Getting the cat used to its new home. Current tips on how to train your cat to use the litter box. Nuances you should know before purchasing

Outdoor cats pose a threat to surrounding wildlife, especially birds. They also run the risk of infection, illness, being hit by a car, or being attacked by larger animals. Therefore, if you take street cat to the house, then you will help how environment, and to the cat himself. Almost any cat can be housetrained. The animal only needs some time to acclimatize, a lot of toys, a house and various cat joys so that the cat does not get bored and enjoys life.


Part 1

How to prepare a cat for home

    Train your cat to use an outdoor scratching post. Cats love to spread their claws, so it is important to accustom him to the scratching post so that the furniture is not damaged. Before taking your cat indoors, place the scratching post in a dry place outside near the cat's bowl. It will take at least a week for the cat to get used to using the scratching post.

    Train your cat to use the litter box outside. Before bringing your cat indoors, place the litter box in a dry place outside. Pour filler into the tray average size. It will take at least a week for the cat to get used to using the litter box.

    • Remember to clean the litter box every day. Cats are always looking for a clean place to relieve themselves. If you don't keep it clean, your cat won't use the litter box.
    • Place the litter box in a quiet and safe place, otherwise the cat may get scared and not dare to go to the litter box.
  1. Take the cat to the vet. Before you take your cat into your home, you need to make sure that he will not bring infection into the house. If your cat does not have a tag, it is very important to take the animal to a veterinarian. Also, an outdoor cat must be vaccinated and sterilized.

    Use two trays. The first tray should be placed in a place convenient for you, and the second - near front door. When the cat wants to go outside to relieve himself, he will see a tray at the door and can calmly do his business. When the cat gets used to the tray, start moving it from the front door closer to the second tray. Once the two trays are next to each other, one of them can be removed.

    Control exits to the street. Don't let your cat decide when he can leave the house. If you have a closed veranda, then periodically let the cat out there. You can also buy a harness and leash for your cat to walk with the animal. Not all cats like to walk on a leash, but if you manage to train your cat, then such walks will begin to bring joy to both you and the animal.

Part 3

How to make your home attractive to your cat

    Buy toys. If your cat has enough opportunities to express his hunting instincts in the house, he will be less likely to want to run outside and hunt. Buy several balls, a toy mouse and other toys for the cat. It is very important to play with your cat regularly so that he does not get bored indoors.

    • Roll the ball around on the floor so your cat can chase and play with it.
    • Buy a toy mouse on a stick. Drag the mouse across the floor and wave the toy over the cat's head to make him attack it.
    • Cats also like feather toys. These are usually feathers attached to the end of a string or stick. Drag the toy across the floor or swing it in the air.
    • Change or bring new toys every two weeks to keep your cat interested in them.
  1. Buy catnip. Many cats love the smell of this plant. Place catnip in places where your cat likes (or should) spend time. For example, placing catnip near the scratching post will help train the cat to sharpen its claws there so that it does not damage the furniture.

    Buy a cat tree. Cats love to watch people high points and jump onto observation decks. Choose a “cat tree” from a pet store that has multiple platforms for your cat to jump on and climb to different levels.

    • Such designs can be expensive. Instead, you can clear out a few shelves or place a table and bookshelves nearby so that your cat can climb up.
  2. Prepare a warm sleeping place. A warm and comfortable cat bed will help attract your cat into the house in cold and rainy weather. If you don’t want to buy a special lounger, then you can comfortably lay out a blanket and a blanket on the sofa. The cat can also find a suitable place to sleep on its own.

    Highlight sunny place for relaxation. Cats love to bask in the sun, so provide a place where the animal does not try to escape outside. If there is no wide window sill on the sunny side, place a table near the window on which the cat can lie. Keep the curtains down near your cat's bed so your cat can enjoy the sun's rays.

In the article I will tell you how to catch a street cat, analyzing the main actions, what to do and do after a successful outcome, as well as how to adapt the cat to a new place of residence.

Any animal needs care and a warm home, but even if there is a desire to shelter a stray cat, a compassionate person faces a number of difficulties. Catching a street animal that lacks trust in strangers is not so easy, but it is still quite possible.

