Scenario for a corporate New Year party. Cool New Year's scenarios for corporate parties

New Year is the most magical and fabulous holiday that both children and adults love. However, in order for it to be held at the highest level, it is necessary to properly prepare for it by choosing a suitable scenario. Today there are a lot of developed celebration programs for children. of different ages. But what about being adults, because they also want to plunge into a fairy tale? We offer a new and exciting scenario that is designed for an adult audience and can be carried out among classmates, colleagues and friends.

What do you need to prepare?

In order for the evening to be held at the highest level and to be as realistic as possible, it is necessary to prepare a Baba Yaga costume, decorate the room and distribute the words of the songs to all participants in the holiday.



So the arrows have risen, and it’s time for us all to celebrate the New Year together. An old lady will come running to visit us and the evening will be a great one. Just be quiet! It's a secret.

An old woman comes out onto the stage, which should be decorated with trees and garlands, pulling behind her a bag of gifts.

Baba Yaga:

There are many legends and fairy tales about me on earth. Don't be afraid of me, I'm a funny old lady. I have been living on earth for a long time, more than a thousand years. Most of all I love to sing ditties.

After this, Baba Yaga selects five girls and gives them the words of ditties. He ties scarves, music sounds. You can choose from the cartoon " flying ship" You can also use the following text, music to the song “Ditties Babok Ezhek”. So:

Beauties, beauties, beauties

We will sing funny ditties with you

To make this evening more fun

We know you'll like it!

The whole country celebrates this holiday

Friendly, fun, funny

Pour full glasses

Let's sing for the holiday with Yaga

Last New Year

I celebrated with Koshchei

The animals sang along

Striptease danced

Last New Year

I kissed the devil sweetly

All the forest people

In the morning he laughed at us

Oh, dance, have fun

Sing along with us

This New Year

Turn it into a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga gives gifts to all women who took part.


Somehow, not everyone is happy; sadness and melancholy settled in our hall. We will drive her out by asking riddles at once.

The riddles are read by Baba Yaga and the presenter, in turn.

First riddle: Whoever hurries to visit us pinches his nose and cheeks, that’s for sure... (Santa Claus)

Second riddle: My finger hurts badly, my nose is tickled by the smell, it came to us from the forest. (Christmas tree)

Third riddle: He is cunning and attractive, he is the master of the forest. That's for sure... (Leshy)

Fourth riddle: Who spreads joy on this wonderful holiday? Who is holding a glass in their hands? This is Baba (Ezhka)

Gifts are given to those who solve the riddles.


Since ancient times, people have celebrated with songs. So let's not break this glorious tradition.

Distributes the words of New Year's songs and brings 3-5 people onto the stage to sing the song. You can select as many songs as you like, depending on how many people there will be at the holiday.

For variety, competitions can be held between songs, for example, “There’s not enough chair”, “Handkerchief”, “Crocodile”, etc. Remember your childhood, don’t be afraid to seem funny. All competition participants must receive a gift.


Together we raise all our glasses, drink to happiness, money and luck and, of course, to Baba Yaga. For those who can't eat salads, don't be shy, I'll help you!

Baba Yaga:

Celebrate this year brightly, so that happiness and good luck will be with you every day. I wish everyone love this evening. Don't be afraid to call me if you get sad! I’m a good old lady, don’t believe fairy tales. All of them were invented by the evil prankster Koshchei. We haven't been friends with him for a long time.

Happy holidays!

Most of us meet not only with our families, but also at work. Employees of reputable companies usually celebrate the holiday in a restaurant, funny scenario for a corporate event, a luxurious banquet and professional presenters are provided with them. And in simpler organizations they try to prepare the 2018 New Year’s corporate party on their own: they download a cool script from the Internet, and distribute roles among colleagues.

The first merry fellow and joker invariably gets the position of toastmaster. And difficult responsibilities: finding funny competitions for corporate parties, choosing and learning New Year’s toasts, persuading “actors” to perform comical scenes for corporate parties. We will try to help him.

A fun corporate party - without much hassle

The greatest difficulties arise when the team is of different ages, there are not many young people who want to entertain the audience all evening “one or two and you’re done.” No one wants to dress up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden either, they are embarrassed. We offer a humorous scenario New Year's holiday without these fairy tale characters, after all, in 2018 the Yellow Dog rules the show, although he will not be at the celebration either. On the eve of the winter holiday, it is problematic to get the Dog’s scarce outfit, but the real symbol of the year, live dog It’s expensive to invite. In general, our corporate party scenario for the New Year includes only three characters.

