Reviews about "Main Military Clinical Hospital named after Academician N.N. Burdenko". Institute of Neurosurgery Burdenko

The CyberKnife robotic complex can be used for radiosurgical destruction of tumors with a diameter of half a millimeter to 6 cm, which are located in the brain or other parts of the body. Some non-oncological diseases are also treated with this installation. Check out the prices and procedure for treatment at Cyber ​​knife in Moscow at the Burdenko Research Institute.

Key Benefits

  • The procedure is absolutely painless, does not require the installation of a stereotactic frame, and is tolerated comfortably.
  • Can destroy tumors in hard-to-reach places, such as meningiomas optic nerve, minimizing the risk of serious complications.
  • Treatment in most cases is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  • Features of the method allow you to irradiate lesions irregular shape, as well as neoplasms moving during breathing.

Order of appointment and features of the procedure

NPC Burdenko: price of treatment on Cyber ​​Knife

Prices for radiosurgery using the CyberKnife installation in Burdenko, including preparation, range from 282,000 to 332,000 rubles. , and depend on the area of ​​irradiation.

The final price is determined after consultation, drawing up individual plan examinations and treatment.

Treatment at the Scientific and Practical Center of Neurosurgery named after. Burdenko on a paid basis is 5–10 times cheaper than in European and American clinics However, even this modest amount by Western standards is not always in the budget of a sick person. For such patients, it is possible to undergo the procedure for free, having received a subsidy from the state budget.

How to get a Cyber ​​Knife quota from Burdenko:

  • Allocation decision state subsidy adopted by authorized bodies at the federal level. The basis is a package of documents received from a clinic or hospital, whose specialists have determined that CyberKnife treatment is indicated for you.
  • If the region's budget does not have enough cash(“quotas”) intended for the provision of high-tech medical care (HTMC) in the specialty “neurosurgery”, you can submit an application to the Department of HTMC of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Rakhmanovsky lane, 3).
  • After the allocation of state subsidies and receipt of documents at the Neurosurgery Center named after. Burdenko, a special Commission is being assembled. Its task is to determine the validity of the referral for the procedure. If there is a queue and necessary emergency treatment you may be redirected from the NPC to another specialized institution that has necessary equipment and a license for VMP in the “Neurosurgery” profile.

The cost of paid procedures, the procedure for obtaining a quota and other information regarding radiosurgical treatment at the CyberKnife installation in Burdenko are relevant and correspond to the information posted on the official website of the SPC.

Efficiency of the procedure

The institute, which in 2016 received the status of a scientific-practical medical center and is the world's largest neurosurgical clinic, leading domestic specialists in this field work, international conferences are held, and research work is conducted.

The Cyberknife installed at the Burdenko Research Institute is equipped with a small-sized linear accelerator, which is mounted on a robotic manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom. The design and technical capabilities of the radiosurgical system make it possible to irradiate tumors inside and outside the skull ranging in size from 0.5 to 60 mm, including irregularly shaped ones.

Since the launch of the hardware complex (2009), several thousand patients with various tumors and pathologies have been treated nervous system. Thanks to this, an extensive data bank has been collected and a huge practical experience. This allows radiosurgeons to select optimal regimens, minimizing the risk of complications and achieving positive results even in the most difficult cases.

Center contacts

You can make an appointment by phone

7 499 972-85-86.

Phone numbers for signing up for paid services:

7 499 251-63-04,

7 499 972-86-99 ext. 4190.

Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 1st Tverskoy-Yamskoy Lane, 13/5.

Cyber ​​knife: reviews of those operated on at Burdenko

I recently had Cyber ​​Knife surgery at Burdenko. So far so good, I'm watching.


Hello! In the fall of 2011, in September, an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the brain was removed at Cyberknife in Burdenko. After 2 years, he had a repeat CT angiography, did not come to Moscow, and was examined in his homeland. So, if it weren’t for the old pictures, the doctors wouldn’t even have found traces of the AVM, it would just disappear and that’s it!! Know that Cyber ​​Knife is not just about oncology! Regarding the treatment itself - no pain, burning, etc., just half an hour under a mask and with pleasant music, only 3 days in the hospital. The only thing is that I had to wait 2 weeks, because either there were queues, or technical problems. After the procedure, dexamethasone was administered once for pain relief, and that’s it, no more was needed! Good luck everyone!

19.04.19 20:46:11

+2.0 Excellent

I would like to thank the wonderful neurosurgeon - Vadim Nikolaevich Shimansky! Not only a brilliant specialist, but also a wonderful person. Rescued my grandmother (68 years old) from hellish facial pain (neuralgia trigeminal nerve) ! Before that, I took her to consultations with 3 neurosurgeons, but they couldn’t decide who to go to for surgery. There were doubts and fears. One of the doctors recommended not to take risks and not agree to surgery, since the operation is complex (microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve root), and advised me to continue taking pills. Although it was very difficult for my grandmother to cope with the side effects from them. My grandmother endured pain for 6 years, took medications, could not even wash her face properly in the morning, brush her teeth, and was afraid to go outside in the sun and during windy conditions. All the time I lived in fear and tension that the attack of pain would happen again. Over the past 5-6 months, she became very ill, the pain manifested itself even when talking and laughing. She just sat at home, missed her grandchildren's birthdays, felt very bad about it and completely lost hope. Based on a recommendation, we found Vadim Nikolaevich and decided to sign her up for a consultation with him. They arrived at the appointed time. At the appointment, the grandmother even somehow calmed down while explaining the symptoms and discussing treatment. Vadim Nikolaevich carefully looked at the photo, explained everything in detail, all the risks, possible complications. Very open, honest and wise doctor! He explained and gave us a list of tests and studies that need to be taken if we decide to go to bed. I did not insist on surgery, since the risk is also associated with age, anesthesia (not the first), and so on. Everything was explained rationally and logically. After the consultation, I was sure that if my grandmother decided to go to bed, she would go to him! It is to him that I entrust her life! After discussion and consideration with the family, we decided to call the surgical assistant and let her know that we were ready to be admitted to the hospital. We came for a second consultation with Vadim Nikolaevich (free of charge). We talked again, showed all the tests, chose a date for the operation, and after 10-12 days I went to bed. The next morning the grandmother was operated on, everything went well. After the operation he was attentive and came in every day! Grandmother got rid of terrible pain, sometimes there are tingling sensations (they warned about this, mild pain and tingling may continue for about six months, everyone is individual, and you need to take pills all this time, but in low doses, and, accordingly, side effects No) . They kept me in the hospital for another five days. All the nurses are simply wonderful, they look after you as if you were a family member, they help and calm you down. The attending physician-resident (Dombaanay Bayyr Sergeevich) was very attentive, left his phone number, listened all the time if the grandmother had questions about postoperative period. Also thanks to the assistant surgeon (Abdurakhimov Firuz Davronovich). Thank you so much for bringing my grandmother back to life, for the opportunity to walk with my grandchildren in any weather, get my hair cut at the hairdresser without fear, spend time with my family and just enjoy life! Vadim Nikolaevich, health to you and your family and more many years wonderful work and healing of patients!

19.12.17 09:39:50

+2.0 Excellent

On August 13, 2017, my son (40 years old) suddenly lost consciousness. He was hospitalized in City Clinical Hospital No. 4 of the city of Kursk, then in regional hospital. The examination revealed the presence of a large aneurysm in the right middle cerebral artery. After hemorrhage left side began to work poorly. On September 14, we received a referral to Moscow to the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. Burdenko for an operation to clip this aneurysm. Anton Nikolaevich Konovalov advised us in absentia. The operation was scheduled for October 12, 2017. We began to wait for the quota. Anton Nikolaevich was in touch with us all the time by phone indicated in the referral for hospitalization. We turned to him with all questions, and he himself called us if there were changes. We were not given a quota for October 12, and the operation was postponed to October 18. We were very worried because we were afraid that the aneurysm would rupture again. We arrived at the Burdenko Research Institute on October 18 in the morning. There were a lot of people at the pass office and a long line. The pass office opens from 9:00, but that day the office staff started work at 8:30, and at 9:00 we were already at the doctor’s office, who registered us for hospitalization. In Kursk, we took all the tests according to the list and according to the dates indicated in the referral for hospitalization and signed by A. N. Konovalov. But the receiving doctor obliged us to take some tests again. They allegedly do not meet deadlines. Analyzes are paid. They were ready by 14-00. We paid 7800 rubles. But I am in favor, I understand that we need a picture of the patient’s health status today. I'm all for it. It's not about the money. This just needs to be discussed immediately in the referral for hospitalization during consultation. Then we wouldn’t have to take these tests in our city and wouldn’t make extra holes in the body. Everyone who was hospitalized had to retake some tests for about the same amount. Anyone who will go to Burdenko, know that some tests will still need to be retaken. Take the money. Of course, waiting for test results and hospitalization takes a lot of time. But the halls have comfortable chairs, are spacious, there are toilets, on the 4th floor there is a cafe where it is not expensive, but the food is excellent. After receiving the test results, the son was hospitalized in the 3rd department. Double room. The room has two beds, 2 bedside tables, 2 chairs, 2 tables. For 2 rooms there is a toilet and a shower. Very clean. The beds are comfortable, the backs are movable. The linen is new. If you need to change it, then change it at least every day. The staff is wonderful. In the wards and in the corridor there is no foreign odor. Just the smell of freshness. The orderlies and nurses are very polite. I went to find out when my son would be operated on and who would operate. I was told that Yuri Viktorovich Pilipenko would operate and that the operation was scheduled for tomorrow. The attending physician is Maria Dmitrievna Varyukhina. I sat in the room until six in the evening, I wanted to talk to the doctors about the upcoming operation, but no one was waiting. It turned out that all the doctors were at the operation. They have operations there 24 hours a day. They came to their son at eight o'clock in the evening. We checked into a hotel located on the territory of the research institute. It's very convenient. The hotel is not expensive. A double room costs 2200 per night. There are other rooms there, but we lived in this one. 4 rooms with shower and toilet. There is a rest room and a kitchen with a microwave. The room has two beds, two bedside tables, two chairs, a table, a large bedside table, a wardrobe, a hallway, a refrigerator, a kettle, and dishes. Everything is very clean, convenient, comfortable. Very polite, friendly administrator Maslova Irina Mikhailovna. We made a request for accommodation in advance (a month in advance), and she was in touch with us all that month. We are very grateful to her for good attitude to the residents. On the morning of October 19, we came to our son’s room at 9-00. But he was already taken to the operating room. The operation lasted 5 hours. After the operation, the son was taken to intensive care. The operating neurosurgeon Yuri Viktorovich Pilipenko told us that the operation was successful. Who else was in the team, I don’t know who did the anesthesia, too, and I saw Pilipenko for the first time after the operation, but everyone thanks a lot. In the evening we came to inquire about our son’s health. The doctor in the office (I don’t know his last name) kindly agreed to help us. He called the emergency room and told us that everything is fine, your child is conscious and breathing on his own. Yuri Viktorovich and Maria Dmitrievna visited their son several times every day: they checked his condition, listened to complaints, advised what and how to do. While my son was a bedridden patient, we were in the ward around the clock. There was something to sit on, something to sleep on. I liked the good attitude of all the clinic workers towards patients and caregivers. Next to our ward there was a ward where a seriously ill woman lay, and there were no relatives nearby. The nurses looked after her very carefully. I have never seen medical staff in any hospital look after me like this: they washed, and fed, and combed their hair, and just talked to the patient. I especially liked the nurse or nurse Oksana (sorry, I don’t know either her last or patronymic name). She literally blew away specks of dust from this patient. We are unaccustomed to this kind of attitude from medical staff in our hospitals. I got the impression that everything in this hospital is perfect. top level, from the locker room to the operating room. We stayed in Burdenko until October 26 (8 days). On the day of discharge, Yuri Viktorovich came to us early because he had surgery in the morning. He told us the do's and don'ts of this surgery. He gave us recommendations for rehabilitation and gave us his phone number. During our entire stay in Burdenko, no one ever demanded money from us, no one even made a hint of it. Everyone simply did their job professionally, that’s all. The purpose of my letter is to instill hope in the hearts of those who have suffered the same misfortune as us. And I also want to say thank you. Thank you very much Pilipenko Yu.V.

Hospital named after Burdenko, founded in Moscow in the thirties of the last century, is considered not only one of the largest medical institutions with a neurosurgical work profile, but also the most authoritative of them.

Priority areas for the provision of medical services

Use as part of preliminary diagnostics the latest developments in the field of laboratory and clinical techniques allows doctors of the Research Institute named after. Burdenko provide medical services in such areas: disease therapy vascular system with localization in the spinal cord and brain; first aid and elimination of consequences in case of traumatic brain injuries; treatment oncological diseases affecting the central nervous system; pediatric and functional surgery; work with pathological conditions spinal and peripheral nerves- congenital and acquired; radiosurgery and radiological treatment.

Hospital structure

The Burdenko Clinic is divided into specialized departments, in each of which the patient finds necessary help depending on his diagnosis. Here are just a few of them:


Here patients are received and consulted on issues of neurosurgery and neurology. According to patient reviews, you can make an appointment at the Burdenko Clinic in Moscow by telephone or online; doctors accept patients without an appointment. All applicants pass full examination, and then doctors refer patients to further treatment to one of the specialized departments of the hospital.


Intended for neurosurgical operations when identifying malignant neoplasms in the brain.


To the pediatric department for complex treatment Children under three years of age with neurosurgical pathologies are referred. Using the methods of functional neurosurgery, it is possible to achieve progress in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired muscle tone, neuralgia, and chronic pain syndrome.

Radiological, radiosurgery

Because radiation therapy gives tangible results in the treatment of neurosurgical pathologies; the clinic has a department equipped with high-precision radio equipment. The use of such equipment makes the method accessible to people of any age, regardless of the extent of tissue damage.

Technical base

Clinic and hospital named after. Burdenko are located at different addresses. Despite this, each department is equipped modern equipment, which allows for minimally invasive interventions varying degrees complexity. Use of equipment from leading manufacturers in diagnostics medical equipment, like Philips, GE, Siemens, allows you to achieve precise setting diagnosis, which has a positive effect on the prognosis of treatment of the disease. In the clinic, all workplaces are computerized, and patient information is stored in a special electronic database, which significantly simplifies the maintenance process and allows you to maintain data confidentiality. The Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician N. N. Burdenko in Moscow has an official website, which contains detailed information about the areas of activity of the clinic, the location of its departments and the operating hours of each of them. The pages contain a list of doctors by specialization, listing the disorders of the peripheral and central nervous system with which they work. You can make an appointment with specialists on our website or by phone. Operators will accept requests for appointments; online booking is available 24 hours a day.