In which countries is natural gas produced? World leaders in natural gas production in the world

EU countries import approximately 60 percent of the gas consumed in the EU. The remaining 40 percent is mined in the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany, among others. True, domestic gas reserves are rapidly declining. According to forecasts, the EU's dependence on imports of blue fuel will increase.

Among the countries exporting natural gas to the European Union, the Big Three dominate. These are Russia, Norway and Algeria, which supply blue fuel mainly through pipelines. According to Eurostat, in 2009 these three countries accounted for about 85 percent of gas imported by the European Union. Among the remaining exporting countries, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt and Qatar should be highlighted, which lately sharply increased supplies of liquefied natural gas.

Russian gas

The largest supplier of natural gas to EU countries has been the Russian Gazprom for many years. According to the concern itself, in 2010 it exported 138 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe. However, these statistics include Türkiye and the Balkan countries that are not members of the EU. For comparison: Norway supplied about 100 billion cubic meters of gas to EU countries in 2010. Gazprom estimates its share of the European market at 23 percent.

The largest buyer of Russian gas in the EU is Germany. In 2010, Gazprom supplied 35 billion cubic meters of gas to Germany. The top five European importers of Russian gas also include Italy (13.1 billion cubic meters), Poland (11.8 billion cubic meters), Great Britain (10.7 billion cubic meters) and France (8.9 billion cubic meters).

Gazprom supplies blue fuel to the EU via pipelines through the territory of Ukraine and Belarus. It is not yet clear whether Russia will have to reduce supplies through these pipelines after the launch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Its design capacity is 55 billion cubic meters per year.

Contracts for pipeline gas are concluded for decades, and the price is calculated taking into account the cost of oil. This displeases Gazprom's partners, including the German energy concerns E.on and RWE. The fact is that the price of pipeline gas now significantly exceeds the cost of gas on the spot market.

LNG value

The fall in spot prices was the result of a change in the situation not only in the financial market, but also in the gas market. The world's main consumer of blue fuel, the United States, has sharply increased its own production. Thanks to the boom in the shale gas market, the United States has become the world's largest producer, overtaking Russia. At the same time, a number of countries, in particular Qatar and Nigeria, increased gas liquefaction capacity. As a result, supply in the spot market increased sharply, causing prices to fall.

EU countries are striving to diversify energy supplies. This plan includes not only the Nabucco gas pipeline construction project, but also an increase in imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from North Africa and the Middle East. In a number of European Union countries, in particular in Spain, France and the Netherlands, regasification stations have long been built. A large terminal for receiving LNG tankers is being built in the Polish port of Swinoujscie. Already in 2014, Poland intends to import up to five billion cubic meters of gas by sea, primarily from Qatar.

Editor : Tatiana Petrenko


  • Natural gas reserves: 4.504 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 2,2 %

Algeria is in tenth place in the ranking. The republic accounts for 4.504 trillion. m 3 of proven natural gas reserves in the world, which is 2.2% of world reserves. The country ranks second after Nigeria in natural gas production on the African continent. The main gas field being developed is Hassi - R "Mel. The production of blue fuel is under the control of the state corporation - Sonatrak, which is the owner and operator of gas liquefaction production lines located in the cities of Arzev and Skikda.


  • Natural gas reserves: 5.111 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 2,5 %

Nigeria holds the lead in terms of natural gas reserves among African countries. The state has reserves of 5.111 trillion. m 3 of proven natural gas reserves, concentrating 2.5% of world reserves. Blue fuel production is concentrated within the Niger Delta. Natural gas is produced from oil fields, most of which is flared and the least of which is returned to oil wells. However, recently the country has begun to think about production efficiency through recycling and avoiding the combustion of associated gas. Currently, Nigeria is the largest supplier of LNG, the lion's share of which is intended for Europeans.


