Torture of nobles in Japan. The terrible crimes of the Japanese during World War II

Until December 7, 1941, there was not a single military conflict with an Asian army in American history. There were only a few minor skirmishes in the Philippines during the war with Spain. This led to American soldiers and sailors underestimating the enemy.
The US Army heard stories about the brutality with which the Japanese invaders treated the Chinese population in the 40s of the twentieth century. But before the clashes with the Japanese, the Americans had no idea what their opponents were capable of.
Routine beatings were so common that it is not even worthy of mention. However, in addition, captive Americans, British, Greeks, Australians and Chinese had to face slave labor, forced marches, cruel and unusual torture, and even dismemberment.
Below are some of the most shocking atrocities committed by the Japanese army during World War II.

It’s no secret that during times of famine people begin to eat their own kind. Cannibalism occurred in the expedition led by Donner, and even the Uruguay rugby team that crashed in the Andes, the subject of the film The Alive. But this always happened only in extreme circumstances. But it is impossible not to shudder when hearing stories about eating the remains of dead soldiers or cutting off parts from living people. Japanese camps were in deep isolation, surrounded by impenetrable jungle, and the soldiers guarding the camp often went hungry as well as the prisoners, resorting to horrific means to satisfy their hunger. But for the most part, cannibalism occurred due to mockery of the enemy. A report from the University of Melbourne states:
“According to the Australian lieutenant, he saw many bodies that were missing parts, even a scalped head without a torso. He states that the condition of the remains clearly indicated that they had been dismembered for cooking."

Dr. Josef Mengele was a famous Nazi scientist who experimented on Jews, twins, dwarfs and other concentration camp prisoners and was wanted by the international community after the war for trial for numerous war crimes. But the Japanese had their own scientific institutions, where no less than terrible experiences over people.
The so-called Unit 731 conducted experiments on Chinese women who were raped and impregnated. They were purposefully infected with syphilis so that they could find out whether the disease would be inherited. Often the condition of the fetus was studied directly in the mother's womb without the use of anesthesia, since these women were considered nothing more than animals to be studied.

In 1944, on the volcanic island of Peleliu, a Marine soldier while dining with a comrade saw the figure of a man heading towards them across the open terrain of the battlefield. As the man approached, it became clear that he was also a Marine soldier. The man walked bent over and had difficulty moving his legs. He was covered in blood. The sergeant decided that he was just a wounded man who had not been taken from the battlefield, and he and several colleagues hurried to meet him.
What they saw made them shudder. His mouth was sewn shut and the front of his trousers was cut. The face was distorted with pain and horror. Having taken him to the doctors, they later learned from them what really happened. He was captured by the Japanese, where he was beaten and brutally tortured. The Japanese army soldiers cut off his genitals, stuffed them into his mouth, and sewed him up. It is unknown whether the soldier was able to survive such a horrific outrage. But the reliable fact is that instead of intimidating, this event produced reverse effect, filling the hearts of the soldiers with hatred and giving them additional strength to fight for the island.

People practicing medicine in Japan did not always work to alleviate the plight of the sick. During World War II, Japanese "doctors" often performed brutal procedures on enemy soldiers or ordinary citizens in the name of science or simply to satisfy curiosity. Somehow they became interested in what would happen to the human body if it was twisted for a long time. To do this, they placed people in centrifuges and spun them sometimes for hours. People were thrown onto the walls of the cylinder and the faster it spun, the more more pressure turned out to be internal organs. Many died within a few hours and their bodies were removed from the centrifuge, but some were spun until they literally the words did not explode or fall apart.

If a person was suspected of espionage, then he was punished with all cruelty. Not only soldiers of Japan's enemy armies were subject to torture, but also residents of the Philippines, who were suspected of providing intelligence information for the Americans and British. The favorite punishment was to simply cut them alive. First one arm, then perhaps a leg and fingers. Next came the ears. But all this did not lead to a quick death so that the victim suffered for a long time. There was also a practice of stopping bleeding after cutting off a hand, when several days were given for recovery to continue torture. Men, women and children were amputated; no one was spared from the atrocities of the Japanese soldiers.