And a funny scenario for a corporate party doesn’t require special decorations, even a decorated Christmas tree, just traditional New Year’s paraphernalia: garlands, tinsel, streamers, silver rain. Costumes for the participants in the “play” can be made in 15 minutes. For example, for a snowman - an orange carrot nose made of paper and a plastic bucket on his head, and for an African - a banana in his jacket pocket and a “Tumba-Yumba” badge around his neck. As incentive prizes for a comic New Year's corporate party 2018, the funny script advises using fruits (tangerines, bananas, oranges, apples).

Scenario for the corporate party “New Year 2018”

Presenter: Hello, dear colleagues! I invite you to a fun corporate party, dedicated to the celebration New Year 2018. After all, there are only a few days (hours) left before meeting him...

With these words, into the middle of the hall (on stage) shouting “Help! Save!" A Snowman jumps out, followed by a picturesque African. They make a couple of circles around the entertainer, then stand to the right and left of him.

Host of the holiday: Snowman, what happened? Why are you running around like crazy?

Snowman: This strange citizen made an attempt on my life! I'm not kidding, he wants to eat me!

Host: Really? (Addressing the guest) Who exactly are you? And why are you hunting our Snowman Ivanovich?

Guest from Africa: (proudly) I have arrived important mission. I - eastern sign, symbol of the coming year. But I didn’t eat your Snowman, I just wanted to try it and lick the snow once.

Snowman: Yeah, now, I found a popsicle on a stick. Completely crazy, symbol of the year... Are you, symbol of the year? I don't understand anything.

Host: Indeed, why do you call yourself the symbol of the year? It seems that in 2018 the Earth Dog should be in charge. (Looks at the guest.) You are not at all like her. Relative?

African: No, the leader appointed me as her deputy. The cockerels are all hiding, they are afraid that such a safari has begun on them. Dragons, I remember, were also once symbols, but they floated away. Now only lizards are running.

Host: Well, dragons and all sorts of dinosaurs became extinct during the Ice Age. And we were expecting a dog to visit, we wanted to have fun together, celebrate (). And then we would send her back home to the African continent.

African: All the same, since my respected leader, guru, said, I am the symbol of the year, then so be it.

Host: Okay. Then, symbol, stop chilling and get on with your duties.

African: Friends! As the authorized representative of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, I congratulate everyone present on the New Year. Please do not relax, it will be carried out now important operation to search for a person. My fellow tribesman disappeared and left in an unknown direction. However, our secret services established: he is here, in this room.

Host: Very interesting! Maybe you have a photo of him?

African: No, of course not. I will identify him by a special sign, by his height.

Host: And how tall is he?

African: Exactly 12 bananas.

Host: I see. We'll look. Men, come here, let's help the guest.

The scenario for holding a corporate party for the New Year recommends to the African not only the growth of representatives strong half measure with a banana, but also ask humorous questions about distant Africa in order to quickly find the fugitive. Finally, a suitable man is found, the rest return to their places. And the New Year's corporate party 2017, cool script continues.

Guest from Africa: (looking at the found fellow tribesman) Tell me, friend, what were you missing? After all, your wife is a beauty (shows a comical photo). And you got the best car, the leader gave it to you (a wooden cart decorated with branches). Or maybe they weren’t happy with the housing? (Shows a photo of a hut). Or couldn’t afford a 150-year mortgage?

Host: And what kind of escape will he have? Will you take me back to the tribe?

African: No, our ruler is very kind, like a real father, he ordered the deserter to be released. And he sent news from his homeland. Here! (Hands out a bunch of bananas). Don't forget your roots, son.

Host: I see you have fun there in Africa.

African: Yeah. We hold competitions every week smart people They compete with the beautiful ones.

Host: (looks surprised) Don’t understand?

African: It’s simple: our men are all smart, and our girls are beautiful, some more, some less. This is revealed in competitions.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year: games and competitions

Funny competitions for corporate parties are selected “to suit the company,” however, like funny scenes for corporate parties, the proposed game can be replaced with something else. The entertainer forms two opposite-sex teams of 4 people. Each participant is given one card with a number (6, 2, 1, 0). The presenter reads riddles and poems for a corporate party, team members immediately raise a sign with a number. For the correct answer - 1 point. If the opponents make a mistake, the right to answer passes to the second group.

