Lesson notes on speech development. Summary of a lesson on speech development with children of a compensatory group preparatory to school for children with speech disorders “Who is most needed

Summary of a lesson on speech development: Retelling the story by L. Belousova “The Story of One Closet” (based on schematic drawings) in a senior speech therapy group.

  • teaching children coherent, sequential retelling of text

Correctional and educational tasks:

  • Continue to teach children to retell the text coherently, completely, logically and continuously, using schematic drawings reflecting the sequence of events as a plan for the statement.
  • Teach children to answer questions in complete sentences.
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech (education plural nouns).

Correction and development tasks:

  • Develop coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement, general and fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Educational tasks:

  • To develop cooperation skills in games and in class, independence, initiative, and a culture of verbal communication.

Equipment and materials:

  • Schematic drawings reflecting the sequence of events, book by L. Belousova “Learn to retell? It's easy! (story “The Story of a Closet”), computer, monitor, cut-out pictures with a picture of a closet, ball.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fiction:
  • S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”, N. Nishcheva “Our Apartment”, A. Barto. Lame stool, K. Nefedov. Sofa. I once had a dream.
  • K. Ushinsky. Table and chair.
  • View presentations on the topic "Furniture".

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The one who correctly names the piece of furniture will sit down.

Ball game “Name the piece of furniture.”

2. Games - presentations:

Game "Fourth wheel".(the animation is set to “on click”, the extra object disappears.)

  • Kitchen table, stools, buffet, bed.
  • Table, wardrobe, chair, piano, sofa

Game "Say the opposite".

  • The wardrobe is tall, and the bedside table... .
  • The closet is large, and the shelf... .
  • The sofa is soft, and the stool... .
  • The chair is soft, and the table...

Game "One-Many"

Formation of the plural of nouns. (after one piece of furniture disappears, four pictures automatically appear depicting the same piece of furniture.)

  • Sofa – sofas;
  • Table – tables;
  • Armchair – armchairs;
  • Bed – beds;
  • Wardrobe – cabinets.

Today we will retell interesting story. And what will you learn about by putting together a picture from the parts. Now we will prepare our fingers for work.

3. Finger game “Furniture”

This is a chair - people sit on it ( left palm pressed in the fist with the right, outstretched fingers up).

This is a table - people sit at it (the left hand is in a fist, the right open palm lies on top)

Here is a bed - they are lying on it (arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, lying one on top of the other)

We put things away in the closet (imitation of folding things)

We all go for a walk (the fingers of both hands walk along the knees)

4. Game “Make a picture” (cut pictures)

Children, what did you get?….(closet)

Now I will read you a story called “The Story of a Closet”

5. Reading a story based on schematic drawings.

The teacher reads the text and shows schematic drawings.

6. Questions about content:

What did the master carpenter do?

What tool friends helped you make a large and beautiful cabinet?

Who bought this cabinet?

Did the children like the new wardrobe?

What did the children do in the closet?

Did the kids love the closet?

What did he do when the children came?

When the children grew up, what happened to the closet?

Where did they put the cabinet and what was stored in it when it got old?

What did Sasha and Masha do when they became adults?

7. Physical exercise “Cleaning”

(exercises simulating cleaning are performed to music)

We put on aprons;

Rolled up the sleeves;

We got ready, took some rags;

Turned around;

We wipe the dust from the cabinet (high, on toes);

We wipe the cabinet doors (from top to bottom);

We hang clothes in the closet;

We are tired, we wipe our brow;

Take off the apron, roll out the sleeves;

Let's clap for ourselves.

8. Re-reading the text teacher with a memorization mindset.

9. Retelling the text using pictures(along the chain).

(Each child takes turns telling one of the drawings; at the end, 1-2 children tell the story in full.)

10. Analysis of children's stories.

11. Summary.

Guys, did you like the lesson? What have we learned today? What interesting things did you learn?

Aleksyutina A.I.,

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All sections | Speech development classes. Lesson notes, GCD

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Lesson notes on speech development

This section with notes will allow attentive parents and kindergarten teachers preschool institutions choose interesting and exciting forms for classes with preschool children on speech development. For children, the element of play is very important in any exercise - with it it is much easier and easier for them to learn new material, and the notes given pay a lot of attention to the play component. “In the fairy forest at Grandfather Au’s”, “Cockerel is a golden comb”, “Visiting the gnomes” and other scenarios will help to evoke positive emotions children from playing fairy tales and with fairy-tale characters will develop their imagination and logical thinking. In addition, the scenarios presented help develop group communication as well as a sense of empathy.

