Ditties for a girl's 25th birthday. Funny and cool birthday contests for a fun company

Or a birthday for everyone: a woman and a man on their 50th anniversary, 55th anniversary, 60th anniversary, and so on... Funny ditties for an anniversary or birthday will perfectly cheer up the hero of the day, decorate the holiday and help give interesting gifts. To make ditties on the round anniversary date were appropriate for the holiday, choose the texts of the ditties in such a way that among them there are no ditties with obscenities or vulgar ditties. After all, among the guests there will be not only adults, but also children! Have a wonderful atmosphere on your anniversary!

Anniversary ditties for men

1. We will sing ditties
And let's go squat,
I'll love the anniversary
Well, we will become famous!

2. I am ditties for the anniversary
I've been writing all week!
And now I’ll sing them to you,
Don't judge as best I can!

3. Anniversary, anniversary,
Come to me quickly!
I'm not afraid of the anniversary!
I'll be rejuvenated again!

4. To the young hero of the day
Girls make eyes
Look at him
Well, what kind of grandfather is he?

5. In this anniversary year
I'm approaching fifty dollars.
I decided not to be bored
I'll go look for my wife!

6. Our hero of the day is sad,
He looks sad
Don't be sad, dear,
You're still young!

7. Oh, the table is rich today,
Noble treats
Feed us, hero of the day,
Do me a favor!

8. Oh, the ditties are good,
To the hero of the day for the soul,
You give up on everything,
Age, truly, is golden!

9. Anniversary, anniversary,
Our hero of the day is younger,
Be healthy and don't be sad
Love your wife!

10. In this anniversary year,
Only luck awaits you
Have fun with your friends
By us, the boys.

11. All the relatives gathered,
It's your celebration!
Eh, let's walk until the morning,
To the point of white heat!

12. Today is your day
Your birth
It is named after a round date
In honor of the round belly!

13. The hero of the day is young,
The girls are following you!
Don't frown your eyebrows
Warm up the girls!

Ditties for a woman's anniversary

1. Oh, the ditties are good,
I will sing them from the heart.
Sing along with me,
Praise the hero of the day!

2. They say, they say,
That they grow old at fifty,
Bullshit, nonsense,
If the soul is young!

3. Your anniversary has arrived,
Don't regret mistakes.
Think only about the good
About the young gentleman!

4. Such a beautiful woman,
I won't give you even thirty
Behind her is a noisy crowd
The grooms are walking briskly!

5. The anniversary will come suddenly,
Just don't be sad, friend!
We'll cry, we'll sing,
And let's start life again!

6. Come and dance,
The hero of the day is with us,
You are our beauty
So what, grandma!

If you need more ditties for your anniversary, then the ditties are further divided into categories by date:

50 years

At fifty, at fifty,
It's all just beginning
And girlish beauty
It just shows up!

Don't be sad that it's 50
But experience and charge,
You can do everything, you know
Make your dreams come true!

At 50, please don’t be sour,
You're not a grandma at all
You are a beautiful girl
Smile for the joy of everyone!

55 years old

Two A's - yes!
Years well lived!
Now come on, go for it
Make all your dreams come true!

You went into retirement
And left things behind
Rest now like a king!
Well, don't forget us!

Do nonsense
The hero of the day does not want
He is a business man
And very solid!

Fifty and five again
We have a reason to rock!
The anniversary year will pass,
The hero of the day will be lucky!

Comic ditties for a woman’s 55th birthday

1. We respect you
Our hero of the day,
Can't live a day without you
It's even impossible.

2. Two A's - no problem,
This age is nonsense
My neighbor is one hundred and five,
Try to overtake her!

3. You are so beautiful today
And the hairstyle is just classy!
And men's eyes are burning,
They'll take you away, it's not even an hour.

4. Let from today
Life will be sweet
You will have skin
Smooth like a baby's.

5. May health and good luck
Don't pass by
Two A's for good luck
You always carry it with you.

6. You are a great specialist
According to my work,
Ready to move mountains
In any weather.

7. You are cultured and diligent,
And confident in myself
You're probably not afraid
Any work on Earth.

8. Fifty and five is not much
According to the clock of the universe
You're still at the doorstep
Life is very long.

9. Let your health not fail you
And love comes to your home.
Grandchildren make children happy too,
And our gift is in an envelope!