  • Natural gas reserves: 5.617 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 2,8 %

Venezuela ranks eighth in the ranking of countries in terms of natural gas reserves. Gas reserves in this country are estimated at 5.617 trillion. m 3, providing 2.8% of world reserves. The state is the leader in terms of proven natural gas reserves on the Latin American continent. The gas industry is regulated by the national company Petroleos de Venezuela S.A (PDVSA). Natural gas is produced as a by-product in 5 oil and gas basins, which is not exported, but is used for the purpose of re-injection into oil fields.


  • Natural gas reserves: 6.091 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 3,0 %

The largest deposits of natural gas are concentrated in the bowels of the UAE, allowing the state to firmly hold fourth place in terms of reliable gas reserves in the Middle East. The volume of proven reserves is 6.091 trillion. m 3 (3.0% of world reserves). The oil and gas industry is managed by a state holding - Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). The UAE has gas liquefaction and LNG regasification plants.


  • Natural gas reserves: 7.504 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 3,7 %

This country ranks sixth in terms of proven natural gas reserves in the world. Turkmenistan accounts for 7.504 trillion. m 3 (3.7% of all reserves). The country's leading deposit is Galkynysh. The second largest gas storehouse is South Yolotan. China is considered the main consumer of the gas segment of Turkmenistan, but part of the proceeds from the supply of blue fuel to the Celestial Empire goes to repay loan obligations to Beijing. Despite the unstable economy, the government of Turkmenistan openly announced an increase in gas production and exports by several times, up to 230 billion m 3.


  • Natural gas reserves: 8.489 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 4,2 %

The fifth largest holder of proven gas reserves in the world is Saudi Arabia. Geological gas reserves in this state are estimated at 8.489 trillion m3 (4.2% of all reserves). The dominant role in the kingdom's economy belongs to the state corporation Saudi Aramco, which controls the entire gas and oil industry. According to the national economic transformation plan, by 2020 Saudi Arabia plans to increase natural gas production to 504 million m 3.


  • Natural gas reserves: 10.440 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 5,2 %

The world's largest natural gas reserves are concentrated in the United States, amounting to 10.440 trillion m3 (5.2% of all reserves). The country is a leader in the number of explored shale hydrocarbon deposits. The most impressive deposits in terms of volume are Haynesville, Marcellus and Point Thomson in Alaska. According to the EIA (Energy Information Administration) report, by 2018 the US will become a net exporter of the natural gas industry.


  • Natural gas reserves: 24.530 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 12,2 %

This small state, located in the Middle East, is one of the leaders in the gas industry. Proven reserves of blue “gold” are measured in the following figures - 24.530 trillion. m 3 (12.2% of world reserves). Qatar is the most rich country in the world, and this is not surprising, because it is here that the gigantic Northern deposit is located, the resources of which are designed for 135 years, while maintaining modern indicators production According to the management of the state-owned company Qatar Petroleum, Qatar is increasing natural gas production and LNG exports due to the lifting of the moratorium imposed in 2005.


  • Natural gas reserves: 34.020 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 16,9 %

“Silver” in the ranking of countries goes to the Islamic state of Western Asia, which has 34.020 trillion. m 3 of proven reserves of blue fuel. In the waters of the Persian Gulf there is a super-powerful gas field - South Pars, thanks to which Iran's natural gas reserves account for 16.9% of the world's. The lifting of sanctions served to increase gas production and expand the sales market. According to the agreements reached, Iran resumed gas supplies to the capital of Iraq, the city of Baghdad, and starting in June 2017, increased gas exports by 5 million m3.


  • Natural gas reserves: 47.800 trillion m3
  • From global stocks: 23,9 %

The Russian Federation is at the top of the ranking of leading countries in terms of natural gas reserves. 47.800 trillion are concentrated in the depths of the state. m 3 of proven resources. Export of natural gas is a priority in the country's economy, which accounts for 23.9% of global reserves. Giant fields are located in three oil and gas basins of the country, namely: West Siberian, Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora. Given the growing popularity of liquefied hydrocarbons, Gazprom has successfully implemented projects to build LNG plants. Among the first to be launched was a large-scale enterprise, Sakhalin-2.

