Secrets of using brewer's yeast for acne: reviews, benefits for the skin, general recommendations. Additive "Brewer's yeast with sulfur"

The skin of the face always attracts special attention. By its condition one can assess the attractiveness of a person, which is why it is so important to ensure proper care and eliminate all defects.

But often small pimples appear on the skin, they spoil appearance faces. There are many ways to combat these defects, they differ in effectiveness.

But brewer's yeast for acne would be an excellent choice; the reviews about it are quite flattering. They have long been used to combat skin defects, they differ high efficiency and are completely safe for the body.

Brewer's yeast

Previously, fungal microorganisms were used only in the manufacture alcoholic drinks. They were added to the composition and started the fermentation process. Fungi process plant sugars, releasing alcohol and carbon dioxide. After standing for a certain time, the composition is heated and the yeast dies.

But when studying the properties of microorganisms, it was found that they have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Digestive processes are improved and serious problems are eliminated.

Now actively used drinking yeast from acne, they showed themselves with the best side and differ increased efficiency. It's simple and accessible remedy which allows you to achieve excellent results.

Yeast can come in several forms:

  1. Pills. They are convenient for oral administration; the manufacturer has already measured the dosages.
  2. Granules. In this form, the yeast can be consumed orally and used to prepare various masks.

Included finished drugs Other components, including sulfur and zinc, can be administered in tablet form. They increase efficiency, allow you to expand the range useful properties.

How effective are the products and are they able to fight pimples? Skin defects may appear due to various reasons. They often occur due to digestive problems, poor digestibility substances.

If you take these drugs, they will normalize the microflora and improve their functioning digestive system. After some time, the pimples will disappear from the skin, and you can prevent their further occurrence.

Why you should take brewer's yeast:

  1. They cleanse the intestines and remove foreign substances that often stagnate in it.
  2. The proliferation of beneficial bacteria is stimulated.
  3. Digestion processes improve, the body receives more nutrients.
  4. Are deleted toxic substances, which are one of the reasons for the formation of pimples.

But yeast also has a number of other advantages:

  1. They can be used to treat vitamin deficiency or prevent it.
  2. Work is returning to normal endocrine system.
  3. Eliminates brittleness of hair and nails.
  4. You can notice the effect of use within a few days.

Yeast tablets for acne are truly highly effective. If the problem is related to digestive disorders, then these products will help quickly eliminate the cause of defects in the skin and significantly improve its appearance.

But in order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to first determine the root cause. In addition to digestive problems, acne occurs due to hormonal changes, decreased immunity, individual characteristics skin, etc. Before starting treatment, it is better to consult a doctor, he will identify the cause of the appearance of pimples.

Which brewer's yeast is best for acne: reviews and varieties

There are several types of drugs. Their main difference is the content of additional substances in the composition. They define unique properties means and increase efficiency.

Brewer's yeast with zinc for acne is in high demand. Many manufacturers supplement drugs with this component. It imparts new properties, including:

  1. Yeast with sulfur for acne has positive reviews, because it copes better with this problem. Zinc destroys bacteria that can multiply in the intestines and produce toxins.
  2. In combination with other components, zinc slows down the aging process, improves mental activity and the passage of nerve impulses.
  3. Stabilizing hormonal background, it is the production of specific substances by the body that is one of the reasons for the formation of pimples.
  4. Joints are strengthened and the production of blood components is stimulated. An increase in the number of red blood cells has a positive effect on skin nutrition.

Brewer's yeast with zinc for acne, reviews of which can be found online, have a complex effect. This is precisely their main advantage; the drug eliminates the root causes of acne.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur for acne is an alternative solution. The tablets are supplemented with this element, it gives new properties to the drug.

Sulfur is an important element in the body. It protects the skin and prevents the penetration of foreign substances. Cell destruction is prevented and the creation of new tissue is stimulated.

The substance is necessary to maintain good condition skin and its renewal. Lack of sulfur in the body can be one of the reasons for the formation of pimples.

