Lunar dream calendar for April. Dreams according to the lunar calendar. Will a dream come true according to the lunar calendar?

As a rule, they dream prophetic dreams, which must be perceived with the soul, and not with the brain.
Dreams show our social circle, attitude towards loved ones, and state of education.

6 lunar day, Dreams

On the 6th lunar day, as a rule, you dream prophetic dreams. True, not everyone can interpret and remember them, but nevertheless this information is useful, even if it is difficult to translate the dream into human language. The main thing is not what is reflected or affected in a dream, but the feeling. Consider that the dream was sent by Higher powers, and they convey it with the soul, and not with words. Try to feel with your heart, concentrate on sensations.
They say that you can even ask a question on the eve and receive an answer to it in your dreams. True, this requires practice and more than one day looking into the dream book...

Moon in Gemini

With the Moon in the sign of Gemini, dreams show our social circle, problems and solutions in our communication skills. The attitude of your social circle towards you personally and their expectations.
In addition, dreams can suggest the need additional education or the state of your knowledge at the current stage.
Since Gemini is an air sign, it can point out things that need to be taken more lightly than you think. Perhaps, which are not so important in your life.

A bad dream can indicate an excess of air or wind in your condition. Maybe you've become overly talkative or waste your energy too easily. Maybe you take the problems of your loved ones too easily. You should analyze your behavior and become a little more serious.

Very often, single women and men, having met a new person who at first glance seemed no better than others, after a certain period of time, feel a slight attraction and sympathy. Time passes, you realize that you have a lot in common with this person. Long conversations that seem to be about “nothing,” random meetings and finally meeting eyes, but your relationship never has a logical continuation. After such meetings, your subconscious is already partially programmed for revelations, but a number of factors prevent you from connecting with this person. And here the dream that you saw from Thursday to Friday comes into force. Remember that the person you love or feel sympathy for also has the ability to have similar dreams, because in a dream you are connected from space, and at the same time, your beloved person also has contact with you outside the body on a subconscious level. If you saw a dream where you are together, then you should not rush things, but just wait for your time. And when you see a quarrel, or (his-her) with someone else, you should not hope that you have any chance of connecting, since a dream for Friday warns and comes true. In most cases, such dreams have the ability to come true up to 3-4 months with an accuracy of events up to 60%.

On this lunar day you can work with dreams. Dreams can show obstacles, difficulties in business and ways to overcome them.

On this lunar day, prophetic dreams are possible. In these dreams you can see your future.

Draw conclusions and remember - dreams only warn, and whether they come true or not depends on you.

During sleep you can see who you were in a previous life. In addition, dreams of this day reflect the sensory world of a person, his emotional sphere, the sphere of love, and therefore in dream interpretation you can consider the obstacles associated with the expression of love and find ways to solve them.

May 4, 2019

On the 1st lunar day, before you fall asleep, you can prepare for the new lunar month, fulfill your wildest dreams and desires, but they must be constructive, otherwise you will harm yourself.

During this time, you may have dreams that will show you what to expect in the next month, but these dreams are just outlines.

If you don't like this dream, try to analyze it, draw conclusions, and it will dissipate. If you saw what you wanted in your dream, don't forget to include it in your plan lunar month. Some dreams may come true.

May 6, 2019

Dreams on the second lunar day may indicate a way to solve some karmic problems, especially if these problems began to manifest themselves in life.

Therefore, you should be especially attentive to these dreams. Dreams on this day reveal to us what is written in our subconscious and controls us in everyday life. Before going to bed, you can identify a problem to solve. If on this day you had a dream in which you can overcome obstacles, in life you will easily overcome them.

May 7, 2019

Dreams on this lunar day can come true, especially colored ones. Your parents or relatives may be in these dreams, which means that you need to analyze what problem you have inherited from them and start solving it.

If your dream is associated with some kind of threat, this is a warning to be especially careful in choosing your course of action.

Meditation for today

Secret knowledge, sacred music

Try listening to calm music, using incense and candles, and letting the vibration of chanting cleanse your room and inner space.

You can chant your favorite mantras.

An important feature of this day is the opening of communication channels that can provide understanding important issues. The energy of this day can allow you to understand problems, see the truth, people or ways out of unpleasant situations.

During the 27th lunar day Muladhara and Vishuddha chakras are active

About dreams

on the 27th lunar day

This is the day when not only dreams come true, but also signs.

Dreams on this lunar day can give you intuitive knowledge, understanding of other people and events. They can show you the true nature of things.