60 years old

At sixty, don't hang your nose,
And work like a locomotive!
Always be on the move
And never be sour!

At 60, 60...
The anniversaries do not sit,
The head thinks -
The hero of the day is running!

(a ditty for the hero of the day in connection with her retirement):

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,
The hero of the day is 60,
Still young, it seems
Come back!

65 years old

That's what hit you
Sixty point five now
Hands to feet - and forward!
To work, to the garden!

Sixty plus five, believe me,
The anniversary is coming.
Dry your tears, pull yourself up,
Do something you need to do!

An anniversary comes once
Sixty and five.. Atas!
Just don't panic
Pamper yourself better!

70 years old

We'll sing ditties
On my seventieth birthday,
Wait for us in thirty years
On your centenary!

75 years old

Our dear hero of the day,
You're not old yet!
You are seventy+five,
You cucumber again!

80 years old

You are eighty years old
You're not a grandfather yet!
You are young at heart,
And the character is golden!

85 years old

You are eighty-five
Dry your tears again
Don't be sad, but dance,
Sing ditties for the soul!

90 years old

Ninety - respect
This is not an easy age!
And I wish you good health
On your golden anniversary!

95 years old

Ninety-five to you
Smile at your destiny
We'll come in five years,
For your centenary!

100 years

The hero of the day is exactly one hundred!
We are lucky to have you!
We love you with all our hearts,
For your good deeds!

Ditties for dad's 55th birthday (to order)

Exercise: The grandchildren (8 and 10 years old) will congratulate their grandfather on his 55th birthday, but I wanted to dress them up as the hero of the day’s grandfather and his wife – grandmother, and it’s as if they were singing ditties about each other (4 ditties from each).

A little about the hero of the day: Yurik (that’s what his wife calls him) is a fisherman, an avid hunter. A tank driver in the army. After school, I studied in Sasovo to become a pilot - I ran away and didn’t finish my studies. He worked as a Kamaz truck driver at LMMS, then as a fuel truck driver. Machine-Niva. They live in the village of Kriusha. He built a bathhouse, a greenhouse, and a gazebo. Often lies in the hospital with kidney stones. All my life with a mustache.

Wife-Tanya. Nurse at the Kriushinsky hospital (in three days). Two grandchildren. Daughter. Son-in-law. Matchmakers. He knows how to knit, bakes pies, bakes the meat he gets. She is from the village of Malinovka (he brought her from there after the wedding), her relatives live there now. This year I will retire on September 27 (also 55 years old)

Ditties for the anniversary

Yura sings:

1.) I brought it from Malinovka
I am my bride.
In a flash Tanyusha will knit a scarf
And knead the dough!

Tanya sings:

1.) Fishing and hunting
Yurik is always on the hunt.
Yura rushes into the forest on the Niva, -
The game itself runs towards him!

Yura sings:

2.) Kidney stones, that’s the problem,
What should I do, Tanyusha?
You're a super nurse
In the village of Kriusha.

Tanya sings:

2.) Yuri, I’ll give you advice,
Stones are of no use!
Go to the sea more often,
Better get pearls!

(Or alternatively:
Get rid of stones
Drink some water, don't regret it.
Go to the sanatorium
Get rid of pain.)

Yura sings:

3.) My dear wife,
Roasted game today.
The guests licked their fingers,
They even ate the bones with the meat!

Tanya sings:

3.) Yurik flew to Sasovo,
He chased sparrows in the sky.
Yura thought: “Not mine!”
And he ran away. Well oh my!

Yura sings:

4.) Come on over me, Tanya,
Stop grinning!
We'll be 55 soon
Celebrate with you!

Tanya sings:

4.) Yurik, dear, don’t be angry,
Celebrate your anniversary.
I love you all my life
And I adore mustaches!

We also write ditties to order about your hero of the day. Duration 1 day.


If you work in a friendly team that loves good parties, then competitions for a fun company will definitely come in handy. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know how they are held in high esteem interesting competitions, especially when people in the company don’t know each other very well, but you still want to overcome the embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary?

Many people (let's not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these competitions? Usually I get off with jokes or answer seriously that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and so that guests are not too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply encouraged to dance.

