Sad stories about animals make you cry. Stories that prove animals have souls. Charming hooligan Yosya

Today we want to tell you about our little brothers, who, sometimes at the cost of their lives, saved a person’s life. These interesting stories about animals from real life capable of touching everyone's soul. After all, you never know how your fate will turn out and who will have to save your life! We have collected various sad and funny stories about domestic animals and wild animals from all over the World.
1.In the USA, Vinny the cat saved his family. When the house was full carbon monoxide, he jumped on his sleeping owner and began scratching her while meowing loudly. When the owner woke up with difficulty and could barely get out of bed, she got to the phone and called 911. “If it weren’t for Winnie the cat, who was screaming and scratching, we wouldn’t be here today,” the owner said. The family believes that the gas leak occurred due to a breakdown in the gas distribution system in the basement of the house. According to the rescuers, 5 minutes and this story would have had a sad ending.

2. Dog Tang saved 92 sailors who ran aground. In 1919, a ship called the Ethie hit rocks and ran aground. There were 93 sailors on board and Tang, the ship's Newfoundland dog. After one of the sailors was carried out to sea, the sailors handed a rope to Tang's teeth and he jumped into the water and went to land. To the general surprise of the sailors, the dog reached the ground holding the rope in his teeth. All 92 sailors survived and were taken to safety. Tang was later awarded a medal for his bravery.

3. In Krasnoyarsk, a dog saved its owner. A young man went into the river to swim. The water was cold and his legs cramped and he began to drown. When the guy completely disappeared into the water, a Labrador named Ram, who was sleeping on the shore, rushed into the water with lightning speed! The dog tried to grab his owner's clothes, but he didn't succeed. Then he grabbed the owner’s hand with his teeth and dragged him to the shore.

4. In a coastal village, a fire broke out at night in one of the old wooden houses. A young mother and her five children from 11 to 2 years old were caught in the fire. They were sleeping peacefully! But domestic cat Katie smelled the smoke in time, climbed under the mistress’s blanket and began to scratch her painfully, trying to wake her up. The owner threw the cat away and turned on the other side. But the cat did not give up until she woke up the woman. The evacuation of children began. Everyone was saved... except the cat herself. The house burned to the ground along with their belongings and Katie, who saved everyone. Residents of the village collected money and things for the fire victims, and gave them accommodation for the night. But the savior herself could not even be buried.

5. In Austria, Mandy the goat saved her owner. Farmer Noel Osborne fell and injured his hip, he was too far from anyone who could hear his cries and come to his aid. Noel lay on outdoors 5 days with a broken hip. But how did he survive? He was saved by a goat named Mandy. She lay down next to him, warming her owner. In addition, the goat fed him with her milk, thereby helping the farmer survive in the cold rainy nights. Noel Osborne was rescued by friends on the 6th day.

6. In the 90s in Novosibirsk ordinary cat prevented the death of the owner, a major businessman. Having climbed under his car, she did not want to get out of there. Then the man himself reached under the car to get his pet. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that a package was glued to the bottom of the car. The sappers were called and determined that it was a bomb connected to a pager. Fortunately, she was neutralized. Later they found out that the cat saved the owner’s life just half an hour before the possible tragedy.

7. In the Moscow region, a shepherd dog sacrificed its life to save its owner and her 5-year-old daughter. A woman was walking at dusk young dog, when suddenly the dog rushed forward and grabbed his teeth into a bare wire hanging from a power line support. From strong blow The dog died immediately due to electric shock. According to electricians, if not for the dog, either the girl or her mother could have received a fatal electric shock.

8. In the USA, a rabbit managed to warn its owner about a sneaking thief. In Wisconsin, a woman told police that she woke up to the sound of a rabbit drumming its paws, as it always does in the presence of a stranger. The woman jumped up, screamed, and thereby scared away the thief who had entered the house.

9. In Germany, a cat saved a baby who was left on the street overnight in winter. With its loud meowing, the cat attracted the attention of passers-by and thanks to this, the baby was safely taken to a local hospital. The health of the newborn is no longer in danger. Where the boy's mother is is unknown.