For example, if you suspect someone of treason, and you dream that he is saving you from fire, this means that your suspicions are unfounded, and this person is true friend, he can be trusted.

But be careful in interpreting these dreams, you may make a mistake, so it is better to consult a person who is well versed in the psychology of dreams.

Gardening for today

Moon in Aries

Aries days are Fruit days with rising energy.


  • During the waxing moon, the garden and plant crops are planted.
  • During the waning moon, the garden and bushes are pruned.
  • spraying plants against pests and diseases.

Dream calendar April 2017 Lunar calendar dreams April 1 - April 17, 2017 April 1, 2017 Saturday 6th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 08:43 Moon in Gemini The meaning of dreams on the 6th lunar day Dreams that you saw on this day can come true, but provided that you won't tell anyone about them. This is, as they say, ‘a dream in hand’. Everything that you dreamed about on this day can be considered as a prediction or indication, a revelation of the Higher powers. They often show something that hasn’t been done, or something that needs to be completed, preferably quickly. You may dream about people to whom you are in debt. But always remember that dreams need to be interpreted correctly, so your feelings from the dream are very important in understanding any dream, and especially on this day. On this day, you can ask a question to the Higher Powers; when you wake up, be sure to write down the dream and analyze it carefully, including intuition and internal sensations, since the answer may be hidden in symbols, and it must be revealed correctly. Try not to succumb to aggression or get irritated on this day, save calm state mind, and then you will be able to correctly recognize the dream. April 2, 2017 Sunday 7th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 09:28 Moon in Gemini The meaning of dreams on the 7th lunar day Dreams on this day can bring useful information, there are even prophetic ones. They may come true, but not soon. These dreams may contain clues that will help you interpret the meaning of your life. As a rule, these tips are understandable and clearly show your situation, your tasks, your goals. Special attention pay attention to the words that will be spoken in your sleep. It is through words on this day that the subconscious communicates with us. It is advisable to write down the words heard in a dream, and during the seventh lunar day, observe what you hear from others, you may be enlightened by what you heard. On this day you may receive revelation in a dream through words from Higher Powers, you may appear Supreme image, everything you hear from them will definitely be a direct instruction to action. If you see a fighting rooster in a dream, be careful life situations. If you dreamed bad dream, then tell the running water about its contents, then all the bad things will go away and the good things will come closer.

April 3, 2017 Monday 8th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 10:21 Moon in Cancer The meaning of dreams on the 8th lunar day Dreams on these lunar day indicate your capabilities that you have not realized, but which are still worth realizing. In addition, you may see an indication of problems that you have turned away from in the past and forgotten about, but need to be resolved. You can see those tasks for which you have the strength to solve, do not turn away from them, try to apply these forces to solve the tasks and not waste your energy in vain. In addition, dream images at this time show your ability to change and transform, so if you dream of closed spaces, obstacles, dead ends and the like, it means you are not changing yet. If, on the contrary, there are open spaces, fields, mountains, the sea, beautiful rooms, bright, clean, then you are moving towards transforming yourself in the right direction and making efforts towards transformation. So, the main task of dreams on this day is to show your purpose. Sometimes dreams are complicated, and it is difficult to understand what the meaning of your life task is. Sometimes they describe the whole picture quite clearly. If you want your purpose to become clearer through a dream, set a goal the day before. When you wake up, analyze everything that you dreamed about, and keep in mind that life does not always give us great tasks, maybe this is a small task from your point of view, but completing it will have great importance for you. April 4, 2017 Tuesday 9th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 11:23 Moon in Cancer The meaning of dreams on the 9th lunar day Dreams of this day can show the internal conflict hidden in the human subconscious and in its character. They may be unpleasant and even terrible, but this only speaks of problems that are hidden in your subconscious and, as a rule, are caused by your karmic tasks that need to be resolved. Since the energy of the day is complex, the dreams may not be simple, but you should not be afraid of them, nor should you give great value images that appeared that day in a dream. Just analyze the dream, and either extract useful information, or discard and forget the dream with the words: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” Good dreams can even come true.

