How does medical and social examination work for people with disabilities? Who controls the work of the ITU office? What documents are needed to register a child for ITU?

How to register a disability - where to start: you need to know the procedure for registering a disability, what documents are needed to register a disability, what is the ITU commission for registering a disability

Cases when work capacity is limited due to an exacerbation of the disease or serious injury are quite common in labor practice. To protect your rights and receive social support the injured worker needs to go through a rather complex and lengthy procedure for registering disability, where to start?

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First, you need to carefully study regulatory framework and determine the procedure for registering disability.

Secondly, you need to clearly understand what documents are needed to register a disability, where to get the work performance form for registering a disability, and decide on the functions and purpose of the ITU commission for registering a disability.

And thirdly, if necessary, distinguish between the features of registering a disability for a pensioner (bedridden), registering a disability for a child, how to register a visual disability, and how the procedure for registering a disability in oncology differs from others.

We will examine all these points in more detail in our article.

ITU commission for registration of disability

You can obtain the status of a disabled person on the basis of the Rules established by government decree number 95 in February 2006. Paragraph two of these Rules directly states that a citizen must first undergo a medical and social examination (MSE) - an ISE commission for registration of disability. Without a corresponding conclusion medical specialists You cannot count on government help.

Residents of Moscow, remembering the special federal status of their city, often do not know how to apply for disability in Moscow. Considering that the effect of the government decree of the Russian Federation is equivalent in all subjects Russian Federation, it should be noted that in the capital the procedure for registering disability occurs in strict accordance with the above document, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The basis for contacting a doctor is deterioration in health. If you are sick or injured, you should visit your doctor, who will provide a referral to specialized specialists. They will record the results of the examination and examination in a separate report. Such a document has the right to be drawn up by both the attending physician and the group of doctors who observed the patient.

Particular attention is paid to the patient's condition. It is being determined whether he can live without outside help or continue working. In cases with children, their ability to learn is determined, independent movement and control of one's own behavior.

Referrals for examination are given by the following government agencies:

  • representatives of social protection authorities;
  • branches of the Pension Fund (at the place of residence of the citizen affected by injury or illness);
  • polyclinics (district or city).

If you became disabled due to the fault of a doctor, find out what punishment the doctor should bear for.

Features of the procedure

The legislation provides for both independent appeal of citizens to all necessary authorities, and through legal representatives who have all the powers to protect the interests of the sick person.

To obtain the status of a disabled person with the help of such a voluntary assistant, you must have the appropriate judgment. It confirms the special condition of a person with disabilities and gives the representative the right to obtain a power of attorney at a notary’s office. can be found in this article.

To figure out how to register a disability, you must first clarify all the nuances of the procedure at the clinic or social service. Such consultation will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

Documents must be provided within ten days after submitting the application. This can also be done in electronic form. But the document must be certified by a qualified signature. After you have dealt with the paperwork, the immediate process of registering disability begins, which consists of 3 stages:

  1. Invitation to ITU. It may come in paper or electronic form.
  2. Conducting an ITU and obtaining a decision. From the moment of filing the application until the examination, no more than 30 calendar days. The decision is made immediately after the procedure. Explanations from medical experts can be provided immediately after the examination.
  3. Obtaining a certificate confirming the disability of a certain group.

Features of registration for certain groups of citizens

How to apply for disability for a child

To clarify how to register a disability for a child, you must also first consult with the social examination bureau or at the clinic.

In most cases, registering a disability for a child is no different from examining an adult. The documents are additionally accompanied by the passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents.

Another important nuance– this is the need to present characteristics issued at the place of education (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, permission from the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical confidentiality in the characteristics compiled.

In general, there should be no problems with how to register a disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to apply for disability for a pensioner

Before applying for disability, a pensioner will have to do the following:

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination and then issues medical report, which indicates mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of illness of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • according to the results medical examination at ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • With the certificate, the pensioner goes to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and an increase in pension.

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this regard, the state assigns a disability pension.

Before applying for a disability pension, you need to collect all the necessary documents:

  • certificate of passing the ITU;
  • passport;
  • SNILS card

Having a package of documents in hand, the citizen contacts the Pension Fund branch in his region and writes an application for payment of a disability pension.

Let's consider how much pension they will receive different groups disabled people.

  • disabled people of the first group and disabled people from childhood of the second group – 8647.51 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the second group – 4323.74 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the third group - 3675.2 rubles per month;
  • disabled children and disabled children of the first group - 10,376.86 rubles per month.