10. Doberman Khan had not even been in his new home for four days before he had already saved his owner’s 17-month-old daughter. Charlotte was playing in the backyard of the house when suddenly Khan started growling. As it turned out later, Khan saw a king brown snake in the grass. He tried to push the girl aside to get her away from that place, but he didn’t succeed. Then he carefully took her by the diaper and threw her a meter behind him. Khan's sudden movement frightened the snake, and it bit him on the paw, but after the treatment given to him medical care, the Doberman hero has fully recovered.

11. A cat named Pudding saved the life of his owner Amy Jung on the same day he was taken home from a homeless animal shelter. The girl suffered from diabetes mellitus and when she had an attack, she fell into diabetic coma. As soon as this happened, Pudding immediately began to bite and push the mistress until she came to her senses a little. Amy was very weak and therefore could not loudly call her son Ethan, who was sleeping in the next room. Then the cat ran into Ethan’s room and began to bite and push him until he woke up and called emergency services for his mother. All doctors admitted that the cat saved the woman’s life.

12. A pit bull dog named Kilo saved his owners. Arriving home after another run, American Justin Becker and his girlfriend heard a knock on the door. When they opened it, there was a man standing in the doorway dressed in a delivery uniform who said his scanner was broken and asked if he could come into the house to use their handle and hand them a package. As soon as the guy crossed the threshold, the delivery immediately turned into a robbery. Without thinking twice, the pituble rushed at the robber armed with a pistol. The robber managed to shoot the 12-year-old dog in the head, but the bullet ricocheted off his skull and exited in the neck area, without hitting any vital organs. 3 days later, after receiving medical care, Kilo was already walking on the street.

13. A pig saved a woman during a heart attack. In 1998, Jo Ann Alzman had an illness while on vacation in Pennsylvania. heart attack. Lulu, her daughter's pig, ran out of the house and lay down right on the road, thereby stopping traffic. The pig tried tirelessly to help the woman, returning home to check on Jo Ann and then running back outside for help. As a result, she managed to attract attention to herself: one man stopped the car and followed the pig into the house, where he found a woman lying on the floor and, realizing what had happened, called an ambulance.

14. German shepherd Buddy saved his beloved owner. Joe Stalnecker adopted Buddy when he was just 8 months old. Joe also taught him how to use the phone to call 911 when he started experiencing symptoms of impending seizures. If Joe loses consciousness and is unable to call emergency services, then Buddy will have to call emergency services by pressing the shortcut button with his teeth. In 2008, the emergency service received a call, but no one spoke on the other end of the line, and only someone could be heard loudly whining and howling. Paramedics arrived on the scene a couple of minutes later and found Joe Stalnecker unconscious on the floor of his home. A couple of days later, Joe left the hospital. Thus, the shepherd saved a man's life.

15. Parrot Willie saved a two-year-old girl, Hanna Kuusk, who would have suffocated if not for the bird’s reaction. Megan Howard, the child's nanny and the parrot's owner, made a pie, put it on the table to cool and went to the toilet. While in the toilet, she suddenly heard a parrot loudly screaming something like this: “Mom! Baby! Mother! Baby!". Megan ran to the kitchen and saw a bitten pie, and next to her a girl with already blue lips who was choking. The woman quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver and the girl herself spat out the piece of pie. For saving the girl, Willie the parrot was presented with an award by the local Red Cross service.

16. The Jersey cocker grabbed onto his owner Tom Owen's trousers as he headed to a friend's place to fly on his private jet. The usually quiet and calm dog whined and growled menacingly. Noticing that the owner was getting ready to leave, the dog bit him on the leg, causing the anger of the whole family and he ended up not going anywhere. And in the morning it became known that a friend had crashed his plane, crashing into a rock.

17. A case from Russia - a mongrel saved several families from an earthquake who fed it. Suddenly the dog began to howl heart-rendingly under the doors of the houses. Residents were forced to leave, and at this time the walls collapsed.

18. Golden Retriever Toby saved his owner. While at home, 45-year-old Debbie Parkhurst was eating an apple and suddenly choked on a piece that blocked respiratory tract. The woman began to choke!!! At that moment, her 2-year-old golden retriever knocked her to the floor and began jumping on her owner’s chest. So Toby the dog did something similar to the Heimlich maneuver until a piece of apple flew out of her throat. After that, he began to lick the woman’s face, thanks to which she did not lose consciousness.

19. A rabbit saved a man who had been suffering from diabetes since childhood from a coma. In the UK, Simon Stegall fell into a coma while watching television. His pet rabbit Dory saw this and jumped on his chest, hitting him hard. Victoria, Simon's wife, noticed Dory's strange behavior, realized what had happened, and called an ambulance.

20. English cocker spaniel Honey saved the life of his owner. One day, Michael Bosch and his dog Honey were involved in an SUV accident. Michael soon realized that he and Honey were trapped in the overturned car. Somehow the man was able to release the dog so that it could bring someone to help, although he himself did not really believe in it. A 5-month-old English cocker spaniel caught the attention of a man half a mile away from an overturned car and led him to the scene of the accident. Rescuers later said that if it had not been for Honey, Michael would have died.

21. In Thailand, in the city of Phuket, the elephant Ningnong saved the life of an 8-year-old girl, Amber Mason. She was on holiday with her mother and stepfather and became friends with a 4-year-old elephant named Ningnong. The place where they settled was covered by a tsunami. One day, while playing on the beach with other elephants, Ningnong sensed something was wrong and ran back to the girl, so when a tsunami hit the city, the little girl was not harmed, because Ningnong sheltered her from the elements with his own body.

22. Chihuahua Chi-Chi saved the lives of two women. Mary Lane and her husband were relaxing on the beach with their Chihuahua named Chi-Chi. He had a very calm character and sat on a chair. But suddenly the dog jumped up and ran along the beach, barking loudly and dragging along the sand on a leash a small chair to which it was tied. The owners chased after him and saw two elderly ladies who were caught in the storm waves and were drowning in the water, unable to get ashore. Mary and her husband quickly dragged the ladies ashore. Returning back to the resting place, the couple saw Chi-Chi sleeping peacefully in her chair.

23. Mila the beluga whale rescued a 26-year-old diver while he was taking part in a free diving competition during which no breathing equipment is allowed. The competition was held in a 6-meter deep pool among whales. At the same time, the water was cooled to the temperature of water in the Arctic. When the diver wanted to return to the surface, he felt that his legs were cramped from the cold and he could not move them. And then the beluga whale carefully took the beluga whale’s legs with her teeth and lifted her to the surface. Beluga whales, like dolphins, have telepathy and read minds, which saved the diver’s life.

24. Dolphins saved swimmers from a shark in the coastal waters of New Zealand. In 2004, four people escaped death from a great white shark thanks to a group of dolphins that swam around them in circles until the shark lost interest and swam away. At first, the swimmers thought that the dolphins were just playing with them, but quickly realized that these smart animals had actually saved them from a 3-meter white shark that was trying to break through the “ring.”

25. Lions saved a girl from kidnappers in Ethiopia in 2005. On her way home from school, a 12-year-old girl was abducted by four men. A few days later, the kidnappers met three lions, who drove away the intruders who abandoned the girl. But the lions did her no harm. When the police finally found the girl, the predators simply left.

26. A dog saved a man from drowning in Spain. A chocolate Labrador named Nanuk spotted a drowning man in the port of Malaga and brought his owner to the scene. The thin man, who looked to be 60 years old, was almost frozen and close to drowning. If it weren’t for the dog, he would hardly have survived this situation. Labrador later received praise from the port authority.

27. Salia's cat saved a man during a house fire in Australia in 2014. Craig Jeeves was sleeping at home when the fire started. Suddenly tabby cat Sally jumped on his head and started screaming. Jeeves woke up just in time to get out of the house, which was soon completely burned down.

28. A horse named Kerry saved its owner, mother of two children Fiona Boyd. She was alone on the family farm when she suddenly heard a calf screaming outside the window. When she went outside, she saw that the calf had lost its mother and could not find her among the other cows. She decided to help him and take the calf to his mother in the barn. But the mother noticed her calf earlier and misunderstood Fiona's gesture, believing that the woman had taken her calf and wanted to kill it. The cow rushed at the woman, knocking her off her feet, and then began to trample on her. Fiona was lying on the ground, covering her head with her hands, but when the stomping stopped, she looked up and saw that her 15-year-old horse named Kerry, who was nearby, began to kick the cow. While the horse distracted the cow, Fiona managed to crawl to safety under an electric fence.

29. In the US state of Arkansas, a calf saved a woman from a snake. Janice Wolf was in the back pasture of the farm where she worked when an 11-month-old Watussi calf suddenly turned toward her and blocked her path. She couldn’t understand why he was doing this, so she grabbed him by the horns and tried to lead him out of her way. However, the animal raised its head, causing the woman to lose her balance and fall. Then, when Janice saw a poisonous snake in the grass, she realized that the snake was exactly where her leg would have been if not for the Watussi. This is how a calf saved a woman’s life.

This wonderful story happened almost before my eyes. And I really want that, after reading it to the end, the reader will draw the right conclusions and not repeat the mistakes that the heroes made. After all, youth is inexperienced and beautiful in its emotionality and purity of feelings, but how often it is deceived!

Taya studied "excellently" at school and went to gold medal. All correct, from a strict family, she was always under control: in certain time I returned home, no walks in dubious places and with dubious people. And, of course, no boys! But are prohibitions strong when such a tender and impressionable age sets in? So in the 10th grade, a girl unexpectedly fell in love with him... He was short, naturally blond, a young intern - a history teacher. And he lived very close by, which was good for the lovers: they could see each other often.

And then one day the doorbell rang. I was very surprised to see this couple in the aisle. Having lowered her eyes somehow sadly, Taya quietly asked me for money. My heart somehow grew cold and it immediately became clear that something terrible and wrong had happened. And so it was. It turned out that she was pregnant. It was a shame that I didn’t express to Sasha everything that I thought about him then; perhaps this would have prevented further mistakes. But realizing that they would still have an abortion, whether I gave money or not, I decided to give it.

Everything went well, Taisiya endured everything fine, but continued the relationship. The way she looked at him is beyond words. There was so much tenderness, love, trust and hope in this look that each one began to glow in the aura of her feelings. Including Alexander.

After some time, I met her again, asking about her well-being and relationships. According to her, everything was fine. Taya was finishing 11th grade. After a couple of months, it became clear that they were expecting a baby. The pregnancy was simply unimaginable: so that her mother would not send her to have an abortion, she had to hide it as much as possible. She wore only loose clothes, and during the supposed critical days carefully tinted the gaskets with paint. Mom found out everything only in the seventh month, when she caught her daughter changing clothes.

The painting was planned for January. There was a beautiful gold ring on her thin finger. She was looking forward to this day so much - with trepidation and love, like the baby under her heart. She came to the registry office in advance, expecting her future husband and the father of her child. The time was approaching, but it was not there. And after 5, 10, 30 minutes... he was not there at all.

The baby is very similar to his mother. Only he doesn’t have a dad yet. But, according to rumors, there are three half-brothers or sisters.

We accept your stories about pets (how they appeared, what their character, habits and antics are - we are waiting for all this in your letters) and photos at [email protected] . Detailed stories And high quality pictures we love you especially much :)

Today we again talk about those who love us simply because we exist. And regardless of breed or lack thereof, he pays for good with interest: saving him from boredom, sadness, cold and loneliness. And, of course, sharing with us best moments life! If you are already a happy owner, write to us and show off your furry friend! If not, pay attention to the magical beauty of the cat at the end of the material. Something tells us that you were waiting for him, and he was waiting for you. With all your small but kind cat heart.

Miraculous rescue of Indy from under the wheels of a car

Here is my find: a wonderful dog with one eye and one erect ear! Returning from work, being almost at home, I saw a car hit a dog running across the road. Fortunately, it didn’t hurt me too much.

The dog flew out right at my feet and immediately gave me a pleading look from one eye. Of course, I immediately took her home, and what if there were injuries! And even skinny and hungry...

After drinking the broth, she simply collapsed on the carpet and fell asleep. She slept so soundly that I was able to fully examine and check her. And our dachshund watched what was happening with sympathy and did not interfere.

In the morning the dog was taken to the veterinarian, but nothing serious was found. She turned out to be a young girl, about a year old, terribly thin and very timid. On the way home, she didn’t leave my knee for a minute and looked like that with her one eye... She was so afraid that I would leave... I couldn’t just leave, leave, give. It was already our dog! They named her Indy, Princess Indy! After all, she is a beauty, no matter what!

Spent everything necessary procedures, bought a beautiful red collar and began to live together and wait for her to believe us and stop falling to the floor from any movement of her hand... There was no doubt that the dog was beaten and abused.

A year later, Indy has become a wonderful, incredibly affectionate, amazingly obedient and easy to train dog! Best friend hers is, of course, our dachshund Dune, she is a great diplomat! She took someone else’s dog into her home, taught her all the tricks of living in an apartment, shared all her toys and gave her dog friendship!

At first, Indy didn’t understand what the toys were for, what the bowls were for (she constantly ate from the floor), she hid under the table and silently watched. Now we have two wonderful dogs, gang!

They sleep together, run around the street together, sometimes they sort things out, but they love each other, and we love them very much. Now it’s hard to imagine: what if I hadn’t been there at that moment when the car was driving... It’s getting scary. What could happen next to this wonderful dog? She was the one who found me! I am sure of this and am happy that I was able to give Indy a small piece dog happiness! She, in turn, gives us all her devotion and affection!

10 years have passed...

Nine of them were happy - when my “bald friend” was next to me. My Chinese Crested love, my Maya. No one can ever replace her, she was a real person. There was no need to teach her any commands; she understood every word herself. Not just a word, but every look. She lived with me a third of my life, hundreds of joys and sorrows, she traveled with me around the world. She guarded my mental and, surprisingly, physical peace. It was a small dog with a very big heart... She loved endlessly and devotedly everyone who loved me, and everyone who suddenly offended her owner was subjected to great dog revenge - at least wet property was guaranteed.

Mayechka had enough love in her heart for everyone, my parents, friends, pizza delivery people and furniture makers - she greeted every person with joy and love...

And a year ago she big heart stopped... What was it - congenital problems, error veterinarian or my eternal busyness, it doesn’t matter now. It is important that my Maya remains with me forever, in my memory, in my thoughts... I know that I will never have such a friend again. She was the one and only.

1 year and a little...

She flew to Rainbow on November 25, and I thought that I would never get a dog again. But this unbearable feeling when you come home and don’t hear the familiar clicking of claws on the floor, don’t feel the touch of a wet black nose and hugs... A week later, some force carried me to a dog show. This was probably my fate, and the fate of the white fluffy ball with which I returned from there: to survive what lay ahead of us. Due to the fault of an unscrupulous seller, the dog turned out to be unvaccinated, which he, naturally, hid, promising to send a veterinary passport, which did not exist in nature... Three weeks of enteritis, which became an eternity for us. Three weeks of IVs. Three weeks of tears. Three weeks of faith and unbelief. Three weeks of torment for our Zhuzha. This is the result of buying a purebred animal, which often seems like an ideal safe option...

But the New Year's miracle happened! Thanks to the super doctors of one veterinary clinic, on December 31, our little bundle of joy returned home with the hope that everything will be fine. Then there were long months recovery, a lot of problems, but it was all nothing compared to these grateful beady eyes that have looked at me every day since that day with adoration and devotion.

Now in our family there live three “crocodiles,” as we lovingly call them.


Chinese Crested Juja

Cornish Rex Cupcake

budgerigar Egorushka, who says that he is handsome, demands cognac and assures: he is good!

We do not regret a single minute that each of them appeared in our lives! And despite the difficulties that periodically arise, we cannot imagine our life without them!

Nyusha - “bonna” and “nurse”

Nyusha is a Don Sphynx. Our favorite recently celebrated her 10th birthday. And it was a real family holiday - with guests, cake and candles. The baby came into the family as a kitten, and it’s hard to imagine our life without her.

When the children were little, Nyusha, like a real bunny, put them to bed: she purred in each ear, and then, with a sense of self-esteem and completed work, she left the children's room and jumped on the sofa to be “with the adults.” Sometimes “bonna” was a “nurse”: if someone was sick, Nyusha treated as best she could, without leaving even for a minute... The children play around: they call “Mom!”, and Nyusha always comes running first...

At one time we had a hamster, and when he escaped from his cage, Nyusha ran after him carefully, meowing and calling for help. I was worried. She calmed down only when the hamster was returned to its place. And we, stupid ones, at first feared for Khoma... Nyusha has the devotion of a dog, the playfulness of a little monkey, the imposingness of a lioness, the wisdom of some ancient relict creatures and, of course, the independence of a cat.

I remember when I was a girl, I dreamed of falling asleep with a cat at my side, hearing the gentle monotonous purring. My dream came true as an adult. And now I understand - a house is not a home if there is no cat in it...

Charming hooligan Yosya

Yosya is the cat who could!

After my 22-year-old cat left me, I swore off having pets. It's too hard to lose them...

However, in the summer, my decision was crossed out by a black and white little paw - the life of this ball of fur was in danger: the kitten could be drowned or simply thrown out into the street.

The decision was immediately made to take him home. It was necessary to overcome one barrier - a firm male “no”, but the cat, which no, no, and would have disappeared in Logoisk, melted the husband’s heart - and the cat happily went to Minsk!

Yosenka never sits still: he constantly rushes out of nowhere, falls, falls out or runs, carrying another trophy in his teeth (food, socks, makeup brushes, etc.).

Despite the torn curtains and chewed flowers, this is a cat that exceeded all expectations! He is very smart! He takes pity on us when he sees us washing under water, and is indignant when you offer something that he doesn’t like.

The photo does not show a mockery of the cat - he just decided to eat the leftover ice cream, got stuck and was saved :)

The only negative is that he himself never allows himself to be pitied and stroked, if in at the moment he is of little interest in this: if he decided, for example, that he needs to ride in a drum washing machine, then your gentle pesters will be stopped with a couple of gentle bites :)

And every evening a restless bundle of happiness awaits us at home, growing by the hour! Choose cats: mongrel and abandoned ones - they are the most loyal and loving!

If you have long dreamed of becoming a guardian angel for someone, want to fall asleep to the sound of purring, and after reading this text, are ready to make the decision “I am the master,” we have a dream cat for you. Beautifully round-faced, like a Briton, smart, like a man, kind, gentle and grateful - like someone whose life hung in the balance.

The adventures of the kitten Funtik. Let's arrange a happy ending together in a real story?

If yes, call: 8 044 598 86 68 - Polina

Our boy is litter box trained, does not scream at night and does not spoil the owner's things. But that's not the main thing.

The main thing is what he wants to tell you:

“I was born when it was warm: a huge yellow thing called the “sun” was shining. True, I rarely saw him: at first, my mother hid my brother and sister and me in the basement because she was afraid of people - I didn’t know who it was then, and I really wanted to meet them. I looked out all the time - it was scary, but so interesting!

And then my eyes started to hurt. Very, very strong. I didn’t even want to eat, although I love it very much - I eat everything, to be honest... But it was even worse for my brother and sister. They cried all the time, did not open their eyes, then stopped standing on their paws. I warmed them up, washed them, invited them to play, and even brought them pieces of a delicious thing called sausage.

But one morning they didn’t respond and were completely cold - they just lay there, that’s all. I felt sad and scared. Mom was running around the basement and screaming... And I realized that she and I were left alone. And I'm in charge.

I began to get out of the basement and meet people... They turned out to be not scary at all! Only sometimes they shouted and waved their arms.

And that’s what they called me funny name“Funtik”, sometimes they brought it delicious food in jars, and it also turned out that they can stroke between the ears - and then it becomes warm and not at all scary. They said, “Oh, Funtik, how sorry you are,” and left. I knew they were going home. But what is "home"? I asked my mother - she didn’t know either. She said, "It must be very good place, Baby…".

And then it got cold, very, very cold. There was little food, I could no longer run and jump, I wanted to sleep all the time. One day, my mother and I left to look for food, and when we returned, the entrance to our basement was blocked with boards. We walked around it, sniffed it, tried to push the boards away with our paws... But we didn’t succeed.

Mom said: “Funtik, I’ll go look for a place for us where we can warm up a little.” And she disappeared.

I had never been so scared, I decided that if my mother didn’t come, I would just lie down in the snow and stay there - I couldn’t go anywhere else.

And suddenly it became even scarier: someone picked me up, said, “Funtik, let’s go home,” and carried me somewhere. How I screamed! What did you call your mother? He even fought back, albeit with soft paws. I don’t remember where, but I knew that the claws should not be released.

And then so much happened, cat god! I was taken to different places, looked into my eyes and ears, poked me with some kind of tube. I thought that people would kill me - my mother told me that this happens.

But they brought me to a warm place that smells of food. Nobody hits me, they just stroke me and feel sorry for me. I'm still very scared, I often remember my mother and cry... But I learned one more thing good word: "Friend". And if suddenly I have a “friend” and a “home”... There will not be a single cat happier than me. Even the shaggy cat Barsik, the main cat in our yard, will be jealous.

“28 years ago, one man saved my life by protecting me from three scoundrels who tried to rape me. As a result of that incident, he suffered a leg injury and still walks with a cane to this day. And I was very proud when he put down that cane today to walk our daughter down the aisle.”

“Today, exactly ten months after a severe stroke, my dad stood up for the first time wheelchair without any help to dance the father-bride dance with me.”

“A large stray dog ​​chased me from the metro almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy appeared from somewhere with a knife in his hands and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog pounced on him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I’m home, safe, and it’s all thanks to that dog.”

“Today my son, whom I adopted eight months ago, called me mom for the first time.”

“I went to the store where I work. elderly man with a guide dog. He stopped in front of a stand with postcards and began to bring each of them close to his eyes in turn, trying to read the inscription. I was about to approach him and offer help, but a huge truck driver beat me to it. He asked the old man if he needed help, and then began to reread to him all the inscriptions on the postcards, one after another, until finally the old man said: “This is the right one. She is very cute and my wife will definitely like her.”

“Today during lunch, a deaf and mute child whom I have been caring for 5 days a week for the past four years looked at me and said: “Thank you. I love you." These were his first words."

“When we left the doctor's office where I was told I had terminal cancer, my girlfriend asked me to be her husband.”

“My dad is the best dad you could ever ask for. He's perfect for mom loving husband, for me, a caring father who has not missed a single one of my football matches, plus he is an excellent master of the house. This morning I went into my dad's toolbox for some pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary. The post was made exactly one month before I was born, and it said, “I am an alcoholic with a criminal record who was kicked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it."

“I have a patient who suffers from severe Alzheimer's disease. He rarely remembers his name, where he is and what he said a minute ago. But one part of his memory, by some miracle, remains untouched by the disease. He remembers his wife very well. Every morning he greets her with the words: “Hello, my beautiful Kate.” Perhaps this miracle is called love."

“I work as a teacher in a poor neighborhood. Many of my students come to class without lunch and without money for lunch because their parents earn too little. I periodically lend them a little money so they can have a snack and they always return it after a while, despite my refusals.”

“My wife works as a teacher. English language at school. About two hundred of her colleagues and former students wore T-shirts with her photo and the words “We will fight together” when they learned that she had breast cancer. I have never seen my wife so joyful."

“When I arrived from Afghanistan, I found out that my wife had deceived me and ran away with all our money. I had nowhere to live, I didn’t know what to do. One of my school friends and his wife, seeing that I needed help, took me in. They helped me improve my life and supported me through difficult times. Now I have my own diner, my own house, and their children still consider me part of the family.”

“My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would never see him again. About a day passed after I posted missing notices and a man called me and said that he had my cat. It turned out that he was a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a pay phone. He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.”

“Today, during the evacuation due to a fire at the school, I ran out into the street to find the main bully in the class and saw him holding the hand of a little tear-stained girl and calming her down.”

“On the day my grandson was graduating, we got to talking and I complained that I never got to my graduation party because no one invited me. In the evening the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw my grandson in a tuxedo. He came to invite me to his graduation."

“Today a homeless man who lives near my bakery bought a huge cake from me. I gave him a 40% discount. And then, watching him through the window, I saw him go out, cross the street and hand the cake to another homeless man, and when he smiled back, they hugged.”

“About a year ago, my mother wanted to transfer my brother, who was ill mild form autism, on homeschooling because he was teased by his peers at school. But one of the most popular students, the captain of the football team, learned about this, stood up for my brother and persuaded the whole team to support him. Now my brother is his boyfriend."

“Today I watched a young man help a woman with a cane cross the road. He was very careful with her, watching her every move. When they sat down next to me at the bus stop, I wanted to compliment the woman about what a wonderful grandson she had, but I heard the young man say: “My name is Chris. What’s your name, madam?

“After my daughter’s funeral, I decided to clear the messages on my phone. I deleted all the inboxes, but there was one unread one left. It turned out that this was the last message from my daughter, which was lost among the rest. It said, 'Dad, I want you to know I'm okay.'"

“Today I stopped on my way to work to help an elderly man change his flat tire. When I came closer to him, I recognized him immediately. It was the fireman who pulled me and my mother out of a burning house 30 years ago. We chatted a little, then shook hands and said at the same time: “Thank you.”

“When my wife gave birth to our first child and my family and I were waiting for her in the hospital, my father had a heart attack. He was immediately given help. The doctors said that he was very lucky, because if he had not been in the hospital during the attack, they might not have had time to help him. It turns out that my son saved my father’s life.”

“Today I saw an accident on the road. An elderly drunk man crashed into a car driven by a teenager and the cars caught fire. The young man, jumping out into the street, first of all pulled out the culprit of the accident from the burning car.”

“Five years ago I worked as a volunteer at hotline suicide prevention services. Today my former manager called me and said that they had received an anonymous donation of $25,000 and a thank you note in my name.”

“I texted my supervisor and told him that my father had a heart attack and I would not be able to attend my appointment. After some time I received a response saying that I had the wrong number. And after some time, a complete stranger called me back and said a lot of sincere, hopeful words. He promised that he would pray for me and for my father. After this conversation I felt much better."

“I'm a florist. Today a soldier came to see me. He is leaving to serve for a year, but before that he decided to make an order according to which his wife will receive a bouquet of flowers from him every Friday during this year. I gave him a 50% discount because he made my day.”

“Today my school friend, whom I have not seen for a long time, for a long time, showed me a photograph of us and him, which he wore in his helmet throughout his eight years of service.”

“Today one of my 9-year-old patients with rare form cancer surgery is already the fourteenth in the last two years. But I never saw her frown. She constantly laughs, plays with friends, and makes plans for the future. She is 100% sure that she will survive. This girl has the strength to endure a lot.”

“I work as a paramedic. Today we took the body of a parachuting instructor who died because his parachute did not open. His T-shirt said: "I will die doing what I love."

“Today I came to the hospital to visit my grandfather, who has pancreatic cancer. When I sat down next to him, he squeezed my hand tightly and said: “Every day when you wake up, thank life for having it, because every second someone somewhere is desperately fighting to keep it that way.”

“Today my grandparents, who lived together for 72 years, died within an hour of each other.”

“Today I watched in horror from the kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing next to the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the collar.”

“Today I turned 10 years old. I was born on September 11, 2001. My mother worked at the Center international trade and survived only because on that terrible day she gave birth to me in the maternity hospital.”

“A few months ago I lost my job and I had nothing to pay for a rented apartment. When I went to my landlord to tell him I was moving out, he said, “You've been a good tenant for 10 years, I know you're having a hard time, I'll wait. Take your time, find another job, and only then pay me.”


We separated. That's how it happened.
What can we say when it can be equated to death.
The person has left your life - your life. And he won’t be anymore, he doesn’t want to anymore... imagine, he finds new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair. And he was like, don’t cry, what happened and passed, that’s how it turned out. That’s how it happened.
And it comes..

Vegans can do anything

A vegan Australian climbed Everest to prove that “vegans can do anything” and died.
Vegans, don't climb the mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia conquered the world's highest Mount Everest and died during the descent due to altitude sickness, reports the Associated Press.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35-year-old Eric A..

He hated his wife

A powerful love story that will not leave you indifferent...

He hated his wife. Hated it! They lived together for 20 years. For 20 years of his life he saw her every day in the morning, but only last year he began to become wildly irritated by her habits. Especially one of them: stretch out your arms and, while still in bed, say: “Hello ..

Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) was bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm. He jumped without a hold and with a reserve, which gave him great prospects in the sport!
One day he and his horse went to training. The girl set up an obstacle and walked into it...
The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin.....

Doctors don't always help...

Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed in agony. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe it.

A year ago, thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith gave birth to a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. Mother and son spent days and days together, enjoying each other. Od..

You never got married

I heard of a man who avoided marriage all his life, and when he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
- You never got married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, at least reveal it now - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even..