How to wash a cat correctly. How to wash a cat correctly and how often? How often can cats be washed?

Cat owners know firsthand that their pets do not really like bathing. After all, these animals themselves are quite clean animals, since they can clean themselves completely independently with the help of their tongue. Moreover, a cat's fur is naturally coated with a protective lubricant, which is produced by the subcutaneous sebaceous gland. Based on this, the question arises: is it possible to wash cats and how often can this procedure be performed? We will try to answer all the questions concerning the hygiene of these animals in our publication today.

Do cats need to be washed?

How often can cats be washed?

When answering this question, you should take into account the habitat and breed. If your cat is constantly in the apartment and rarely goes outside, and you devote enough time to the animal’s fur, combing it regularly, then you can bathe it once every three months. If the cat lives in a private house and spends quite a lot of time outside, then it should be washed once every one and a half to two months. In rural areas, cats are bathed three to five times a year. But hairless breeds, which do not have hair on their skin, need more frequent bathing, so they should be washed once every two weeks in the spring and once a month in the winter. Well, we’ll tell you further about how to wash your pet and how to properly carry out the bathing procedure.

How to bathe cats?

First of all, remember: a cat should not be washed with the same shampoos that are intended for humans, since the pH of animal skin is significantly different from the pH of human skin. Therefore, regular “human” shampoo can be harmful to your cat’s skin. You can purchase a special detergent at any veterinary department. These can be dry shampoos, liquid shampoos, and spray shampoos. Which product is most suitable for your cat is up to you!

As for the bathing procedure itself, some nuances of its implementation should be taken into account:

  • Before washing your cat, be sure to untangle possible tangles in the fur by combing it thoroughly and removing all loose hairs;
  • The animal’s ears should be protected from water by purchasing special earplugs;
  • If you purchased concentrated shampoo, then it should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3;
  • fill the bath with warm water, following the rule that states that the water level should reach the animal’s belly, and the water temperature should be approximately 37 degrees Celsius;
  • Place a rubberized mat on the bottom of the bath.
  • Now let's get started with the bathing:

    • wet the cat's fur with water and apply shampoo, lather it a little and rinse;
    • if you purchased conditioner, then apply it to the animal’s fur, wait a minute and rinse thoroughly with water;
    • pat the wool dry with a towel.

    If your cat is afraid of a hair dryer, then it is better not to use it to dry the animal’s fur, so as not to traumatize your pet’s psyche. And in general, try to turn the bathing procedure into a game, and not resort to violence against the animal. Convince your pet with affection, coaxing and ease. Your cat must understand that you will not harm her. Then the whole procedure swimming will pass quickly and without harm to the animal’s psyche.

    After the animal’s fur is completely dry, do not forget to comb it thoroughly and reward your pet with a treat for “good behavior”!

    By getting a cat, a person receives affectionate and loving friend, who, at first glance, shows independence in everything. Many pet owners believe that a cat’s ability to lick its fur frees them from worrying about the cleanliness of their pet, and, therefore, the question of how often to wash their cat does not even arise. In fact, this is not true.

    Do you even need to wash your cat?

    It’s worth starting with the fact that washing a cat is not only possible, but necessary. Accumulates in the animal's fur large number dust and dirt that the pet simply cannot remove on its own. By periodically helping your cat get rid of dead cells and old fur, you will soon notice how much your pet’s skin has improved.

    Just don’t get carried away with this process. It is best if the cat is washed only before certain events.

    For example, when little kitten just brought to him new home. Washing is not necessary if this pet came to new owners from a shelter or from another apartment. But if the kitten was found on the street, you should take care of its cleanliness and rid it of dirt and germs. In addition, during the procedure, the new owner has the opportunity to carefully examine the baby’s skin for possible wounds and inflammations.

    Some cat breeds need increased attention on the part of owners when it comes to their fur. Therefore, to soften it and allow new undercoat to grow, the pet owner should bathe it periodically.

    Or if the owners plan to take part in one of the competitions dedicated to the beauty of their purebred pets. For many people, preparing for such competitions is a ritual that they strictly observe.

    In preparation for the competition, many owners carry out grooming, that is, they bathe the cat, cut it, style it (if the hair is long) and monitor the condition of the claws. Of course, in everyday life The cat is unlikely to need such a range of services, not to mention the fact that she is unlikely to appreciate the efforts spent on her beauty.

    And the last, most common case when a cat still needs to be washed is if it cannot cope on its own and looks more and more like a piglet that has just climbed out of a puddle.

    When answering this question, first of all, you should pay attention to the breed of your pet and permanent place his habitat.

