An ideal person is ideal. Who is your ideal

Of course, every person has a certain desire that drives him. It will not surprise anyone if such an attraction is called the desire to find happiness. Indeed, everyone dreams of possessing, or rather fully feeling, happiness - something ephemeral and difficult to describe, but nevertheless a feeling that is difficult to confuse with something else.

Feeling happy

Perhaps you have never felt happiness. But if you are given at least a couple of moments, you will not confuse it with anything and will definitely remember these emotions. After all, compared to other, let’s say, everyday thoughts and sensations, happiness is an order of magnitude higher. That is why everyone strives in one way or another to become happy.

The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of ideals

If you think a little, it becomes quite obvious that the level of happiness of each individual depends on the level of development. It is the presence of certain internal parameters that actually determines the degree of satisfaction with life. After all, as has long been known and proven, no external achievements make a person truly happy.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand that only an ideal person is able to truly feel such emotions. Accordingly, the pursuit of an ideal is the path to happiness in the most global sense of the term. It is about the ideality of human beings that we will talk further, and the relevance of the topic for every reader will probably no longer raise any doubts.

The ideal is different for everyone

To begin with, we should make some remarks regarding the understanding of the ideal person by each individual person. Given the enormous diversity of human beings, it is not difficult to guess that there is a different understanding of ideality for each individual. Nevertheless, for any person, ideality is determined by the embodiment of one’s own best qualities, fruitful self-creation, which makes it possible to constantly develop and become better than oneself.

As you know, an ideal person never compares himself with others, but only with himself. Moreover, if he surpasses his previous self, then the movement goes in the right direction. Nevertheless, in many ways, the image of an ideal person consists of certain general parameters that are understandable not only to each individual, but also to everyone else. People in reality have a lot in common, and mainly the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe best and not the best, the properties of discrimination are identical for everyone, although they may vary slightly depending on the historical era and social group.

For example, for some, the ideal woman is beautiful girl with a chiseled figure, and someone appreciates beautiful field qualities of a housewife and a wonderful mother.

Is there a most ideal person?

The understanding of this term definitely depends on the preferences of the individual. For some, the most ideal person is the one who is considered the most outstanding in a certain profession or field of activity, others focus on great figures and historical characters, and others consider someone close to them to be the most ideal. Thus, it is difficult to call any person completely ideal for everyone, but it is not difficult to determine the commonality between all ideals, and this commonality is the presence of certain properties and character traits that distinguish them from among people.

What are the qualities of an ideal person

In general, these criteria are positive characteristics, which are basically the same across all cultures and times. For example, it is unlikely that justice or generosity have ever been or will be considered shameful qualities. In fact, everyone has an internal understanding of these and other similar characteristics that seem to be inherent in people.

This fact is surprising, but if you think a little or look at your own feelings when choosing behavior in any situation, you can easily observe some indicator inherent in you initially, which gives accurate knowledge regarding the best solutions, thoughts and actions. Of course, if you are used to deceiving yourself or allowing negative tendencies to develop in yourself, then you will more often begin to move away from your own ideal in external manifestations, emotions and thoughts. However, the precise certainty of how to move in the right direction and what the ideal person in you is will not go away and will continue to be present in your being.

Ideal in art

Thus, the qualities of an ideal person are those indicators that have been glorified for many years by magnificent works of art, the postulates of religions and great examples of human beings who have approached the ideal. We will not list each of these properties in detail, since the reader himself can easily understand what we mean. we're talking about, and if there is a need, determine which properties are missing or which need to be developed. It is worth mentioning separately only about the character of an ideal person, who in fact can be absolutely anything (soft, heavy, etc.), because human character is determined by a certain set of parameters and their combination. But a person with whom it is difficult to communicate, but who will never deceive, and a person with a gentle disposition, who is liked by many and will never deceive for the sake of another, can be equally honest.