You can look at reviews about brewer's yeast with sulfur; they are quite effective against acne and allow you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of use and take them regularly throughout the course of treatment. Instructions are included with the product; please read it carefully.

If you are looking for brewer's yeast with sulfur for acne, Evisent has some of the best reviews. This is a popular dietary supplement, it is actively used by many people to improve the condition of problem skin.

Unique technologies are used in production; crops are grown to increase efficiency. The balanced composition has a comprehensive effect on the body and provides excellent results. Take two tablets three times a day. It is best used with meals, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Which brewer's yeast is best for acne? It is difficult to determine this precisely; all drugs differ in the additives used and effectiveness. If you plan to take the drug orally, it is better to purchase tablets. To make masks you need to buy granules.

Mask recipes

Masks based on brewer's yeast are quite effective. They are easy to prepare, destroy bacteria and saturate the skin with beneficial substances.

One of simple recipes: take two small spoons of granules, the same amount olive oil, a large spoonful of low-fat yogurt, a teaspoon each of lemon and carrot juice. Mix the ingredients, cleanse the skin and apply the composition. Leave it for fifteen minutes and remove with water.

To moisturize the skin, take 15 milliliters of water, a large spoonful of granules, two teaspoons of parsley wheat and an yolk. The components are mixed, applied to the skin and removed after 20 minutes. The mask has a moisturizing effect and copes well with various defects.

Description of brewer's yeast preparations with sulfur

Brewer's yeast with sulfur is one of many vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements. It is recommended for restoring disturbed metabolic processes in the body, and also does better skin, nails, hair, heals the liver, improves immunity.

There are many additives that include brewer's yeast and sulfur. Each of them has many vitamins included in group B, and cannot do without vitamin E, it is always present. Sulfur is an essential protein component; humans need this trace element every day, and in large doses. Brewer's yeast is available in capsules. The dosage of dietary supplements may vary; more accurate information can be obtained by reading the instructions.

The instructions for the drug should contain information not only about how much of the substance one capsule of the supplement contains. It is more important to know what percentage of the norm daily consumption it contains. Experts do not recommend starting to take dietary supplements if a person has not reached the age of twelve. As a rule, one course of admission similar drugs designed for a month.

In some cases, people experience allergies when they take dietary supplement capsules. Upset may occur gastrointestinal tract, and other side effects. In this case, continuing to take the capsules is prohibited. You also need to take into account that dietary supplements are not medicines. They can only be used as prophylactic, for correction, and not for therapeutic purposes.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur for acne

For those who are being treated for acne, such a biological additive can be recommended as additional remedy. As noted, the combination of vitamins and sulfur improves the skin; under their influence, the metabolic processes in the body.

When is such treatment course, then that's it medicines shown for local application, this is a lotion, ointment. A diet that prohibits the consumption of fatty and fried foods is recommended; sugar-containing foods and canned food are also prohibited.

Reviews of brewer's yeast with sulfur

Most often when discussing food additives People have questions about the effect of this drug on body weight. Is it possible to recover from it? On the Internet you can find many stories about how people gained significant weight by taking dietary supplements; in just two weeks they became several kilograms heavier.

But still more people They say in their messages that their health has improved, but their weight has remained unchanged. Many, having read both reviews, concluded that each person’s body reacts to dietary supplements individually, and sometimes unpredictably. When it comes to weight gain, it may be partly due to the fact that dietary supplements improve appetite, and it is this fact that explains extra pounds. Therefore, if you decide to take capsules to improve your skin condition because you are tired of frequent acne, - pay attention to your diet. It must be balanced.

This is very important point, which is interesting to everyone. Does this supplement really help clear up acne? Reviews related to this issue were divided approximately in half. There are those who are very pleased with the result, acne has almost disappeared, or there are clearly fewer of them, and the skin has become better, the oily sheen has decreased. Other people prove that the supplement did not help them.