Some of the materials are accompanied not only by detailed and clear descriptions, but also by colorful illustrations. Funny riddles and poems, songs and colorful materials will help make activities with children not only useful, but also exciting. The activity “We are looking for a Blot” will help you choose words with the same root, introduce children to the concept of a stressed syllable, engage them in word puzzles, and also help in composing words from syllables.

Everyone in this section will find a scenario suitable for themselves: you can choose an option depending on your favorite children's heroes or on the tasks set. In any case, this section will be a good addition to the collection of educational activities with children.

Lesson on developing coherent speech

V middle group

Topic: “Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

learn to retell previously unfamiliar text; strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions; encourage the use of copyright words and phrases; encourage expressive speech; practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling; cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Enrichment of vocabulary: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activation of the dictionary: closet, purrs, well-fed, satisfied.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend fingers one by one right hand, pressing tightly to the palm. Thumb pressed against the index finger. After the last phrase, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I invite you to listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeny Charushin. (draw the children’s attention to the portrait of the writer)

Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, snorts at everyone, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3 - 4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. It is necessary to indicate 1 - 2 qualities positive character, involve children in the assessment?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words and invites them to repeat the phrase or word again in chorus.


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of your magic wand and spells, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and extend your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up, (get on your knees), paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other (jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wagging).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, a dog with puppies, a chicken with chickens, a duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: kittens to the cat, puppies to the dog, chickens to the hen, ducklings to the duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens run from a cat, puppies from a dog, chickens from a hen, ducklings from a duck. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Kittens run to a cat, puppies to a dog, chickens to a hen, and ducklings to a duck. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

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“Lesson on speech development”


Lesson on developing coherent speech

in the middle group

Subject:“Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

    learn to retell previously unfamiliar text;

    strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions;

    encourage expressive speech;

    practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

    develop coherent speech through the reproduction of a work of art.

Educational tasks:

    develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling;

    cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Dictionary enrichment: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activating the dictionary: closet, purring, well-fed, contented.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend the fingers of the right hand one by one, pressing it firmly to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I invite you to listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeny Charushin. ( draw children's attention to the portrait of the writer)


Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, at everyone snorts, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

How do you understand the words - snorts, puffs up, puffs up?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

What happened to the cat Maruska?

What kind of kitten did Maruska have?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3-4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. Is it necessary to point out 1–2 positive qualities and involve children in the assessment?

How did Polina tell it loudly or quietly?

Do you think she told everything? Did you miss anything? Did you tell everything in order?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words and invites them to repeat the phrase or word again in chorus.

Did you like retelling it yourself?


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of my magic wand and a spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and stretch out your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up ( get on your knees) paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other ( jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wiggle).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


I have another one for you interesting story. But I will need your help, you will tell me.

Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, dog with puppies, kritsa s chickens, duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: the kittens to cat, puppies to dog, chickens to chicken, ducklings to duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens are running away from cats, puppies from dogs, chicks from chicken, ducklings from ducks. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Running to the cat kittens, to the dog puppies, to the chicken chickens, to the duck ducklings. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

Have you guys guessed what kind of bird this is?

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

It's time for you and me to relax too.


lesson on speech development in secondary group No. 7 on the topic:

"My dear mother"

Compiled by the teacher

Serebryakova N.A.


Republic of Tatarstan.

Topic: "My dear mother."

Target: develop dialogical speech, encourage monologue; continue to learn how to answer questions clearly; write a descriptive story based on a photograph; activation of adjectives and verbs in children's speech.

Material: photographs of mothers, whatman paper, sheets (petals) of paper for making a collage.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

The teacher reads a poem by Ubair Rajai, addressing the children:

Who came to me this morning? Mommy!
Who said: “It’s time to get up? Mommy!
Who managed to cook the porridge?...
Who poured tea into the cup?...
Who braided my hair?...
Cleaned everything at home, swept it?....
Who as a child loves laughter?...
Who is the best in the world?....Mommy!

Who is this poem about?

What are your mothers names? (give first name, patronymic).

Which beautiful names at your mothers.

Main part.