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However, this article was written at a time when ITU Bureau worked the old fashioned way - without using specialized software.
Currently, most ITU bureaus in the Russian Federation work using a specialized program - EAVIAS (Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information Analytical System).
In this regard, during the examination at the ITU bureau, patients are asked questions, the answers to which are necessary to fill out the relevant points of this program.

Currently, most ITU bureaus in the Russian Federation work using a specialized program - EAVIAS (Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information Analytical System).
In this regard, during the examination at the ITU bureau, patients are asked questions, the answers to which are necessary to fill out the relevant points of this program.

Passport data - filled in using an identification document (most often a passport) and special questions for the patient when filling out this section programs - does not occur.

  • marital status;
  • number of family members living with a disabled person;
  • presence (and number) of disabled people in the family;
  • presence (and number) of children under 18 years of age in the family;
  • social status of the patient (the program offers a choice of only 2 options: “breadwinner” and “dependent” - this item is usually filled out without asking the corresponding question to the patient and is not always easy to answer unambiguously);
  • living conditions (the program offers several options to choose from: “separate apartment”, your own house (part of the house)”, “dorm room”, “lack of housing”, etc.);
  • availability of standard amenities in the home (electricity, sewerage, heating, bathroom, gas, telephone, balcony, Internet...);
  • the patient has his own separate room;
  • floor of residence.
  • education (what educational institution and when graduated, profession according to diploma);
  • beginning and end labor activity, what professions he worked in (usually this data is taken from a photocopy work book, which must be provided to the ITU);
  • what profession does the patient currently work in (if he works);
  • name of the organization (institution) in which the patient works;
  • address of the patient's place of work;
  • telephone number of the place of work (filling out this item often causes difficulties, since patients usually do not remember it from memory, but in production characteristics- it is not indicated);
  • characteristics of the work performed (according to the patient and according to the presented production characteristics);
  • way of moving from place of residence to place of work ( public transport, personal car, company transport, on foot);
  • duration of stay on sick leave (for the last 12 months - theoretically - this data should be in the Referral to ITU in form 088/u-06, but the attending physicians do not always fill it out properly - therefore - it is advisable - or check the completion of this item in form 088/у-06, or - write down everything on a separate sheet sick leave over the past 12 months. indicating the diagnoses and the dates of their issue).

You also need to be able to complain.

Next comes the complaints section.
You also need to be able to complain.
Many patients, unfortunately, cannot even clearly state their complaints.
Phrases like: “I have a head, I have a back, I have legs, etc.”
- will cause nothing but irritation among experts (especially under time pressure).
Everyone has a head, back and legs.
And what needs to be presented is COMPLAINTS.
That is - WHAT, WHERE and HOW it hurts or otherwise bothers you (headaches - constant or periodic, pain in the heart (behind the sternum) - constant or periodic - how often (once a day, once a week, once a year, etc.) etc.) and when they occur (at rest, while walking, after eating, with excitement, etc.), what their nature is (stabbing, aching, pressing, bursting, dull, etc.), they themselves pass or are relieved with tablets (inhalers) - if they are relieved with medications - then what kind and (approximately) - after what period of time, the same applies to other attacks (suffocation, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, lower back, joint, spine, etc. .).

Next, the program contains a section on the medical history.
For primary patients (who are examined by the ITU bureau for the first time), the following points are usually clarified:
1. since when do they consider themselves sick;
2. how the disease progressed (very briefly);
when were inpatient treatment on the main pathology (photocopies of all extracts from the hospital must be attached to the Referral to MTU in form 088/u-06 - in chronological order(at the top - the most recent ones, below - the older ones), and their originals must be taken with you to the ITU (they may be required for verification with photocopies, but after such verification they must be returned to you);
3. what treatment the patient is currently receiving (what medications and in what dosage he is taking, what effect he notes from the treatment).

For repeat patients, information on the course of the disease (and its treatment) is clarified for the period that has elapsed since the last examination at the ITU bureau (that is, usually for 1 year - if we are talking about the 2nd and 3rd disability groups or for 2 year - if we are talking about disabled people of the 1st group).

Next, the program contains sections that are filled out based on the results of an objective examination of the patient and on the basis of documents submitted to the ITU (without any questions to the patient).
The final section of the program is the development of IPR (PRP).
When filling out this section, the patient may have questions.
Repeated patients (previously recognized as disabled) - must submit to the ITU the old (developed during the previous examination) IPR - with the appropriate marks of completion (on receipt (or non-receipt) of TSR in the FSS, marks from the Central Employment Center (if recommendations were given for employment in the center employment), etc.
For primary patients, they can clarify the need for TSR ( technical means rehabilitation).
For example, there are crutches: axillary and with armrest support, walkers - walking or on wheels, etc. - the patient can be asked which ones he prefers.

After completing the survey of complaints and examining the patient (it is advisable to take a sheet with you), he is asked to wait outside the office while the experts process the data received, enter them into the program, consult and make a specific expert decision on his case.

The waiting period may vary - depending on many factors (the complexity of a particular expert case, the number of experts working in the bureau remaining after the reductions in the ITU Service taking place throughout the country, their experience in the EAVIIA program (mainly on how quickly they know how to type) and even about the stability of computer equipment (the phrase: “the computer is frozen” is probably known to many and has been heard in a variety of institutions and organizations - the ITU bureau is no exception in this regard), from the stability of the power supply in the ITU bureau (if there is a power outage, there can be big problems and temporary delays).
The number of patients (load per meeting) also plays a big role.
It is clear that the larger the volume of work and the fewer workers, the more time it will take to complete this work.

When the workload for 1 meeting is up to 18 people and when working with 4 medical experts (one of whom is the head of the ITU bureau), when working in the EAVIIAS program - the estimated time for completing documents after the patient leaves the office (after questioning his complaints and examination) - is approximately 1.5 hours (but this is ONLY provided that ALL ITU experts have EXCELLENT skills in working in the program, disability certificates are not written by hand, but printed on a printer, and computer equipment works stably).
In other cases, this time can increase significantly.
In general - in BEST CASE- 1.5 hours.
If certificates of disability are written by hand, then (subject to the above conditions) - 2 hours.

The decision is announced to the patient in orally, issued: certificate of disability, IPR (PRP).
If a patient is not recognized as a disabled person, he - at his request (only if the patient expressed such a desire orally) - is issued a free-form certificate stating that he is not recognized as a disabled person and the procedure for appealing the decision of the ITU bureau is explained (as a rule, most primary ITU bureaus already have standard forms statements of disagreement, which the patient can fill out to appeal the decision to the ITU Main Bureau)

Medical social expertise(MSE) of a citizen is carried out in the bureau at the place of residence (at the place of stay, the location of the pension file of a disabled person who has left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation) (clause 10, Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 29, 2014 N 59n ; clause 20 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95).

Place of residence is a residential house, apartment, room, residential premises of a specialized housing stock or other residential premises in which a citizen permanently or primarily resides as the owner, under a lease (sublease) agreement, a lease agreement for specialized residential premises or on other grounds, provided for by law of the Russian Federation, and in which he is registered at the place of residence (paragraph 8 of article 2 of the Law of June 25, 1993 N 5242-1; clause 3 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713 (hereinafter referred to as Rules N 713) ; clause 1 of article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A citizen must be registered at his place of residence (Article 6 of Law No. 5242-1). The fact of registration of citizens at the place of residence is confirmed by a mark in the passport or a certificate of registration at the place of residence for persons under 14 years of age (clause 18 of Rules No. 713).

Note. Registration at the place of residence is often called the place of registration.

The place of stay is the place where a citizen temporarily resides - a hotel, sanatorium, holiday home, boarding house, camping, tourist center, medical organization or other similar institution, an institution of the penal system that carries out punishments in the form of imprisonment or forced labor, or residential premises that are not the place of residence of a citizen (paragraph 7, article 2 of Law No. 5242-1; clause 3 of Rules No. 713).

Citizens are registered at the place of stay without deregistration at the place of residence (Article 5 of Law No. 5242-1). The fact of registration of citizens at the place of stay in residential premises that are not their place of residence is confirmed by a certificate of registration at the place of residence (Article 3 of Law No. 5242-1; Clause 12 of Rules No. 713).

However, if a citizen moves between populated areas (arrives in a populated area) of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory he is registered at his place of residence, then he has the right not to register at his place of residence (Part 2 of Article 5 of Law No. 5242-1).

The same rule applies to Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, as well as to Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea. In particular, this means that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right not to register at the place of residence in a residential building located in Moscow or in one of the settlements of the Moscow region, if he is already registered at the place of residence in Moscow or the Moscow region. A similar rule applies to other specified entities (Parts 3, 5, Article 5 of Law No. 5242-1).

Thus, a citizen has the right to undergo medical examination at the registration address at the place of residence or place of stay. Registration at the place of residence is mandatory only if the ITU is completed in a locality located outside the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory the citizen is registered at the place of residence. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, as well as Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea, have the right to undergo the ITU at their place of residence, both in the city and in any locality of the subject of the Federation without registration.

Disability can be registered if there is:

  • impairment of health with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
  • limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
  • the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation and habilitation.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled is made based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE).

Depending on the state of health, adults are assigned I, II or III group disability, children under 18 years of age - category “disabled child”.

2. How to get a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise?

Referrals for medical and social examination are issued by medical organizations (organizational and legal form medical organization and your place of residence does not matter).

When determining whether you have signs of disability, your doctor should rely on diagnostic studies, results of treatment, rehabilitation and habilitation. Therefore, it is best to contact your attending physician for a referral to MSA. But you can also go, for example, to the chief doctor of the medical organization where you are being treated.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

">law, if a person needs social protection, social protection authorities and pension authorities can also issue a referral to MSE, but only if they have medical documents, which confirm impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. In practice, this means that you will still have to contact a medical organization.

If you are denied a referral, request that you receive a written refusal. With this certificate, you have the right to contact the ITU office yourself. In this case, the staff of the ITU bureau will prescribe an examination for you, and based on its results they will determine whether there is a need for a medical and social examination.

After you receive the referral, you will need to sign up for a medical and social examination at the ITU office.

3. What documents are needed to register a child for ITU?

To register your child for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (children over 14 years of age fill out and sign the application on their own; for children under 14 years of age this must be done by legal representatives);
  • identification document (for children under 14 years old - birth certificate, for children over 14 years old - passport);
  • medical documents indicating the state of health of a citizen (outpatient card, extracts from hospitals, consultants’ reports, examination results - usually issued by the doctor who issued the referral for medical examination);
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • to the guardian (representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority) - a document establishing guardianship.

4. What documents do adults need to register for ITU?

To sign up for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (can be filled out by both the citizen himself and his representative);
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • referral to medical examination issued by the attending physician;
  • work book (original and copy);
  • professional and production characteristics from the place of work - for working citizens;
  • medical or military medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultant reports, examination results, Red Army or military record book, certificate of injury, etc.);
  • SNILS;
  • if the documents are submitted by a representative - a power of attorney for the representative and his passport.

In some cases it may be necessary Additional documents(depending on the specific case):

  • act on an industrial accident in form N-1 (certified copy);
  • act on occupational disease(certified copy);
  • conclusion of the interdepartmental expert council on the causal relationship of the disease, disability with exposure to radioactive factors (certified copy, original presented in person);
  • certificate of participant in the liquidation of the consequences of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant or living in the exclusion or resettlement zone (copy, original presented in person);
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation - a residence permit;
  • for refugees - a refugee certificate (to be presented in person);
  • for nonresident citizens - a certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • for those dismissed from military service- a certificate of illness drawn up by the VVK (certified copy, the original must be presented in person).
">additional documents.

An application for a medical and social examination can be considered up to one month from the date of submission of the application.

5. Which ITU office should I contact?

Medical and social examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. In some cases, MSE may be carried out:

  • in the ITU Main Bureau - in case of appeal against the bureau’s decision, as well as in the direction of the bureau in cases requiring special types of examination;
  • in the ITU Federal Bureau - in case of appeal against the decision of the ITU Main Bureau, as well as in the direction of the ITU Main Bureau in cases requiring particularly complex special types of examination;
  • at home - if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (ITU Main Bureau, ITU Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization, or in a hospital where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.

6. How is the examination carried out?

During the examination, the bureau’s specialists will study the documents you submitted and analyze social, professional, labor, psychological and other data.

In some cases, ITU bureau specialists may be able to assign you additional examination. You can refuse it. In this case, the decision to recognize you as disabled or to refuse to recognize you as disabled will be made based only on the data you provide. Your refusal will be reflected in the ITU protocol, which is maintained during the examination.

Representatives of government agencies may participate in the conduct of a medical and social examination at the invitation of the head of the bureau with the right of an advisory vote. off-budget funds, Federal Service for Labor and Employment, as well as relevant specialists (consultants). You also have the right to invite any specialist with his consent, he will have the right to an advisory vote.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to refuse to recognize him as a disabled person is made by a simple majority vote of the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, based on a discussion of the results of the medical and social examination.

Based on the results, a medical and social examination report is drawn up. You have the right to request copies of both the act and the protocol.