April 5, 2017 Wednesday 10th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 12:31 Moon in Leo The meaning of dreams on the 10th lunar day The tenth lunar day is known to be associated with clan and family, and the dream also reflects this principle. Therefore, in a dream you can see relatives or a spouse, children, and even ancestors of the entire family, including spiritual ones. If you appeared in a dream strong kind, or the Guardian Spirit of the clan, be attentive to what is said to you, or what is happening, because through this you can come to some kind of understanding, discovery for yourself, maybe you will be given some kind of support of the clan or knowledge of the clan will be transferred , if you're ready. Also, dreams on these lunar days can be quite light, bright and fabulous, but they, as a rule, do not matter. You need to realize disturbing dreams and either let them go at night, or work with them so that they don’t overtake you in life. If you want to take a moment and work with your family or family, before you go to bed, tune in to this, and as soon as you wake up, write everything down. April 6, 2017 Thursday11th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 13:43 Moon in Leo The meaning of dreams on the 11th lunar day Dreams of these lunar days, as a rule, show how harmoniously we move in the material and spiritual world. The images that appear to you quite clearly express your position on at the moment time. If your sleep is good and you act in a positive role, then your development is going in the right direction. If you act in a role where you are caused trouble, or you yourself cause it, it means that somewhere in life you are doing wrong, or your spiritual world is in desolation. Good dreams of these lunar days are fortunate. They can carry useful information, be prophetic, and, as a rule, are fulfilled. Sometimes they say that the dream you had that night can come true in 3 days. Sometimes at this time you may not have dreams, then life gives you the opportunity to simply rest, since the days themselves are not the easiest and most energetic.

April 8, 2017 Saturday 13th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 16:08 Moon in Virgo The meaning of dreams on the 13th lunar day The energy of the day shows us whether we are moving in a circle and stepping on the same rake, or We were able to change something and climb up the spiral steps. Sleep is the main clue on the path to this understanding. It holds clues and can reveal to us where we don't want to change, or what is difficult for us to overcome, and even we can see a hint of what we need to do to change. On this day, in your dreams, life itself knocks on your door and shows you the path along which you need to go towards change. It is important not to ignore these instructions, and begin to follow them in life, then you will free up some of your energy for further actions. So that the dream can be analyzed well, do not forget to write it down when you wake up. The dream may be a warning; it may come true soon. Sometimes they say that dreams of this day will come true in eight days. April 9, 2017 Sunday 14th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 17:20 Moon in Virgo The meaning of dreams on the 14th lunar day Dreams of these days are not of great importance, but they can show your hidden ability that should be developed, and therefore It is only in this sense that they should be considered. As a rule, they do not come true. Therefore, if you wake up with a memory of a dream in which there was something sad and unpleasant, do not attach importance.

April 10, 2017 Monday15th lunar day The waxing moon begins at 18:31 Moon in Libra The meaning of dreams on the 15th lunar dayDreams on this day can be of different nature, everything will depend on your internal state. If you had a bright, good dream, then it can come true, however, if you do not talk about it. If something is difficult, then your internal state is imbalanced, take care of yourself. In addition, by what kind of dream you had - good, bright, colorful or gloomy, dull, and unpleasant - you can determine what energy in your subconscious is now predominant, light or dark. There are often prophetic dreams that provide information for the coming month. April 11, 2017 Tuesday16th lunar day Full moon at 09:08 begins at 19:40 Moon in Libra The meaning of dreams on the 16th lunar day As a rule, you have dreams that help relieve internal tension, or indicate that you are very tense, if you were able to determine the degree of your tension through sleep, then look for ways in life to relax more. For example, for relaxation the following may be suitable: shavasana, relaxing oil massage or sauna. The dreams that you saw can be different - both good and chaotic - do not try to interpret them, the main task of this dream is to cleanse you and bring your system to balance, so if you see something terrible, it means that your subconscious is cleansed of negativity. Sleep can even help get rid of the disease. It can help you find balance in your life and calm you down. Sleep can bring recovery to a sick person within a day, and help a healthy person get rid of internal tension. They may contain information for further spiritual development. Communication with your Guardian Angel may take place. If you correctly use the energy of this day and prepare in advance, maintaining balance in behavior during the 16th lunar day, then during sleep you will actually receive the maximum healing session.

