Housewarming contests are cool. Housewarming contests at home

P>Have you purchased a new apartment and are planning to arrange it? Then be sure to think through the holiday scenario. After all, the evening, according to the principle: you drank, ate, drank, ate again, will not be remembered by your guests for anything other than a sore head in the morning, and neither will you. This means that, in addition to a richly laid table, the owners need to take care of interesting competitions for a housewarming party.

Housewarming competitions at the table

For competitions at the table, no details will be required, and during them all your guests will be involved, and no one will be bored. In addition, such contests and housewarming wishes for hosts will help all guests get to know each other quickly, relieve the first tension that may arise during the meeting and create a warm, relaxed atmosphere. Let's think about what competitions will be useful for housewarming celebrations.

  1. "ABC"- all the assembled guests say congratulations in turn, starting with one of the letters of the alphabet. You can slightly change the conditions of the competition: let all wishes begin with the letter “n”, that is, “housewarming”.
  2. "Let's sing"- with the notes in it, he goes around the circle of guests. Each note contains a word related to the theme “housewarming”. Each of those present at the table must perform an excerpt of a song in which the specified word will be present.
  3. "Total Recall"– all the guests take turns recalling a funny or simply pleasant event that happened in the new settlers’ family over the entire last year. The one who does not remember anything is eliminated from the competition, and the guest who names the largest number of such joyful events wins.
  4. "Dance"– if there is enough space for dancing in the apartment, then couples are invited to dance, holding an object between them.
  5. "House for the Brownie"– guests compete in the speed and cleanliness of sweeping the house with a broom. You can use tennis balls, large beads, and foam balls as litter.

We came for a housewarming party
View YOUR possessions -
Accept honest people!
Here are the mansions, so are the mansions,
Everything you need for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, and the rooms at the same time -
If you want, stop, or if you want, dance!
Even if you roll on them sideways
With a turn and a jump -
Who can't prohibit
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
So that the doors don't break
And the floors didn’t dry out,
I washed the bath, cooked the stove,
So that the apartment is warm.
Come on, good mistress,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we'll reach the bottom.
Scene “Brownie Nafanya”
Guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if they have met their brownie.
One of the guests slowly dresses up as a Brownie (we'll need an old padded jacket and a hat with earflaps) and comes out with congratulations.
Let me introduce myself,
To please you!
I am a brownie by profession,
In the economic sense of the process, I.
Who will take me into account?
He will roll like cheese in butter!
So as not to deal with rubbish,
I will tell you the rules of conduct:
Mind you, don't turn on loud music,
Don't knock your heels on the floor,
Don't come home after midnight
Don't wake up old Nathanya,
It's too much to splash around in the bathroom,
Don’t get carried away with breaking dishes!
And if you behave well, Nafanya won’t bother you! I’m actually a kind and hospitable brownie, so I brought you bread and salt!
Nafanya brings out the kalach. A key is baked in the roll. The roll is cut, and the one of the guests who gets a piece with the key (you must be warned that they bite off carefully, because the roll contains a secret) receives the title of the Most Welcome Guest in this house. And if the owner or mistress gets the key, then he (she) is henceforth appointed as the head of the family and home for life.
Nafanya: Well, master and hostess, will you obey me and be friends with me? The owners answer.
Nafanya: Then I propose to treat Nafanya with a glass to become related! And if you treat me well, I’ll share with you folk “Feng Shui” secrets.
Feng Shui from Nafani
Nafanya introduces the owners to folk signs concerning prosperity and happiness in the home, providing them with your comments.
■ Hold the broom only with the broom up, so as not to “sweep up” wealth (it’s better to buy a vacuum cleaner and not tempt fate!).
■ Matryoshka is a talisman against uninvited guests, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels(and the tumbler is a talisman, guess for yourself why!).
■ You cannot eat or drink from dishes with cracks and chips; you cannot keep such dishes in the house (this is generally unsightly).
■ A fur skin attracts good luck and wealth (husband, buy your wife a new fur skin, preferably from mink!).
■ It’s good to keep money under the tablecloth (now I’ll know where your money is!).
■ You can’t put a drunk bottle on the table (we finish it and go for the next one)!
A toast is raised to the brownie and friendship with him. Guests suggest checking whether they are strong new apartment floors. A dance break is announced.
Table game "Don't laugh"
One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on your neighbor’s shoulder; then touch your neighbor’s nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated and sent to the penalty box. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.
Game "Builders"
The presenter says that a real man In his lifetime, as you know, he must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. The guests count which of the men present has how many houses have been built, trees planted and how many children. The winner is determined.
Game “Your own karaoke”
A competition is being announced for knowledge of songs about a house, an apartment and everything related to housing. Some of the guests remember the song, the rest pick it up. The one who knows the most is awarded large number songs and the most soulful singer.
Hint - songs about home:
“Weather Forecast” (“Weather in the House”) from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina.
“Parental House” from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko.
“Under the roof of your house” from the repertoire of Yuri Antonov.
“My love is on the fifth floor” from the repertoire of gr. "Secret".
“Grass near the house” from the repertoire of gr. "Earthlings."
“No one will be in the house...” from the TV movie “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”
“While everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name.
If the company does not like to sing, you can organize a similar competition of proverbs and sayings.
Proverbs about home:
Away is good, but home is better.
The hut is red in its corners, and the wife is red in pies.
Houses and walls help.
My home is my fortress.
Without an owner, a house is an orphan.
In cramped conditions, but don’t be offended!
Every home has its own skeleton in the closet.
Don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules.
At home, not as a guest: if you sit, you won’t leave.
Toast for the road
Not a hut on chicken legs,
Not a hut, where is heaven with a sweetheart -
Your new home
Invited us for “tea”!
And under this “glass of tea”
We wish you, friends,
Live without noticing problems
It's like being in a king's castle!


“Uh or Eh” for latecomers
All latecomers must choose “Uh” or “Eh” and complete the appropriate task. For example, “Uh” - kiss two, “Eh” - kiss everyone.


Before sitting down at the table, each invitee writes with a felt-tip pen on a piece of paper given to him what he would like to give or wish to the hosts. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All pieces of paper are placed in a hat (deep bowl). The owners are invited to pull out one piece of paper and read it out. What was there will definitely be available to new residents before the end of the year.

“Cribs” for the first acquaintance of guests
The presenter passes a roll of paper around to everyone present. Guests are invited to tear off as many pieces of paper as they want. After that, everyone still takes turns standing up and no matter how many pieces of paper they have torn off, they tell so many interesting stories and facts from their lives. It will be even better if these stories are connected with the heroes of the occasion.
Then they drink a toast to the fact that there are so many friends and a lot of pleasant and cheerful memories.

"Little Engine"

The hosts and guests stand one after another in a chain, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person standing in front. In this way, the entire chain moves around the apartment or house, stopping from time to time in certain places to hold small games and competitions. If the apartment is small, you can walk not from room to room, but from corner to corner, to the kitchen and back.
So, the “locomotive” begins its journey from station to station.

Station 1. “Money”

The owner stops the “train” and announces that if the guests want to come back here again and again, then they must throw a coin into the “pond” (a bucket or basin of water) for good luck. Guests form a circle around the “pond” and throw coins into the water. The most accurate coin thrower is awarded a prize, and the “train” moves on.

Station 2. “Family”

The “locomotive” stops and the owner says that not a single person can live without his loved ones. Everyone present is invited to take turns naming close and distant relatives, for example: grandfather - brother - brother-in-law - sister-in-law, etc. The participant who names the last definition of a relative receives a prize.

Station 3. "Children's"

At the "Children's" station the "locomotive" makes a new stop. Here, all adults are invited to read children's poems and sing children's songs. Participants take turns completing the task, and everyone receives small sweet prizes. If children are present at the festival, they participate in all competitions along with adults.

Station 4. "Teatralnaya"

At Teatralnaya station, guests take turns pantomiming various objects. If it is difficult for guests to come up with their own idea of ​​what they will show, then you can offer them cards with tasks. One shows, the rest try to guess. The best “actor” is awarded a prize. Examples of tasks: a bottle of champagne, a boiling kettle, a toaster, new shoes, runaway milk, etc.

Station 5. “Conversational”

“Talking to talk” is a rather difficult task. The host invites the guests to check this statement, the Host or hostess calls the guests simple words, and the guests try to pronounce them backwards as quickly as possible, for example: rainbow - agudar, etc. The guest who correctly named “changeling” faster than others receives a small prize.

Toast after "Paravozik"

Now it's your turn.
We came for a housewarming party
View your possessions -
Accept honest people!
Here are the mansions, so are the mansions,
Everything you need for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, and the rooms -
If you want, stop, or if you want, dance!
Even if you roll on them sideways
With a turn and a jump -
Who can't prohibit
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
So that the doors don't break
And the floors didn’t dry out,
I washed the bath, cooked the stove,
So that the apartment is warm.
Come on, good mistress,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we'll reach the bottom.

Toast “Connection of names” for natives (using the example of the names: Sveta and Kostya)
I would like to draw your attention to the connection between the names of our new residents. "Konstantin" means "firm, constant, constant", and "Svetlana" means "bright". The combination of these names means that Konstantin has found his bright ray of light and that, due to the firmness and constancy of his character, they will live happily ever after in this house. May you keep up with the happy meaning of your names. For you!

Toast "Autographs"

The presenter passes a card in the shape of a key and a pen around the table. Everyone takes turns writing their wishes on this card. Then it is solemnly presented to the new residents and a toast is drunk.


There is a crush on the tram. Some go to work, some go from work.
The old storekeeper was squeezed from all sides. One of the women was standing close to him and felt something hard pressing into her thigh.
- Wow! - the woman exclaimed.
- This is not wow, but a key to a large warehouse!
I suggest we drink to the key to your new apartment, because whatever you say, this is wow!

"Target" for new residents

The heroes of the occasion are given sheets with drawn targets and a felt-tip pen. The presenter invites them to fill out the “target”. In each sector of the second circle you need to place numbers from 1 to 4 in random order. In the third circle you need to write the names of animals, for example, bee, hippopotamus, boa constrictor, lion. In the next circle - character traits: importunity, generosity, laziness, tenderness.
IN last lap are recorded catchphrases, aphorisms, sayings, “jokes”.
Now the presenter “deciphers” all the inscriptions. The first circle will tell you what the birthday person has in life in first, second, third and fourth place: P - bed, S - family, R - work, L - love.
The third and fourth circles must be read together with the main one. For example, a lazy hippopotamus in bed, a gentle boa constrictor in the family, an annoying bee at work, a generous lion in love.
The last circle also refers to the main one and characterizes the hero of the holiday with one phrase: “Bedding - measure seven times,” etc.

Competitions during music breaks


I need five guys and girls. Blindfolded girls stand in a circle facing outward. To the sound of music, the guys begin to walk around the girls. As soon as the music stops, the girls grab the men who are right in front of them. So, the pairs are created. I give each pair a cork, which you must press between each other; for this you will have to hug. You have to dance to the music without dropping the cork. As soon as the music stops, you need to race to the bucket standing in the center (pointing to the bucket that stands in the center of the dance floor) and throw your cork into the bucket, but do not touch it with your hands. The one who completes the task first takes first place and receives a prize. Those who get the cork into the bucket are eliminated from the game. The rest form a circle again, and the game is repeated until the last pair.
(The last couple left wins; she is declared the most loving and is awarded the most erotic prizes - condoms).


Five pairs required. Here are some stickers for you all. You need to stick them in different places on one of the partners (on the hand, on the neck, behind the ear, on the cheek, on the lips, and sometimes on the tongue). The second partner must tear off these stickers with his mouth, teeth, tongue, without touching it (the sticker) with anything else.

Find a wife and a kiss

A competition to test family passion. Taking part in the game married couples. Chairs are placed in the middle of the room, on which the wives sit, and in a straight line to the chairs they are placed empty bottles. The husbands are blindfolded and the task is explained: to walk without knocking over any pins (bottles) and kiss their wife. At the moment when husbands begin to approach their wives, they need to quietly and imperceptibly change places with each other.

Bound by one chain

Teams of 5 people participate. Participants put hats sewn together with a single rope on their heads and dance to the music. The team whose cap falls off first loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Relay game “Let’s figure it out for three”

It is known that drinkers are divided into three categories: light drinkers - no matter how much you pour for them, it’s not enough; shy ones - those who hold on to the wall after drinking even a little; hardy - those that often simply do not dry out.
Teams are made up of three participants - light drinkers, shy ones and hardy ones. Light drinkers empty the bottle (they drink the leftovers - the bottles are prepared in advance), shy ones put these bottles in a row along the wall at a short distance from each other, and the third members of the teams, that is, the hardy ones, having received “string bags”, collect the bottles as quickly as possible.

Tango with a mop

At many parties, dancing is organized in one way or another. If the number of dancers is odd, then instead of a couple someone will get a mop. And he will have to behave with her as with a partner (or partner). The main thing is that the music is regularly interrupted so that the couples can mix.


Two teams are formed: one - men, the other - women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

Don't laugh

Players squat in a circle (woman-man-woman). Everyone is warned not to laugh (the presenter is allowed). The presenter “solemnly” takes his right neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else in the circle must do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek (nose, knee), etc. Those who laugh leave the circle. The one remaining wins.

And so, you moved to new home, called guests for a housewarming celebration and prepared delicious food. But what about the entertainment part? For such an occasion, we have prepared cool and funny competitions for housewarming parties, which can be held at home. There are a variety of competitions and games - active, at the table and just to lift your spirits.

But first!
– great tips for choosing gifts!
And also - it is suitable even for the most “boring” guests!
And now we can move on to competitions.

And for starters, a competition in the form of a drawing. You need to turn off the lights in one of the rooms and close the windows, and light a candle. Then you take one guest into this dark room, telling the others that he will be preparing for the competition. And when you enter this room, you ask your guest to put out the candle by shouting. He screams so loudly that the whole house can hear him. But the most interesting thing is the faces of the other guests, who do not understand what is happening and why they are screaming so much!

Next is the competition for the best dance. Everyone knows that after moving to a new place, you must immediately appease the brownie. And who is the best to appease the spirits and other washed-out characters? That's right - Indians! Therefore, choose suitable Indian or shamanic music and let the guests appease your brownie. And you will laugh and take amazing pictures with your camera. And you will never forget your housewarming party!

Now you can invite the guests to say a few beautiful words addressed to the owners of the house, and to the house itself. To do this you need domino dice. The dice are turned over, and each guest in turn chooses any bone, turns it over, and the number of numbers on the bone determines the number of words in the congratulation. And whoever turns the pacifier over can say as many words as he wants.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the little bun who left home and lost absolutely everything. Invite your guests to play this fairy tale. Give everyone roles and everyone has to sit on a chair. Also leave space between chairs so you can run. And start reading the fairy tale, but only in your own version. Namely, repeat words with the main characters more often. Namely: the bun left the grandmother, and there was only one bun left. The bun rolled... and so on. And the whole point of the competition is that when you say the hero’s name, he must get up from his chair and run around it. Thus, if you repeat the characters, then your guests will every now and then get up, run, sit down and get up and run again. And when they get tired, and one of them says - that’s it, I can’t do it anymore, or - how long will we continue to run? So you can say - do you think it was easy for us without our own home?

And finally, we suggest you reward your guests for coming. To do this, buy gifts and conduct a win-win and fun lottery. How to do it?
Read more -

In the life of every family, housewarming is an event no less significant than a wedding. If, while celebrating a wedding, the newlyweds “announce” to the whole world the creation new family, then at a housewarming party the family celebrates the “birth” of the family hearth. Since these celebrations - both weddings and housewarmings - are rooted in the distant past, the traditions of the formation of these celebrations are just as ancient and respected.

Housewarming scenario when moving into a new house or apartment

The celebration held at the entrance to a new house is obviously the most anticipated and should be a worthy completion of construction. Regardless of whether the house was built by a contractor or a “family cleanup” was organized, the owners can organize a magnificent and cheerful celebration with family and friends. A housewarming celebration scenario can and even should be cool, cheerful and humorous. For housewarming the house definitely needs to be decorated, outside (on the door itself or next to the wall) you can attach a bouquet in the shape of a broom and hang a colorfully decorated “Housewarming” poster. The scenario for holding it largely depends on the time of year in which the housewarming takes place, but the tradition of the eldest man of the family being the first to enter the house can be played out in any weather.

Let's start celebrating the housewarming from the doorstep

Guests never all arrive at the same time, so in the courtyard near the house you can put a table with “small” treats and non-alcoholic drinks, so that when gathering, guests could “refresh themselves” with sandwiches and at the same time “choose” the place where the owner will plant a tree. After everyone has gathered, the eldest member of the family enters the house with bread and invites guests. Entrance to the house is “not free” - in the hallway you can place a bucket of water into which guests can throw coins. With this they wish the owners well-being and hospitality. The answer to the question “how to celebrate a housewarming” can be found among the scenarios New Year's holidays. This celebration can be organized as a gala “dinner with dancing”, or as a costume themed party with a theatrical script and a toastmaster. A housewarming party is, first of all, a feast, so guests are invited to the table with homemade treats. The first word at the table is given to the head of the family: he proposes to start the fun and conveys his feelings, which he, of course, has in abundance.

A long-standing tradition requires that housewarming must be celebrated in the circle of good friends and relatives, so that the new home will always be a “full cup” and be free from all adversity.

Mandatory “excursion” program around the new house

Guests, of course, must be given something to eat, but home inspection should not be postponed. Still, the main hero of the occasion is the new house, which must be shown in all its glory (by the time the housewarming party is organized, the connection of the house to all communications must be completed). That's why, after the guests have eaten the “first toast” after greeting the host, the tour should begin. The order of visiting all rooms is chosen by the owners, but everything must be shown - from the pantry to the hall, without skipping the toilet. This part of the housewarming party takes place “sober”, but it is not difficult to have fun, since the owners have accumulated many interesting stories during construction that can be told to guests. If the house is not yet furnished, you can hang posters on the walls:

  • “There will be a closet here to store my wife’s fur coats.”
  • “There will be a safe hidden here to store my husband’s money.”
  • “My son’s computer will be here for writing his dissertation.”

The inscriptions on the posters depend on the composition of the family and the age of the owners.

"Japanese" youth housewarming party

In such decorations (even with somewhat “salty” texts on the posters) you can have a fun housewarming party “on the floor” without using a table. To decorate the room, you can put several suitcases or travel bags, showing that the owners came “to the ball” directly “from the ship”. Guests must be warned about this form of celebration in advance so that they can “withstand” the dress code: you will have to sit on the floor, because clothes you will need are soft, spacious and comfortable. But at such a celebration, nothing prevents fun competitions and entertainment.

Who can “drive away the darkness”

First of all you need protect the house from evil spirits» . There are many ways, but modern conditions they need to be creatively adapted. Since not everyone would dare to lock a live rooster in a new apartment for the night before a housewarming party (where to put it later if they don’t raise their hands to kill it?), then the guests will have to drive away the evil spirits. The easiest way is hold an art competition, in which guests will depict this rooster on paper. The winner is chosen by the owner; he can mark the funniest, the most beautiful, the most unusual. The one who wins the competition is solemnly allowed to “sing” the morning song of the cockerel and disperse “all evil spirits.”

House for a brownie

Next you have to respect the brownie. Everyone remembers that he loves to hide behind a broom, so for the celebration you can purchase several new simple brooms for holding competitions. Guests can compete in the “cleanliness and speed” of sweeping. The following can serve as garbage for such a competition:

  • tennis balls;
  • confetti;
  • plastic bullets for children's pistols;
  • large beads;
  • foam balls (you can “crush” a piece of foam from the packaging of household appliances).

The lighter and more “elusive” the garbage is, the more fun the competition will be.. Scoops and bags should also be chosen in cool shapes.

Can be carried out beauty contest among brooms: To do this, before the fashion show, guests must decorate these “predecessors of vacuum cleaners” and organize a funny presentation of their models.

New neighbors are future friends

Purchasing an apartment in apartment building is accompanied by “getting into the load” of neighbors, good relationship with which they can become the key to a quiet life in a new home. You can get to know your neighbors better at your housewarming party by inviting them to the celebration. In a cheerful festive atmosphere, getting to know each other will be easy and relaxed. If they gather at the table different people (both by age and by “experience” of acquaintance), entertainment must be planned in advance(so as not to accidentally offend any of the guests). The housewarming scenario usually involves availability of music. It's good if possible sing karaoke: the long tradition of drinking songs has not yet been forgotten, but few people remember the lyrics by heart. And with karaoke, meeting new people is more fun, and it also brings joy to “old” friends. For a large company in which it is difficult to establish a “queue” of congratulations, it is necessary to provide a lottery with the drawing of these serial numbers. You can use a simple deck of cards: The drawn cards will indicate the order of performances. Guests need to “vote” to choose who will congratulate first – “ace” or “two”.

Presentation of gifts to hosts and guests

Ancestors have always revered cleanliness - this concerns not only the absence of material garbage, but also spiritual and energetic ones. Therefore, it is customary to come to a new home with pure, bright thoughts and useful gifts. If a housewarming party is held in a house (apartment) where furniture is already installed, the owners may allow “hide” guests their gifts throughout the house. This type of gift giving will be fun, because the owners will have to find them according to the rules of the game “cold - hot” or by guessing funny riddles guests. The owners, in turn, during the “process of searching” for gifts, will give guests a tour of the new home. New residents apartment buildings You can prepare colorful postcards for housewarming day - business cards, on which you can write a cheerful text of an invitation to visit indicating the new address. The host will give such an “invitation” to the guest in response to his congratulations and the presentation of a gift.

A merry party organized for a housewarming party popular belief, guarantees the family happy life in this house.

"Office" housewarming party

Housewarming should be properly celebrated not only when moving to a new home, but also to a new office. Corporate party It is better to conduct it in the building itself (not in a restaurant or cafe) after renovation, but before installing equipment and arranging work tables. Such an event may please the team and set them up for successful work in the new premises. The party scenario is developed taking into account the number of participants: when moving to a new office of a large company with numerous staff best option– invitation of professional organizers. Labor collectives often consist of unfamiliar people, so only experienced mass producer. However, the program will have to be drawn up together. In order for things to go even better in the new office than in the previous one, all the best from the old must be “brought” into it. These are not necessarily things and furnishings, they can be interesting stories that happened earlier, which can be told before toasting. As a rule, new furniture is purchased for a new office, but how the desks will be arranged can be played out. fun competitions(if such a solution does not hurt future work). In each team there is a cheerful person who can help the toastmaster in holding a cheerful holiday. It is better to choose a “core” topic related to the company’s activities: at such a holiday everyone will be able not only to have fun, but also to show their abilities. In addition, during its work, each company develops its own corporate style; employees accumulate gifts from grateful clients and mascots. All such things must definitely find a place in the new room (and in the scenario), and for a housewarming celebration you can provide souvenirs in a “corporate” style.

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Housewarming is a wonderful occasion to celebrate on the eve of a new life.. You can solemnly move to the next stage of life by not only moving into a new house, but also by thoroughly renovating it. According to the ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui, it is necessary to create a suitable environment in the house for the flow of beneficial energy - to do this, just start with replacement front door or flooring. Because happy holiday Housewarming parties can also be arranged for the new front door, and the arrival of happiness and prosperity will not take long to arrive. Well, what holiday could be complete without funny ditties - and practically none. To confirm this, watch a short video with mischievous housewarming ditties: