I want a fox: is it possible to keep a fox at home and how much does it cost? “I want a fox”: is it worth getting a fox at home and how much does it cost? How to keep a fox at home

I've been wanting to get myself... a fox for a long time! Infected me like this unusual idea my friend the hunter Vovka. He has earlier at home There lived a wolf cub, but the grown-up cub was released into the forestry territory.

But the fox is a completely different matter. Vovka has a friend who once sheltered such a miracle. We went and looked. Now we are standing in line for the fox cubs. True, I feel like my little fox will break off. Households are bothered by the fragrant peculiarity of fox fur. So, everyone loves a fox fur coat, but they call a living one stinky.

Tales about domestic foxes

There is no such breed as a "domestic fox". The domestic one is the same as an ordinary wild fox. The only difference is the place of registration. A fox raised at home is more flexible, but it also needs to be tamed.

Rumors that foxes are the main carriers of the rabies virus are nothing more than chatter dark people. The rabies virus is only transmitted bats. If a bat bites an expensive purebred dog of noble blood, it will also become rabid. But the slander against foxes is more alive than all living things. Be prepared for the fact that your red-haired friend will be followed with an angry look, hounded by dogs, and called bad names.

The fox can be kept in an apartment. A special enclosure can only be made if you live outside the city. Only it must be a durable enclosure - neighbors dogs will be wildly interested in the unusual smell.

Fox and man

The little fox needs to be tamed. Do not try to baby the baby as soon as it is brought into the house. When the little fox gets used to you a little, you can pet him lightly. Yes, like a cat. Foxes love to have their ears scratched. Later you will encounter reverse side domestication. The little fox becomes very attached to its owner. Don't leave him alone. Take it in your hands. If you don't pay attention to it, it may wither away.

Spend as much time as possible with your pet. The fox can be taken out for walks on a leash. Only the collar should be “cat”, a system of straps that wraps around the chest. A fox can rub its neck while wearing a dog collar. On the street, do not let the fox off the leash. She may be aggressive towards small dogs and cats, can attack a child. If nearby big dogs, hold the baby animal in your arms. Better yet, buy a dog repeller. The fox's ear will not catch his signal, and the offenders will not be displeased. Of course, problems may arise with the owners of “defenseless” dogs.

What to feed

Foxes love sweets. They should not be given sweets in the form of cakes. Natural fruits are better suited: grapes, berries, puree. Do not give raw fish. The fox will not gnaw bones. A "cat" diet is better suited.

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What kind of pets do lovers of exotic animals keep at home? And spiders, and scorpions, and chameleons, and raccoons... lately country houses and city apartments began to gradually become inhabited by such unusual animals for domestic conditions as foxes. These are usually small desert fennec foxes and common (red) foxes. But before you decide to purchase such an exotic animal, it would be nice to learn about the peculiarities of its maintenance and the dangers that may lie in wait for both the domestic fox and the owner.

Fox as a pet: what to expect?

As you know, foxes belong to the canine family and, it would seem, in life they should be more reminiscent of our familiar domestic animals - dogs. However, this is not true. Their behavior is more reminiscent of the behavior of “murks” - they are independent and have their own minds. If you decide to have a fox at home, you should not expect dog-like devotion from it andgratitude for taking care of her and feeding her.To teach a fox something, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, show tremendous patience and perseverance. If you once had a dog, and you failed to instill in it the rules of decency, then a fox is definitely not your pet!

Whatever kind of fox you decide to get - a graceful fennec fox or a descendant of a red or black-brown fox, this animal requires special conditions maintenance and care. As many people believe, a fox should be about the same in everyday life as a dog: follow commands, rush as fast as it can to its owner at the first call, and during rest hours sleep peacefully on the rug. But very soon the unprepared owner turns out to be disappointed - the cute fluffy creature turned out to be not so cute at all.