Our top 10 gas producing countries for 2017 are based on OPEC data published in the 2017 Annual Statistical Bulletin.

10 Turkmenistan

This country is located in Central Asia. There are two oil and gas provinces on the territory of Turkmenistan: the Turan oil and gas province and the South Caspian oil and gas basin. These provinces are home to over 220 gas, oil and gas, petroleum and condensate fields. In 2017, 81.765 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

9 Algeria

This country is located in North Africa. Most of Algeria's territory lies in the Sahara Desert. In the depths of the country there are oil and gas reserves. In the fall of 2009, a gas condensate field was discovered in Algeria, which was named Ain Tsila. There gas deposits are located at a depth of 1.5-2.0 km. In 2017, 93.152 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

8 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country has large oil and gas reserves. In February 2007, a gas field was discovered in the Rub al-Khali desert, which was named Tukhman. Its deposits are located at a depth of 5-5.5 km. The initial reserves of natural gas in Tukhman amount to 1 billion cubic meters. m. Also in the Persian Gulf basin there is a large oil and gas field called Gavar. The deposits in it are located at a depth of 1.5-3 km. Geological reserves of natural gas in Gavar amount to 1.01 billion cubic meters. m. In 2017, 110.86 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

7 Norway

Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Spitsbergen archipelago and many islands. The country has large oil and gas reserves. The largest natural gas reserves are the Troll, Oseberg and Frigg fields. The troll stores 1287 billion cubic meters. m of gas, Oseberg - 60 billion cubic meters. m of gas, Frigg - 225 billion cubic meters. m of gas. In 2017, 120.193 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

6 China

China is located in East Asia. In the depths of the country there are large reserves of oil and gas. Among the famous gas fields China - Clamely (gas field), Liuhua (offshore gas condensate field), Sulige (gas field), Changbei (gas field), Shiugou-Dongxi (gas field), Yacheng (offshore gas condensate field). In 2017, 136.628 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

5 Canada

Canada is located in North America. The country's subsoil has large reserves of natural gas. There are several gas basins in Canada. The main basin is located in the province of Alberta. It includes fields such as Rainbow Lake, Pembina Forks and Medicine Hat. The Taylor field is located in the province of British Columbia, and the Christopher Bay field is located in the province of Nunavut. In 2017, 174.051 billion cubic meters were produced in Canada. m of natural gas.

4 Qatar

Qatar is located on the Qatar Peninsula, which is located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country's subsoil is rich in natural gas. In the central part of the Persian Gulf there is the North, a large oil and gas field. In 2017, 182.83 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

3 Iran

Iran is located in Western Asia. The country has large reserves of oil and natural gas. In the central part of the Persian Gulf there is a large oil and gas field, South Pars. Iran also has such gas fields as Kengan (gas condensate field), Sardar Milli (oil and gas), Foroz (gas), Khayyam (gas), Hangiran (gas), as well as the Pre-Zagros oil and gas region. In 2017, 226.905 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.USA

USA is located in North America. The country's subsoil has large reserves of oil and natural gas. As of 2013, there were 383 drilling rigs producing natural gas in the United States. The country has 38 oil and gas basins and 14 suspected oil and gas basins. In 2017, 751.063 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

Natural gas is needed by humanity for many purposes: heating buildings, cooking, heating water, obtaining certain substances in chemical industry, and also as fuel for various equipment.

The recent lifting of sanctions on Iran will lead to the emergence of another major seller in the gas market. But even without this country, there are enough states that extract and export natural resources in huge quantities. Let's remember, which countries are the leaders in gas production? In the context of current world politics, this information is more relevant than ever.

Gas reserves: 4.5 trillion cubic meters

Algeria ranks 10th in world gas production. The amount of gas in this North African country is 2.5% of world reserves. And half of this number is mined at the Hassi R’Mei deposit, located in the southeast of the country. Gas producing companies such as Total and Shell have been operating in this country for decades.
Three plants with 15 production lines are engaged in gas production. Two of them are located in the city of Arzev and one in the city of Skikda.

