Earning money from contextual advertising. Contextual advertising services. Earn money from contextual advertising. Making money from contextual advertising: where to start

Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about contextual advertising in the form of a review.

From the article you will learn what is contextual advertising, its types, advantages and disadvantages, what its cost and effectiveness are - let's look at real examples.

The material below will help you understand the features of contextual advertising and clearly see how it is placed on the Internet.

1. What is contextual advertising and what is its peculiarity?

If you are an active Internet user, then most likely you have seen such advertisements in search results and on various websites. Increasingly, marketers and entrepreneurs are using it to promote products and services.

2. Types of contextual advertising

2.1. Search advertising

Appears after a person clicks the “find” button by entering their query into the search bar.

For example, « plastic windows in Moscow":

2.2. Thematic advertising

These ads can be either similar in topic (close to the context of the page) or different from it.

If it is disabled, then only ads that match its content will be shown on the site.

(The figure shows the correspondence between the content of the site and the advertisement)

If behavioral targeting is enabled, then the site visitor will see those ads whose topics he previously requested in the search engine.

For example, on the website about culinary recipes Camera ads will be broadcast if a person has recently searched online “where to buy a camera”.

3. Dynamics of the contextual advertising market

Over the past 5 years, this market has been growing at a gigantic pace and ranges from 10% to 60% per year. IN in monetary terms the bill runs to tens of billions of rubles.

Companies that previously spent their advertising budgets on television are moving to the Internet. Banners, SEO articles, teaser ads have become popular tools for attracting customers on the Internet.

But here, too, the balance of power has changed towards the use of contextual advertising, and this is thanks to its obvious advantages, which I will talk about next.

The figure below shows the ratio of two popular types of advertising in 2014-2015:

4. Leaders of the contextual advertising market for 2015

  • I am index- Yandex.Direct system
  • G o o g l e- system Google Adwords
  • Rambler- Begun system

Google and Yandex are now noticeably ahead of Begun due to their popularity and effectiveness.

Having a number of features and advantages, contextual advertising today allows thousands of people to run their business from anywhere in the world, working in those markets that are geographically remote from the entrepreneur himself.

For example, you can be located in Novosibirsk and at the same time sell cement in Moscow, while earning money based on Moscow prices.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

The benefits of its use are obvious both to advertisers and to ordinary Internet users who are looking for goods and services here.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Advantages of contextual advertising:

  1. Accurately hitting the target visitor. The user himself searches for those goods and services that are shown in ads (this is beneficial for both advertisers and search engine visitors);
  2. Quick return on advertising. You launch an advertising campaign and within a few hours you receive the first applications (sales);
  3. Minimum advertising budget. You can start advertising with a budget of 300 rubles. Contextual advertising can be used either separately, increasing the amount of funds for it, or in combination with other tools (banners, SEO articles, teaser advertising);
  4. Flexibility in setting up an advertising campaign. The big advantage here is the flexibility to customize your ads based on your budget, geography, time of day and other parameters to achieve maximum effect;
  5. Powerful analytics. After running an advertising campaign, you will have all the necessary data on its effectiveness and will be able to “tweak” any settings in order to get better results in the future;
  6. Relevance (compliance) with the interests of the user. As they say, you wanted a party - here you go! :) You were looking for an iPhone, you will only see ads with iPhones. Are you planning to build a house and want to compare brick prices? No problem! Contextual advertising will help you navigate the huge number of proposals on this topic;
  7. Convenient format of perception. No pop-ups, annoying sounds or flashing images all over the screen! Neat, easy-to-read, short advertisements - all this makes this type of advertising both effective and unobtrusive;
  8. Information content. Despite their compact size, contextual ads have all the necessary components to convey necessary information: a picture (pictogram), a main semantic heading, an explanation and a link leading to the advertiser’s website.

