Baby food for gaining muscle mass: reviews, proportions. Baby food for adults

For the production of industrial baby food, only high-quality raw materials are used without adding harmful substances. food additives. That is why all kinds of baby purees and cereals in jars exceed the quality of other food products. But does this mean that health-conscious adults can eat food made for children?

Why is baby food not suitable for adults?

  1. Causes insulin resistance. Baby food is a highly crushed product (homogenized), which allows sugars to be quickly absorbed into the blood, forcing the production large number insulin. This process is not at all useful for adults, since it develops insulin resistance. And this is a direct path to diabetes mellitus 2 types. It is much more beneficial when carbohydrates are gradually extracted by the intestines from roughage, without allowing sharp jumps blood sugar levels.
  2. Low fiber. Nutrition for children is specially designed for the characteristics of their digestive system. Such food contains little fiber and rough dietary fiber, which are simply necessary for normal operation gastrointestinal tract adult. That is why adults cannot eat exclusively baby food, but it can be used as a snack.
  3. No longer relevant as sports nutrition. IN Soviet times With the help of baby food, athletes gained muscle mass. Today, this method has lost its popularity because to prevent the carbohydrates contained in baby food from turning into fat, a man needs to devote much more time to training than usual. In Soviet times, food for children was not as expensive as it is now, so modern men give preference to sports nutrition, which is much cheaper.

How effective is the baby food diet?

What sacrifices do women make to get rid of extra pounds, then sit for weeks on green apples and kefir, then drink all kinds of teas for weight loss. Nowadays, a diet based on baby food is very popular. People who have already tried this method of losing weight claim that they managed to lose several kilograms.

Baby food contains few calories, and besides, it is available in large quantities hardly anyone will. This is what can explain the effectiveness of this diet. There is another plus: you don’t need to prepare anything, you just need to open the jar and eat the puree. Due to its compactness, such food is very convenient to carry in a bag - this great option for a snack. You can eat no more per day 14 jars of baby food.

But with all the advantages of this diet, it is necessary to remember that baby food does not contain coarse fiber, which is necessary for an adult body. That's why keep this diet longer 10 days is not recommended. To compensate for the lack of fiber, you can add vegetables to your diet, such as celery.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that you can eat baby food, but not all the time. Otherwise, health problems may arise. There is not everything in children's nutrition essential microelements, which the adult body needs.

The responsibility when preparing food for young children is much higher than for adults. That is why all components of baby puree undergo careful processing and do not contain GMOs or preservatives. Does this mean that you can take baby food for adults all the time and come up with different diets with it?

Reasons why you should not consume baby food all the time

  1. Lack of fiber.
    Ready-made baby purees are designed for the developing stomach of a child. They contain very little fiber and binding dietary fiber, without which the adult body will not function normally. But this is only if you eat only baby food and nothing else. If you take purees in addition to your diet, then everything will be fine.
  2. Causes immunity to the hormone insulin (insulin resistance).
    Baby purees come in very crushed form, and this causes an increased flow of sugar into the blood, which results in an increased release of insulin in the body. This is not very good for an adult body, as it can cause immunity to the hormone insulin, and subsequently lead to diabetes. Again, this is only if there is constant baby food and nothing else.
  3. It just doesn't make sense.
    Basically, baby food was used by athletes 10-15 years ago to gain weight. muscle mass. Today there are an abundance of different sports supplements, and drugs, the need for infant formula is reduced to a minimum. Of course, when choosing sports nutrition You should definitely consult with professionals.

Baby food diet

In pursuit of slim body, women are ready to use all methods. You can find a lot of information about the baby food diet online.

If you still decide to try such a diet, then be sure to keep in mind a few rules:

  • Be sure to add to your diet, in addition to infant formula, foods containing coarse fiber. It is very important for an adult organism;
  • Look at the calorie content of the purchased puree. Usually it is in the range of 25-75 calories. So it won’t be difficult to calculate your norm;
  • There is no need to follow such a diet for more than one week;
  • Be sure to consult your doctor. Perhaps such unloading of the body is contraindicated for you.

It is better not to go to extremes and use such a diet, but to eat right and go to the gym.

Many athletes use infant formula instead of protein shakes to quickly get in shape. But the body needs of a baby and an adult man are significantly different. When asked whether adults can eat baby food, your doctor will give a reasoned answer. Consultants of the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you everything about the composition of infant formula.

Everything you need to grow

During times Soviet Union Olympic heavyweights were on a diet of artificial food - “Malyutka” or “Baby”. The mixtures replaced protein shakes, which simply did not exist then, and made up for the lack of protein after intense, grueling workouts.

Why athletes choose breast milk substitutes for weight gain:

  • baby food contains everything necessary for the full growth of the baby: proteins, growth vitamins, nucleotides - weight activators;
  • These products do not contain preservatives, flavoring additives, stabilizers or dyes. Thus, Nutrilon Premium 1 Pronutri+ milk formula undergoes the strictest European quality control for product safety;
  • quickly satisfy protein hunger;
  • easily absorbed by the body ( protein composition close to breast milk), promotes digestion.


For a newborn artificial feeding the mixture is the only source of nutrition. For an adult athlete - just an additive to the main meal. Excess vitamins, which manufacturers certainly add to the diet of artificial babies, can lead to a malfunction of the immune system.

Blend as a cocktail for bodybuilders: pros and cons

Athletes exercising to the limit physical strength, need a special protein-rich diet. However, the needs of a baby and an adult are different. What to choose – baby formula or sports nutrition?


Substitutes mother's milk help bodybuilders and athletes build beautiful muscle definition. This diet has pros and cons. An important advantage is that all products for children undergo the strictest quality control. What exactly to choose should be decided only by the athlete himself and his nutritionist.

In the section on the question: Can an adult eat baby food? given by the author Salamandra the best answer is I ate it, it’s very tasty! =) probably possible!

Reply from Suck[guru]
it’s possible, but it’s easy to recover from it - nutrients there really is a lot, especially in mixtures and cereals

Reply from Avenue[guru]
For example, I love vodka, they say it also contains a lot of vitamins! But it doesn’t make me feel any better!

Reply from Peter Dmitrienko[guru]
I personally ate and there was nothing. but I can’t eat it every day. purely physically. better mashed chicken there... or jellied meat

Reply from chevron[guru]
eat and don't be afraid of anything))

Reply from Nicky[guru]
Can. I myself love baby puree.

Reply from Maxim Cube[guru]
Yes, and it’s even necessary, especially if you play sports, because all the vitamins, minerals, etc. are balanced there. etc., which are also necessary for an adult. But it is undesirable to eat foreign products

Reply from Wonderful girl..[guru]
In principle, it is possible, but it will be more useful for sick people (if about adults)

Reply from Kolya Kravtsov[newbie]
no matter what, you can eat as much as you want

Reply from Anya[guru]
First time I hear THIS...
I eat it and nothing is normal, especially since it is designed for children and cannot cause allergies, except for some component.
Moreover, why do doctors themselves prescribe such food after operations, or dentists after tooth extraction, or where mashed potatoes are needed? Or why do veterinarians prescribe the same thing to animals? !

Reply from Olga Tishineva[guru]
Oh, and I always waited for my children to not finish this very food - there was something to feast on! Since your body requires it, eat to your health! And well, to the devil, with his NEXT nonsense, a doctor... also called;)

Reply from Masha[guru]
Are you sure that your boyfriend is really a doctor? I’m a doctor, but I eat with pleasure myself, and just like that and if there are problems with digestion, I’m an allergy sufferer myself, but so far I haven’t died from a sudden development of an allergy or from hypervitaminosis, and by the way I haven’t observed them in myself

In an effort to lose weight and maintain optimal physical fitness boys and girls adhere to the most unusual ways. Until recently, baby food for adults seemed absurd, but today the demand for such products has increased. Nutritionists confirm that this type of nutrition can be effective, but not always healthy.

Is baby food good for adults?

The popularity of children's food was given by the famous actress Jennifer Aniston. Trying to get rid of excess weight, she decided not to return to the tried and tested diets, but to try something new. The method brought excellent results, and many Hollywood stars began to use it.

Baby food for adults is not the best basis for a diet

There are several reasons why previously unusual products for adults have gained popularity.

  • No need to cook low calorie food– you just need to open a jar bought in a supermarket.
  • Small portions – the habit of eating smaller meals throughout the day narrows the stomach and helps you feel full after a minimum amount of food.
  • Baby food for adults – great way consume products without harmful chemicals. Products for babies undergo strict control, so they are completely free of GMOs, dyes, flavor enhancers and other “harmful substances” that are characteristic of most of the products we are familiar with.

The range of products for babies is very wide. Losing weight girls and boys can choose vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, fermented milk products and meat products. With such variety it is easy to find a dish to your liking.

Can adults eat baby food?

Despite the large number of arguments “for”, there are significant “against” that do not allow us to consider food for babies as the main element of the adult diet.

  • Taste qualities. On store shelves there are bright jars with the image of a chicken or cow. You can find everything: beef stroganoff and homemade chicken. The internal content does not correspond to the external: the products do not contain spices and seasonings that give the meat the taste we are accustomed to, so gourmets and others will be bitterly disappointed.
  • Composition of components. Baby food is designed for undeveloped digestive system babies, so it does not contain enough fiber, dietary fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the adult intestines.
  • Contraindications. Food from jars should not be consumed if you have anemia, gastrointestinal problems, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.
  • Price. The calorie content of one jar does not exceed 100 kcal, daily requirement adult – from 1000 kcal. Considering the cost of packaging, equal to 80-100 rubles, this amounts to a considerable amount of daily expenses. With this money you can buy a lot of things you are used to losing weight chicken breast or fruit.