If you want to start taking yeast with sulfur, then first determine what explains the violation. Perhaps this is a stressful condition, an unbalanced diet, digestive problems, or hormonal changes in the body. Your doctor will help you determine the cause after conducting the necessary research.

But if you decide to experiment and take a dietary supplement on your own, then start with a small dose and make sure that you tolerate the drug well.

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The dietary supplement Brewer's yeast with sulfur is often recommended to patients to combat acne and acne. How does the drug work and how to use it?


The use of Evisent brewer's yeast with sulfur is primarily necessary for people who need vitamin B. However, the list of indications is much more extensive due to its rich composition. Most of all the tablet contains purified brewer's yeast and sulfur. Also included:

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1). It helps improve work nervous system, regulates metabolism.
  • Riboflavin. Vitamin B2 deficiency has consequences such as blurred vision, sagging, and dry epidermis.
  • Pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 regulates the functioning of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Nicotinic acid. The task of vitamin PP is to regulate stomach acidity, control cholesterol, and improve blood circulation.
  • Vitamin E. It is designed to control the work reproductive system, and also protect against cell membrane destruction.
  • Folic acid. To regulate the digestion process.
  • Pantonthenic acid.
  • Minerals: selenium and zinc, calcium and iron, magnesium.
  • Tissues are better saturated with oxygen.
  • The process of tissue regeneration is accelerated.
  • Inflammation is reduced.
  • The skin is saturated with the elements it needs at the cellular level.

That is why Brewer's yeast with sulfur is prescribed to patients who want to get rid of acne and acne.

Evisent brewer's yeast is a dietary supplement that will help restore the level of vitamin B in the body. Should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.


To get rid of acne (especially we're talking about vulgar form of acne of the second degree), many are recommended to supplement Brewer's yeast with sulfur. Indications should also include:

  • Postoperative period and time after serious illness.
  • General exhaustion of the body.
  • Seasonal hypovitaminosis of vitamin B.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, obesity.
  • Pathology of the digestive system.
  • The need to regulate nervous activity.
  • Prevention and treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases.
  • Furunculosis, dermatoses caused by nervous overstrain, stress.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur is often used in cosmetology. Cosmetic masks help hide fine wrinkles and restore skin color. Tablets are taken for diffuse alopecia in order to improve the hair structure and strengthen the nail plates.

At the pharmacy you can buy lotion, foam for washing, mask, cream Brewer's yeast with sulfur. You also have the opportunity to prepare your own at home. remedy for the face.

Instructions for use

Brewer's yeast with sulfur can be used orally or externally. Masks and compresses are made from the powder. The duration of treatment is selected individually.

How to take the drug to make it possible to get rid of acne? Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults need to drink several tablets three times a day (the exact amount will be indicated by the doctor). In order for the supplement to be better absorbed by the body, this should be done during meals. The powder is taken in the same way. The therapeutic course for acne and acne is 30 days. Next appointment Supplementation is possible after 6 months.

The shelf life of the Evisent supplement is 24 months. It should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of small child place at temperatures up to +25 degrees.

Preparing the mask

Evisent brewer's yeast with sulfur can be used as an ingredient for a healing mask for acne. Let's look at the most famous recipes.

For dry skin:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of dry yeast Evisent with 1 tbsp. spoon of water (it is important that it is at room temperature). Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and beaten egg yolk to this mixture. Apply a homogeneous mass onto the skin of the face with gentle massage movements (do not touch the area around the eyes and mouth) for a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off.
  2. 30 gr. crushed tablets or powder, dilute with olive or linseed oil(3 tablespoons are enough for this amount). Stir well to obtain a mixture of homogeneous consistency. Cleanse your face with lotion. Apply the treatment for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off.

For oily skin:

  1. To eliminate oily shine, tighten pores, and get rid of acne, mix 30 g. powder with 3 tbsp. spoons of milk. Keep the mask on your face for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dietary supplement Evisent (the tablet must be crushed to a powder state), 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off.
  3. Dilute 15 gr. dietary supplement 20 ml lemon juice. The result should be a mass of homogeneous consistency. Wash off the mask from your face after a quarter of an hour.

