How to name a child: the most beautiful and consonant names for brothers and sisters. Lucky options for Muslim names for twins: a list for boys, girls and babies of different sexes

Gemini boys are born between May 21 and June 20. Already in early age boys born under the sign of Gemini begin to be interested in the world around them. In particular, Gemini boys are interested in moving mechanisms, cars and even watches, so the Gemini boy completely disassembles many of his toys in order to carefully study their structure. In the process of such a “game,” Gemini develops thinking and a desire for invention. But very often a Gemini boy lacks perseverance and willpower, which is why, from childhood, children born under the sign of Gemini need to be taught to painstaking work. Design kits are suitable for this. Geminis can be very stubborn, self-willed, uncollected and, in a sense, slobs. When choosing names for a Gemini boy, you need to consider the fact that there are three types of Geminis.

Type 1 - Geminis of the first decade, born between May 21 and May 31. Boys of the first type are very often generous and selfless people, with good developed intuition. Basically, many Gemini boys are different logical thinking and intellectual abilities. In adult life they become mainly philosophers, creative individuals and believers. Gemini boys of the first type need to choose solid, sonorous names and thus give them confidence.

Gemini boys born in the second decade are distinguished by their belligerence, pretentiousness and fussiness, but most often they are sarcastic and angry with jokes, proud, unreliable, and even to some extent arrogant. Gemini boys of the second type should be given soft, friendly names to develop in them love and tenderness for others.

3rd type - Gemini of the third decade, born between June 11 and June 20. Gemini boys born during this period are very eager for fame and glory, they are sociable and talkative. Most often, Gemini boys of the third type communicate with people based on their interests, but sometimes their dialogue turns into a monologue. The third type of Gemini boys most often become journalists, managers and entrepreneurs. Clear, sonorous names will suit them.

Best names for a Gemini boy

Albert - "brilliant, most noble." Main character traits: independence, wit, independence.

Anton - “entering into battle, opposing.” Main character traits: activity, logic, prudence.

Apollo - "like Apollo." Main character traits: romanticism, passion.

Arthur is the "bear man". Main character traits: daydreaming, intellectuality, impulsiveness.

Vilen - "V.I. Lenin". Main character traits: sociability, non-conflict, flexible mind.

Vladislav - "owner of glory." Main character traits: persistence, willpower, flexible mind.

George - "cultivator of the land." Main character traits: determination, hard work, ambition.

Demyan - “dedicated to the goddess Damia.” Main character traits: passion, artistry, impulsiveness.

Cornelius - "archer". Main character traits: thoroughness, reliability, developed self-esteem.

Luka - "light". Main character traits: logic, thoughtfulness, perseverance.

Maximilian - "the greatest of the Emilians." Key character traits: confidence, determination, curiosity.

Nahum - “comforting”. Main character traits: perseverance, logic, confidence, self-esteem.

Oleg - "sacred". Main character traits: prudence, logic, confidence.

Plato means "broad". Main character traits: dreaminess, passion, patience.

Savely - “requested”. Main character traits: independence, thriftiness, prudence.

Stanislav - "glorified". Main character traits: mobility, intelligence, sensitivity.

Yaroslav - "glorious for his vitality". Main character traits: perseverance, observation, balance.

Happy parents who managed to have two babies at once face a difficult task - what to name the twins? Moreover, while the babies are in the mother’s belly, most often no one asks such questions. And now you have seen a small miracle, or rather two, and looking at them, ideas are already appearing on what to name the two children. This article will help you decide on a name for your twins.

The site comes to your welcome with this article so you can choose the most suitable names for your twins. One way to choose twin names is to pick a name you like and try to change the order of the letters so you can create a different name. You can also try putting the letters of the name in reverse order. It is true that in this case you will have fewer options. Here are some examples of anagram names.

If you prefer traditional Romanian names, then your options are quite limited if you want to try this option. But if you don't mind breaking the rules, you can play with this idea until you find names you really like.

What do you name twin boys or twin girls?

Don't underestimate the importance of a name in a person's life! After all, “whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail!” As soon as you give a child a name, his character begins to change according to it. After all, it’s no secret to anyone that the sound of one’s own name influences a person’s development throughout life and has an impact on human psyche. Moreover, it’s okay to find the right and sweet-sounding name for one child, but here you need to choose two names, and even for future fathers of families or worthy mothers in the future! In general, in order not to describe for a long time, we can cite A few working rules to ensure that children's names fit together:

Another idea you can use for choosing a baby name is synonyms. A synonym is a word that has a similar or identical meaning to another word. You may want both of your children to wear flower names. Here are some examples from this category.

These are all names of flowers, although they seem to have nothing in common. Likewise, you can search for the meaning of names and choose two that have the same meaning or at least something in common. You can also use names you like and start with the same letter, a name that limits or gives names to children who have no connection but you really like. Often twin parents forget or ignore this option.

