money from banners is to place them on your website. All major affiliate programs offer such promotional materials.

In addition, banners can be installed via advertising services, the most popular in this niche is .

It is chosen for a number of reasons:

  • After installing the advertising block, you don’t need to do anything, advertisers will click on it themselves and order placement;
  • payment is carried out without your participation, advertisers choose the time during which their banner will be displayed;
  • webmasters receive detailed statistics on transitions, clicks, and so on;
  • the administration monitors the integrity of transactions, so all banners will be guaranteed to generate income before the chosen date, the advertiser will not be able to remove them;
  • advertised sites are moderated, so you will not direct people to resources that spread viruses or deceive them.

As for possible earnings, it all depends on the popularity of your site. Website owners set their own prices for adding a banner for a month. Here concrete example from one of the sites:

As you can see, for adding a banner to the side column for 30 days, the site owner asks for 1000 rubles. Impressions amount to 15,700 or about 500 per day. Two advertisers have already ordered banners from him.

However, no system can do without its drawbacks, RotaBan is no exception. Firstly, only 1% of the income of invited webmasters is paid here.

Secondly, the administration takes 15% of the profits. Although many people are happy with this, because they don’t have to do anything, site monetization is completely automatic.

The best banner networks

This site has a lot of analogues, but not all of them offer automatic placement and convenient payment. We have already talked about and. Both services offer to make money from banners.

  1. – one of the oldest resources where you can monetize sites with traffic from over 100 hosts per day. The site must be Russian-language and 50% of the generated traffic must be from Russia. Any topics are accepted, except adult. The minimum withdrawal requirement is 200 rubles, and you can get money on Webmoney.
  2. – the system offers earnings from banners and teasers. Sites with adult content are accepted, as are sites on any other topic. The only limitation is resources on the topic of making money on the Internet. To add a site, you need to reach more than 1000 hosts per day, and you can get money on WebMoney by collecting 300 rubles.
  3. – a more interesting banner network, since it offers the placement of colorful Flash banners. Any sites (except for resources about making money online) with more than 100 unique visitors per day are accepted. If free hosting is used, then traffic should exceed 500 per day. Withdrawal to Webmoney with a minimum threshold of 100 rubles.
  4. – for young sites this is best option, since sites with only 50 visitors per day are accepted. There is one more requirement - this is the second level of the domain. Also, there is no minimum withdrawal requirement, applications are processed instantly, and funds are transferred to Webmoney.
  5. is the only banner network that has no requirements regarding website traffic. You can add any resource, and also set your own price for impressions and transitions. The minimum withdrawal amount is 150 rubles, payments are available only on WebMoney, they are carried out weekly. Although the service appeared later than others, according to statistics it beat many competitors.

Add your resources to the best banner networks and start making money from it. If you are a beginner, then you will find the instructions useful. And if you have not yet acquired your own resource, you can use alternative ways making money on banners.

Earning money from advertising banners in freelancing

If you have a good understanding of graphics and have design skills, try to delve into the field of freelancing. Exchanges often offer to develop banners, teasers and other promotional materials.

Payment varies, but you decide for yourself which orders to send applications for:

This is one of the examples from the exchange, where the customer is willing to pay $20 to create 4 banners of different sizes.

It costs $5 per banner, the requirements are not high, and the format is Jpeg (i.e. they are not animated), so developing them will not be so difficult. Look for similar offers and get paid for your work.

Earning money from banners without a website

There is one interesting way, in which you have to use advertising networks and affiliate programs.

We talked about it in detail in the article -. Its essence is that you first need to find a profitable affiliate program, and then buy traffic and convert it.

For example, you can find some offer on and connect to it:

As you can see, for a confirmed order they pay 400 rubles. To attract buyers, go to any banner network (list above) and order advertising.

You will need to make investments at first, but once people click on the banners and start buying the product, you will recoup the costs.

Much depends on how interesting the offer you find (the product must be in demand and relevant), as well as how effective banners you use.