In addition, the bureau’s specialists, after conducting a medical and social examination, will prepare an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for you.

7. What documents are issued after the examination?

A citizen recognized as disabled is issued:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group;
  • individual rehabilitation or habilitation program (IPRA).

A citizen who is not recognized as disabled, at his request, is issued a certificate of the results of a medical and social examination.

If necessary, make changes (new personal data, technical errors) in the IPRA or, if necessary, to clarify the characteristics of previously recommended types of rehabilitation and (or) habilitation measures, there is no need to undergo a new medical and social examination. It is enough to write an application to the ITU bureau that issued the document. You will be given a new IPRA.

The date of determination of disability is the day the bureau receives an application for medical examination. Disability is established until the 1st day of the month following the month for which the next ITU (re-examination) is scheduled.

People with physical disabilities have the right to count on support from the state in the form of all kinds of benefits, subsidies and allowances. However, in order to take advantage of the privileges, you must first confirm and document your status. The examination is carried out by a disability commission consisting of specialists from various fields. In order not to get confused during the process, it is worth understanding in advance what it is and what algorithm of the procedure is provided for by law.

What is ITU

According to the text federal law No. 181-FZ, Chapter 2, paragraph 7, medical and social examination (MSE) is an examination procedure aimed at establishing the fact of disability in relation to a person who has physical pathologies. varying degrees gravity.

The list of main functions of ITU includes:

  • identifying the causes of disability, establishing its terms;
  • identifying a person’s need for social protection and assistance in obtaining it;
  • development of rehabilitation projects;
  • determination of the degree of loss of ability to work.

Based on the results of the commission, the citizen is assigned a disability group corresponding to his physical characteristics. This applies to cases when a person is examined for the first time.

A repeated examination is also aimed at checking the condition of a disabled person, but in this case the subject of the procedure is the improvement or deterioration of physical indicators.

At the end of such systematic checks, a verdict is made that no changes are observed, as a result of which the disability group is confirmed. Another option is to improve the person’s condition and remove the status.

What is the basis for the commission's decision?

The examination in the MSA process is a comprehensive analysis of the functions of the human body. This is also stated in provision 7 of Law No. 181.

During the examination, observation is carried out in the following areas:

  • clinical and functional indicators;
  • professional and labor criteria;
  • social and household data;
  • psychological state.

To put it simply, in addition to the medical commission, the person will need to talk with a psychologist and a social worker. Depending on individual characteristics Other specialists may be appointed.

Are there any differences between VTEC and ITU

For a better understanding, it is worth clarifying whether there are differences between the two abbreviations - ITU and VTEC (medical labor expert commission). The latter type of examination was previously used to resolve disability issues among the working population, and disabled people from childhood were not included in the competence of specialists.

In essence, the procedure revealed whether a person had lost his ability to work or could continue to engage in work activities in full or using a simplified routine. At the same time, not only health indicators were studied, but also working conditions and its characteristics.

As for ITU or medical and social examination, this name has been used since 1995 on the basis of the federal legal act No. 181-FZ. The process is a more advanced version of verification. The commission accepts all disabled people, including children, for examination.

In other words, the concepts of ITU and VTEC are identical. And when we're talking about about examination physical condition a person for the purpose of assigning a disability or confirming an existing group, both formulations can be used. The essence will not change from this.

However, there are still differences. These consist in the technical equipment of the activities carried out during the examination. And there is nothing surprising here, because progress is not delayed, which is reflected both in the development of medicine and in the improvement of legal support for people with disabilities, their rehabilitation and inclusion in the system of social relations.

Where does the examination take place?

The examination is carried out in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise located in the regions. It is to the territorial offices that you should apply for registration of disability.

The actions of city and district ITUs are coordinated by similar structures, but located in large federal entities. They analyze the activities of territorial offices and, if necessary, make decisions in various situations.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, operating on the basis of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, manages the above authorities. Located in Moscow.

Algorithm for passing the ITU

On my own ITU procedure quite complex and energy-consuming. A person will need to go through several authorities, collect documents, communicate with various specialists and generally undergo a number of studies.

The process is especially problematic for people whose physical or mental disorders can be classified as severe. Therefore, in any case, you will need to be patient and follow an already proven algorithm.

The procedure for establishing disability involves the following stages:

  • receiving a referral to ITU;
  • preparation of documentation;
  • passing the examination procedure;
  • announcement of the decision based on the results of the commission and receipt of a certificate.

It happens that experts disagree and cannot come to a common decision. In such cases, a re-examination is prescribed.