Guys, do you love your mothers? (Yes). Do you want to give a gift to mothers? (Yes). Here, look how magical this chest is. Let's choose the most tender, kind words for our mother and put them in our chest. (Children select words. The teacher helps the children with leading questions. Writes the words on a piece of paper in the form of a petal).

When does mom hug, stroke, kiss? Which? (affectionate).

When does mom smile or laugh? Which? (cheerful).

When children are naughty, but mom doesn’t scold? Which? (kind).

And if you love your mother, what is she like? (affectionate).

Well done! That's how much wonderful words We collected it in a chest for mom.

In the meantime, we will close it so that our words do not get lost and forgotten.

Game “Tell about Mom”

The teacher starts first. He shows the children a photograph and talks about his mother. For example: “My mother’s name is Valentina Anatolyevna. She works in a hospital as a doctor. My mother heals people. She is kind, cheerful, affectionate, beautiful, beloved....”Then the children show a photo of their mother and talk about her.

Physical exercise “Mom”.

The teacher reads a poem, the children perform the appropriate movements.

I love my mom
I will always help her:
I wash, rinse,
I shake the water off my hands.
I'll sweep the floor clean
And I’ll chop firewood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I'm walking on tiptoes
And never, and never
I won't say a word.

It’s so good when every child has his own mother. What kind of mothers do animals have? (Game with illustrations).

The rabbits mother is a hare.

The mother of fox cubs is a fox.

The cubs' mother is a bear.

The mother of wolf cubs is a she-wolf.

Baby squirrels' mother is a squirrel.

Game “Find a pair”.

The teacher lays out inverted pictures of domestic and wild animals and their young on the table, so that they form pairs, and invites the children to take one picture each, but not show it to anyone. As soon as the music starts, “mother animals” and “cubs” begin to move around the group, imitating the movements of a bear, a fox, a squirrel... If they find it difficult to find a pair based on their movements, they call each other with characteristic sounds.

Animal mothers love their children just as much as your mothers. They teach them everything: to wash themselves, brush their fur, run, jump, get food for themselves.

Guys, show how your mothers taught you everything (children show movements, repeat verbs).

  • Walk
  • Jump
  • Wash your face
  • Comb your hair
  • Eat with a spoon
  • Stomp your feet
  • Clap your hands

Guys, let's say loudly to our mothers for teaching us everything: “Mommy, thank you!”


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 17"


on speech development in the middle group

"Forest inhabitants - animals"

Compiled by the teacher

Serebryakova N.A.


Republic of Tatarstan.

Program content:

  • Clarify children's knowledge about wild animals, their homes, and what they eat.
  • Teach children to distinguish and highlight adjectives and nouns in gender and number in phrases.
  • Teach children to write short descriptions of stories about wild animals according to the proposed plan.

Dictionary: den, hollow, hole, lair, fluffy, golden, toothy, dexterous, agile, clubfooted, shaggy.
Equipment: subject pictures depicting wild animals, subject pictures depicting wild animal dwellings.

Progress of the lesson.

Listen to the story “Who sleeps where”

Educator: Children: . Teacher: Children: Agile, nimble,.

Children: Teacher: Children: M. .

Children: duh. Teacher: , h Children: .

Children: Hare. Educator: Children: B. Children: Children: .


Children: Oh. (Children's stories)


OOD on speech development in the second junior group.

Journey through the fairy tale "Teremok"

Target: development of coherent speech in children.


Educational: development of attention, visual and auditory perception, intonation expressiveness of children’s speech, the ability to coordinate words with movements,development of creative imagination: depiction of the habits of animals, imitation of the movements of animals - heroes of a fairy tale.

Educational: joining national culture, fostering interest in Russian folk art and native language, fostering friendly relationships, friendship, mutual assistance.

Educational:enter into active dictionary adjectives (Russian folk, gray, nimble, green, fluffy, evil, cunning, red, clubfoot),enrich children's ideas about wild animals, note their characteristic features.

Preliminary work:reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, looking at the toy characters and illustrations for the fairy tale.

Equipment and materials:a toy squirrel, a basket of nuts, a screen, equipment for showing slides (laptop), sheets of paper with the image of a wolf's face (according to the number of children), pencils.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, today we will remember the fairy tale “Teremok”.

A toy squirrel appears.

Squirrel : Hello guys! I came to you with nuts so that you could help me count them (shows a basket of nuts).