Another important aspect- embarrassment, I often encounter this when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already passed the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are strangers to each other find themselves in the same company, you need to help them overcome a slight chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in a good club, where even without fun competitions it’s not boring for adults, and it’s better to help any group of adults spend time with pleasure and fun.


Don't think that you can prepare the entire party, including table games for adults, at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this because you will need:
  • write a script;
  • select competitions for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimal rehearsal (for example, if it is expected that several large women from the accounting department will compete in bag jumping, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is room to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Game "Toast to the birthday boy" on his birthday

How to prepare fun birthday contests? It is best if they are at least slightly related to the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest word game for a birthday - compiled right there at the table.

What will you need for this entertainment? A pen and a card in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making blanks instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

Text of the blank for congratulating the birthday boy:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will zealously praise the hero of the occasion, listing him best qualities(young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little more familiar with this type of table creativity will definitely screw up something unexpected and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you carefully fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then loudly and with expression you read out the result to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick one or two outdoor games for your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long; three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try making the key the main subject of the quest, to which the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from ordinary restrictions - a game with forks makes guests groan with laughter. To conduct this competition, you need to take several ordinary items (if you are organizing a birthday game, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two table forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks with which he can touch this or that object, and asked to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenagers' party? Funny competitions for teenagers will help defuse the situation just as much as competitions for adults. A fun activity can be done with four bananas and a stool (a coffee table will do). The idea is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth, peel and eat a banana for a while.

Good competitions for young people they should be cheerful and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt-out light bulb and a chair cover in one set, and a mop in another, soft toy and a bright plastic glass), and also prepare several names of popular films, focus on your audience - it’s better to take something that is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Sedentary entertainment" at the table

What to do if moving competitions are not suitable for a feast? In this situation, it is better to choose something neutral - ordinary word games at a table like a “crocodile” they go very, very well.

Game "In my pants"

Take ready-made ones or come up with your own competitions for adults - for example, you can use the idea “In my pants.”

There is no need to announce the name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor tells him.

And then the presenter announces: Now each of you, in turn, will say the following out loud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests take turns saying. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table competitions can be based on anything. For example, there are several types of “I” games. One is predominantly for teenagers - in it two players compete to see how many candies can fit in their mouth, after each candy they need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper.”

Adult variety The game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (say the word with a serious and calm look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites the other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After this, the fun begins, which unites all table competitions as chain reaction- it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname with which they introduce themselves (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slapper”, etc.)

In the next round, the person who laughed is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in its entirety (“I am a furry pseudopod - green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth circle because everyone is laughing! This competition is best held when the guests are already a little “fun”.

Not only are birthday contests memorable for guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests; preparation will require several balloons(according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invitees begin to disperse or you need to change the mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own ball of fate and burst it.

Collective readings good wishes usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and lifting everyone's spirits.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut out:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, based on the mood of the guests, you will understand which holiday contests will go with a bang, and which ones are better organized with a light drink.

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - this way you can be sure that you will find something to do in any situation. If you are a novice presenter and do not have much experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for table games and competitions, and also prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with the names of songs or films written down.

As a rule, competitions for drunk company They are often quite obscene, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging so guests can express their warmth in an appropriate way.

Game “I’ll tell you a secret”

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - “I’ll tell you a secret.” What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests draws cards from a hat with a funny text in verse prepared in advance (you will have to try hard here). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret,” and then there are possible options, for example:
  • I’ll tell you a secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you doubt it, I’ll show you now;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I only eat grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you choose active competitions, such as the best dance or running around chairs, make sure that there is enough space around so that people of all sizes feel comfortable.

Do you prefer competitions for a small company? It happens that you need competitions for parties, but you definitely won’t have too big a group, try to play something intimate and not require a large number of people. These could be text games and competitions for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • Burim;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess lines from songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV program names:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool competitions for an anniversary? Then karaoke competitions have been invented especially for you. adult company and table game Who we really are. This is a card game, guests take turns drawing cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each one is greeted with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke competitions are a wonderful form of entertainment for a large group of adults, and the older they are, the more soulful the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as establish a jury (usually its role is played by all the guests who gathered at the birthday table).

