“Infanrix Hexa. View full version Temperature after vaccination with Infanrix on day 3

29.09.2011, 15:55

Hello! The child was not vaccinated according to schedule, so the family decided that we would start vaccination after 3 years... The first DTP (Infanrix) at 2.5 is absolutely normal, the second - after 2.5 months with a temperature over 38. I know that some doctors, including the well-known Komarovsky O.E., believe that any reaction to the vaccine is a direct contraindication to further vaccination of the child with this drug... I would like to know the opinion of the Rusmedservice doctors on this issue. Thank you very much. :ax:

29.09.2011, 16:21

4.1. Contraindications for preventive vaccinations are strong reactions and post-vaccination complications to the previous dose of the same vaccine.

4.2. A severe reaction is considered to be the presence of a temperature above 40°C, at the site of vaccine administration - swelling and hyperemia of more than 8 cm in diameter.

29.09.2011, 16:27

The described events are not a contraindication to further vaccination.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna, thank you very much! I meant that he could be vaccinated with Pentaxim for the third time if he reacted this way to Infanrix? Although, of course, it is clear that nothing can be predicted... But he cried so much and limped for a couple of days, saying that his leg hurt...

29.09.2011, 16:31

PS: What older child, the more often he “complains” and the longer he remembers about the painful manipulation for him (sometimes even only because he needs your participation - after all, he was hurt).
Of course, I cannot evaluate the correctness/technique of performing the procedure from here. :)

29.09.2011, 16:36

This option is possible, but rather optional (there are no medical indications for replacing the vaccine).

Tell me, please, is it more logical, and probably more correct, to vaccinate with one drug? And can preparing for the third time in the form of taking Lymphomyosot for a week up to an hour X (a friend recommended, her child was prepared for vaccinations this way) somehow alleviate possible consequences? Or is it more to reassure parents?
Immediately after the vaccination, he ran and jumped in the courtyard of the clinic, “hunting” pigeons. In general, I thought that, thank God, everything worked out. I started complaining that my leg hurt the next day in the morning, although visually the swelling on the leg was insignificant. Maybe general condition fever, he still can’t really explain what’s what.

29.09.2011, 16:44

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29.09.2011, 16:54

There is no Infanrix in the Russian Federation, we continue with Pentaxim. Uncritical.
No “special training” is required (to reassure parents :)). After vaccination, according to indications, Nurofen (Efferalgan, etc.), topically - damp cool cloth, etc.
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The reaction to vaccination (DPT, AADT) usually lasts 3-4 days (the first day is the next after the day of vaccination).

PS. In Ukraine now there is nothing at all... Even in maternity hospitals they don’t vaccinate babies... I bought the previous 2 DTPs myself at the pharmacy, now I’m wondering why I didn’t buy 3 doses at once. So my questions are hypothetical, for the future. Thank you very much again!!!:ax:

01.10.2011, 22:45

The child was not vaccinated according to schedule, so the family decided that we would start vaccinating after 3 years
It seems to me, dear oksigen, you should familiarize yourself with this topic: [Only registered and activated users can see links]

The first DTP (Infanrix) at 2.5 is absolutely normal, the second - after 2.5 months with a temperature of 38.
A completely normal and natural reaction.
Read carefully the document linked from the second post.
In addition, you need to keep in mind that as antibodies accumulate, that is, as the serial number of the vaccine injection increases, the reaction to it becomes more violent. This is logical, it is not dangerous, and it is certainly not a contraindication to the next administration of the vaccine. You just need to be prepared for this - both morally and in terms of “stocking up on Calpol.”
I know that some doctors, including the well-known Komarovsky O.E., believe that any reaction to vaccination is a direct contraindication to further vaccination of the child with this drug

Print this article for yourself and memorize it: [Only registered and activated users can see links]

19.10.2011, 14:12

It seems to me, dear oksigen, you should familiarize yourself with this topic: [Only registered and activated users can see links]
And in general, read the archives of the Vaccine Prevention forum.
Dear Sergey Alexandrovich, and I looked it up and read it. This has not changed my view on vaccination issues, forgive me. I understand you as a doctor, it’s true, but I also talked with people who have a diametrically opposite view on this issue. One of my friends after DPT vaccinations the baby began to go deaf, the other one did not come out of the hospital, that’s how the post-vaccination complications began and continued for more than six months - first one thing, then another. How many children go to speech therapists with various problems and both parents and speech therapists themselves associate these problems exclusively with a reaction to this or that vaccination... This topic is endless and everyone decides for himself what is preferable for him. Again, no one has canceled natural immunity and natural selection. Well, after all, people somehow lived before without vaccination, and it cannot be said that the planet was empty. Don’t you have adults your age without a single vaccination? I have plenty. They live, rejoice and feel great. It seems to me that it is worth fighting diseases not so much and not only with vaccinations, but by creating such social living conditions in which viruses and diseases will be extremely uncomfortable, but this, of course, is more expensive. Everyone understands perfectly well that the purchase of vaccines and tenders for supplies are colossal cash flows. I have never vaccinated my children against the flu and have never been sick with it. Onions, garlic, cranberries, walks by the sea in any weather - these are our vaccinations. Every year I listen to the complaints of friends who vaccinate their children against the flu, who every year get sick with severe complications, and next year children are vaccinated again...The meaning of these manipulations is not clear to me. IMHO.