What are the traits of an ideal person

In many ways, such people (not completely ideal, but ideal within the limits of the capabilities given to them) are not difficult to notice. It is quite possible that you know such “perfectionists” who differ from the rest in some completeness and completeness. After all, an individual who acts in accordance with an internal ideal, in fact, does not need anything; in general, a person’s qualities are minimal, refined and sublime, such a person does not strive anywhere in everyday life and is not subject to various “wants”, hence inner peace and tranquility are manifested.

Moreover, if you communicate with such a person, then you yourself begin to feel complete satisfaction with yourself and everything else. Such sensations only appear when communicating with a truly fulfilled person, one who has nothing feigned or fake, who has calmness not due to complacency. Basically, this is how the traits of an ideal person appear in external space and interaction with others.

How to develop positive traits and qualities in yourself

As said earlier, everyone strives for happiness, and this need requires the pursuit of one’s own ideal, that is, such a way of activity, interaction and thought process that most corresponds to some internal indicator that is inherent in everyone initially. Of course, there is a truth in everyone, a model of what your ideal person looks like. Moreover, despite the seemingly significant differences, in the final sense, such an image is identical for everyone, as are the ideal qualities that each individual person may possess.

Probably the most essential activity that a person can have is movement towards the ideal, and this, in fact, ultimately determines any activity. Accordingly, it is advisable to reflect on how productively you yourself are moving towards your own ideal, because this is initially essential for yourself, since it determines the degree of happiness inherent in you. As you know, there are no limits to perfection, and in any version there is room for improvement.

Weight control

For self-development positive qualities It is possible to choose any direction you want, but it is better to “select” those that make you less happy, because it is in these areas that you are less consistent with the ideal. Let's take such a banal example as excessive body weight, which creates a huge number of complexes. If this worries you, you should simply start working in this direction.

However, one should take into account the absence of such a parameter as a precisely defined ideal weight person, obligatory for everyone. This characteristic is individual for everyone and is sometimes determined by natural parameters.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand how important it is to have a reasonable attitude towards own aspirations, since what will make you ideal is not imitation of any external generally accepted templates, but following the true and immanently inherent in each individual image of an ideal person, that is, your far-fetched image, which embodies happiness.

An ideal is the best, completed state of a phenomenon. And if a person is adjusted to these standards, the absolute ideal will be his, or simply non-existence, whose balance should not be distorted or disturbed by any manifestations of life. In general, complete and final nirvana without any hope of any “continuation” with fascinating details. But then, our whole life is some kind of one big divine mistake, the correction of which falls on the shoulders of people who are “carried away” by spiritual teachings. I hope this place made you smile. We live in a diverse reality, and here, in the midst of the chaos of phenomena, among other things, sometimes life-affirming experiences arise, the value of which, I think, does not need to convince anyone. And in this regard, the ideal is a dream, a bright and creative life, filled with love and joy.

Life consists of sensations that occur in what we call the word “I”. “I” is the one in whom my perceptions occur, which add up to my life. We move towards what we feel, and we feel what is happening in ourselves. If God were not in us, for us he would not be anywhere. Our psyche is multifaceted, our subconscious already contains the entire set of probabilities that can happen to us. All religions and teachings - brief instructions to our psyche. Ideal man already exists in our subconscious, otherwise we would have nothing to strive for. Our development is the unlocking of our potential. We move towards what we know, or at least have a subtle hint of, because the “seeds” of His life are manifested in everyday consciousness. Conscience does not allow us to go astray.

Conscience is a kind of mental mirror, looking into which a person wants to see God, but sees himself in it and gets upset. He feels the difference between his expectations and the actual state of affairs. This difference is felt like pangs of conscience. And conscience, in this case, is a great motivator of self-improvement. She is that psychic magnet on the body of God in our consciousness, which pulls us out of our lives and drags us through life’s troubles to a great goal. And the closer we get to the ideal person within ourselves, the more powerful the force of this gravity, the stronger the contrast between the ideal and the ordinary, the stronger the torment of conscience. The stronger our connection with the ideal person within us, the louder his voice sounds, guiding us along the path of self-improvement. And since this “ideal person” is already inside us, self-improvement comes down to self-knowledge.

