The Bermuda Triangle and its secrets

The Bermuda Triangle, sometimes called the Devil's Triangle, is an area Atlantic Ocean. Its border runs from Florida through Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and then back to Florida. It's no secret that this is one of the biggest mysteries of our time. The term "Bermuda Triangle" first appeared in 1964 in an article by Vincent Gaddis for Argosy magazine. In the article, Gaddis claimed that a huge number of ships and planes had disappeared in this strange triangle for no apparent reason. Gaddis is not the first to come to this conclusion. As early as 1952, George Pesky noted an unusually large number of strange occurrences in the region.

In 1969, John Wallace Spencer wrote a book about this triangle, and two years later the film The Devil's Triangle was released. In 1974, the legend was published in a best-selling book about the Bermuda Triangle.

Why are ships and planes disappearing without a trace in this region?

Some suggest that strange anomalies at this location are affecting compass readings. This was noted by Columbus when he sailed in this area in 1492. Others suggest that methane erupting from the ocean floor at this location turns the sea into foam that cannot support the weight of the ship, and it sinks. In 1975, Larry Kusche, working as a librarian at Arizona State University, came to a completely different conclusion. After researching articles and books, he published his own book called “The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved.” Cousche noted that ships were often thought to have mysteriously disappeared, but in fact their remains were found, and the reasons for their death were explainable. Many claim that the Bermuda Triangle mystery does not exist and its alleged victims are missing.

However, this region of the sea is certainly associated with a number of maritime tragedies and is one of the most dangerous in ocean travel. Small boats and commercial ships call here, military and private aircraft routes from Europe pass through this place, South America and Africa. This region experiences severe weather conditions. Summer brings hurricanes, and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream contribute to sudden storms. No wonder so many accidents happen here.

Death of the Cyclops

One of the first stories associated with the legend of the triangle was the famous disappearance in 1918 of the ship Cyclops. The 542-foot-long vessel served as a coal carrier during World War II. On February 16, 1918, Cyclops was en route from Rio de Janeiro, made an unscheduled stop in Barbados on March 3 and 4, and then disappeared without a trace. There was no distress signal from him, and the wreckage of the ship was never found. In the history of the US Navy, the death of 306 crew members and passengers of the Cyclops remains the largest non-combat related death. The incident could have occurred somewhere between Barbados and Baltimore, not necessarily in the Bermuda Triangle. Moreover, wireless communications were unreliable in 1918, and it was not unusual for a fast-sinking ship to be unable to send a distress signal before it sank.

Disappearance of the Sea Queen of Sulfur

In 1963, the tanker Sea Queen Sulfur disappeared off the southern coast of Florida with molten sulfur on board. The ship was heading from the port of Beaumont to Norfolk, Virginia. For some reason, communication with the ship was lost, perhaps due to bad weather conditions. All 39 crew members were missing, and the tanker's wreckage was never found. The Coast Guard was never able to explain the cause of the sinking, and argued that the ship was in poor condition and should not have gone to sea. Due to the combustion of sulfur gases, fires regularly broke out on the ship.

Tanker "Sea Queen of Sulfur"

In addition, after being converted from an oil tanker to a sulfur carrier, the ship was weakened by the lack of bulkheads. The ship could break in half or capsize. The Sulfur Queen of the Sea has been called a ticking time bomb, and it is unfair to blame the Bermuda Triangle for the shipwreck.

Disappearance of plane NC16002

On the night of December 28, 1948, a DC-3 NC16002 passenger plane disappeared while flying from Puerto Rico to Miami, Florida. The weather was excellent, flight visibility was good. 50 km from Miami, the crew with twenty-nine passengers on board requested permission to land, but the plane disappeared before approaching the airfield. Probable reasons Loss of communication is called the Bermuda Triangle anomaly, but there may have been a problem with the radio transmitter or the batteries were dead.

The search yielded no results, especially since the debris could have been carried considerable distances from the crash site due to the fast current of the Gulf Stream.

