Quotes my smile. Beautiful, wise and funny sayings about smiling

We welcome our friends and guests! Here you will find a new positive section - quotes about smiling. This is our gift. So that every visitor to the site can smile for himself, recharging himself in a mood that can be safely described as a Holiday of the Soul. And he gave all his friends joy through his statuses.

But what do Smile Quotes say? What is it compared to? sincere smile, and what is its price? It is worth diving deeper into the topic to see what power and abilities it has in order to learn how to use it skillfully. One thing is clear about a person who will smile at difficulties, give joy to the people around him, or who looks for the positive in everything, knows exactly the most important secrets of life:

  • Laughing is not only useful, but also pleasant;
  • The golden key exists;
  • The best interlocutor who understands everything;
  • Mood pill;
  • You are rich if you have this gift.
Many statements of great people reveal the essence of this radiant phenomenon, which illuminates the face with carefreeness and colors everything around with the color of happiness. And aphorisms about a smile can decorate: a meeting or conversation, a personal profile page, like statuses, and even life.

Laughing is not only useful, but also pleasant

Beautiful aphorisms about laughter can make you laugh. But more often than not, they also have meaning. Thanks to them, you can look at your circumstances in a new way, with positive side. They help you smile when you are tired; they are used to say hello to your friend who is sick.

And how pleasant it is to remember these sparkling expressions. Therefore, do something nice for yourself: smile as if you are happy. Take an example from small child, who is always happy about everything.

You are not fully dressed, while there is no smile on your face.
(Martin Charnin) Never stop smiling, even when you are sad: someone can fall in love with your smile.
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

There is nothing more beautiful than a smile coming from the heart. A smile costs nothing but it gives a lot.
It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it.
It lasts a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.
No one is rich enough to do without it, and no one is so poor that he would not become richer from it.
It creates happiness in the home, creates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends.
(Dale Carnegie)

Smile- kiss of the soul.
(Minna Antrim)

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.
(Usain Bolt)

Smile don't give misfortune pleasure.
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez) The strong one is not the one who can put you on your shoulder blades with one look, and the one who can lift you from your knees with just a smile!
(Juliette Binoche)

If you see a face without smiling, smile yourself.
(Biant Priensky) If you are always capable smile at life, life will always smile at you.
(Brian Tracy)

Smile- an inexpensive way to look better.
(Charles Gordy)

A smile costs nothing, and how much does she give? It attracts happiness into the home and increases the number of friends.
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)

A smile is the curve that straightens everything out.
(Phyllis Diller) Just one smile can change the world around you, but never let the whole world change your smile!

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.

Funny aphorisms

We all prefer to go through life with a smile. And that's right! After all, she is the key that opens any door. Don't believe me? Remember the child illuminated by it! Joy shines and shimmers on his face. As soon as he wants something, are we able to resist the pressure of his cuteness? And the girl’s happiness, which is reflected in the sparkle of her eyes and bright smile! Everything pales before her beauty! Considering the power of such gentle friendliness, we filled our website with rays of joy and pure childish delight. There is laughter and mischief in every phrase. They can be used as statuses.

Smile, joy, positivity, as I was told -
Contraceptive for all misfortunes... Didn’t you know?
Don't catch the evil virus, take precautions.
Let everyone twist at your temple - you smile!

Last day before VACATION I had to walk through the door sideways to work - my SMILE CAN'T GET IN!

Smile more often at the new day, and don’t forget to tell your loved ones: “I love you...”

You have to smile like this so that lipstick stays on your ears!

A shining smile is smile not only with your lips, but with your eyes, heart and soul. Are we shining?! ;)) A smile is a small coin to the treasury of happiness.

Come on, hide your sadness and show me your smile! A smile is like a filter: He will let in the good, and keep out the bad!

Stop fussing live as you please!

Phrases about smiling

Phrases about smiling show how universal it is. With it we can express sympathy, with it we can show that we are happy or satisfied. It’s as if she’s saying to her interlocutor: “I understand you well and mine depends on your mood.” We smile and thereby express our feelings towards a person and circumstances. That is why we post statuses, they are meaningful, and are designed to be short and funny quotes they talked about laughter about ourselves.

Man without a smile- these are strings without a violin, this is a sea without a seagull, this is a house without a mistress, this is a cat without a tail, this is a tail without a cat. Always smile! And have a nice day! Smile to spite yourself May you be lucky today.

If you smile- all dreams will begin to come true! Smile- and you will have friends; frown and you will have wrinkles.