The count has a point, they start from there.
But this number is simply not noticed.
It is invisible, it’s as if it doesn’t exist.
I'm sure you know the right answer! ("0")

Everyone knows this number
But from our hearts we wish,
So that you don't dial it,
They didn’t know the numbers they needed. ("02")

Readers want to understand:
There were a bunch of black kids,
Now no one is visible.
So how many were there in total? ("10")

People froze with wine glasses.
They are waiting for the “rooster” New Year.
Have you forgotten to make a wish?
How many times did the chimes strike? ("12")

You and I have been friends for a long time,
Where you go, I go too.
They say they ate a pound of salt.
In kilograms, how much did you overcome? ("16")

Reading the famous novel by Jules Verne,
You also dreamed of traveling, right?
He and I dived thousands of leagues.
And they swam... And at what depth? ("20")

There are many numbers in the cards,
We cannot count them all.
One thing stands out
It's called "point". ("21")

Host: The jokes at the corporate party are over. It's time to count the points and reward the clever winners. And next in line is a musical warm-up.

Incendiary rhythmic music sounds. For the New Year's corporate party 2018 (cool scenario), the toastmaster must prepare a dance, a composition of simple movements. He shows team members repeating. The most dexterous and artistic person is chosen by general vote. He receives a tasty prize - . And the scenario of the New Year's holiday continues with an “intellectual” game with the audience.

Sample list(question-answer) riddles with humor:
-What do they usually do when they see a little green man? They are crossing the road.
- There is a head, but no brain. , garlic (), onions.
- A hunter was walking through the city square. I saw the clock on the tower, took off my gun, and fired. Where did you end up? To the police station.
- Who always sleeps in shoes? Horse.
- The goat is seven years old. What then? The eighth will go.
- A word that contains seven identical letters. Family.
- One hundred letters that stop vehicles on the road. Stop.
- Which peninsula “tells” about its area? Yamal.
- A flying city? Eagle.
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, he can't talk.
- The capital of which European state is located on dried grass? France, Paris stands on the Seine River.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to organize a wonderful New Year’s corporate party 2018: a cool scenario can be supplemented with amateur performances and competitions. The festive evening will continue with a disco. Everyone dances! Happy New Year!

You want to spend any holiday cheerfully and soulfully, but especially New Year’s! The very name and essence of this holiday contains novelty, so guests expect something new, original and unusual from the entertainment program that is organized on its occasion. At adult parties, guests wait not so much for the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but rather for bright colors, impressions, music and fun. To help the organizers, we offer one of the options - C New Year's script corporate party-2017 “Roasted Rooster” special purpose» , where the symbol of the coming year simply serves as a connecting storyline, and the main emphasis is on new musical, dance and table entertainment for guests. Suitable for any company: colleagues, friends, relatives or guests gathered for a relaxing evening in a cafe or restaurant. The necessary musical accompaniment is included.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party - 2017

While the guests are seated - sounds 0. Cool instrumental

The presenter comes out - Sounds 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! How nice it is to see you, so beautiful and festive, ready to have fun and be surprised, relax and have fun! Moreover, those gathered for such a wonderful occasion: celebrating our favorite New Year holiday, from which we all expect so much! Someone greets him with the mood: “Oh, New Year, get rid of accumulated worries!” Someone with hope: “Oh, New Year, may a miracle come into my life!” And someone, like you and me, is in a hurry to fill their glasses, because they came to this holiday with the mood: “Wow, New Year, let's have fun people!”

First toast(said while guests are filling their glasses)

Everyone, everyone who has gathered in this cozy hall today,

Hurry up and fill your champagne glass!

And the first toast to the meeting! Here's to the drive! For the positive!

For friendly company! For the best team! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Sounds 3. Excerpt. Serduchka. Christmas trees

(short banquet break)

Presenter: Yes, New Year In our country people love us not only for big weekends and gifts, but, above all, for vivid impressions. And our interest in eastern symbols: horoscopes, symbols of the year, etc. - only added color to an already beautiful holiday. Agree, most of us do not delve into philosophical and scientific research on this matter, but we happily accept costumed and musical forecasts and entertainment associated with the signs of the zodiac and animals that personify the symbol of the outgoing and coming year. Our “Special Purpose Roasted Rooster” program is no exception, in which it is the musical astrological forecast for 2017 will help us get to know each other! (or greet each other once again - if the company knows each other well)

Musical introduction to guests "Comic astrological forecast"

(The presenters can also use this game moment for real acquaintance; for this, after each greeting, they can approach the representatives of each sign and get acquainted. But if there are a lot of guests, then either this should be done selectively or excluded, so as not to drag out the game and not throw off dynamics of the program.