Gas reserves: 5.1 trillion cubic meters

This country ranks first in gas production on the African continent. Also, it is a member of OPEC. And this despite the fact that in Nigeria high level corruption, political instability, weak economy and poorly developed infrastructure. Nigeria is a very gas-dependent country, with profits from its exports accounting for 95% of its foreign exchange earnings. In 2010, Nigeria became a leading exporter liquefied gas. After all, the volume of this exported natural resource is 21.9 million tons.

Gas reserves: 5.6 trillion cubic meters

The gas reserves of this country, which ranks 8th in the list of leaders in mineral extraction, amount to 2.9% of the world's. But most of them are gas associated with oil. Most of the deposits are located in Norte De Pario (an area north of Trinidad and Tobago). But the gas sector in Venezuela is not very developed, which is holding back its development. The main gas pipelines are owned by PDVSA GAS.

Gas reserves: 6.1 trillion cubic meters

Most of this country's gas reserves are located in its capital, Dubai. Oil fields are located there and there is a Khuff gas reserve. In 1977, the first liquefied gas plant was built in the UAE by ADGAS. Currently, it is engaged in processing natural gas from all oil fields of the country, which ranks 7th in the list of leaders in the production of this mineral.

Gas reserves: 8.2 trillion cubic meters

All oil and gas fields belong to the only state-owned company in the country - Saudi Aramco. It is a monopolist in this area. Total in Saudi Arabia There are more than 70 deposits located in 8 regions of the country. Currently time goes by accelerated rate of gas production. This is due to economic diversification. The country, which is one of the leaders in the production of this natural resource, plans to increase gas supply to the world market.
As for the mixed oil and gas fields, found back in the late 20th century, they are located in the oil fields of Kirkuk. Pure deposits, constituting 1/5 of the country's total reserves, are located in the Gavar oil field.

Gas reserves: 9.8 trillion cubic meters

More than half of this country's gas reserves are located in just four states: Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and Oklahoma. Also, about 5% of mineral resources are taken from the continental shelf, which is under the jurisdiction of the US government. The main gas producing companies in the country, which occupies the middle of the top leaders in gas production, are: BP, ExxonMobil.

Gas reserves: 17.5 trillion cubic meters

Natural gas is an integral part of the economy of Turkmenistan, which is one of the leaders in the production of this mineral. After all, most of the country’s reserves are spent on its export. All gas is produced in one field - Galkynysh. According to experts, it contains more than 25 trillion cubic meters.
Several years ago, plans included a project to build the Nabucco pipe. But he died due to the fault of the country's government. And high hopes were placed on him.

Gas reserves: 24.5 trillion cubic meters

All liquefied gas production plants are located in one city in Qatar - Ras Laffan. The first plant was built in 1996, and gas supplies began a year later. Almost 85% of the total gas produced is supplied to European, Asian and North American markets. This became possible thanks to the successful geographical location a country that took bronze in the ranking of leading states in gas production.

Gas reserves: 32.6 trillion cubic meters

Gas export is the most important part of the economy of Russia - the leader in production in this area. The natural resource is mined in Western Siberia(Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District), in the Urals, in the Lower Volga region and in the North Caucasus. Gas reserves account for more than 60% of all Russian resources.
The natural resource is transported through the Unified Gas Supply System and a network of gas pipelines more than 140 thousand km long.
The gas producer is the monopolist Gazprom, which provides 95% of the natural resource from all production in the country.

Gas reserves: 34 trillion cubic meters

All fields are located in the north of the country, which ranks first in gas production in the world, and on the shelf near the Persian Gulf. Foreign (French, Chinese, Belarusian) investors who came to the country back in the late 90s are working on the extraction of natural resources. True, they stopped their activities for a time when sanctions were introduced against Iran, but it seems that they can now return to the market again.
The country's authorities plan to increase gas production to 1 billion cubic meters per day by 2017. Iran's total reserves account for 18% of the world's reserves.