For beginners, making money from banners may seem too difficult, but professionals make decent money from it. Regardless of what you decide to do, you will have prospects, because wealthy people there are among webmasters, freelancers and arbitrators.

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Which is used by the owner of the network.

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  • 1 / 5

    In thematic banner networks there are strict restrictions on the subject of participating sites, in regional ones - on regional affiliation, but the requirements for the quality of the site are relaxed. For example, a low-quality website on free hosting, but relevant to the topic, is more likely to be allowed onto the web for webmasters than the website of a major automobile company.

    In general banner networks, restrictions are softer. As a rule, sites with erotic (and especially pornographic) content and those that violate the laws of the country are not allowed.

    There are also requirements for the “weight” of the banner, the correspondence of the image and the theme of the site, as well as for the design.

    In all banner networks, participating sites and banners are pre-moderated.


    Banners charged by a commission are managed by the network administration. They can be used by administrators to advertise their other projects, for sale, and to reward network members. During promotions, the commission may be reduced or absent altogether.

    Commission for impressions

    For displaying other people's banners on their website, a network member receives a certain percentage of impressions of their own banner on the websites of other project participants, minus a commission percentage. The commission ranges from 5 to 50 percent, more often 10-15. In the same network, depending on the status of the participant, the location of the banner on the pages, the number of impressions and the quality of his site, the commission may be different.

    Transfer commission

    When transferring banners from one participant to another, a “transfer” fee may also be charged. Most often, the commission ranges from 0 to 20 percent, but it can be higher.

    Managing banner displays

    After deducting the commission, the participant has at his disposal a certain number of banner impressions. Depending on his desire and the rules of the banner network, he can.

    Banner advertising today is almost always placed through special systems displaying banners. Technically it looks like as follows: on the page of the advertising platform, in the place where the advertisement should be placed, a special code is installed to contact the servers of the advertising management system (they are also called banner systems), in which the banner (or Rich‑media‑banner, or Pop‑under‑banner is physically placed ). At the moment when a user enters a page with an advertising code, the system determines what kind of user he is using pre-installed cookies and, depending on this, shows him this or that advertisement, carrying out Targeting.

    Cookies- these are small text files, recorded by the web server on the user’s computer in a folder specially designed for this purpose, which depends on which browser is used. The peculiarity of cookies is that the file can only be read by the same site that wrote the file; no other site (here the site is equivalent to a domain name, since it determines the site’s right to read cookies) can read this file. Thus, cookies can be used to identify a user within a single session or over a certain period of time. Read more about this in Chapter 7.

    Targeting is the process of reducing the reach of an advertising campaign to ensure that the reach is relevant to the target groups. In other words, targeting is the ability to choose the audience to whom advertising will be shown. For example, you are only interested in Yekaterinburg consumers, and not the entire audience of the advertising platform. Targeting allows you to significantly reduce the cost of an advertising campaign, although the price of each individual contact with target audience will increase.

    In addition to targeting, banner systems allow you to manage advertising simultaneously on all platforms where it is installed, and simultaneously with all formats that are used, including Rich-Media and Pop-under, that is, manage all advertising “through and through”. This way we get uniform behavior for everyone advertising platforms regarding each user profile. For example, if we have specified no more than 3 impressions to one user, then the system will take into account viewing of advertising on all platforms and in all formats where this advertising is placed. In this case, the user will see the advertisement only three times, and not three times on each site.

    Banner systems perform another very important function: they are the controlling body that records the correct display of advertising on sites. The advertiser himself chooses through which system to display banners; this system does not depend on the platforms. The code of the advertising management system can be installed one inside the other; this allows you to install the code of any system on the site, regardless of what code is used by default (unless, of course, the site specifically prohibits the installation of third-party code). Thus, banner systems act Independent advertising auditors In the relationship between advertising platforms, advertising agencies and advertisers.

    Finally, the banner system provides the advertiser with reporting on the advertising carried out, which allows them to improve the effectiveness of this advertising in the future. For analysis advertising campaigns PixelAudit solutions are used (in Russia this name as a trademark belongs to the Manifest company; throughout the world this is the name of a class of solutions), based on statistics of banner systems. These systems are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.

