What is tsr. ALL about technical means of rehabilitation. Legislative framework for provision of disabled people

Now let’s look at what technical means of rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as TSR) we are entitled to. TSR is what a disabled person needs for his/her continued existence, to facilitate his/her life activities, and to assist in rehabilitation and adaptation measures. According to clause 10 Federal Law 181 "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation"(see attachment):

" GThe state guarantees disabled people the opportunity to rehabilitation activities, obtaining technical means and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget. "..."The volume of rehabilitation measures provided for by the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person cannot be less than that established by the federal basic program rehabilitation of disabled people."

Here the link goes to an existing onefederal list of TSR(see attachments) , approved by Moscow MMinistry of Health. All thatstated in this list, we have the right to receive no less than this amount, subject to agreement with the attending physician (for example, in the event of a spinal injury, it is difficult to prove the need for a guide dog). Thus, we are entitled to 4 strollers (home, walking, active and electric), canes, crutches, supports (walkers), handrails, prostheses, orthoses, orthopedic shoes, anti-bedsore mattresses and pillows (even in the absence of bedsores), devices for dressing, gripping items, special means for violation of excretory functions (diapers, catheters, urine and colostomy bags, diapers), chairs with sanitary equipment, Dynamic Parapodium!!!

Depending on the level of damage spinal cord and your condition as a whole, we need different TSRs, and thus the ITU employees determine what to give us, since, in theory, as the lost functions are restored, the necessary means of rehabilitation change. For example, first you are given a home stroller and a walking stroller, then you become more active and receive an active stroller, then walkers, canes, etc. But the rehabilitation process includes various TSR on different stages rehabilitation and ONLY THE PATIENT HIMSELF knows what he may need, because it is he who is being rehabilitated, and the ITU staff can only recommend TSR to you. Therefore, it is better to buy TSR on your own, with subsequent compensation (after it is included in the IPR). In connection with these needs, the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region created TSR classifier(see attachments), which was created with the purpose of:

“determining the amount of compensation for technical means of rehabilitation (products) purchased by disabled people (veterans) at their own expense, and (or) services for their repair paid for at their own expense, as well as specifying certain types of technical means of rehabilitation federal list rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services.”

So, EVERYTHING that is listed in the Federal List (Classifier) ​​can be included in the IPR and purchased at your own expense. Read about the features of purchasing TSR at your own expense and the features of compensation for these funds in the attachment Order on the specifics of compensation for TSR. It is not necessary to enter everything at once to the maximum, write what you need now and can do at any time, for this you call your attending physician, inform him about the need for this or that TSR, he prepares a mailing list for making changes to the IPR with recommendations for the need for TSR (it is better to visit highly specialized doctors and get their recommendations on the need for TSR; for example, to obtain orthopedic shoes, orthoses and walkers, you need an orthopedic traumatologist. Additional recommendations will be another argument for ITU), then a new commission is created in the ITU BUREAU where, based on these recommendations they issue you a new IPR and enter a new TSR, :

Or contact your social security center with a request social security) your region, they have no right to refuse such information . If they do not have any TSR you need on their list, then they must make a request and hold a tender for this TSR and then either provide it to you or provide the cost for reimbursement!

Important point: Any TSR has its own service life, depending on this period you receive it according to the IPR. Attached below is "Order on the terms of use of TSR", it spells out all the terms for both strollers and diapers with catheters, for example. Based on this document, you can track how long the stroller is provided, how long after you can change it, how many diapers per day you should receive and when you change the walker. You may also need this information before.

If you have any questions about this tatier or any others, you can use ours!

After the disability group has been established, some patients require technical means of rehabilitation (TSR). These, in particular, include: breast prosthesis, canes, anti-decubitus mattresses and pillows, absorbent underwear, diapers, etc.

The breast prosthesis consists of a set: the eco-breast prosthesis itself and two bodices.

The basis for issuing a prosthesis is free of charge is an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (hereinafter referred to as IPR), developed by a federal government agency medical and social examination, where a record is made of the need for a set of breast prosthesis or other TSR.

To receive a prosthesis under the IPR, a disabled person must register with the regional office of the fund social insurance(FSS) or regional office social protection population at place of residence (USZN). Next is the authorized body. The authorized body providing TSR is indicated in the IPR.

At this authority, the disabled person will be asked to fill out an application form, submit a passport, IPR, ITU certificate. Copies of these documents will need to be submitted for registration
to the authorized body, which within 15 days from the date of filing the application makes a decision on registering a disabled person to provide TSR.

After this the following is sent by mail:

1) notification on registration for ensuring TSR and

2) direction to receive the specified funds, and if it is necessary to travel to the location of the organization to which the referral was issued, a special coupon for the right to free receipt travel documents.

The disabled person must be notified by the authorized body that it is their turn to receive TSR. You need to find out from them where you can come to pick up your rehabilitation equipment.

For all technical means of rehabilitation, a similar procedure for free receipt has been established. For example, a disabled person may need absorbent underwear and diapers (diapers), which are classified as TSR and are provided free of charge.

How can a cancer patient receive TSR (for example, a breast prosthesis, diapers, sheets) if he has a disability group for another disease that was previously established.

If a woman with breast cancer after a mastectomy (breast removal surgery) has a disability due to another disease (not oncology), then she will not be able to receive a prosthesis free of charge according to the IRP previously issued to her. However, she can receive a free breast prosthesis kit at new program IPR, for which she needs to contact the chairman of the VC with a request to issue a referral to the ITU specifically for the development of IPR for the purpose of providing TSR (breast prosthesis), as indicated in the delivery slip, and not re-examination.

Experts ITU Bureau, will consider the question of whether she has signs of disability due to oncological pathology, and if, in their opinion, there are such signs, then the need for a prosthesis will be entered into the IPR, and in this case she will receive it free of charge in the manner indicated above.

Diapers for a bedridden patient

Usually, a disabled person does not need diapers and sheets at the time of drawing up the IPR, but later he may need them. The fact that a patient with limited mobility or a bedridden patient needs diapers and absorbent sheets is decided by the attending physician of a medical institution, who should be called to the home to assess the patient’s condition. Then a message sheet is drawn up for the development of a new IPR specifically for obtaining the above-mentioned technical means of rehabilitation, which the doctor indicates in the message sheet. To avoid problems with receipt, the names of the TSR in the parcel sheet and in the IPR must be indicated in accordance with the classification contained in the Order e Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 N 214n “On approval of the classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person. (see Government Order Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 N 2347-r).

Adult diapers and absorbent sheets have a daily use period of no more than 8 hours (for polyuria syndrome, no more than 5 hours). According to the individual rehabilitation program (IRP), a disabled person is entitled to 3 items of TSR per day to choose from: either all diapers, or all sheets, or a combination of both.

Cash compensation paid to disabled people who purchased TMR at their own expense.

If a tender for the purchase of a specific TSR (for example, an eco-breast prosthesis or diapers) has not taken place in the region, and therefore the period for providing them to a disabled person is delayed, the disabled person can purchase the technical means of rehabilitation specified in the IPR at his own expense, and he is paid monetary compensation.

But its size is limited. The cost of the purchased product (service) is compensated, but not more than the price of a similar product (service) provided free of charge. Find out about the cost of government. procurement of a specific TSR and the amount of compensation can be obtained from the authorized body.

As a rule, compensation is equal to the cost of TSR, determined based on the results of the last public placement. order (competition, auction, request for quotations) carried out by the regional authorized body before the day the decision was made on payment of compensation for independently purchased goods and services. If it was not carried out or did not take place, information about the last similar order in another region (within the same federal district, and in their absence - within the country).

To receive compensation, a disabled person submits an application to the authorized body at the place of residence, attaching a copy of the passport, a copy of the IPR, a sales and cash receipt, a copy of the pension insurance certificate, a copy of the TSR certificate, and a copy of the passbook.

The decision to pay compensation for independently purchased technical means of rehabilitation must be made by authorized bodies in month period from the date of filing an application for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of technical means of rehabilitation by a disabled person. Compensation is transferred to the savings book. Unfortunately, deadlines are often not met.

When purchasing a prosthesis and bodices, you need to ensure that sales receipt the name of the breast prosthesis and bodices coincided with their name indicated in the IPR, otherwise compensation will not be provided or the purchase document will have to be reissued.

The documents for the prosthesis must indicate its service life.

Please note that you can purchase a breast prosthesis at your own expense only if a disabled person has applied to the authorized body and has been registered in accordance with the specified Procedure. If a disabled person purchases TSR and then submits documents to the authorized body for registration, compensation will not be provided. In this regard, before acquisition of TSR with subsequent compensation for its cost, you must first consult with the authorized body.

Is it possible to get TSR if the cancer patient does not have a disability group?

A breast prosthesis and some other TSR can be obtained from the regional budget only if the average per capita family income does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region per capita. In the regions, for this purpose, appropriate Laws and Regulations, which indicate which TSR can be obtained in this case.

For information of interest, you must contact the territorial office of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in your area of ​​residence.

Regulatory sources:

1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r “Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people.”

2. The rules for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240).

3.Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 N 214n “On approval of the classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30 December 2005 N 2347-r".

4. Administrative regulations for the provision of FSS of the Russian Federation public services to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prosthetics (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as to pay compensation for technical means of rehabilitation independently acquired by disabled people (prostheses (except dentures) by veterans) , prosthetic and orthopedic products) and (or) paid services and annual monetary compensation for the expenses of disabled people for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated September 14, 2011 N 1041n).

5. The procedure for receiving compensation is specified in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011 N 57n “On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service rendered by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation" .

Today, numerous technical means of rehabilitation have been developed to facilitate the movement of patients in postoperative period, as well as improving the quality of life of older people and people with disabilities. As a rule, such rehabilitation means help the musculoskeletal system perform its functions: these are a variety of telescopic canes, crutches and supports.

By purchasing the necessary rehabilitation means for your family and friends or in medical institution, it is important to clearly understand that people in need of additional funds supports, feel somewhat differently than us healthy ones. Therefore everything aids must be, first of all, easy to use and meet all necessary requirements in their own way quality characteristics. In the catalog of the online store “Medtechnics - for you” there are only professional and quality products for quick and comfortable rehabilitation of patients after various types of injuries, as well as various means for patient care.

There is a whole class of gurneys designed for patients with serious disabilities. Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people must be especially reliable and convenient. They should be easy to fold, durable, but lightweight design(therefore, most often, walkers and gurneys are made of aluminum-based alloys) and the ability to adjust the height.

For children, sick cerebral palsy means rehabilitation are various supports, specialized seats and verticalizers. The more devices these rehabilitation means have (walkers and their modifications), the more freedom and opportunities for active activity the child receives.

We also draw your attention to the presence in our catalog additional accessories: devices for putting on socks, fastening buttons, special dishes for the disabled, electric lifts and much more.