The article presents current and official data for 2016, based on the information provided statistical information Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Modern human living conditions cannot be imagined without the presence of natural gas as fuel. Environmental friendliness, good thermal conductivity, easy transportability, relatively low price and others positive properties make it indispensable in many areas of human life, industry and power generation.

In fact, the horizon is not so peaceful for the United States. And, as always, when it comes to energy, economic fundamentals as important as the political strategies of producing countries. When the manufacturing countries meeting in the Trust, particularly Saudi Arabia, decided to keep production levels unchanged at the end of November, everyone was thinking about striking the United States.

Oil and gas are the backbone of the Russian economy and provide more than half of the government revenue available annually to the country under Vladimir Putin's presidency. Foreign operators, fearful of the consequences that free-falling oil could have on the Russian economy, began to reduce their exposure to the country: there was an outflow of capital. The defense of the exchange came at a huge cost in terms of national reserves of foreign gold and foreign currency.

World leaders in natural gas production in the world

The main consumers are not geographically located in the regions. This is due to the geographic distribution of industry and electricity, as well as population density in a particular region.

Since the 1970s, the largest consumption volumes have been in three regions globe: North America, Foreign Europe and CIS countries. Of these regions, only the United States of America and Canada can fully supply themselves with the necessary reserves of fuel resources. In other regions, large consumption does not come from their own resources - exports from producing countries predominate.

In all this, Europe can do no more than look on. Russia is the first gas exporter in Italy with a share of 38%. However, given the deterioration of relations with Europe, the situation will soon change. Like the United States, Moscow is also pointing to Asia. And in December, he signed twenty trade agreements with India in the energy sector. In addition, Moscow reached an agreement with the Ankara government to increase gas supplies to Turkey by 3 billion cubic meters. M by strengthening the Blue Stream gas pipeline.

Producing countries in the Middle East and North Africa have always played a key role in meeting the demand of consuming countries, especially Asian and European consumers. And it will continue to be critical, according to the International Energy Agency, with some of the world's largest oil and gas reserves and production costs that remain particularly low. However, even in this case, the geopolitical alignment can quickly change. The Islamic State then took over large parts of Iraq and western Syria, restricting crude oil supplies and seizing some production on the black market.

The diagram shows the main gas production areas in the world, with individual countries taken as the area. In total, all indicators are taken as 100%, not counting the remaining territories, which account for the small size of the development. The unit of measurement in the chart is billion cubic meters.

Finally, in some countries, a growing share of production may support domestic consumption at the expense of European buyers. Despite the complexity of the political framework, after the deterioration of relations with Russia, Europe and Italy, they are increasingly interested in North Africa. “The energy problem will be more North-South oriented, and this confirms the importance of relations between European Union and Africa, as well as between Italy and Algeria,” said Council President Matteo Renzi.

In this context, it increases coal consumption. Despite agreements and proclamations in the area environment, consumption of this fossil fuel is expected to increase globally. In the future, coal demand may be stimulated by the development of gasification for the production of synthetic gas and hydrocarbons, especially in China.

In terms of natural gas production, more than 25% of the world belongs to the United States, which occupies a leading position. Russia ranks second, accounting for about 20 percent of total production ten leading regions.

The position of countries in the list of leaders in gas production does not at all mean the leadership of these same countries in global fuel trade, that is, export to other regions of the world. For 2016, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries compiled a rating of states that are export-oriented, of which eight are leading.

The occasion is wasted, that is, the announcement of a declared death. In a completely unprecedented comparison between the voices opposing the extractive activities produced and enhanced by the means mass media, and nothing contrary to it. Almost the issue was of local importance, and it did not concern the entire country, its economy, its industry, its growth.