To nourish the epidermis. Mix 1 teaspoon yeast powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

To achieve results, healing masks you need to do it 2 times every 7 days for a month.


  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamin B.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Gastritis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Calcium deficiency in the body.
  • Kidney pathology.

You need to be careful when taking Evisent supplement orally and externally. Possible consequences such as hives, itching (when using masks), abdominal pain, bloating, headache, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid negative consequences, before starting a course of treatment, you must consult a doctor and follow the rules of administration that are described in the instructions.

Brewer's yeast is a popular dietary supplement to food, which has a lot of beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. The order in which you take the yeast depends on the desired end result, as well as general condition body.


Composition of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is a single-celled plant organism belonging to the class of fungi. They contain a lot beneficial enzymes and other components involved in accelerating the processes of fermentation and oxidation of organic compounds (usually carbohydrates). Brewer's yeast is a treasure trove minerals(magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and others) vitamins B, E, PP, H, D, natural highly digestible protein, as well as a source essential amino acids, which are present in them almost in in full force. Therefore in medical practice they are recommended as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent that increases the body’s overall resistance to stress and various diseases, improving general health and tone, increasing performance.

Today there are many drugs, the main active ingredient of which is brewer’s yeast, and zinc, magnesium, succinic acid, etc. are used as additional components. The choice of such a dietary supplement will depend on the problem being solved.

Benefits of brewer's yeast

The benefits of brewer's yeast for our body are invaluable; they normalize metabolic processes (carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism), improve the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, increase appetite, improve and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, support the normal functioning of the pancreas, stimulate the processes of removing toxins from the body, thereby improving the overall functioning of the body.

They are a means of replenishing vitamin B reserves.

Particularly useful for diabetics, as they contain large quantities chromium, which stimulates the body to “fight” glucose.

Yeast helps cope with emotional and physical stress and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Helps maintain acid-base balance biofluids in the body.

When taking brewer's yeast, the condition of facial skin significantly improves, especially problematic and oily skin with enlarged pores, pimples and acne. Improve hair condition, strengthen roots, get rid of dandruff, will help additional use them externally, in the form of masks. Recipes for masks made from brewer's yeast are very effective, but they have a significant drawback - the presence of a strong and persistent yeast odor from the hair, which is not so easy to wash off, review of the mask.

Brewer's yeast helps strengthen the immune system, exhibits high antioxidant properties, preventing early aging, and prevents the development of liver cancer.

A useful feature of brewer's yeast is the ability to increase the content good cholesterol and reduce its overall level in the body (for example, taking 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast once a day for two months will help reduce cholesterol levels by 10%).

Taking brewer's yeast is also useful for wounds and cuts, as it has the property of accelerating regenerative processes in tissues.

Video: 10 useful facts about brewer's yeast.

Enriched brewer's yeast

In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find brewer's yeast enriched succinic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc.

Brewer's yeast with succinic acid increases muscle elasticity, which is especially useful for athletes and people with high blood pressure. physical activity, since they prevent the occurrence of pain in overworked muscles, increasing the body’s ability to adapt to increased loads without exhaustion.

Magnesium, in combination with yeast, is involved in protein synthesis and maintains energy reserves in the body, therefore it is recommended for its deficiency in the body.

With a lack of zinc in the body, cholesterol levels increase and diseases develop prostate gland, sexual activity is suppressed or greatly reduced, infertility develops, problems with skin, hair and nails appear. Brewer's yeast with zinc successfully solves all these problems.

Brewer's yeast in combination with iron serves as an excellent remedy to prevent anemia.

Brewer's yeast with selenium is best source selenium, which is in an easily digestible form in the preparation, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the body's protective and antiviral abilities, and has a positive effect on the liver, especially in the presence of its diseases in chronic or acute forms. Given biologically active additive is also a preventive measure premature aging and the development of tumors of various natures.