April 12, 2017 Wednesday17th lunar day The waning moon begins at 20:48 Moon in Scorpio The meaning of dreams on the 17th lunar day As you know, these lunar days are associated with activity feminine energy, including her sexual part. And as a result, dreams are a reflection of how harmoniously your implementation is progressing sexual energy. A dream can show how depressed you are, and the extent to which your sexual desires and fantasies are not realized. Of course, first of all, you need to understand that this does not mean passionate sexual desires, but your ability to be creatively realized through communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, if you manage to determine the degree of tension or distortions, try to immediately begin to level out the distortions and look for a creative outlet for your sexual energy. So, if you take off pleasant dreams, then this indicates that you are showing your creativity, and everything is fine in your relationships with the opposite sex. If your dreams are not pleasant, then you need to pay more attention to creativity and improve things in your relationships. Dreams of these days may come true within the next three days. They can portend success. April 13, 2017 Thursday18th lunar day The waning moon begins at 21:55 Moon in Scorpio The meaning of dreams on the 18th lunar day Dreams of this day carry our reflection. If we compare our image in a dream with our image in life, we can understand how far we are from realizing what we want. If we dream that we are active, assertive, energetic, etc., but in life, on the contrary, we are very depressed and passive, then we need to look for a balance: try to be active, energetic in some situations, patient and calm in others. If in a dream you are the same as in life, and you do not have a feeling or desire to change yourself, it means that there are no contradictions in your subconscious with your ideas about yourself. If the dream indicated an imbalance, contradictions in the subconscious, then write down the dream and during these lunar days, observe what problems the environment will show you, write them down, compare everything and get to work. If you prepare in advance, tune in to the dream so that it will help you see contradictions with the subconscious; before going to bed, put a notebook and pen nearby so that if you wake up, you can write down your dreams. Dreams can also indicate what is stopping you from living; there may be tips on how to overcome problems, including health problems. Good sleep portends profit and successful acquisitions. Dreams can come true.

Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in the sign of Cancer

The moon in the sign of Cancer - according to the lunar calendar, the time is suitable for monotonous work. Things are going well those who are involved in jurisprudence and antiques. If you have to trial, it will be a winner for you. If you are going to get a loan, be careful and be careful. You may be asked to lend money, you should think before making such a decision. The lunar horoscope for today recommends showing attention to loved ones and everyone who needs you. If you want to improve your spiritual abilities, you can practice meditation and develop extrasensory senses.

Lunar day today

9th lunar day

Today is a day of temptations and false illusions. Such a mood will certainly lead to the emergence negative emotions that are worth keeping to yourself.

New conflicts can ruin relationships with people around you for a long time. Devoting time to yourself is the most effective way avoid them.

Do not neglect the omens seen this night. The pictures that appear are of great importance in your life. Try to understand as accurately as possible the meaning of the vision that appears.

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence to implement plans. Big things don't take too much physical strength. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to grow in height. Great time in order to bring to life creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful completion of undertakings. Business runs smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy expenditure from you.

Plans postponed since last month should be given attention on the lunar day today. This situation is conducive to active activity not only in the business sphere, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationship with high probability step on new stage of its development. If there was no strong couple before, then there is a high chance of making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends quite significantly on what lunar day it is today. All yours internal organs prepare for long work, accumulating strength. This may feel like a slight sluggishness in the body.

Lunar horoscope Tuesday

Tuesday will be busy and lucky. This day is patronized by Mars, which has colossal energy. If you are an active, purposeful person, you will be lucky on Tuesday. The lunar horoscope for today promises successful fruitful activity.
Some people will find it difficult to concentrate; to solve the problem they will have to choose correct option. To come to this or that decision, think through everything to the smallest detail.
Tuesday is suitable for sports and work personal plot: The energy you expend will be quickly restored. If you are busy with intellectual work, it is recommended to do a little relaxation.

Dreamed sleep from Monday to Tuesday expresses the dreamer's creative potential. As a rule, he is bright and emotional. Here it is worth paying attention to the omens that the dream wanted to convey. If the night gave you a lot of pleasant impressions, then today you can safely begin to implement new ideas and actively get to work. If you woke up with an unpleasant feeling in your soul, then it is undesirable to take on new endeavors. Seeing victory in a dream this night is considered a prophetic omen. The implementation of such plots takes place over the next ten days. If more time has already passed, then there is no point in waiting for the incarnation.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for April 4th

The horoscope believes that today your desire to walk wide and fast will not bring you any benefit. The trousers will burst at the seams. Try to slow down a little.

Today will be a favorable day for you in terms of cooperative work. However, the horoscope advises not to pry out other people's secrets. This is of no use to you.

Today - best time for various investments and financial investments. However, do not forget about basic caution. You probably won't like staying on beans.

You will feel your oratorical gift awakening in you. Try to take advantage of this. After all, today you can convince anyone that you are right.

Today you will not keep up with developments. Perhaps in response to this your natural stubbornness will activate. However, you should not give in to it. It will only get worse.

Today you may feel the urge to rearrange your interior. You should leave this idea until better times.

Today there is a great risk that you may find yourself in a funny situation. To prevent this from happening, try not to broadcast your own achievements to the whole world.