Many believe that waterboarding was first used by US soldiers in Iraq. Such torture is contrary to the country's constitution and appears unusual and cruel. This measure may be considered torture, but it may not be considered that way. Definitely for a prisoner it is ordeal, but it does not put his life at risk. The Japanese used waterboarding not only for interrogation, but also tied prisoners at an angle and inserted tubes into their nostrils. Thus, the water went directly into their lungs. It didn't just make you feel like you were drowning, like waterboarding, but the victim actually seemed to drown if the torture went on for too long.
He could try to spit out enough water so as not to choke, but this was not always possible. Waterboarding was the second most common cause of death for prisoners after beatings.

Another kind of inhumane research human body was a study of the effects of cold on the body. Often, as a result of freezing, the skin fell off the victim's bones. Of course, the experiments were carried out on living, breathing people who had to live with limbs from which the skin had fallen off for the rest of their lives. But not only the impact was studied low temperatures on the body, but also high. They burned the skin on a person’s hand over a torch, and the prisoner ended his life in terrible agony.

X-rays were still poorly understood at the time, and their usefulness and effectiveness in diagnosing disease or as a weapon were in question. Irradiation of prisoners was used especially frequently by Detachment 731. Prisoners were gathered under a shelter and exposed to radiation. They were taken out at certain intervals to study the physical and psychological effects of the radiation. Especially when large doses radiation, part of the body burned and the skin literally fell off. The victims died in agony, as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki later, but much more slowly.

Japanese soldiers from small islands in the southern part Pacific Ocean there were hardened, cruel people who lived in caves, where there was not enough food, nothing to do, but there was a lot of time to cultivate hatred for their enemies in their hearts. Therefore, when American soldiers were captured by them, they were absolutely merciless to them. Most often, American sailors were burned alive or partially buried. Many of them were found under rocks where they were thrown to decompose. The prisoners were tied hand and foot, then thrown into a dug hole, which was then slowly buried. Perhaps the worst thing was that the victim's head was left outside, which was then urinated on or eaten by animals.

In Japan it was considered an honor to die from a sword. If the Japanese wanted to disgrace the enemy, they brutally tortured him. Therefore, for those captured, dying by beheading was lucky. It was much worse to be subjected to the tortures listed above. If ammunition ran out in battle, the Americans used a rifle with a bayonet, while the Japanese always carried a long blade and a long curved sword. Soldiers were lucky to die from decapitation and not from a blow to the shoulder or chest. If the enemy found himself on the ground, he was chopped to death, rather than his head being cut off.

Since Japan and its surrounding islands are surrounded by ocean waters, this type of torture was common among the inhabitants. Drowning is a terrible type of death. Even worse was the expectation of imminent death from the tide within a few hours. Prisoners were often tortured for several days in order to learn military secrets. Some could not stand the torture, but there were also those who only gave their name, rank and serial number. A special type of death was prepared for such stubborn people. The soldier was left on the shore, where he had to listen for several hours to the water getting closer and closer. Then, the water covered the prisoner's head and, within a few minutes of coughing, filled the lungs, after which death occurred.

Bamboo grows in hot tropical areas and grows noticeably faster than other plants, several centimeters per day. And when the devilish mind of man invented the most terrible way to die, it was impalement. The victims were impaled on bamboo, which slowly grew into their bodies. The unfortunates suffered from inhuman pain when their muscles and organs were pierced by the plant. Death occurred as a result of organ damage or blood loss.

Another activity of Unit 731 was exposing victims to small doses of electricity. With a small impact it caused a lot of pain. If it was prolonged, then the internal organs of the prisoners were boiled and burned. Interesting fact about the intestines and gallbladder is that they have nerve endings. Therefore, when exposed to them, the brain sends pain signals to other organs. It's like cooking the body from the inside. Imagine swallowing a hot piece of iron to understand what the unfortunate victims experienced. The pain will be felt throughout the body until the soul leaves it.

Thousands of prisoners of war were sent to Japanese concentration camps, where they lived the life of slaves. A large number of prisoners were serious problem for the army, since it was impossible to supply them with sufficient food and medicine. In concentration camps, prisoners were starved, beaten, and forced to work until they died. The lives of the prisoners meant nothing to the guards and officers monitoring them. Moreover, if labor force was needed on an island or another part of the country, the prisoners of war had to march hundreds of kilometers there in unbearable heat. Countless soldiers died along the way. Their bodies were thrown into ditches or left there.