Presenter: Dear guests, we will now present to your attention an astrological forecast for 2017, the symbol of which is eastern calendar will become the Fire Rooster. For every sign this proud handsome man found kind word, but in order for his positive predictions to come true, when listening, you and I need to charge them with our energy, making appropriate internal and external messages. So, for whom the forecast sounds, we get up, listen and follow me to the music to make “magic” movements.

And I would like to see everyone first, who was born in the year of the Rooster, are there any of these in the hall? Rise up, let everyone admire and remember you, because today you are the lucky ones and the guests will probably want to touch you today as often as possible. And this forecast is just for you. (or the last phrase may sound like this: “Greetings to the darling of fate of the coming year!”)

Raise your wings, you are our happy ones,

To the victorious cry: “Ha-ha!” Let's dance and flap our wings together!

Sounds 4. Pugachev's excerpt. Harlequin.

(The presenter shows the movement: waves her arms to the beat of the music and shouts: ha-ha, all the guests born in the year of the Rooster do it with her)

Now don't be modest, get up from your seat Aries! (rise)

Success awaits Aries in love,

If right now they have enough air kisses for everyone!

Sounds 5. Excerpt Tarkan

(The presenter blows kisses into the hall, making welcoming movements to the beat of the music; all guests born under the sign of Aries do it with her)

Where are our beauties and fellows born under the sign Taurus?! (rise)

And Taurus has a good year ahead,

Good luck in your future business and career - clap your hands!

Sounds 6. Clapping beat

(The presenter claps to the beat of the music, now at the left shoulder, now at the right, now above the head, all guests born under the sign of Taurus do it together with her)

Next forecast for Gemini...........................................................................................................................


(a music and dance forecast is carried out for all zodiac signs)

Presenter: After such a playful acquaintance and several toasts, the atmosphere in the hall became somehow more soulful, and you became closer and more understandable to each other, don’t you agree? Yes, that’s the kind of holiday, the crafty magician, from whom we all expect miracles, and while we wait, without noticing it, we slowly create them ourselves: we decorate the house and the Christmas tree, cook festive table, we buy gifts for relatives and prepare surprises for friends. And the last hours before the onset of the New Year in a family or company are spent, as a rule, in pleasant, but rather ordinary, chores: buying more groceries, cutting salads, ironing a festive dress, etc. But, for sure, there are also those who rush to the bathhouse, sit in front of the TV or go down the slide, are there such people in the gym? (guests answer) Well, let’s now use our help to imagine how the day and evening of December 31st goes in an average Russian family. After all, for us the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, so we will imagine that we are big friendly family. And every time you hear the word in the text of a fairy tale "Family"- We quickly hug our closest neighbors and shout: “Happy together!” It's clear? Let's try it! "Family!" - guests hug and scream. Great, now let’s just choose the main characters and get started.

- (addresses one of the guests - a man). Here you are, man, what is your name? (answers). Do you have a family? ……................................

- Table role-playing tale "Happy Together"

Characters and replicas:

Christmas tree: “I’m burning all over!”

Fridge: “Sho, again!”

Dad: “I only have 5 drops!”

Mother: "It's starting!"

Youngest daughter: “I love New Year!”

Elder brother (son): “I’ll quit for the hell of it!”

Family (all guests): “Happy together!” (hug)

Presenter - reads the text


...... And at this time Dad...rushed towards Refrigerator...quickly grabbed some vodka and snacks. Mother...., noticing this, she also rushed to Refrigerator..., in a hurry I almost dropped it Christmas tree... and didn’t knock you down Youngest daughter…But Dad…has already firmly mastered his prey....................................


Presenter: And, truly, it’s time to drink to the love and family well-being of each of us!

It sounds 19. Serduchka. New Year's

- Dance competition "New Year's melodramas"

Presenter: Tell me, did anyone notice that in our history there was one very important character missing from the family holiday, without whom, even in our technological age, not a single December 31st, not a single family can do? What is this? (guests answer, someone will definitely name TV). Of course, this is television, it is on it that while we are preparing for the New Year, we watch our favorite cartoons and melodramas, and with it, with the chimes and the president’s speech, we greet its onset. Therefore, do you mind if we give him his well-deserved place in our program? I ask those who want to find or keep love in the coming 2017 to come to me.

