Apartment with individual heating: pros and cons. Gas heating at home. Gas heating: pros and cons

The transition to apartment heating systems is increasingly common in new buildings. However, enough new houses are also being built with centralized heating. This article is addressed to those who are now looking at a new home and wondering which option is best to choose.

What are we talking about

The main idea is clear: new home does not connect to central heating. What is the result?

The controller will record one of many applications programmed by the vendor for a specific controller type. For a loaded application that precisely defines the behavior of the controller, the control parameters can be changed again. In case of incorrect configurations or more late changes in client requests, applications can be used to overcome the application of another application or a new application designed exactly according to the client's needs. Typically these costs range from ten to hundreds of thousands of crowns.

  1. The developer thus saves on communications wiring and installation heating devices; In addition, complex calculations and countless approvals with heat suppliers are not required.
  2. For a potential buyer of an apartment, the fact that they are not selling housing with an already concluded contract for the supply of thermal energy should also be beneficial. At a minimum, he can choose the heat source and heating temperature.

However: in practice, most new buildings are delivered with pre-installed double-circuit gas boilers. It is clear that their price is included in the cost of housing.

Disadvantages of autonomous heating

The controller is freely programmable, so the supplier will provide the application directly from specific action. The ideal case, usually abrupt, is the possibility of later changes. Here too, the future functionality of the function is limited by the controller hardware, in particular the number and types of inputs and outputs.

It is impossible to "judge" the function of a controller based solely on the description of the input and output terminals on the data sheet. In addition to most other controls that are hidden in the engine room, in the eyes of the average building occupant, room controls are part of the constantly occupied spaces. Once again this brings reality to us, we must pay attention to this.

Apartments with connected communications, but without a pre-installed heating system of any type, however, can also be seen for sale. Let's look at both cases.

Gas boiler

It’s worth saying right away: gas REALLY is the cheapest source of heat for heating. At least on at the moment. Let's weigh the pros and cons of this scenario.

If thermometer controls are included, the controls must be positioned so that the set temperature matches the actual temperature. temperature conditions indoors. This is a one hundred and a half rule that is still difficult to observe during large offices and glass pins. It is extremely important to convince architects of the importance of correct installation of sensors and to find at least a compromise. With some controllers there are also wireless controls, especially suitable for glass walls or sliding pads.


Practice shows that the difference in payment between centralized heating and autonomous heating using gas ranges from 2 to 3 times at the same temperature conditions.

Why is central heating so expensive?

It’s clear that the first one is almost unconditioned reflex— blame greedy officials for everything. However, tariffs for heat in housing and communal services have, in addition to someone’s ill will, quite sound justifications.

Companies usually provide room management in one design and color. Colorful execution is inexorably expensive, problems arise primarily in hotels and the reconstruction of old buildings. Of course, this means price. For large quantity The class settings represent classic white balance.

What are we talking about

Make sure that controls located in high comfort areas do not have different bumps and horns that are dusty enough to remove. The big question is which controls and displays should be available at all times. In addition, the customer will be asked to perform a rotary control of the required temperature, the wheel should have a clear indication. Changing the fan coil can be automatic, usually according to a standard deviation or manual, preferably by buttons.

  • They pay for gas, which is used to produce heat by boiler houses and thermal power plants, at a higher rate than private individuals.
  • No one has canceled the depreciation of equipment. Boilers require periodic repair and maintenance; In addition, the tariffs are forced to include planned replacement of equipment.
  • Annual repairs and planned replacement of heating mains also place a burden on your pocket.
  • Your home heating system needs to be serviced. This expense item includes the planned replacement and repair of risers, elimination of radiator leaks, inspection and replacement of valves in the elevator unit, checking and boring of nozzles, monitoring the temperature conditions of the elevator and hundreds more various works that we often don't notice.
  • Finally, all heat losses: on a heating main with stripped thermal insulation, in an open entrance, even in the thermal power plant itself are paid for... that’s right, you too.

Another important advantage that an apartment heating system has is independence. I think everyone has had to freeze at home while waiting for the heating to start and suffer from stuffiness on a hot April day. implies that you provide the temperature you need at any time, in accordance with ONLY at your own comfort.

Sliding riders don't have long life and it's game over. While the controller is a display with the real and desired value, if you do not see other data, the number of people is numbered many times. It is not always easy to explain to the user that opening the valve more than 100% is impossible.

Moving places or hall offices that work in a shared space have more fan coils and therefore have an impact. To keep the price down, a common controller is used, which includes the use of various amplifiers and relay drives, as well as ten fan coil units or valve heads. It is for this reason that it is not technically correct the following reasons.


Of course, it could not have happened without them.

  • The use of exhaust combustion products through a coaxial air duct to the facade of the house means that it is better not to open the windows again. The soot that is inevitable during gas combustion will fall inside the premises.

However: in houses whose design was initially optimized for individual heating, a more complex boiler operation scheme is often found: air is taken from the facade, and combustion products are discharged into a ventilation duct, the throughput of which allows all boilers along the riser to operate at full power simultaneously.

Gas heating system

The location cannot be divided into sections; if this happens, only one is used as control, and due to different sections of the section, the required conditions are not achieved; it is very difficult to perform the cooling function accordingly. transition to a cool mood, opening window contacts: only the pop-up window affects the entire hall; in some cases different heating bodies may have different temperatures surfaces for the same control signal. This phenomenon depends on several individual characteristics separate heads, and in the “one regulator - one valve” assembly it is compensated by an integrator component in the controller. Even when the room temperature is maintained, the subjective impact on the user is significant. In some places where we don't expect any changes to the layout, a single regulator has more peripherals connected to it than most.

The photo shows just such a new building. Channels for air intake are installed on the façade.

  • Gas consumption in the corner and middle apartments of the house will vary. In the case of central heating, this, albeit somewhat comical, problem social inequality is solved by the same amount of payment for heat.
  • The greater the total amount gas equipment in a building, the greater the likelihood of a gas leak with corresponding consequences. Yes, modern boilers are much safer than Soviet-style gas stoves; however, in general the gas is still explosive.

Apartment without heating equipment: solution to the heating problem

Well, what options are possible when buying an apartment without a pre-installed boiler? Are there heating schemes that are at least close to gas in terms of convenience and efficiency?

Pay attention to the maximum scalability of the controller output signal. Availability problem more fan coil units with one contact with modern types there are no fan coils, and therefore there is no need to use a pitcher to soften the contacts; sure, but join the fan coil.

Features of the gas heating system

The best energy is the one that didn't have to be done. Communication controllers will send energy consumption signals to the main device. The performance of the primary facility varies depending on the total energy consumption from the multiplier circuits. In doing so, it takes into account both the enormous demand for energy and space, with the maximum requirement to avoid that an extremely busy site will be “accredited” by virtue of space without requisition. The entire system requires fine tuning of soft links to avoid dishonesty, but maximum savings have been achieved.

Actually, the choice is small. Most heat sources are not applicable in a city apartment.

  • Solid fuel boilers are becoming obsolete not even because of the need for frequent maintenance, but because there is no place to store firewood and coal in the apartment.
  • Solara is VERY loud burner noise and a container with a volume of at least a couple of cubes. And then, imagine the process of filling it in apartment building
  • Heating with electricity (more precisely, direct heating with its help) is very expensive. All energy-saving technologies (warm floors, infrared emitters and even more so, a variety of electric radiators and others like them) are capable of best case scenario reduce costs by a couple of tens of percent. Costs will still be 6-8 times higher than gas heating costs.

What remains? Actually, only heat pumps. Moreover, there are only two types - air-to-air and air-to-water.

Is it a lot or a little?

For non-communication controllers, this communication can be used in such a way as to reduce the relay parameters and, depending on the temperature, the type and amount of energy consumed will be estimated. One cannot differentiate between the two when it is the maximum use of a small number of places or, what is less, the balanced consumption of goods. In practice, for example, in the case of central computing, this algorithm is quite satisfactory.

Centralized weather programs and outside temperature limits

Here we assume that the building as a whole has a certain effect: the speed of the primary circuits is regulated by the expected occupation time. Air conditioners are switched in the evenings and during the afternoon to reduce traffic, they are turned off at night. Equithermal schemes experience a decrease in temperature at night and also work in accordance with the external acoustics of the façades.

Costs in the budget version are easy to estimate: for example, for a two-room apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters, two household heat pumps C Nordic CH-S09FTXN costing 22,000 rubles each are sufficient. This particular model was chosen not only for its low price, but also for its excellent energy efficiency combined with a wide range of operating temperatures for heating (up to -25C).

These measures are the same for both communicative and non-destructive regulators. Another interesting situation will happen when the air conditioning system and other systems are connected in the following areas: electronic security, lighting, rescue, hotel system, etc.

When installing communication controllers, you must understand that the controllers will only connect to systems from the same manufacturer or must use one of the standard open buses. When designing, it is necessary to take into account throughput buses and group the regulators accordingly.

Let's try to estimate the costs in this case. It’s more than easy to do the calculation yourself:

  • According to SNiP, heating 10 m2 requires one kilowatt of thermal power.

Please note: new houses are being built with the active use of energy-saving technologies, so in practice this value can be safely divided by two. However, we will proceed from the worst-case scenario.

Bus topology Maximum bus length Maximum number of controllers on the bus: this maximum quantity customizable addresses or a reasonable number of bus operations. The supplier will provide the necessary documentation. We must know that the most optimistic parameters are indicated in the dossier, consultations with supplier suppliers will be carried out. The topology used can influence the speech sentence: if necessary, it is necessary to find out whether, if the controllers are to be separated by buses, it is possible to transfer signals between the individual busbars and what time delay can be expected.

  • For an apartment of 60 m2, 6 kilowatts will therefore be required. The rated power of one CH-S09FTXN is 3600 watts; however, inverter control technology allows flexible power adjustment without stopping and then starting the compressor.
  • The C.O.P. parameter, meaning the ratio of effective thermal power to electrical power, for our air conditioners is 4.2. In order to provide a rated power of 6 kW, they will have to continuously spend 6/4.2 = 1.43 kilowatts.

Let's dwell on this value: on the one hand, as practice shows, with correctly calculated thermal power, the AVERAGE power consumption during the heating season does not exceed half the nominal value, on the other hand, the efficiency of heat pumps depends on the street temperature.

Other requirements are for the thermal load signal and another is for the command to light up from the switch to the light module. It is necessary to better test the communication capabilities of the systems using a no-frills test or ask the vendor to confirm that all troubleshooting tools are compatible. This the only way avoid the commissioning problem, that is, in a building where the building will inevitably be preserved by the handover date.

At the imaginary top of the control system there is a computer with a visualization program. It is used to control and monitor room temperatures and conditions, and as a diagnostic tool for regulation. Using a computer, it is easy to get an overview of the functions of individual spaces and remove any obstacles before the user's rooms are air-conditioned.

It is clear that at +15 and at -25 per kilowatt-hour of heat taken from the atmospheric air, electricity consumption will be different.

  • At the current cost of a kilowatt-hour, a day of heating will cost 1.43 kW * 4 r / kW / h * 24 hours = 137 rubles. The month is at 4110.

Is it a lot or a little?

On the one hand, the costs seem to be comparable to the costs of central heating. On the other hand:

This topic was presented at the tribal conference. In addition to very high efficiency, they have another one interesting feature which allows you to save money. Namely, some of these boilers do not require the construction of an exhaust pipe. They simply have a hole in the wall of the house, which in case of refusal refuses to build chimneys in your home! Some will say that a house without chimneys looks like a chicken coop, but it is certainly cheaper than one that requires chimneys!

What are the disadvantages of gas heating?

It is impossible to define gas heating as ideal because in addition to its many advantages, it also has many disadvantages. First of all, there are many cheaper natural gas fuels. and coal - good examples, although neither of these two fuels can be labeled as clean or clean. maintenance.

  • In reality, in a house with an insulated facade, the costs will be MUCH lower.
  • Heating season starts when it's convenient for you.
  • It is worth considering the immediate prospects. It is not difficult to predict an exponential rise in fossil fuel prices in the coming years. But electricity prices will grow much slower: the energy industry of all countries is switching to renewable sources.

Often the costs of connecting to a gas pipeline are very high. It's not just about heating the only way to distribute that fuel. Modern gas boilers are also not cheap, but this is just a feature of all modern ones. This heating system also requires a central heating system to operate.

It is known that the cost of heating includes not only the cost of energy, but also the cost of investing in the heating system, the heat source and everything else needed for heating. Among various types fuels that provide convenient and maintenance-free heating, the cheapest gas heater. Certainly, we're talking about only about the cost of fuel - it can be easily estimated based on the predicted efficiency of the heating system and the tariff of the gas supplier.

Which heating scheme is best to choose is, of course, up to you to decide.

How to switch to autonomous heating

Are there instructions for documenting the transition to autonomous heating for houses with central heating?

Here is an approximate procedure.

  1. The owner of the apartment clarifies the technical possibility of disconnecting the apartment from the central heating system. You will have to communicate either with the housing organization, or, which is more reasonable, directly with the heat supplier. The current municipal legislation provides for the theoretical possibility of switching to individual heating.
  2. Technical specifications for the installation of gas equipment are being prepared - consumption calculations, gas supply drawings, etc. Of course, if you switch to gas. When using any type of electric heating, your path lies to Energosbyt.
  3. A fire inspection report is being prepared. In city apartments, the walls are usually made of non-combustible material, so there should be no obstacles.
  4. If you plan to use a coaxial air duct with an outlet to the facade of the building, you will need permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.
  5. Next, you need to contact a licensed installation company and prepare a package of documents: certificates for the equipment being installed, installation instructions, a copy of the installers’ license, and a service agreement.
  6. After complete installation of the gas heating system, you will have to invite a gas service specialist to connect and start the boiler for the first time. In the case of heat pumps, this is, of course, not necessary.
  7. All that remains is to put the boiler on service and inform the gas service about the transition to autonomous heat supply.

However: under certain circumstances, the costs and timing of preparing documentation may turn out to be such that a reasonable question arises: isn’t it easier to exchange an apartment for a cottage?


You can learn a little more about how to implement individual heating in an apartment building from the video attached to the article.

In Anapa, houses are being built with both individual gas heating and central heating from the city boiler house.

There is an opinion that individual gas heating is more profitable for residents, more convenient in terms of the fact that the heating can be turned on when suddenly cold comes in the spring or vice versa, when in winter in Anapa the temperature rises to 20 degrees Celsius.

But besides the obvious advantages, individual gas heating also has some disadvantages that those who are interested in an apartment in Anapa need to know about.

For clarity, we present the pros and cons of individual heating in the table




The ability to regulate the heat supply at any time of the year at will

The boiler takes up a lot of space on the wall and hardly fits into modern interiors.

You can try to insulate the balcony and move the boiler there.

No shutdown problem hot water for prevention, etc.

Periodic inspection and maintenance of the boiler is required. This is usually done by Gorgaz or licensed companies.

Receipts for apartment payments do not include expenses such as payment for hot water and heat.

Consumption increases cold water and gas, but in financially it's cheaper than central heating

Heating system all year round filled with water, i.e. there is no problem of oxidation and corrosion internal surfaces pipelines and radiators. This increases the durability of the system.

It is believed that any boiler equipment sensitive to water quality and too hard water reduces the life of the equipment

The issue with hardness can be solved by installing a softening system

Environmental friendliness. Boilers use a closed combustion chamber. The release of combustion products into the atmosphere complies with European standards; the vast majority of them exit into the ventilation, which is connected to the boiler's air conditioning system.

Gas boilers operate on natural gas. Since gas is considered an explosive fuel, there is a theoretical possibility that it will explode someday.

Gorgaz imposes increased security measures. The developer is issued technical specifications for the installation of a specific boiler model with highest level safety and reliability.

Possibility of installing heating radiators anywhere in your apartment and in any quantity

But all this is a preamble. Let's look at how all these advantages and disadvantages apply to Anapa

In Anapa, many houses have been built with both individual gas and central heating. Therefore, it is enough to look at the reviews of the residents of a particular house in order to draw certain conclusions for yourself.

The main advantage that 90% of apartment buyers with individual heating, is the saving on heating. In second place is convenience due to independence from city heating networks.

These two advantages often outweigh all the disadvantages mentioned in the table above. But there is one more disadvantage that occurs only in resort towns. From 50 to 70 percent of apartments in new buildings in Anapa are bought up by people who do not plan to live here permanently.

What does this mean for those who move to Anapa for permanent residence? A permanent resident who buys an apartment in a building with gas heating will have to deal with the fact that neighboring apartments will be cold.

Moreover, cold is putting it mildly. Concrete cools down much faster than it heats up, and having frozen once, at the beginning of winter, it will become warm no earlier than the street temperature is stable at +20°C.

Not only is this in itself not very pleasant, it threatens that dampness and mold will appear in apartments without heating, which, in ways only known to it, can crawl into your apartment.

But for an enterprising person, this same disadvantage can also become an opportunity to earn money. All you need to do is get to know the owners of the empty apartments. In the summer, when they come on vacation, offer them to look after their apartments, keep them in order, and maybe rent them out for a small share for themselves.

It’s difficult to trust this to a stranger, but to a neighbor! The neighbor will probably be entrusted with the keys, at least I would be.

When you have 2–5 such apartments in your inventory, you will begin to think about scaling your business. With recommendations from your neighbors, it will not be difficult for you to do this.

Another significant disadvantage of individual heating in Anapa is the time it takes to connect it. The headache of shareholders who bought an apartment in a building with IGO (individual gas heating) can last for years.

Houses with IGOs ​​that were connected to the gas mains in a timely manner can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

An important question that worries many who choose between individual and central heating is how much it costs to connect gas. It is difficult to name a specific amount; on average, for a boiler, its connection, installation of equipment, connection of radiators, it costs from 50 thousand rubles and more.

If we talk about the pros and cons of central heating, then among the advantages, I would include the complete removal of responsibility for whether you will be warm or not. When you have central heating this headache falls entirely on the operating organization.

And if suddenly the heating is delayed even for a day, you can righteous anger go smash the office management company and the Anapa administration building along with it.

Residents of houses with central heating are not familiar with problems with boiler breakdowns and their expensive repairs. All equipment is heating radiators, which in the fall need to be vented to remove air pockets. That's all the preparation for the winter season.