Let's start with the fact that the definition of “domestic” does not guarantee the owner peaceful coexistence with his pet in his own apartment. Although domestic, it is still an animal, with all its inherent animal instincts and habits. For example, most ordinary people know that in wildlife Foxes live in holes, and the hole must be dug. And this instinct to dig a hole, even if kept in a city apartment, will not go away! This means that your pet will try to dig in the apartment, in the country house, and in personal plot. A hole dug in a sofa is, of course, great for an animal, but not for the owner of a new sofa! Foxes are active and inquisitive, which means your Patrikeevna will explore with enthusiasm environment and test the strength (i.e. simply gnaw and tear) surrounding objects.

Toilet training is also not easy; not every animal can be trained to relieve its natural needs in a litter box, and the pet is not always able to endure it until the moment of walking. How to be, if the desire to have a pet fox is irresistible? First, you need to think carefully again and soberly assess your strength.

Conditions for keeping foxes in captivity

Think about whether you can provide for your Patrikeevna comfortable conditions living in your house or apartment. Fenechs live in captivity up to 10–13 years, and common foxes up to 15–20 years. And this should be life, not a sad existence in a cage!

Suitable for living country house with a plot on which you can build a spacious enclosure with a house. Don’t forget about the digging instinct - the walls of the enclosure must be buried at least 1 m 20 cm into the ground.

Life in a warm house or apartment will not be comfortable for an ordinary fox - it will be hot in winter, and outbreaks may begin. various problems because of unsuitable temperatures. In an apartment, you can equip an aviary on an unheated balcony or loggia, making sure to install a house with a thick floor in the aviary. But if the balcony faces south, then in the summer a fox, toiling in the sun all day, can suffer heatstroke.

For the little eared robber fennec, an outdoor enclosure is only suitable in the summer, because these little ones come from the African deserts. The rest of the time he needs dry and warm room without drafts, the temperature in which will not drop below 20° C. In late autumn, winter and early spring, it is better not to let the fenech outside. When keeping a small fox in a house or apartment, an enclosure is also desirable, or even better, a separate room. It would be very useful to install a deep and durable container with sand in the enclosure - the pet will happily dig.

Fenech leads night look life, and not everyone will like sleeping in the same room with him. By the way, fennec foxes have very fine and sensitive hearing; this should not be forgotten when keeping a fox in an urban environment, where the background noise leaves much to be desired. A sharp or loud unusual sound can bring the animal into acoustic shock.

You also need to take into account that all foxes are excellent jumpers. Even a fennec, a little larger than a kitten, can jump onto a high table once or twice. Therefore, before letting your pet frolic in the apartment, remove all dangerous or easily breakable objects, even from high surfaces.

Foxes love to play, and to prevent items at hand and not intended for play from going to waste, provide your pet with a sufficient number of toys. Dog and cat toys made of molded rubber and wooden sticks are suitable. You should not offer the fox plush toys - she will get rid of them quite quickly.

Walking with a pet fox

You can try to solve the toilet problem by training the animal to use the tray, but unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. And the smell of fox feces is far from the aroma of lilies of the valley! You can teach him to relieve himself during a walk. It is better to walk a fox on a harness: firstly, your pet can simply wriggle out of the collar, and, secondly, a sharp tug on the leash fastened to the collar can lead to injury to the larynx and cervical region spine. Be extremely careful while walking! Not all dogs you meet will begin to complacently get acquainted with a domestic animal, but still. The matter could end in bloodshed. It is advisable to go out for an evening walk as late as possible - evening activity coincides with the natural biorhythm of foxes. It is very important to wean your redhead from grabbing all kinds of food waste on the street, this can result in serious poisoning. And don’t forget that you can walk with a fennec cat only in the warm season.

Do you need to wash your fox?

Owners often have the question “Is it possible and necessary to wash a fox?” In principle, foxes do not need to be washed. But if such a need arises, for example, if it is heavily soiled, you can wash the fox with hypoallergenic shampoo for dogs. It is better to choose a fragrance-free shampoo. But you should not wash your fox more than once a month. If you are walking with your pet in the city in winter, then when you come home, do not forget to wash her paws with paw shampoo (for example, “Bashmachok”).

Feeding a domestic fox

To feeding fluffy pet must be approached with full responsibility. Foxes are omnivorous animals, but the basis of their diet is still meat.

It’s better to decide right away whether you will feed the animal natural products or ready-made food. Premium and Super Premium dog foods are quite suitable for feeding foxes. Food for medium breed dogs age category well suited for common foxes, and food for small breeds- fennecs.

If you decide to stick to a natural type of food, then you can take advantage of the experience of animal farms and prepare minced meat. It consists of boiled meat or chicken, boiled offal (lungs, heart, trachea, tripe, etc.), porridge (preferably rice and buckwheat) with the addition of vegetables (carrots, zucchini) and herbs. All these products are turned in a meat grinder, and minced meat is obtained.

In addition to farshekashi, it is advisable to give cottage cheese (up to 9% fat) 1-2 times a week, raw eggs. You can diversify your diet with boiled fish and fruits. Fenechs are crazy about figs and dates, and common foxes are crazy about grapes, raisins, and pears.

Should a fox be neutered?

If you are not going to engage in breeding and keep the fox in the house, then, of course, it is better to castrate it. Rutting and estrus for foxes occur once a year in January, for fennec foxes - in January-February. During the rut, both females and males can be overly active and even show aggression. Males can make mounts both on surrounding objects and on the owner. Both males and females tend to mark territory with urine. All this is not very pleasant for the owner and his family members, and the only way to avoid the “joys of thirst for love” - the procedure of castration of an animal. By the way, after castration, the smell of the fox will also decrease (although the specific animal smell will remain to one degree or another, but will become much more tolerable). Puberty in foxes it occurs at the age of 6–9 months, at the same age they can be castrated.

On a lonely and sad evening, you sat down and thought about how great it would be if there was some kind of animal nearby. Preferably unusual and funny, but at the same time loyal and loving. You remembered that foxes belong to the canine family, and dogs are the most loyal friends. Then you thought that it would be great to have a fox next to you - it’s beautiful, unusual, and warm in your soul. But questions, questions languished in your head and did not let you sleep: where to buy? What is the price? Can I keep it at home? Should I go for a walk with her? TVR has heard your thoughts and is answering your questions.

Is it even possible to keep a fox at home?

It is possible, but not all of them. We interviewed a dozen fox owners and those who keep them on their property.

Everyone agrees on one thing - you can keep a domestic fox in the house, but not a domesticated one.

To make the difference clearer, let’s explain: a domestic fox is one that was bred specifically to be kept in an apartment. She is tame, non-aggressive and easy to train. A domesticated fox is one that was brought from the forest and kept in conditions familiar to us.

Many not the most honest breeders sell puppies of domesticated foxes under the guise of domestic ones. Alas, such a purchase will cost you, although cheaper, but more painful. Sooner or later, the animal will begin to show its instincts, attack others, scream at night and literally go crazy from the fact that it is cramped.

By the way, real domestic foxes appeared quite recently - in 2011. The breed was bred at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics.

Price issue

You can rummage through the advertisements and find an Arctic fox, unusual even for foxes. A puppy of this breed is worth it too 15 thousand rubles .

In Vladivostok, advertisements for the sale of foxes appear very rarely. At the time of publication, we managed to find only one - about the sale of two one-year-old foxes, which were once purchased for breeding. Judging by the photographs, the animal is domesticated, as evidenced by the words of the seller:

The male does not allow anyone to stroke him, only my son. They take treats from their hands. We feed with premium dry food, additionally we give chicken, apples, berries, cabbage... At home they go to the tray. It is advisable to keep it in an aviary.

How to live with her?

Foxes have a very specific character - they are loyal, like dogs, and independent, like cats. Therefore, the process of “getting along” with the animal will take a long period.

In general, they are playful and trusting, so you will make friends quickly.

But the moment when you stop “quarreling” on everyday grounds cannot be precisely determined. It is known that a fox will take root in your house faster if there is already an animal there. For example, a cat or a dog. Experienced owners say that they develop very good friendships.

It is worth buying a leash for the fox and taking it outside from time to time. It is not necessary to do this as often as if you had a dog; it is enough to accustom the fox to the tray.

By the way, they are easy to train.