(Participants leave, the presenter invites everyone to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall, ready-made musical accompaniment is offered for eight couples, but the organizers, depending on the available props: hats, shawls, etc. elements national clothes or the number of guests, only some of them can be added or selected. After the pairs have been formed, each of them is given the appropriate props, as representatives of one of the countries or nationalities: Americans, Africans, Egyptians, Spaniards, Gypsies, Indians, Turks and Russians. The presenter explains the essence of the competition)


Music tracks are played for each couple - folder NEW YEAR'S MELODRAMS

(Couples take turns dancing to their music tracks, then the audience can determine the best couple or everyone gets small prizes)

Presenter: Thanks to the participants! Talented, fun, sincere! And now we also skillfully form a dance train and go into the hall, joining all the guests! Everyone dances!

Sounds 20. Tishman. Drunk happy - all guests go to the dance floor

- Dance animation for the Year of the Rooster “Raised their tails”

(when all the guests have entered the dance floor, the presenter can organize a general dance - an animation, the movements are clear from the lyrics of the song: hips, eyes, hands)

Sounds 21. Animashka

Dance break


1. Fanfare sounds

Presenter: Dear guests, we will definitely return to dancing, but now I ask you to return to your tables!

While the guests are seated - sounds 21. New Year's screensaver(quieter at the end)

Presenter(begins to speak without waiting for the track to end, on the final sounds of the screensaver): Our program continues! And we all continue to believe that it was not in vain that we gathered, that we are not having fun in vain, and that the new year will definitely be happy!!! And for this to be so, let's fill our glasses and drink to the bottom to our hopes!

Sounds 22. Toast of happiness

Sounds 23. Fairy tale. This New Year is coming

(short banquet break)

- Table game "Roast Rooster Mission"

(The game can be played in different ways. The first option is suitable for a small company - everyone takes turns saying the first thing that comes to mind in rhyme. The second option - guests write options to themselves in advance, then all the notes are mixed and thrown into a hat, which is passed from hand to hand, the presenter periodically says: “stop”, whoever has a hat at this moment randomly takes out a note and reads the third one below)

Option 3. The rules of the game are similar to those in option No. 2, a hat with notes is also passed on, but here, for the dynamics of the action, the notes are invented and printed in advance, and to enhance the humorous moment, a music track is also recorded in advance, which is constantly interrupted by the crowing of a rooster. To whomever the rooster crows when handing over the hat, he takes out the note and reads it. More than 20 ready-made answers are attached; you can add something of your own to the list or, conversely, reduce it by selecting only the ones you like the most.


1 . If he bites, I promise...

- I’ll read the Kama Sutra!


8 . If he bites, I promise...

- I'm scuba diving!


Sounds 25. Village of Fools + rooster crowing

- Team music game “And finally I’ll sing”

Presenter: This, of course, is a joke, and yet, I sincerely wish that the Rooster pecks us all today, but gently and lovingly, just to remind us that the New Year is a wonderful reason to change your life for the better! But, before this happens, you need to say goodbye to the symbol of the outgoing year, the Monkey, she herself suggests doing this mysteriously and cheerfully, with the help of a musical game with her participation, “And finally, I’ll say”


(fun, colorful and musical entertainment for guests, dedicated to the symbol of the outgoing year - the Monkey

(Pictures and music tracks are included - folder MONKEY)


- Table comic-romantic interactive "We'll see you off old year"

Presenter: Yes, you can’t deny the current mistress of the year some humor. I suggest filling the glasses and symbolically saying goodbye to her in a kind and cheerful way. At the same time, remember all the good things that each of you or your loved ones had this year and thank you for it oriental beauty and the year that goes by with it! Are there people in the room who can speak publicly about the pleasant events of 2016? Maybe someone got a promotion? Or an addition to the family? (walks around guests who are talking about their achievements into the microphone). Well, that’s great, let’s remember and clink glasses to the departing one, and for now we’ll sum up the results of the music competition.

Sounds 26. Dance of Memories

Sounds 27. Sax - stop according to the situation Sounds 28. Leps. New Year Dance break


The call signs sound again to continue the program, the presenter goes to the center

1. Fanfare sounds

Presenter: Dear guests, time is flying fast at our party! It feels like some wizard specially accelerated his progress... But who could it be? Surely the one who benefits from it. And this is beneficial only... correctly, to the symbol of the coming year, the Fiery one, or, as we jokingly called it, the Roasted Rooster! He is in a hurry, and we don’t mind, especially since we have already mentally said goodbye to the Monkey, which means we are focused and tuned to the future, new and happy! Are there those in the hall who also want to be especially noted this year? I invite five people to participate in our traditional fun event.