    So, for example, domestic cat, which constantly sits in the apartment and practically never appears on the street, can be washed once every three months . But this is only on condition that the owner constantly monitors the condition of her fur - combs out and cuts off the formed pellets.

    But if the cat, on the contrary, spends almost all its time outside, it is best to bathe once a month . Most often, this situation occurs with cats living in a private home and having the opportunity to constantly go outside.

    In rural areas, it is customary to bathe households three to five times a year .

    The breed of your pet also has a strong influence on the frequency of bathing. For example, hairless breeds that are different from all the others complete absence coat, it is necessary to bathe frequently. Experts recommend washing such cats in summer time once every two weeks, since these animals, like people, produce sweat. But in winter time You can limit yourself to bathing once a month so as not to wash off the sebum, which allows cats not to freeze too much during this cold season.

    Some even wash themselves with their tongue - even those who don’t have a cat or other pets have heard about this. But as soon as a cat appears in the house, the new owners discover that “some” also need water treatments. But if it is possible and even necessary to wash a cat, then it remains questionable how often one can wash a cat. Believe me, the questions are just beginning! Soon you will be faced with the dilemma of how to wash your kitten, and you will learn about the existence of special cat shampoos. But, if cats are washed with shampoo, what kind? And how often can you wash your cat with or without shampoo?

    My head is spinning! And then the “hero of the occasion” gets underfoot, or vice versa, hides deep under the bathtub and categorically refuses to climb into it and bathe. We will not leave you in this mess and will tell you what and how often you can wash cats, male cats, kittens, depending on age, health status and breed. By following these tips, you can avoid the cat's heart-rending screams and even leave the bathroom relatively dry, with a clean and calm pet in your arms.

    Is it possible to wash a cat? How often can cats be washed?
    At first glance, this seems pointless: why wash the cat extra if all he does is lick his fur. And at second glance, the picture does not become clearer: nature created representatives of the cat family with a “built-in” mechanism for maintaining personal hygiene. Cat saliva contains active ingredients and has acidity to dissolve impurities and the tongue is coated a large number small and sharp protrusions-papillae, literally scraping out the fur. Cats lick themselves instinctively, they do not need to be taught this and ideally by an adult healthy cat able to fully ensure their own cleanliness.
    But what is created by nature is repeatedly distorted in modern conditions life of cats in the house next to people and among household chemicals, electronics and others are far from natural phenomena. Therefore, there may be various reasons and reasons for bathing a cat:
    Now you know why you need to wash your cat, and you can decide for yourself whether you need to do it. But don’t get carried away and control yourself! Some owners are ready to bathe their cat often just to amuse themselves with its pitiful wet appearance. We hope you are not one of them and have a reasonable understanding cat anatomy. The epidermis of cats is devoid of sweat glands, and a small amount of secretion is secreted sebaceous glands, necessary to protect against dryness. Frequent bathing tap water washes away the secretions and dries out the skin, causing peeling, cracks and even hair loss.

    How often can you wash your cat with shampoo?
    This last point may be confusing: how often should you bathe your cat without harming it? Frequent washing as part of treatment or special cases It won't hurt, but the cat usually doesn't need it. At normal conditions Focus on the following frequency of bathing your cat:
    What shampoo should I use to wash my cat?
    Shampoos for human hair, even the softest and babyish ones “without tears” are not suitable for cats. Cats are bathed with shampoos with a special composition and alkaline balance, gentle on sensitive skin. If you have ever tried to wash a cat with soap, you probably know that nothing good came out of it: only irritated, dry skin and dull coat after swimming. Take the time and money to specifically buy shampoo for your cat at the pet store:

    1. Liquid shampoo for cats consists of natural ingredients caring for wool. It is sold in small bottles, but is used sparingly and lasts a long time if you wash your cat no more than a couple of times a year. Available tar shampoo for cats, shampoo with medicinal herbs, special shampoos for fluffy, smooth-haired breeds and shampoo for cats with problem skin.
    2. Dry shampoo for cats it is similar to talc or baby powder: this fine powder is applied to the coat and then combed out along with dirt and excess sebum. It is recommended to wash your cat with dry shampoo if he absolutely does not tolerate water. But dry shampoo for animals compared to liquid detergent costs more and is less effective.
    There is no need to frequently wash your cat with flea shampoo unless necessary - it is better to get by with a mild detergent for hair care from a pet store. And in general, remember the main rule of bathing cats: less often is better than more often. If you don't have to wash your cat, don't wash it. Instead, brush the coat frequently with a special down brush to prevent it from matting and forming hard tangles.