    What types of banner systems are there?

    Today there are several different banner systems on the RuNet.

    Adriver ( Part of the I nternest group of companies, trademarks Adriver, Netvideo, RLE, Russian Link Exchange. This system is the most developed and has the most experience working with commercial clients. The company also owns latest development SoloWay advertising management systems.

    AdFox ( It belongs to the company of the same name, affiliated with the Kommersant publishing house. The system appeared quite recently and is developing quite quickly.

    AdWatch ( one of the oldest systems in Runet, was independent until mid-2008 and belonged to the agency of the same name. Since the summer of 2008, it has been owned by Yandex.

    ValueClick (– owned by an American company. In Russia, the Medialand agency, part of the RBC holding, currently has exclusive rights to the system. On Russian market This system is completely new, and according to the reviews of specialists working with it, it has good capabilities.

    DoubleClick (– the world's largest banner advertising system. In Russia, the rights to use it belong to the Video International group of companies. Despite the fact that this is the world's largest banner system, in Russia it is not very actively used and is not being developed.

    BannerBank ( Belongs to Rambler company. The oldest system on the market today. A fairly well-developed system, but it has developed poorly in recent years.

    Spinner. ru (– belongs to the Manifesto company, part of the eHouse holding. Today this system is not used.

    The most modern systems presented on the Russian market today are SoloWay and ValueClick; they provide the greatest opportunities for advertising targeting.

    When advertising we can use quite large number different settings targeting. Standard targeting settings have existed for a very long time and are used in one way or another today in almost all advertising campaigns, ensuring the limitation of impressions:

    – by hours of the day and days of the week;

    - By geographical location users;

    – by the number of impressions to one user (by cookie and by IP);

    – by the number of impressions per user per day, week;

    – by sites and pages on which advertising is displayed;

    – by the number of banners displayed (it is important when displaying Pop-under banners so that after closing the active browser page the user does not have too many windows with advertising on his desk).

    The greatest increase in efficiency from simple targeting comes from geotargeting, and for trade advertising it is also very important to include a limit on the number of impressions per user.

    Except standard types targeting modern systems can use special types of targeting and scenario display:

    – scenario screening– sequential display of banners to the user according to a specific scenario. It is necessary to bring action to the advertising campaign, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the advertisement. Such advertising can often be seen on the street, when the image of a hidden object on the same billboard gradually changes, revealing more and more details week after week. Advertising on the Internet can be organized in the same way;

    – showing only to new users– this type of scripted display allows you to avoid showing an advertising banner to those users who have already clicked on it once (obviously, they do not need to show the same banner again);

    – retargeting– display of an additional specially prepared banner to those users who were on the advertised site, but did not perform the required action, for example, did not purchase anything or did not fill out a form. Such users are shown a reminder banner. For mass advertising campaigns, where tens and hundreds of thousands of visitors are attracted in the first wave, it significantly increases the effect of returning users. In some cases, the second exposure doubled the number of sales;

    Behavioral targeting by topic words – Showing ads to users who entered search engines certain search queries. The banner system has information about entered search queries from the refferer, so the banner system knows which search queries the user used to navigate to the sites. This targeting method allows display advertising to be closer in effectiveness to contextual advertising;

    Behavioral targeting on thematic sites – Displaying advertisements to those users who visited certain sites. The advertisement will not be shown on the thematic site, but on any other site that the user visits and where the system banner can be displayed. The banner is shown or not shown depending on the user’s activity on thematic sites. Such advertising can be no less effective than advertising on thematic sites themselves, but it is almost always cheaper;

    – socio-demographic targeting based on personal data – Showing advertisements to users of a certain age, gender, social status. The large-scale development of social networks, which are used by millions of people today, allows targeting based on personal data. You can show advertising only to students, or you can show advertising to students of a certain university, you can show it to housewives of a certain age, or you can show it to pensioners. All necessary data is contained in the user’s personal information social network, and the network, of course, has access to them.