What's the best way to wake up in the morning? How to quickly wake up in the morning, be fresh and not want to sleep. How to be in a good mood after sleep. Poor sleep hygiene

Surely many people do not like to part with their pillow and get out of bed in the morning. After all, you are too lazy to do this in the morning, because you don’t want to get out of a warm bed, especially if a person needs to go somewhere. Therefore, many are interested in the answer to the question - how to quickly wake up in the morning so as not to feel tired and lethargic all day.

Currently, several rules are known with which a person can easily get out of bed and at the same time feel energetic and cheerful. You need to observe them every day, and then a good mood and strength will not leave a person all day.

In order not to ask the question - how easy it is to wake up in the morning, each person must follow a certain regime. When following it, it is important to know the characteristics of your body. Although if a person slept for 9-10 hours on the weekend, especially after an active evening, this cannot be called his norm.

It can be understood, for example, on vacation, when a person wakes up cheerful and energetic without an alarm clock. It is important to note that doctors have developed a special table that indicates the hourly value of sleep. In other words, before midnight, an hour of sleep is equal to three, and from 5 to 6 in the morning - only a minute.

Therefore, it is important to go to bed on time in order to work out correct mode, and also easy to wake up in the morning. Somnologists advise going to bed as early as 10-11 pm so that the person has time to sleep and does not experience insomnia.

It is known that small child Almost all of them sleep, because babies grow and gain strength in their sleep. Small children and teenagers also sleep for a long time (about 11 hours). If we talk about an adult, he needs good rest It will take 8 hours so that it is not difficult for him to get out of bed, and also to feel a charge of strength and vigor.

To wake up quickly, men need less time to rest, unlike women, which is determined by the characteristics of the body.

How more people engages in physical activity, the more time he needs to recuperate. Therefore, in this case, people often do not mind taking a nap during the day in order to be energetic and active in the morning.

Rules for how to easily wake up in the morning

Lights out

Make a rule for yourself to turn off the TV at 10 p.m. The point is that blue screen causes a stimulating effect on the human central nervous system, while impairing the production of melatonin, which is responsible for the regulation of rhythms and sleep. Therefore, if people fall asleep listening to the sound of TV, it will cause insomnia and will also have a negative effect on getting up in the morning.

Therefore, if a person needs to wake up early for work, compliance with such a rule is necessary, otherwise the person will not be able to wake up and get up quickly - and if this happens, the person will feel lethargic and lacking energy.

Also, the phases in which it is easy for people to wake up depend on their sleep schedule - if you guess them correctly, you will not experience problems with waking up.

Physical activity

To get up quickly in the morning, it will be useful to do fitness in the evening or just go for a run. Thanks to physical activity, especially if it is performed in the fresh air, you will be able to fall asleep easily, as well as sleep soundly and fully throughout the night.

Besides, fresh air will have a positive effect on your health, so you will be able to wake up alert and active at dawn.


Before you go to rest, you can light any scented candles for 3-6 minutes. Included in them essential oils, as well as warmth will help a person relax and tune in to a strong and healthy sleep. Candles should be extinguished before going to bed.

In order for the smell of ethers to reach a person, you need to place them next to the bed. The aroma from the candles will last into the morning, which means you can inhale it all night, which will have a positive effect on your health. This advice will help you fall asleep easily only if you go to bed early, and not at 2-3 am. In this case, although it will be easy to fall asleep, getting up in the morning will be problematic.

Always go to bed on time

Every person needs to remember one main rule - go to bed if you want to, even if the clock is not the time at which you are used to going to bed. The body gives such signals for good reason - this is necessary so that the next day a person feels cheerful and active.

Therefore, a couple of extra hours will not harm the body in any way. This is especially worth doing for children and teenagers who are very tired during the daytime.

Let's say NO to overeating

In order to get up in the morning with pleasant thoughts, you should not eat food in the evening (especially before bed). Better promise yourself that you will eat something tasty in the morning. Feeling hungry in the morning and pleasant thoughts will help you get out of bed faster and also lift your mood. It is especially good if you take food rich in vitamins in the morning.


In the warm season, it is recommended to sleep with the window open, which will provide fresh air in the room. If there is no carbon dioxide in it, which is observed in the absence of ventilation, you will sleep faster and better, and also become active and energetic.

In addition, not only the body will be invigorated, but also the head. This means that a person will wake up with fresh thoughts. It is especially good to sleep with an open window during a hangover. This method will help you sleep well and it will not be difficult to get up, even if you went to bed late.

Place for an alarm clock

It is not recommended to place the alarm clock close at hand - it is better to place it away from the bed, so that when it rings you will have to stretch out not only your arm, but also completely rise from the bed. If you are sure that you will hear a ringing from another room, you can set an alarm in that room. It is recommended to set the alarm at the same time so that the body gets used to waking up at the same time.

After turning off the signal, you shouldn’t go back to bed - it’s better to do exercises and go have breakfast. You need to adjust your body to this mode so that it remembers it and is ready to get up when the alarm clock rings.

Melody to wake up

For the previous method to work effectively, it is recommended to set the alarm clock to a pleasant and calm melody. Loud and sharp noises should not be used so that the person does not have the desire to “shut them up” immediately.

In this case, he will wake up nervous and aggressive, and this is not the best start to the day. To wake up with pleasant thoughts, you can buy an alarm clock with gentle and calm music.

Planning your day

Make it a tradition to come up with something every morning interesting adventure that will happen to you throughout the day. Or set yourself daily goals in life so that they inspire a person and get him out of bed.


Immediately after waking up, move around in bed, stretch your fingers and earlobes, which will improve blood circulation. You can also rub your palms and stretch your arms. It is recommended to take several deep breaths to saturate the body's cells with oxygen.

Malyshev is advised to open the window immediately after getting out of bed, even if it is severely frosty outside. This will not only give you energy, but will also lift your spirits.

Such rules will help to achieve an early awakening, after which a person will no longer want to lie down. Sometimes technology helps people well correct breathing, which starts all the processes in the body necessary for a normal day.

Hello friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. The other day I was talking with a friend who often flies to India and Thailand. The conversation turned to how easy it is to wake up in the morning. He noticed that it is easy to get up if something interesting awaits you after waking up. For example, you can stand up in right time(even at 3 a.m.) if there’s a vacation ahead! And for comparison, how difficult it is to get up for a boring job. How to motivate yourself to wake up early and what to do if you still manage to get up before dawn?

Raised - raised, but forgot to wake up!

If this phrase sounds like you, then I’ll share a few morning tricks that help me get up with ease and spend the morning without fuss.

  1. Don't eat at night. 100% of people who eat a heavy dinner have difficulty waking up early in the morning. The ideal dinner is light (for example, buckwheat with vegetables, steamed or fish stew, low-fat cottage cheese) and no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. Set only one alarm and don’t set it forward “another 5 minutes.” Honestly, would you rather get enough sleep in 5 or 15 minutes? Just set a signal and get up - it makes it much easier to accept the fact that morning has already come.
  3. Choose an invigorating and short alarm melody. My wife at one time had a very melodic, gentle song on her alarm clock, 10 minutes long... Needless to say, my wife couldn’t get up on time almost every morning?
  4. If, when getting ready in the morning, you usually rush around, then there are two solutions to this problem: a) prepare everything you need the evening before, including putting cottage cheese for breakfast (or whatever you have for breakfast) on a plate and pouring water into the kettle. In the morning you will boil at the touch of a button; bah) try setting the alarm 30-40 minutes earlier (read on for the rationale for this strange advice).
  5. Calculate your bedtime correctly. On average, one cycle (REM+NREM sleep) lasts 90 minutes.
  6. If you wake a person in the middle of a cycle, he will feel overwhelmed and unrested. And, for example, it’s simply unrealistic to wake up children! The time between cycles is the easiest time to awaken. For example, you need to wake up at 5 am. This means you need to fall asleep at 21.30, 23.00 or 0.30. Please note: at this time you need to fall asleep, and not go to bed! It takes about 15-20 minutes to fall asleep.
  7. That is, in order to easily wake up at 5 am, you will need to go to bed at 21.10, 22.40 or 0.10 am.
  8. This is the principle behind the work of “smart alarm clocks” that monitor your sleep cycles and emit a vibration or signal at the right time. Nowadays, many manufacturers produce fitness trackers with the function “ smart alarm clock“is not a ruinous, useful purchase at all. You can, of course, install a special application, but then you need to sleep with a smartphone under your pillow, and personally I don’t like this idea.
  9. Try setting an unusual alarm clock on your smartphone. There are tons of apps out there to make you wake up. For example, Alarm clock extreme or I can't wake up for They force you to perform various actions to turn off the signal: solve a couple of mathematical examples or shake the phone... There is probably something similar for iOS too. The main thing is to put your smartphone away from your bed.
  10. When you wake up, immediately take a few deep breaths in and out. This way your body will be saturated with oxygen, and your brain will receive a signal that it’s time to get up.
  11. When you get out of bed, immediately open the window. The fresh morning air will definitely not allow you to crawl under the covers again.
  12. Brush your teeth. There is something magical about this action; with freshly brushed teeth it is simply impossible to feel drowsy! Choose a toothpaste that tastes good.
  13. Drink a glass of water. Yes, you can pour it in the eveningJ
  14. Take a shower. Wet your hair too. It's a win-win.
  15. Drink coffee or tea. Caffeine in small amounts invigorates, improves mood and stimulates activity. Green tea It's gentler than coffee and also contains antioxidants that help prevent the aging process.
  16. Cheer up - do some exercises. A set of yoga asanas (such as "Surya Namaskar"), jogging in the nearest park or squats with jumping - choose any activity. After this you will definitely not want to sleep!
  17. Find motivation to wake up early. Have you noticed that passion for a new business literally gives you wings? What a dream! You jump out of bed easily and joyfully! Try doing something you love in the morning (be it jogging, yoga, reading, repeating mantras or drawing), and you will notice that getting up becomes much easier. But it is important to periodically change hobbies, then novelty and enthusiasm will remain.
  18. If you get up early, don't go online! Jumping on links will eat up a lot of time, but it could be spent usefully. Better read a book or listen to a podcast.