Last but not least: his energy security, a term that is so overused that he considers it irrelevant in facts and policy. This is why you can talk about a chronicle of a declared death with a seemingly desirable outcome, where everything seems to play into the hope that a quorum is reached or not. How to bet on the highest card. If this is achieved, it is almost certain to be a victory without triv. For the simple reason that the media, from the mainstream press to public television, disinformation has so far triumphed, arguing the arguments of opponents without saying anything about others.

The twenty largest gas fields contain about 1,200 billion cubic meters of gas. The geography of areas that are rich in this natural resource is confined to the territories of the following countries of the world:

  1. Russia. 9 largest places fuel deposits out of 20 are located on the lands Russian Federation. Most of them were opened in the 60-80s of the last century. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, three new large deposits were discovered in Russia, which were included in the TOP 20: West Kamchatka, Leningradskoye and Rusanovskoye (read also -).
  2. USA. The subregion contains 4 largest deposits, which were discovered in the mid-1960s and began to be intensively used at the end of the 20th century.
  3. Qatar and Iran. There are two rich places here, one of which simultaneously occupies state lands of Qatar and Iran.
  4. Turkmenistan. There is only one rich place that is among the leaders in gas reserves.
  5. China. One large deposit, which was discovered in 2008 and took tenth place in the TOP-20 states in terms of resource reserves ().
  6. Algeria. The last three lines in the ranking are occupied by Algerian regions. Hassi Mel is the oldest in the country, discovered back in 1957, but until now it is also the largest in Algeria in terms of its reserves. The other two were opened in 2004 and 2006.

First place on the list largest deposits occupies North or South Pars, which is located within two countries - Qatar and Iran, as well as in the water area of ​​the Persian oil and gas basin and Gulf. It was discovered in 1991 and currently its reserves exceed 270 billion cubic meters. The Persian Gulf is a global giant not only in terms of the presence of deposits, but also in terms of production volumes in the Asian oil and gas region.

There is no reason why any common sense citizen can advocate for activities proclaimed every day - causing irreparable damage to health, nature, area, fisheries, tourism and agriculture. Without this - proclaims every day - there is no benefit for the people or the whole country, because, according to the statement, only the famous multinational oil will win. The fact that this is all just propaganda is irrelevant, nor is the fact that there is no rush to prove that oil or methane extraction is damaging tourism, fishing, agriculture.

After the opening of the new Galkynysh location in Turkmenistan in 2006, it took second place in the list of world leaders. It owns 210 billion cubic meters of resource, the deposits of which are located within the Murghab oil and gas basin.

The third place belongs to the Russian Federation, namely the Urengoy region, confined to the West Siberian oil and gas basin. It was discovered in 1996; as of 2016, its reserves amount to 10.2 trillion cubic meters.

As it would be, but it would be more difficult to study the foreign experience of cooperation between the oil industry and French farms, British universities, and Norwegian fishermen. But that doesn't mean anything. Apart from opposing each other among the thousands of mysticisms that are spreading: oil production is ahistorical, since it is now the cornerstone source of the world's energy supply and punishes new renewable resources, while it should be known that the former is used almost exclusively in transport, and the latter - in power generation.

Main gas production areas in the world

Below is a map that reflects the geography of the largest gas fields throughout the globe. The main deposits of blue fuel are concentrated within the leading states on an annual basis.

The same can be said about the risks of irresponsible environmental disasters, taking the case of Macondo in the Gulf of Mexico on our shores. On the other hand, nothing is said about the main issue: preventing the use of domestic oil or methane, preferring to import it, possibly from Libya, by funding militias in the war; means spending billions of euros abroad rather than allocating them to domestic growth; means helping other businesses at the expense of ours. Because fear, like slander, weighs more than any assurance or denial.

The largest mineral reserves are located within the following deposits on the planet:

  • Gulf of Mexico and Alaska in the United States of America;
  • in the Russian Federation, the southern and northern regions of Western Siberia, territories Far East and Sakhalin, the shelves of two seas - the Barents and Kara;
  • fields located within Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia of the Persian Gulf;
  • the southern regions of Turkmenistan, whose minerals are exported to three countries - Poland, Ukraine and Hungary;
  • Algeria and Nigeria are the only subregions in Africa with natural gas reserves. The fuel is different here high quality, which is missing great content harmful impurities and slags;
  • in the Norwegian North Sea. The volumes of natural gas deposits are considered the largest in Europe;
  • on Canadian lands there are several of the largest areas within the island of Newfoundland of the northern provinces, including the shelf of the Western Canadian Basin;
  • In China, the main gas production areas are concentrated in the Tari Basin

OPEC statistics indicate that with the growing consumption of blue fuel on the planet, the remaining reserves will only last for the next 65 years. All state deposits contain no more than 180 trillion cubic meters of flammable material. More than 120 trillion are fuel reserves that have not yet been explored, since they lie at very great depths in earth's crust and is practically not available for global production.

Instead, think about this: what will happen if the referendum passes. First: there would be a full political and instrumental reading of the referendum response, regardless of what questions were put to voters. Secondly, because winning without a trick will have the same consequences as nuclear energy: the destruction of an entire industry - electromechanical, in which tens of tens of thousands of employees, a large number of engineers, excellent production skills, scientific and academic knowledge are among the first in the world.

Everything is destroyed: factories, businesses, schools, professionalism. With the victory of the net-trive, we would have had the same result: the destruction of another Italian industry, not so much the mining industry, which would not have difficulty moving its investments abroad, but the one that produces goods and services for it. An industry that goes back to the unity of Italy, which is divided into hundreds of companies gathered in the areas of oil services, especially in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Abruzzo, which boasts a highly valued technological specialization, with the exception of Italy.

We present to your attention a list of states that produce and export natural gas in huge quantities.
10. Algeria. Gas reserves: 4.5 trillion cubic meters

Algeria ranks 10th in world gas production. The amount of gas in this North African country is 2.5% of world reserves. And half of this number is mined at the Hassi R’Mei deposit, located in the southeast of the country. Gas producing companies such as Total and Shell have been operating in this country for decades. Three plants with 15 production lines are engaged in gas production. Two of them are located in the city of Arzev and one in the city of Skikda.

Yes, the referendum will be its final end. This is the real game at stake: although they are more likely to ignore the general indifference and irresponsibility of those who should look at the interests of the country than at their electoral dividends. America's achievement of energy independence tilted the geopolitical balance of the world and contributed to a fall in oil prices, which led to an increase in supply, eclipsing demand in dark years recession.

The Shale Gas Revolution The Miracle of the Stars and Stripes Is the Result of " revolutionary revolution", at least twenty years ago and implemented using mass use cracking or hydraulic fracturing techniques. It was Texas engineer George Mitchell who, in the late 1980s, managed to make it economically possible to extract “shale gas,” natural gas trapped in the microporosity of low-permeability clay rocks, by combining two methods: horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, which subsequently turned out to be effective in unconventional oil production from fields.

9. Nigeria. Gas reserves: 5.1 trillion cubic meters

This country ranks first in gas production on the African continent. Also, it is a member of OPEC. And this despite the fact that Nigeria has a high level of corruption, political instability, a weak economy and poorly developed infrastructure. Nigeria is a very gas-dependent country, with profits from its exports accounting for 95% of its foreign exchange earnings. In 2010, Nigeria became a leading exporter of liquefied natural gas. After all, the volume of this exported natural resource is 21.9 million tons.

This process can be accomplished either by using existing wells, extending their length, or creating new ones, but the enormous potential comes hand in hand with costs that far exceed traditional mine production. Environmental problem. Of water being used in significant quantities even in places where there is always a scarce resource such as Texas where aquifers are already at risk of exhaustion. Another problem is pollution: when it begins to produce oil and gas, it also rises to the surface with polluted natural waters. chemicals in soil or added.