Departure 19

On December 5, 1945, five Naval Avenger torpedo bombers took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The crews consisted of cadets who had flight experience, and the flight leader was Lieutenant Charles Taylor. Taylor's group consisted of 14 people and practiced bombing. They were about to return to base when the compasses failed during the flight. An hour and a half after departure, at the base, Lieutenant Robert Cox received a radio signal in which Taylor reported that they were lost, but the radio operator was unable to help the planes that had gone off course. Today there are many ways to determine the position and coordinates of aircraft from using GPS, and it is almost impossible for the pilot to get lost. But in 1945, it was possible to correctly set landmarks and take bearings on the plane challenging task. Apparently Taylor's flight lost its course and chose the wrong direction. Communication was also lost. In addition, the weather worsened, and if the planes ran out of fuel, the pilots ended up in the water somewhere around midnight. The bombers weighed 14,000 pounds even empty, and with cargo and crew they were expected to sink to the bottom in a matter of seconds. They were searched throughout the night and the next day. A Martin Mariner seaplane was sent to search, but a tragedy happened to it - it caught fire in the air and exploded. Perhaps someone on board lit a cigarette, which caused the fire.

On the morning of this day, the 19th flight of torpedo bombers, consisting of 5 Avenger-type aircraft with 14 crew members, took off from the Fort Lauderdale air force base. The mission of the flight was routine patrol near US territorial waters. However, the planes did not return to base, and the last message that the radio operators received sounded like this: “We do not know our location. It seems that we...” It is important to note that the weather that day was fine, the geomagnetic background was normal, the pilots were experienced and with great experience. The searches undertaken did not yield anything; on the contrary, the Mariner search plane with 13 crew members on board also disappeared, and disappeared in the same area - in the Bermuda Triangle.

Belitz, and then many other authors, described dozens of plane and ship crashes in the Bermuda Triangle. The disasters were selected according to one principle - a ship or plane must disappear without a trace under favorable weather and other conditions. Alternatively, there was not a soul on the subsequently found ship.

To explain the mysterious events with the 19th link, the following explanations were proposed: the pilots fell into curved space and continue to live in it. The pilots found themselves in the zone of accelerated time - after some time we will meet them again! Further, in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle there is a magnetic anomaly that has distorted the readings of compasses on airplanes. Finally, the pilots and the planes were abducted by aliens. The most exotic hypothesis is that somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in a triangle there is a radio beacon of the inhabitants of planet X, sending them signals to indicate the most convenient landing point spaceships(however, it’s not very clear why this is an ocean. Are intelligent “ixatiks” really fish?).
However, the secret of the 19th link remained unsolved. In principle, there is nothing surprising in the fact that neither the planes nor the bodies of the crew members were found: on seabed you can't really look for it. The only thing that remains unclear is the reason for the simultaneous failure of the navigation instruments of 5 aircraft, but this is not yet a reason to hunt for thinking fish. Why, for example, did no one come up with the hypothesis about the negligence of the aircraft maintenance technicians or even sabotage? Maybe the officers of the base came up with this whole story to hide their guilt? We will probably never know. After all, the mystery of Kennedy’s assassination will clearly never be solved, but this is not a reason to bend space and time.
Statistics of "triangular" disasters

December 5, 1945 Missing 5 Avenger-class torpedo bombers of flight 19, total quantity 14 people died. The Mariner search aircraft with 13 crew members also disappeared without a trace in the same area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle. According to the classic version, all aircraft of the flight simultaneously lost their orientation.

January 1948. The English Star Tiger plane, en route from Bermuda to the Azores, disappeared, then the Star Ariel plane, also en route to the Azores. As in the case of the 19th flight, communication with these aircraft stopped suddenly, and no extraordinary atmospheric phenomena were observed in those days.

1954 Super Constellation plane disappears. The Southern District transport, carrying a cargo of sulfur, has disappeared. For unknown reasons, no messages were received from the ship. The ship's radio operator was suspected of being bribed by pirates.

1955 The missing yacht Connemara IV was found without a crew. The transmitter turned out to be in good condition. In addition to the crew, the logbook, other documentation and money from the safe, which was found closed, were missing.

1962 The KV-50 tanker with 9 crew members disappeared. The same story - radio traffic suddenly stopped.

1965 Military transport plane C-119 disappeared.
After the myth of the Bermuda Triangle arose, information about earlier unexplained tragedies was discovered in the archives. So, back in 1909, the Spray yacht, captained by the famous sailor Joshua Slocum, disappeared without a trace in the triangle. He managed to become famous by completing the first circumnavigation of the world alone and, according to those who knew him, he could not just get into a disaster. In 1918, the coal carrier Cyclops disappeared with 309 (!) crew members. The Cyclops was one of the first ships equipped with a radio transmitter, but for some reason the SOS signal was not sent from it. Even earlier - from 1781 to 1812 - when unclear circumstances 4 American warships disappeared.