And then there is the usual karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform a song, but also present it artistically - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite “spectators”. Good mood guaranteed for everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley group at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people, or simply people who are not very familiar with each other, meet at a birthday party - song games will help unite everyone, and while drinking tea and cake you can play board games- fortunately, now there are enough of them.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, it is better to refrain from anything that could be perceived offensively - unfortunately, people do not always separate the game genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun competitions at the table, and have a funny playful toast ready, which will help you change the topic of conversation in case of the slightest negativity.

You shouldn’t stock up on too many competitions; a person playing all evening gets tired, whether he’s drunk or sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play once or twice between toasts and table conversations. The greatest interest will be generated by those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love when they are taken care of.

In my personal collection there are about fifty different fun games, and I can’t say whether this is a lot or a little - birthday contests for children are not used as games for a group of adults.

Now you have ready-made competitions for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own competition for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!

Don’t know how to spend your anniversary or the anniversary of your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather in an interesting way?

Do you want to spend it interesting, fun and a little touching?

Fun competitions and games for the Anniversary in this article will help you with this. They are simple to organize and easy to implement.

Competition "Remember Everything"

This competition requires a little advance preparation, but it's worth it. Namely, you need to ask all close relatives and friends to bring 1-2 photographs showing them together with the hero of the day.

You need to remember where and when the photo was taken, sign and write the date and place with reverse side and cover it with a sticker.

Thus, at the anniversary there will be many photographs taken in different times, events and with different people. Photos need to be stacked. The presenter or the Jubilee takes each photo in turn and, with the help of the guests, must remember where, when and on what occasion the photo was taken. A sea of ​​pleasant memories and positive emotions guaranteed!

Competition “Good Old Films”

For the competition we need to prepare cards with phrases from our old favorite films in which one or more words are missing. The host or one of the guests reads a phrase from the film out loud, and the teams must continue the phrase and say the name of the film as quickly as possible. For each correct quick answer, the team is awarded a point. The team with the most points wins.

Examples of cards

1) "One is enough..."

Answer: “tablets.” Film "The Diamond Arm"

2) “3 tape recorders were stolen,...”

Answer: “3 tape recorders, 3 movie cameras, 3 suede jackets were stolen.” Film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”

3) “What disgusting thing is this of yours...”

Answer: “Jellied fish”. Film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath."

4) “I stole it, drank it...”

Answer: “to prison.” Film "Gentlemen of Fortune".

5) “Whoever does not work is...”

Answer: “eats.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

6) “The professor, of course, is a mug, but...”

Answer: “he has the equipment with him.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

7) “I’m your aunt from Brazil, where there are many, many in the forests...”

Answer: “wild monkeys.” Film "Hello, I'm your aunt."

8) “Sorry, can’t tell me how to get there...”

Answer: “to the library.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

Game “Describe the hero of the day”

Each person present or each team needs to come up with an adjective that characterizes the hero of the day, starting with the 2nd letter of each subsequent adjective. Any team starts. The first adjective can be created with any letter, for example: beautiful - luxurious - charming - divine, etc. To a man: successful – strong – successful – liberated, etc. If a game participant or team cannot come up with a word in the desired letter, he or she leaves the game, and the next participant or team must say the word. The last participant or team left wins. The winner is given a symbolic gift.

Competition “Favorite songs of the hero of the day”

It is necessary to find out the favorite songs of the hero of the day in advance and write their names on cards, as well as download videos of songs from karaoke or print the words on pieces of paper. During the anniversary celebration, all those present are divided into teams of 2-3 people, including the hero of the day, and each team is given a card. The task is simple: sing from the heart the song written on the card.

Lottery of wishes

Why not host a holiday raffle to win a few pleasant surprises to family and friends! To do this, each guest writes on a piece of paper and puts his signature. After all the wishes are written, they are collected and put into a bag. The hero of the day takes out 3 wishes and reads them out loud. Three lucky winners receive pleasant surprises.

Funny greeting “Happy Birthday to you!”

Guests are divided into teams and each team is given a piece of paper with a simple and fun task: to sing one verse of “Happy Birthday to You!” take turns in the manner indicated on their card: the 1st team sings in a squeaky voice “Happy Birthday to you”, the 2nd team continues in a bass voice “Happy Birthday to you”, the 3rd team sings in a nasal voice, holding their nose with their hand “ Happy Birthday, dear (name of the hero of the day). Happy Birthday to you!