However, while walking, watch the animal as carefully as possible! A careless fox may begin to grab glass and other dangerous objects with its teeth. However, dogs also suffer from this during puppyhood. Don't worry about food - foxes are omnivores and happily eat both animal and plant products. Many breeders simply feed the animal dog food.

And finally, a video about how a fox lives in a house:

Despite the fact that foxes have recently been often kept as pets, we should not forget that they are still wild animals with corresponding habits. The maintenance of these animals must be approached very responsibly. It is imperative that the animal be vaccinated against rabies, because in the wild, foxes are often carriers of this disease.

How to get a pet fox

Fox cubs taken in early age, are well tamed, with proper education they will behave like domestic dogs. Like dogs, foxes are very cheerful, playful and can become attached to their owners. However, you should not always keep the fox free - it is a predatory animal that can deal with your plants or other animals (especially rodents and birds). To keep a tame fox, you need to build an enclosure in which the animal will stay when you are not around.

What should an enclosure for a fox be like?

A pet's enclosure must be reliable and durable. Remember that foxes are good at jumping, climbing and digging, so make sure that your pet cannot get out of the enclosure on its own. In an outdoor enclosure, the walls must go very deep into the ground, otherwise your pet will dig its way to freedom. And he will do this in dark time days, so that you won’t even notice. For a pet, being in the wild is deadly. The fox can chew the wooden parts of the enclosure; check them periodically for their safety.

Do not create overly complex structures - it will be difficult to put things in order later. The enclosure will have to be cleaned daily, and once every two to three months general cleaning and disinfection. If you are not ready for this, then it is better not to get a fox.

Make a fox hole in one of the corners, it can play its role at home cat house, and there’s a dog kennel outside. There your fox will sleep or hide from bad weather. For home aviary You will need an additional cat litter box; accustoming a fox to it will not be a problem. In summer, in hot weather, the fox needs to put a bath with clean water so that the animal can bathe. Foxes are not at all afraid of water and gladly accept water procedures. In winter, snow is suitable for swimming, and the fox will play in it.

What to feed a domestic fox

Foxes are unpretentious when it comes to food. Small foxes are fed milk, adult foxes can be fed raw and boiled meat, bread soaked in milk and even boiled potatoes. The fox will not refuse dog food either.

Foxes are found in all climatic zones of the planet, even in deserts and in the Arctic Circle. They belong to the same biological family as dogs. Of all the species of wild foxes, the most prone to domestication are the black and brown fox, the common red fox, and the desert fennec fox. Although they are closely related to dogs, their habits, diet and needs differ from those of ordinary pets. Therefore, keeping them at home is associated with certain difficulties and caring for them is much more difficult than for dogs.

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    Types of tame foxes

    There are usually only three types of foxes kept in captivity:

    View Photo
    Common Red

    Red fox


    Black and brown fox

    Desert fennec fox

    Desert fennec fox

    Features of keeping foxes at home

    Regardless of what type of fox has settled in human housing, the animal needs to create an imitation natural conditions and provide proper care.For domestic fox required:

    • A good veterinarian who will agree to take care of such a pet: give timely vaccinations, monitor its health.
    • A blood test twice a year in a veterinary clinic, based on the results of which the composition of the feed is adjusted.
    • Permission for the presence of an animal in an apartment or house, since in some countries there is a ban on keeping wild animals at home.
    • The enclosure is made of durable material of sufficient height to make cleaning convenient. The animal is locked in it while the owners are away. Considering that all foxes love to chew and dig, the cage should be made entirely of metal.
    • In the enclosure you should make a den like a hole where the animal can hide.
    • For toileting, a dog tray with sawdust or litter is usually used.
    • Remove easily breakable objects from the fox's reach if she is allowed to walk around the apartment. At the same time, you need to understand that she can jump high and climb heights in a way that dogs cannot, being heavier than a cat.

    Main difficulties

    It is necessary to take into account the fact that a wild animal, no matter how it is tamed, cannot change its genetics and the information contained in it. Therefore, a fox will always be capable of “wild” acts, no matter how well-mannered and affectionate it may be: while playing, it can inflict a serious bite, which will take a long time to heal. It follows from this that it is safer for a family with children to have a dog or cat. In addition, foxes always remember an insult. If an owner punishes a pet for misbehavior, he will forever undermine the wild animal's trust and harm their relationship. There are no exceptions.

    During a walk, the pet must be wearing a collar with a tag and the owner’s information, so that if the owner escapes, his animal will be returned.

    At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will meet dogs on walks, including hunting breeds, which will definitely react to the sight and smell of game.

    You can allow the animal to move freely around the yard or around the house in the presence of a person and only if the fence in the yard is strong enough, reliable and goes into the ground at least 80 cm: foxes love to dig and are able to get out into the wild by doing move under the fence. Burrowing animals, which include foxes, generally have a very developed digging instinct. Therefore, when kept in an apartment, they will try to dig everything: the floor, sofas, pillows. They can be limited in this, but it is impossible to wean them off.

    In addition, foxes are nocturnal animals, so you will have to put up with their way of life or retrain them for a long time and patiently.

    A wild animal will always pose a threat and danger to the pets that are already in the house.

    In addition to the listed dangers, keeping a fox also causes a lot of minor troubles:

    • Cases often occur when a fox cannot be trained to go to the toilet in a tray. Then you need to look for an alternative: sprinkle the floor in the enclosure with sawdust, special filler or sand.
    • When kept in an apartment, windows and doors must always be closed or have a particularly strong mesh with a wire diameter of at least 1 mm. The animal will not miss the opportunity to get out, and the mosquito net on the window is not a barrier for it.
    • After the animal has eaten, it will try to hide the remaining food in a secluded place and mark them. You can't wean yourself off this.
    • The smell from an adult animal and from its litter tray is always pungent and unpleasant. This is a natural smell, and it will be almost impossible to remove it with dog shampoos - just to weaken it a little.
    • All objects available to the animal will be tested by its teeth. Even an abundance of toys will not save you from this.
    • If the pet does not take root in the house and becomes an unbearable burden, releasing it into the forest will be tantamount to murder. A domesticated fox will not survive in the wild: it has not developed the necessary wild beast survival skills. You can give it to another person, but the animal will not be able to get used to the new owner - it will not accept a stranger.
    • IN mating season Foxes behave very restlessly and actively, not like domestic animals: they often and loudly howl and scream, and only at night. Therefore, you will definitely have to sterilize your pet or look for a mate for it.


    The main diet of a predator should be protein. But in natural environment Foxes eat small quantities of berries, plant roots, and wild fruits, from which animals obtain vitamins. To balance the animal’s food at home, its menu should include:

    • Chicken, beef, any other lean meat. It is cut into pieces and doused with boiling water.
    • By-products: heart, kidneys, liver, tendons, cow tripe, bird heads, etc.
    • Boiled fish without bones.
    • Fermented milk products; for fox cubs - fresh milk.
    • Cereal porridge or flour made from barley, wheat, peas.
    • Waste from flour milling and oil production added to feed: bran, cake, meal.
    • Eggs.
    • Fruits without seeds and seeds: apples, pears, plums, etc.
    • Vegetables crushed into puree and added to the main food: carrots, cabbage, beets.
    • Garden and wild berries: strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries.
    • Dry or wet food for premium dogs.

    Vitamin supplements in the animal's diet

    In addition to the main food, it is necessary to give vitamins found in:

    • Yeast (group B).
    • Fish oil (groups A, D).
    • Bone meal.

    Harmful Products

    Some seemingly harmless food products can cause diseases of vital organs or even the death of a pet. It is not recommended to feed:

    • Bread. In extreme cases, you can give it dried and only black.
    • Fish the following types: blue whiting, hake, pollock, hake, pollock.
    • Pork.
    • Sausages.
    • Some types of fruits: plum, peach, persimmon, citrus.
    • Confectionery products.
    • Fat collected after frying meat.
    • Yeast dough.
    • Fish, boiled or tubular bones birds.
    • Potatoes, peppers, avocado, mushrooms, broccoli.
    • Iron-containing vitamin complexes for people.

    Foxes are prone to overeating and obesity. It is advisable to feed them in small portions and at least 3 times a day.