Beautiful smile intriguing, modest touches, kind pleases, happy charms, sincere inspires. A smile does not leave you indifferent. Smile! =)

In thunderstorms, in storms, in everyday shame, during losses and when you are sad, appearing smiling and simple is the highest art in the world.

Mood pill

Is there a way to get rid of a bad mood? Yes! These are phrases about a smile. Even one quote can make your soul feel light and good again. Not only can you forget about all your problems, but you can also help your loved ones. A man, a woman, and even a child will appreciate how quickly and reliably this simple remedy works, let's call it: Smile. You can take it at least every day, the consequences for women, children and men are inevitable - joy!

Do you want life itself to smile at you? And did children's delight live in your heart? Then start thinking positively about everything. Change statuses and reflect changes for the better in them. Our collection of positive moods will help with this. Everything here has a purpose and everything is meant to make you laugh. You have the gift of being happy, so help your friends with your smile so that they too feel happy.

I give a smile to everyone, look - to many, heart - to one!

Smile at a stranger LET HIM DREAM!

Smiling.. I walk without touching the ground...

Smile- the safest weapon mass destruction! “Shoot” with smiles - spread joy, get infected with positivity and be sick with goodness! Don't look for a reason for a smile - smile and pass it on. ツ

Aphorisms about smiling and laughter.

Wrinkles should only be traces of past smiles. Mark Twain

Smile at people more often and talk to them. It's elementary, isn't it? To frown, you need to use 72 muscles, and to smile - 14. A smile is the first thing you notice in others. Z. Ziglar

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Gabriel Marquez

A person who constantly smiles is just as unbearable as a person who never smiles. Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look better. Charles Gordy

A smile costs nothing, but is highly valued... D. Carnegie

A smile is the curve that straightens everything. Phyllis Diller

A smile reaches anywhere. James Joyce, "Ulysses"

A person without a smile on his face should not open a store. Chinese folk wisdom

Never stop smiling even when you are sad because someone might fall in love with your smile. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If a person has no sense of humor, then he should at least have the feeling that he has no sense of humor. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A real man can only be killed by laughter. Ray Bradbury.

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people. But the sad ones do the most stupid things. Ewald Christian von Kleist

Humanity, laughing, parts with its past. Karl Marx

Every morning I wake up and tell myself: “I can choose to be in a good mood or in a bad mood.” bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood." Harvey Mackay, American millionaire

Children, especially girls, need early age accustom to easy laughter, because a cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in inner world and develops a disposition towards cheerfulness, friendliness and goodwill towards everyone. Immanuel Kant

Every time women don’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on their face, and then it seems that they understand everything. Etienne Rey

People teach to hide their ignorance, just as they smile to hide their tears. Oscar Wilde

What makes a true gentleman different is that he always pays with a smile. George Shaw

Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness. Dale Carnegie

Smiling President A smile is always good, because it reveals the simple inner world of a person. Nikolay Novikov

Humor is the smile of a person who knows how little there is to laugh at. Julien Falkenare

Tears are the highest degree of smiling. Stendhal

Life is boring and you have to take every opportunity to make people smile. Emir Kusturica

You strain your strength there, and we strain our tummies. James Joyce

There is... a type of laughter when only one or another part of the hall laughs, while the other part is silent... This type of laughter is better. Brutes shouldn't laugh. Daniil Kharms

“That’s the kind of people we are - we love to laugh loudly, cackle, laugh, tear up our bellies, roll with laughter and, God knows, how else to laugh.” Jamis Thurber

“Smile, for all people lack self-confidence, and a smile, more than anything else, gives this confidence.” Andre Maurois

“I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, violent gaiety constantly broke into my life.” Oliver EdwardsSmile of a Child

“Those who smile are said to have a mouth to their ears, but a smile is never wider than the distance between the eyes.” Malcolm de Chazal

In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad. Leo Tolstoy

Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure! Evgeniy Grishkovets

Along with completely real teeth, fake smiles can also be made. Gabriel Laub

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively mellifluous speeches are the surest proof of hypocrisy. James Cooper

- I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile...” “The same Munchausen”

If you want life to smile on you, give it yours first good mood. Benedict Spinoza

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

A smile is a kiss to the soul. M. Antrim

Smile beautiful girl- wallet tears. Italian proverb

Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron

The bitterness of the heart cannot be sweetened with a smile. Russian proverb

Sometimes even a smile hides poison. Russian proverb

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. F. Chateaubriand

You are not fully dressed yet and there is no smile on your face. Martin Charnin

When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. W.K. Fields

If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say: “Great, let's take a shower.” Sir John A. MacDonald

"Smile and you will have friends; frown and you will have wrinkles. Don't we live to make each other's lives easier?" George Eliot

"No matter how disgusting it may be,

Because life is not a fairy tale,

Smile proactively

So that the face does not become a mask."

