Free vouchers for the Mother and Child program. List of federal children's sanatoriums

On the websites of sanatoriums you can get detailed information about the treatment provided, accommodation conditions and leisure activities.

FSBI "Sanatorium named after M.I. Kalinina"
For children accompanied by parents from 4 to 17 years old
Legal address: 357600, Stavropol region, Essentuki, st. Razumovskogo, 16
Profile: diseases of the digestive system, diseases endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders
Website address:

FSBI "Sanatorium "Yunost"

Legal address: 354024, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Kurortny Ave., 103/3
Profile: musculoskeletal disease musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.

FSBI "Center rehabilitation medicine and rehabilitation "Luch"
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years old, children with parents from 5 years old
Legal address: 357716, Stavropol Territory, Kislovodsk, st. Comintern, 10-11


Federal State Institution "Children's Dermatological Sanatorium named after N.A. Semashko"
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years old
Legal address: 354206, Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Lazarevsky district, st. Semashko, 17 a.
Profile: skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue, post-burn scar changes

Federal State Institution "Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium "Kaluga-Bor"

Legal address: 248007, Kaluga, city Bor
Profile: central and peripheral diseases nervous system of various etiologies with motor and sensory disorders, including those combined with mental disorders and behavioral disorders.
Website: -

Federal State Institution "Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium "Gorkoye Lake"
For treating children with parents from 2 years of age
Legal address: 641005, Kurgan region, Shchuchansky district, village Ozero Resort
Profile: diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system of various etiologies with motor and sensory disorders, including those combined with mental behavioral disorders
Website: -

Federal State Institution “Children’s Pulmonological Sanatorium “Kolchanovo””

Legal address: 187439, Leningrad region, Volkhov district, p/o Kolchanovo
Profile: respiratory diseases
Website: -

Federal State Institution "Children's Pulmonological Sanatorium "Kratovo""
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years of age and children with parents from 4 years of age
Legal address: 140130, Moscow region, Ramensky district, pos. Kratovo, st. Tverskaya, 1
Profile: respiratory disease

FGU " Children's sanatorium"Belokurikha"
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years old
Legal address: 659900, Altai Territory, Belokurikha, Resort Area
Profile: Respiratory diseases.

Federal State Institution "Children's Sanatorium "Bimlyuk""
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years old
Legal address: 353440, Krasnodar region, Anapa, Pionersky Ave., 21.
Profile: respiratory diseases.
Website: -

Federal State Institution "Children's Sanatorium "Vasilevskoe""
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years of age and children with parents from 4 years of age
Legal address: 143088, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p/o sanatorium named after. Herzen
Profile: diseases of the organs of vision.

Federal State Institution "Children's Sanatorium "Voskhod""
For the treatment of children from 7 to 15 years of age and children with parents from 4 years of age
Legal address: 398020, Lipetsk, st. Lenina, 40
Profile: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

Treatment in a sanatorium today is not a cheap pleasure. Many people do not suspect that receiving a free sanatorium voucher is possible for almost any citizen who falls under the category of people entitled to social assistance at the expense of the state. Find out who is entitled to free access to the sanatorium, where to go to receive benefits and package necessary documents.

Who is entitled to free trips to the sanatorium?

The right to free visit to a state dispensary is a social service guaranteed Federal law dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ, provided to citizens falling under the preferential category. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation No. 328 of December 29, 2004 determines the list of beneficiaries entitled to free sanatorium treatment:

  • disabled war veterans;
  • WWII participants;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel who have received an award for service in the army from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945;
  • residents besieged Leningrad, awarded the corresponding sign;
  • family members of disabled people and war veterans, who are currently no longer alive;
  • disabled people depending on the disability group;
  • disabled children;
  • persons who received radiation exposure in connection with the Chernobyl disaster.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for disabled people

Sanatorium treatment is guaranteed by Russian legislation for disabled people of all groups. In this case, the restriction on work does not matter, but disability group I is a priority. A referral to visit a dispensary is issued by a local doctor in the form of an informational certificate based on the availability of:

  • indications for sanatorium treatment;
  • no contraindications;
  • conclusions of the medical commission of the treating institution at the place of registration.

