How to apply for the Unified State Exam for past graduates. Passing the Unified State Exam early: advantages and disadvantages

According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for testing in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline for Unified State Exam issues in your region and find out where you have the right to submit documents.

Phones « hotline" can be found on the official portal in the "information support" section. There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign educational institution - a notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter into automated system all your data and originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. If school graduates in mandatory Russian language and mathematics, then this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh graders, receiving a “credit” for an essay is an indispensable condition admission to exams, but graduates of previous years taking the Unified State Exam “according to at will”, are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact of having a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay with the admissions committee of the university of your choice: whether its presence is mandatory, whether it can bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam in a foreign language– decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). The oral part of the exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is more convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are submitting documents to last weeks before the deadline: it is possible that you will have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

The Unified State Exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is paid additional service, offered by educational authorities - and if you wish, you can use it. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.

We talked in detail about... However, it is quite understandable that the most questions arise about passing the Unified State Exam among those who have already graduated from school - graduates of previous years who want to enter universities in 2019 and who need fresh Unified State Exam results. How is registration for the 2019 Unified State Exam carried out for graduates of previous years, how and where to apply to sign up for the exams.

Do all graduates from previous years need to take the Unified State Exam again?

Not everyone. The results of the final certification are valid for four years, so if you took the Unified State Exam in 2015-2018, and also took exams in the subjects that you need in 2019 for admission, and also if you are satisfied with the scores you received as a result of the exam, take the Unified State Exam you don't need to. Universities in your case are obliged to accept the results of exams from previous years.

But this, of course, is an ideal situation. In practice, there are quite a lot of school graduates from previous years entering universities who either took the Unified State Exam much earlier or did not take such exams at all, since in their time the Unified State Exam had not yet appeared in principle. Someone took exams in completely different subjects than what he needs now in order to consciously enter this or that educational institution. Finally, someone could take the Unified State Exam in a core subject last year or the year before, but did not score well for admission and took a break for better preparation.

In all such cases, you will have to take the unified state exams again.

How to register for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years - how and where to apply

In order to register for the Unified State Exam 2019, you must submit an application to the education authorities before February 1 inclusive. In each specific Russian city It is worth especially checking the addresses of places of registration for the Unified State Exam; for this you need to call the local departments of education and any other similar organizations that different cases may be called differently. So, in Moscow you can register for the 2019 Unified State Exam at five addresses:

  • Teterinsky lane, house 2A, building 1;
  • Zelenograd, building 1128;
  • Semenovskaya Square, building 4;
  • Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, building 47;
  • Aerodromnaya street, house 9.

All indicated Moscow registration places are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 with a break from 12:00 to 12:30.

In exceptional cases, you can submit an application to take the Unified State Exam after February 1, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. But for this there must be compelling, valid reasons: illness and other circumstances that you can confirm with documents.

What documents are needed for registration for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years?

In order to register for the 2019 Unified State Exam, a graduate of previous years will need to provide:

  1. Passport or another document that proves his identity;
  2. SNILS(if any);
  3. Original education document(if such a document was received in a foreign country, a certified translation into Russian will be required).

For people with disabilities, you will also need certificate of disability or its certified copy. If you have access to a university recommendation, which was issued by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, you also need to attach a copy of it.

In addition to what you will need to provide specified documents, you will be asked to fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, where, in particular, you will need to indicate the subjects that you want to take. Also, in accordance with Russian laws, you will need to sign consent to the processing of your personal data.

Is it possible not to sign consent to the processing of personal data when applying for the Unified State Exam?

You have the right not to sign such consent if you do not want to. Just inform the educational authorities about this immediately - they will tell you how to correctly fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, indicating in the application your reluctance to process your personal data.

If you are interested in what rules will be used to take your exams in Moscow in this case, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant commission for taking exams. Similar documents with similar rules should also exist in other regions of Russia.

Unified State Exam 2019 schedule for graduates of previous years - when to take this or that exam

Graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam during the early stage. It takes place in March-April, so there is not much time left for preparation!