If it gets too hard for you three-day fever and the baby’s capriciousness - think about a hundred days of whooping cough and opisthotonus, and you will feel better, I assure you.
I feel sorry for the baby no matter how long he is sick - three days or one hundred and three days, you must agree.

Oh, I don’t believe that Komarovsky thinks so.
He is not always EBM, but he is not a fool at all. Can you share the link? (I might change my opinion about him...) More likely, you simply misunderstood him. I won’t share the link, this phrase was heard on the TV show “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”, it is shown on one of the central channels in Ukraine every Sunday. Literally: “Any, I emphasize, any reaction to a vaccination is a direct contraindication to further vaccination with this particular drug.”

19.10.2011, 19:03

Oh, I don’t believe that Komarovsky thinks so.
He is not always EBM, but he is not a fool at all. Can you share the link? (I might change my opinion about him...) More likely, you simply misunderstood him.

This good example how a phrase taken out of context can radically change its meaning. Komarovsky said something in this spirit, but only, I remember, they were talking about completely different reactions, and not at all about a temperature of 38 degrees.

19.10.2011, 19:18

One of my friends after vaccination DPT baby began to stall, 1) After - does not mean as a result.
2) One of the main reasons for such “deafness after vaccination” is cytomegalovirus. This has already been discussed previously.

Another one of the hospitals does not come out, that’s how the post-vaccination complications began and continue for more than six months - first one thing, then another.
Can you tell us more about this “one thing, then another”?

And how many children go to speech therapists with various problems, and both parents and speech therapists themselves associate these problems exclusively with a reaction to a particular vaccine...
Well, yes, a speech therapist is, of course, the best specialist in matters of vaccination, and understands much more about this matter than infectious disease specialists, pediatricians and other stupid doctors.
...Many children have speech problems (both real and imagined), most of them were vaccinated. And most of them live in apartments, houses, etc., and not in caves, and also eat bread. Conclusion: vaccinations, living outside of caves and eating bread impair speech.

Again, no one has canceled natural immunity and natural selection. Well, after all, people somehow lived before without vaccination, and it cannot be said that the planet was empty.
Do you even understand what natural selection is? Whoever failed, died. Is this what you want?

Don’t you have adults your age without a single vaccination?
I don't have those.

Everyone understands perfectly well that the purchase of vaccines and tenders for supplies are colossal cash flows.
Money can be made from any commodity in demand, be it vaccines, real estate or meat.

Every year I listen to the complaints of friends who vaccinate their children against the flu, who every year get sick with severe complications, and the next year the children are vaccinated again... The meaning of these manipulations is not clear to me. IMHO.
What are they sick with?

19.10.2011, 22:50

To my colleague Aspartam - respect for your patience and thoroughness
But further conversation is futile
We were asked to express our opinion - we did so. TS has his own opinion - his right
He didn't ask any more questions

This vaccine is used for primary and booster vaccination of children against several diseases: whooping cough, polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenza type b.

Primary immunization

The course involves three administrations of the drug (0.5 ml each). There are several options for administration regimens: the first at 2 months, the second and third Infanrix Hexa vaccination at 4 and 6 months, respectively; or the first at 3 months, the second and third at 4 and 5 months.

Also possible alternative option, consisting of 2 doses administered at 3 and 5 months. The break must be at least 1 month. Immunization is also possible at 6, 10, 14 weeks if the baby received a hepatitis B vaccine at birth.

It is necessary to adhere to the rules for the prevention of hepatitis B. For example, if a vaccination against hepatitis B was given at birth, then Infanrix Hexa can become an alternative to subsequent vaccinations against this disease. If the second dose of hepatitis B must be given earlier, a monovalent vaccine is used.

Booster vaccination

After two doses have been administered, Infanrix Hexa is administered as the 3rd vaccination no earlier than six months later. It is recommended to do this between 11 and 13 months of life.

If three doses of Infanrix Hexa were used, then an additional vaccination can be done no earlier than six months after the first. It is preferable to do this when the child is one and a half years old.

Rules for using Infanrix hexa

The healthcare professional should first shake the syringe until a cloudy white suspension is obtained. The vial or syringe must be carefully examined for foreign matter and changes appearance. If defects are found, it is destroyed.

The contents of the syringe must be added to a vial containing Hib lyophilisate to obtain the finished vaccine. The product is administered immediately after preparation.

Negative reaction in a child to the Infanrix hexa vaccine

The growing body may react to the injection in the following ways:

  • In general – irritability, restlessness, abnormal crying, fever;
  • Digestive system – loss of appetite, upset stool, vomiting;
  • Local reactions – swelling at the injection site of the syringe, compaction; diffuse swelling of the limb, which may affect the adjacent joint;
  • Dermatological reaction – itching, rash, urticaria, dermatitis;
  • Respiratory system – cough, upper respiratory tract infections;
  • Central nervous system– drowsiness, nervousness, convulsions, which are sometimes accompanied by fever;
  • Thrombocytopenia, increased lymph nodes, allergic reaction (anaphylactic, anaphylactoid), angioedema, collapse, state of shock, apnea, swelling of the limb.

Contraindications to the use of Infanrix hexa

Do not use the product when individual intolerance components of the drug. It is also not used if there was a hypersensitivity reaction during the previous administration of a means of preventing polio, hepatitis B, etc.