If there is a certificate, the disabled person or the person representing his interests should write an application, and then submit the application to the territorial office of the Fund social insurance or through the MFC or the State Services portal. Employees of the institution can only refuse if documents are submitted at a location other than the place of registration or if the certificate contains contraindications for visiting the sanatorium. Considering the equality of citizens in receiving social services, the Fund’s department creates an electronic queue based on the date of receipt of the application, the number of which can be tracked independently.

No later than 21 days before arrival social institution issues a voucher to the citizen to visit the dispensary and receive necessary treatment. After receiving it, the person must contact the medical institution at his place of residence, where he must receive a sanatorium card of the established form, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The rehabilitation card is filled out in accordance with form No. 072/u-04. You should know that persons with disability group I can go to sanatorium treatment for free together with an accompanying person.

Free trips to the sanatorium for children

There are several options for obtaining a free trip to a sanatorium for children, each of which has its own nuances. Through district clinics, discounted vouchers are extended to federal sanatoriums general type and dispensaries specializing in a range of diseases. Parents should ask the head physician of the hospital or local doctor about their availability, and if they find what they need, they should:

  • fill out an application;
  • obtain a card in the prescribed form from the pediatrician;
  • get a certificate of absence skin diseases at a dermatologist;
  • obtain a certificate of contacts from a pediatrician and test results for enterobiasis;
  • get a ticket.

The following option is possible for children requiring rehabilitation due to a serious illness or surgery. Parents should be offered a discounted voucher before being discharged from the hospital. If it is not possible for a medical institution to issue a voucher, employees must issue a conclusion indicating the need for treatment, a card of the established form to be provided to the sanatorium employees and advise on further actions.

The Social Insurance Fund gives out free sanatorium vouchers disabled children. Parents should obtain a referral or opinion from the attending physician, then register and submit an application to the local branch of the Foundation for registration. Along with a free voucher to visit the dispensary, a coupon is issued that provides free travel to the location of the sanatorium and back. In addition to the sanatorium card, upon arrival at the dispensary, you must provide a document confirming the right to benefits.

For orphans and disabled children, a method of sanatorium treatment is provided through management social protection population. Legal representative To receive a free visit to the sanatorium, you must register and provide a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • documents about social status child;
  • medical report about the absence of contraindications and a certificate of form 070/u-04;
  • originals and copies of the child’s birth certificate or passport;
  • a copy of the medical policy;
  • copies of parents' passports.

It is also possible to send a child for sanatorium treatment free of charge through the place of work of one of the parents; you must write an application in the established form. It should be remembered that preferential vouchers at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund are available to categories of citizens whose circle is determined by federal law. Children from large and single-parent families and those who have suffered serious illnesses. A lawful refusal to issue a voucher is only the submission of documents not at the place of registration.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for combat veterans

According to Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, no more than once a year, combat veterans can visit a dispensary free of charge for treatment and recreation with free travel in both directions. The duration of treatment is 18 days. The queue for a place in the sanatorium is formed based on the date of application. To obtain a voucher, a citizen must contact social protection at the place of registration, providing the following documents:

  • statements;
  • copies of passport;
  • certificates of combatants;
  • certificates of form No. 070/у-40;
  • certificate from the Pension Administration for the right to receive discounted voucher for the current year.

How can I get a ticket to the sanatorium for free?

Getting a free ticket to a sanatorium for an adult is not difficult. First, you should contact a doctor at your place of residence, who, if there are medical indications, will issue a certificate of the established form. Fill out the application and, attaching a certificate, a document Pension Fund to the right social assistance, a document on a preferential category of citizens and a passport, contact the Fund or an authorized body.

In accordance with the priority, receive a completed voucher, after which, having visited a medical institution at your place of residence, you will receive a completed card, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The grounds for refusal of free sanatorium-resort treatment are submission of documents not at the place of registration and the presence of an established list of diseases.

Where to contact

Today you can get free sanatorium treatment through social or health insurance authorities. Only privileged categories of citizens, the circle of which is established by the Federal Law mentioned above, can receive a voucher at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. It is necessary to contact a therapist at your place of residence, undergo an examination, obtain a certificate and confirm your right to benefits from the social fund, and then wait for your turn to receive a voucher.

Free treatment through health insurance authorities is possible for all categories of citizens upon the occurrence of certain circumstances. As a rule, such a voucher is provided after past illness to restore the body's activity. An application for a free visit to a sanatorium is reviewed by a medical commission, after which it gives an opinion on the possibility of receiving free sanatorium treatment.

How to write an application

One of necessary conditions to receive sanatorium treatment is a correctly completed application to the Fund, social protection or authorized bodies, but for many this procedure is not easy due to legal illiteracy. When filling out the application in accordance with the document details, you must indicate:

  • name of the authority to which the application is submitted;
  • details of the person entitled to a free visit to the dispensary, indicating the place of birth;
  • number and date of issue of the certificate in the established form, indicating the institution that issued it;
  • passport details or identity document.

When submitting an application by a representative of a citizen, an incapacitated person or a minor, it must indicate:

  • Full name, date of birth and place in accordance with the passport;
  • full information about the representative's document;
  • information about the document confirming the authority of the representative.

Free travel for medical reasons

It is possible for a working person to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free by medical indications. There is no need to write an application for its provision, since it is based on the fact of the inpatient treatment on rehabilitative grounds. The list of diseases for which it is possible to visit a sanatorium for free as a rehabilitation program:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • operations on the heart, stomach ulcers and gallbladder;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • orthopedic and traumatological operations;
  • endoprosthetics and re-endoprosthetics;
  • limb replantation,
  • operations for pancreatitis (pantheronecrosis),
  • pregnant women at risk.

Cash compensation

The legal right to receive preferential treatment is not always feasible. Many people wait a long time for their turn, so most rely on monetary compensation. The law did not grant this right to everyone; compensation in monetary terms can be received by disabled people and WWII veterans, military personnel and members of their families, and disabled people for whom sanatorium treatment cannot be provided for health reasons. The remaining beneficiaries have the right to refuse this social service and declare to the regional branch of the Pension Fund their desire to receive it in monetary terms.


Many parents are interested in how to get a free ticket to the Mother and Child sanatorium. This program was introduced back in 2010, and the authority to distribute referrals for minors together with the parent was transferred to regional authorities.

It has become possible to obtain such a voucher for families officially recognized as having many children. As a rule, referrals are allocated for frequently ill children and are free.

Each region implements the program differently, and receive full information On this issue, you can contact the clinic to which the family is attached, or the social welfare agency. The article will discuss issues related to the registration of such vouchers and who is granted such a privilege.

Free referrals under the Mother and Child program are provided every year a large number kids and teenagers. There is a certain procedure for obtaining a voucher and a list mandatory documents. There is a certain list of categories of citizens who can apply for such a benefit. The list of applicants for each region or region is compiled individually.

In particular, we're talking about about children with health problems:

  • children with disabilities;
  • minors undergoing medical examination;
  • children suffering from chronic illnesses;
  • children who are identified as frequently ill.

A visit to the resort requires a child to go through complex treatment and restoration of health. The child’s status is determined by the pediatrician, and only this specialist can write out referrals for the child to undergo sanatorium treatment. The document can also be issued by a specialist who is directly involved in the treatment of the child.

A medical surveillance plan is drawn up in advance. medical institution, where the need for treatment in a sanatorium is necessarily indicated. If there is such a recommendation from a doctor, the child will be able to undergo treatment for free of charge in any of the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. As a rule, vouchers are provided to children from 4 years of age, but if the patient younger age have chronic diseases and he needs special treatment, a voucher can also be issued.

Algorithm for making a referral through a medical institution

If a child is on the list of persons who can apply for a voucher to the Mother and Child sanatorium, such a referral is issued free of charge from the clinic.

To apply for the benefit you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Contact your local pediatrician with an application for a voucher.
  2. Pass a special medical commission, during which a decision will be made to allocate a referral to a sanatorium.
  3. Take special tests: blood, urine, for enterobiasis, take a conclusion from a dermatologist about the absence of special skin diseases and get a certificate from a pediatrician stating that the baby has not had contact with sick people at home or at the place of education.
  4. Issue a special certificate in form No.070/у-04, which is provided at the place of request and is stored in the sanatorium-resort institution for three years. The document is valid for six months from the date of signing.
  5. Submit the collected papers to the Ministry of Health at the place of registration of the child, including the corresponding application.
  6. Choose a sanatorium that suits your child according to all indicators from the proposed list of available diseases.
  7. Get health resort card for a child, and then get a free trip. The documents are signed by the attending physician, the head of the clinic department, or the chairman of the medical commission.

If the child is not old enough to go to the sanatorium on his own, then the appropriate documents for the parent should be prepared. The greatest demand for vouchers is observed in the summer, so applications should be submitted in advance.

Registration of a voucher through social security

The “Mother and Child” project allows children, especially those in need of improved health, to go on vacation to a special institution. By analogy with the first option, a voucher is issued through social security.

The applicant must submit the following documents:

  • parent’s passport and child’s birth certificate;
  • documents confirming the presence of difficult circumstances in the family (certificates of parents’ salaries, statements of family composition);
  • medical certificate confirming completion of all examinations and tests;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate confirming the family’s status as a large family;
  • certificate of death of the breadwinner;
  • pensioner's certificate or certificate of assignment of a pension benefit for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • conclusion of the treating pediatrician;
  • a certificate in the prescribed form for obtaining a referral to a special institution.
The collected papers are submitted to the Ministry of Health 6 months before the date of the intended trip. Registration free travel does not include benefits for travel expenses. As a rule, parents purchase tickets, but there are exceptions. For example, social security can reimburse expenses if a family’s income is below the current regional subsistence level.


It is quite simple to register for the “Mother and Child” direction, but you should take care of this issue in advance. The decision is not made immediately, and the distribution of vouchers is carried out taking into account the subsequently generated list of applicants.

Did you know that mothers with children from St. Petersburg are entitled free treatment and rest in sanatoriums Mother and Child in Solnechny? I’m telling you a review about the sanatorium and how to get there)

We have been going to this resort for the third year in a row. The shift lasts almost a month. A free trip to the “Solnechnoye” sanatorium in the “Mother and Child” department includes accommodation in a separate room “ward” (with a child (or several of your own) 2-10 years old), doctor’s examinations and all prescribed procedures, meals for the child and accompanying person , a change of linen, if necessary, medications, etc. Also in the sanatorium there are departments where they can take one child from four years old, preschoolers and schoolchildren up to 17. There is also a school on the territory.

Both children and children can enter the sanatorium various diseases(and our doctors like to give diagnoses and by the age of two everyone has “something”), so do children who are often ill. That is, if a child constantly catches a cold - which is rather a pattern in St. Petersburg - he is also a candidate for a sanatorium. The main thing is to have registration in St. Petersburg.

By the way, you can get to the Mother and Child department for a fee of 2,300 rubles per day with a place. (I just don’t understand, it says “bed-day” per ward or place. So it could be twice as much for two people. It’s nice that the city takes care of mothers and gives children treatment for at least 60,000 just like that. About treatment and I’ll tell you the procedure below, it’s worth it.

How to get to the Mother and Child sanatorium for free?

To do this, you need to get on the waiting list with the head of your clinic. It is useless to ask a therapist; you will most likely hear that everything is busy. Vacations are usually distributed at the beginning of the year, so go in early January. Of course, you must understand that there are many applicants, and the number of places at each clinic is limited. This means that, first of all, places are given to children with more serious illnesses, mothers of many children, single children, etc. However, I got in for the third year in a row and in this race everyone, it seems, was from two-parent families and only one grandmother with three children. What is the secret of how to get to the sanatorium? Especially if the children do not have serious illnesses. In fact, this is not difficult at all - you need to ask to be included as a candidate in case someone refuses. And remind yourself more often - namely, the first - second day of every month when the races take place. Because many people, having received a ticket, refuse - some have a sick child, some are on vacation, some older children have school competitions, etc...

And in the end, almost everyone who persistently wants it gets in. The only thing is that you need to prepare in advance: it is important to have a fluorography done for those who will travel with children. Most of the tests can be done in the sanatorium, both for yourself and for the child. And collect the certificates in a day. But you can’t make a flash drive quickly, unless you pay for it. When you get to the sanatorium for the first time, then sign up as a candidate there directly with the head of the department and your chances will be even greater.

The first time I signed up my daughter with the head of our clinic, when she was not yet 2, but since they talked a lot about the queue, I signed her up... a year later! She should have been just under 3 years old by that time. I looked at the manager three times, heard that there were no places, insisted, got fed up (at that time my daughter had a lot of colds and I really wanted to improve her health) and achieved my goal. We waited a year and went. Before 2.5 years they still won’t accept it. The next 2 times we got there instead of those who didn’t come unscheduled. Here you have to be ready to get ready literally a day, maximum two, and move in.

What documents are needed at the Mother and Child sanatorium in Solnechny:
Documents per child:

  • Sanatorium-resort card with the stamps of the clinic and the signature of the department head (this is completed by your pediatrician - it’s long and tedious, because doctors don’t know the disease codes for which they send children to the sanatorium)
  • Extract from outpatient card child (with a note about the absence of head lice) (they have never asked us personally)

  • Analyzes:
  • scraping for enterobiasis; (Necessarily)
  • feces for I/worms + protozoan cysts; (Necessarily)
  • blood for ALT; (preferably)
  • Information about vaccinations (certificate or photocopy of a certificate, a certificate from a school or clinic with stamps) - any of the listed options;
  • Compulsory health insurance policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Certificate of quarantine in the preschool educational institution (24 hours before);
  • Certificate of quarantine in the apartment (24 hours in advance).

  • Everything can be collected in a day at the clinic, except for tests. If anything happens, they can be delivered on the spot.
    Please note that if you are anti-vaxxer, they don’t like people like that and may not be allowed in. For the second time in a year we didn’t have any manta rays - we fought our way through.

    For the accompanying person adult:

  • Passport
  • Blood test for ALT
  • Conclusion on fluorography completed no more than a year ago.

  • (A blood test can be done there, it seemed like 200 rubles, but they won’t let you in without a flask)
    Previously, for those under 35 they required a measles vaccination or an extract from the clinic about it, this time they didn’t ask and there is no information about it on the website.

    Theoretically, for those who will replace an adult (for example, usually mothers go home for the weekend, fathers or grandmothers stay with the children), all certificates are also needed. Practically, they have never demanded it yet.

    Who can accompany you?
    Mother, father, grandmother. I believe that any relative, the main thing is that the father or mother brings their passport and an accompanying person, then write the power of attorney application on the spot, or you will need to draw up a power of attorney from a notary.

    Review of the Mother and Child sanatorium in Solnechny

    When I went to the sanatorium for the first time, I had a lot of anxiety and worry.

    First - what kind of children will there be? With what diseases? It turned out that in our building the Mother and Child are the same children as mine, that is, in general, healthy (children may have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and respiratory system). If suddenly someone gets sick common cold- then he is put on home regime. To the dining room or game room They don’t go with a sick child. If anyone is worried, there is no one with contagious diseases. The sanatorium has five main departments: Digestive diseases, Psychoneurological diseases, Respiratory diseases, Diseases urinary system, Oncological diseases and children are divided into buildings according to diseases. In general, each department and building has its own walking areas, so you almost never intersect with children from other buildings. Children with oncology are not allowed to walk on the playground next to the building at all; they immediately chase them away. So that unnecessary viruses are not brought to them, and so that children from other buildings do not ask unnecessary questions.

    Second - what the treatment at the Solnechnoe sanatorium for children?
    All treatments are prescribed by doctors. First, the manager examines, looks at diagnoses, refers to specialists, who needs an ultrasound, to a cardiologist, physical therapy doctor, dentist, speech therapist, ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, etc., etc. Basically, she and the doctors prescribe various procedures.

    What was prescribed to us below, not all at once, but one at a time, because some procedures are compatible, some are carried out in the first 2 weeks, some in the last.
    Mostly every day except weekends for 2 weeks.

    Salt caves (halochamber)



    Pearl baths

    Pine baths, Lavender baths

    Psychologist (she asked for it because of the super rooms, games and relaxation, there are 4 different rooms - there is just a super room with the sound of thunder, light effects.)

    Paraffin wraps

    And a bunch of other things that I don't remember)

    Third. Household issues, living conditions in the sanatorium.
    Each family is given a separate room. How many people - so many beds.

    It turns out that residents of St. Petersburg can improve the health of their children by going for free to a wonderful sanatorium in the village of Solnechnoye, which is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, surrounded by pine forests and clean air. The shift lasts almost a month and includes daily medical procedures prescribed by a doctor.

    What is included in the sanatorium treatment and do I need to pay extra for anything?

    Below is a list of what is included in the free trip:

    1. An accompanying adult with a child or two (three, etc.) children aged from 2 to 10 years is allocated a separate room-ward with the right amount beds, private bathroom, wardrobe, buffet, cabinet, table and chairs.
    2. Daily doctor examinations and necessary procedures
    3. Necessary medications
    4. Four meals a day
    5. Linen change once every 10 days

    Who can qualify for a free trip to a sanatorium under the Mother and Child program?

    List of persons eligible for free sanatorium-resort treatment:

    large families

    - families with children with chronic diseases

    - families with children who have had serious illness or surgery

    - families where children are often sick

    How to get to the Solnechnoye sanatorium under the Mother and Child program for free?

    It’s simple: go to the head of your clinic and stand in line. Precisely to the manager, since the local pediatrician usually answers: “everything is busy.” And by the way, pediatricians should post information about the availability of vouchers to a particular sanatorium on the door of their office or this information should be for general access at other stands of the clinic. It often happens that employees medical institution they simply don't do it.

    Vouchers are distributed at the beginning of the year. So immediately after celebrating the New Year, go to the manager.

    Is it possible to get to the sanatorium for free if the child does not have serious illnesses?

    It is possible, if you are careful =) But you must understand that the number of vouchers is very limited and with the current crisis they are also being cut back, and first of all the vouchers are given to children with more serious illnesses or disabilities.

    However, there is a way out. Get in line as a candidate for a waiver, or, more simply, a “last minute ticket.” Vouchers are canceled very often, because registration takes place in January, and people’s plans change. You just need to be prepared and “sit on your suitcases.” But believe me, it's worth it.

    What documents are required at the Solnechnoye sanatorium?

    For check-in of a child with an accompanying adult

    For a child:

    • Sanatorium-resort card

    Do not forget to put the stamp of the clinic and the signature of the head of the department. Prepared by your pediatrician.

    • Mark on the absence of pediculosis - Extract from the child’s outpatient card
    • Scraping for enterobiasis;
    • Feces for I/worms + protozoa;
    • Blood for ALT;
    • Information about vaccinations;
    • Compulsory medical insurance policy;
    • Birth certificate;
    • Certificate of quarantine in the preschool educational institution (24 hours before);
    • Certificate of quarantine in an apartment/house (24 hours in advance)

    If you have a “last minute trip”, the missing tests can be taken at the sanatorium. Problems may arise in children who are not vaccinated. Check the information to be prepared for this.