To become better, we must know ourselves. And it doesn’t matter what religious views we adhere to. We can even be materialists. All these views are just another limited way of thinking and talking about life. Many people spend their whole lives buying into their worldview as the final truth, without even noticing how it changes to new, more “true” truths, on which the next layer of illusions about life is based. Soon all the final truths will be exposed again. And then, lo and behold! New ones will come. Someday we will stop taking them seriously...

Sometimes we feel like we are going beyond our boundaries, and we realize that yesterday’s truths are nonsense that have shackled our consciousness. We are happy to get rid of old concepts, but then, with all our might, we grab onto new ones - more subtle ones! WITH looking tired as adults we talk about old concepts, and with the immediate passion of youth we talk about new ones. This is one of the secrets of youth: making discoveries, getting first experiences, impressions, learning something new for yourself. One of the secrets of development is to become fixed in their “transcendental” images as new discoveries are made. For example, when we feel something that borders on the limits of our understanding, we can try to express this understanding in words, so that then a “support” appears in its place. Now this support can become the next step in development. And someday it will become a useless anchor, a block that, in order to move on, we will be forced to destroy and let go. This is how development happens.

For changes to happen, we must create them, let them into our lives. But sometimes we are simply unable to accept their essence. Usually we want our old life to transform and blossom, so that our old attachments reach their apogee, in which we do not run after the objects of our passion, but these “objects” themselves run after us. And yet we condescendingly allow these objects to exist in our society. This can be expressed, for example, by a person who begs us to stay with him, at least a little longer. All this is self-deception, the implementation of which in the present life is most often impossible, because it is useless. Our attachments keep us in place.

Perhaps today our mind is not yet able to accommodate and then withstand perfect life. We just have to recognize that real change happens when we “lose” something important, and after the loss, we gain the ability to let go of that “important”. Again and again. The longer we hold on to our attachments, the longer we slow down in place, the deeper we plunge into the continuously decaying quagmire of the current state in which these attachments keep us. How scary and painful it is to leave your comfort zone! How much of this fear we sometimes have to endure in order to gain a taste for life, in order to understand what kind of swamp our attachments lead us into, in order to learn to stand and move on our own feet towards our own goals. It’s just that sometimes we refuse to understand that the path to the ideal runs not through a carpet strewn with flowers, but through mental potholes, alternating with a relatively smooth path of freedom and understanding.

We cannot change simply by eliminating “destructive” influences, ridding ourselves of some “unpleasant” people, or “burdensome” obligations. We cannot change by remaining stagnant. We can only change by letting something new into our lives. We can replace one influence with another, and only then will losses not force us to experience a gaping emptiness in the place of the soul that our attachment occupied before we lost it. And if we allow changes into our lives, the voice of conscience is diluted by our curiosity, interest and passion for the unknown facets of life. This does not mean that we should treacherously leave loved ones in the past. This means that we change when we sincerely realize our own true goals, and we move towards them, making discoveries, letting in new world, which we knew about yesterday only by a subtle hint, an elusive premonition in our own minds.

An ideal person, what is he like? Many people strive for a certain standard, trying to become something they are not. A good example is the modern obsession with beauty standards. Women even have exact dimensions up to a centimeter (90 - 60 - 90), and men must certainly be pumped up and brutal.

Standards all around. There are earnings standards, standards professional success, standards of beauty, standards of humor and so on. These standards set the tone for our entire life. There are not many people who can give a damn about all this, because we are social creatures.

Many people rush from one extreme to another, either trying to meet the standards 100%, or completely denying them.

The ideal person, does he exist?

I remembered one story, unfortunately I don’t remember where I read it. The point is this. After the Second World War, the Americans commissioned a study on what ergonomics should be in an airplane cockpit: the distance to the helm, the height of the seat, the location of instruments, etc.