Do not use this drug in the presence of encephalopathy of unknown etiology, which occurred within a week after the previous vaccination with the pertussis component. In such a situation, the course of whooping cough vaccinations is interrupted, but immunization with other vaccines against relevant diseases is continued.

Features of application

Indications for deferment are acute febrile state. If your baby has an infectious disease mild form, then immunization can be done. The pediatrician must first examine the child and study him medical card, especially carefully analyzing previous vaccinations, associated conditions, and medical examinations.

If, after immunization with a product containing a pertussis component, the following conditions occurred, then the advisability of their use in the future should be carefully considered:

  • High body temperature for 2 days in the absence of other reasons;
  • Shock or collapse within 2 days after injection;
  • Crying lasting more than 3 hours, occurring within 2 days after the event;
  • Convulsions, with or without fever, in the first 72 hours after immunization.

Infanrix Hexa should be used with caution in children who have bleeding disorders or thrombocytopenia, as high probability bleeding. The vaccine is injected only deep into the muscle, but not under the skin or intravenously.

The drug contains traces of polymyxin and neomycin, so it is used with caution in patients with sensitivity to these antibiotics. It is also worth noting that the drug does not protect against infections caused by hepatitis A, E and C, as well as other pathogens of liver diseases.

However, Infanrix hexa can protect against hepatitis D, because it cannot occur without the presence of hepatitis B. Also, the vaccine does not protect against pathologies caused by other types of Haemophilus influenzae. In addition, sometimes it is not possible to achieve an immune response against the listed diseases, for example, this is possible in children suffering from immunodeficiency conditions.

Febrile and familial convulsions are not a contraindication to vaccination of children, like HIV infection, but such children should remain under medical supervision for another 2-3 days.

It is worth noting that Hib capsular polysaccharide will be excreted in the urine for 1-2 weeks, so if an infection is suspected, other diagnostic methods should be used.

It is not necessary that the vaccination be done every day. If parents have doubts about the baby’s health, they can do it later. For example, on the day of immunization, the child must be completely healthy, so when warning signs It is better to postpone the event for a while.

On the day of immunization and the whole subsequent week, the baby should not be exposed to negative factors For example, vaccination can be delayed when it is very hot or cold outside.

It is also not recommended to vaccinate the baby if one of the family members is sick, and it is also planned long trip or a large family celebration. During this period, complementary foods cannot be introduced three days before the expected date and a week after it.

Where can I get my child vaccinated with Infanrix Hexa?

You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. Immediately after purchase, it is necessary to administer the vaccine in a clinic setting, since there are strict rules its storage and transportation.

Baby's temperature after Infanrix hexa vaccination

This side effect is the most common and this applies to almost all types of vaccines. As a rule, this general reaction occurs in the first three days. Parents shouldn't panic. First of all, you need to ensure a favorable climate regime - the optimal indoor air temperature is 20 degrees.

The child should not be overfed; on the contrary, it is better to reduce feeding, but drink should be increased. Give the baby something to drink better solutions for oral dehydration (“Hidrovit”, “Regidron”, “Gastrolit”, etc.). It is advisable to use antipyretic drugs when the thermometer exceeds 37.5. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are suitable for these purposes.

Dangerous diseases for both children and adults are whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. The imported vaccine Infanrix Hexa, which is increasingly preferred by young parents, can protect against them. domestic analogues. In any case, no matter what quality vaccine, you need to know about its features, possible side effects and ways to prepare the body before vaccination.

About the vaccine

The composition of the vaccine includes three components that are involved in creating immunity from three dangerous diseases(tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria). It can also be called “acellular - pertussis”, which is the main advantage and distinctive feature from DTP.

The creation of Infanrix Hexa does not use whole cells, which cause whooping cough. Before their use, they are destroyed with the release of antigens that play a role in the formation of immunity. Thanks to this feature, this vaccine is considered softer and safer than its domestic counterparts.

Infarix includes:

  1. Pertactin;
  2. Hemagglutinin;
  3. Tetanus toxoid;
  4. Diphtheria toxoid;
  5. Whooping cough toxins.

The first two components act as whooping cough antigens. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are extracted from their pathogens, exposed to high temperatures, and then undergo a purification stage.

Important! The vaccine is produced in England (GlaxoSmithKline). It has been officially registered in Russia since 2004.

Possible complications

The instructions for this vaccine mention the following side effects:

  • Reactions local character(swelling at the injection site, redness or slight pain);
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Abnormal stool towards liquid consistency;
  • Vomit;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Drowsiness and deterioration in physical activity;
  • Allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions).

The introduction of any vaccine is stressful for small child and his body. Inactivated toxoids lead to a strong response, so the appearance side effects it is possible, especially for the first three days after its introduction. According to the vaccination rules, you can leave the clinic area 30-40 minutes after the administration of Infanrix Hexa or another composition. It is during this period of time that the most dangerous reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock.

If such a reaction begins, it is necessary to urgently take the child to the doctor. In each office where vaccination is carried out, there are special anti-shock first aid kits that are used in such emergency cases.