8. Venezuela. Gas reserves: 5.6 trillion cubic meters

This country's gas reserves account for 2.9% of the world's. But most of them are gas associated with oil. Most of the deposits are located in Norte De Pario (an area north of Trinidad and Tobago). But the gas sector in Venezuela is not very developed, which is holding back its development. The main gas pipelines are owned by PDVSA GAS.

Not only do aquifers that serve residents of the affected area risk poisoning if they are too close to wells. So much so that in Pennsylvania it is no longer possible to search for gas and oil under state forests - two-thirds are located above the Marcellus Shale - or even buried from adjacent private lands, as in the golden age. Bad vibrations All environmental pollution and health risks are reported as the main frequency of earthquakes in crack areas. All this affects industries, forcing them to invest more funds to ensure installation safety and gradually reduce the coverage area.

7. UAE. Gas reserves: 6.1 trillion cubic meters

Most of this country's gas reserves are located in its capital, Dubai. Oil fields are located there and there is a Khuff gas reserve. In 1977, the first liquefied gas production plant was built in the UAE by ADGAS. Currently, it is engaged in processing natural gas from all oil fields of the country.

With the price of oil below the psychological threshold of $30, oil production is no longer convenient. Weak traders left the market or joined large companies, joining capital and, above all, technology to compete with large companies and try to reduce production costs. Supply does not fall because efficiency production processes has increased compared to the past thanks to the drilling site, for example, which allows one number of wells to be drilled from one location.

Or "rephrasing", that is, hydraulically "re-fracturing" well-fractured wells - an operation that allows for a 100% increase in production at very low cost. Not to mention, “unconventional” wells are immune to the “time” factor: they don’t take years to reach peak production and can be started in a few weeks or, if necessary, stop waiting for better prices.

6. Saudi Arabia. Gas reserves: 8.2 trillion cubic meters

All oil and gas fields belong to the only state-owned company in the country - Saudi Aramco. It is a monopolist in this area. In total, there are more than 70 deposits in Saudi Arabia, located in 8 regions of the country. Currently, gas production is accelerating. This is due to economic diversification. The country, which is one of the leaders in the production of this natural resource, plans to increase gas supply to the world market. As for the mixed oil and gas fields, found back in the late 20th century, they are located in the oil fields of Kirkuk. Pure deposits, constituting 1/5 of the country's total reserves, are located in the Gavar oil field.

5. USA. Gas reserves: 9.8 trillion cubic meters

More than half of this country's gas reserves are located in just four states: Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and Oklahoma. Also, about 5% of mineral resources are taken from the continental shelf, which is under the jurisdiction of the US government. The main gas producing companies in the country, which occupies the middle of the top leaders in gas production, are: BP, ExxonMobil.

4. Turkmenistan. Gas reserves: 17.5 trillion cubic meters

Natural gas is an integral part of the economy of Turkmenistan, which is one of the leaders in the production of this mineral. After all, most of the country’s reserves are spent on its export. All gas is produced in one field - Galkynysh. According to experts, it contains more than 25 trillion cubic meters. Several years ago, plans included a project to build the Nabucco pipe. But he died due to the fault of the country's government. And high hopes were placed on him.

3. Qatar. Gas reserves: 24.5 trillion cubic meters

All liquefied gas production plants are located in one city in Qatar - Ras Laffan. The first plant was built in 1996, and gas supplies began a year later. Almost 85% of the total gas produced is supplied to European, Asian and North American markets. This became possible thanks to the favorable geographical location of the country, which took bronze in the ranking of leading states in gas production.

2. Russia. Gas reserves: 32.6 trillion cubic meters

Gas export is the most important part of the economy of Russia - the leader in production in this area. The natural resource is mined in Western Siberia (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), the Urals, the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus. Gas reserves account for more than 60% of all Russian resources. The natural resource is transported through the Unified Gas Supply System and a network of gas pipelines more than 140 thousand km long. The gas producer is the monopolist Gazprom, which provides 95% of the natural resource from all production in the country.

The article presents current and official data for 2016, based on the provided statistical information from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Modern human living conditions cannot...