(participants come out, draw one of the pre-prepared cards with words and the name of their character)

- New Year's impromptu with chairs "Rooster, we are here!"

The essence of entertainment: there are six chairs on the “stage”, on which the participants are seated in random order. The presenter reads the text, every time one of the participants hears his character mentioned (in any case and number), he jumps up and, shouting his line loudly, runs around the chairs, then sits down on his chair again until he hears about your character. When the participants hear the word “Guests,” they all jump up and run together, shouting in unison the word “Pour!” If during the game someone makes a mistake, he is not removed and the game is not stopped - there are no losers in this venture, it is intended simply for the entertainment of guests and participants (although encouraging participants with small prizes will not hurt)

Characters and lines:

Monkey: “And who is without a flaw?!”

New Year: “Rooster, we are here!”

Holiday: “I’m such a prankster!”

Gifts: “Fly in!”

Santa Claus: “I brought gifts”

Guests: “Pour it!” (for all participants)

Impromptu text

How much our people love HOLIDAYS, so that GUESTS come, bring GIFTS, congratulate you on your birthday or HAPPY NEW YEAR!.............


- Table chant "Rooster of special purpose"

Presenter: I am sure that those who participated in this cheerful runner, the symbol of 2017, definitely noticed that this was good, only... “only this is not enough”! We need him to remember, and then not deprive everyone present in this room of his mercy, right!? This was his “special purpose” specifically for us. Therefore, let’s shout to him about it loudly, unanimously and decisively, right? So, I read the first four lines, and you all shout together the phrase: “special purpose” after the word Rooster, in every quatrain, of course. Then, let's go!


....... Presenter: And let your fire shine on us a little,

So that love reigns and children laugh,

There were changes for the better in finances and career,

You can do anything, Rooster...

All guests (in unison):...special purpose!......

- Video clip "New Year's anthem"

(guests sing the reworked comic text of the anthem against the background of a karaoke video clip, make wishes during the chimes and cheerfully clink glasses with each other)


- General dance entertainment "Snow and fire dances"

Leading up to the dance fun:

Presenter: Dear, the most wonderful guests in the world, this is how our program has imperceptibly approached the finale and, in order to put not just a beautiful point in it, but an exclamation mark, I ask you in unison, otherwise it cannot be, after everything that happened between us , go out to dance. field where we will arrange our now traditional dance battle, this time it will be dedicated to the future kingdom of the Fire Rooster in our snowy and harsh country. So, wall to wall! Our “Snow and Fire Dances” begin!

While they're leaving - sounds O. Wall to wall from the folder DANCE


To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (650 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


It is important to take care of the decoration, since in many cases this is what creates the festive atmosphere. Since the Year of the Rooster is coming, you need to pay attention special attention bright and shiny flowers to appease the bird. It will not be superfluous to think through images, menus and musical accompaniment. The presented scenario is perfect for celebrating the New Year in a spacious room that can comfortably accommodate up to 20 people.

Father Frost ,
Snow Maiden ,
New Year 2017.

gifts for competitions, a bag with wishes, cards with New Year's words and phrases, cards with songs, a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, carrots (all in duplicate).

The guests take their seats. The presenters appear in the hall.

The New Year is in a hurry to visit us,
We will throw away all problems
Let's drink and dance
Let's celebrate the holiday!

We are glad to see everyone this evening,
And I suggest we start,
So let's light our candles,
We will see off the old year!

(A toast is made about the passing year 2016)

Toast options:
1. The old year is leaving,
Let him take it with him,
All the troubles and sorrows,
All the people who were offended.
All the problems, all the troubles,
Let it take you away forever
Let's drink to this, friends.
For more laughter!

2. Let's drink to the passing year,
Let's thank him for everything he gave,
Let him take you away with you,
All the troubles that he sent us!

3. Let's raise our glasses,
We are celebrating our 16th year
We will remember him for a long time,
Let him take all the evil with him.
We will say thank you for the experience,
For the wisdom that he gave,
Because he was still good,
That Trump suddenly became president!
And if there are no jokes, we spend it with dignity,
And let's drink to everything that the year has brought us,
For the fact that we still lived peacefully,
For not seeing grief and tears!

(Toast options may vary)

So I’m wondering, what wishes will you have for the New Year 2017?

So, let's check it out!

Great, I just have it magic bag, in which there are so many wishes and desires that you can get tired of reading!