Most often, beatings of prisoners were used during interrogations. The documents state that at first the prisoner was spoken to in a friendly manner. Then, if the interrogating officer understood the futility of such a conversation, was bored or simply angry, then the prisoner of war was beaten with fists, sticks or other objects. The beating continued until the torturers got tired. In order to make the interrogation more interesting, they brought in another prisoner and forced him to continue under pain. own death from beheading. Often he had to beat a prisoner to death. Few things in war were as difficult for a soldier as causing suffering to a comrade. These stories filled the Allied troops with even greater determination in the fight against the Japanese.

Japan is very developed country, however, its people are known to us for their oddities, which only the Japanese themselves can understand. Many oddities are associated with the traditions of this people, as evidenced by interesting facts about ancient Japan, which are waiting for you further.

For more than two and a half centuries, Japan was a closed country.

In 1600 after long period feudal fragmentation and civil wars, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder and first head of the shogunate in Edo, came to power in Japan. By 1603, he finally completed the process of unifying Japan and began to rule with an iron fist. Ieyasu, like his predecessor, supported trade with other countries, but was very suspicious of foreigners. This led to the fact that in 1624 trade with Spain was completely prohibited. And in 1635, a decree was issued banning the Japanese from leaving the country and banning those who had already left to return. Since 1636, foreigners (Portuguese, later Dutch) could only stay on the artificial island of Dejima in Nagasaki harbor.

The Japanese were short because they didn't eat meat.

From the 6th to the 19th centuries, the average height of Japanese men was only 155 cm. This is due to the fact that it was in the 6th century that the Chinese “neighbourly” shared the philosophy of Buddhism with the Japanese. It is not clear why, but the new worldview appealed to the ruling circles of Japanese society. Vegetarianism began to be considered a path to the salvation of the soul and better reincarnation. Meat was completely excluded from the Japanese diet and the result was not long in coming: from the 6th to the 19th centuries, the average height of the Japanese decreased by 10 cm.

Trade in “Night Gold” was widespread in ancient Japan.

Night gold is a phraseological unit that denotes a product of human activity, his feces, used as a valuable and balanced fertilizer. In Japan, this practice was used quite widely. Moreover, the waste of rich people was sold at a higher price, because their food was plentiful and varied, so there was more left in the resulting “product.” nutrients. Various historical documents dating back to the 9th century detail procedures for toilet waste.

Pornography has always flourished in Japan.

Sexual themes in Japanese art arose many centuries ago and go back to ancient Japanese myths, among which the most famous is the myth about the emergence of the Japanese islands as a result of the sexual relationship of the god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami. There is no hint of a disapproving attitude towards sex in the ancient monuments. “This frankness in the story about sex and literary materials,” writes Japanese cultural anthropologist Toshinao Yoneyama, “has survived to this day... In Japanese culture there was no consciousness of original sin in relation to sex, as was the case in Christian cultures.”

Fishermen in ancient Japan used domesticated cormorants.

It all happened something like this: at night, fishermen went out to sea in a boat and lit torches to attract fish. Next, about a dozen cormorants were released, which were tied to the boat with a long rope. At the same time, the neck of each bird was slightly intercepted by a flexible collar so that it could not swallow the caught fish. As soon as the cormorants had full crops, the fishermen pulled the birds onto the boat. For their work, each bird received a reward in the form of a small fish.

In ancient Japan there was special shape marriage - tsumadoi.

A full-fledged small family - in the form cohabitation- was not a typical form of marriage in ancient Japan. The basis family relations constituted a special Japanese marriage - tsumadoi, in which the husband freely visited his wife, maintaining, in fact, separate residence from her. For the bulk of the population, marriage took place upon reaching adulthood: at 15 for a boy and at 13 for a girl. Marriage presupposed the consent of numerous relatives, including grandparents on the wife’s side. Tsumadoi marriage did not imply monogamy, and a man was not forbidden to have several wives, as well as concubines. However, a free relationship with their wives, leaving them without a reason to marry a new wife, was not allowed by law.