Fever after vaccination

Most frequent reactions The body's reaction to the administration of the Infanrix Hexa vaccine is an increase in body temperature and local reactions. Tissue compaction and redness at the injection site can last up to three days, and go away on their own, without requiring any action from the parents. As for the temperature, it can reach 40 °C (in most cases 38-39 °C) and last up to two days.

What measures are needed?

If the body temperature of a child who has been given a vaccine increases, the following measures must be taken:

  • Ventilate the room frequently and maintain an optimal percentage of air humidity (65-70%).
  • Provide the baby drinking plenty of fluids and Regidron solution.
  • If the child is breastfeeding, apply to the chest more often.
  • Antipyretics should not be given if the temperature does not reach 38°C.
  • If the temperature rises from 38°C or higher, as well as if it persists for more than 4 days, you must contact medical assistance.
  • If the temperature reaches 40°C or convulsions occur, you must immediately call an ambulance!

What antipyretics can be used?

If a child has a fever after an injection, the optimal antipyretics are drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory in nature and are sold in pharmacy stores without a prescription.

Paracetamol based the following drugs: “Daleron”, “Acetophene”, “Efferalgan” and others. They are usually taken in dosage. Based on body weight (10-15 ml per 1 kg). Reception should not be carried out more than 5 times a day. The time between doses is at least 4 hours.

Many young parents, worried about the health of their baby, use suppositories that have an antipyretic effect instead of syrups. However, with strong high temperature body active substance will enter the blood more slowly. Therefore, in such situations, it is more advisable to choose paracetamol-based syrups.

Ibuprofen is considered more potent substance, therefore, its intake should not exceed 5-10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Repeated administration is allowed after 6 hours and is done in such a way as not to exceed daily norm at 20 mg.

A fever that rises after vaccination may be natural character and pass without much difficulty. However, it is important for parents to know in which cases they should fight on their own, and when medical assistance is needed.

Antiviral drug Infanrix: instructions Cycloferon (injections): main nuances of instructions for use Instructions for intravenous administration drug Acyclovir ATP injection drug: indications, contraindications and application features Intravenous and intramuscular injection gland: rules for using injections

  • What is the reaction to the Infanrix vaccine (Infanrix Hexa)?
  • Temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa
    • What antipyretic drugs help reduce fever?
    • When is fever after vaccination an indication to seek medical help?
  • What is better: the combination of the Infanrix vaccine (DPT) + Imovax Polio or the Pentaxim vaccine?
  • We had our first vaccination at 3 months with Infanrix IPV. Now is the second vaccination. It is not clear where Infanrix IPV has gone, but you can order the Infanrix vaccine (DPT). What is the best way to administer Infanrix and polio – separately (Infanrix + OPV), or wait for Infanrix IPV?
  • What is better: to put Infanrix and Poliorix, or to wait for Infanrix IPV?
  • How to replace Infanrix IPV Hib during revaccination? Can I use Pentaxim?
  • What is the difference between Infanrix with hepatitis (Infanrix Hexa) and Pentaxim? Which drug is better to choose for the first DPT vaccination?
  • Infanrix vaccination: reviews from doctors and parents (2014)

  • Which is better: Pentaxim vaccine, Infanrix Hexa vaccine or DTP?

    What is better: imported Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa or DTP vaccine?

    The most serious drawback vaccines DPT is an imperfection of the pertussis component, which in this “ancient” vaccine is represented by a “killed” culture of pertussis bacilli.

    At the same time, in new imported drugs from the group Infanrix the pertussis component consists of purified antigens, as a result of which it causes a significantly smaller number of unpleasant side effects and serious complications.

    Thus, when choosing between DTP and Infanrix, you should definitely choose the Infanrix vaccine.

    The regular three-component vaccine Infanrix is ​​essentially modern analogue good old DTP, since it protects against only three diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. This means that the prescribed vaccinations for polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae infections, you will have to administer it separately.

    Many parents unreasonably believe that they should not “torment their child” with too much antigenic load of complex multicomponent vaccines, and prefer the combination of Infanrix with monovaccines (that is, with vaccines that protect only against one disease), which are administered on different days.

    For example, instead of Infanrix Hexa, you can use the combination Infanrix + Imovax Polio (killed mono-vaccine against polio, manufactured in France) + Engerix B (vaccine against hepatitis B, manufactured in the UK) + Hiberix (vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae, manufactured in the UK).

    Of course, this is expensive, inconvenient and, ultimately, painful for the child (after all, you will have to do 4 injections instead of one), but many parents think that in this way they can protect their child from a one-time overload.

    Meanwhile, it has been clinically proven that the use of multicomponent vaccines generally reduces the number of unpleasant side effects and complications. So if vaccinations against these six diseases have not yet been carried out or have not been carried out in full, then it is better to give preference to Infanrix Hexa over the three-component Infanrix vaccine.

    Differences between Infanrix Hexa and Pentaxim

    The Pentaxim vaccine, in accordance with its name (the prefix penta means “five”), protects against five diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae. So if you choose this particular drug, the hepatitis B vaccine will have to be administered separately.

    It should be noted that the absence of a hepatitis component may be an advantage when vaccination against of this disease already done.

    The fact is that, in accordance with the vaccination calendar, primary immunization against hepatitis B begins in the maternity hospital, and the second dose should be administered in the second month of life. A total of three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine are required, so in each case you should carefully monitor the vaccination schedule and consult with your doctor.

    The second feature of the Pentaxim vaccine is that, unlike Infanrix Hexa, the pertussis element is represented not by three, but by two antigens.

    This approach has its positive and negative aspects. The undoubted advantage of the Pentaxim vaccine will be less burden on immune system and fewer adverse side effects associated with the pertussis component, since it is significantly "lightened" here.

    However, this advantage is offset by the fact that in the event of infection with the whooping cough bacterium, the immune response will not be as strong.

    Therefore, when choosing between the Pentaxim and Infanrix Hexa vaccines, you should consult with your doctor, who will take into account factors such as the relationship between the risk of developing a reaction to a full-fledged pertussis component and the risk of contracting whooping cough in a particular child.

    Which is better - Tetraxim or Infanrix IPV?

    Tetraxim, in accordance with its name (the prefix tetra means fourfold), protects against four infections - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. So it can be called an analogue of Infanrix IPV.

    However, the analogy will not be complete since, as in the case of the Pentaxim vaccine, the pertussis element of the Tetraxim vaccine is represented by only two antigens - pertussis toxoid and filamentous hemagglutinin. So the immune response, in fact, will be developed only to toxins - “poisons” secreted by the bacterium.

    While Infanrix also contains pertactin, the outer protein of the bacterium, which promotes its adhesion (sticking) to the walls of the trachea. Thus, the immune response generated by the Infanrix vaccine will not allow the whooping cough bacteria to gain a foothold and multiply in the body.

    So, purely theoretically, Infanrix should cause stronger immunity, however, the amount adverse reactions there will also be slightly more for this vaccine. In controversial cases, it is better to consult with your doctor, who will weigh the pros and cons.

    However, it should be noted that there are no particularly significant differences in clinical trials both drugs were not identified. Children vaccinated with Tetraxim do not suffer from whooping cough or suffer a mild form of the disease, and the number of complications and side effects after Infanrix is ​​not much different from the indicators of Tetraxim.

    So if only one of the vaccines is available, it makes no sense to wait for another, as it is more suitable.

    Infanrix has disappeared. I looked through all the pharmacies - out of stock. What is better: wait until the Infanrix vaccine appears and skip the vaccination time according to the calendar, or administer Pentaxim or DTP after Infanrix (Infanrix IPV Hib, country of origin: Belgium)? We have our third Infanrix vaccination.

    Most doctors recommend primary immunization (that is, the first three vaccinations) against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae infection with a drug from the same manufacturer.

    This is especially true for the pertussis component, in mandatory included in Infanrix, DTP and Pentaxim, as well as the vaccine against hemophilus influenzae, included in the drug Pentaxim.

    Therefore, it is better to wait until the Infanrix vaccine becomes available.

    Is it possible to revaccinate DTP with Infanrix?

    Yes. Possible. After three DTP vaccinations, you can revaccinate with Infanrix, which contains purified pertussis antigens. The immunity will be quite strong, and the likelihood of adverse reactions after revaccination will be significantly reduced.

    The remaining two components (diphtheria and tetanus) in the Infanrix and DPT vaccines are completely identical.

    Is it possible to revaccinate DTP after Infanrix?

    No. If you have had three Infanrix vaccinations, it is also better to get a revaccination with Infanrix. The fact is that after primary immunization with the purified pertussis antigen, which is contained in Infanrix, it is better not to administer the “ancient” killed pertussis vaccine from DTP.

    Moreover, the drug Infanrix is ​​much better tolerated than DPT.

    Is it possible to start vaccination with Infanrix after a year? I would like to wait until the baby gets stronger

    No. It is forbidden. The calendar was developed by medical professionals in the interests of the child. The fact is that, firstly, infections will not wait until the baby gets stronger, so in case of an accidental encounter with an insidious microorganism, a disease may develop. And any infections are especially dangerous for children in their first year of life.

    Secondly, by postponing vaccinations for a year, you are doing your child a disservice - in the first year of life, vaccinations are much easier to tolerate.

    When is caution necessary to avoid adverse side effects of the Infanrix vaccine?

    When carrying out primary immunization of prematurely born children (up to 28 weeks of gestation), the possibility of respiratory arrest should be taken into account. Therefore, vaccination is done in a hospital setting to ensure monitoring respiratory function within 2-3 days.

    Particular caution is required when vaccinating children suffering from thrombocytopenia or pathology of the blood coagulation system, since such an unpleasant complication as bleeding may develop.

    To prevent the formation of intramuscular hematoma, the injection site should be pressed without rubbing for 2 minutes after administration of the vaccine.

    I read reviews from 2014 about complications after the drug vaccine Infanrix Hexa (manufactured in Belgium). Is any preparation necessary for vaccination to avoid complications?

    Will medication preparation for the Infanrix Hexa vaccination help?

    Many parents try to keep their child safe available means, therefore, they resort to medical and “natural folk” methods that supposedly can help avoid complications from the “terrible six-component vaccine” - antihistamines, immunomodulators, “vitamins”, “herbs”, “ homeopathic remedies for immunity”, etc. You don’t need to do any of this.

    No special preparations are required for vaccination with Infanrix Hexa. However, it is known that a strong, healthy and seasoned child tolerates any vaccination more easily than a frail and sick one.

    It follows that preparation for vaccination includes constant concern for the child’s health, correct mode sleep and nutrition, hygiene procedures, hardening, etc.

    In addition, you should adhere to several simple rules, set out below.

    "Family" temporary contraindications to Infanrix Hexa vaccination

    It is not at all necessary that vaccination be carried out minute by minute: any mother can postpone it for her own “family” reasons, guided by two basic rules.

    The first and main rule: On the day of vaccination, the child must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, if parents notice any alarming symptoms that are invisible to the prying eye, which may turn out to be signs of an incipient disease, it is better to postpone vaccination for one day to clarify the situation.

    So, for example, it is undesirable to vaccinate if the baby did not sleep well the day before, did not eat his favorite porridge well, or was too capricious.

    Also delay vaccination if your child has had contact with someone less than three days before receiving the vaccine. a large number people and could “catch” some kind of viral infection (this is exactly the period required for symptoms of the disease to appear).

    Second rule: on the day of vaccination, as well as in the following week, the child should not be exposed to unfavorable factors external environment: delay vaccination if outdoors extreme heat or brutal cold. Also, you should not administer the drug if anyone in your household has become infected with ARVI, or if you are planning a family holiday with a large number of guests or a long trip.

    The introduction of new food is also stressful for the baby’s body, so if you have introduced complementary foods or any new dish, wait three days before the vaccine is administered (of course, if you know the day of vaccination in advance, then simply do not experiment with the menu three days before the vaccine is administered and a week after).

    Preparing for Infanrix Hexa vaccination on the day of vaccination

    Experienced pediatricians claim that any vaccination, including such a complex one as Infanrix Hexa, is better tolerated on a half-empty stomach. So it is better to deliberately reduce the concentration of the milk formula or not feed the child a little before administering the vaccine. It is strictly not recommended to eat an hour before vaccination.

    In the clinic, try to have as little contact as possible with strangers– it’s best to stand somewhere on the side, or take a turn and walk with your baby on the street. Alas, the clinic is famous source infections, healthy people They go there extremely rarely.

    Gateway for the majority viral infections are the top ones respiratory tract, therefore, to protect your child from infection in a densely crowded corridor, bury your baby every 15-20 minutes saline solution(2-3 drops in each nostril).

    How to behave after vaccination to prevent side effects of Infanrix Hexa?

    After vaccination, it is recommended to remain under the direct supervision of a doctor for at least 30 minutes. However, in practice, staying in vaccination room limited to 5-7 minutes because the room is needed by other patients.

    Consequently, doctors will advise parents to sit with the child in the hallway, where, as we know, there is increased risk contracting an infection. The wisest way out of the situation would be to go for a walk with your child in the fresh air, without moving too far from the clinic building.

    After vaccination, it is advisable to maintain a maximum fasting period; you can give the baby some water, entertain, distract, etc. It will be ideal if you manage to withstand 3 hours without food.

    On the day of vaccination, the child should not overeat; it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and fresh air. In the next week, you should limit contact with strangers.

    What is the reaction to the Infanrix vaccine (Infanrix Hexa)?

    A reaction to any vaccine, including the Infanrix vaccine, is a temporary health disorder that, as a rule, goes away without a trace.

    This is a fundamental difference between a reaction to a vaccine (an unpleasant side effect) and a complication, which is a more persistent disorder and subsequently serves as a contraindication for reuse vaccines.

    All reactions to vaccination can be divided into general and local. Local reactions occur at the site of drug administration and are manifested by the following symptoms:

    • soreness;
    • redness;
    • compaction of soft tissues.
    About general reaction People are advised to get vaccinated when the following signs appear:
    • increased body temperature;
    • general weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
    • arthralgia (joint pain);
    • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
    • short-term fainting states.

    Temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa

    What should I do if the Infanrix Hexa vaccine causes a general reaction such as fever?

    An increase in temperature as a general reaction to the Infanrix Hexa vaccine most often occurs on the first day after vaccination and can last for two, less often for three days.

    In this case, parents must follow the following algorithm of actions:
    1. In the room where the child is located, it is necessary to maintain relative coolness (about 20 degrees) and normal humidity (50-70%).
    2. The standard rule for all childhood problems is to reduce the amount of food and increase the amount of drinking.
    3. Very useful for drinking special solutions for oral dehydration, such as Gastrolit, Gidrovit, Regidron, Regidare, Orasan, Humana Electrolyte, etc. (available in almost any pharmacy).
    4. An increase in temperature in the event of a vaccination reaction is not associated with the actual immunogenicity of the vaccine, but with its reactogenicity. In other words, an increase in body temperature is not associated with the creation immune memory about an infection, but is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is quite justified to prescribe antipyretic drugs when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees Celsius.

    Thus, it is advisable to stock up on oral dehydration solutions and antipyretic drugs on the eve of the vaccination.

    What antipyretic drugs help reduce the temperature after Infanrix?

    The optimal antipyretic drugs used for vaccination reactions, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs paracetamol and ibuprofen, which can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

    Paracetamol (Acetaminophen, Acetofen, Daleron, Panadol, Paracet, Efferalgan) is taken at a dose of 10-15 mg/kg body weight. In this case, the frequency of use of the drug per day should not exceed 4-5 times at intervals of at least 4 hours, so that the total dose does not exceed 60 mg/kg body weight.

    Many parents use suppositories; this route of administration is gentler on the baby’s stomach. However, in this case, it should be remembered that the higher the body temperature, the slower the active substance will enter the blood. Therefore, at high temperatures it is advisable to take paracetamol orally.

    Optimal single dose ibuprofen (Brufen, Nurofen) is significantly lower - 5-10 mg/kg body weight. In this case, taking the antipyretic drug can be repeated only after 6 hours, so that daily dose did not exceed 20 mg/kg.

    When is fever after vaccination an indication to seek medical help?

    An indication for seeking medical help is a body temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa above 38.5 degrees Celsius or persistence of a fever above 37.3 degrees on the fourth day after vaccination.

    Seal after Infanrix: what to do?

    Induration after vaccination with Infanrix occurs at the injection site and is associated with redness, pain and swelling. This is the tissue reaction to the vaccine components.

    It should be noted that the local reaction to inactivated vaccines, which includes Infanrix, is always higher than the living ones. This circumstance is due to the fact that special substances are added to such vaccines - adjuvants, which enhance the local reaction and contribute to the formation of a more pronounced immune response.

    A local reaction to the Infanrix vaccine appears within the first two days and lasts from two to ten days. In this case, there are three severity local reaction :

    • light (up to 2.5 cm);
    • moderate severity (2.5 – 5 cm);
    • heavy (more than 5 cm).
    For moderate and severe reactions, the child should be shown to a doctor. The fact is that such a reaction can be caused by a low-quality vaccine (expired or stored in improper conditions) or violations of vaccination rules (lack of sterility, incorrect choice of place and method of administering the vaccine, etc.).

    In such cases, compaction after Infanrix may be complicated by the development of local purulent complications, requiring surgical intervention and/or antibiotic therapy.

    In addition, severe local reactions include the appearance of an allergic rash at the injection site and/or enlargement of regional lymph nodes. In extremely severe cases, swelling can involve a nearby joint or spread to the entire limb. Such reactions are extremely rare and require specialized medical care.

    As for the mild local reaction, it is normal occurrence, indicating activation of the immune system. Therefore, no additional measures to eliminate it are required.

    There are tips online about using such remedies as iodine mesh, compresses, to reduce unpleasant local symptoms. cabbage leaf etc. However, experienced experts claim that the effectiveness of such drugs is approaching zero.

    The child is one and a half years old. We provide vaccinations according to an individual calendar. We have already had BCG and hepatitis B. Which is better: the combination of the Infanrix (DPT) vaccine + Imovax Polio or the Pentaxim vaccine? What interests me is not the price, but how the vaccination is tolerated. I read the reviews - I can’t make up my mind, it seems like everything can happen here and there

    All of the drugs mentioned are well tolerated, so it is not surprising if you did not notice any big differences in the reviews of parents. But it should be taken into account that the Pentaxim vaccine will protect the child from five infections - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, as well as infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae. While the named combination Infanrix (DTP) + Imovax Polio only starts from four.

    It’s not just the cost of the drugs; in general, multicomponent vaccines are easier to tolerate, you will save time and will not expose your baby to the risk of infection during an additional visit to the clinic for vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae. So in this regard you will definitely win.

    In addition, in your case (the child began receiving vaccinations a year later than the standard schedule), Pentaxim, which contains a lightweight pertussis element, is more suitable.

    If you choose the Pentaxim vaccine, please note that you will need two more vaccinations with the same drug. Doctors recommend primary immunization with a vaccine from one manufacturer.

    We had our first vaccination at 3 months with Infanrix IPV. Now is the second vaccination. It is not clear where Infanrix IPV has gone, but you can order the Infanrix vaccine (DPT). What is the best way to administer Infanrix and polio – separately (Infanrix + OPV), or wait for Infanrix IPV?

    Infanrix IPV as a polio component has an inactivated (killed) culture of the polio virus. OPV is a live but weakened culture of the polio pathogen.

    These two components are interchangeable. Moreover, schemes have been developed where vaccination of children begins with vaccines such as IPV, and then switches to OPV. So you shouldn't have anything to fear in this regard.

    The advantages of OPV are improved immunity, ease of use (taken orally) and low cost drug. This vaccine is generally well tolerated. However, there are also disadvantages.

    The OPV vaccine is a live, although weakened, vaccine, so there are additional contraindications. This drug It is strictly not recommended for children with severe immune system disorders.

    In addition, a vaccinated child for some time turns into a spreader of a weakened polio infection, so it is undesirable to use the OPV vaccine in cases where the following categories of people are among those in contact with the baby:

    • unvaccinated against polio;
    • those suffering from immunodeficiency;
    • pregnant women.

    We have the 3rd Infanrix vaccination. The first two vaccinations were given with the Infanrix IPV vaccine. Today I checked the availability in pharmacies: Infanrix IPV is not available, but you can buy Infanrix (DTP) and Poliorix. I looked for reviews online, but it turned out that few parents had decided on such a combination. And Komarovsky does not write anything about this. What is better: to put Infanrix and Poliorix or wait for Infanrix IPV?

    The Poliorix vaccine contains the same killed polio virus culture as the polio component of the Infanrix IPV vaccine. Moreover, the Poliorix vaccine is produced by the same company as Infanrix IPV. So the combination of Infanrix (DPT) + Poliorix can easily replace Infanrix IPV.

    However, more high cost drug combinations aren't the only thing you'll lose at. Your child will suffer from an increased number of injections because Infanrix and Poliorix will be injected separately into different limbs.

    Of course, this is not so tragic, but it’s better to check with the pharmacy when the drug arrives; it may make sense to wait.

    How to replace Infanrix IPV HIB? Revaccination is necessary. I don’t know why, but Infanrix (all types) has disappeared. Can I use Pentaxim?

    Yes, you can. Unlike the first three doses of primary immunization, for the fourth, booster (re-vaccination) dose, drugs from other manufacturers can be used.

    Pentaxim protects against the same diseases as Infanrix IPV Hib, so it can be successfully used as an analogue.

    What is the difference between Infanrix with hepatitis (Infanrix Hexa) and Pentaxim? Which drug is better to choose for the first DPT vaccination? The doctor says that in the future it will be necessary to pay attention to production and choose drugs from the same company.

    Infanrix drugs are manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. If you followed exactly National calendar vaccinations of the Russian Federation, then for the first vaccination it is optimal to use the Infanrix Hexa vaccine - this way you will begin primary immunization against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae and complete the course of immunization against hepatitis B (you should already have had the first two vaccinations).

    In the future, you should switch to Infanrix IPV Hib and continue to build an immune response against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae. This drug will need to be administered three more doses: two remaining from the course of primary immunization and one booster (re-vaccination), at 4.5, 6 and 18 months, respectively.

    Pentaxim is manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur and is traditionally used for all four doses required for primary immunization and booster vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

    If you choose this drug, you will have to give the third hepatitis B dose separately. Its administration can be combined with the administration of the Pentaxim vaccine (on the same day, but in different areas body). If you feel sorry for the baby and refuse to give two injections in one day, you will have to go to the clinic one more time, exposing your child to the risk of contracting some kind of ARVI.

    Both drugs (Pentaxim and Infanrix) are well tolerated and have sufficient large number grateful reviews online. To commit optimal choice Consult your doctor, who will take into account the availability of drugs from this manufacturer in your region.

    Given the same availability of both drugs, it should be borne in mind that by choosing Infanrix, you will reduce the number of injections for your baby by at least one injection. You should especially think about it if you have not yet received a single vaccination against hepatitis B.

    It should be noted that when revaccination is carried out, it is allowed, although not recommended, to use drugs from another manufacturer.

    Vaccination of children must be approached very responsibly, because it depends only on the parents when and with what, and most importantly, whether to vaccinate at all. According to the vaccination calendar, a child under one year of age must receive 14 vaccinations. This number can be reduced through the use of certain vaccines, because instead of the usual one, Infanrix or Infanrix Hexa can be used. Very often, parents rely on doctor's recommendations without knowing the specifics of each of these vaccines. Therefore, in this article we will study in more detail the composition of the vaccine for vaccinations Infanrix Hexa and possible complications after vaccination with this drug.

    Infanrix Hexa: what is it?

    Infanrix Hexa is a multicomponent vaccine. She vaccinates against six dangerous diseases at once viral diseases: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio and Haemophilus influenzae. This vaccine is injected, like DPT and Pentaxim, in top part hips with a dose of 0.5 ml.

    Due to the fact that Infanrix Hexa contains a smaller amount of antigens and a purified (cell-free) pertussis component, there are practically no reactions after vaccination.

    This vaccine is used at the request of parents, so they buy it for vaccination themselves in pharmacies. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the manufacturer of the vaccine, since Infanrix Hexa, produced in Belgium, has fewer side effects than those made in France.

    Infanrix Hexa: complications

    Compared to DTP vaccine containing the whole pertussis component, after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa the child exhibits minimal possible reactions:

    • body temperature rises to 38°C or does not rise at all;
    • swelling and redness at the injection site are mild;
    • crying and irritability go away quickly after vaccination;
    • allergic reactions(rash, itching) are extremely rare.

    But most often, after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa, the child quickly calms down, the temperature does not rise at all, and the baby remains in a good mood for the rest of the day.

    How to properly vaccinate with Infanrix Hexa?

    To produce good immunity against polio, hepatitis and Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) infection, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, it is necessary to adhere to a certain interval between vaccinations and recommendations regarding the choice of vaccines for them.

    When starting vaccination with Infanrix Hexa, you must adhere to a different vaccination schedule:

    • 1 vaccination - Infanrix Hexa;
    • 2nd vaccination - Infanrix Hexa (done after 1.5 - 2 months);
    • 3rd vaccination – Pentaxim (vaccine without the hepatitis B component);
    • 4th vaccination - Engerix B (for hepatitis B), it is necessary to inject 6 months after the 1st vaccination;
    • Revaccination - Pentaxim, preferably at 1.5 years.

    Infanrix Hexa: contraindications

    And, of course, before getting vaccinated, you should be examined by a doctor, since only an absolutely healthy child can be vaccinated.

    DTP vaccination builds immunity against deadly infectious diseases, so it is advisable to do it, but parents are usually scared of possible reactions to it (fever, swelling, convulsions, tearfulness). Parents who want to protect their baby from unnecessary injections and unpleasant complications should choose Infanrix Hexa for vaccination.