Anthony Euwer.

A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. I. Kant

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood. Benedict Spinoza

It takes a little to make you smile, and just a smile to make anything possible. Gilbert Sesbron

Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness. Dale Carnegie

An angry fist does not hit a smiling face. Chinese saying.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once. T. Carlyle

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo

Laughter corrects morals. O. Balzac

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies. V. Belinsky

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot

A woman's best smile is reserved for the mirror. Frank Hubbard

Aphorisms about smiling If you haven’t seen your wife smile at a traffic policeman, then you haven’t seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh

They exchanged quick dazzling smiles women who disliked each other at first sight. Raymond Chandler

She gave me a smile that burned into my pants pocket.

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman. Etienne Rey

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything. George Carlin

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product. Muriel Spark

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles. Moses Safir

The one who always smiles is just as intolerable as the one who never smiles. Francois René de Chateaubriand

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to prolong his life, this short moment. L. Stern

Laughter and smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern

The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A woman's smile is like bait on a fish hook for a man. B. Trushkin

A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo.

It happens that you smile from ear to ear

It is the cause of all disasters.

And only the one who laughs well

Who can do this without consequences.

(E. Sevrus)

Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh. Addison Joseph

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others. Freud Sigmund

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning. Heine Heinrich

Horror is incompatible with laughter. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich

What has become funny can no longer be dangerous. Voltaire

Smile, because all people lack self-confidence, and a smile, more than anything else, gives this confidence.
Andre Maurois

“I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, violent gaiety constantly broke into my life.” Oliver Edwards Smile of a Child

Those who smile are said to have a mouth to their ears, but a smile is never wider than the distance between the eyes.
Malcolm de Chazal

In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad. Leo Tolstoy

Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure! Evgeniy Grishkovets

Along with completely real teeth, fake smiles can also be made. Gabriel Laub

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively mellifluous speeches are the surest proof of hypocrisy. James Cooper

I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile...” “The same Munchausen”

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

A smile is a kiss to the soul. M. Antrim

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet. Italian proverb

Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron

The bitterness of the heart cannot be sweetened with a smile. Russian proverb

Sometimes even a smile hides poison. Russian proverb

Smile The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. F. Chateaubriand

You are not fully dressed yet and there is no smile on your face. Martin Charnin

When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. W.K. Fields

If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say: “Great, let's take a shower.” Sir John A. MacDonald

"Smile and you will have friends; frown and you will have wrinkles. Don't we live to make each other's lives easier?" George Eliot

A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. I. Kant

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood. Benedict Spinoza

It takes a little to make you smile, and just a smile to make anything possible. Gilbert Sesbron

An angry fist does not hit a smiling face. Chinese saying.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once.
T. Carlyle

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.
V. Hugo

Laughter corrects morals. O. Balzac

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies. V. Belinsky

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot

A woman's best smile is reserved for the mirror. Frank Hubbard

Aphorisms about smiling If you haven’t seen your wife smile at a traffic policeman, then you haven’t seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh

They exchanged quick, dazzling smiles between women who had disliked each other at first sight. Raymond Chandler

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything. George Carlin

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product. Muriel Spark

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles. Moses Safir

The one who always smiles is just as intolerable as the one who never smiles. Francois René de Chateaubriand

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to prolong his life, this short moment. L. Stern

Laughter and smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern

The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A woman's smile is like bait on a fish hook for a man. B. Trushkin

A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo.

Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh. Addison Joseph

Kote smiles

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others. Freud Sigmund

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning. Heine Heinrich

Horror is incompatible with laughter. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich

What has become funny can no longer be dangerous. Voltaire

It is unthinkable to imagine your life without positive moments. Every day a person always has at least the slightest reason to smile sincerely, even when scratching cats are comfortably nestled in his soul, tearing his soul apart. Good weather, family, health, love, true friends, holidays, songs, jokes, gifts, flowers, animals... You can endlessly list everything that charges your mood with a dose of cheerfulness and optimism. People choose a variety of cool statuses, lines from poems, and about smiling to suit their state of mind and often make them their motto, helping them go through life with their heads held high.

Light from within

It is difficult to convey in words the feeling caused by a person dear to the heart who fills the atmosphere with his positive mood and laughter flowing like a ringing stream.

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

It’s nice to know that there are people nearby who inspire confidence and charge you with solar energy without a drop of pretense or malice.

Love those who bring a smile to your face. Love those who do not look for flaws and mistakes. Pashka the Cat

This magical decoration has the ability to melt the ice not only in people's hearts, but also on their facial expressions. This confirms the statement about the smile of the brilliant French writer Victor Hugo.

“A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a person’s face.” Victor Hugo

TO effective antidepressants You can also include our smaller brothers. You just need to hug and caress a puppy or kitten - and fragrant flowers bloom in your soul...

I've seen cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat... Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

What about this wonderful time of year? What about love? Why not happiness? A great reason to smile.

Ah, spring, what a romantic time!.. Everyone is happy, smiling and happy... Flowers in the hands of friends, love reigns all around! "Timon and Pumbaa"

The sages equate a smile to a hot kiss, which means much more than a peck on the lips or cheek...

A smile is a kiss to the soul. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

And you don’t have to show off your 32 teeth... All it takes is a twinkle in your gaze and overwhelming positive energy surging from within.

Even if there is no smile on your face, there should be one inside. Vladimir Vinokur

A dose of poison in a barrel of chocolate

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to take precautions, even when a smiling person is standing next to you. After all, no one knows what he hides in his bosom. Statements about the smile of insincere people who conceal a dangerous poisonous sting have also found their place in literature and in real life.

-Can I pet your dog? She has such a kind smile!

Yuri Tatarkin

Statements about smiling and laughing, reminiscent of an animal grin, are increasingly relevant in an imperfect and corrupt world, where sincerity and kindness are shelved.

You can smile, smile and be a scoundrel. W. Shakespeare

This seemingly harmless weapon is capable of mercilessly breaking destinies and slowly killing no worse than a pistol...

Oh, how many misfortunes I have seen caused by smiles! Honore de Balzac, "The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans"

The insidious and vile intentions of a person are clearly noted in these statements about a smile, set forth by talented writers of our time and bygone years.

Often, the wider a person’s smile, the larger the stone in his bosom. Yuri Tatarkin

Life smiled on her; but there are smiles worse than tears. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

And no laughter decorates a rotten soul, saturated with emptiness, cold and lies.

Vile thoughts were hidden under cheap smiling masks, and behind the serene chirping - the cold muteness of hearts. Frank Herbert, "Dune"

A meaningful statement about smiling came from Dr. Gillian Foster in the movie Lie to Me.

When smiling falsely, they do not squint.

When sorting out relationships with a two-faced person, you can use the clear expression of Jel Phaser from the American comedy series "Skins"

You're just an empty, poisonous smile.

Self-interest, envy and an endless thirst for profit can easily force an unscrupulous person to put on a mask of friendliness and brazenly take advantage of the trust of others.

A person is most willing to share a smile when he hopes that they will share money with him in return. Yuri Tatarkin

About women's protective weapons

It is not only the external beauty of a woman that can bewitch men’s hearts. A powerful force lies in a smile, behind which there are hidden secret desires beauties.

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman. Adolf Jonczyk

Chic dress, spectacular makeup, well-groomed hair, beautiful figure- all this loses its attractiveness if a girl doesn’t know how to smile.

When her eyes light up and there is a smile on her face, you forget that in this world, everything is so precarious... A line from the song Loc-Dog

The Italians came up with the idea of ​​a woman’s smile captivating the company of the opposite sex.

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet.

A real predator should not wear an impenetrable face... Otherwise, she will scare away her prey...

A light, languid, dark fighting smile of a born hunter of men played on her face. O. Henry, "The Burning Lamp"

Tears, constant grumbling and a sad mood do not suit a sweet young lady at all, especially if she loves and is loved...

What is the point in life to argue and be offended?

And lose your strength in an empty struggle?

You can't even imagine

How dare you smile! Eduard Asadov

You can do without unnecessary words...

Silent sensual smile loving woman will defeat ten men. Henry Ward

For men in love...

The later a girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is. Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Loving yourself beautiful is not only necessary, but also important, otherwise others will not love you either. The Polish writer Wanda Błonska, in her statement about smiling, makes it clear that a real woman I always like it and want to be irresistible, no matter what the difficulties.

A woman's best smile is reserved for the mirror. Wanda Blonska

No matter what happens, no matter how life kicks you, you should never come unstuck, otherwise worst enemy called “depression” will eat the whole soul and body from the inside without a twinge of conscience.

Smile, because all people lack self-confidence, and a smile, more than anything else, gives this confidence.

The cure for stress is a smile. Vladimir Vinokur

A patient approach to gossip and provocations with a dose of humor gives strength to move in the right direction towards the intended goal.