  • Choose names so that they contain same number of syllables. For example: Sasha and Pasha, Denis and Boris.
  • The task is more difficult - anagram names, which are the inverse of each other, for example: Adrien - Darien.
  • The beginning or end of a name with one letter: Masha - Marina, Katya - Tanya.
  • Alternatively, You can name twin children with meaningful names. For example: Rose and Lily. Or, for example, take two biblical name: Daniel and David.
  • In the end, just name your babies whatever you like and no one will judge you. Moreover, if you have a desire, on the contrary, to emphasize the individuality of each baby, because in the future they will still each go their own way.
  • Can you call them twins? successive names older relatives in honor of grandparents, and so as not to offend anyone, take one name from mom’s relatives, and another from dad’s relatives.
  • You can also choose some beautiful and long names, for example Evangelina and Angelina. Although too similar options should also be avoided, imagine how you will call one of them, but both will always run, because you won’t really hear the difference in the names :)
  • Another interesting option: surf the Internet and find names that mean the same thing in different languages. For example, the names Eva and Zoya mean the word “life”.

What not to call twins

Of course, no one dares to impose their opinion on you and in the end the parents themselves will decide what to name the baby, but I still want to note a few points:
Do not call your children by too emphatically foreign names, because in the future the children will have to face problems at school if, for example, the parents name the girl Jessica. While the name Eva, for example, sounds quite adequate. Of course, if you do not intend to live in another country or already live, then it would be appropriate to name the child according to the lifestyle that is led in the country of your residence.

Choosing names starting with the same letter will be useful if you already have a name in your mind and difficulty arises in choosing a second one. At least you have the first letter and you know where to look, right? Make sure your name rhymes! Now this may sound good and fit them while they are children, but think that the names will be used all the time and they should sound good when they are shouted at at the final exam or later when they are building a career.

You can choose names that are not copied, but their acronyms have the same resonance. For example, Adrian and Gabriel don't skate at all, but Adi and Gabi do. Do you think this option will also be useful if you do not know what kind of children you will have, the names are suitable for both girls and boys.

We hope our article helped you decide how to choose names for twins. Be that as it may, it is up to you to decide what to name your beloved children. The above were described only as hints for ideas on how to name twins. So creativity is in your hands or uh.. in your heads! And go ahead! Also remember that the name shapes the character and in the future a person should not be ashamed of his name. Good luck in this difficult task.
If you are just faced with a task, or rather, you have a great desire but you don’t know, then the corresponding page on our website can give you some hints.


Think about whether you would like your children to have names that start with the same letter. After all, at school and in adult life this can cause confusion. For example, a notification from the post office addressed to a surname with initials will create confusion as to which of the brothers it is intended for, since the initials are the same. If this idea seems good to you, then call boys you can, for example, like this - Artem and Arkady, Dmitry and Denis, Anton and Anatoly, Ruslan and Rudolf, Marat and Mark.

Invite your friends and acquaintances to participate in choosing interesting names for your babies. The collective imagination is limitless, and you will definitely have plenty to choose from.

The procedure for choosing a name for a child is very responsible. This is especially true when twins are expected. After all, it is necessary to choose names so that they go well with each other.

You will need

  • - saints;
  • - encyclopedia of names.


Think about what the names will sound like in the diminutive version. There are names that do not require abbreviations, for example, Yan, Klim, Ruslan or Iya. If you call one of the kids a similar name, then the other should be named in the same vein.

Please note that both names must be combined with the middle name. If it is too long, there is no need to choose long names. If there is a vowel and a consonant at the junction of the end of the name and the beginning of the patronymic, such a name with the patronymic will sound melodious and soft, for example, Gleb and Oleg Alekseevich, Svetlana and Marina Vasilievna. Letters combining several vowels or several consonants are more difficult to pronounce, for example: Irina and Anna Alekseevna, Rostislav and Konstantin Stanislavovich.

Don't try to give your twins names that start with the same letter. Diana and Danil sound beautiful, but if you don’t like one of the names, and you want to name your child not Diana, but, for example, Marina, do as your heart tells you.

If you are overcome by doubts, you suffer for a long time in thought, choose the names of the twins according to the calendar. After all, you can always choose those names that you like best. So, for children born on January 10, the calendar “offers” such names as Antonia, Agafya, Vavila, Efim, Glikeriy, Ignatius, Peter, Nikanor, Simon, Theophilus.

Do not combine too rare and, on the contrary, common names, for example: Alexander and Raphael or Violetta and Natalia, etc. It’s not a very good option if one name is too short, and the other, on the contrary, is long, for example, Angelica and Yana, or Yaroslav and Gleb.

Use the encyclopedia of names. It can be found on the Internet.

Full name a woman affectionately called Pasha - Praskovya. This is the name Greek origin, translated meaning “Friday”, “holiday eve”, “preparation”. Other forms of this name: Parasha, Pronya, Panya, church name - Paraskeva. There is also a male name Paraskev, paired with Praskovya. But it is now rarely used.

Origin of the name

The name Praskovya comes from Greek word"paraskave". According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, this term was used by Greek-speaking church writers in biblical texts called the day preceding the holiday - Saturday. Apparently, at first this term meant only half of the day used to prepare for the holiday. The name was later extended to cover all Fridays.