Schedule early Unified State Exam waves for 2019 it looks like this:

Date Items
March 20 (Wednesday) geography, literature
March 22 (Friday) Russian language
March 25 (Monday) history, chemistry
March 27 (Wednesday) foreign languages ​​(oral part)
March 29 (Friday) mathematics Base, Profile
April 1 (Monday) foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics
April 3 (Wednesday) social studies, computer science and ICT
April 5 (Friday) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history
April 8 (Monday) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written part), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wednesday) reserve: Russian language, mathematics Base, Profile

The innovation, according to which mathematics was divided into two levels of complexity, is more than justified. Some graduates will have enough basic knowledge from the high school curriculum, and later in their studies a deep knowledge of mathematics will not be useful to them. At the same time, for others, mathematics is one of the foundations of their future specialty, deep knowledge are required at the university they have chosen, and the depth of knowledge for more serious requirements can be tested in a specialized exam.

Every year everything larger number Crimean graduates are chosen to study by Russian universities. Over the past two years, 11th graders had a choice - to take the State Examination in the Unified State Exam format or entrance exams directly at the university chosen for study. Thus, in 2017, 84% of Sevastopol graduates chose to take the Unified State Exam. with tests and entered into budget or contract forms of study at Russian universities.

The application must list all the subjects in which the participant plans to take the Unified State Exam: compulsory and elective subjects. We remind you that two exams - Russian language and mathematics - are mandatory for graduates of the current year. Successful completion of these subjects is necessary to obtain a certificate of secondary general education. The Unified State Examination in mathematics is available at two levels: basic and specialized. Basic level mathematics is taken by graduates to obtain a certificate of secondary general education, specialized level mathematics is taken for admission to an educational organization higher education, in which mathematics is included in the list of entrance tests.

It is worth immediately warning future 11th graders that the materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which the 2016 graduates used, are no longer relevant. In 2017, KIMs in many subjects underwent significant changes.

For graduates of previous years; students in secondary educational programs vocational education(in educational organizations that are not accredited for the secondary education program general education); students studying in foreign educational organizations:

Registration for the Unified State Exam 2018 for graduates of previous years. News today 01/16/2018

Children who studied under individual programs or in the “family education” format must first pass the State Examination and write a final essay by contacting educational institution, having state accreditation. To be admitted to the Unified State Exam, such graduates must receive a “satisfactory” or higher grade in the exams.

Participants, those who passed the final essay, up to 10 points can be added to the existing Unified State Exam points at the discretion of the university. The procedure for taking into account the results obtained by the applicant for the final essay is indicated in the admission rules independently approved by the university.

at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, 20, office 8, Larisa Ivanovna Gladkova (t. 95-96-60, 32-73-40).
Notification times:
from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 (Monday-Thursday);
from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00 (Friday).
To receive the notification you must have your passport with you.

Participation of this category of citizens wishing to take the exam at other times of the Unified State Examination is possible only if they have valid reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) and the decision of the State Examination Commission of St. Petersburg.

The hottest and most important time for school graduates is just around the corner - passing the unified state exams. Currently, everyone who plans to take the Unified State Exam this year needs to have time to submit an application to participate in the exams. The application period will continue until February 1, 2018 (inclusive). After the specified deadline, applications for participation in the Unified State Exam will not be accepted.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region No. 745-r dated November 19, 2015 “On approval of registration places during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the Samara Region in 2016” can be found here>>>.

But everyone else who wants to take the Unified State Exam - from among graduates of previous years, students of colleges and technical schools, receiving primary and secondary vocational education, as well as those who studied in foreign educational organizations must submit an application before February 1 at the submission point (see below ) statements yourself.

In accordance with Decree No. 235-r of the Togliatti Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region dated November 22, 2016, the final essay for graduates of previous years and students of secondary vocational education institutions was approved by the MBU “School No. 46” (Tolyatti, Kurchatova Blvd. 16).