    Grooming cats before an exhibition is a separate topic; there are special care rules and frequency of bathing. About a week before the competition, the cat is bathed with shampoo to make its coat shiny, then cut and treated with volume powder. If your pet does not participate in exhibitions, then we can say that both his and your life are relatively simple and pleasant, and you can wash the cat occasionally and without violence.

    Many novice cat lovers ask questions: do cats need bathing and how often can cats be washed? The owners' opinions are diametrically opposed. Some believe that cats take care of themselves by licking themselves with a rough tongue, and bathing only harms the quality of the coat. Their opponents do not think for a minute whether cats need to be washed, and are convinced that water procedures only benefit mustachioed pets.

    A healthy cat is the cleanest animal of all pets. When caring for her fur coat, she doesn’t miss a centimeter, methodically licking the dust that has settled during the day from the fur. How bigger cat travels through its territory, the more active it is, the more scrupulously it licks itself, destroying not only litter, but also unpleasant odors. Looking at such neatness, many people won’t even think about how often they need to wash their cat. Why wash it at all? The tailed princesses do a great job themselves. In addition, cats have lived in villages for centuries as rat traps, but no one has ever bathed them. And at the same time, the hunters felt great! Why should modern owners burden themselves with thoughts on the topic: should cats be washed?

    Let's go a hundred years ago, to some village: there is greenery all around, a clean river from which you can even drink, no garbage dumps. Grace and environmental cleanliness! What's outside the window? Garbage, dirty basements, exhaust fumes, acid rain and myriads of microbes. We don't see hazardous substances, but they are everywhere, and will definitely settle on cat hair, and then enter her stomach when the cleanie is licked. Since washing a cat is definitely easier than treating a pet for its earned chronic disease, it’s worth spending an hour swimming.

    What if your pet never goes outside? Is it necessary to wash domestic cats, because they don’t “collect” all that dangerous “dirt”? Experienced breeders believe that this is absolutely necessary, since harmful bacteria enter the room through the air and on people’s clothes. Of course, apartment cats are bathed less often.

    Bathing and shedding

    During the seasonal coat change, the cat grooms itself with special care, trying to collect all the falling hairs from the coat. The pet swallows the fur, which collects in the stomach into a dense lump. Some cats “delight” their owners by regurgitating fur onto their favorite carpet - this is the best, but not ideal option. It’s worse when the cat for some reason does not regurgitate its fur, suffering from heaviness in the stomach, difficult digestion, and in rare cases even from . Bathing speeds up the shedding process, as water and mechanical manipulation help remove dying hairs. But it’s worth asking the breeder how often cats can be washed during shedding: some breeds lose too much hair, upsetting owners with bald spots on their sides (all). “Teddy”, long-haired and short-haired cats with normally developed undercoat are not at risk from bathing.

    The views of a person and a cat on its purity are fundamentally different. And these contradictions, with all their irreconcilable categoricalness, are exposed precisely there, in the bathroom, when each participant in the washing process tries to prove that he is right in practice.

    For humans, hygiene with the help of water and other utensils is quite natural and pleasant. For a cat, washing is an unnatural, incomprehensible and even humiliating process. After all, there, at the bottom of the basin, it seems to him that the owner is trying in such a sophisticated way to encroach on his dignity and even... life. Therefore, in order to perform all wet manipulations with a minimum number of scratches and bites, as well as maintain mental and physical health fluffy impatiens intact, you need to find out in advance how often you can bathe cats, cats, kittens, what better way and remedy. After all, there are quite a lot of nuances here: the gender of the animal, its state (mental including), age, length of fur, character. We'll deal with it in order.

    General questions

    Felines are considered perhaps the cleanest animals on the planet. They devote almost all their free time from sleeping, playing, and eating to personal hygiene. So why force them to be washed? There are several reasons for this:

    1. Aesthetic. A clean animal certainly looks more well-groomed and presentable. It doesn’t matter whether your purr is purebred or not. By the way, bath exercise will add nobility to even a purebred cat.
    2. Preventive. With water, the pet loses all the dead hair that would otherwise simply end up in its stomach. Less fur will also help owners with allergies avoid attacks.
    3. Therapeutic. Water rids cats' fur coats of static electrical charges, as well as harmful elements contained in the atmosphere.

    Important! Excessive abuse of washing harms purrs: frequent contact with water and shampoos threatens all sorts of skin irritations.

    The chemical disrupts the pH balance, “washes out” the animal’s essential fat from the skin layer, useful substances, making it vulnerable to any atmospheric attacks. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to bathe cats and how often will be this: it is possible, if it is reasonable, correct and careful!

    Kitten hygiene

    Here the opinions of owners (especially of expensive, exhibition breeds) differ. Some, in order to accustom their pet to water and a hairdryer as early as possible, begin procedures at almost a month old and bathe the baby once every 2 weeks. But most more sensible owners advise doing this from 3 or even 5 months. In this case, such a procedure will cause much less harm to the baby’s fragile psyche.

    Important! If washing cannot be avoided after one month, it is very important to ensure that it does not get too cold in any case!

    You should also remember: the cat will remember the first bath, no doubt, for the rest of its life. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, do not drag him into the bath early. Kittens begin to wash themselves instinctively (sooner or later), do not try to artificially influence the “switching on” of the innate “function”. In addition, there is not much dirt on a newly born baby, who has never seen the street or other animals. Therefore, it is better to make the first acquaintance with water at 3-5 months. And don’t forget that after taking the vaccine (inoculation), you can bathe the baby only after 2 weeks.

    Cat hygiene

    It turns out that in problematic topic There are some discrepancies regarding how often cats and kittens can be bathed. With an adult male, everything is much clearer. If he has a free temperament, that is, he is walking, he will have to be washed as needed, depending on the degree of contamination, the presence/absence of fleas brought in and other factors. If he is a clean homebody, contact with water should still be kept to a minimum: even an adult cat with an established psyche perceives immersion in water as a transition to the “other world,” and this does not pass without a trace for a domestic tiger.

    In some particularly sensitive animals, after bathing, the heart rate may increase, the blood pressure may “jump,” cats may breathe heavily and even lose consciousness. Don't put them under such stress unnecessarily. There are also some “buts” with cats.

    Important! After castration, the cat can be immersed in water after 10 days, not earlier.

    When you have lichen, washing is not prohibited, but is even encouraged. Only this procedure will need to be carried out strictly on the recommendation of the veterinarian and with the means that he will prescribe. Now let's find out how often you can bathe cats. Because there are subtleties here.

    Bathing cats

    Water hygiene of cats should be approached more carefully due to pregnancy and feeding of offspring. If your cat is pregnant, regardless of the age, you should absolutely not wash it. If there is heavy dirt, the fur should be wiped very carefully with a damp cloth. While wiping, you must speak in a calm, gentle voice to expectant mother, protecting her from the slightest sudden movement, stress, excitement. It is possible to immerse a cat that has given birth and is nursing in water. If she is very afraid of washing, you can simply wipe the area around the nipples. Just don’t use any remedy for this.

    Otherwise, cats (as well as cats) should be bathed once every 2-3 months, or even less often. The exception is severe pollution, exhibitions, fleas. By the way, special mention should be made about these harmful insects. There is no need to think that an animal that does not leave the premises will never be attacked by them. You can bring them home on clothes and shoes. If there is more than one pet in the house, and one of them still walks on the street, the likelihood of a flea infestation is very high. At the first sign of the presence of blood-sucking animals, you should wash not only the affected animal, but also all four-legged animals.

    Important! If you use anti-insect drops, you cannot wash the tailed animals for a month, during which the product is effective.

    Therefore, to the question of how often you can bathe cats for fleas, there can only be one answer: as they appear. After all, not a single shampoo will guarantee your pet long-term protection from these harmful jumpers. Consequently, the problem will have to be solved after the fact, no matter how you look at it.

    Basic washing methods

    There are three of them:

    • traditional (water);
    • aerosol;
    • dry.

    The second and third methods do not involve contact of the animal with water at all. Therefore, they are suitable for those especially impressionable purrs for whom washing is akin to the end of the world. Traditional way assumes water, shampoo, and other accessories. Here it is better to use a basin, and not the entire bath, into which water must be poured in advance. Also, before starting the procedure, you need to open the bottles, prepare towels, and plug the cat’s ears with cotton swabs. If this is not possible, just make sure that the head does not come into contact with water under any circumstances.

    The aerosol method involves applying it to the wool by spraying certain composition, which is then rubbed into the wool. Afterwards, it is enough to hold the animal for 5 minutes and release it. There are two problems here: cats are afraid of the spray can more water, the composition may get into the eyes and ears. You can choose a less traumatic, but more expensive dry method using special powder. It is applied to the fur and then combed out. The animal more often perceives the procedure as a game and reacts to it quite tolerably.

    After everything you’ve read, you should understand: the answer to the question of how often you can bathe cats is not clear-cut. It depends on many factors, including individual characteristics pets play an important role.

    How often can you bathe cats, or the subtleties of bath art was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova