Find out your rating in World of Tank. How to find out your efficiency in World Of Tanks

To check the efficiency in a computer game World of tanks, you need to be a registered player and have fought a certain number of battles. During the game the coefficient useful action constantly changes depending on your performance on the battlefield.

The efficiency of an individual player is determined by the efficiency rating formula, which takes into account average performance indicators total number battles and about your defeats. Points earned by defending your base and capturing enemy points are taken into account, as well as intermediate level the technique you use and your win percentage. Efficiency is calculated online on this website. To calculate, you will need to enter the name under which you play. You can find out your nickname this way: go to the website using the link, enter your registration data - email address and password. On the right top corner we find<Мои игровые профили>, select the option<Личный кабинет>.

A window will open showing the names you are using in the game. Let's remember them. Now you can follow the link and use an online calculator to calculate the efficiency:
  • Enter the player's name and click calculate.
  • Information about your personal data and the calculated efficiency will be displayed.
The information that the calculator calculates makes it possible to determine the level of acquired skills during the game:
  • If your efficiency rating or efficiency rating is less than 600, it's a bad indicator, and you're still far from perfect.
  • Total number from 600 to 900 - you are an average player.
  • The results range from 900 to 1500 - the highest level, such players are legendary.
  • A number from 1500 to 1800 indicates that you are a master who has learned all the intricacies of the game; such efficiency is a rather rare occurrence.
There are many types of programs for calculating a player’s efficiency in World of tanks: some can calculate not only the efficiency rating, but also the number of victories that remain to be achieved before next level. Moreover, the calculation is carried out taking into account your individual playing style. Among the types of programs, the most popular are applications that calculate your efficiency during the game and at the same time provide information about your opponents. One of these user programs can be found at the link. These efficiency calculation systems are also called<оленеметрами>: a program that will allow you to see in numbers whether you are fighting with a beginner or an experienced player. Many gamers successfully use such utilities to increase their efficiency rating. The olenometer shows the following data:
  • Efficiency indicators of game participants in battle and when loading the battle.
  • Number of fights.
  • Total number of victories.
  • Analysis of possible victories, taking into account all the data above.

It is also possible to set up different configurations: for example, you can set the percentage of victories only for a specific tank. This program is very flexible in changing the parameters displayed on the screen, and each user can easily and quickly customize it according to their interests.

The game interface completely changes when installing such modifications, and you will be able to constantly see on the screen a mini-map with the necessary data: for example, a log of damage received, other markers above the equipment, a base capture indicator (how soon the base will be captured and how many invaders are on it), light indicator for tanks at the base and much more.

In World of Tanks, player statistics are very important for many tankers. great value. This is not surprising; it is the competitive element that is paramount after leveling up most tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate many indicators, from win rate to time spent in the game.

Why do we need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allow you to see how the results of one tanker differ from another.

  • Using the XVM mod you can check your WoT stats right in the battle. And not only your own, but also your enemies, as well as your allies. As a result, the player more competently assesses the overall balance of power of the team, seeing how skilled the players are.
  • Advanced statistics services in WoT are a must-have tool for every recruiter looking for new players for his clan.
  • There is also clan statistics for communities in World of Tanks, thanks to which the entire clan is assessed.
  • Evaluating your achievements is quite pleasant to watch your indicators grow from day to day.

What does a stat consist of?

Before moving on to describing the various ratings and performance calculators in WoT, you should go through the fundamental data with the help of which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Win percentage- this is the main indicator demonstrating the success of a tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the player's contribution to the battle and his ability to play can lead to victory. Thus, skilled tankers can boast statistics of 51% and higher.
  2. Damage per battle- the efficiency rating in WoT also includes this data, which objectively shows the contribution to the battle. But keep in mind that this indicator is completely optional for light tanks, whose task is to detect the enemy. But for tank destroyers and tank destroyers, damage per battle is critical important indicator.
  3. Survival- controversial data, since until the moment of his death the player can inflict a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still, survival perfectly shows the tanker’s tendency to go on a suicidal attack. If you are a fan of LT, then survival is a very important indicator, along with enemies detected during the battle.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits)- Efficiency includes information about the percentage of hits. It is critical to have good accuracy in art, and secondarily in other classes.
  5. Kill/kill ratio- 30 vehicles collide in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full-fledged contribution to achieving victory; everything that was done above indicates the effectiveness of the tanker, so a ratio equal to, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Average level of battles- shows at what levels the player most often fights.

This is not all the information available in our service; only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since there is a lot of input data for statistics, they can be interpreted slightly differently. However, despite large number various systems skill measurements, all of them, in principle, one way or another converge in their evaluative gradations. In other words, a good player according to RE will be good in WN8.

There are three main ratings on our website.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • win percentage;
  • experience and damage per battle (average);
  • survival;
  • total number of battles;
  • light damage and assistance to allies (when a player knocks down an enemy’s track and his allies finish him off).

Players with the most difficulties in raising this efficiency rating in World of Tanks experience a large number battles. To increase the HR indicator, you need to damage enemies as much as possible, thus gaining experience. Light tanks will not be left out either, because their rating will increase thanks to their light damage.

RE (efficiency rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Average damage.
  • Points for shooting down and capturing a base.
  • Number of illuminated enemies.
  • Frags (destroyed tanks).

To make the statistics calculator in WoT happy positive emotions, we recommend increasing your rating in several ways at once.

Increasing the win rate - if things are not going well in random, you can go to companies or team battles, where, if you have a good commander, you can maintain an excellent win rate. But in companies only the percentage of victories increases; to increase the average damage you should play on a high-level vehicle. At the tenth levels you can not only deal more damage, but also gain many times more experience than, for example, at the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, efficiency in WoT will increase, and with it RE.


Advanced statistics in WoT continues to be improved and a new efficiency calculator WN8 is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, in WN8 damage is valued more than frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula, it is rather a skill calculation system, since it uses a huge database with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular vehicle. For each tank in WN8, so-called "reference values" or ideal indicators and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals, the better your rating will be in this system.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WoT, we recommend playing on those vehicles that work best, because the more effective the battle is, the more damage the tanker will have. And since damage is one of the main indicators of WN8, the numbers will grow. But keep in mind that WN8 calculates damage differently on each tank. For example, when playing on some kind of imba, for example, FV215b (183), it will be more difficult to increase the rating than when playing on the same IS-7, because the standard damage on a tank destroyer is greater than on a tank destroyer.

  • Article on the topic: .

What should you pay attention to in statistics?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is three different ratings that objectively show the success of a tanker. This is RE, WN8, and also a rating from Wargaming.

Winrate- the holy of holies of almost every player. If the winrate is above 50%, this means that the tanker is beneficial to the team.

The third important indicator is damage per battle. Most tankers prefer damage-dealing classes, so you can evaluate the tanker and his average effectiveness.

Average level of battles- if a player has an average level of five or, for example, sixth, then it immediately becomes clear that he doesn’t really like riding at levels ten. Thanks to this information, it is possible to evaluate applicants for joining the clan, which often fights in the Civil Code.

Two ratios - killed/killed and caused/received damage. For experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player brings benefits in battle. If this indicator is lower, then it becomes clear that most often it is not the player who is dragging the battle, but the team is dragging the player. But if the account has the most battles on LT, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of advanced statistics on our website

Statistics will greet you with a window like this, in which you need to indicate your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main statistics window will open, in which you can see three ratings, as well as other information, such as win rate, number of battles, damage received, etc. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time was spent on all battles. The data is approximate, for the calculation it was taken average duration battle (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Have you ever wondered how many times you've seen the timer click before a fight starts? In our statistics you can see how much time you spent clicking the timer. And yes, be careful, the truth is simply amazing, for example, on the demo account the countdown took almost five days. Incredibly high, right?

Another interesting feature is tracking progress over time. The progress of events is shown for four weeks, one week and one day. Thanks to this information, you can see whether a tanker is developing or whether his performance indicators have decreased.

The game “not to be displeased” or what you need to do to become a “zoo director” World of Tanks

Let's talk today about statistics, or more precisely about the ratings that form them in World of Tanks. About how WoT players determine the length of the horns, the width of the claws and the level of their “bending-bucketism”. Let's consider the variety of criteria for personal ratings, try to determine their dependence on the main indicators in the game, and give the opinion of people who are seriously involved in creating and analyzing ratings. By the way, I’ll make a reservation right away that I won’t give formulas for calculating ratings in the review; you can watch them on the forums in the relevant topics or learn about them from video reviews.

The article will contain the opinions of two World of Tanks “ratings professionals”: ​​the creator of the efficiency rating (Efficiency Rating), the administrator of the site Edrard (in my opinion, absolutely everything important happens on this site with his participation), and also a player and reviewer BMder - the author of a series of video reviews about the main game ratings of WoT and a similar topic on the official forum. His video reviews are on wot-news and on his personal channel on YouTube.

Thank you both very much for the information and comments provided.

I propose to start the review. Today, any WoT player (from the lord of the “bottom” to the “purple statistic”, even with 100 battles under his belt) has the opportunity to check his tank activity ratings according to the following ratings:

Where to watch: “achievements” tab in the game client or on the official WoT portal

Borders and ranks of the rating:
Badges of class:
Virtuoso - rating higher than 99% of players
Master tankman - 95%
Tankman 1st class - 80%
Tankman 2nd class - 60%
Tankman 3rd class - 45%
Reindeer herder 3rd class - 30%
Reindeer herder 2nd class - 20%
Reindeer herder 1st class - 10%
Master reindeer herder - below 10%

A player’s class badge is assigned depending on what percentage of players the player is higher in according to the Armor site rating.
Note on the rating site itself: “It should be understood that at low gaming levels high rating don't make money."

Edrard's opinion: The armor rating is perhaps the most unique rating, an original development, as well as a formula structure that is not similar to any other rating. It is very difficult to say anything about his objectivity, since I have never really analyzed him.

BMDer's opinion: The rating from the armor site has a more complex calculation formula than RE and WN6/7. Parameters involved in the calculation: number of battles, damage, frags, exposure, base defense, win percentage. As well as capture and average experience for the account. Damage + capture + defense is the perfect recipe for cheating.

Time to move on to the tabular data, here are the tables created by BMder, which clearly show the dependence of ratings on the key parameters of the game and his opinion on them (table No. 1 - the value of the parameters in the system “0 or 1, that is, whether or not the parameter affects the rating”, table No. 2 – the degree of influence of game parameters on the rating, that is, “how strong is the dependence of the rating on, say, the average damage per battle, the average number of destroyed equipment, etc.”):

*Note to Table 2: This scale does not allow ratings to be compared with each other. Digital scale values ​​indicate quality, and not the quantitative superiority of one parameter over another.
1 - minimal impact on the rating, 2 - stronger impact than "1".
Further on increasing.

Table No. 1

Table No. 2

Edrard's opinion and conclusions: All ratings that currently exist try to assess a player's level of play. As for me, if initially the Wargaming company would have shown the average level of experience without taking into account the premium account, then ratings would not have been needed. In any case, for a complete analysis of a player, more integrated approach, which will take into account not only numbers, but also behavior in battle, the ability to play as a team, knowledge of maps and technical characteristics of equipment, the ability to think and react to circumstances. Why then are ratings needed, you ask? Everything is simple to assemble a company or platoon of strangers in a short time, and for many clans these parameters will be useful for selecting candidates, and, in the end, so that you can show off to your friends.

BMder's opinion and conclusions: Damage came first in terms of impact on ALL ratings. On the second there are frags. The third was divided between defense and coverage. The winning percentage in table No. 2 is fourth.
Effectiveness rating: the most significant parameters are frags and damage, while base defense points can sometimes significantly increase your performance.
WN6 and WN7: again damage and frags, in second most important place in table No. 2 is detection of opponents.
Rating from the Armor website: the greatest influence is exerted by the aggregate high performance damage, capture and defense. A little less frags, then flashing.
Bend rating: obviously damage and win rate, nothing else.
Player’s personal rating: first place damage, second place damage per assist, third place win percentage.
WN8 - damage, frags and light - parameters in descending order of influence on the rating. For WN8, the importance of indicators may vary depending on the tank you are playing on.

At the end of the review, I would like to remind you once again that the formulas for calculating ratings were not given or disclosed in it (for those interested, look in the topics on the WG forums, wot-news, etc., BMDer video reviews) or read about all this on the ones I indicated in the review sites.
It should be noted that the wot-news website has a special section “performance rating calculator” (, where you can see all your statistics for all popular ratings.
Also catch a link to a site where you can quickly check your performance in the game, and they will be on the screen in the color scheme
And another link from BMDer:
Read, analyze, draw conclusions, this is not such a simple thing - statistics...

World of Tanks– a multi-user toy that is a whole virtual world, in which many players spend all their free time. At the same time, all players can be divided into less and more advanced. The level of skill is determined by familiarizing yourself with the so-called efficiency factor, which depends on many factors. Now let's talk directly about how to find out your efficiency in WOT, how it is formed and why it actually needs to be increased!

What is efficiency in VoT?

If we talk about World of Tanks, then in this case the efficiency factor can be interpreted classically - the more intensely the player spends time, the higher his efficiency will be. Literally every player strives to overtake the others by this criterion in order to become cooler. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that some tankers do not even know how can you find out the efficiency in WOT and what actually influences it! Therefore, it is impossible not to consider these issues more carefully.

What affects efficiency in World of Tanks?

In principle, it is not difficult to predict what influences the formation of the efficiency factor in WOT, but still, we list the main factors:
  • number of destroyed and detected enemies;
  • the level of military equipment used;
  • amount of damage caused;
  • the amount of damage caused by allies to tanks that a specific player discovered;
  • capturing/shooting down an enemy/allied base.

Where and how to find out?

Well, now let's talk about how to find out your efficiency in WOT. In fact, this is not so difficult to do; you just need to visit one of the special sites and enter your nickname into the “window”. The following two services are considered the most popular and reliable:
  • In addition to this, you can install a special modification - XVM, after which you can find out your efficiency at any time by looking at the corresponding designation.


    Find out your efficiency in WOT It's not difficult, it's much more difficult to improve it. In any case, first of all, familiarize yourself with the available parameter. Perhaps your efficiency within the game world is already quite high, but you don’t even know that you are such a seasoned tanker! So check it quickly, and raise the desired “value” if you think it necessary. By the way, in addition to efficiency, players often look at the winning percentage. Show off 60% wins purple Not every player will be able to, but many will be able to reach turquoise. You just have to understand how. And we just have an article on the topic:

    World of Tanks – computer game that swept the whole world. It has been played by players since the beginning different countries peace. Playing a tank simulator keeps many people awake at night. Some time after the start of the game, the gamer becomes interested in how successful he is in his achievements. Efficiency will help to do this. Many new players are wondering what efficiency is in World of Tanks.

    What is efficiency?

    Literally, the abbreviation efficiency stands for coefficient of efficiency. In other words, this indicator indicates how useful a player can be to his team, as well as how good his skills are in battle.

    Efficiency is calculated based on statistical data. When calculating efficiency, it takes into account the number of victories and defeats, the capture of an enemy base and the shooting down of an allied base, the detection and destruction of opponents. In addition, the level of efficiency is influenced by the player’s technique. On technology high level it is easier to increase this indicator.

    Why is efficiency needed?

    Also, beginners think about what they need Efficiency World of Tanks. It's very simple. There are two explanations. The main thing is that since efficiency reflects skills and abilities in battle, they definitely pay attention to it when joining a clan. It's hard to get in good clan, if this indicator is low.

    In addition, efficiency gives many players an additional incentive. After all, you want to be the best among others. As a result, the player strives to improve his statistics and efficiency. Increasing this indicator will please the vanity of any gamer.

    How to find out your efficiency?

    In the game, efficiency can be viewed as a personal rating. But experienced players claim that the calculation of the efficiency factor inside the game is carried out according to an unfair algorithm, as a result of which laurels do not always go to the winners. This means that a player can perform well in battle, but at the same time increase his efficiency very slightly.

    To find out how useful a player really is to his team and what skills he has, efficiency is looked at on special online resources. To check your personal indicator, just enter your nickname and click the “Define” or “Download data” button. The most popular sites where you can view efficiency in World of Tanks are:


    "Olenemeter" comes to the rescue

    Directly in the game, the players’ efficiency is determined by the “Olenometer”. This is a special mod that is installed into the game. It got its name because it helps determine the opponent’s experience and detect “deer,” that is, inexperienced players.

    The mod highlights all players a certain color depending on statistics and skills. Red players don't know how to play at all, orange players don't know how to play better than the first. Gamers with yellow, and good ones - with green. Craftsmen high class are highlighted in blue, and unique players are highlighted in purple.

    But the “Olenometer” is often mistaken, so when you see an enemy team in which the majority of players are highlighted in red, you should not relax, since in this case the risk of defeat is very high. By the way, if you miss good online games, then be sure to come here, on this site you will find a lot of interesting virtual entertainment. Sometimes it’s worth taking a break from the “tanks”.

    How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

    Once the answer to the question “What is efficiency in the World of Tanks?” has been found, many players are thinking about how to increase this important indicator. The strategy here is very simple: you need to gain capture points, break the enemy's capture, destroy enemies and help your team and allies in every possible way, but at the same time remain alive until the end of the battle. In addition, to improve efficiency, you should choose a technique not lower than level 8, or better yet, even higher.