Best reaction to enemy criticism - smile and forget. Vladimir Nabokov

It doesn’t matter who says what about you - accept it all with a smile and continue doing your job. Mother Teresa

Anger spoils a person, fills his soul with sores, which a sunny smile that warms with its kindness will never do.

Be kind, don't be angry, have patience.

Remember: from bright smiles yours

It depends not only on your mood,

But a thousand times the mood of others. Eduard Asadov

A wise and true saying about smiling can also be heard in the good old cartoon “That Same Munchausen.”

I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. Serious face- is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with this expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!" The same Munchausen"

Laughing rides

When your mouth doesn’t want to smile and it’s difficult to find a reason to cheer you up, humorous statuses, funny anecdotes and invigorating jokes come to the rescue.

- Smile radiantly at me, beauty!

It turns out that photographers also know the secret to lifting your mood...

We had a photographer. In all his photos people were laughing. He couldn't pronounce the letters "r" and "l". It was hard to resist the phrase “you guys are going to kill yourself”...

And in this case, none plastic surgeons won't help.

Rosa Markovna does a lift: - Will I be able to smile later? - Are you married? - No. - Are you rich? - No. - Well, why the hell should you smile?

There are more and more neologisms...

Start your day joyfully - Smile your smile!

For lovers thrills.

I'm with eyes closed and smiling from ear to ear I walk towards my own happiness through a field of rakes.

Everyone has a reason to smile. Do this right now and you will feel how light and warm your soul has become.

Smile. It costs nothing, but gives a lot.

A smile is a talisman of love.

Don't trust the smile on-line.

If they ask me a question, what does it mean to be happy, I will hug you tightly, lower my head on my beloved shoulder and, smiling, say: “Happiness is being together!”

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything.

"Etienne Rey"

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look better.

"Charles Gordy"

If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, then you haven't seen her sweetest smile.

"Frank Hubbard"

Always smile!! You will extend your life, please your friends, and annoy your enemies.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly valued.

"Dale Carnegie"

Let's drink to die with a smile. And let our enemies weep!

"Mark Weingartner"

A smile is like the sun coming out after the rain. Its rays timidly touch the saddened soul, and, spreading, warm the heart. And then joyful calmness is reflected in the eyes.

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product.

"George Carlin"

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles.

"Muriel Spark"

Smile, illuminating everyone with smiles! Make mistakes – it’s more fun to live with mistakes. Don't be afraid, anything can happen in life. Don't give up! Everything doesn't work out right away.

Wrinkles are evidence of endless irritation or a smile that never leaves your face.

It takes a little to make you smile, and just a smile to make anything possible.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to evoke a wise and kind smile in him, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

And we exchanged understanding smiles, he as a man who is not indifferent to women, I as a woman accustomed to men who are not indifferent to women.

"Françoise Sagan"

Never give up on what makes you smile.

"Heath Ledger"

No matter what they tell you, accept it with a smile and do your job.

"Mother Teresa"

A smile enriches those who are given it, without impoverishing those who give it.

Quotes about smiling

Any depression should be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away.

"Robert De Niro"

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman.

We live in cities where every second person starts the day with thoughts of suicide, and another with thoughts of murder... But even if your morning begins with a cup of coffee and a smile loved one, this does not mean that there is no place for pain in your heart.

"Evgeniy Nichipuruk"

You smiled and spoke to me - so, about nothing; and I realized that I had been waiting for this moment for so long.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

Look in the mirror, because you are beautiful. Smile more often, and those around you will understand: you are all top-notch.

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Yes, many people ask the question: how are you? And I look at them, don’t say anything and just smile. A smile is the most beautiful answer to a question. Smile.

If you smile, all your dreams will come true.

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet.

A good mood is the beginning of success, just like a smile on your face is the beginning of laughter.

The pain went away, the soul was filled with different music. Not the one that makes you cry, but the one that makes smiles bloom, that does not empathize with crying hearts, but gives them comfort and hope.

"Natalia Kalinina"

Yes, I won't envy you, girl. Or maybe you've fallen in love after all? Terms have nothing to do with it, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable next to your loved one, you enjoy his company. You remember him, and the blood pounds in your temples, and your heart begins to pound furiously. You smile, glow from within. What could be stronger than memories?

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with it more and more.

Smile and the whole world will laugh with you. Cry and you will cry alone...

Don't say no to things that bring a smile to your face.

She always smiled so welcomingly that I wanted to take her smile with me.

"Haruki Murakami"

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

The most best people- those who make you smile most often.

These are just hands touching the keys, leaving a joyful mark on the face. Perhaps it's better this way. It's easy for me to smile, even if tears flow.