Since 2017, the test part of the unified state exam tasks has been excluded from almost all test materials. To the previously excluded test parts, the exclusion of the test part from the Unified State Examination tasks in three more subjects has been added: physics, biology and chemistry.

The Unified State Exam (USE) is a form of state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (GEA).

When conducting the Unified State Exam, control measuring materials (CMMs) are used, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form, as well as special forms for filling out answers to tasks.

The Unified State Exam is conducted in writing in Russian (with the exception of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages).

To conduct the Unified State Exam on the territory Russian Federation and beyond, a unified examination schedule is provided.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Unified State Examination is organized and conducted by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) together with the authorities executive branch subjects of the Russian Federation carrying out public administration in the field of education (OSE).

For outside the territory The Unified State Exam of the Russian Federation is conducted by Rosobrnadzor together with the founders of Russian educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, having state accreditation and implementing basic educational programs of secondary general education, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have specialized structural educational units in their structure.


Students who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (have annual grades in all academic subjects) are allowed to take the Unified State Examination as a form of State Examination. curriculum for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education is not less than satisfactory).

The following have the right to voluntarily take the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam:

Where to sign up for the Unified State Exam 2018. Main news today 01/16/2018

In accordance with Decree No. 60-r of the Togliatti Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region dated 04/19/2017, the MBU “School No. 56” was approved as the venue for the final essay on 05/03/2017 for graduates of previous years and students of secondary vocational education institutions ( Togliatti, Voroshilov st., 28).

To be admitted to the Unified State Examination, you must obtain and submit a certificate from the college confirming your mastery of educational programs secondary general education or completion of educational programs of secondary general education in the current year.

When presenting an identification document (and its copy), and the original document on education (and its copy). The original foreign document on education is presented with a duly certified translation from a foreign language.

Since a graduate from previous years already has a certificate of education, he does not need to write a final essay or take compulsory subjects. Except, of course, for those cases when the university where a person wants to enter requires current Unified State Examination results in Russian or mathematics, and the result of the final essay is also important.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 6 dated 01/09/2017 on amendments to the Procedure for conducting state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education for graduates of past years, the Unified State Examination is carried out ahead of schedule, but not earlier than March 1, and (or) additional deadlines conducting the Unified State Exam.
Participation in exams for graduates of previous years on other dates of the Unified State Examination is allowed only if they have good reason(illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) and the corresponding decision of the State Examination Committee.

The hottest and most important time for school graduates is just around the corner - passing the unified state exams. Currently, everyone who plans to take the Unified State Exam this year needs to have time to submit an application to participate in the exams. The application period will continue until February 1, 2018 (inclusive). After the specified deadline for applying for participation in the Unified State Exam [...]

In accordance with Decree No. 261-r dated November 22, 2017, the Tolyatti Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region has approved the MBU “School No. 46” (Togliatti, Kurchatova Blvd., 16) as the venue for the final essay for graduates of previous years.

Other educational subjects Graduates take the Unified State Exam on a voluntary basis of their choice for admission to educational organizations of higher education. Graduates who do not plan to continue their studies at a university may limit themselves surrender only compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics.

Students receiving education in secondary vocational education and foreign educational organizations, instead of a document on education, present a certificate from educational organization, in which they undergo training confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

To apply, you must have a passport with a photocopy and a document on secondary education with a photocopy (without an attachment).
Students receiving education in secondary vocational education and foreign educational organizations, instead of a document on education, present a certificate from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

When is the Unified State Exam 2018. Latest events.

For quite some time now, the main final exam at school has been the Unified State Exam. This abbreviation stands for Unified State Exam and it was first tested in Russian schools in the 2000s.

Over the years of its existence, the Unified State Exam has undergone many changes that are necessary for its successful passing, without additional psycho-emotional stress on the part of schoolchildren. For those who are already on the verge of graduation, it will be useful to know what date the Unified State Examination is in 2018, so as not to miss precious time preparing for this important test in life.

To begin with, I would like to note that every year schoolchildren ask the question “Will the Unified State Exam be cancelled?”, because not everyone has a positive attitude towards such a knowledge test. The current Minister of Education never tires of repeating the answer to this question, and she emphasizes that a lot of effort and money have been invested in the development of the Unified State Examination system, so there can be no talk of canceling the exam.

Thanks to the Unified State Exam, it is possible to find out the real picture of academic performance and the level of knowledge among schoolchildren, which means that it is extremely necessary for Russia.

In 2018, they want to increase the number of compulsory subjects included in the Unified State Exam. Let us remember that until this moment graduates had to take only two subjects - mathematics and Russian language. According to the latest data received from the Ministry of Education, it became known that the list of compulsory disciplines may be significantly expanded.

It’s too early to talk about any specific numbers, but it is possible that there will be six. Although, there is no need to sound the alarm in advance, because possible increase they started talking back in 2014, but the matter did not progress beyond discussions. Even at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year, the children took only 3 subjects for the Unified State Exam: two compulsory and one elective.

However, officials claim that already in 2017-2018 the Unified State Examination will be supplemented with another compulsory subject. It is difficult to say which discipline will receive this honor, but the scales are tipping towards history. Among schoolchildren this subject is lately, began to enjoy incredible popularity.

The guys are inspired by the past of their Fatherland and want to learn more about it interesting facts. The parliamentarians themselves are confident that history should be known by heart, so including it in the list of compulsory subjects will improve the level of knowledge among schoolchildren in this area.

Social studies takes second place after history in the ranking of favorite subjects. Statistics show that graduates often choose this subject as an additional exam. True, after the reform, the discipline became somewhat more complicated, so now it’s hard to say that it is easy for students.

Another subject worth considering is physics. Oddly enough, modern schoolchildren like this complex science in every sense. Fans of engineering universities are also in favor of its inclusion in the list of compulsory subjects for the Unified State Exam. Of course, the number of people who want to take physics at the end of school is not so large, but they still exist.

Today it is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty which discipline will become compulsory, because there is still a lot of time until the end of the 2017-2018 academic year and everything can turn in a completely unexpected direction.

Main changes in the Unified State Examination

As we wrote above, the Unified State Exam is constantly being improved. The new Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva will follow the “trodden path” and promises to carry out a number of important and necessary changes that will help make the Unified State Exam as indicative and comfortable as possible.

True, Vasilyeva is not a supporter of sudden innovations; she will try to carry out the reforms smoothly so that students do not feel additional burden.

First of all, the transformations will affect. Short answer questions will be excluded from the forms, although they have recently replaced the test part of the exam. The new minister noted that literature is a creative subject, so there is no need to overly test the knowledge of terminology among schoolchildren, because there are other disciplines for this.

In addition, they are preparing to simplify tasks for analyzing a work, as well as increase the number of topics submitted for composing an essay. Before 2018, schoolchildren were given only three topics to choose from; after the reform, there may be five or six reasons for reflection.

The size of the essay itself will become larger. If previously the minimum number of words was equal to 200, then from 2018 it will increase to 250 words.

And finally, officials plan to introduce a five-point scale for grading essays. As you know, schoolchildren are accustomed to such marks, therefore this innovation will be convenient both for them and for the examiners.

Schedule for the Unified State Examination in 2018

Not only the course of exams has undergone changes - the official Unified State Exam schedule I also had to make some adjustments. Please note that the dates below may still shift in one direction or another, so it is important to monitor updated information on the FIPI website. Well, in the meantime, let's take a look at the existing exam dates.

Early period:

  • Computer Science, Geography – March 24
  • Russian language – March 26
  • Chemistry, history - March 28
  • Mathematics B, P – March 30
  • Foreign language (oral) – April 4
  • Foreign language, physics, biology - April 6
  • Social studies, literature - April 8.

Main period:

  • Computer Science, Geography – May 28
  • Mathematics – May 30
  • Social Studies – June 4
  • Literature, physics - June 6
  • Russian language – June 8
  • Biology, foreign language— June 12
  • History, chemistry - June 18.

2018-2019 has just begun academic year, which means that for eleventh-graders it’s time to find out how the most “terrible” test of their entire lives will be held - the Unified State Exam. Let us remind you how the Unified State Examination will take place in 2019, what subjects are compulsory, how long the Unified State Exam results are valid, how to retake the Unified State Exam with a bad grade, and how to pass the Unified State Exam for a graduate of previous years.

Required subjects for passing the Unified State Exam in 2019

IN recent years There are constantly rumors about expanding the list of compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam, so it would be useful to remind you which subjects are mandatory in 2019 and which are not.

In fact, compared to many previous years, there will be no changes in 2019, and there are two mandatory subjects for the Unified State Exam:

  • Russian language,
  • mathematics.

The only change that came into force relatively recently is that the graduate needs to decide which exam in mathematics he will take - a basic level of difficulty or a specialized, more complex version.

The innovation, according to which mathematics was divided into two levels of complexity, is more than justified. Some graduates will have enough basic knowledge from the high school curriculum, and later in their studies a deep knowledge of mathematics will not be useful to them. At the same time, for others, mathematics is one of the foundations of their future specialty; deep knowledge is required at the university they have chosen, and the depth of knowledge for more serious requirements can be tested in a specialized exam.

By the way, a graduate has the right to take both versions of the mathematics exam if he so desires.

In principle, these two exams are enough to obtain a certificate of completion of eleven classes. All other exams are the choice of the student himself, and you can take any number of them. Let us remind you that in addition to the mandatory exams in 2019, you can take the Unified State Exam in the following elective subjects:

  • biology,
  • geography,
  • foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish),
  • computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT),
  • story,
  • literature,
  • social science,
  • physics,
  • chemistry.

It is clear that eleventh-graders take a choice of exams, the results of which will be required for admission to the university of their choice for their chosen specialty.

Let us also remind you that admission to the Unified State Exam for current graduates will be the one that eleventh graders will write in the winter. The essay is assessed according to the credit system, that is, in fact, whether the student writes it as a C or as an A, it makes no difference - he will receive a pass and be admitted to the Unified State Exam.

How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

Unified State Examination results are valid for four years. Thus, those who take the Unified State Exam in 2019 will be able to manage their results until 2023. And, accordingly, in 2019 it will not be too late for those who took the Unified State Exam in 2015 or later to submit their results of the Unified State Examinations for admission to a university.

As for those who take the Unified State Exam in 2019 and receive a score below the minimum required, the retake deadline depends on which exam they failed. If this is one of the compulsory subjects, you will be able to retake the Unified State Exam in September 2019. If this is one of the optional exams, then no earlier than in 2020.

When will the Unified State Exam schedule be known in 2019?

The official Unified State Exam schedule for 2019 should appear at the beginning of the calendar year. Usually the order of the Ministry of Education and Science appears in early January. Let's say, in 2017, this order was issued on January 9 - the first working day of the year. Until this moment, work is underway on the Unified State Exam schedule, and it is also considered not entirely appropriate to publish the schedule, even if it is ready earlier.

By the way, even in January the Unified State Exam schedule is published with a note that it is preliminary and can be adjusted closer to the summer.

How to pass the Unified State Exam for a graduate of previous years in 2019

Those who passed the Unified State Exam before 2015 and whose results are invalid, those who want to get a higher score in a particular subject than they received in 2015 or later, as well as those who completely graduated from school before the era of unified state exams are allowed if necessary, take the Unified State Exam together with current year graduates.

In order to pass the Unified State Exam for a graduate of previous years in 2019, you must, first of all, prepare for the exam, and also notify the local education department of your desire. You will need to write an application, indicate those subjects for which you want to take the Unified State Exam, present a passport and a certificate of education.

Since a graduate from previous years already has a certificate of education, he does not need to write a final essay or take compulsory subjects. Except, of course, for those cases when the university where a person wants to enter requires current Unified State Examination results in Russian or mathematics, and the result of the final essay is also important.

A graduate of previous years can take the Unified State Exam in any city; the deadline is either early or together with the main stream.