The word "paraskeve" was also used to designate the eve of major celebrations, the largest of which in the ancient "Promised Land" was Easter. The use of this word in the Gospels gives rise to controversy regarding the actual date of the Savior's crucifixion.

All four evangelists claim that Jesus Christ was executed on the day of "paraskeve". However, the evangelical weather forecasters, as Mark, Matthew and Luke are called, point to the day of preparation for Easter - Nisan 15. And the Evangelist John points to the day of preparation for the Sabbath - Nisan 14.

Famous people with the name Praskovya

Many people bore the name Praskovya famous people. So in Orthodoxy, Saint Paraskeva the Great is highly revered, who, according to legend, lived in the 2nd century AD in Rome and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Paraskeva (Petka) Novaya is considered the heavenly patroness of Moldova and Romania. According to legend, she lived in the 11th century in Byzantium and completely devoted herself to God through fasting and prayer. She is also loved by Orthodox believers in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. In Romania she is often called Saint Venus. The cult of Saint Petka took on the features of this pagan goddess, who also patronized Friday.

Royal persons also bore the name Praskovya. Praskovya Fedorovna was the name of the wife of Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, the elder brother of Peter the Great. She is known as the mother of Empress Anna Ivanovna and the grandmother of the ruler Anna Leopoldovna. The first wife of Peter the Great himself from the Lopukhin family was also named Praskovya at birth. True, in her marriage she began to be called Evdokia, and after tonsure as a monk - Elena.

IN Soviet era on everyone’s lips was the name of Pasha Angelina - a production drummer, twice a Hero Socialist Labor. Praskovya Nikitichna became famous during the years of the first five-year plans as a woman tractor driver, organizer and leader of the country's first women's tractor brigade. She became a central figure in the campaign aimed at women's technical education.


  • The meaning of the name Praskovya
  • Parasceve; Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Paraskave the New
  • Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna

Choosing a name for a child is always an important and responsible matter, which all parents take very seriously. If there are three children at once, then the task becomes even more complicated. On the other hand, mom and dad can choose three luxurious and sonorous names for their babies at once.

The birth of a child is the most important and long-awaited event in life, and if three children were born at once, then this is triple wonderful! Finally, it has happened: you have become happy parents, but the problem immediately arises: what to name the kids?

Best names for same-sex triplets

It's good if you choose names for same-sex triplets so that they are consonant. If all the children are girls, then they can be called like this: Anna, Arina, Angelina.

You can choose all 3 names so that they start with the same letter and sound in unison, for example, Vera, Varvara, Veronica. Triplets are often called: Faith, Hope, Love, because it symbolic names having great importance for morality.

The church calendar (clergy) will be of great help in choosing a name. For example, girls born on July 17 can be called Anastasia, Tatyana, Maria. Many parents of girls like names that sound masculine. For example, Bogdan, Vlad, Miroslav - this is unusual and very popular. Finally, remember the beautiful old Russian names Arina, Evdokia, Justina.

If these are boys, then they can be called by the simplest names: Ivan, Peter, Semyon. Or, on the contrary, award them with the names of kings (as an option, famous personalities in history): Alexei, Nikolai, Alexander. It is convenient to choose homogeneous, beautiful names that sound harmonious: Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav. Or names that have the same ending: Arkady, Vitaly, Evgeniy. You can name the boys in a non-standard way to emphasize the individuality of each son: Lyubomir, Veniamin, Ignat.

Beautiful names for opposite-sex twins

If children are of different sexes, then they can be given any names that will be combined with their surname and patronymic. As a rule, parents call triplets by long-loved names, for example, Ksenia, Elena and Arthur, who is also the only prince among two daughters. Or Maxim, Vadim and Margarita, she is also a beautiful flower among men.

You can name the children consonantly: Valery, Victor and Victoria. Or focus on the name of a child of the opposite sex, for example, girls are called with bright names: Carolina and Milana, and a boy with the usual name - Fedor. Or you can give simple Russian names - Daria, Natalya and Pavel - and call the children affectionately: Dashenka, Pashenka and Natasha.

"Star" names for triplets

Celebrities also sometimes have triplets. Like all parents, they also spend a long time choosing names for their children. For example, the star of the television series “Capercaillie” Maria Boltneva is a wonderful mother of three sons. Her boys are called by ordinary names: Andrei, Timofey and Plato. Maria Fedorenko, a two-time champion of the Asian Games in hockey, can also boast of three sons. The happy parents named the twins Arkhip, Prokhor and Yegor.


  • How to choose a name for twins?
  • Maria Boltneva spoke about her triplets
  • Two-time Asian Games champion gives birth to triplets

Is it possible to plan the gender of your unborn child? It would be great to dial the number of the heavenly office and order the birth of a girl, boy or even twins. What a blessing it would be to give my husband a successor to the family as a gift, and not just one, but two at once.


On the one hand, planning the gender of your future baby seems impossible. But future parents hope for the best and try everything. possible ways in order to give birth to the one they dream of. Here are just a few of the methods that are most often used married couples in hopes of giving birth twins.Folk methods.Even our ancestors tried to program the sex of the child, drinking all kinds of herbal decoctions for this, reading prayers, turning to sorcerers and sorcerers, and immediately before the “process” they placed various objects such as dried chicken feet under the pillow. In other words, they tried in every possible way to influence the gender of the unborn child.

Shettles method. Now there are many, thanks to which you can “order” a child. Theoretically, this is quite possible, but none of them gives an absolute guarantee - the Shettles Method, for example, planning the time of conception or a special diet. If you want a girl, give up potatoes and fruits; if you want a boy, eliminate foods containing calcium and magnesium from your diet. In a word, if you set out to give birth to a child of a certain gender, you need to use all means.

Reception special drugs and artificial insemination. Plan the birth twins much more difficult. There is a high probability of having twins in those families in which this predisposition is inherited, most often through a generation. What if not? Then achievements come to the rescue modern science, which, if it does not give a 100% guarantee, will at least increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. For example, if a woman is undergoing treatment for infertility and takes drugs that stimulate the growth of eggs, then the likelihood of several eggs maturing at the same time in her body increases, and accordingly, the chances of a multiple pregnancy increase. Multiple pregnancies can also occur when artificial insemination, many similar cases are known. The doctor deliberately introduces several fertilized eggs into the woman’s uterine cavity, and the likelihood that two or three will implant at once is quite high.

Please note

Is it worth the risk? After all, you can’t fool nature. If you are a healthy woman and dream of a large family with many children, give birth to them one by one.

Useful advice

Taking drugs that stimulate the growth of eggs yourself is extremely dangerous, and the side effects from such amateur activities can be very unpredictable.

The birth of a child is not only joy, but also a great responsibility. The question of what name to choose for the baby begins to worry parents long before his birth. And the birth of a boy becomes the most important event for many men, because the baby will bear the father’s surname and become the successor of the family. In addition, it is believed that the time of birth and the name given to the child leaves an imprint on his entire fate.


Boys born in June are characterized by fickleness, they are prone to frequent mood swings, are very impressionable, can get upset over trifles and take everything too personally. Therefore, you need to choose a courageous, firm name for such children, but do not forget that it should go well with the middle name. The following names are good: Igor, Peter, Denis, Konstantin, Egor, Victor, Andrey.

Boys born in June grow up to be brave and decisive, but their changeable nature often prevents them from achieving their goals, including their careers. Such people rarely make leaders, although in their work they show themselves to be responsible and careful employees. In a fit of feeling, guided only by emotions, such people can commit rash acts, even if they later regret them. If you name a boy Kirill or Nikita in June, this will help curb his temper in the future.

Children born in the summer months are very proud and self-loving. But at the same time they remain kind and open. Sometimes this has a negative impact on the child’s character, as he can become overly vulnerable and vulnerable. Having matured, Geminis easily fall in love and just as easily part with their soulmate. In relationships with people they can be somewhat cool. You can soften the pride and pride of a child born in June by calling him Ivan, Maxim or Oleg.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to take into account the character traits of children born in June, as well as the fact that they usually become creative individuals. Before giving your baby a rare name, you should think about whether it will create problems for him in the future, or whether the child will have complexes because of it. The luckiest names for boys in June are considered to be Vladimir, Boris, Gennady, Georgy, Vasily.

You can choose a name for a boy who was born in June using the church calendar among the names of the saints who are commemorated on the baby’s birthday. You can also pay attention to the names of those who are mentioned on the eighth and fortieth days from the birth of the child. A boy in June can be named as follows: Ignatius, Alexander, Mikhail, Alexey, Fedor, Nikita, Leonty, Stepan, Semyon, Yuri, Christian, Makar, Karp, Igor, Nazar, Karp, Anton, Sergey.

People born in June are usually lucky, they are popular with the opposite sex, and they are respected at work. They have excellent health. They may be a little absent-minded, but all this is due to the fact that they are attracted to everything unknown and unknown. The least suitable names for boys in June are Vadim, Ilya and Dmitry.

The birth of children is always a joyful event. And not only for moms and dads, but for all household members - grandparents and just acquaintances and friends. It is customary to give gifts when children are born. If you don’t want to rack your brains for a long time, you can donate money, and the parents themselves will buy what their children need. Or you can give something useful and memorable, because now there is a huge choice for this.

Gift options for newborn twin boys

An inexpensive option for useful and always necessary gifts would be the following options: diapers, diapers, baby vests and all kinds of clothing, children's cosmetics (shampoos, gels, creams, powders), feeding bottles and baby formula itself (if children are artificial feeding), photo album for newborns with interesting titles, for example, “I was born”, electronic thermometer in case of illness, developmental mat, rattles and others.

If you are limited in cash, the most ideal gift would be matching suits


Think about whether you would like your children to have one letter. After all, at school and in adult life this can cause confusion. For example, a notification from the post office addressed to a surname with initials will create confusion as to which of the brothers it is intended for, since the initials are the same. If this idea seems successful to you, then you can call it, for example, Artem and Arkady, Dmitry and Denis, Anton and Anatoly, Ruslan and Rudolf, Marat and Mark.

Invite your friends and acquaintances to participate in choosing interesting names for your babies. The collective imagination is limitless, and you will definitely have plenty to choose from.

Video on the topic


  • what to name twin boys

The procedure for choosing a name for a child is very responsible. This is especially true when twins are expected. After all, it is necessary to choose names so that they go well with each other.

You will need

  • - saints;
  • - encyclopedia of names.


Think about what the names will sound like in the diminutive version. There are names that do not require abbreviations, for example, Yan, Klim, Ruslan or Iya. If you call one of the kids a similar name, then the other should be named in the same vein.

Please note that both names must be combined with the middle name. If it is too long, there is no need to choose long names. If there is a vowel and a consonant at the junction of the end of the name and the beginning of the patronymic, the name and patronymic will sound melodious and soft, for example, Gleb and Oleg Alekseevich, Svetlana and Marina Vasilievna. Letters combining several vowels or several consonants are more difficult to pronounce, for example: Irina and Anna Alekseevna, Rostislav and Konstantin Stanislavovich.

Don't try to give names starting with the same letter. Diana and Danil sound beautiful, but if you don’t like one of the names, and you want to name your child not Diana, but, for example, Marina, do as your heart tells you.

If you are overcome by doubts, you suffer for a long time in thought, choose names for the twins according to. After all, you can always choose those names that you like best. Thus, those born on January 10 are “offered” such names as Antonia, Agafya, Vavila, Efim, Glycerius, Ignatius, Peter, Nikanor, Simon, Theophilus.

Do not combine too rare ones and, on the contrary, for example: Alexander and Raphael or Violetta and Natalia, etc. It’s not a very good option if one name is too short, and the other, on the contrary, is long, for example, Angelica and Yana, or Yaroslav and Gleb.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Use the encyclopedia of names. It can be found on the Internet.

The full name of the woman affectionately called Pasha is Praskovya. This name is of Greek origin, translated meaning “Friday”, “holiday eve”, “preparation”. Other forms of this name: Parasha, Pronya, Panya, church name - Paraskeva. There is also male name Paraskev, paired with Praskovya. But it is now rarely used.

Origin of the name

The name Praskovya comes from the Greek word “paraskeve”. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, this term was used by Greek-speaking church writers in biblical texts to refer to the day preceding the holiday - Saturday. Apparently, at first this term meant only half of the day used to prepare for the holiday. The name was later extended to cover all Fridays.

The word "paraskeve" was also used to designate the eve of major celebrations, the largest of which in the ancient "Promised Land" was Easter. The use of this word in the Gospels gives rise to controversy regarding the actual date of the Savior's crucifixion.

All four evangelists claim that Jesus Christ was executed on the day of "paraskeve". However, the evangelical weather forecasters, Mark, Matthew and Luke, point to the day of preparation for Easter - Nisan 15. And the Evangelist John points to the day of preparation for the Sabbath - Nisan 14.

Famous people with the name Praskovya

Many famous people bore the name Praskovya. Saint Paraskeva the Great, who according to legend lived in the 2nd century AD in Rome and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, is so highly revered.

Paraskeva (Petka) Novaya is considered the heavenly patroness of Moldova and Romania. According to legend, she lived in the 11th century in Byzantium and completely devoted herself to God through fasting and prayer. She is also loved by Orthodox believers in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. In Romania she is often called Saint Venus. The cult of Saint Petka took on the features of this pagan goddess, who also patronized Friday.

Royal persons also bore the name Praskovya. Praskovya Fedorovna was the name of the wife of Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, the elder brother of Peter the Great. She is known as the mother of Empress Anna Ivanovna and the grandmother of the ruler Anna Leopoldovna. The first wife of Peter the Great himself from the Lopukhin family was also named Praskovya at birth. True, she began to be called Evdokia, and after tonsure into monasticism - Elena.

In Soviet times, everyone had the name Pasha Angelina - a shock worker, twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Praskovya Nikitichna became famous during the years of the first five-year plans as a woman tractor driver, organizer and leader of the country's first women's tractor brigade. She became a central figure in the campaign aimed at women's technical education.


  • The meaning of the name Praskovya
  • Parasceve; Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Paraskave the New
  • Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna

Choosing a name for a child is always an important and responsible matter, which all parents take very seriously. If there are three children at once, then the task becomes even more complicated. On the other hand, mom and dad can choose three luxurious and sonorous names for their babies at once.

The birth of a child is the most important and long-awaited event in life, and if there are three at once, then it is triple wonderful! Finally, it has happened: you have become happy parents, but the problem immediately arises: what to name the kids?

Best names for same-sex triplets

It's good if you choose names for same-sex triplets so that they are consonant. If all the children are girls, then they can be called like this: Anna, Arina, Angelina.

You can choose all 3 names so that they start with the same letter and sound in unison, for example, Vera, Varvara, Veronica. Triplets are often called: Faith, Hope, Love, because these are symbolic names that are of great importance for morality.

The church calendar (clergy) will be of great help in choosing a name. For example, girls born on July 17 can be called Anastasia, Tatyana, Maria. Many parents of girls like names that sound masculine. For example, Bogdan, Vlad, Miroslav - this is unusual and very popular. Finally, remember the beautiful names Arina, Evdokia, Justina.

If these are boys, then they can be called by the simplest names: Ivan, Peter, Semyon. Or, on the contrary, award them with the names of kings (as an option, famous personalities in history): Alexei, Nikolai, Alexander. It is convenient to choose homogeneous, beautiful names that sound harmonious: Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav. Or names that have the same ending: Arkady, Vitaly, Evgeniy. You can name the boys in a non-standard way to emphasize the individuality of each son: Lyubomir, Veniamin, Ignat.

Beautiful names for opposite-sex twins

If children are children, then they can be given any names that will be combined with their surname and patronymic. As a rule, parents call triplets by long-loved names, for example, Ksenia, Elena and Arthur, who is also the only prince among two daughters. Or Maxim, Vadim and Margarita, she is also a beautiful flower among men.

You can name the children consonantly: Valery, Victor and Victoria. Or focus on the name of a child of the opposite sex, for example, girls are called with bright names: Carolina and Milana, and the usual name is Fedor. Or you can give simple ones - Daria, Natalya and Pavel - and call the children affectionately: Dasha, Pashenka and Natasha.

"Star" names for triplets

Celebrities also sometimes have triplets. Like all parents, they also spend a long time choosing names for their children. For example, the star of the television series “Capercaillie” Maria Boltneva is a wonderful mother of three sons. Her boys are called by ordinary names: Andrei, Timofey and Plato. Maria Fedorenko, a two-time champion of the Asian Games, can also boast of three sons. The happy parents named the twins Arkhip, Prokhor and Yegor.


  • How to choose a name for twins?
  • Maria Boltneva spoke about her triplets
  • Two-time Asian Games champion gives birth to triplets

Is it possible to plan the gender of your unborn child? It would be great to dial the number of the heavenly office and order the birth of a girl, boy or even twins. What a blessing it would be to give my husband a successor to the family as a gift, and not just one, but two at once.


On the one hand, planning the gender of your future baby seems impossible. But future parents hope for the best and try all possible ways to give birth to the one they dream of. Here are just a few of the methods that are most often used by married couples in the hope of giving birth. Folk methods. Even our ancestors tried to program the gender of the child, they drank all kinds of herbal decoctions for this, read prayers, turned to sorcerers and sorcerers, and immediately before the “process” they placed under pillow various items such as dried chicken feet. In other words, they tried in every possible way to influence the gender of the unborn child.

Shettles method. Now there are many various techniques, thanks to which you can “order” a child. Theoretically, this is quite possible, but none of them gives an absolute guarantee - the Shettles Method, for example, planning the time of conception or a special diet. If you want a girl, give up fruit too - eliminate foods containing calcium and from your diet. In a word, if you set out to give birth to a child of a certain gender, you need to use all means.

Taking special medications and artificial insemination. Plan the birth twins much more difficult. Large twins are those in whom this predisposition is inherited, most often through a generation. What if not? Then the achievements of modern technology come to the rescue, which, if it does not give a 100% guarantee, will at least increase the likelihood of multiple births. For example, if a woman is undergoing treatment for infertility and takes drugs that stimulate the growth of eggs, then the likelihood of several eggs maturing at the same time in her body increases, and accordingly, the chances of a multiple pregnancy increase. Multiple births can also occur during fertilization; many such cases are known. The doctor deliberately introduces several fertilized eggs into the woman’s uterine cavity, and the likelihood that two or three will implant at once is quite high.

Please note

Is it worth the risk? After all, you can’t fool nature. If you - healthy woman and dream of a big family with many children, give birth to them one by one.

Useful advice

Taking drugs that stimulate egg growth yourself is extremely dangerous. side effects Such amateur activities can turn out to be the most unpredictable.

The birth of a child is not only joy, but also a great responsibility. The question of what name to choose for the baby begins to worry parents long before his birth. And the birth of a boy becomes the most important event for many men, because the baby will bear the father’s surname and become the successor of the family. In addition, it is believed that the time of birth and name, given to the child, leaves an imprint on his entire fate.


Boys born in June are characterized by fickleness, they are prone to frequent mood swings, are very impressionable, can get upset over trifles and take everything too personally. Therefore, you need to choose a courageous, firm name for such children, but do not forget that it should go well with the middle name. The following names are good: Igor, Peter, Denis, Konstantin, Egor, Victor, Andrey.

Boys born in June grow up to be brave and decisive, but their changeable nature often prevents them from achieving their goals, including their careers. Such people rarely make leaders, although in their work they show themselves to be responsible and careful employees. In a fit of feeling, guided only by emotions, such people can commit rash acts, even if they later regret them. If you call him Kirill or Nikita in June, this will help curb his temper in the future.

Children born in the summer months are very proud and self-loving. But at the same time they remain kind and open. Sometimes this has a negative impact on the child’s character, as he can become overly vulnerable and vulnerable. Having matured, Geminis easily fall in love and just as easily part with their soulmate. In relationships with people they can be somewhat cool. You can soften the pride and pride of a child born in June by calling him Ivan, Maxim or Oleg.

When choosing, you need to take into account the character traits of children born in June, as well as the fact that they usually become creative individuals. Before giving it to your baby rare name, it’s worth thinking about whether it will create problems for him in the future, whether the child will have complexes because of it. The luckiest names for boys in June are considered to be Vladimir, Boris, Gennady, Georgy, Vasily.

You can choose a name for a boy who was born in June using church calendar among the names of saints who are commemorated on the baby’s birthday. You can also pay attention to the names of those who are mentioned on the eighth and fortieth days from the birth of the child. A boy in June can be named as follows: Ignatius, Alexander, Mikhail, Alexey, Fedor, Nikita, Leonty, Stepan, Semyon, Yuri, Christian, Makar, Karp, Igor, Nazar, Karp, Anton, Sergey.

People born in June are usually lucky, they are popular with the opposite sex, and they are respected at work. They have excellent health. They may be a little absent-minded, but all this is due to the fact that they are attracted to everything unknown and unknown. The least suitable names for boys in June are Vadim, Ilya and Dmitry.

The birth of children is always a joyful event. And not only for moms and dads, but for all household members - grandparents and just acquaintances and friends. It is customary to give gifts when children are born. If you don’t want to rack your brains for a long time, you can donate money, and the parents themselves will buy what their children need. Or you can give something useful and memorable, because now there is a huge choice for this.

These can be not only clothes for newborns, but also suits larger size, which will definitely be useful to children later.

A very popular and useful gift are mobiles that hang above the bed. Such musical toys calm children before bed and entertain them when parents are busy.

What else can you give newborn twins?

More expensive, but also useful options gifts: holiday envelopes for children upon discharge from the maternity hospital, cribs for two, double strollers, baby monitors, tandem bicycles. In addition, you can choose two different bikes, one for each boy.

Of course, a bicycle will not be useful to kids at first, but when they grow up a little, this gift will make them very happy.

Air humidifiers in the children's room will be simply necessary for the delicate skin of children. Car seats for babies will be a good gift - you can give car seats that can be used from birth to one year, or seats for older people. Parents will be very grateful if you gift them baby high chairs that can be adjusted to a newborn position. Chaise lounges for twins will greatly help the mother in rocking her children, and changing chests, respectively, in changing and changing them.

There is also a category of cool, but no less useful gifts for twins. You can order the now fashionable “cake” made from diapers, a bathing thermometer, temperature talking water, boxes for the first lost teeth or cut hair. Personalized numbers for children's strollers or sleds, as well as feeding spoons with names embossed on them, will be very fun. Parents of babies will really appreciate it if you order a photo session upon discharge from the maternity hospital or upon arrival home. A very good gift is a projector night light with animals, fish or starry sky which will help babies fall asleep faster. It will also be very helpful if you give the children baptismal shirts and attach towels to them.

Newborns require double care and expense, so their parents will be eternally grateful if you give them not a useless trinket, but a useful and necessary gift.

Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible thing. I want it to be beautiful, to suit the child’s character, and for him to like it. And when you are expecting two children at once, there are twice as many doubts. After all, the names also need to be combined with each other.

GeminiSo, there are girls in your family. Chances are you've already come up with names for them or are choosing from a variety of options. Most likely, girls will spend most of their lives together, so choosing names should be taken with great responsibility: you shouldn’t go to extremes, but if you don’t want to give your child a too simple, “ordinary” name, try different options.

Name options

Can be considered as names, for example: Alina and Arina, Alisa and Anfisa, Valentina and Alevtina, Akulina and Paulina, Angelica and Evredika, Albina and Darina, Alexandra and Kassandra, Ella and Emma, ​​Anastasia and Afanasia, Victoria and Valeria, Agata and Zlata , Maryana and Ulyana, Stefania and Melania, Lyudmila and Radmila, Veronica and Aurika. In addition, you can choose names that are not so close in sound, but seem to complement each other: Anita and Beata, Aurora and Venus, Angelina and Seraphim, Euphrosyne and Fevronia, Isabella and Isadora, Lydia and Diana, Melissa and Lilia, Varvara and Vasilisa, Roxana and Renata, Danae and Medea, Yana and Maya.

What to consider when choosing names

It is desirable that the names be “equal”, that is, approximately the same in length, as well as in the sound of the consonants pronounced in them, such as “r”, “d”, “t”. After all, each letter of a person’s name endows him with certain qualities. Agree, such a “hard” name as Rostislava will not be entirely harmoniously combined with the “soft” name Alla. In this case, the best choice may be a combination of Rostislav and Yaroslav or Alla and Bella. In turn, each name has its own unique origin: Greek, Slavic, Latin, Hebrew or Arabic. Treat this issue carefully, look at the interpreters of names. It is highly desirable that the names of the twins be of the same origin, since the Arabic name Fatima is not entirely suitable, for example, for such Greek name like Agafya.

Energy charge of the name

Be sure to read the notations before choosing a name. After all, a name is partly a set of qualities that you endow a person with for the rest of his life. And, naturally, it is better for the name to carry a positive energy charge. With all the variety of choice of names, also take into account the fact that they must be combined with the surname and patronymic. Names ending with a vowel will harmonize best with the patronymic. Of course, provided that the middle name begins with a consonant - and vice versa. For example: Marina and Irina Valerievna.

Unusual name and fate

Very often, parents pay excessive attention to their children, which is why incidents occur: for example, a favorite heroine from a TV series (for example, Monica) is unlikely to become good choice for a girl from a Russian family. And the old Slavic name, for example, Euphrosyne, may be too pretentious for a child. In any case, when choosing names for two people at once, make inquiries about what names people in your circle, in your city, give their children. Remember that a person is given a name once, and his future life, even socialization, can seriously depend on it.

The issue of choosing a name for a child is difficult and sometimes controversial. And what can we say if several children are expected to be born at the same time...

For reference: According to statistics from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, the most popular names in 2017 the country had:

for boys - Artem, Ivan, Matvey, Timofey, Maxim and Alexander;
for girls - Sofia, Polina, Maria, Alisa, Varvara and Arina.

In Minsk in 2017, boys were most often called Mikhail, Artem, Maxim, Ivan and Daniil. Girls were more often given the following names: Sofia, Anna, Maria, Ksenia or Alice.

Among the rarer names that are found in Belarus: Oscar, Rafael, Michel, Nicholas, Renat, Nicole, Adelina, Olivia, Sofina, Dominica and others.

Sometimes parents give their children names that are completely unusual for Belarus: for boys - Adolf, Claudius, Matvey, Potapius, Prokofy, Simon, Spiridon, Ernst, Jan Karol or Yaropolk, and for girls - Anisa, Appolinaria, Valencia, Versania, Evsenia, Esther , Consuela, Claudia, Slaviana and Justina.

Some mothers and fathers think about this almost immediately after the news of pregnancy, others prefer to wait until the children are born. There are many criteria for choosing a name for a child. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Meaning and origin of the name. As the science of names (anthroponymy) says, any name carries a certain secret, embodied in a unique set of sounds, and each with its own emotional coloring. A correctly chosen name has positive impact on a person's character.
  • Church calendar. Each day of the calendar corresponds to the birth of a saint, in whose honor the newborn is named. The patron saint whose name the baby bears will help and protect him from troubles and adversity.
  • Surname. The child's name, as a rule, should be in harmony with the patronymic.
  • Zodiac sign. Experts in this field are convinced that names chosen in this way will contribute to the inner harmony and personal growth of each child.
  • In honor of grandparents and other relatives.
  • Individual character traits. Some character traits and temperament appear in the womb. Although some parents give their children names in order, on the contrary, to soften an obstinate disposition or to add enterprise and self-confidence to the child, taking into account the meanings and origins of the names.

As for choosing names for twins, the task is further complicated by divergent opinions regarding the consonance of the name, as well as the first letter of the name.

Some psychologists who deal with the issues of the name and its influence on a person’s fate note that it is desirable that names be combined in rhyme and also begin with the same letter. As an example, let’s imagine that you had two girls, then the options are as follows: the first one can be called Marina and the second Arina, Zhenya and Zhanna, Galya and Valya, Daria and Marya. If twin boys were born: Timur and Arthur, Sasha and Pasha, etc.

Other psychologists, on the contrary, are convinced that giving twins consonant names is not entirely good idea. Since such a choice will interfere with the manifestation of the individuality of each of the children. To make it easier for children, when the time comes, to begin an independent adult life, it is proposed to call twins by names that do not sound like each other. For example, not Tanya and Anya, but Tanya and Marina. And they recommend choosing names not before birth, but a few weeks after the birth of children, so that they reflect the individuality of the first and second child. Also, many psychologists argue that the names of twins should under no circumstances begin with the same letter (Tima and Tom, Vanya and Vasya). Children should develop healthy individualism, that is, separate themselves from their twin brother/sister. They are always together anyway, and the process of “recognizing” their name is more difficult for them than for one child, and if the names are also similar or consonant, then this significantly complicates the process.

The only thing on which the opinions of both psychologists and parents coincide is the inadmissibility of a pair of too different names. For example, one is very rare - another is common, one has diminutive form- the other one doesn’t.

Of course, there is no universal and acceptable rule for choosing beautiful names for twins. Therefore, first of all, parents adhere to family traditions, listen to inner feelings and are guided by personal beliefs when choosing names for their children.

Analyzing the above, we will try to give general recommendations when choosing names for twins:

  • The names must be of equal value. It is recommended to select either two simple or two beautiful and majestic names. Over time, Geminis begin to understand this nuance, which is insignificant in your opinion.
  • Try not to make their names ridiculous, since your children will then have to live with them.
  • It’s great when names combine beautifully and harmoniously with patronymics.
  • For each child, a name can be selected based on its meaning.
  • It can be divided: the father chooses the name for one baby, the mother for the other. If the opposite side disagrees, we look for a compromise.
  • If the name is given in honor of someone, then this in itself is an explanation to the child’s question: “Why was they calling me that?” If the name was simply chosen, then be prepared to answer such a question in advance, since you will definitely be asked ...

What are your twins' names? What did your friends name their twins? Write in the comments.