There were and still are quite a lot of Christians in Japan.

Christianity appeared in Japan in the mid-16th century. The first missionary to preach the Gospel to the Japanese was the Basque Jesuit Francis Xavier. But the missionary work did not last long. Soon the shoguns began to see Christianity (as the faith of foreigners) as a threat. In 1587, the unifier Toyotomi Hideyoshi banned the presence of missionaries in the country and began oppressing believers. To justify his actions, he pointed out that some Japanese converts had desecrated and destroyed Buddhist and Shinto shrines. The repressive policy was continued by Hideyoshi's political successor, Tokugawa Ieyasu. In 1612, he banned the practice of Christianity in his domains, and in 1614 he extended this ban to all of Japan. During the Tokugawa era, about 3,000 Japanese Christians were martyred, while the rest suffered imprisonment or exile. Tokugawa policy required all Japanese families to register with the local Buddhist temple and obtain a certificate that they were not Christians.

Japanese prostitutes were divided into several ranks.

In addition to the well-known geishas, ​​who by and large were simply the leaders of ceremonies, there were also courtesans in Japan, who in turn were divided into several classes depending on cost: tayu (the most expensive), koshi, tsubone, santya and the cheapest - street girls, bath attendants, servants, etc. The following agreement existed unspoken: once you had chosen a girl, you had to stick with her, “settle down.” Therefore, men often kept their own courtesans. Girls of Tayu rank cost 58 momme (about 3,000 rubles) at a time, and this does not count the obligatory 18 momme for servants - another 1,000 rubles. Prostitutes of the lowest rank cost approximately 1 momme (about 50 rubles). In addition to direct payment for services, there were also associated expenses - food, drink, tips for many servants, all this could reach up to 150 momme (8,000 rubles) per evening. Thus, a man supporting a courtesan could easily shell out about 29 kemme (about 580,000 rubles) in a year.

The Japanese often committed couple suicides out of unhappy love.

After the “reorganization” of prostitution in 1617, all non-family intimate life of the Japanese was moved to separate quarters like the “red light district”, where girls lived and worked. The girls could not leave the quarter unless wealthy clients bought them as wives. It was very expensive and more often than not it happened that lovers simply could not afford to be together. Despair drove such couples to “shinju” - couple suicides. The Japanese did not see anything wrong with this, because they had long revered rebirth and were completely confident that next life they will definitely be together.

Torture and execution have long been written into law in Japan.

To begin with, it should be said that in the Japanese legal system of the Tokugawa era there was no presumption of innocence. Every person who went to trial was considered guilty in advance. With the rise of the Tokugawa, only four types of torture remained legal in Japan: scourging, squeezing with stone slabs, tying with a rope, and hanging by a rope. Moreover, torture was not a punishment in itself, and its goal was not to cause maximum suffering to the prisoner, but to obtain a sincere confession of the crime committed. It should also be noted here that the use of torture was allowed only to those criminals who were threatened for their actions death penalty. Therefore, after a sincere confession, the poor fellows were most often executed. Executions were also very different: from the banal beheading to the terrible boiling in boiling water - this was the punishment for ninjas who failed a contract killing and were captured.

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Japan did not support the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, and cruel jailers were free to do whatever they wanted to the prisoners: starve them, torture them and abuse them, turning people into emaciated half-corpses

When Allied forces began liberating prisoners of war from Japanese concentration camps after Japan's surrender in September 1945, they were greeted with a horrifying sight.

The Japanese, who did not support the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, mocked captured soldiers, turning them into living skeletons covered in leather.

The exhausted prisoners were constantly tortured and abused by the Japanese.

The inhabitants of the camps pronounced with horror the names of the guards, who were famous for their special sadism. Some of them were subsequently arrested and executed as war criminals.

Prisoners in Japanese camps were fed extremely poorly, they were constantly hungry, and most of the survivors were in an extreme state of exhaustion at the time of liberation.

Tens of thousands of starving prisoners of war were constantly subjected to abuse and torture. The picture shows torture devices discovered in one of the prisoner of war camps by the Allied troops who liberated the camp.