Finger gymnastics “Squirrel”

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts

Little fox-sister, sparrow, titmouse,

Thick-fisted bear, big-eared bunny

(children count their fingers).

Educator : How many nuts did the squirrel sell? (children's answers)

Squirrel : Guys, I also really love nut jam.

Articulation gymnastics “Let’s lick our lips”, “Delicious jam”.

Squirrel : Guys, I also brought you a riddle. Try to guess it.

A house appeared in the field,

It turned into a home

For the mouse and the tit,

Hare, wolf and fox.

Educator : Have you guessed which fairy tale the riddle is about?

Children : About the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Educator : Guys, today in class together with Belka we will remember this fairy tale. Belka, what kind of fairy tale is this - Russian folk tale or not?

Squirrel : Russian folk.

Educator : Guys, why Russian folk?

Children : Russian folk, because people invented it.

Educator : Guys, how does the fairy tale “Teremok” begin?

Children : “There is a tower in the field.”

Educator : Guys, what is a teremok?

Children: House.

Educator : That's right, this is such a small elegant house.

Guess the riddle and find out who was the first to discover this house.

Lives in a hole

Gnawing on crusts.
Short legs;

afraid of cats.

Children : Mouse. Little mouse.

Educator : Right. First, the mouse found the mansion. Describe the mouse, what is it like?

Children : Small, gray, nimble.

Educator : What does a mouse like to eat?

Children: Crusts, cheese.

Educator : How does a mouse run? Show me.

Children imitate a mouse running - on its toes, with its front paws tucked in, in small steps.

Educator : The mouse knocked on the little house and asked what?

Children : “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Educator : It turned out that there was no one in the house. What happened then?

Children : The mouse settled in the little house.

Educator : Who was the next to find the tower? Guess it!

What a strange little animal
Jumping along the path?
And not a soft toy,
And not a round ball.
She has only words:
He only knows “Kwa, kwa, kwa...”

Children: Frog.

Educator : What kind of frog? What does he eat?

Children: Green, eats mosquitoes and midges.

Educator: Show our guest Belka how frogs jump.

Children jumping on the rug. Then they sit again in a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator : What did the frog ask when she came to the tower?

Children: “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Educator: And the mouse answered, “I, little mouse,” and invited the frog to live with her. The two of them began to live together: a little mouse and a frog.

Educator : After the frog, who came to the tower?

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Children: Runner bunny.

Squirrel : Guys, I know interesting game“The little gray bunny is sitting” and I invite you to play it on the rug.

Game “The gray bunny is sitting”

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

(raise your palms above your head and wave, pretending to be ears)

Like this, like this

He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(rub your forearms)

Like this, like this

We need to warm our paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

(jumping in place)

Like this, like this

The wolf scared the bunny!

The bunny immediately ran away.

(sit down)

Educator: So the runaway bunny settled in the little house. Three people live together: a small mouse, a frog and a running bunny.

Educator: Who came to the tower next?

Children: Foxy sister.

Educator : Describe the fox. What fox?

Children : Cunning, red-haired, playful.

Finger game: “About a fox.”

A fox runs across the bridge.

Sweeps the railing with his tail.
And towards you there are bunnies,

Little fingers.
“We are not afraid of the fox,

Let’s quickly hide in the forest!”

Educator: The four of us began to live together:mouse-norushka, frog-frog, bunny-runner and little fox-sister. And the next one to come to the tower...

Children : Top-gray barrel.

Educator : Which wolf is on the screen?

Children: Gray, angry.

Educator: How does a wolf growl?

Children: Rrrr.

Educator : Guys, is the wolf evil in this fairy tale?

Children: No.

Squirrel: Guys, it’s true that in this fairy tale the wolf is not at all evil. I have pictures of a wolf, let's draw a smile for him.(work with pencils, draw a smile on the wolf’s face)

Educator : The five of them began to live: the mouse-norushka, the frog-frog, the bunny-runner, the little fox-sister and the top-gray barrel.

Educator: Well, who was the last to come to the tower?

Children : The bear is clubfooted.

Educator: Why is the bear called clubfoot? Show me how he walks(children show how a bear walks: clubfoot, waddle).

Squirrel : Who, guys, knows a poem about a bear?

Reading poetry by A. Barto

“A bear with a clubfoot is walking through the forest”

Teddy Bear
walking through the forest
Collects cones
sings songs.
Suddenly a cone fell
right in the bear's forehead.
Mishka got angry
and with your foot - top!