And the final verse “Happy Birthday to you!” all teams sing together in their funny voices. Such a congratulation will be very funny and original!

Touching presentation

And if you want to give a real touching gift to your beloved hero of the day, a photo presentation will help win his heart.

It will need to be done in advance. To do this, you will need photos of the hero of the day, taken at different moments of his life from infancy to the present moment, which will be shown to beautiful and touching music. You can choose your favorite song of the hero of the day.

If you doubt your creativity, order a presentation to professionals. The presentation can be launched towards the end of the holiday.

On your birthday we wish you
So that everything comes true.
Enough strength to work
Left for love.

To the hero of the day on his birthday
We send warm greetings.
Love - sea, happiness, money
And health for a hundred years.

I ate and drank,
I almost gave birth!
I will eat and drink more
To repay the gift.

We all congratulate you
And we wish, as always,
Happiness, joy, good luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

Be happy and safe
And live for a long time,
Our beloved, our dear,
The best person!

We don't want you money -
Earn them yourself
After all, happiness is not in money, Vasya,
The main thing is that the house stands.

There is wine on the table
A whole bottle
Happy birthday,
We are (name) darling!

The ship is sailing along the Volga,
And a motorboat along the Ob.
Happy Birthday
And we wish you love!

I'm here for your birthday
I'll give you three roses.
May your eyes be filled with happiness
They glow like stars.

We have a birthday girl
A lively caliber.
Let her be at Miss Universe
The first “bowl” will be chosen.

So what, fifty?
So what, what about grandma?
It’s still a girl for us
And for the husband - okay.

Brought for an anniversary
Congratulations from friends,
Receive gifts -
Pour a glass!

We all came from mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Birthday, let's face it,
Wonderful holiday
That's why we give ditties
We will help you diligently!

So that you smile sweetly,
Everything sparkled with joy,
So that your dreams come true,
Life seemed sweet!

I make it public:
I want to wish you love
Well, and sex, in particular!

We wish on your birthday,
The bag is immense,
So that it is full of rubles
It's a small thing, but it's nice!

Forty years - what a date,
Only half my life has been lived.
We want to live richly
So that you want and can.

To walk down the street,
We need to take boots.
Let them be forever young
There will be your legs.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Our anniversary,
We wish you happiness and joy,
Don't ask about anything else.

There are candles burning on the cake,
Nth amount,
Don't count how many years
To our Majesty!

So that you don't walk -
I'll give you a car!
You will ride on the Oka.
Guess which hand?

The doctor pulled it out of the kidneys
The stones are huge.
May you have stones
Only precious ones.

Tractor eats diesel fuel
Boeing loves kerosene
Let me congratulate you
Happy wonderful name day!

Make a bow on your lips
Make your eyebrows a house
On your birthday you will be yours,
The cutest gnome!

Woman-victory, woman-mystery,
I wish you the sweetest life.
Accept wishes of happiness quickly,
After all, today is an important anniversary in life.

Let the minutes pass and the years fly,
And in my soul I will be seventeen forever.
I wish to preserve your invisible light,
May he warm your heart for many, many years.

Let nothing upset you,
Let your soul be light.
Relatives surround you,
They give you affection and warmth.

Do not know sadness and illness.
Have fun, young one.
Let your cheerfulness not disappear,
Any day will be happy.

Let fate give you gifts.
Bow to you, glory and honor!
We wish you to always be on top.
You're 60, hooray! Forward!

We congratulate you on your anniversary.
A wonderful age - sixty.
Today we do not spare words,
And wishes fly.

Health, strength, comfort in the home,
More grandchildren, less troubles.
Let the young heart sing,
Giving us all a radiant light.

Happy anniversary!
You are sixty today.
I won’t regret kind words
They will only confirm
That you are beautiful, like a rose,
Full of light and tenderness.
I wish for tears
They only flowed with joy.

You are sixty today,
Such a round and reverent date!
Well, your eyes sparkle like they did in your youth,
And you are still the same as you once were!

May this day be filled with warmth,
After all, your loved ones will be nearby today!
Let your home be filled with the laughter of your grandchildren
And may happiness await you everywhere!

You are sixty today
But don't be upset.
You are sixty today
And you smile at everyone.

We wish you good health
And more money
Luck, light
And live longer.

Let the children be happy
They always help
And let the grandchildren have trouble
They don't deliver.

And these wrinkles
At your smart eyes
They just talk
About your young years.

Dance with everyone
Don't spare your legs
Live to be a hundred years old
God bless you.

Your smile glows like it did when you were 20.
There are pieces of eternal kindness in the eyes.
You need to smile more often
There is so much breadth in your heart!

Today is the anniversary - 60 years have passed
Such happy, fleeting years.
As if a moment had flashed by,
But the trace of life did not melt away!

Everything will still be there - there will be happiness in life,
Just take better care of your health.
They love you so much,
You surprise us all with your youth.

You are sixty - what a wonderful age!
The eyes laugh, but the soul sings,
How do you do it so easily -
Shamelessly getting younger year after year?

It would seem that according to all earthly laws
You can't argue and joke with the years,
But you refuted them adamantly,
And we could learn to live from you!

May your laughter be filled with happiness,
And every day is brighter and more fun,
And let it be celebrated on a grand scale
Another hundred years of your anniversary!

Sixty. The little years are flying.
Sixty. The years fly by.
It's too early to call it a day.
You are beautiful, yes, yes, yes!

Be healthy, be surprised
Do something, don't be bored
Relax and have fun,
Get high from life!

We, friends, have no doubts,
What ditties should be sung!
Once they came for a birthday -
There is no point in sitting silently!

We came empty
And practically on foot,
To make it easier for your feet to dance
We had a blast!

But screw you! It wasn’t here -
So the hostess fed
That we can’t dance yet,
We can only sing ditties!

You, Tanyusha dear,
You give us the tone of life!
So cute-
Whether you like it or not, you will sing!

You make everyone look amazingly good
Tell me, what's the secret?
You always look beautiful -
Morning, evening and afternoon!

We'll sit down for a minute
Let's raise a toast to you!
And now seriously, not as a joke
We'll kiss you!

We won't hide it, but we have some funny ditties for you. Be sure to use them

You, my dear, are only 55!
I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you always succeed in everything,
May good luck come to you soon!
Let evil tongues fall away,
Let love quickly fly on wings!
Friends always help in everything,
May all your wishes come true!

The round date is like this:
Two A's now
We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish that you
There was complete happiness
The fortune grew
So that in life and career
Definitely lucky.

Two for five, two for five,
Here you are fifty-five.
Still young at heart
But it's time to retire.

I wish you on your anniversary
Many dear guests,
And wealth and goodness,
So that spring blooms in your soul.

Two fives means only 10!
Let's forget that 5

Guests, dear guests,
Look at me!
Sixty? To hell with you!
I'm still so young!

You are celebrating your anniversary,
So you have fun from the heart!
And we'll sing ditties,
Let's have a great time!

How old are you?
Sixty?! Don't make any mistakes!
You're twenty-five again
You're grandma berry again!

Pour a full glass,
Drink to yourself,
And make a wish
Wait for its fulfillment!

Sixty is not yet old!
Sixty, oh, made me laugh!
Here's how you say one hundred and ninety
Then we'll talk!

Let's dance together
We will celebrate the holiday.
We will stomp our feet
We will clap our hands!

Eh, today we are walking,
Eh, let's celebrate to the fullest!
Do you have a headache in the morning?
But it was fun yesterday!

All the tables are full of food
The tables are just bursting!
And we just sat down once,
Oh, and they ate everything right away!

We don’t drink mineral water,
Let's save mineral water!
Everyone needs her in the morning,
This healing water!

It's almost midnight, and we have
Everything is just beginning.
Our dear neighbors,
Let them not be offended by us!

If they ask where you were?
I'll tell you straight, not secretly.
I celebrated my anniversary!
I have never known a better holiday!

Birthday, let's face it,
Wonderful holiday
That's why we give ditties
We will help you diligently!

Funny ditties for us
It’s not at all lazy to sing,
Let the jokes amuse
With a good joke on one side!

So that you smile sweetly,
Everything sparkled with joy,
So that your dreams come true,
Life seemed sweet!

Oops, yes, oops
We're ready again
Have fun and joke
To give you a compliment.

