History of the development of centralized heat supply in Russia. World history of the development of heat supply and district heating. Chapter "History of district heating and combined heat and power production"

1. History of the development of energy and its current state. 2

2. Brief historical outline of the development of thermodynamics. 4

3. Development of thermal power engineering in St. Petersburg. 6

4. History of the development of Moscow heating networks.. 9

5. Solar thermal power engineering. 13

The history of energy development is characterized by four main periods. The first of them began in 1920, when the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopted the plan for the electrification of Russia (GOELRO). This plan provided for the rapid development of energy, the construction of 30 large regional stations, the use of local fuels, the development of centralized energy supply, and the rational placement of power plants throughout the country. The tasks of the GOELRO plan were completed already in 1931.

During the Great Patriotic War, electricity production decreased by almost half, about 60 large stations were destroyed. Therefore, the main task of the second period of energy development (1940-1950) was the restoration of the destroyed energy sector.

The third stage of energy development (1951-1965) is characterized by the concentration of energy supply through the creation of integrated energy systems, the construction of powerful thermal power plants, the construction of the first nuclear power plants.

The fourth period (from 1966 to the present) is characterized by a transition to a qualitatively new level of development of the fuel and energy complex. A block layout of power plants is being introduced, and the power of the units is continuously increasing. Supercritical steam is now used not only in condensing power plants (CPS), but also in combined heat and power plants (CHP). A unified energy system of the country is being formed.

Until 1975, the USSR pursued a policy of increasing gas and fuel oil consumption for energy needs. This made it possible to strengthen the energy base of the national economy in a short time and without significant capital expenditures. Later it was decided that further growth of the energy potential of the European part of the country should be carried out through the construction of hydraulic and nuclear power plants, and in the eastern regions - through thermal stations operating on cheap coal.

The main reserves of organic fuels (coal, oil, gas) are located in the eastern part of the country, most often in hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, the problem of saving fuel and energy resources is of particular importance.

Further centralization of heat supply through the construction of powerful thermal power plants and boiler houses will allow for significant fuel savings. However, the construction of a thermal power plant is economically feasible only if there are large centralized heat consumers. Another way to reduce fuel consumption is the use of heat pump units, which can use both natural heat sources and secondary energy resources.

Until the 50s of the 19th century, science considered heat as a special weightless, indestructible and uncreated substance, which was called caloric. M.V. Lomonosov was one of the first to refute this theory. In his work “Reflections on the Causes of Heat and Cold,” published in
In 1774, he wrote that heat is a form of movement of the smallest particles of a body, thereby laying the foundations of the mechanical theory of heat. M.V. Lomonosov was one of the first to express the idea of ​​the law of conservation of energy. His formulation of this law does not yet contain quantitative relationships, but despite this, the essence of the law of conservation and transformation of energy is clearly and completely defined.

Only a century later, thanks to the work of Mayer, Helmholtz, and Joule, this law received universal recognition. In 1842, the work of the natural scientist Mayer, “Reflections on the Forces of Inanimate Nature,” appeared. His formulation of the first law of thermodynamics was largely philosophically speculative. In 1847, a monograph by the German physician Helmholtz “On the Conservation of Strength” was published, which emphasized general meaning the first principle as the law of conservation of energy, its mathematical formulation and application to technology are given. In 1856, Joule experimentally proved the existence of this law.

In 1824, the work of the French engineer Sadi Carnot, “Reflections on the driving force of fire and on machines capable of developing this force,” appeared, in which the foundations of thermodynamics were laid. In this work, he indicated the reasons for the imperfection of heat engines, ways to increase their efficiency, formulated the second law of thermodynamics, the ideal cycle of heat engines (Carnot cycle) and other important principles of thermodynamics.

In 1906, Nernst formulated the third law of thermodynamics, in which he suggested that as absolute temperature approaches zero, the intensity of thermal motion and entropy tend to zero. The principle of the unattainability of absolute zero temperatures is one of the consequences of the famous Nernst thermal theorem.

There is also the concept of the so-called zero law of thermodynamics. When studying phenomena within the framework of classical thermodynamics, as a rule, we are distracted from the nature of the molecular and atomic structure of matter. When studying phenomena, attention is paid exclusively to the macroscopic properties of the system, which are estimated from experimental measurement data with macroscopic instruments: thermometers, calorimeters, pressure gauges, etc. Therefore, classical thermodynamics is a phenomenological science. Thus, in classical thermodynamics, they abstract from the movement of microparticles of the body and consider only the result of this movement, which is nothing more than the temperature of the body. This is the zero law of thermodynamics. It is formulated in the form of the following axiom: all bodies in thermal equilibrium have temperature. Zero start is starting position thermodynamics, since thermal motion occurs in all bodies. It is indestructible, just as any movement in nature is indestructible.

IN late XIX century, L. Boltzmann and W. Gibbs laid the foundations of statistical thermodynamics. Unlike classical thermodynamics, it allows one to calculate macroscopic characteristics from data on the state of microparticles of the body - their location, velocities, energy. W. Gibbs made a significant contribution to classical thermodynamics, developing the method of potentials, establishing the phase rule, etc.

After the foundation of the thermodynamic method was created, the development of its applications began, and, above all, to the theory of heat engines. The concept of heat efficiency, or the maximum technical work that can be obtained from the available amount of heat in a given temperature range, was of great importance. In 1956, R. Rant gave this quantity the name “exergy”. Unlike entropy, which always increases in real processes, in contrast to energy, the amount of which is strictly conserved (according to the first law of thermodynamics), exergy is a reserve of working capacity or this quantity useful work, which can be obtained from the available heat in a given temperature range.

The title of the first domestic heat power engineer rightfully belongs to St. Petersburg, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Lvov (1753-1803), who in 1795 published a two-volume book “Russian Pyrostatics”, which described the design of “air” or “oven” furnaces of his own design. As often happens, the innovation of the St. Petersburg scientist was not fully appreciated by his contemporaries. It was only a hundred years later that space heating using heated air or water became widely used.

The first installation of centralized air heating in a water-air heating and ventilation system was used in the 19th century in the building of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. It heated two large halls with a volume of more than 3000 cubic meters.

And in 1909, again in St. Petersburg, the first pumping water heating system in Russia was installed in the building of the Mikhailovsky Theater. The author of the project of this system was N.P. Melnikov. However, before the revolution in St. Petersburg, most residential buildings were heated using wood stoves. According to historians, in the city shortly before the revolution there were only 102 houses (out of approximately 40 thousand) with central heating from local boiler houses.

The official date for the start of heating in the city on the Neva can be considered November 25, 1924, when for the first time a six-story building on the embankment. Heat was supplied to the Fontanka River through a laid heat pipeline. Soon, heat began to flow into other public and residential buildings, including the Obukhov Hospital and the Cossack Baths.

By 1927, heat began to flow through pipelines to the Alexandria Theater, the Public Library and the State Bank. Then the Ruzovskaya mainline was laid to supply heat to buildings along Country Avenue and the Ruzovsky barracks. Hydroelectric power station No. 3, from which heat was supplied to all these buildings, was converted for combined generation of thermal and electrical energy. It became the first domestic heating plant, and Leningrad became a pioneer in district heating.

The new method of heating rooms, without the help of firewood, coal or peat, was liked by the townspeople, and began to spread quickly (especially since it was the most effective and cost-effective). So, if in 1928 only 32 buildings were centrally heated, and the length of heating networks in the city was only 5 kilometers, then in 1935 the length of heating networks increased to 56 kilometers, to which about 400 buildings were connected, and by 1941 centralized heat supply was provided already 1648 buildings. The length of the networks at that time was already 75 kilometers.

So rapid growth and the development of centralized heat supply should not be surprising - at the end of 1931, a special appeal was adopted by the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to transform Leningrad into an exemplary center of urban economy. And 7 years later - on June 17, 1938, the Council of People's Commissars issued a resolution on the creation of a Fuel and Energy Administration (TEU) within the Leningrad City Council system - the founder of today's Fuel and Energy Complex of the city.

The Lengaz trust and the Lengortop trust were then subordinate to this department. He also had control and surveillance over Lenenergo. In fact, the TEU was responsible for all issues related to providing our city with fuel and electricity.

The war years were the most difficult for the Fuel and Energy Department of the Leningrad City Executive Committee.

In the very first weeks of the war, communications with suppliers were disrupted and transport was disorganized. The department worked in the mode of an operational body. It was necessary to make non-standard, but vital decisions, for example, scrapping dilapidated buildings and buildings for fuel. Emergency crews worked in emergency mode, eliminating damage to communications, including damage from artillery shelling.

After the end of the war, the Fuel and Energy Department of the Leningrad City Executive Committee was obliged not only to restore its economy, but also to meet the rapidly growing fuel needs of the city of Leningrad. In addition, since the beginning of the 50s, TEU began to perform environmental tasks, introducing equipment at sites that reduce emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere.

In 1955, the Lensvet outdoor lighting trust was subordinated to the Department. Two years later, about 49 thousand lamps were lit on the streets of Leningrad every day (by the beginning of the war this figure reached 30 thousand). And after another 7 years, a decorative lighting service for monumental sculptures and architectural monuments began operating in the city.

In 1962, the Directorate of District Boiler Houses and Heating Networks was transferred to the management. This became a turning point in the activities of TEU, which determined the core direction of its work on for many years– construction and operation of heat sources and heating networks. A little later (in the mid-60s) active work began on automation and dispatching of boiler rooms...

For subsequent years The company has undergone many changes - the name and structure have changed. In 1993 it was registered State enterprise"Fuel energy complex St. Petersburg", which was the direct successor of the management. In 2000, by order of the City Property Management Committee of the city, it was renamed state unitary enterprise"TEK SPb".

All these years, only one thing remained unchanged - the city’s heat supply system developed, became more advanced, even despite the difficult times that the country and the city on the Neva experienced in the 1990s.

The majority of residential buildings were equipped with stove heating. There were over 500 thousand ovens. Elementary communal and household amenities were used by the population living within the Garden Ring and belonging to the wealthy strata.

At the end of the Civil War, economic construction began in Moscow and the question arose about a rational method of heat supply residential buildings and industrial enterprises of the city.

The beginning of district heating in Moscow was the laying of a steam pipeline in 1928 from the experimental thermal power plant VTI to the Dynamo, Parostroy plants and other nearby facilities.

In 1929, the Krasnopresnenskaya CHPP (now a branch of CHPP-12) was built, supplying steam to the Trekhgornaya manufactory, and at the end of 1930, from the first Moscow high-pressure CHPP (CHP-8) steam was supplied to the Kleytuk and New Soap Ware plants » and the First Bearing Plant (GPZ-1) via steam pipelines 300 mm wide and 1.5 km long.

Simultaneously with the construction of new thermal power plants, work was carried out to heat the city center. Back in 1927, a preliminary design was drawn up, and in 1931, Moscow’s first two-pipe water pipeline Ш250 mm was laid from GES-1 along Raushskaya embankment, Old Moskvoretsky Bridge, along Razin (Varvarka) street to the Supreme Economic Council building on Sq. Nogina (China Town).

On January 28, 1931, a specialized enterprise was created for the design, construction and operation of heating networks in Moscow - Mosenergo Heating Network, and at the end of the year the All-Union Trust "Teplosetstroy" was organized, the first chief engineer of which was V.A. Chugreev, who subsequently devoted a lot of effort and energy organization of operation and further development of heat networks in Moscow.

From the very beginning, the Mosenergo Heating Network was an industrial laboratory for solving many scientific and technical problems related to the development and development of heating equipment for power plants and heating networks.

In the field of rationalization of heat supply systems great value had work performed by the Moscow Heating Network in collaboration with research organizations. Some of the most important developments include:

Introduction as a standard elevator scheme of inducing circulation in local heating systems at a design water temperature of up to 150°C (as suggested by Prof. V.M. Chaplin, VTI);
- development of connection schemes for hot water supply subscribers and heat supply schedules with high-quality regulation (VTI, MPEI, Mosenergo Heating Network);
- creation of methods for hydraulic and technical-economic calculations of heating networks and development of the foundations for the hydraulic stability of their operation (Prof. B.P. Shifrinson, Mosenergo Heating Network).

If in the initial period of district heating the construction of steam pipelines for heat supply to industrial enterprises predominated, then in the post-war period a course was taken to primarily cover municipal needs in hot water. Areas of mass construction, as well as most central areas, became zones of continuous heating.

A new stage of technical progress in the field of combined generation of electrical and thermal energy, starting in 1972, was the commissioning of power units with supercritical steam parameters of 240 atm and 540°C with a cogeneration turbine with a capacity of 250 MW.

District heating in Moscow received its greatest development with the beginning of mass residential development of the city, when heat mains with a length of 20 - 30 km and a diameter of 1200 - 1400 mm from new powerful thermal power plants located along the Moscow Ring Road began to be laid, which required the development of new design solutions. The increase in the length of heating mains led to the construction of a number of large pumping stations.

During the same period, in residential areas, separate heating units (CHPs) began to be built per group of buildings instead of individual heating units that had been previously built in the basements of houses, and heat pipelines were laid in city collectors together with other utilities (power cables, communication cables, water supply and etc.).

Heat mains of large diameters and great length are complex engineering structures. Their construction in urban areas, in difficult hydrogeological conditions, with the intersection of water barriers, railway tracks and streets with heavy traffic, required the construction of circular shield tunnels, bridge crossings and siphons. The most common type of heating networks was ducted. The channels were made of precast reinforced concrete.

Along with suspended insulation of heat pipelines with mineral wool mats, factory-made monolithic reinforced foam concrete thermal insulation was widely used.

Modern Heat Networks of Mosenergo OJSC are the largest heat supply company and provide centralized heat supply to Moscow from 16 thermal power plants to 12,444 subscribers with a total connected load of 30.3 thousand Gcal/h.

The length of heating networks in two-pipe terms, on the balance sheet as of 01/01/97, amounted to 2285.8 km, including water 2252.9 km and steam 32.9 km, the average diameter of pipelines is 560 mm. At the same time, the length of pipelines with a diameter of 400 mm and more is 1550 km, including 146.7 km for 1000 mm, 186.5 km for 1200 mm and 78.3 km for 1400 mm.

The main type of laying is underground, accounting for more than 95% of the total length of heating networks. The heating networks have 21 large pumping stations, 227 drainage pumping stations, more than 16 thousand underground chambers, where more than 52 thousand units of shut-off valves are located, including 3.6 thousand with electric drive, about 10 thousand units of compensators and other equipment. 47,432 buildings are connected to Mosenergo's heating networks.

Heating networks cover 82% of the heat demand of the city's housing and communal sector and provide heat supply to about 700 industrial enterprises.

The development and implementation of solar thermal installations has a 25-year history. In 1975 - 1979, after the "1st energy crisis", the widespread use of solar installations to produce thermal energy began.

The basis for this was fears of rising energy prices and a desire for independence from energy suppliers. Depending on fluctuations in energy prices, this process had different dynamics.

Following global high-level negotiations, in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, the use of regenerative energy sources was approved as public policy objectives within the framework of the national environmental protection and weatherization programs and confirmed by relevant laws. At the same time, various strategic approaches to the continued development and implementation of regenerative technologies have been developed.

A very effective strategy for the introduction of solar thermal systems was developed in Austria and subsequently adopted by Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

This strategy is based on the creation of “self-construction groups” using blocks and parts for assembling installations, complete solar installations (solar collectors, heat accumulators, pumps, automatic control and regulation equipment, pipelines) manufactured in production. By purchasing this set (kit), after short training at the appropriate training center, self-assembly was carried out using the rental tool kits.

Thus, 1,240,554 m2 of solar collectors have been installed in Austria so far, compared with 155,980 m2 in 1995. Currently, the annual increase is approximately 300,000 m2.

Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the virtual museum of PJSC "TGC-14". The history of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia is inseparable from the history of energy development, just as prosperity in the present is unthinkable without understanding the lessons of the past.

On the page of our company’s virtual museum we will talk about the most important milestones modern history PJSC "TGC-14", together with you, remember the history of the energy sector of Transbaikalia and Buryatia, honoring the memory of the founders of the energy system, veterans and heroes of modern times.

We really hope for your creative help and will be happy to accept advice on filling our museum. We are waiting for your stories about veterans, about the most important energy events in Transbaikalia and Buryatia, photographs, videos, unique drawings, scientific works energy-related, funny and pathetic stories.

In a word, let's create a museum together - only then will it be complete, truthful and interesting.

Start (early 20th century)

In February 1903, the Chita city government invited those wishing to participate in a contract for electric lighting of the streets and houses of Chita.

On July 17, 1906, at a meeting of the City Duma, the inspector of the vocational school in his speech proposed giving the electric lighting project to N.P. Polyakov.

The partnership of the electric lighting station “Nikolai Polyakov and Co. 0” was created. Initially, a wooden station building was built in the courtyard of the Vocational School. In 1908, according to the design of the architect F.E. Ponomarev built a new stone two-story station building on the former Nikolaevskaya Street (now Profsoyuznaya Street, 13). The station gave its first current on October 16 (29), 1906. Its initial power was 155 kW. in 1913 - 485 kW. and by 1917 the power increased to 830 kW.

1906 Polyakova station

On May 25, 1907, with the help of an electric alarm, a thief was caught for the first time, breaking the lock in the apartment of L.F. Drevnovsky, in Devyashin’s house on Bolshaya Street.

In February 1923, the station was nationalized and transferred to the jurisdiction of the Chita City Komkhoz.

In 1926, the Vodosvet Gorkomuntrest was organized, under whose jurisdiction the station is located. In 1927, a store selling electrical products was opened at the power plant. After the accident in 1928 and the subsequent construction of the Chernovskaya power plant, the Polyakov station was closed.

Industrialization (30s of the XX century)
1934 Ulan-Ude CHPP-1

The birth of the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 is directly related to the development of railway transport. In 1932, it was decided to build a powerful steam locomotive repair plant in the city of Verkhneudinsk.

1934 - construction of the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 began.

1936 - On October 6, the first turbogenerator with a capacity of 12 thousand kW was launched at the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1. By the end of the year, production amounted to about 10 million kW. hour.

1964 - in December, a 100 MW turbogenerator was put into operation at the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 - the most powerful turbogenerator in Transbaikalia.

1975 - in December, the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 generated the billionth kWh of electricity since the beginning of the year. This amount of electricity was produced for the first time in the years of the CHP plant’s existence.

1997 - in December, a 12 MW turbine unit was put into operation at the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1.

In 1957, the thermal power plant was transferred to the USSR Ministry of Energy and Electrification.

In September 2006, it was 70 years since the Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 was put into operation.

1936 Chita CHPP-2

The station was put into operation in October 1936. It appeared as a structural division of a fur coat factory. One of the largest thermal energy production enterprises in the region began with two steam boilers and one turbine with a capacity of 2.5 MW. The third boiler appeared at the thermal power plant during the Great Patriotic War in 1944.

In 1964, 8.1 km of the city’s heating networks were connected to Chita CHPP-2. In 1976, the heating main of the State District Power Plant - the city was created. Chita heating networks were transferred to the balance of CHPP-2. In 1987 and 1988, two hot water boilers were put into operation, each with a capacity of 50 Gcal/h.

In 2000, the boiler at station No. 7 was transferred to a low-temperature fluidized bed furnace. Behind the name of the fuel combustion method, which is obscure to most people, lies a number of advantages. Firstly, the new boilers produce five gigacalories of heat more than before. The additional gigacalories of the reconstructed boilers are capable of heating an entire microdistrict. Secondly, there are fewer emissions into the atmosphere. Thirdly, new boilers require much less effort, money and time for repairs; they are easier to operate.

2006 is an anniversary year for the station staff. Chita CHPP-2 is 70 years old.

Start of construction
Chitinskaya CHPP-2

Construction of Chitinskaya CHPP-2

Chitinskaya CHPP-2
Main building

Chitinskaya CHPP-2

Chitinskaya CHPP-2
General view 1935
Industrial development and natural resource development (50-90s of the XX century)

In 1958, in the Chita region there were more than 900 power plants, of which 860 had a total capacity of only 36 thousand kilowatts and all of them barely met 80% of the electricity needs. At its core, the energy consumption plan provided for the construction of the Chita State District Power Plant with a capacity of 300 thousand kilowatts and the Kharanorskaya State District Power Plant with a capacity of 500 thousand kilowatts.

1953 Timlyuyskaya CHPP

September 10, 1953 - the first boiler and turbogenerator of the Timlyuyskaya CHPP with a capacity of 18.0 MW was launched, then until 1954 the second and third boilers and turbogenerators were introduced, and in 1955 the fourth boiler.

The development of the introduced capacities was associated with certain difficulties. Imported Swiss equipment was installed, there was an acute shortage of qualified workers, so the management of the thermal power plant decided to train personnel from the local population. In 1956, boiler units 5 and 6, turbines 5, 6, and in 1958 turbine number 6 were put into operation.

In December 1960, the last boiler unit number 7 was commissioned. The construction of the thermal power plant was completed.

In 1958, the regional energy administration of Buryatenergo was created. On April 1, 1961, the thermal power plant was transferred to the Buryatenergo REU. In 1964, a power line - 220 was introduced. At the thermal power plant, measures are being developed to transfer the equipment to heating mode. The turbine shop was reconstructed.

On December 30, 1966, hot water was supplied to the village and since then the residents of Kamensk have been using centralized heat supply.

In 1970, on the basis of the Timlyuyskaya CHPP, the Baikal Electric Networks enterprise, part of Buryatenergo JSC, was created. The thermal power plant became part of the BES as a production unit, a lot of work has been done to develop the electrical grid, power lines and a number of powerful substations of different voltages have been built.

1956 Sherlovogorsk Thermal Power Plant

Sherlovogorskaya CHPP was designed by the Moscow Institute "Promenergo".

Construction was carried out in two stages.

On October 23, 1956, preliminary firing of the boiler was carried out, and on October 29 of the same year, the first boiler of the Czechoslovak company ČKD-Dukla and the first turbine of the Czechoslovak company Skoda with a capacity of 6,000 kilowatts, but with industrial selection, were put into commercial operation. In the same month, heat arrived in the residential village.

Construction of the second stage of the Sherlovogorskaya CHPP - consisting of a boiler from the Barnaul plant and a turbine from the Bryansk plant with a capacity of 12,000 kilowatts. Already in 1962, the Sherlovogorkaya Thermal Power Plant and the Kholbonskaya Central Electric Power Plant merged for parallel work on power lines-110 - one of the first experiences in creating the Trans-Baikal energy system.

In 2006, the Sherlovogorskaya CHPP turned 50 years old.

1958 Chita CHPP-1

Construction of the station (then still a state district power station) began on the western shore of Lake Kenon in 1958. Only seven years passed from the “first peg” to the launch of the station.

When designing the station, a number of unusual technical solutions were incorporated. Due to the lack of experience in constructing large facilities on permafrost, a decision was made: the main facilities of the station should be located on an artificially created foundation, for which part of the water area of ​​Lake Kenon was washed away with sand. The volume of work is one million cubic meters! The main construction contractor was the Sibenergostroy trust.

The power plant produced its first current on September 30, 1965. The first director of the Transbaikal energy flagship was Alexey Semenovich Titov. The launch of the Chita State District Power Plant gave a powerful impetus to the development of industry and transport in our region. Electricity consumption began to grow at a high rate. The electrification of railways and agriculture began.

In 1978, the electrical capacity of the state district power plant reached its design value of 520 MW.

In 1982, Chitinskaya GRES was renamed Chitinskaya CHPP-1.

Construction site of the State District Power Plant
The site of the state district power station under construction
Construction of a state district power station
Chitinskaya GRES
Installation of the main building
Boiler equipment
1961 Priargunskaya CHPP

The Priargunsk energy workers' settlement under construction and the Prargunskaya CHPP did not have a name for five whole years. Only in 1958 the village of Stroika was given the name Tsurukhaituy. In 1952, the first street with houses, a store, a kindergarten, and a hospital was laid out. Only in 1962, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the workers' village of Tsurukhaituy was renamed the village of Priargunsk.

The station also changed its name three times: during the design process it was called Nerchinskaya Thermal Power Plant, then Novotsurukhaituyskaya, and after commissioning it became Priargunskaya. The trial launch of the Priargunskaya CHPP took place on September 21, 1961, consisting of the first boiler and the second turbine unit. The date of acceptance of the station into operation is considered to be October 1, 1961.

With the launch of the thermal power plant, the infrastructure of the entire region began to actively develop. A cheese-making plant, a bakery, a road construction base, and other large industrial and processing enterprises were created. An opportunity arose for the development of social projects; schools, kindergartens, and social institutions were opened.

Now the main consumer of heat from the station is the village of Priargunsk. Centralized heat supply from the combined heat and power plant covers 80% of the entire housing stock of the village.

In October 2006, Priargunskaya CHPP celebrated its 45th anniversary.

Priargunskaya CHPP

1982 Ulan-Ude CHPP-2

The need to build CHPP-2 was due to the ever-increasing shortage of thermal power from centralized sources in the city of Ulan-Ude in the 70s of the 20th century.

1982 - energy builders began preparatory work at the industrial site of CHPP-2 in the city of Ulan-Ude. The estimated cost of the launch complex was 54 million rubles in current prices.

In February 1983, the project of the first stage of U-U CHPP-2 was approved by order No. 132 PS of the USSR Ministry of Energy and Energy, consisting of 2 heating power units of 200 MW and 4 boilers E-160-24 peak hot water boiler house.

In 1991, the first steam boiler with a capacity of 160 t/hour was put into operation at the peak water heating boiler house of CHPP-2. At the end of 1998, three boiler units were in operation.

In January 1992, the launch of the 2nd boiler E-160 as part of the second launch complex took place.

1998 - launch of the 3rd E-160 boiler as part of the third launch complex.

Ulan-Ude CHPP-2 provides heat to residents of the Oktyabrsky district and industrial enterprises different forms property, hospitals and schools, which is about 30% of the total centralized heat supply of the city of Ulan-Ude.

Transition to a market economy and reform of the country's energy system (90s of the XX and beginning of the XXI century)

Open Joint Stock Company "Territorial Generating Company No. 14" is part of the RAO "UES of Russia" holding company.

OJSC "TGC-14" provides consumers with heat and electrical energy on the territory of the Chita region and the Republic of Buryatia.

OJSC "TGC-14" has six branches:

  1. "Chita Generation" ( structural divisions: Chita CHPP-1 and CHPP-2, Sherlovogorskaya CHPP, Priargunskaya CHPP);
  2. "Generation of Buryatia" (structural divisions: Ulan-Ude CHPP-1 and CHPP-2, Timlyuyskaya CHPP);
  3. "Chita Energy Complex" (structural divisions: municipal boiler houses, heating networks);
  4. "Ulan-Ude Energy Complex" (structural divisions: municipal boiler houses, heating networks);
  5. "Chitinsky Teploenergosbyt" (structural divisions: Chita branch, Sherlovogorsk branch, Priargunsky branch);
  6. "Teploenergosbyt of Buryatia" (structural divisions: Ulan-Ude branch, Timlyuy branch).

100 years district heating and centralized
heat supply in Russia
Collection of articles edited by V.G. Semenova
Publishing house "Heat Supply News" Moscow 2 003

World history of the development of heat supply and district heating.
Chapter "
History of district heating
and combined heat production
and energy*"

*Based on materials from the International Association Euroheat & Power: “Since the Ancient Rome to the present day - the history and future of district heating and district heating." March 2002 g (From the Roman Empire to today - the history and future of CHP/DHC, March 2002).

In order for a person to exist, he needs not onlyto eat, drink and sleep, but also need normal external conditionsviya, i.e. it is necessary to provide a person with warmth. There was always warmth andis one of the basic human needs. Although it seemedwould be, people living in areas with low temperature climatesvolume, should have been developers of heating systems and efficient efficient heat supply systems, but in factThe founders of these systems were the Greeks and Romans. They always gave painpay special attention to your health and beauty, this is exactly what will servewas the impetus for the creation of district heating systems.

Ancient world

The first so-called centralized heating system (CH) “hyupokaustum” appeared in Sh- IV centuries BC This system was first used in public baths, which were widespread in the Roman and Greek empires.Only in Rome alone, in IV V. AD there were more than 850 public baths and 11 large institutions. However, many gymnasiums, hotels, small palaces and villas also had central heating. The Chinese also, almost simultaneously with the Romans, developed your central heating system " Kang ", which was similar to the Roman one.At that time, the Chinese and Romans traded regularly (the first Silk Road), this is proof that betweenthese great empires exchanged various technicaldevelopments. These advances in heat supply in painwere mostly forgotten due to the fall of the Roman Empire in Sh- IV centuries AD

Roman baths

For the Romans, taking a bath was part of their daily and social life. There were baths wherever the Romans settled. They were quickly accepted by the local population. Any large villagenie or city had at least one public bathhouse. Large city houses often had private baths, and almost every estate had its own.

It was believed that the Romans invented public baths, however, their inventors were the Greeks, and excavations in Olympia and Arcadia,(Greece), showed that the Greeks were the developers for more than an hourthese central heating systems. Heating system in the baths in Gortys ( Gortys ) had air underground pipelines in the 2nd-3rd centuries. BC

Roman heating

Thermae (baths) had several sections in their structure andheated from the rear (hottest) part - the bathing chamber or caldarium (caldarium) from the furnace (praefurnium ). Additionalthe stove was often placed next to a warm room - tepidari eat (tepidarium) and steam room.

Above the stove, behind the caldarium of the bath, a water bath was usually installed.a cauldron made from riveted bronze plates. Lowerpart of the boiler was walled up in the wall to ensure better isolation. This boiler supplied hot water to the caldarium. Cold water was supplied to bottom part boiler from a pressure tank into which water came from a well. She warmed up and directed went to the bathhouse. If necessary, hot water from the boilercould have been mixed with cold water from another channel before entering the bathhouse.

The boiler was a bronze semicircular shaft, made ofknown as "turtle" ( testudo ) because of its shape, it iswas placed over the stove, due to which the water in the “shell” was heated.

It was necessary to ensure an adequate supply of hot andcold water, it was also necessary to provide drainage. Water the wire pipes were made of lead. Cranes operatingthe flow of water through them, and the branches were made of bronze. In large baths, fresh water was supplied through a long network of pipes.pipelines, which made it possible to transport water to sufficientdefinitely long distances. Used water from citythe baths drained into public sewers.

The air was heated by burning coal or charcoal in the externalunattended heating chamber ( praefurnium) and pereca was carried out through the voids between small supports (pillars) made of tiles. The height of these “hyupocaustum” pillars varied from 0.4 m up to 1.2 m. Hot air heated the floor and then roseup through the columns, which were usually located in the corners of the chambers.

Chapter 10 is devoted to the design of thermal baths V books of Vitruvius's work About architecture( I V. BC). Vitruvius, architect andthe engineer who dedicated his treatise to Augustus gives here practical recommendations regarding the sequence of baths premises, as well as the thermal heating system with its very A notable feature is “suspended floors”. All over the following literature on architecture invariably uses the terminology of Vitruvius (apodytherium - a room for undressing, caldarium is a hot room in the thermal baths, tepidarium is warm, frigidarium is cold, etc.).

Since the flooring was supported only by the posts and was not connected to the wall, this made it possible to easily compensate for the thermal stresses resulting from heating from their sides, thustogether, avoiding stress failure.

Later, in I V. AD, this heating system was an improvementvan additional use of cavity wall tiles,the columns were installed vertically into the wall, providingsignificantly better heating. Hot air could heat not onlyflooring, but also the walls, and then went outside throughupper heating duct.

The windows were glazed to prevent high thermallosses in individual rooms-compartments. If the glass wasknown already in the middle of the 2nd century. BC, then the window glass was made ofcame much later, towards the end I V. AD, perhaps this is the reasonThere was numerous construction of baths in the Roman Empire. Double glazed windows were often used to improve insulation, especially in bathhouses.

Heating experiments were carried out in restoredRoman baths in Salburg ( Saalburg ), in the Roman camp notfar from Bad Homburg ( Bad Homburg ) (north of Frankfurt) to reproduce the details of practical work andillustrate the efficiency of Roman heating systemsBye-bye." The indoor air temperature reached approximately 18-30 °C, depending on the type of heating tion and combustion intensity.

In the cold northern provinces of the Roman Empire, peoplerevered to use a simplified form of the “hypokaus” systemtum" - duct heating, especially from the middle century. AD Duct systemthe heating theme was more profitable, had a low cost, could be widely used in housing construction, butthe thermal effect was lower than that of the "hypocaustum" system, and thismade the duct system unsuitable for heating baths.

Middle Ages

The central heating system, from the point of view of Roman historical development,was largely forgotten in Central Europe during thoseunderstanding of the Middle Ages ( VI - XV centuries AD). New research is emergingvaniya, but in the Middle Ages little importance was paid to developmentscentral heating systems. Central heating systems were mainly used in fortresses,castles, monasteries and official buildings such as town halls andchurches all over Europe. The most widespread wasair duct system. The most large system was built inX||| V. AD German knights at Malbork Castle ( Malbork), not far from the Baltic coast of Poland.

Leonardo's idea

In 1480, Leonardo Da Vinci drew the first sketches that which he called “exhaust chimney” (or “smoke nest”), arrangingthe device served to remove hot gases from fireplaces, mechanicallyki using a fan. This is how the first device appeared combined heat and power generation (the latter as me mechanical energy).

In XV ||| and XIX centuries Central heating technology took the next step, the first steam heater was developed (1745), a heating systemsupply (1777) and hot water supply system (1831) for houses in Europe. The development was used mainly inFrance, Great Britain and Germany.

It all started in Lockport ( Lockport)

However, the greatest progress was made in 1876, in Lok port (Lockport ), New York, USA, since the development of the first systemWe are the district heating provider in the world. Birtsill Holly(Birdsill Holly ) received a patent and supplied residential local postsmines and production premises with steam heating.Over the course of the year, more and more houses are connected to the heating system. The first investments in centralizedBathroom heating was an investment of 25 thousand.USD to Holly Steam Combination ( Holly Steam Combination ). In 1880 Holly was given a patent for the combination systemfor the production of heat and energy, live steam was used at that time.

In 1878, the first centralized systems were createdheating supplies in Europe, they supplied hospitals in Germany(hospital near Bonn ( Bonn )) and in Sweden (hospital inStockholm). The new system made it possible to get rid of individual fireplaces.

First steps in Europe

The first step in the development of heating systems in Europe wasmade in Germany, due to the intensive development of electricalthinking. Electricity generation (unit power planttions and public power plants) was the basis forsupplying the consumer from centralized heating.

One of the first power plants was built in Europe, Strasse ), Hamburg in 1888. In 1893 the new town hall alsowas supplied with heat from this plant for safety reasons. So Thus, the first thermal power plant in Europe was created. In 1898 there were fromnew thermal power plants are covered. The first Saxon thermal power plant was built in Bad Elster ( Bad Elster ) to supply Alberbad ( Alberbad) and Wto paradise in Berlin, to provide heat to a technical university, but each of these thermal power plants provided heat to only one building.

Municipal use

European district heating systems appeared in Germany in 1900. On December 5th the first central heating systemlized heat supply for municipal usewas put into operation in Dresden. 12 buildings were supplied with heat from the combined heat and power plant in Pakhofstrasse ( Packhofstrasse ) and another 15 supply buildingsThey used only electricity. The reasons for the design of this plant were, firstly, public safety, better protection of the environment and, secondly, that the criterion "price - The efficiency of this system was two times lower. Before the outbreak of the First World War, five German cities would follow this example.

Also at the beginning of XX century in Denmark in the city of Frederiksberg ( Frederiksberg ) the centralized heat supply system begins to develop. An installation for complete combustion of garbage (waste) supplied the new hospital with heat. In 1904 it was introduced intooperation of the first district heating system in Viennagriy, it provided heat to the parliament of Budapest.

During the First World War there were no significant developments in the field of district heating.

Big development

On November 11, 1918, the First World War ended, as a resultThen great restrictions were imposed on Germany. The tragedy of the First World War also affected heat suppliers andelectricity in Germany. In 1921, the economic base of the thermal power plant andDH was improved due to the rapid increase in prices as a resulttate inflation caused by compensation to allies and shortagesfuel in Germany due to a strike that was not carried outby German miners against French and Belgian temporary mine owners. Rapid development of these systems followedCHP and district heating for more efficient use of fuel.

By 1930, more than 25 German cities had followed suitru, as well as cities: in 1923 Utrecht ( Utrecht ) in the Netherlands, in 1925 . Copenhagen, Denmark and Reykjavik, Iceland and, in 1930, Paris, France all followed suit.

In 1930, more than 200 district heating systems were operating in Europe, including Wa tickan.

Economic boom

The reconstruction of destroyed cities after the Second World War provided an opportunity to expand district heating systems in Europe.

Developments differed from each other, depending on the part Europe. Economic miracle in the West and energy reconstruction commercial sector in the east provided a huge boom in the region DH and industry. Many cities in countries such as Austriaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland,The Soviet Union and Sweden decided to build their ownCHP and municipal heating systems, mainly in 1950s and 1960s

Double-digit annual growth rates in connected load have become the norm. For example, more than 200 independentcentralized heating systems were developed inDenmark in the period from 1955 to 1973.

Oil crisis

One of the worst days for the energy sector in Europe and the entire Mira was on October 6, 1973, when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel.From October 17 and throughout the war, Arab countries reduced their crude oil production. Oil, as a raw material, is thus thus, has become a global political weapon. Soon the price of oil increased by more than 200%.

Energy supply restrictions and price increases have led toyellow shock in industrialized countries and showed dependence"big" economy from energy. As a result, alalternative options. In particular, public power plantstions (public) were able to accept new strategy, toreduce dependence on imported fuel. Attentionwas focused on nuclear energy and national energy sources for combined heat and power production and district heating, with its possibilityquickly vary prices due to the heat market. The situation was wuxiaffected by the second oil crisis in 1978

43 new thermal power plants were launched in Western Europe between 1975 and 1980 with a total installed electrical capacity of 5210 MW and a heating capacity of 5013 MW.


In the late 80s and 90s. XX V. the following events occur:dissolution of the Soviet Union, unification of Europe, new liberalizationtion, market harmonization and new global strategies to protectenvironment, created to reduce emissions from thermal power plants and pricescentralized heat supply with new opportunities and developinggreat potential.

German reunification illustrated the great possibilitiesresulting from the reconstruction of thermal power plants and centralized systemsheating supply in Central and Eastern Europe. ReconstructionThe installation of thermal power plants in East Germany required considerable costs (cainvestment) exceeding 3.4 billion euros (with governmentsupport of 600 million euros). The most significant effect of thisinvestment was that greenhouse gas emissions were sharply reduced,affecting the destruction of the ozone layer, thanks to reconstructiondistrict heating boiler houses. In total, CO 2 emissions was reduced by 33%, SO 2 by 83%, CO by 49%, NO X by 41% and dust by 95%. Energy savings amounted to 11,180 GWh/year, which were achieved through extensive reconstruction of central heating systems.bathroom heat production. It was also provided significantnumber of jobs, and the price of district heating was reduced on average by 25%.

Historical dates

1876 ​​- the first district heating system in mi re in Lockport, New York, USA.

1893 - the first public thermal power plant in Europe is built in Poststrasse ( Poststrasse ), Hamburg, Germany.

1900 - the first German municipal heating system was launchedrepents to work on December 5, 1900 in Dresden.

1904 - first district heating system in Hungarybegins its work providing heat to the parliament in Budapest.

1923 - the first general district heating system The Netherlands is launched in Utrecht ( Utrecht).

1924 g. - in the Soviet Union the first system of centralizedheating began operating in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

1925 - Denmark launches municipal heating system inCopenhagen. Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, is also launchingits district heating system.

1930 - first district heating system in Pa.Rigier, France, begins its work. More than 200 districtCHP plants are already operating in Europe.

1932 - the first large district boiler is built in Switzerland Naya in Zurich.

1937 - the centralized heating system begins operation weddings in Verviers (Venders), Belgium.

1948 - first district heating in Sweden in Karlstad ). Austria's first combined heat and power plant goes into operation in Klagenfurt.

1951 g. - the first main district heating systemUK operation launched in London's Pimley district ko (Pimlico).

1952 g. - the first centralized heating system was launched in the capital of Finland - Helsinki.

1954 - The first thermal power plant in Warsaw, Poland, goes into operation.

1957 - the first thermal power plant goes into operation Lahti, Finland.

1964 - first nuclear power plant, heavy water reactor, power 65 MW thermal and 10 MW electric starts operating thief in Agesta ( Agesta ), Sweden. 1975 - 800 cities in the Soviet Union are provided with centers lized heat supply. CG is more than 50% heating of buildings in these cities.

1978 - 157 cities in former Czechoslovakia are supplied with district heating.The total installed capacity is 46,750 MW.

1980 - 94 Hungarian cities have district heating systems, supplying more than 400 thousand apartments

1981 - in Moscow, in the Soviet Union, more than 99% of all apartments are provided with district heating. This is a world record.

1992 -100 thermal power plants using fuel from renewable sourcesenergy workers were in operation in Denmark (60 using straw, 40 using wood fuel (wood briquettes)).

1999 - More than 450 German cities are supplied with district heating. Installed load - 57,000 MW.

The history of the emergence of CHPP-1 is very interesting, which is inextricably linked with the name of the Morozov merchant dynasty, owners of several weaving factories in central Russia.

The factory had its own power and power facilities, the largest of those existing at that time. It included five boiler houses in different workshops, several steam engines and diesel plants, driving alternating and direct current generators. Over time, production expanded, but there was not enough capacity. Then the management of the Tver Manufactory Partnership decided to build a central power plant, from which the history of Tverskaya CHPP-1 began.

For this purpose, the engraving building of the dyeing and printing (or chintz) factory of the Tverskaya Manufactory, built between 1859 and 1881, was converted into a central power plant, which began as the power plant of the Tverskaya Manufactory.

In May 1912, the first stage of the power plant was launched. It also became the first urban thermal power plant; the installed turbines had controlled steam extraction for the technological needs of the factory. The factory installed two Brown-Boveri turbogenerators and six Garbe type steam boilers that fired peat. Lump and milled peat. In the 1920s, power plants in Tver operated primarily on peat. Milled peat increased the efficiency of stations by 30-40% compared to lump peat. Peat came from the Vasilievsky Mokh peat enterprise (Tver region) according to railway. For that time it was a real technical breakthrough.

And then they hired professional specialists... Who were hired, you ask?

The archives of the enterprise contain documents of one of the first workers of CHPP-1, Peshekhonov Georgy Arsenievich, born in 1891. A tradesman from Tver, who in 1914 successfully completed the course for engine non-commissioned officers of the independent control of the engine school of the Baltic Fleet and served on the battle cruiser Gangut in the engine room from 1914 to 1917. In addition, he completed a plumbing course. You can trace his path until 1932, when he received a certificate of honor for the expansion and construction of the first stage of the Kalinin heating plant...

But in fact, four years after the launch, it was decided to expand the station by installing new equipment, but the 1917 revolution, unfortunately, disrupted these plans.

And technical re-equipment began again only at the end of the twenties. In 1932, a 6000 kW turbogenerator with steam extraction and a boiler house with a capacity of 96 tons per hour were put into operation. In the same year, peat began to be supplied by a 326-meter long cable car, which significantly eased the work of workers involved in fuel supply.

A significant milestone in the life of the combined heat and power plant, as well as for the entire country, was the Great Patriotic War. Most of the power engineers who worked at CHPP-1 went to the front, 17 never returned from the war...

In October 1941, some of the equipment was taken to the rear, and some of the workstations Gruzdev, Popov, Patrukhin, Sytin, Shulgin were flooded in the Tmaka River literally a few hours before the arrival of the invaders. And they almost paid for it when, after Kalinin’s release, the NKVD became interested in why they drowned without orders from above...

What saved them was that the restoration of the station began already in the winter of 1942. In the cold, under bombing, people pulled out parts of flooded equipment from under the ice and restored them again at the station. They accomplished a real feat of labor; already in March 1942, some of the boilers and turbines were put into operation, and the first city thermal power plant started working again.

In the 50-60s of the last century, the station was transformed. A new boiler room was built, two new turbogenerators were installed in the turbine room, pumps and a boiler installation for heating water in the heating network were installed. But the main event was the transition to gas in 1962. Peat was later used as reserve fuel, at the end of the 90s, fuel oil became an alternative fuel for CHPP-1 instead of peat.

And if previously CHPP-1 was serviced by 800 people (mainly for loading and unloading peat), now the total staff of the station is about 130 people. The work is organized in 4 shifts, 2 days of 12 hours, 2 days off.

By the way, entire dynasties of Tver power engineers work at the enterprise.

One dynasty - the Volkovs. The head of the electrical department of CHPP-1, Maxim Volkov, is already the fourth of his family (after his grandfather, father and mother) to work in the energy sector.

In fact, energy is a rather complex and responsible industry. You need to work here around the clock, without holidays and weekends, supplying the city with heat and electricity.

“To do this you need to really love your profession. To love so much that you pass on your business to your own children and grandchildren,” says director of CHPP-1 Mikhail Sosin.

And he himself belongs to one of the oldest dynasties of Tver power engineers. IN at the moment 8 representatives of the Sosins chose energy as their profession, with a total experience of almost 200 years.

Mikhail Sosin himself began his career as a senior electrician servicing power plant equipment. His total work experience is more than 20 years, ten of which he manages Tverskaya CHPP-1.

Today, Tverskaya CHPP-1 is a unique energy facility, one of a kind: industrial buildings built at the end of the 19th century, a foundation with wooden piles (therefore, a special platinum was made on the Tmaka River in the area of ​​CHPP-1 in order to raise the level groundwater and the wooden piles in the foundation did not rot), but at the same time the equipment was modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time, qualified personnel ensured its uninterrupted operation. So in 2012, two new boiler units were installed at the station, which almost doubled the station’s thermal power in hot water, which made it possible to significantly improve the quality of heat supply in the Proletarsky district.

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Vladimirskaya CHPP


The city, although enlightened, is poorly illuminated (in 1877). There are 215 lamps of all (one per 82 fathoms of street length), at a distance of 20 fathoms from one another along Bolshaya Street, and 30-40 fathoms in the side and behind Lybid; the streets are illuminated for 9 months, from August to May. Lighting is rented from the Administration to the contractor for 1997 rubles, i.e. 3 ½ kopecks each for the evening on the lantern. The lanterns here serve rather to enhance the darkness in order to further highlight the surrounding darkness. Even on Bolshaya Street autumn evening in full light, you can get run over by a horse while crossing the street (it’s good that there’s not much riding), and on the side of Bolshaya Street, the barely flickering light spot of a lantern is noticed only when you approach it 2-3 steps. In addition, Vladimir lanterns can also contribute to the emergence of natural “lanterns” using hand-held lanterns. Moreover, those outskirts where lighting is more needed, where the average person is at greater risk of getting bogged down or stumbling upon kind person, almost devoid of lighting, such are the coastal parts of Podyacheskaya Street, Sloboda, Remenniki, etc. (Subbotin A.P., 1877).

At the end of the 19th century, the rapidly developing industry of the Vladimir province moved to one of the first places in Russia. This was facilitated by: a dense network of rivers and roads, which facilitated trade and transportation of materials; wood and peat fuel reserves that provide energy for enterprises; cheap human resources.

The director of the Maltsevsky Technical School purchased a dynamo abroad and used it as a current source in the power plant, which was located in the left wing of the school building. Rotating from an English steam engine, through a transmission, the dynamo generated current and illuminated only the workshops of the school since 1885. This is how the first power plant in Vladimir, engineer Sovetkin, began operating.

In 1949, the project of architect L.I. was completed. Ponomareva 42-apartment residential building for thermal power plant workers. L.I. Ponomareva developed it together with the architect A.V. Pokrovsky. The technical design of this house included an explanatory note and drawings. It provided for the necessary changes compared to the project of a four-story building with 47 apartments of series 6-48, developed by the architectural and design workshop of the Mosgorproekt trust. In addition to housing, the house was supposed to house a food store, post office and telegraph office. Floor plans were developed by L.I. Ponomarev, the author of the facades was the architect A.V. Pokrovsky. The building was built on the street. Frunze, which was the main highway of the city, was supposed to design the main entrance to the historical part of the city from the Gorky direction. Therefore, its corner was emphasized by the high-rise composition and the presence of a “Gastronom” store in the house. The high-rise accent was the 5th floor in the form of a round glazed turret with a spire - an observation post for local air defense. The design used provided for gas heating of the house, but it was necessary to design a boiler room that was common for those times. Construction of the house began in 1949 and was divided into two stages. The first included a block of 34 apartments; it underwent the least changes compared to the standard project: metal floor purlins were replaced with floors on wooden beams.
In 1952, the 1st stage of construction of this house was completed, and the following year the 2nd stage was completed.

First reconstructed in 1947-1950.
After the war, new equipment was delivered from defeated Germany to CHPP-1: 4 Borzig boilers and 2 generators.
In connection with the rapidly developing city, the question arose about the construction of a new thermal power plant. In November 1962, the first stage of the new Vladimir thermal power plant CHPP-2 began to operate at full capacity, equal to 100,000 kW.
In 1962, reconstruction was carried out with the transfer of CHPP-1 from solid fuel(lumpy peat) for natural gas.
In 1963, both power plants were merged into one enterprise - the Vladimir Thermal Power Plant.
In 1970, the team of the Vladimir Thermal Power Plant was awarded the Lenin Anniversary Certificate of Honor from the regional party committee, the regional executive committee and the regional trade union committee.

Nowadays about 3/4 of the inhabitants regional center use heat supplied by thermal power plants. Many industrial enterprises in Vladimir are connected to it by a wide communications network and receive electricity, heat and steam for technical needs.

Vladimirskaya CHPP

In 2012, there was information that CHPP-1 was in a state of conservation.

Building of JSC Vladimirenergo

Address: Vladimir, st. B. Nizhegorodskaya, 106

"Vladimir Training Center "ENERGETIK"

St. Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya, 91

“Vladimir Training Center “ENERGETIK” is a private educational institution of additional professional education.
Story training center begins in November 1990, when a training center was created in the Vladimirenergo association to train personnel in the electric power industry and improve their skills.
In 2004, the training center was transformed into the training center of Vladimirenergo OJSC.
On October 8, 2009, the Board of the Open Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Company of Center and Volga Region decided to create a private educational institution, Vladimir Training Center Energetik, on the basis of the training center of the Vladimirenergo branch.
On October 26, 2009, the Vladimir Training Center “Energetik” was registered as an independent organization.
The sole founder of the Vladimir Training Center Energetik is the Open Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Center and Volga Region.
“Vladimir Training Center “Energetik” is located at the address: Vladimir, st. Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya, 91.
The training center provides professional training for workers in 26 specialties, as well as additional vocational education(advanced training and retraining). In addition to the full-time teachers of the training center, qualified teachers of higher and secondary education are involved in conducting classes. educational institutions city ​​of Vladimir, leading specialists are practitioners of the Vladimirenergo branch.

Electrification of the Vladimir province

Steam engines served as a source of power energy for enterprises. Locomotives from the German company Lanz and diesel units were used as prime movers.
In 1900, in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, the first electric current generators in the province appeared - three English dynamos with a power of 35 kW each. In the workshops, instead of gas jets and kerosene lanterns, 110-volt DC electric light bulbs flashed brightly. But by design, this installation could not be classified even as a small power plant.
Kerosene, gas, oil, candle fat and torch still served as the main source of light.

The Derbenev brothers were among the first to electrify the factory. Having founded their business (the future city) in 1891, three miles from the Novki station, they quickly developed it, using for this purpose the rich fuel resources of the region, the labor of peasants and the railway.
In 1908, the Derbenevs purchased a Swiss turbine in 1500 horsepower with a 1200 kW generator and, a year later, they completely electrified the factory and the village in which the workers lived. But after two years the factory expanded, and this capacity became insufficient. In 1911, the Derbenevs purchased and installed a new turbogenerator from Brown Boveri. Factory owners provided free lighting to the houses of those workers who allowed tenants into their homes. Electric station at the Kameshkovo factory was a significant technical achievement at that time. A special two-story brick building was built for it, in which boilers, a 2500 kW turbogenerator, and control and monitoring panels were installed. 1000 kW of power was enough to electrify nearby factories and surrounding villages. The station produced alternating three-phase current with a voltage of 525 V, and with its launch, production increased significantly. To operate a generator of such power, a lot of fuel was required, which was mined in the Small and Large Urusova swamps.

The first power plant in rural areas was . In 1909, one of the richest landowners in the province, V.S., built a power plant to illuminate his estate. Khrapovitsky. This little station was made with great care. In the center of the one-story brick building there was a boiler room with a low chimney. The left wing was occupied by a machine room measuring 10x12 meters; on the right side there was a small fuel warehouse with a supply of birch firewood and bunches of dried wood. The machine room was very clean. The floor lined with colored Metlakh tiles and the walls lined with green tiled glass gave it an elegant look. Panels with instruments and circuit breakers were placed on a large marble shield, standing on a high platform and separated from the engine room by a glass wall. From the platform, a hall filled with streams of light with three steam engines was clearly visible. They were interlocked with direct current generators and rotated the rotors of dynamos. Underground cables were used to carry out wiring to the palace and other buildings. Only up to the Khrapovitskaya 2 railway station were poles installed and wires hung. Usually a medium-power dynamo worked, and bundles of dried wood were burned in the firebox. When Khrapovitsky arrived, it happened that three cars were working. The station not only illuminated the estate, but also powered pumps that pumped water into artificial ponds and supplied it for household needs. Khrapovitsky purchased equipment in Germany from Siemens Schukert.
Peasants mainly generated energy manually, using the draft power of animals. Small amounts of water and wind energy were used in mills and oil mills.

Soon after the revolution, 13 urban power plants were built in the province. Their power was 1000 kW. They were the harbingers of the future great energy industry and provided electricity to the housing stock of cities for up to 24 hours. With the commissioning of power plants, the need to purchase kerosene for lighting has sharply decreased.

The countryside continued to be electrified. People asked, demanded and insisted on the construction of power plants, on the installation of a new world in their homes.
At the request of residents of the village of Gorodishchi, Yuryev-Polsky district, a power plant project worth 260 thousand rubles was approved and 50 thousand rubles were allocated to the peasants in return. Everyone, young and old, worked at the construction site; people even came from neighboring villages and worked for free for several days. The opening and commissioning of the station for 200 light bulbs took place on October 3, 1920, with an unprecedented crowd of people. Over a thousand residents of the ancient Russian village began to live in a new way. This was the first rural power plant built according to the project and equipped in a specially designated room.
Electrification of villages and hamlets of the Melenkovsky district was carried out from generator sets of potato processing plants, which were built along the banks of rivers. Such electrification had the disadvantage that the factories operated for about three months a year, and the rest of the time the peasants were forced to use kerosene lamps. Operate the station all year round only for lighting it was unprofitable due to high fuel consumption. In connection with this, a larger station was built near the village of Kulaki in Turgenevskaya volost, where the load from neighboring villages was transferred, one of which was the village of Kudrino.
In rural areas, electricity was used mainly for lighting, but in many places grain grinding, threshing, and electric power were already being mechanized for workshops.
Electrification took place under difficult conditions. There was a civil war, devastation reigned, famine and disease were raging in a number of areas. But the desire for something new was so strong that it was reflected even in poetry:
“Our village Lada
There is no sweetness with her:
Let's eat less bread
We want electricity.
Electricity is possible
And Pantyukha and Kirill.
Hey guys, live up
Collect money quickly!
Let's collect of our own free will:
Whoever is richer is more
According to the chervonets - the middle peasant,
The floor is yours, poor man!
If we don't have enough, we'll ask for a loan,
We'll ask an engineer to come to us.
In a word, brothers, an agreement,
Let's make a contract!
From hard work,
From being hungry from work
There is one salvation:
It’s in electricity.”
In general, 1.5 million kWh were generated in the province for the needs of cities and villages. There were 1.15 kWh per inhabitant. In our time, this is a tiny amount of electricity, barely enough to keep the iron running for an hour, but for those years it was an achievement.

On the frosty morning of December 21, 1920, a volume of the GOELRO plan, still smelling of printing ink, was placed on Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s desk. “Vladimir Ilyich lovingly leafed through the book. Tomorrow they will have to distribute it to the delegates of the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets and talk about its enormous significance,” recalled the country’s oldest power engineer A. Markov.
And the next day, speaking in Bolshoi Theater, Vladimir Ilyich said: “In my opinion, this is the second program of the party.” The book was the first state plan for the development of the national economy. About two hundred scientists, engineers, and technicians under the leadership of G.M. Krzhizhanovsky developed a plan for the electrification of Russia within a year. The initiator of the creation of this commission and the inspirer of its work was V.I. Lenin.
And in our time, the GOELRO plan has great importance as an example of scientific calculations by industry and by region. The book provides extensive material characterizing the economic situation of both the country as a whole and its individual regions, provides a description of natural resources, carefully analyzes the achievements of science and technology, indicates difficulties that could stand in the way of the electrification of Russia, as well as ways to overcome them. The GOELRO plan has over six hundred pages and contains a map of the electrification of Russia. In conjunction with electrification, plans for the state economy, fuel supply, water energy, agriculture, transport, and industry were considered.
A model of the electrification map of Russia stood in the Bolshoi Theater. Numerous light bulbs burned at the construction sites of future power plants; fiery stripes traced it in different directions, indicating power lines, electrified waterways and railways. The map clearly demonstrated the future of Russia.
Only the electrification of the country solved the problem of mechanization and rationalization of labor, increasing its productivity and the shortest possible time eliminating the devastation.
According to the plan, the electrified part of Russia was divided into 8 economic districts, subdivided into the Northern, Central Industrial, Southern, Volga, Ural, Caucasian, West Siberian and Turkmen regions. Regionalization, carried out on the basis of a thorough analysis of the economic situation of the country, taking into account the presence of minerals, the condition of transport arteries and geographical features these territories is an outstanding scientific achievement.
The plan outlined ways to use existing power plants, and justified the need for the construction of new power plants and power lines. Only alternating current generator sets with a capacity of 1000 kW were subject to accounting. Of the existing power plants in the Vladimir province, one was included in the plan as the most promising and sufficiently supplied with peat fuel. This is the station of N. Derbenev's factory. From it, electricity could be transferred to the city of Kovrov, which did not have a power plant.
The Vladimir province, along with the Moscow, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Nizhny Novgorod and fourteen other provinces, became part of the Central Industrial Region.
It was necessary to sharply increase peat production in the Kameshkovsky and Gusevsky swamps to replace steam power plants with electric drives and speed up the construction of power plants with a developed power transmission system until 1930 with a total capacity of 100,000 kW. The available generating capacity was only 7.5% of the required one.
It was planned to provide the power necessary for the province with five state-owned power plants (GRES) operating on peat. These are “Electrotransmission”, Shaturskaya, Ivanovo-Voznesenskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimirskaya (which was to be built). The load of 20% was to be taken by the stations of the Moscow subdistrict, and 80% by the Volzhsky subdistrict. During the construction of the thermal power plant it was planned to partially use the experience of construction and operation largest power plant of that time - “Electrotransmission”, which went into operation in 1914, with a capacity of 15,000 kW. The station was built 70 kilometers from Moscow on the Bogorodsky peat bogs.
The construction of power plants was headed by V.V. Kuibyshev.
To promote the ideas of electrification, posters, leaflets, and appeals were published in the province. At that time, Vinogradov’s brochure was published on explaining to the workers the plan for electrification of the country and the province, which did not go unnoticed by Lenin. He followed all published books, delved deeply into the economic situation of each region, and took care of the implementation of the electrification plan by each province.

In 1925, power was supplied from Shaturka to Tsegostrest enterprises and then to the Communist Avangard factories and them. Lakin, and energy consumption in all these factories due to the gradual installation of electric motors increased over the course of 2 years.
In the northwestern region, the thermal power plant at the 5th October factory is being expanded, where a turbine with a capacity of 2,500 kW has been installed. and a power transmission line was built from here to the III International facility.

In connection with the proclamation of the course towards industrialization of the country, the provincial authorities developed a ten-year Master plan electrification of the province until 1936, which deepened and supplemented the GOELRO program. Since enterprises needed not only electricity, but also steam and hot water, the recycling of steam after the turbines of thermal power plants was beneficial.
The entire province was divided into five districts: Western, Central, Northeastern, Southeastern and Southern. The Central District included Sobinka, Vladimir, Orgtrud, Kameshkovo and Kovrov. The investment in electrification paid off within the first decade. The transfer of industry to local fuel provided enterprises with a reliable energy base. Builders everywhere had to overcome enormous difficulties in creating the power grid. All work on installing supports, rolling out and hanging wires was carried out manually. The route of high-voltage lines passed through dense forests and swampy swamps. This made horse-drawn transportation difficult. Clearings were cut for tens of kilometers.

Department of the provincial electrical engineer organized in 1927. The tasks of the management included electrical supervision of the power plants existing in the province, development of planned issues of the electrical sector, consideration and issuance of opinions on projects of both power plants and networks, issuance of permits for the construction of stations with a capacity of up to 500 square meters. and networks up to 6600 volts, inspection of finished electrical installations and issuance of permits for their operation. The department provided consultations to representatives visiting from the field on various issues related to the electrification of industry, cities and agriculture, made field visits to inspect installations, give instructions on them, etc.

By 1938, in the Vyaznikovsky district, a route was laid from Balakhna to Vyazniki and supports for the transmission line were installed, the main Vyaznikovskaya substation was being built and equipped to receive energy from Balakhna, and a transmission line with a length of 58 km was built. for the electrification of factories of the 2nd Flax Board and Gubtekstiltrest (Vyaznikovsky ring).
In the Murom district, the equipment of a substation in Vacha (900 kva) is being produced for the electrification of Pavmurmet factories and enterprises of the Murom Kusppromsoyuz and the construction of the Pavlov-Vacha transmission line.

"From the history of electrification of Opole"

Transformations were happening everywhere. Already on February 19, 1918, at the congress of factory committees of trade unions, the Vladimir Provincial Council was formed National Economy(GSNH). The communists of the State Service for National Economy and Economy took into account the complexity and numerous problems that stood in the way of electrification of the province. In June 1919, on the initiative of the Presidium of the State National Economy Service, the Gubsovnarkhoz was established as part of the new organ- Electrical department.
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