How to get directions

To obtain a document, you should contact a specialized medical institution at the place where the person is being observed. Directly to your doctor.

In some cases, paper can be provided Pension Fund RF or social protection. At the same time, it is also possible to directly contact the ITU Bureau if he was denied access to the indicated structures.

The most common option is to receive paperwork from the doctor with whom the patient is registered. At the appointment, you will need to announce your desire to register a disability and ask for a referral to ITU.

The doctor prepares a document, recording information in outpatient card patient, and then directs the person to see specialists. When going through specialists, it is worth talking about all injuries, diseases, symptoms and other issues related to health. These data are recorded in the card, and information about treatment methods and techniques is also included here.

A referral can be issued only if there are regular visits to the doctor, which must be noted in the medical record.

In the absence of observation, patient visits and information about treatment methods, the applicant will be denied not only the assignment of a disability group, but also the referral to the commission itself.

If the paper is received, you need to make sure that it is stamped medical institution and the signature of the chief physician.

Application for commission

As soon as the direction is issued, you can begin to draw up an application for examination and.

Required information includes:

  • name of health care organization;
  • information about the applicant;
  • request for an examination for the purpose of registering disability;
  • date of submission of the request.

The paper is certified by the signature of the applicant, as well as an acceptance mark affixed to the office of the ITU Bureau.

Package of papers

You should ask your attending physician to find out exactly what documents you will need to prepare. The list may vary depending on the disease, its severity and associated factors.

The standard package of papers includes:

  • direction;
  • passport of the person being examined;
  • statement;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • patient's medical record;
  • test and analysis results;
  • SNILS;
  • originals, as well as copies of extracts from the medical history, certificates and other documents requested from clinics and hospitals where the applicant was examined and treated;
  • letters of recommendation from the place of employment (in some cases);
  • act on the presence of a professional injury (if any) in form N-1;
  • if the commission is repeated, you will need to have a copy of the disability certificate issued earlier.

Documentation may be submitted either by the interested person or by his legal representative (parent, guardian).

Since ITU is also carried out for children, an application can also be submitted on behalf of a minor child.

In this case, the package of papers should be supplemented with the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • parents' passports;
  • referral from a children's clinic;
  • psychologist's report;
  • documents from an educational or educational institution (characteristics, diploma, certificate of education).

After submitting the documents, the applicant is sent an invitation and the time for the examination is determined. After which an appointment is made for a specific date, but no later than 30 days from the date of application.

ITU procedure

On the appointed day, the citizen must appear at the ITU office to directly undergo the examination. It is also possible to carry out the procedure at home, for example, if the patient is bedridden or in absentia in a hospital.

Typically the commission consists of a director, a secretary, and a number of specialists in specific professional areas. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Review of provided patient documentation. Certificates, extracts, acts, maps - all this is carefully studied by all members of the council.
  2. Examination of the person if necessary.
  3. A conversation in the form of questions from members of the commission (psychologist, doctors, social worker) and answers to them from the patient. In addition to topics related to health, living conditions, social skills and other issues may be discussed.

Throughout the entire process, the chairman of the commission and its members analyze the behavior and condition of the person. The patient is advised to behave calmly, confidently, and not raise his voice. At the same time the presence of relatives is usually not allowed. The exceptions are minors and patients who are unable to move independently.

At the end of the examination, a closed meeting is held, where a decision is made by voting to issue or refuse to assign the status. If the result is positive, the applicant is assigned the appropriate disability group, issued an official certificate and a rehabilitation program.

The maximum period for making a decision on a specific person is 6 days, although usually the verdict is announced on the same day conducting ITU. The applicant is notified of the results by telephone or mail.

What to do if disability is confirmed

After receiving the certificate, it will need to be submitted to the Pension Fund for appointment within 3 days pension payments and benefits.

In addition, do not forget that the status of “disabled person” is not assigned for life. Periodically it needs to be confirmed through regular examinations. At the same time, each disability group has its own period.

Group 1 undergoes ITU once every 2 years. 2 and 3 categories every year. Disabled children visit the ITU office once during their status.

The process of registering disability is carried out by passing a medical and social examination. The procedure is quite complicated, partly because it requires a lot of effort in collecting documents. At the same time, members of the commission can behave quite harshly, so before the meeting it is recommended to set yourself up psychologically correctly, calm down and realize that if the fact of the presence physical limitations health has already been established, then the commission will be convinced of this. Otherwise, it is quite possible to challenge her decision in court.

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