Scientists immediately conducted a study, took measurements from hundreds of pilots and compiled a list of average sizes human body, such an “average pilot”.. It would seem that the task is completed. However, there was one scientist who decided to check what percentage of pilots fit the description of this “average”. And do you know what happened? He didn't find any. After this, the cockpits are customized only for a specific pilot.

This example illustrates well that there is no norm. Moreover, it does not exist not only in the physical sense, but also in the intellectual, social, and so on. Each of us is a unique unit, with a completely individual set of properties.

There is no ideal person, but there are standards and they should not be neglected.


Each person has his own set of individual qualities. But this does not mean that we should neglect these qualities, since no two people are the same.

On the contrary, you should focus on these qualities. But in what cases? Only in cases where itexpedient and justified.

For example, it makes no sense to recruit people with low intelligence as nuclear scientists. In this case, a certain boundary of intellectual abilities must be drawn, a certain standard below which one cannot fall when selecting for this profession.

The same applies to beauty standards. For example, it is appropriate and justified that models recruit thin and tall women with certain facial features. But we must remember that fashion designers choose these women because their clothes look good on them, and not because they are perfect.

However, due to the fact that our world has become highly information-connected, a strange effect has resulted. People have access to almost any information. If a person finds out that in the modeling business there are high standards on the appearance of models, a person begins to perceive the appearance of these standards as ideal. Otherwise, why selection? Although in fact they are not like that, but simply meet the standards of the profession.

The same thing happens with earnings standards. Let's take business for example. To be successful in it, you must have a certain set of personal characteristics. However, it must be remembered that these business standards are also not ideal, but simply meet the parameters set by the businessman’s profession. It seems to us that since they earn more, then they are somehow better than us. This is wrong. They earn more only because their profession involves dealing with money.

It may seem that I am trying to devalue ideals. In fact, this is not so, they are needed, but not in order to comply with them, but to give us a coordinate system so that we can navigate what qualities are necessary for a certain activity.

Strengths and weaknesses

Each of us has our own set of qualities. Every person has qualities that make him or her superior to others. There are also qualities that are not sufficiently developed in us.

An ideal person is one who has all qualities developed to the maximum extent. Of course, there is no such person.

What should we do? If we want to be the most effective (not perfect), we need to identify our strengths and weaknesses. This is only done empirically. After which each person is faced with a creative task that must answer the following questions.Which activity most fully utilizes our strong qualities and does not affect the weak? What behavior strategy is most successful in my activities?

If a person can find answers to these two questions, then he can be successful. If he begins to realize himself without regard to his qualities, but focusing on the ideal, then most likely he will be disappointed.

The same goes for our expectations. Expecting another person to live up to the ideal is somewhat unreasonable.

Quite often you can hear discussions about what an ideal person is. And every time, depending on the mood, the weather and God knows what else, the ideals can be different. Therefore, it is not surprising that if you ask a specific person today, and, say, 3 years later about an ideal person, you can hear a description of a very different people. That is why it is impossible to name and imagine an ideal person. He is just an image that changes from time to time. And often this image simply dissolves when meeting a person who is very far from the imaginary image, but for some reason incredibly attractive.

Psychology could not ignore this question and argue that the image of an ideal person is laid down from early childhood.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine an ideal person without a wide dazzling smile. In order to want to smile more and more often, you need to keep all your teeth in perfect order. It's easy! After all, the Astra Dent dental clinic is always happy to help you.

By going to the official website of the clinic, you will see that dental treatment is not at all scary and even very pleasant. Treat your teeth without pain and negative emotions.

Then you will want to smile more and more often, and you will become much closer to the ideal.

Who can be considered an absolutely ideal person? What makes it so unique? In fact, the ideal person is not a person in the usual sense of the word. These are not even specific character traits or some physical characteristics. The ideal is what a person reacts to. The sensations experienced next to a particular person can determine the degree of his ideality. Feelings are what is especially important.

And it is not surprising that every person strives for ideality, he wants to experience those same sensations. Lightness, joy, falling in love, awareness, the opportunity to be yourself and not wear masks.