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw.
I still won't leave him,
Because he's good.

Educator: The animals invited the bear to live with them. But the bear is big - he climbed and climbed into the Teremok, there was no way he could fit. And then he decided to climb onto the roof. What came of this?

Children : The tower fell apart

Educator: At first the animals were upset, and then what did they do?

Children: We decided to build a new mansion, all together. And they built it better than before. And they began to live and get along together and make good things.

Squirrel : Guys, what does this fairy tale teach?

Children : This fairy tale teaches that we need to be friends and help each other.

Squirrel : Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you.

What fairy tale did we remember today? (Children's answers)

Did you enjoy talking and playing with me today? If yes, then clap your hands, if not, then stomp your feet.

You just jumped, played, helped me remember the fairy tale “Teremok”, for your help I give you this basket of nuts.

Educator : Thank you, squirrel. Goodbye.


OOD on speech development in the senior group.

"In the land of fairy tales."

Program content: Develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristic features and be able to play with them, activate speech, enrich vocabulary, learn to form adjectives from nouns that define heroes; maintain interest in fairy tales and theatrical and play activities, cultivate a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and towards each other.

Demo material:A panel for composing the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”, cards for word formation with drawn animal body parts, a teaching aid - a cube with fairy tales, a TV model, elements of the costume of a storyteller, a hare, a bear, a fox, a rooster.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Hello, children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Children, do you know what this means? magic word"Hello"?

Children: Be healthy, when we say hello to someone, it means we wish these people health.

Educator: Now let’s play a game called “Hello” (children perform the movements along the lines of the words together with the teacher)

Game "Hello"

Educator: Hello legs!

Children: Hello! (Hands on the belt, march in place, raising your knees high and extending your toes on each syllable)

Educator: Hello, palms!

Children: Hello! (Clap your hands for each syllable, simultaneously with the words).

Educator: Hello cheeks!

Children: Hello! (head turns right left)

Educator: Hello sponges!

Children: Hello! (Blow kisses to each other)

Educator: Well done. Guys, would you like to be wizards? What magical items would you like to have?

Children: Boots are walkers, a carpet is an airplane, an invisible hat, a magic pipe).

Educator: What do you need them for? Do you want to meet a fairy tale today? Then we go to fairyland. But the riddle will help us figure out how we will get there.


He will take you anywhere

Wherever you want

And before you have time to look back

How to suddenly meet miracles

And he doesn't need a pilot at all

After all, this is magical... (airplane carpet)

Well done, you guessed right, and here comes my magical assistant, sit down on the carpet - the plane will take us to the land of fairy tales. 1,2,3 we take off, we all close our eyes

We are flying to a wonderland, past the blue skies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 you can open your eyes (the teacher transforms into a fairytale with the help of costume elements: a kokoshnik and a fabulous sundress-apron)

Greeted by the storyteller: Hello, guys! I'm a storyteller. Who knows why they call me that? Today we will meet with different good fairy tales. But trouble happened in my fairyland. Guys, an evil wizard got angry with me and enchanted all my fairy tales, maybe you can help me unenchant them?

Children: Yes, we will help.

Here is the first task: This is my cube with fairy tales, if you answer my questions correctly, then you will find out what fairy tales are hidden in this cube.

The first fairy tale is hidden under the number 1, listen to my question: In which fairy tale “is a girl sitting in a basket behind someone’s back” (Masha and the Bear) or

The second tale numbered 2

Guess the fairy tale from the riddle:

"There is neither a river nor a pond

Where can I drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof" (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The next tale is number 3

We need to find out which fairy tale this excerpt is from (any excerpt from the fairy tale Geese and Swans)

Well done.

And you can guess the rest of the fairy tales if you untie the knots of the fairy tale ball. We need to guess which fairy tales have curled up into a ball:

“Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken, Ryaba. Once the hen Ryaba laid an egg. The woman put it on the window to cool. And the grandfather went to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.” (“Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”).

Thank you for helping me disenchant my fairy tale. But that's not all. I have a magic TV that shows different fairy tales, but it was also broken by an evil sorcerer, the image disappeared, all the heroes became invisible, so you need to guess the hero of the fairy tale from one fragment of the body.

Working with cards (word formation):

The rooster's comb is cock's, the bear's paws are bear's, the fox's tail is fox, the hare's ears are hare.