To successfully capture your future pet, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before picking up a cat, do a thorough analysis. Rate on possible infections and general friendliness. If you experience lethargic behavior, difficulty breathing, poor coordination, or dripping saliva, contact special services that handle catching. Many people want to catch a Burmese cat. Some can be fatal.
  2. Build trust. Communicate with the cat, but keep your distance. He may be afraid. Feed the cat with aromatic and soft food, demonstrating the possibility of free and safe feeding in order to lure it out. The cat will get used to it. Avoid. Lactose intolerance – common problem adult cats. Use dry food or soft canned food.
  3. Prepare the pot. A trap that allows you to use safe and simple mechanisms is purchased from cat shelter employees. They also use boxes or carriers that allow you to slam the entrance to right moment. However, such options are less effective in practice. Do not use to catch thick fabrics. They will frighten and anger the animal, causing it to take a defensive position. This outcome could result in serious injury to both parties.
  4. Place the trap in a place familiar to the cat and leave edible bait. As bait, place familiar food in 2 places: at the entrance and in the far corner of the cathouse. An animal entering for a tasty morsel will be slammed inside using a special spring. Do not leave the captured animal alone to reduce the resulting stress. Check the trap regularly up to the hour. Do not use glass containers for bait. Frightened, the cat will break it and be injured by the fragments. Place food on the ground or use plastic.

Before catching, put on thick clothing that can protect you from the attacks of a mustachioed animal.

If you receive scratches or bites, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out possible infection.

It may take several weeks or a dozen attempts to catch a wild animal.

Also pay attention to some features that are important when catching kittens:

  1. Do not separate babies under 1-1.5 months from their mother. Kittens will lose the passive immunity acquired from mother's milk. They will remain unarmed in front of pathogenic bacteria, and will also experience psychological stress. A nursing cat cannot be separated from her kittens. Without it, the babies will die, so it is important to take not only the adult animal, but also the rest of the family.
  2. To catch a small contact kitten, it is enough to use dexterity and grab it by the scruff of the neck. Never pick up adult animals by the scruff of the neck. The structure of their vertebrae and weight are different from kittens, so the animal can get serious injury cervical region.

Avoid accidentally grabbing someone else's pet.

Recognize domestic cat you can by:

  • well-groomed appearance, clean ears and eyes;
  • soft pads on the paws;
  • trustfulness and contact;
  • the presence of a collar or chip (checked at the veterinary clinic);
  • absence from the street at night (the animal is allowed to walk during the day, but it returns to its usual place closer to dusk).

If you find such a lost thing, try to send/find the owner.

What to do with a selected street kitten

After successful operation When caught, the following actions should be taken:

First of all new pet requires mandatory quarantine for 2-3 weeks, which involves placement in:

  • dark, warm and draft-free room;
  • a place fenced off from other pets;
  • conditions of the presence of individual household items (tray, bowls for food and water, bed).

How many days does it take to adapt? After bringing the cat, give him the opportunity to leave the carrier at home on his own. He will calmly explore new smells and appreciate possible danger. After all, he lived in the yard.

Remember to thoroughly wash your hands and change clothes after handling your found pet. Acquaintance with existing pets is possible only after the end of quarantine.

When feeding an outdoor cat it is important:

  1. Monitor the amount you eat. A street animal does not feel full, so an excessive amount of food will overload the gastrointestinal tract, causing its upset.
  2. Do not force feed. Refusal to eat is caused by stress. Soon the animal will show interest in the food offered. If you lack appetite for a long time, consult your doctor. In some cases, the pet has to be fed crushed food from a syringe.
  3. Use premium and super-premium food appropriate for the age of the pet. At first, use baby food in small doses and gradually increase the amount to the standard indicated on the package.
  4. Do not use fatty foods when feeding natural food. The diet should consist of low-fat varieties fish and meat, as well as dairy products with low content fat
  5. Provide permanent access to fresh water. The found animal does not have to be fed in the first hours after capture, but it must be given water.

cats, long time those who lived on the street and suddenly found themselves in an apartment experience great stress

How to adapt and housetrain a cat

New smells in an unfamiliar place are a real stress for a street animal. A captured animal should not be exposed to other pets on the first day.

During the adaptation period you should:

  1. Designate a separate area. The cat must be left alone and not tired of excessive attention. At the same time, it is important to talk with him, demonstrating a good mood with calm intonation and gentle words.
  2. Do not interfere with privacy. If your pet is hiding under the sofa, give him time to come to his senses. Feeling safe, he will leave the shelter on his own.
  3. Try. Fill the tray with your usual litter. Ordinary soil is perfect for outdoor cats. You can also use cut up paper soaked in cat urine. The animal will feel the familiar smell and understand the purpose of the unusual object.
  4. Buy a scratching post. Please note street cat is unlikely to immediately understand the direct purpose of an industrial product. An ordinary piece of wood brought from the street will help here.
  5. . Try not to violate the temporary distance maintained by the cat, but attract his attention. A rustling candy wrapper hanging on a stick or a ringing ball will amuse and calm your pet.

Otherwise, the trust gained will be lost and you will have to start from the very beginning.

Pet the found cat and other pets with the same cloth. This will mix their smells and allow you to quickly find a common language.

Do not try to pick up the foundling, but wait for his initiative.