Therefore, there is a substitution of the understanding of what kind of ideal this is. A person cannot describe his sensations; they occur at other levels of life, so he begins to describe an image made from dozens or even hundreds of people. He passes him off as someone with whom he wants to live his whole life. By the way, such a person may appear in life, but this does not mean that he will be able to give what is expected of him.

Ideal man

Goals and objectives: get acquainted with the eternal mystery of man, the meaning of his existence, understand the essence of human nature; understand the differences between humans and animals; biological characteristics heredity and factors influencing it.

Planned results: students must characterize the biological and social traits of a person; compare social facilities, finding out their common features and differences; master the principle of working with a textbook, the text of which contains diagrams, additional text and questions, as well as conduct a discussion, heuristic conversation, work with documents, analyze problems and solve problem problems, work in a group.

Formed UUD: subject: apply conceptual apparatus (Human , social , heredity , instincts , emotions) to reveal the essence of the human mystery; find, analyze and systematize information from various historical and modern sources; understand the meaning labor activity for the individual and society;meta-subject - 1) communicative: independently organize educational interaction in a group; determine own attitude to phenomena modern life, formulate your point of view; express your thoughts accurately and competently; 2)regulatory: independently discover and formulate an educational problem; search and highlight the necessary information, determine new level attitude towards oneself as a subject of activity;

    educational: carry out advanced information search; analyze, compare, classify and summarize facts and phenomena; give definitions of concepts; 4)personal: formation of motivation and focus on active and creative participation in public life, interest not only in personal success, but also in the development of various aspects of society; analysis of one’s own actions from the point of view of human nature, responsibility for one’s decisions; development creativity through active forms activities.

Equipment: textbook, diagrams for the lesson, a package with working material for working in groups, multimedia presentation.

Type of lessons: lesson project.

Progress of lessons

    Organizational moment

    Motivational-target stage

    Listen to the story and answer the question.

According to tradition, on the evening before Christmas, the whole family sits in a semicircle in father's house and listens to the stories of the wise grandfather. The granddaughter, who was barely five years old, was wondering what kind of ideal person her parents were talking about.

    Grandfather, is there an ideal person? - asked the granddaughter.

    Yes, - answered the grandfather. - A long time ago, back in the time of Jesus Christ, there lived a man who devoted his life to the search for everything ideal: ideal things, ideal animals, ideal seas and oceans, an ideal planet and an ideal person. He wandered around the world for a long time, but all the people and animals he met had their own shortcomings and flaws. One day he heard about Jesus Christ and decided to join his disciples. I don’t know how much time has passed since then, but the man realized that the ideal person is Jesus himself.

    Oh Jesus, you are the perfect person! - the man exclaimed.

    You are wrong, son of man. The ideal person is the one who lives in your heart,” Jesus answered with a smile.

The man did not understand these words, and Jesus, seeing this, said: “Go, man, in peace throughout the world and look for the ideal man.” So he did. Only now he simply observed life and people.

Almost two years passed, and a man met a woman. He really liked her, just as she liked him, and therefore, after several months of communication, they decided to live together.

Several months passed, and one gloomy morning the man realized what Jesus’ words meant. He realized that for him the ideal person is the woman who lives with him, and it is she who lives in his heart.

After the grandfather finished the story, silence reigned in the room. Everyone thought about their own things; The granddaughter thought that for mom the ideal person is dad, and for dad - mom.

Question for the class

    How did you understand the meaning of this story?

(Students' answers.)

Lesson topic: “The ideal person.”

Problematic questions of lessons

    Is it possible to create an ideal person?

    Why do people strive for ideal?

    What should an ideal person be like?

    Is an ideal person good or bad?

    Introduction to new material

Without solving the problem of man's desire for an ideal image, humanity may be left without a future. It is necessary not only to understand how to behave in society, but also to be ready to live according to the laws of morality and ethics.

    How to create the ideal person?

We will try to answer this question as we work on the project.