So what fairy tale is enchanted on my TV?

Children: “Zayushkina’s hut.”

What kind of fox was in this fairy tale? (evil, cunning, clever)

Look carefully and tell me: what kind of hut did the bunny have in the fairy tale?

Children: The bunny had a bast hut.

What does bast mean? (wooden)

What kind of hut does the fox have?


What happened to the bunny in this fairy tale?

(the fox asked the bunny to warm up, and then kicked him out)

And who helped the bunny in his trouble?

(dog, bear and cockerel)

How did the fox scare the animals? (as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go through the back streets)

Who wasn’t afraid of the fox and helped the bunny drive the fox away? (cockerel)

What words did he say? (I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox)

Now let's play with you

Finger play in pairs “Zayushkina’s Hut”

(children stand opposite each other)

Our bunny lived in a hut (arms above his head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

He never grieved (his head is turned from side to side)

He sang the song cheerfully (nod his head)

And I played the pipe (imitation of playing the pipe)

But the fox knocked (they knock fist on fist)

She drove away our hare (clap hands).

Now the little bunny is walking (spinning) sadly.

He doesn’t find a place for himself (they sigh and spread their arms to the sides)

Both the dog and the bear (wag their tail, then sway from side to side)

They approach our hare (they approach each other),

And they leave (divorce) with nothing.

Only one rooster

Helped our hare (wave hands up and down).

And now they live in the house (arms above head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

Happily, in harmony (hug each other).

Well, well done, we remembered this fairy tale a little. Now do you want to see it and show it yourself?

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”


The guys were artists,

And you guys showed a fairy tale.

The artists and the audience were all good

Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you guys, yours is very interesting.

You are all so great, thank you for reviving my fairy-tale heroes, helped break the evil spell of the sorcerer, and for this I want to thank you and give you these coloring books with fairy tales. Well, now it’s time for you to fly back to your group, everyone get on the plane carpet and it will take you wherever you want.

1,2,3 we take off, close our eyes again

1,2,3,4,5 here we are in the group again, you can open your eyes. (while pronouncing words, the teacher takes off the storyteller costume)

Educator: Our lesson has come to an end, and you and I are back in our group.

This version of GCD in the senior group for speech development includes several diverse tasks, educational and educational plans.


  1. Enrichment vocabulary children.
  2. Teaching pupils how to write descriptive stories using reference cards (pictograms).
  3. Expanding ideas about the world around us, its main seasonal changes, plants, and living inhabitants.
  4. Formation in every child social activity, the ability to express one’s own opinion, explain one’s point of view.
  5. General development of cognitive processes.

This summary on speech development in the senior group allows you to conduct a lesson that may be the final one for a block of autumn topics.

Methodological techniques

  • Taking advantage of a surprise moment with a glove puppet performance.
  • Alternating group and individual work on the development of speech and other cognitive processes.
  • Application visual materials, handout pictures, toys.


  1. Cards with images of migratory and wintering birds middle zone(from didactic sets on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten)
  2. Toy vegetables and fruits
  3. Woodpecker bibabo doll
  4. Ball
  5. Sheet of colored paper

Progress of the lesson

Introductory conversation with elements of theatrical performance

The teacher asks the children to take their seats, drawing their attention to the fact that an unusual envelope has appeared in the group from somewhere (which should be attached in advance in a visible place). The teacher reads the letter aloud. It says:

“Dear guys! Autumn is writing to you. Help me please! Very soon my time will end, my sister Winter will replace me. I need to check the forests, fields, birds, animals. Have they all managed to prepare for the arrival of frosts, blizzards, and cold? I can’t do everything alone, I need help! If you agree to become them, then I will send you my true friend, he will explain everything.”

The children agree to help Autumn, and cheerful music begins to sound in the group. A woodpecker bibabo doll appears on the screen, the toy says:

“Hello, girls and boys! I am so glad to meet you! Do you recognize me?

The teacher reads a trick riddle:

I've been knocking in the forest all day
I fly all the trees.
Doctor of the forest, but not a doctor
Did you guess it? I am…. (Children should not answer “rook”, but name another bird - woodpecker)

You can use several more similar verses on the topic.

The doll continues the monologue: “Oh, how attentive and smart you are! We immediately guessed that this riddle was not about my friend the rook! Do you think it’s possible to see a rook in the forest now?”

The children answer, the teacher asks everyone to explain the answer.