Game “Wishes for 2017”.
You need to write down on pieces of paper in advance the options for your desires and wishes for the coming year. Place it all in an opaque bag and invite each guest to pull out a piece of paper and read it out loud.
You will need: a bag of wishes.

Example cards.
I want 2017 to bring me...
1. ... 10 kg of sweets, a mink coat, an arctic fox coat and a pink telephone;
2. ... peace of mind and a million dollars;
3. ... a lot of new toys and a new dress for mom;
4. ...diamond necklace and ice cream;
5. ... for me a unicorn and Hottabych’s beard;
6. ... happiness and new boots.
7. ... a new screwdriver, spanner and a bottle of Armenian cognac;
8. ... long holidays and gifts;
9. ... a lot of days off and a huge salary;
10. ... a new set of tools and 2017 was the best year yet.

(Options for wishes may be different, it all depends on your imagination. Just remember that if there are children among those invited, you need to take care of wishes for them)

So let's drink to the fact that all your wishes come true and once again say goodbye to 2016!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

They say that on New Year's Day,
Congratulations are very important
How do you pronounce it?
This is how you start your year!

(If there are children in the hall, they say, and if there are no children, then adults read)

Well done to everyone, everyone was prepared, but did you know that the Rooster, the symbol of 2017, likes spontaneity?

So, this is what the Snow Maiden is telling you. She and I thought about it and decided that being spontaneous wouldn’t hurt anyone!

Competition "Spontaneous Congratulations".
Cards are prepared in advance on which one word or phrase is written. Guests are divided into 2 teams, each receiving 10 cards (5 words, 5 phrases). The task is to create from the received set New Year's greetings. The winning team will receive a prize. Execution time 1.5 minutes.
You will need: cards with New Year's words and phrases.

Examples of words and phrases.

New Year, Santa Claus, Olivier, fireworks, gifts, winter, rooster, snowman, Christmas tree, round dance.

I wish you happiness, joy; Happy New Year; we finally got it, we gathered at the table; what happiness and luck, what a miracle, what a mood; good Grandfather Frost; Congratulations, congratulations, and I wish prosperity to everyone; and the beautiful Snow Maiden; let him bring magic; miracle holiday New Year.

(Options for words and phrases may be different, it all depends on your imagination)

This is what I understand, spontaneity! Friends, I propose to toast your talent so that next year it brings many pleasant surprises.

(Everyone raises their glasses. Loud footsteps are heard)

What's that noise, who's knocking here?
Who is stomping so loudly?

This New Year is coming,
Happiness and joy brings us!

(The door opens and New Year 2017 enters)

New Year 2017:
Here I am, hello friends,
How are you all doing?
Are you already tired of waiting for me?
What are you doing here, checking in?

Well, until the clock strikes,
I'll sit quietly
I'll look, I'll watch,
I'll spread my wings!

And I’ll decide, then friends,
Will I bring you goodness?
Will I bring you health,
May I take away all the bad things!

Well, shame on you, just like that from the doorstep! People have been waiting for you, do you know how many hopes and plans they managed to build?

New Year 2017:
So, they waited a year, they’ll wait some more. You know, the bird is important, I love attention. Let them appease me, and I’ll think about whether I should come or not!

Look, what a sneak peek! Yes, we will celebrate the New Year without you!

New Year 2017:
You can mark it, and mark it, but whether I attack is my business!

Wow, how harmful! We can do without you, so sit in your corner, straighten your feathers, we don’t need you like that!

It was somehow wrong, we waited and waited, but this is how it turned out. It’s all bad, bad.

What are you suggesting, Grandfather, look, the guests are all tired of waiting, sitting, bored.

This way we will cheer you up! Let's sing!

Announced competition "New Year's ditty".
3-4 participants are selected from the guests. Everyone should sing a New Year's ditty, but standing on one leg. Whoever puts his foot down during the song is eliminated. The most persistent will receive a prize.

(After the competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 10-15 minutes)

I suggest to you, friends,
I'll drink to the New Year,
To be calm, kind,
Let him distribute happiness to everyone!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

I suggest you play
Riddles for you to guess,
And the riddles are not easy,
Oh, how funny!

(Riddles for children (if there are any in the room) or funny riddles for adults. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Another competition awaits you, friends,
It's obviously time for you to move,
It will be easy, interesting, cool,
It will be fun, it will be exciting!