    Work on the topic of the lessons

The project “How to Create an Ideal Person” involves research activities 6th grade students, using the content and materials of the subjects “Social Studies”, “Literature”, “History”.

Leading task. Using the materials from the “History”, “Social Studies” and “Literature” courses you have studied, formulate the factors that form ideal traits in a person.

(Checking the completion of the task.)

Studying the factors in the formation of an ideal person helps project participants evaluate these qualities in themselves, attract students to this problem, and develop practical skills in this area of ​​self-knowledge and self-improvement. Thus, the project is dedicated to one of the most important tasks facing humanity - the formation and education of an ideal person.

The project should contain specific recommendations for adults and schoolchildren on how to behave in society, which is of great educational importance.

Problem task. During the lesson, students create presentations on the topics: “The ideal person - what is he like?”, “The ideal hero

in history”, “The ideal hero in literature”, “The ideal hero in society”, etc.), will write articles and practical recommendations on the formation and education of ideal character traits. The best student developments on this issue can be presented in school publications (for example, in the “Wise Pen” section).

As students work on the project, they should answer the following questions.

Study questions

    How well do you speak vocabulary on the topic of the project?

    What character traits do you consider most important in an ideal person?

    How will the ideal person interact with the people around him?

    What problems will he encounter during the interaction and which ones will he be able to avoid?

    Should we strive for the image of an ideal person?

    What factors contribute to the emergence of an ideal person?

    What factors prevent the emergence of an ideal person?

Work on the project takes place in three stages.

    th stage - preparatory. Familiarization with the goals and objectives of the project. Introductory presentation of the project. Work planning. Formation of groups taking into account the selected directions.

    1st stage - basic. Determination of research methods and tools. Familiarize students with the project evaluation criteria. Group work. Presentation of works. Project protection. Reflection.

    1st stage - final. Analysis and discussion of the project results. Self-esteem and mutual assessment of groups. Teacher's assessment of group activities and individual work of students. Conducting a final conference.

The tasks are performed in the following sequence.

    Determine the hypothesis: “Is an ideal personality possible in a society of people?”

    Draw up a work plan for the project.

    Determine deadlines and distribute tasks among students.

    Collect the necessary information on the topic of the project.

Lessons 34, 35. The ideal person


    Get advice on the project topic from your teacher.

    Select relevant information on the topic.

    Conduct research and summarize the results obtained, draw a conclusion.

The distribution of tasks among students may look like as follows. The class is divided into several “thematic” groups.

Assignment for groups linguists: create a project dictionary:ideal, ideal character traits, ideal person, nobility, courage, loyalty etc.

Task for a group of graphs : discuss the most important features of an ideal person, systematize and schematically reflect them.

Assignment for a group of psychologists : explore the principles of the relationship between an ideal person and society and graphically depict your conclusions on a piece of Whatman paper.

Assignment for groups sociologists : discuss and analyze possible problems in the relationships of an ideal person in society and develop a strategy for solving them.

Assignment for a group of philosophers: discuss the question “Should we strive for the image of an ideal person?” and write an article (essay, mini-treatise) on this topic.

Assignment for a group of artists: discuss the questions: “What factors contribute to the emergence of an ideal person?”, “What factors prevent the emergence of an ideal person?” and create comics on this topic.

Criteria for assessing group work

    The work was done creatively.

    Reliable and factual information was used.

    The ideas and tasks assigned to the project participants are fully described and disclosed.

    The work includes conclusions drawn from the research conducted.

    Interesting, difficult, but achievable goals have been set,

    The content of the work is fully consistent with the topic.

    Graphic images were used.


Our lesson is coming to an end. Compare your mood with the image of an animal (plant). Draw an image of the lesson. (Checking the completion of the task.)

    Summing up the lessons

Our work on the project has now ended. The motto of this activity can be the words of the outstanding German playwright and philosopher G.E. Lessing: “Argue, be mistaken, make mistakes, but, for God’s sake, think, and although crookedly, do it yourself.” I think that the experience gained in our lessons will be useful to you in life.


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