Woodpecker: “That’s right, the rook has already flown to warm countries. We also need to remember other migratory birds that visit us only in the summer. This is what autumn asked me to ask you. Who do you know?

Ball game “Flying to warmer climes...”

All the children sit in a circle, the teacher takes the ball and says: “I know that the rook flew to warmer climes, but who do you remember?” The game continues as long as new names are heard.

Woodpecker: “Oh, the little helpers worked hard! All my forest neighbors were remembered. That's right, they've all already flown away, the cold won't scare anyone. I’ll fly and say hello to Autumn from you, and tell you that we remembered all the migratory birds, and now we won’t be able to see any of them.”

The doll hides behind the screen.

Phys minute

The teacher invites everyone to stand up, repeating the words and movements after her (sequentially):

  • The autumn rain is knocking: drip-drip, drip-drip! (we knock our feet softly on the floor).
  • The sun is sleeping behind a cloud: bye-bye, bye-bye! (put your hands under your cheeks, sway from side to side).
  • We have reaped the entire harvest: oh-oh, oh-oh! (Raises an imaginary load from the ground, raise it above your head).
  • And they started walking less often: br-rrrr, br-rrrr! (We hug ourselves with both hands, trembling).

A story about lovely birds based on a pictogram

The teacher draws the children's attention to the pictures she holds in her hands. She says:

“Guys, let's play an interesting game with you! These pictures contain clever icons that will help us teach about migratory birds. Let's try together! "

She shows the first picture and asks him to say what is drawn on it. Gradually all the pictures are posted on the board. The teacher takes out a card with a picture of a woodpecker and asks her to remember the riddle about him that she read at the beginning of the lesson. Everyone remembers the decoy poem together.

The teacher suggests talking about the bird using reference pictures and diagrams. Children take turns talking about the woodpecker ( appearance where it lives, what it eats, how it differs from other birds). The teacher reminds that the woodpecker is a wintering bird and can be found all year round. She asks the children to take one picture of migratory birds and tell about each one according to the diagram. Those who want to tell us.

Game “Which one has arrived?”

All cards with migratory birds are turned face down. She rises alone, at random. Children recognize the bird and name it (nightingale, rook, swallow, etc.). The teacher invites everyone to come up with a word that can be said about this bird (fast, swift, migratory, bright, motley). From time to time, the teacher helps the game by asking the question “Which one (which one) flew/arrived to us…. swallow, starling, other migratory birds).

Riddle "The Fourth Wheel"

The teacher names four birds, three migratory and one wintering. For example: swallow, woodpecker, starling, thrush. Children must call the one that does not fly away to warmer climes for the winter “superfluous.”

Find a list of similar logical tasks It is possible in the notes of classes on speech development in the senior group, devoted to other topics about birds.

All cards with birds are collected in an envelope that contained a letter from Autumn. Children say goodbye to them until next spring. The teacher asks them to recall the names of all the birds they collected and explain why they were given such a name.

Poetic pause

The teacher reads I. Tokmakova’s poem “Windy” and discusses it with the children. He asks everyone what he would draw in the picture for these lines. Several are posted on the board:

  • early (September);
  • golden (October);
  • late (November).

Children are asked to identify the time of year that the poetess is talking about and the one outside the window now. The teacher asks to name the differences. Then she suggests arranging the pictures on the board in correct sequence, from first to subsequent.

Game “Name it kindly!”

The teacher puts toy vegetables and fruits in an opaque bag. Invites each child to get one toy. Then the teacher calls out the words “vegetable” or “fruit” in turn and asks only those who are holding exactly what she just named to lift the toy.

After this, each student, in turn, must find an affectionate name for the “autumn gift” that he has in his hands. For example, a tomato is a tomato, an eggplant is an eggplant. The teacher suggests that almost all vegetables are easy to call affectionately, but fruits are more difficult.

Now two baskets are placed in front of the children. Everyone puts their toy either with vegetables or fruits. Then the contents of each basket are laid out on the table, then everyone looks for mistakes. If they are, then the fruits are laid out differently, correctly.

Ending the lesson

The teacher once again asks the children to name the topic of GCD, again shows them the envelope with migratory birds. Then she takes out an autumn leaf cut out of paper and asks him to carry a letter with an answer from the Autumn children. Afterwards she thanks the children for their help.

Use the set of educational cards “Birds of Migratory” for your lessons.