In conclusion, I note that catching a cat with proper preparation not so difficult. It is much more difficult to cope with its adaptation and turn a wild animal into a domestic one. Some cats who have experienced ill-treatment, store unpleasant events in memory throughout their lives. Their psyche cannot always be cured. They can accept food from a person, but will never accept his affection.

In other cases, patience, perseverance and desire are enough. With gentle and careful handling, the pet will definitely realize its happiness and show reciprocal love.

If a pet appears in the house, it must have its own corner. This is especially true for felines. Special beds or entire multi-level houses are often purchased for them. The animal feels quite comfortable in it. However, at first many people face the problem of mastering a new subject. The easiest way is to accustom a kitten to its place, but in general, if you know some approaches, you can adapt an adult to use a new thing.

Types of models

Today on the pet supply market you can find a huge variety of furniture for animals. This also applies to cat beds. They can be classified by color, material, shape and size. Since cats spend a considerable amount of time enjoying sleep, a bed for your beloved cat is a special item.

You need to choose it wisely, so first of all pay attention to their main varieties:

  • Basket. A bed of this type can be made from wicker using the weaving method or from its analogues, including plastic. The advantage of such models is their appearance. Additionally, the bottom is lined with soft bedding or pillow. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the difficulty of cleaning and the love of cats to sharpen their teeth and claws on the bars of the basket;
  • Bagel. This is a soft analogue of a basket. It has the appearance of a volumetric litter. Inside, the fabric is thinner, and the edges are surrounded by a dense roller, which serves as a kind of limiter;
  • Hammock. This is a hanging model that can be placed at almost any height. It is especially popular to hang it near batteries in winter period. The cat gets the opportunity to take a high-altitude position, which some animals especially like. Difficulties may arise when using it with small kittens, injured, sick or simply old animals;
  • House. This is a closed option that allows the cat to feel in complete privacy. It can be much more difficult to accustom an animal to a house than to a simple bedding. They can be soft, tension, with hard walls, multi-level, etc.

In addition, in order to quickly accustom an animal to a bed, it is important to pay attention to some other parameters:

Do you want to accustom your cat to a bed? This means that the animal needs to like the house. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine this in advance, so you need to know some tricks and tricks.

How to choose a location

In order to accustom a cat to a bed, first of all you need to choose the right location for a new place to rest. The best way- watch the animal.

Pay attention to where the cat spends the most time, sleeping or just relaxing. Most often, it is the pets themselves who choose a place for a bed that is convenient for them.

If your animal’s home is a completely new home, first try placing the basket in a place where there will be sufficient visibility in the direction of other rooms.

This will allow the cat to observe everything that is happening in the apartment, which is one of their favorite activities. In addition, the house should be located where its occupant will not be disturbed. If the house is cold, choose a place closer to heating devices.

How to accustom a cat to a bed

So, how to accustom a cat to a new bed? There are several basic techniques and many tricks for this. First, just show the animal its new place. At first, the cat may avoid the house, since it is a new object and needs to get used to it. However, more curious animals, on the contrary, tend to quickly explore the new thing, and, in fact, you will not need to think about how to accustom him to a bed. The main thing is to choose the right place for it, and everything will happen by itself.

If, however, independent development is still delayed, try to accustom the cat to a new bed using one of the following methods:

  • Catnip. This plant is also called catnip or horehound. Thanks to its aroma, it attracts felines, and therefore will be an excellent tool in an attempt to point the animal to its new place to sleep and rest. Some manufacturers add catnip to the materials used to make beds and houses;
  • Favorite treat. You can put some tasty treat that your pet loves so much in the new place. In this case, over time he will understand that there is something good there, and will not be afraid to lay down to rest in the basket;
  • Valerian. This is the most quick way to draw attention to the renewal, but very risky, since valerian is a kind of drug for cats and sometimes has a very unpredictable effect on them. Instead of attacks of love for a new place, the animal may experience excessive activity, and even aggression towards the structure. You run the risk of witnessing your new item being shattered into pieces under the pressure of your pet’s claws and teeth;
  • Favorite blanket. You can also use a favorite pillow, blanket, or other item that your cat likes to sleep on. Just move it to the place you need, and the animal will come to it itself if it wants to lie down on its blanket again.

If the cat climbs into a new place, especially when we're talking about about the closed house, do not try to get it out of there. The pet should feel safe there and a kind of isolation from strangers. Cats like to retire from time to time, so this bed will become a real find for a pet.

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals were found ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations we find in chronicles and legends are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied a niche pet and a mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes. modern world, for example, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example Therefore, rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for mating. various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about a particular pet. Or do you have a nursery near your house? veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals, write to us about them at the address so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

So, in the house where there is adult cat, a baby appeared - a kitten. How to accustom a cat to a kitten so that they become friends? It all depends on the ingenuity of the owner and his patience.

The appearance of a “stranger” in the house is enough severe stress for old-timers. Therefore, not all cats adequately perceive new residents and roommates. In such cases, the question of how to accustom a cat to a kitten becomes the most pressing.

My territory!

Cats are pets that sharply differentiate their own and other people's territories. If a small newcomer appears in the space belonging to an adult cat, this will definitely alert the cat. But animals of different characters react to such intrusions differently. In any case, the pets need to get used to each other. Even a peaceful and friendly cat needs time, since training a cat to be a kitten is a matter that requires attention and patience. Since cats determine what is theirs and what is not theirs by smell, some cat lovers recommend doing the following: take a scarf or just a piece of cloth and after the older cat has licked itself, wipe the fur with this cloth, and then immediately wipe the kitten’s scruff with the same cloth. Why the scruff? Because there he will not be able to lick, “wash” someone else’s smell. This exchange of smells will help the objects get closer. Territorial division will become less significant. The cat will gradually recognize the kitten as one of its own. Similarly, the baby will stop being afraid.

Peaceful solution

In any case, it is better to start acquaintance under the supervision of the owner, gradually bringing the pets closer together. If the cat has a good disposition, then you can introduce it immediately, without prior quarantine of the animals. But in any case, gradually bringing the cat and kitten closer together. First, let her sniff the small one, while holding the pets. It is better for two people to do this. One was holding a baby, the other was holding an adult cat. After the “sniffing” procedure, you can try to release the pets; if tension does not arise in the form of snorting, hissing and other moments, you can let them communicate. At the same time, the owner must continue to carefully observe the objects of acquaintance and encourage them kind words, caress. It is quite possible that they will play. It happens that the older cat begins to take care of the younger one by licking him. This is a good start and ensures that the relationship will be established in the near future.


Of course, the reaction of an old-timer to a young guest in the form of hissing, growling, snorting and fur standing on end is quite natural. Therefore, usually, when bringing a kitten into the house, he is not introduced to the cat right away. And they do it gradually. At first, the pets are placed separately. Some animal psychologists recommend placing the cat and kitten in different but adjacent rooms, and covering the doorway with mesh. This way the pets will feel each other, but will not touch each other. If desired, they can always communicate. Bowls should be placed on both sides of the net, in which there should always be water and food - the cats will be kinder and more accommodating.

In order for animals to quickly get used to new smells, it is recommended to change places, but still keep them isolated. After about a week, when the pets get used to it and are no longer afraid, they can be released. But they should still be under the supervision of the owner. Any undesirable behavior towards a neighbor - a blow with a paw, hissing - should be stopped. However, repeated isolation is only required if the animals begin to fight (not to be confused with play). In case of an aggressive reaction, the animals are again divided for the same period. Then the introduction is repeated.

Negotiation table - what to do with aggression?

When animals show aggression, you should never physically punish them, but, of course, you need to scold them. Slapping the tail or flicking the nose is strictly prohibited. But experts recommend distracting the cat and scaring it with a sharp clap or water.

When the owner notices that the cats, instead of fear and aggression, begin to show interest in each other, showing a friendly attitude, they need a few more days - optimally 10-14 - to keep them in isolation, and then release them.

Under no circumstances should you allow your baby to bother your cat. Otherwise she will get irritated.

So characteristic

There are cats that greet newcomers very negatively and categorically do not want to be friends with them. If this is natural in the pet’s character, then one can hardly expect that she will welcome the kitten with open arms. In the end, she feels like a mistress - strong and independent.

There are quite peaceful cats. They get along with the kids quickly and accept them peacefully.

There are independent ones. They will likely tolerate the kitten, but will keep it at a distance. It is quite possible that the small one's constant attempts to communicate will eventually lead to the fact that adult cats will begin to treat him condescendingly and even patronize him.

Oh, this jealousy!

Often adult cats offend babies because trivial reason that they are jealous of their owners. That is why, during the period when a small newcomer is actively settling into the house, and an old-timer is getting used to it, the owner needs to pay more attention to the adult pet than to the new one. Yes, yes, exactly that, although there is a great temptation to spend most of the time with the kitten, because it is smaller and more defenseless. But animals are very similar to people in some ways - they are jealous. Hence the elementary conclusion for the owner is how to accustom a cat to a kitten. Petting an adult cat with redoubled force, pay attention to her, show her good attitude, caress, feed both pets at the same time, so that the adult cat does not think that her rights are being infringed upon. When feeding together, bowls should be placed at a fairly large distance at first, and gradually, as the animals get used to it, the distance between the bowls should be reduced.

If animals do not want to communicate, they do not need to be forced.

It is worth remembering that not only does the cat have to get used to the kitten, but the baby also needs time and help to get used to the new place.

Two cats in one house - video