In the Bermuda Triangle, accidents occur annually with several dozen ships and 1-2 aircraft. Dozens of airline routes to the resort islands of the Caribbean run through the triangle. And although typhoons often occur in this area, there are many shoals and coral reefs near the coasts, some plane and ship crashes are still inexplicable.

Voice of the sea:
Some hypotheses try to explain, to one degree or another, the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle area, others try to explain cases of ships being discovered without a single crew member. Let's look at the latter first.
The meager facts still allow us to identify three patterns: 1) the phenomenon was strictly localized to the sea basin; 2) almost all cases occurred in clear, relatively calm weather; 3) most cases occurred in winter (for this hemisphere) time.
Here are a few examples... On the Dutch ship Urang Medan, rescuers found dead sailors. Moreover, the faces of all the dead were distorted with a grimace of horror, although none of them had a single scratch. And on the barge "Essby Ess Hart" the team of the dead was led by... a crazy captain.
Currently, dozens of ships with dead people on board or without crews are known to have been discovered. Perhaps this list should include some submarines that disappeared under strange and incomprehensible circumstances. in our opinion, the theory of the so-called “voice of the sea”, which was put forward by the Soviet academician V.V. Shuleikin back in 1935, most thoroughly and completely explains the cause of such events.
It all started in the Arctic on board the Soviet icebreaker Taimyr, when a meteorological balloon was launched. The aerologist who was doing this accidentally brought the ball to his face and suddenly cried out from the pain that struck his ears. The fact was that vibrations emanated from the probe shell, which caused the aerologist to unpleasant feeling. And soon after this, when night fell, a strong storm broke out. Both of these seemingly unrelated events were recorded by the watch officer in the icebreaker’s logbook, which allowed Academician V. Shuleikin to put forward an original hypothesis, which was mathematically proven by the Soviet researcher N. Andreev
The force arising from ultra-low acoustic vibrations - infrasound - is proportional to the square of the wavelength. With a wind speed of 20 meters per second, according to the calculations of Academician V. Shuleikin, the power of the “voice of the sea,” as he called infrasound, can reach 3 W per person. square meter wave front. Thus, relatively small waves at sea can generate infrasound of tens of kilowatts of total power.
Low frequency sound wave, the speed of spread of which is 1200 kilometers per hour, is much faster than the movement of the hurricane that gave birth to it and can spread over very significant distances, hundreds and even thousands of kilometers, without significant weakening.
American physicist Robert Wood, French professor Andre Gavreau and some other scientists managed to establish that the effects of ultra-low infrared sound vibrations on people and animals are very specific. Even short-term exposure to infrasound, as was confirmed in an experiment conducted in one of the theaters by R. Wood, is enough for people to feel causeless anxiety, horror, desire to leave in panic this place.
Further research showed that at high powers, infrasonic vibrations are even more dangerous for people.
But during a storm, the “voice of the sea” almost approaches this threshold: its intensity on average reaches 6 hertz! But even during tests, during which the frequency of sound vibrations did not reach such limits, the human body was subjected to strong vibration: the heart, stomach, lungs vibrated, the body was permeated terrible pain, a feeling of calm, causeless fear and indescribable horror arose...
With longer exposure to infrasound, especially if the vibration frequency is close to 7 hertz, sailors may experience general weakness and blindness, they can lose consciousness and go crazy, throw themselves overboard or die on the spot without even realizing why this is happening.
In this case, it is quite possible for the mechanical resonance of infrasonic vibrations to occur with the hull of a ship or aircraft, which ultimately leads to their destruction.

News edited Core - 22-04-2011, 17:12

Thus, foreign tabloids published a story about an American submarine that was drifting off the coast of Florida at a depth of about 65 meters. The submarine's hull suddenly vibrated violently, and just a minute later the radar detected it in Indian Ocean, near the east coast of Africa. How could she do this? short time cover a huge distance? But that's not all! As a result of the mysterious movement, all the sailors turned out to be 20-30 years older!