Competition “I dance as best I can”.
The presenter selects 3-5 people from all participants (including children). The task is to depict a given emotion during the dance (the dance cannot be interrupted. Depict it not only with facial expressions, but also with gestures). It turns out fun and interesting. A prize can be awarded for the best performance.

Emotion options:
1. Joy;
2. Anger;
3. Annoyance;
4. Resentment;
5. Happiness;
6. Bliss;
7. Enjoyment;
8. Calm;
9. Anger;
10. Rage.

(You can choose music from the 80s and 90s as the musical accompaniment for this competition)

It's time for us to drink to the coming year,
Let everything be fine in it,
Let all troubles recede,
And let everything be like in the movies!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Soon the chimes will strike,
It's time to get ready
And I need to appease with you,
Such a harmful Rooster!
As you know, he loves songs,
I invite you to sing,
To make it interesting,
And there is a task for you!

Competition “I’ll Guess the Song”.
Participants are divided into two teams. In each, captains are chosen whose task is to crow the song. Each song is given 15 seconds. The team that guesses the most songs will win. The second version of the competition - captains must show songs without words. All songs are placed on cards.
What you need: cards with songs.

Songs for the competition (you can choose others):
1. Disco Crash “The New Year is rushing towards us”;
2. Well Wait “Tell the Snow Maiden”;
3. “Three white horses”;
4. “While the clock strikes twelve”;
5. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;
6. From Prostokvashin “If only there were no winter”;
7. “At the edge of the forest”;
8. " New Year's toys, candles and firecrackers";
9. “The January blizzard is ringing”;
10. Gubin “Winter, cold, lonely houses”;
11. “The snow is spinning, spinning and falling””;
12. “Little Christmas tree, it’s cold in winter.”

(After this competition, you can announce a musical break lasting 10-15 minutes)

The chimes are already striking,
New Year is coming,
Pour the glasses,
New Year is just around the corner!

(The chimes ring out. At the twelfth stroke, everyone lights the sparklers together and congratulates each other, says, and Father Frost distributes gifts together with the Snow Maiden. New Year 2017 is approaching the presenters)

New Year 2017:
I'm getting really arrogant,
Forgive me, friends,
Here I come,
I took up my post!
I will bring good to everyone,
I will help everyone in business,
And at home there is comfort and happiness,
And, of course, wealth!
I'm a difficult Rooster,
Red, so fiery,
I will justify all hopes,
Congratulations on my year!

So our capricious one has come to his senses!

Happy New Year, with new happiness,
I wish everyone to laugh,
Never be discouraged
Make all your wishes come true!

For miracles to live
It was full of magic
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health!

New Year 2017:
On my own behalf I wish you
So that all your dreams come true,
So that the bad is forgotten,
May you find good luck!

I suggest, New Year,
Let's start with fun
I ask you to leave the table,
There will be a mood!

All of you stand up in a round dance,
Let's dance now
We will be with you today,
Relax and light up!

(Everyone forms a round dance, in the center of which is the New Year 2017. It seems like nothing unusual, but there is still a trick, all participants in the round dance must repeat the movements after the central figure)

What is New Year without a woman?
I'm talking about the snowy one,
We need to fix this
Let's create a woman!

Competition “Sculpt me, sculpt me”.
The participants are again divided into two teams. Captains and those who will play the role of “snow women” are selected. The captains receive the same set: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, and a carrot. Using this set you need to decorate the “snow woman”. The trick is to do this with eyes closed, only relying on the command prompts. Execution time 1 minute.
What you need: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, hat, carrots (all in duplicate).

(After the competition you can toast the New Year and have a dance break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Come on, congratulations,
Tell me again
Only grandfather is deaf,
You shout them to me!

Competition “I speak very loudly, and I want to congratulate everyone”.
2 participants are selected. The task is to congratulate each other and all guests on the upcoming Year of the Rooster. Required condition: the congratulations should contain the word Rooster, red, fiery and congratulations should be pronounced loudly, and most importantly at the same time! After this, the guests reproduce what they heard, and the one who shouts louder and clearer will receive a prize.

(After this competition, you can make a couple more toasts and have a dance break lasting up to 20 minutes)

Our holiday is coming to an end,
We will say goodbye
But literally a year later,
I promise to get together again!

Don't be sad, don't be bored,
Have a wonderful life,
Celebrate the holiday for a long time,
Let the year be clear!

New Year 2017:
I promise I'll be the best
I will bring joy to everyone,
I will instantly fulfill all my dreams,
I will give everyone prosperity!

It is important to consider the number of children invited to the party. If necessary, you can add several