However, they are not so significant compared to the benefits of its use.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising:

  1. Short duration of action. The quick effect of such advertising does not last long; you constantly need to replenish the advertising budget and adjust the settings of the advertising campaign. This is especially noticeable in comparison with SEO promotion, which allows you to ensure a stable flow of traffic over time;
  2. Risk of overspending if configured incorrectly. If you set up your advertising campaign incorrectly, the likelihood of losing money will be very high. For example, if you are selling cell phones via the Internet and it costs you 500 rubles to attract one client, and the profit is 2,000 - 3,000 rubles, then this type of advertising is a good investment. But if the cost of a click is unreasonably high due to incorrect settings of the advertising campaign, one client can cost you 3,000 thousand rubles or more, which will eat up all your profits;
  3. Uselessness in some areas of business. Contextual advertising is a good marketing tool on the Internet, but sometimes even it turns out to be useless. There are niches in business in which such advertising will not work. These are large grocery chains, oil and gas monopolies, as well as all other areas of business where customers buy goods or services based on recommendations or look for them exclusively offline.

How to use the advantages and combat the disadvantages of contextual advertising

When you have little experience in launching contextual advertising, you don’t feel confident, or you just want to try running a campaign yourself, we suggest mandatory use contextual advertising automation services.

They will help you avoid mistakes in setting up campaigns, eliminate cost overruns, and allow you to use the maximum opportunities of this type of attraction. Such services can practically replace a professional contextual advertising agency, and for free.

6. What determines the cost of contextual advertising?

One of the most important indicators when using contextual advertising is the cost per click.

The cost per click is directly affected by:

  1. Niche in which contextual advertising is placed. For example, traditionally expensive and competitive niches are: business, finance, medicine, construction. In these topics, the cost of a click can range from 10 to 1,500 rubles ( 25 $ ). Niches with lower competition are: hobbies, entertainment, cheap goods (consumer goods) with an average price per unit of goods from 100 to 1,000 rubles. Please note that contextual ads in a particular niche are shown according to auction principle. That is, whoever paid the most for their ad will be promoted by the search engine to the most clickable ones ( effective places). The cost of contextual advertising in this case consists of the total price for all clicks of your advertising budget;
  2. Method of setting up an advertising campaign. Typically, contextual advertising systems, when creating an advertising campaign, by default offer you to use the strategy “maximum efficiency”. This means that your ads will air in the most expensive places in the search results and appear where they are most likely to be clicked on. Accordingly, the cost per click will be maximum. This is not always justified, since for the same money you can get more conversions by simply optimizing the settings of the advertising campaign when creating it. To reduce the cost per click, you need to know how to properly set up contextual advertising. Then in any, even the most expensive niche, you will be able to receive transitions to your website at a minimum possible price. At the same time, the quality and volume of traffic will be maintained.

In order to find out the cost of a click for various key queries for Yandex, I recommend using the service. Here you can “break through” any key query and find out the level of competition based on it, average price per click, the cost of guaranteed impressions, the price of entry to special placements and much more.

Yandex also has its own tool for estimating the monthly budget of a future advertising campaign, which is called “Budget Forecast”

If you want to achieve maximum returns from your advertising budget, but do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, contact a professional director.

This is the name of the in-demand profession of contextual advertising specialist today.

This term was based on the name advertising network- Yandex Direct, since most entrepreneurs (advertisers) in RuNet launch their campaigns through this network.

To find such a specialist, you can go to the remote workers website fl.ru. Dozens of contextual advertising specialists hang out here.

But, you should not rush to make a choice and you need to know what criteria such a specialist must meet.

How to find a good director - 3 important criteria

Criterion 1. Has completed projects with proven quantitative results

It is very good if you cooperate with a contextual advertising specialist who has positive reviews and successfully completed cases with detailed calculations in numbers.

Criterion 2. Well understands the key business processes in your niche

The broader the horizons of the specialist with whom you plan to work, the better. Tell him about your business and look at his level of erudition.

After all, this person will be involved in a very important component of your project - attracting clients.

Now your director is the engine of trade in your business!

Criterion 3. Draws up an advertising campaign strategy with you

Let your specialist tell you what advertising budget he plans to spend and how many leads (clicks on ads) he expects to receive.

Ideally, the search for a director begins with friends who have already made a profit thanks to his high-quality work.

If you yourself become good specialist by setting up contextual advertising, you will at least be able to sell your goods and services at a high profit, and also provide paid assistance to other entrepreneurs (companies).

8. Conclusion

This concludes our review and now you know what contextual advertising is, what types it is divided into, what features and advantages it has.

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Contextual advertising services.
Earn money from contextual advertising.

Sorry for the banality, but
! You can love advertising, you may not love, but without her, my dear, EVERYTHING will fall into place.

In fact, advertising benefits us all. Thanks to it, manufacturers find distributors - intermediaries, who, in turn, find sellers, sellers find buyers, and the latter, thanks to advertising, find out where and how they can purchase the product they need.

Internet without advertising impossible to imagine. A long evolutionary path has been passed. Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, advertising banners ruled the roost, with the sin of often deceiving people. Then bulky text blocks came into fashion. These formats had certain drawbacks and quickly lost their effectiveness, and so on...

But finally Her Majesty came CONTEXT ADVERTISING . She stands out among her peers. And all because she is very “smart”. If earlier, for example, you could easily see a “strange” banner on Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky’s page calling for you to diversify your sex life with the help of goods from a sex shop, now contextual advertising jokes like this won't work.

That's because contextual advertising is able to analyze the contents of the page on which it is placed and, adjusting, displays ads exclusively on the topic of the text. Such advertising much more effective because it is initially of interest to site visitors.

It's profitable advertisers, as it allows you to plan very accurately advertising companies. Their advertising will be seen by the target, potentially interested audience, who may make a purchase or other expected actions.

Beneficial for the webmaster who posted contextual advertising on your website, since it is more likely that visitors will be interested thematic advertising, which means they will click on it more and generate income.

And finally, it is beneficial for the ordinary visitor, since he can find what he was looking for. Rare case when everyone is happy.

To be honest, I personally am delighted with contextual advertising both as a webmaster and as a simple website visitor. I always pay attention to it and sometimes find things that I would never find in a search engine. After all, the ranking of sites there follows its own laws. And if a site is inferior in optimization, even if it is very interesting, then we can sometimes discover such a nugget, alas, only thanks to advertising.

Contextual advertising has dozens of finely customizable formats, which allows you to very harmoniously fit ads into the design and text of a web page. On my website you can see several contextual advertising blocks Google. As well as a search box at the top right, which also uses contextual technology.

Below I have prepared brief overview undisputed leaders in the market contextual advertising. One important advice. Take the RULES of these services very seriously. This, firstly, will help avoid punitive sanctions for involuntary violations, in the form of deprivation of earned money, and secondly, significantly increase the efficiency of the deposit placed with you advertising and accordingly increase income.

And here is my favorite contextual advertising service! Very easy to use and functional, with powerful system diagnostics and reports on working with advertisements. This makes advertising as effective as possible for advertisers and allows you to optimize income for webmasters.

Ad blocks can be placed without any prior moderation on any sites that meet the rules of the service. The only difficulty is that webmasters receive payments in the form of personal checks by mail, which takes time, or using the Rapid system, which is also not particularly convenient. Although it depends on everyone, I speak for myself. The minimum payout amount is not small for a beginner site - $100. However, I recommend this system! Combine blocks best Google AdSense with blocks Dawns.

Post contextual advertising blocks from Yandex already more or less promoted sites can afford them. There should be at least 300 unique visitors per day. Initially Yandex Direct worked only with legal entities, but in recent years are also accepted individuals. In any case, to work with the service you will need to conclude a formal written agreement. Between you and me, experienced webmasters comparing income from contextual advertising Yandex Direct And Google AdSense claim to make money from advertising Google 2 times more. Yandex Direct also has quite functional system statistics and ad analysis.

Begun, popularly called Runner- normal contextual advertising service for a beginner webmaster. If the theme of your site meets the requirements, then welcome. Sites with traffic from 2 people per day are accepted. The amount of withdrawal of earned funds is greater than in Zorke and is 1200 rub. Legal entities You can withdraw money faster, within 2 weeks, individuals will wait about a month.

Only those who do not have access to the World Wide Web have never heard of Internet business. More and more webmasters are successfully (or not so successfully) developing their projects. The main way to monetize your own web resource is advertising, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life, and the modern Internet is completely impossible.

Time has shown that the most suitable advertising for web resources is contextual advertising:

In this article we will try to look into the foreseeable future and make some predictions about the development of the contextual advertising market.

What is behind contextual advertising today?

To begin with, it should be noted that contextual advertising should be understood as advertising that thematically matches (or is close to) the information space within which it is placed.

Search contextual advertising is also considered very effective, thanks to which the user receives in response to his request, in addition to the usual results, several links to advertisements. This goes well with the very idea of ​​searching, because often a person just needs to buy boots, and not read an article about them from Wikipedia.

The types of contextual advertising described above are a fairly conventional division. When an advertiser sets up his campaign parameters, he first determines the target audience to whom the ads will be directed. To do this, you first need to define following points:
— Thematic. By defining the words with which the advertisement will be associated, you can count on the fact that only interested people will see the advertisements.
— Targeting. Contextual advertising systems allow you to show ads at specific times and to people living in certain regions. You can also target your advertising campaign to users who have certain behavior on the Internet (the characteristics of the online activity of Internet users are tracked by analyzing cookies).
Let us define the main characteristics with which we can present contextual advertising today.
— Basic systems. The main players, of course, are the monsters of the search industry Google - with their advertising system AdSense and Yandex - with their contextual advertising system Direct.

In addition, in Russian advertising market good results have Begun, Mail.ru and VKontakte. The above services allow you to very effectively conduct contextual advertising in such a way that it affects only the target audience.

  • Requirements for sites. The main task that must be performed information resource– be useful to visitors. If people get what they came for on the site, then contextual advertising will be effective. Also, the resource must not violate the laws of the country whose residents are planning to display advertising. In addition, we should not forget about moral standards, even if they are not specified in the laws. As for traffic, on average, at least 300 people per day should visit the site;
  • Price. If you decide to advertise in the contextual advertising system, then first of all you need to take into account the competition in the chosen topic. The cost of contextual advertising can range from 1-2 rubles to 200 rubles per transition (click). If you want your advertisement was at the very top of the search results, then they must offer the highest cost per click;
  • Efficiency. Even the golden hen can lay ordinary eggs if she is poorly fed. Contextual advertising will not bring results in inept hands, although today it really is the most powerful tool in promoting any product or service.

What will happen tomorrow?

Let's move on to forecasts for 2015, and for this we will go through the points discussed above:

  • Basic contextual advertising systems. In this area, experts predict further strengthening of the positions of current leaders. The emergence of new contextual advertising systems is unlikely, since, for example, an ordinary Russian advertiser will prefer to place his ad on Mail.ru, Google and Yandex due to the high popularity and promotion of these services;
  • Requirements for sites. No major changes are expected in this aspect. If the site meets the requirements for information content and traffic, then it will be allowed to use contextual advertising systems without any problems;
  • Price. Contextual advertising is becoming increasingly expensive not only because of currency shocks. The main factor in increasing prices is growing competition, as more and more companies are transferring their advertising to the online area;
  • Efficiency. Some experts make bold predictions for a complete abandonment of advertising outside the World Wide Web. Buying contextual advertising on the Internet is much more effective than spending the same amount on posting advertisements around the city.

What's the best way to proceed?

For an advertising campaign to bring results, it is by no means enough to simply submit advertisements and deposit the required amount into the account. Really professional specialist in contextual advertising has the ability to analyze data and solid experience in this field. Beginners should follow some standard recommendations that will allow them to quickly get used to modern advertising systems.

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor statistics:

Assessing the situation at the beginning of an advertising campaign is only the first step. If you think that after depositing money into your account in the contextual advertising system, your work is over, then success is unlikely to come. Automation of contextual advertising is a very conditional concept, because it is necessary to constantly monitor and even after the completion of an advertising campaign, conduct a detailed analysis of the results obtained.

  • You need to be able to count money:

Getting ahead of your competitors at any cost is not a bad goal. However, in this way you can easily achieve a “Pyrrhic victory”, spending everything on PR and not leaving a penny for the project.

  • You need to choose the most popular sites. You shouldn't experiment when we're talking about about investing your own funds in advertising. Place an advertisement on Yandex, which has a multimillion-dollar client audience every day, or on NovyPoisk.ru, which is unknown to anyone, but charges 5 kopecks per impression? The answer is obvious.

Thus, in 2015, the contextual advertising market will only strengthen, providing webmasters great way monetization of their projects, and advertisers are provided with suitable platforms for posting ads.

Many website owners think about what is better: search engine optimization or contextual advertising? In what direction is it preferable to direct the website budget? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Contextual advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) are one of the most popular tools for promoting websites on the Internet. It is worth noting that context and SEO require certain costs, which are not always available to novice webmasters.

Choice of promotion: contextual advertising or SEO

Context and SEO have some things in common - results are displayed in search engines and, accordingly, on the profits from the Internet project. These tools are aimed at attracting motivated people to the site. target audience.

In addition to similarities, there are also big differences.

Aspect of time

You can, for example, do:

  • modify pages (optimize, add text);
  • improve usability;
  • change snippets;

But you will see changes no earlier than in a month.


SEO doesn't allow for such fine-tuning. This leads to a higher percentage of untargeted visits and refusals. But given the fact that you don’t pay for every click from the search results, this is not so critical.

Relevance to the request

Contextual advertising management systems make it possible to edit advertisements and completely change their text. This means that during testing, you can find the most converting ad text options that will best match the user’s request.


Contextual advertising is a marketing tool with one of the highest conversion rates. This is due to the extensive customization and targeting capabilities. Search Engine Optimization, as a rule, cannot boast such a high conversion rate.


Advertising campaign in context involves constant vigilant monitoring. This is due to the fact that the cost per click and position can constantly change. The fact is that the number of ads for your requests may be increased by competitors or decreased, which will change the position of impressions. To optimize costs, you need to regularly intervene in the initial campaign settings.

SEO promotion does not require such careful monitoring. However, during search engine promotion, it is necessary to constantly engage in analytics and monitor changes in search engine algorithms and competitors’ strategies.

Transition cost

The cost of attracting a target user to a website in contextual advertising is quite stable. If there is a need to increase the number of transitions, then you need to increase the budget proportionally. In addition, you should consider the possibility of increasing the cost per click, which will raise your ads above the competition.

At the first stages of search engine SEO promotion, the cost may seem quite high. However, over time, this figure will decrease significantly and will be significantly lower than the cost of acquisition using contextual advertising.

Inertia of the effect

When you use up the entire balance in your account, contextual advertising will immediately stop displaying. If you stop funding search engine optimization, the results will remain stable for some time. occupied positions and then gradually begin to decline as competitors become more active.

What is better contextual advertising or SEO?


It’s better to act like this: after launching a commercial project, for quick effect you need to use contextual advertising. Yes, you can short terms attract the target audience to the site. In parallel with the context, it is necessary to engage in search engine SEO promotion.

In the process, it will be possible to gradually reduce the cost of contextual advertising, but it all depends on each individual case and budget. Sometimes this is not advisable. By reducing costs for context, you reduce the number of conversion users, which means you deprive yourself of additional profit.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you are a business owner and you have a website (an online store, a service website, etc.), then you will most likely have to attract visitors to it either with the help of SEO or with the help of contextual advertising. And most often, using both of these channels.

We will talk a lot about SEO in detail within this section (in relation to a commercial site), but general questions Let's look at working with context right now.

Well, in future articles, perhaps we’ll touch on the details of creating and setting up campaigns in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords.

Contextual advertising opportunities and secrets of success

Contextual advertising in Google AdWords

Let's start with possible places placing your ads when using this contextual advertising system:

Google Adwords allows you to use several ad formats:

Yandex Direct

First of all, Direct is chosen for its huge reach of the target audience (this will be true for most commercial sites). If you need to get real large influx of targeted visitors, then often there is simply no alternative to this contextual advertising system (there may simply not be so many users interested in buying something in Adwords).

Direct's ability to fine-tune a campaign is somewhat poorer than that of its competitor from Google, and the cost of attracting a client is slightly higher, but you have to put up with it. Let's see where your ads placed through Yandex contextual advertising can be shown:


Honestly, I didn't even track it lately, where their ads are shown (probably still in Rambler mixed with Direct and in the affiliate network). A market share of contextual advertising of 1.5 percent does not greatly encourage such research. You can try it yourself and draw your own conclusions.