The Pentagon allegedly classified this information. All crew members of the ill-fated submarine were sent for examination to the German Space Medicine Center. They say that even once on land, they continued to age, and much faster than in ordinary life...

Military experts involved in the investigation of this case allegedly concluded that the submarine fell into a time portal. Well, or at least she was affected by a powerful electromagnetic field... That's what the yellow press wrote. It was not possible to obtain any official information on this matter...

But there are also reliable facts. Not long ago, two giant objects resembling pyramids were discovered on the ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle area. Oceanographer Verlag Mayer, using special equipment, determined that they consist of a certain glassy substance.

Their dimensions significantly exceeded even the size of the famous Cheops pyramid, and any other similar structures that exist on land. But, unlike these ancient buildings, the age of the Bermuda pyramids is no more than half a century. By the way, they are located in the very center of the “triangle”. But who built them there?

According to Mayer, the structures were built using technology unknown to date. Maybe aliens or inhabitants of a parallel dimension that comes into contact with ours at this very point?

Let's get this one out of the way right from the start: there really is no "mystery" surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. Planes and ships go missing in the region between Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda as often as in any other part of the world.

Moreover, there are no statistics available for this region. Of course, there are many natural mechanisms that can cause a shipwreck, but they are almost never found in the Bermuda Triangle.

Scientists' opinion

Despite the lack of any scientific evidence, Bermuda appears in the news headlines from time to time when the newspapers need the next sensation. Scientists are probably already tired of explaining that the “mystery” of the Bermuda Triangle is nothing more than a myth, but, fortunately, reports have recently emerged that actually indicate that this phenomenon simply does not exist.

Famous Australian scientist Karl Krushelnitsky notes that the percentage of ships and planes that disappear in this area is the same as in other parts of the world. The Bermuda Triangle is known to be located close to the equator, not far from America, so it is not surprising that many air and water routes pass through it.

The history of the myth

According to Krushelnicki, the myth of the Bermuda Triangle began when several large military convoys - and their subsequent rescue missions - disappeared in the region between World Wars I and II. In reality, these disappearances are attributed to terrible weather and inadequate aircraft equipment.

Some of the pilots who went missing that day also made catastrophic mistakes, such as frequently getting lost, drinking alcohol before a flight, or even setting off without proper aviation equipment.

In most cases, the bodies and wreckage of the equipment were never found, but this is not surprising, given that they all fell into the ocean. Even today, the wreckage of aircraft and ships that have fallen into the ocean is very difficult to find, despite significant advances in reconnaissance and tracking technology.

Speculation and hypotheses

However, the missing crew, coupled with widespread press coverage of the case, ensured that legends would emerge. Although it has long been known that there is nothing mystical or otherworldly about this triangle, there are still many hypotheses trying to explain these disappearances. Some of them claim to be scientific, while others seem absolutely outlandish.

Not long ago, it was suggested that shipwrecks could be caused by bubbles of methane that rise from the bottom of the sea. Although this version seems completely scientific and not mystical, as is often the case with the Bermuda Triangle, there is one problem: there are no methane reserves in this region.

As long as humanity has existed, for the same amount of time it has been constantly accompanied by secrets and riddles associated with anomalous natural phenomena or with random coincidences. In both cases, events acquire resonance, becoming overgrown with rumors. Many of them in fact become a common coincidence, others become legends. The situation is similar with the Bermuda Triangle, the mystery of which continues to trouble the minds of the most different categories, starting with zealous advocates of the anomalous nature of what is happening, and ending with hardened skeptics.

This state of affairs was greatly facilitated by the press, radio and television. It was at their instigation that in certain areas of the world's oceans the history of maritime disasters acquired an ominous and mystical connotation. So is there really a mystery to the Bermuda Triangle? Are we dealing with an artificially and skillfully invented fiction, or are there really mysterious and dangerous zones for humans on our planet?

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

The disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle is always accompanied by a mass of curious and interesting facts. To date, the exact scientific explanation there is no happening in this area of ​​the ocean, and it is unlikely that there will be. At all times there are the strongest storms, impenetrable fogs, magnetic storms, and weather anomalies caused death large quantity sea ​​vessels. In the modern era, the list of maritime disasters has begun to be replenished with cases of aircraft deaths for unknown reasons. castaways over the sea surface.