Now tell us about your experience, dear readers! Does it ever happen that you find it very easy to wake up? Or can’t get out of bed, like a bear from hibernation? What motivates you to get up early? Pavel Yamb was with you. See you again!

For many, getting out of bed in the morning is a real feat. Here are some simple tips for those who still managed to get out of bed. And if it didn’t work out, it will be useful for the future.

However, it is worth remembering about the health of the body. If you follow these recommendations - and general condition does not improve – this is a reason to consult a specialist.

How to spend your morning to stay in good shape all day?

Yes, because... The biggest mistake in life is turning off the alarm clock without looking, with the thought: “just 5 more minutes...” How many times have you been so late for work or just slept late? By falling asleep after waking up, you will provide your body with a dose of lethargy and drowsiness for the whole day... or you simply risk losing your job.

Stay on your feet for about 5 minutes, performing “morning disciplines,” and in 70% of cases you will not want to lie down again.

2. Once you get out of bed, NEVER lie back down. This is the second trap.

3. Immediately after waking up, you should drink a glass of still water with lemon.. This will start your metabolism. In addition, water with lemon helps strengthen the immune system and improve the overall health of the body. But it is better to refrain from drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach - these drinks have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, irritating its walls. This is especially true for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Save a cup of coffee until breakfast.

4. Helps you cheer up contrast shower and a light massage. These simple steps will start the blood circulation process and warm up the body, you will become more energetic.

5. Ventilate the room. You need oxygen. And if in your bedroom there is indoor plants– doubly necessary. During the synthesis process, plants exhale carbon dioxide. Because of this, sometimes you feel dizzy or feel generally unwell in the morning. Don't forget to open the windows for at least a few minutes.

6. Cheerful morning must be active. The only thing: don’t jump out of bed suddenly.

Light exercise, cardio training, yoga or stretching is a great start to an energetic day. Swimming helps a lot. Cardio is best done on an empty stomach, but before strength training It's worth refueling a little. For the especially lazy, “stretching” in bed is also not bad.

7. Breakfast is a must. It is best to eat carbohydrates in the morning: they will provide the body with sufficient energy. Porridge, toast with jam, cheesecakes or pancakes are ideal. (and so - the master-master, of course) Proteins are also useful: egg dishes, ham, cottage cheese, etc. You should not overeat, otherwise instead of vigor you will get lethargy, because... The body will spend energy on digesting food. Therefore, a little food is for energy.

8. To easily wake up every morning, establish a sleep schedule. Use sleep trackers. You can find and download the application that suits you best in the App Store or Google Play. Touch movements will help the smartphone determine a comfortable time to wake up, and alerts come with a calm melody.

And remember: a “correct” morning is the key good health!

First, I wake up an hour earlier than necessary and frantically look at the clock, “thank God, there’s still time before work” and close my eyes again. I want to stretch this hour to infinity so that it never ends, and of course, I fall asleep and when the alarm clock rings, more than anything else I want to send everything to hell, wrap myself in a blanket and continue to sleep. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I don't mind lethargic sleep, but as smart psychologists say, it’s all because I don’t like my job. Now, if I flew to it as if it were a holiday, then in the morning I would wake up easily and with pleasure. I don’t dare argue with smart people, especially since it’s true, but how easy is it to wake up in the morning if you don’t want to wake up at all? Read below for advice from the same advanced experts on our brains.

Go to bed an hour earlier than usual

It turns out that if right from today If you get yourself one, go to bed just an hour earlier, then waking up will be much easier than usual. Moreover, experts say that for a woman the most healthy sleep until twelve o'clock at night and it is called “beauty sleep”, and the rest of the time the body simply rests. In these sixty minutes there are so many opportunities to rest, relax and get a good night's sleep that honestly, you should not neglect this advice.

Never sort things out at night

Before going to bed, you should not swear, cry, sort things out or think about bad things. Crying into a pillow has long been out of fashion, and besides, it has a very bad effect on one’s appearance. In the morning, your face looks wrinkled and swollen, your eyes are like those of a Chinese person, and the desire to wake up and drag yourself to work in this form is reduced to a minimum.

Make it a rule to fall asleep without thinking about anything, because at night, to a tired head, all problems seem global, and there is no chance of fixing them right here and now. Postpone all the clarifications until the next day and just sleep peacefully. Psychologists advise before going to bed to dream about what you would like to have in your life.

ABOUT small house on the shore of a clear lake, about a kind husband and charming twins, about a favorite job and a friendly team. I often dream about trip around the world for the rest of my life and fall asleep somewhere between the Vatican and Provence.

Allow yourself luxury in the morning

I’m not talking now about how, opening your eyes, you reach for the bell and lazily shake it, calling Dunka with a cup of coffee and fresh buns. I mean the most. For example, if you are watching your figure, then you can afford anything for breakfast. high-calorie dish without remorse. A bun with butter, a cake with tea, a sandwich with coffee, jam and ice cream - eaten at the beginning of the day does not affect your figure, this fact has been proven by nutritionists. But everything that is stuffed into yourself after work in the evening is immediately deposited in the sides and on the butt. That’s why you can and should pamper yourself with treats for breakfast, so that waking up is easier and more fun.

Psychologists say that in the morning you can create a special ritual for yourself that will make you feel a little happier. This could be a cup of expensive aromatic coffee which you will drink in the morning while watching in open window(from the balcony) behind the lazily waking up city. Or a walk with the dog in your favorite park or a melody to which you want to wake up and move on with your life.

Have a dream

They say that in order to wake up easily every morning, you need to have a dream. The worst thing that can await each of us is a gray, sticky, gloomy routine that, like a swamp, sucks out all our energy. You don’t want to wake up when life becomes like Groundhog Day - hopeless hard labor at a job you don’t like and eternal...

Psychologists advise starting small and dreaming in small portions. For example, buy yourself your favorite perfume or go to a decent beauty salon for a haircut. Update your wardrobe or fly to Indonesia. Move to Paris or buy a Maserati. Lose twenty kilograms or dye your hair blonde. Write a book or come up with a cure for harmfulness. Any dream is worthy of respect if it does not harm anyone and spurs us to self-improvement.

Each day that comes should bring us a little closer to this dream, and then the morning will no longer seem like a disaster and hard labor. Even the dream of finding myself new job can give us a boost of much-needed energy that will keep us in a fighting mood all day long.

Can't wake up in the morning? This means that your life has become a routine, and it’s time to set new and preferably great goals.

Every day is a chance to start a new life

Every morning we can start and “reset” all the mistakes made the day before. If we wake up with the thought that every morning we can change our life and do what was unrealistic yesterday, then waking up will be much easier.

And in general, as they say smart people, if you woke up in the morning, this is already happiness!

Eat special exercises, which help to “rock” the body and bring it into a cheerful state. Each exercise (mental or physical) is performed for about a minute, so it will take 10 minutes to wake up easily. During this time, as a rule, a person becomes cheerful and energetic.

  • 1 exercise helps to lift your mood, and this increases your tone. Think that the coming day will be filled with various interesting events, meetings and communication with loved ones and wish everyone happiness.
  • Exercise 2: think about specific things that need to be done and program a positive result for each task.
  • Exercise 3 is very simple: you need to stretch your whole body, with all its cells. If you start yawning, it’s very good, it means your body is saturated with oxygen.
  • Exercise 4: take a deep breath and exhale deeply, then again and again - until you feel slightly dizzy.
  • Exercise 5 - head massage. Massaging occipital protuberances, then the brow ridges and earlobes. You will feel the blood rushing to your head and the remnants of sleep disappearing.
  • Exercise 6: exercises on the bed. Clench and unclench your fists, make rotational movements with your hands, shoulders, then in your elbows. We also perform similar manipulations with the legs - we stretch them.
  • Exercise 7: Rub your palms against each other. Then rub your palms over your body from top to bottom. This way the skin will receive a powerful flow of blood and the whole body will begin to wake up. This exercise can be replaced by another: raise your arms and legs up and shake them, as if your whole body is shaking. This effective way disperse the blood.
  • Exercise 8 - lifting. Sit on the bed and get up after a while. And keep thinking that today will be a wonderful day. After this it will be easier to move on to the next stage.
  • Exercise 9: Charge yourself with your own energy. Going to the mirror, smile at your reflection. And say: “You will do great today.” This will help the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy.
  • Exercise 10: drink a glass of water at a pleasant temperature to “wake up” your stomach. After this, you can wash your face, have breakfast and go to work.

Another good advice, which will relieve you from any manipulations and exercises: immediately after sleep, douse your head with a bucket cold water. This is a great way to stimulate all body systems at the same time and is very pleasant procedure. If you are immediately afraid to wet yourself, you can leave the water in the bucket overnight so that in the morning it will be at room temperature. After a week of dousing yourself with such water, the body itself will ask for cooler water, and you can take water from the tap.