Brewer's yeast, enriched with calcium, perfectly strengthens teeth, hair and nails, and in combination with potassium helps restore the human nervous system and increase muscle tone. The use of brewer's yeast with sulfur preserves skin elasticity and prevents aging. Brewer's yeast enriched with iodine promotes recovery normal functioning thyroid gland.

Indications for use of brewer's yeast

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • A period of recovery after a serious illness to eliminate exhaustion (for weight gain) and make up for deficiencies nutrients.
  • Prevention of B-hypovitaminosis.
  • Permanent cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Furunculosis (adolescent acne).
  • Dermatoses due to nervous conditions.
  • Eczema, psoriasis.
  • Anemia.
  • Impact chemicals, radiation.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Fragility and excessive dryness of hair and nails (improvement after 1-1.5 months of use).
  • Intense stress (physical, mental).
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Oily and problem skin.

Brewer's yeast, how to take

Brewer's yeast is taken in courses of one to two months, taking into account existing problems. Persistent improvement usually occurs after a month to a month and a half of daily use. During the year, no more than three such treatment and prophylactic courses can be carried out with an interval of two to three months between each.

Brewer's yeast is taken for prevention by adults and children over 12 years of age, one tablet three times a day, an hour after meals (usually the dosage is indicated on the drug). A large dosage of yeast should be agreed with a specialist. Children 3-7 years old are recommended to take brewer's yeast 0.25 g once a day, children from seven years old - 0.5 g twice a day, also between meals.

Side effects of taking brewer's yeast

Taking brewer's yeast can cause allergic reactions such as urticaria and itching.

Contraindications to taking brewer's yeast

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Due to the content of nucleic acids, they are contraindicated in elderly people.
  • Atrophy optic nerve(genetic disease).
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Children under three years old.
  • Pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor).
  • Gout.

Is it possible to take brewer's yeast at the same time as medications?

During the reception period medications Taking brewer's yeast should be discussed with your doctor, since it can change the activity of the medicine used and also change its properties.

Some may say that brewer's yeast, for all its advantages, inevitably leads to weight gain. excess weight. I will say right away that if a woman does not have metabolic disorders or endocrine disorders, then she will not gain weight when taking yeast. After all, it is these violations that provoke obesity. The drug, on the contrary, restores impaired metabolic processes, improves the absorption of nutrients, especially protein, so the body does not need to require additional portions of food. Brewer's yeast is often used in a weight loss program.

Now you know that brewer’s yeast can solve a lot of problems, take it without fear, but only after first consulting a doctor and his recommendations.

Latin name: Faex medicinalis
ATX code: A11EA
Active ingredient: beer autolysate
yeast, sulfur
Manufacturer: Yeast technologies, Russia.
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Brewer's yeast with sulfur is a highly effective vitamin and mineral complex that eliminates deficiency essential elements, on which the condition of hair, skin and nails depends. Dietary supplement is one of the main products of the specially developed Evisent program aimed at improving appearance from the inside. The dietary supplement supports liver health and function, normalizes metabolism and functioning internal organs. As a result of using the drug, the skin is cleared of acne or pimples, the tone and complexion become even, nails stop peeling and breaking, and hair loss stops.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, it is recommended to use the dietary supplement Evisent Brewer's Yeast as tonic And additional source sulfur, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements daily diet. Before taking it, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the need for the drug, dosage and course duration. If this is not possible, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed.

The natural drug is indicated for use for:

  • Hypovitaminosis of B vitamins
  • Treatment of diffuse alopecia
  • Poor hair condition
  • Dystrophies nail plates
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Neuralgia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Eczema
  • Acne proneness
  • Psoriasis
  • Violations secretory function stomach
  • Chronic enterocolitis
  • Unbalanced diet.

Composition of the drug

Active substances natural remedy are brewer's yeast autolysate (vitamin E, group B, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, selenium, etc.) and sulfur.

Medicinal properties

Although this drug does not apply to drugs, the effect it has on the body is comparable to therapeutic effect. Thanks to active compounds, there is a noticeable improvement in health, which has a positive effect on the quality of hair, skin and nails.

Use in accordance with the instructions for the dietary supplement Brewer's yeast with sulfur from the Evisent program slows down the aging process and promotes rejuvenation of the body. As a result of taking the course:

  • Replenishes the supply of nutrients
  • There is a better saturation of the dermis with oxygen
  • Collagen production is stimulated
  • Normalizes the formation of sebum
  • Toxins are eliminated from the body faster and in greater volumes
  • Cleanses skin pores
  • Metabolism accelerates
  • Improves protein absorption
  • The blood sugar level naturally decreases due to the insulin produced by the body
  • Increases immunity
  • The activity of pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited
  • Oxidative processes slow down
  • Improves skin color and tone
  • Hair shafts are strengthened
  • Hair growth accelerates
  • The condition of the nails improves.

Release form

Average price 60 pcs. – 176-235 rub. 100 pcs. – 243-278 rub.

A food additive with a specific yeast odor is produced in the form of biconvex tablets with a score, without a coating. The color can vary from beige to light yellow or brownish. Marbling of the structure (interspersed with particles of a different shade) or uneven color of the tablets in the box or even one blister are allowed. The difference in color is considered normal occurrence, since it is due to the use of natural raw materials for the drug.

The dietary supplement is available in cardboard boxes with 6 or 10 blisters of 10 tablets.

Directions for use

The daily dose of the drug for an adult is 9 tablets. Take 2-3 pills with meals 3 times a day. Course duration is 30 days. If necessary, it is repeated, maintaining a break of 1-2 months.


According to the instructions for use, Brewer's yeast with sulfur must not be used for:

  • Individual intolerance to components
  • During pregnancy and lactation
  • Presence of fungal diseases
  • Children (up to 3 years) and old age (due to the content of nucleic acids)
  • Leber's diseases
  • Candidal discbacteriosis
  • Kidney problems
  • During pregnancy and during lactation.

The need and risks of taking dietary supplements should be determined by a doctor.


The dietary supplement cannot be combined with alcohol consumption, as alcohol impairs the absorption of B vitamins.

Side effects

Undesirable effects after use biological additive Brewer's yeast manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions. The development of thrush cannot be ruled out.


If you take the recommended number of tablets negative consequences not recorded. Exceeding the dose prescribed by the instructions is fraught with the development of allergic reaction in the form skin itching, redness of the skin, urticaria.

Conditions and shelf life

The product should be kept closed, protected from light and out of the reach of children. Storage temperature – from 5 to 25 °C. Brewer's yeast with sulfur can be consumed within 2 years from the date of production.


Brewer's yeast of the Evisent series – unique complex according to the composition of selected components that enhance the effectiveness of additives and precisely calculated proportions of substances. Although there is a large selection of dietary supplements on sale with the same declared effect, they differ from the Evisent series product in composition or quantity of substances contained. Therefore, it is not recommended to make a decision on replacing the product on your own. Identify a suitable analogue with a similar effect and active ingredients Only a doctor can.

For skin, hair and nails

Evalar (RF)

Average price– 713 rub.

A dietary supplement that replenishes the lack of substances necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails. The product contains compounds containing sulfur, vitamin C, derivatives of zinc, silicon, and calcium. The dietary supplement enhances collagen production, improves the condition of the dermis, follicle health, and strengthens nails. The package contains 60 tablets.


  • Naturalness of the product
  • Ease of use (once a day).


  • High price
  • Duration of the course (2 months).

Veropharm (RF)

Average price–186.50 rub.

A multivitamin complex that replenishes the deficiency of substances that affect the appearance and condition of the external integument. The product improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, strengthens hair, and eliminates fragility and weakness of nail plates. In a cardboard package - 30 tablets, designed for one course (1 piece per day).


  • Set of necessary elements
  • Affordable price
  • Ease of use (1 package per course).


  • Not enough minerals
  • It is necessary to monitor compatibility with other drugs.