The tortures were numerous and inventive. For example, “water torture” was very popular: guards first poured a large volume of water into the prisoner’s stomach through a hose, and then jumped on his swollen belly.

Some guards became especially famous for their sadism. The picture shows Lieutenant Usuki, known among the prisoners as the “Black Prince.”

He was an overseer on the construction of the railway, which prisoners of war called “the road of death.” Usuki beat people for the slightest offense or even without any guilt. And when one of the prisoners decided to escape, Usuki personally cut off his head in front of the other prisoners.

Another brutal overseer, a Korean nicknamed “Mad Half-Breed,” also became famous for his brutal beatings.

He literally beat people to death. He was subsequently arrested and executed as a war criminal.

Many British prisoners of war had their legs amputated while in captivity - both due to brutal torture, and because of numerous inflammations, the cause of which in a humid warm climate could be any wound, and in the absence of adequate medical care the inflammation quickly developed into gangrene.

The picture shows a large group of amputee prisoners after being released from the camp.

By the time of liberation, many prisoners literally turned into living skeletons and could no longer stand up on their own.

Horrifying photographs were taken by officers of the Allied forces liberating the death camps: they were supposed to become evidence of Japanese war crimes during World War II.

During the war, more than 140 thousand Allied soldiers were captured by the Japanese, including representatives from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, India and the United States.

The Japanese used prison labor to build highways, railways, airfields, for work in mines and factories. The working conditions were unbearable, and the amount of food was minimal.

The “road of death”, a railway line built on the territory of modern Burma, enjoyed especially terrible fame.

More than 60 thousand Allied prisoners of war were involved in its construction, about 12 thousand of them died during construction from hunger, disease and abuse.

The Japanese guards abused the prisoners as best they could.

About 36,000 prisoners of war were transported to central Japan, where they worked in mines, shipyards and munitions factories.

The prisoners ended up in the camp in the clothes in which they were captured by Japanese troops. They were not given any other things: only sometimes, in some camps, they received work clothes, which were worn only while working.

The rest of the time the prisoners wore their own things. Therefore, by the time of liberation, most prisoners of war remained in complete rags.

In the Middle Ages, a key role in politics and public life belonged to the church. Against the backdrop of the flourishing of architecture and scientific technologies the Inquisition and church courts persecuted dissidents and used torture. Denunciations and executions were widespread. Women were especially helpless and powerless. Therefore, today we will tell you about the most terrible medieval tortures for girls.

Their life was not like the fairy-tale world of chivalric romances. Girls were more often accused of witchcraft and, under torture, confessed to acts they did not commit. Sophisticated corporal punishment amazes with savagery, cruelty and inhumanity. The woman has always been to blame: for infertility and large number children, for an illegitimate child and various bodily defects, for healing and violation of biblical rules. Public corporal punishment was used to obtain information and intimidate the population.

The most terrible torture of women in the history of mankind

Most instruments of torture were mechanized. The victim was in terrible pain and died from his injuries. The authors of all the creepy instruments knew the structure quite well human body, each method caused unbearable suffering. Although of course these tools were used not only on females, they suffered more than others.

Pear of suffering

The mechanism was a metal bulb divided into several segments. There was a screw in the middle of the bulb. The device was inserted into the offending woman's mouth, vagina or anus. The screw mechanism opened the segments of the pear. As a result, internal organs were damaged: vagina, cervix, intestines, pharynx. A very terrible death.

The injuries caused by the device were incompatible with life. Usually torture was used on girls accused of having connections with the devil. At the sight of such a weapon, the defendants admitted to cohabitation with the devil, using the blood of babies in magical rituals. But confessions did not save the poor girls. They still died in the flames of the fire.

Witch chair (Spanish chair)

Applied to girls convicted of witchcraft. The suspect was secured with belts and handcuffs on an iron chair, in which the seat, back, and sides were covered with spikes. The person did not die immediately from loss of blood; the thorns slowly pierced the body. The cruel suffering did not end there; hot coals were placed under the chair.

History has preserved the fact that in late XVII century, a woman from Austria, accused of witchcraft, spent eleven days in agony on such a chair, but she died without confessing to the crime.