Many years ago, when people did not have sufficient knowledge, the loss of ships at sea could be explained by anything but scientific facts. Disasters at sea were often attributed to God’s wrath, to the machinations evil spirits. The history of navigation is replete detailed descriptions sea ​​shipwrecks, where in cases of disappearances of people and the loss of ships they blamed the giant sea ​​monster. Many missing ships were attributed to the machinations of the devil and evil spirits, as in the case of the legend of “ The Flying Dutchman" These stories were passed down from generation to generation, acquiring new fantastic details and incredible facts. It has always been convenient for people to give the tragic death of people an aura of mystery and mysticism.

It is not without reason that some of the supporters of the fantastic version of the nature of this object call this area of ​​the ocean a gateway to another dimension, based on indisputable evidence and facts. Shipwrecks were often preceded by serious failures of the power plant and breakdowns of navigation equipment. An excellent reason to consider the occurring disasters as something unusual was the mysterious disappearance of people. Any serious accident at sea, be it an airplane or a ship, leaves behind a lot of traces. In the Bermuda Triangle situation, not only were there often no traces of the disaster, but also accurate data about the crash site.

In fact, much of what we deal with when studying the history of maritime disasters and airplane crashes has a simple scientific and technical explanation. Behind all these crashes and every loss of life there is always something hidden. Either this is a raging element, or someone’s evil intent. Skeptics allow deliberate distortion of facts. For what purpose is this possible? In order to obtain sensational material or conveniently hide traces of a crime. To understand many controversial issues, it is enough to move from legends and theories to bare facts. Are the waters of the Bermuda Triangle really dangerous for humans for many years, and why? mysteriously Aircraft and ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.

Proposed disaster area: actual situation

To begin with, the area in the world's oceans, which has such an ominous history, is quite vast, and it is located at one of the busiest transport intersections. Presumably, the boundaries of the disaster zone are a huge area of ​​​​the Atlantic Ocean, located between the southern tip of the Florida Peninsula in the West, Bermuda in the north and the island of Puerto Rico in the south. Simply put, we are dealing with a vast area in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​this vast space reaches 1 million km.

Since the time of Christopher Columbus, who discovered America in 1492, the Bermuda Triangle has been the busiest area for maritime traffic. There are simply no other routes for shipping and airlines to bypass this disreputable stretch of ocean. All ships and airliners plying between Europe and the American continent are forced to navigate through these mysterious waters. In this regard, one detail is curious. With such a high traffic intensity, when thousands of ships ply the waters of the Bermuda Triangle every year, and dozens of aircraft fly in the sky every day, the actual number of disasters and accidents remains at the average statistical level.

Shipwrecks occur much more often in the East Asian region, and the English Channel (English Channel) is generally considered the most dangerous area for maritime shipping. As for airplanes, passenger, transport and military planes fall with equal regularity in every corner of the planet.

For those who are well versed in the intricacies of geography and marine tourism, the Bermuda Triangle on the world map is not difficult to find. It is the busiest tourist area in the Western Hemisphere. Home and distinguishing feature This area of ​​the world's oceans lies in its tourist attractiveness. Warm air masses dominate here, and sea water warms up to 25-30 ° C. The weather here is sunny and warm for more than 300 days a year, and sea water is highly transparent and clean.

Along the entire perimeter of the Bermuda Triangle are the most popular areas for marine tourism. The Florida Peninsula is an area of ​​developed tourism business. Millions of tourists from the United States and Europe annually visit the Bahamas and the resorts of Puerto Rico. The Bahamas are a favorite destination for divers who are not afraid of the mystery of this territory.

No geological anomalies have been found at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. In this area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the seabed has a characteristic structure and is not a tectonically active area. There are plenty of other areas on our planet where geological and volcanic activity can lead to catastrophic consequences.

In other words, the region of the planet that interests us is fully integrated into the global system of communications and civilizational benefits. It can neither be isolated from the rest of the world nor excluded from the habitat of modern human civilization. Everything that happens in the Bermuda Triangle with ships and planes today is nothing more than statistics. The death of people is always a tragedy, but in such cases the incident should not be attributed to mysticism. In the Bermuda Triangle area there are real dangers that threaten humans. Frequent hurricanes occur here, dangerous entire countries and all coastal regions. Don't forget that this area shakes regularly. News of strong and frequent earthquakes occurring on the island of Puerto Rico and Jamaica is much more common than information about missing ships and planes.

Basic theories of anomalous behavior of the Bermuda Triangle

In order to have a complete understanding of what the Bermuda Triangle is, it is enough to discard all unscientific hypotheses and assumptions. Among the most noteworthy theories in the scientific community, the following hypotheses predominate:

  • Giant wandering waves, the height of which is often 30 meters, can pose a danger to ships in this area;
  • the ocean surface has the ability to generate infrasonic vibrations, which negatively affects the human psyche;
  • the presence of giant methane gas bubbles in the water column, which affect the density sea ​​water;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions caused by the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream;
  • curvature of space and geomagnetic anomalies.

The listed theories also include the fact that the features of the seabed topography make it difficult to detect the remains of ships that have become the object of a shipwreck. The story of giant rogue waves has a right to life. Such phenomena occur quite often in the practice of world navigation, but their location should not be attributed exclusively to the Bermuda Triangle area. Such waves are much more common in the Bay of Biscay and in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan.

Infrasound waves really have an impact on humans and other living organisms harmful effects. It remains only to find out how such an effect occurs on the surface of the ocean. As for gas bubbles, such geological objects are a common occurrence in the earth's lithosphere. In the depths earth's crust contains huge deposits of methane, which is a product of the breakdown of organic compounds accumulated over billions of years. Periodically, large accumulations of gas escape from the earth's thickness and rise to the surface. It is impossible to say that in this regard the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is something special. Such processes are common in areas of intensive offshore production of liquid hydrocarbons, which are scattered throughout the globe.

Moving on to weather conditions that can cause accidents on ships and aircraft, there is no need to dramatize the situation. The level of modern onboard equipment on ships and airplanes makes it possible to control the weather situation along the route. In addition, ground-based services provide monitoring of climate change not only in this region, but throughout the planet. No controller will give permission for an aircraft to fly in an area of ​​dense air masses over the ocean where a hurricane or other active atmospheric phenomenon is forming. It is easier to explain the disasters that occurred with sea vessels by the difficulties of this region in terms of navigation. The airspace over the Bermuda Triangle area is saturated with constantly changing direction air currents. The situation at sea is similar. This area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is replete with extensive shoals and reefs, which give way to deep depressions and flat areas. Due to the heterogeneity of the underwater relief, numerous currents arise in the ocean water column, capable of causing giant whirlpools.

One should not discount the phenomenon of “dead water,” which was observed in this area by Columbus’s sailors. As a result of contact with cold and warm water A thermocline appears at the boundary of sea currents. Its salinity varies depending on the seasons. This could lead to a sudden subsidence of the massive warm layer of seawater. Similar facts have taken place in world practice. Witnesses of ship accidents claim that the Bermuda Triangle area similar phenomena are not limited.

To summarize, we can conclude that the mysterious Bermuda Triangle does not exist in practice. In fact, this is just a greatly inflated, hyperbolized natural object to sensational proportions. The correct presentation of facts and the suppression of details create a picture of a distorted perception of the events taking place, adding drama and mystery to the incident.

The most famous stories of the Bermuda Triangle

Information about all cases of shipwrecks, disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle, and other data are included in all special reference books. It is believed that more than a thousand people became victims of various types of incidents that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle area, but there is no exact data on this matter. These are just guesses and assumptions.

The history of some disasters is interesting and truly mysterious. Consider the case when the huge cargo ship Cyclops disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area in March 1918. The disappearance of the Cyclops with its entire crew and 306 passengers on board is one of the most inexplicable incidents in the history of world navigation.

Another sensation associated with the history of this mysterious place is associated with the disappearance of an entire flight of combat aircraft. In excellent weather on December 5, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared off the coast of Florida. All five cars first disappeared from the radar screens, and after some time disappeared without a trace. Not a single pilot transmitted a signal to the airfield about an accident on board. The most thorough searches yielded no results. Other planes were sent to the crash site to search, but no traces or wreckage of the planes were found.

On top of that, the patrol plane sent to search for the missing torpedo bombers also disappeared along with its crew.

One could spend a long time listing maritime accidents and aircraft crashes that occurred in this area. The story of the Bermuda Triangle is a kind of tribute to man’s desire and interest in everything unknown and mysterious.