A special device for long-term torture. "The Throne" was wooden chair with holes in the back. The woman's legs were fixed in the holes, and her head was lowered down. The uncomfortable position caused suffering: blood rushed to the head, the muscles of the neck and back became tense. But there were no traces of torture left on the suspect’s body.

A fairly harmless weapon, reminiscent of a modern vice, caused pain, broke bones, but did not lead to the death of the person being interrogated.


The woman was placed in an iron device that allowed her to be fixed in a position with her legs pulled to her stomach. This pose caused muscle spasms. Prolonged pain and cramps slowly drove me crazy. Additionally, the victim could be tortured with a hot iron.

Shoes with spikes under the heel

The torture shoes were secured to the leg with shackles. Using a special device, spikes were screwed into the heel. The victim could stand on his toes for some time to relieve the pain and prevent the thorns from penetrating deeply. But it is impossible to stand in this position for a long time. I was expecting a poor sinner severe pain, blood loss, sepsis.

"Vigil" (torture by insomnia)

For this purpose, a special chair with a pyramid-shaped seat was created. The girl was placed on a seat; she could not sleep or relax. But the inquisitors found more effective way to gain recognition. The bound suspect was seated in such a position that the tip of the pyramid penetrated the vagina.

The torture lasted for hours; the unconscious woman was revived and returned to the pyramid, which tore her body and injured her genitals. To intensify the pain, heavy objects were tied to the victim’s legs and a hot iron was applied.

Goats for witches (Spanish donkey)

The naked sinner was seated on a pyramid-shaped wooden block, and a weight was tied to her feet to enhance the effect. The torture caused pain, but unlike the previous one, it did not tear the woman’s genitals.

Water torture

This method of inquiry was considered humane, although it often led to the death of the suspect. A funnel was inserted into the girl's mouth and a large amount of water was poured in. Then they jumped on the unfortunate woman, which could cause a rupture of the stomach and intestines. Boiling water and molten metal could be poured through the funnel. Ants and other insects were often placed into the victim's mouth or vagina. Even an innocent girl confessed to any sins in order to avoid a terrible fate.


The torture device is similar to a chest ornament. Hot metal was placed on the girl’s chest. After interrogation, if the suspect did not die from painful shock and did not admit to a crime against faith, instead of a breast, charred flesh remained.

The device, made in the form of metal hooks, was often used to interrogate girls caught in witchcraft or manifestations of lust. This instrument could be used to punish a woman who cheated on her husband and gave birth out of wedlock. A very tough measure.

Witch bathing

The inquiry was carried out during the cold season. The sinner was seated in a special chair and tied tightly. If the woman did not repent, dipping was carried out until she suffocated under the water or froze.

Was there torture of women in the Middle Ages in Rus'?

IN medieval Rus' there was no persecution of witches and heretics. Women were not subjected to such sophisticated torture, but for murders and state crimes they could be buried up to their necks in the ground, punished with a whip so that their skin was torn to shreds.

Well, that's probably enough for today. We think that now you understand how terrible medieval torture was for girls, and now it is unlikely that any of the fair sex will want to travel back to the Middle Ages to the valiant knights.

Several nurses, exhausted, made their way through the tropical thickets. They had been walking all last day and most of the night. The morning southern sun began to burn quite mercilessly and their once white uniforms, now soaked in sweat, stuck to their young bodies with every movement. Ten girls had been captured by the Japanese the day before during an assault on an American military camp and were now being dragged to Japanese headquarters for interrogation. Once the nurses, all under 30 years of age, entered the Japanese camp, they were forced to strip naked and forced into bamboo cages. They were thrown several razors and ordered to shave their pubes, seemingly for hygiene purposes, and the intimidated girls obeyed, although they knew very well that it was all a lie.

Around noon, a general, well known as a monstrous sadist, arrived at the camp. He sent two soldiers to bring him one of the captives. They grabbed Lydia, a 32-year-old leggy blonde with gorgeous full breasts. She screamed and resisted, but two Japanese quickly overpowered her and knocked her to the ground with a quick kick to her open, shaved groin.

“We know that you have information about the movements of American troops. It would be better for you to tell everything or you will be subjected to hellish torture. Got it, American cunt?

Lydia began to explain that she knew nothing, screaming in horror. Ignoring her pleas, the soldiers placed the nurse on a bamboo pole mounted between two tall palm trees. Her hands were tied and raised above her head, so that her wonderful breasts were completely exposed to all eyes. Then they spread her legs apart and tied them to the trees, exposing her womb.

If the ropes had not supported her body, she would hardly have been able to stay in this uncomfortable seat. One of the soldiers squeezed her head in his hands, and the second stuck a plastic tube into her mouth and pushed it 30 centimeters down the captive’s throat. She squealed like a pig, but now she could only moo instead of articulate speech. They tied another pole between the trees, this time at the level of her neck, and tied her neck tightly with a rope so that she could not move her head. A gag was placed in her mouth around the tube to prevent her from getting rid of the tube. The other end of the tube was tied above her head to a tree and a large funnel was inserted into it.

“She’s almost ready...”, the other women looked at what was happening in horror, not understanding what was about to happen. Lydia's magnificent body was already glistening with sweat under the hot tropical sun. She was all trembling in anticipation of something terrible. The soldier began to pour water into the funnel. One mug, the second... Now Lydia was choking and choking, her eyes rolled out of her head, but the water continued to flow. Ten minutes later she looked like she was 9 months pregnant. The pain was indescribable. The second soldier amused himself by pushing his fingers into her vagina. He tried to open her urethra with his little finger. With a strong push he drove his finger into the hole urethra. Distraught with pain, Lydia wheezed and moaned.

“Okay, now she has enough water... let’s make her pee.”

The gag was pulled out of her mouth and the unfortunate woman was able to catch her breath. She was gasping for breath, her stomach was stretched to its limit. The soldier who had just been playing with her vagina brought a thin bamboo tube. He began to insert it into the opening of the captive's urethra. Lydia screamed wildly. Slowly the tube entered her body until a trickle of urine flowed from its end. Soon the urine only began to drip, but this continued endlessly, thanks to the huge amount of water she swallowed. One short Japanese man began to punch her in her overflowing stomach, sending unbearable waves of pain. At this time, the remaining captives were dragged out of their cells and gang-raped.

After three hours of torture with water and blows to the stomach, one of the soldiers forced a large mango into the captive's gaping pleasure channel. Then with his left hand he grabbed Lydia's left nipple and, squeezing it as hard as he could, pulled back her breast. Enjoying the desperate cries of the unfortunate woman, he brought the razor-sharp blade of his sword to the tender body and began to cut off the breast. He soon raised his hand, exposing the bloody, swaying mass for all to see. The severed breast was impaled on sharpened bamboo stakes. Lydia was again asked questions and her answer again did not satisfy the executioners.

A dozen soldiers bent down two large palm trees that grew about 9 meters from the interrogated woman. Ropes were tied to their tops, securing the other ends to the captive's ankles. Lydia desperately begged for her life as the general's sword whistled, cutting through the ropes holding the trees. Instantly, the nurse's body was thrown into the air, suspended by her outstretched legs, as the force of the trees was not enough to tear her in half. She screamed heart-rendingly, both her heads femur were torn from their joints. The general stood under her and raised his sword over her shaved bosom. He slashed right at her pubic bone. There was a crash and Lydia's body was torn in half by the trees. Down came a rain of water, blood and torn intestines swallowed by the captive. Many of the caged women who witnessed this inhumane scene lost consciousness.

The next victim was thrown into a large barrel, studded with iron spikes on the inside. She could not move without running into their points. Water began to slowly drip onto her shaved head. The monotonous dripping of water on the same place made her almost go crazy... This continued for days. After three days of this barbaric torture, she was pulled out of the barrel. She already had a hard time understanding where she was and what they were doing to her. Completely drained, she was hung with ropes wrapped around her ample breasts. Now the executioners began to whip her with a whip to everyone's delight. She screamed with strength that came from nowhere, her whole beautiful body wriggled like a snake. She was beaten for 45 minutes... and finally she lost consciousness and was soon hanging lifelessly from a tree...

Other women were raped in the most perverted forms. They understood that interrogation about the movements of American troops was just a pretext for torture. Every day one of them was brutally tortured and killed just for fun.