You are so beautiful
Just a sight for sore eyes.
All the rivals, sighing,
They are defeated.

You don't need a diet
Fitness is also useless
No matter how you look, queen,
Everything and everyone fits just right.

The legs are super, they look just right
And the figurine is just cool,
Being with you is fate's reward,
You are the delight of our eyes!

For a woman, her fiftieth birthday is a serious anniversary, which at the same time is particularly fun. Just sitting at the table all the time is very boring. Therefore, various competitions come to the rescue. They can be held both at the table and during breaks, when guests get tired of endless toasts and eating snacks. Games and competitions will help you relax, indulge in fun and completely forget about age. For the winners, you definitely need to pick up small gifts, maybe comic or toy ones - medals, certificates, diplomas, and so on.

It's also interesting at the table

Does anyone remember what the hero of the day looks like?

When all the invitees had already gathered, the first enthusiasm for the meeting had subsided, several congratulatory toasts were made, and the first competition was announced, which could cheer everyone up. First of all, the hero of the day apologizes and goes into the next room or stands behind a rather large screen prepared in advance. The main thing is that none of the guests can see her.

Do you urgently need it, but ready-made options on the Internet do not suit you? We will tell you how to compose it yourself. From this you will learn which funny anniversary gifts are appropriate for a woman and which are not.

Now the presenter says the name of the competition and explains its rules. Guests take turns trying to remember and describe the birthday girl’s appearance., her hairstyle, jewelry, clothes, hairpin and other details. The winner is the participant who named the number of details most accurately and more than other players.

Let's remember Pinocchio

Only volunteers, mostly men, participate. Each person who agrees is given an empty matchbox. It must be placed tightly on the nose. At the command of the leader, players try using only facial muscles reset the boxes. Hands are prohibited. The fastest mime is declared the winner. It is more interesting and funnier to watch the attempts of those whom nature and parents have endowed with impressively sized noses.

Word auction

The presenter is a specific topic, for example, a compliment for the hero of the day or any other festive, anniversary topic. One by one, the guests name words that can be attributed to the designated topic. The most interesting thing begins somewhere after a dozen words, when they “end”. Then the participants develop a gambling streak, and everyone joins the game with great pleasure. The winner is the participant who says the last correct word.

Portrait fantasies

Option one. Everyone is given paper and pencils. They are asked to draw the most believable portrait of today's heroine. But you need to do this with the “wrong” hand: right-handers draw with their left, and left-handers do the opposite. Option two. Guests are divided into teams along the sides of the table or simply across tables if there are several of them. Each team is given one sheet of paper and a pencil. Participants each draw their own part of the face: one - eyes, another - nose, third - lips, and so on. Option three. Everyone is given an inflated balloon, tape and felt-tip pen. A portrait can be drawn using various additional elements- dill from salad, a piece of carrot and other things. Fourth option. The “portrait” task is somewhat more complicated. Now you need to draw not a portrait of today, but within the framework of certain conditions or a given circumstance. For example, a 5-year-old birthday girl, the smile of a hero of the day, etc.

Awarding the birthday girl

Each person is given a pencil and a “medal” blank - a round sheet of paper. For a limited time you need to come up with and draw a medal for the heroine of the holiday. Draw both sides. On front side you need to write what the heroine is rewarded for. The most interesting and original medal wins. The second version of this competition is a team competition. For each group are issued large number blanks and pencils according to the number of players. For certain time it is necessary to “reward” the birthday girl as interesting as possible more once.


It is advisable to spend it in a company where your closest friends have gathered for the anniversary. Married couples participate.

Each person is given a pen and two small pieces of paper. Everyone makes sure that the spouses do not agree. The man must write on his piece of paper from memory, without looking in his pocket or wallet, how much money he has with him. The wife writes her thoughts on the contents of her husband’s wallet in her own way. Then the written results are compared and checked to see how much money you actually have with you. The pair with all three numbers closest to each other wins.

Whose is better?

Everyone who wants to participate is given a newspaper (the same issue) and ordinary stationery scissors. In 30–40 seconds, participants must look through newspapers, choose, and then cut out a symbolic gift for today’s heroine. It could be just a word (health), a phrase (a million dollars), a picture (a car, a house). The winner is the participant whose gift the birthday girl liked the most..

Sorting team

Those sitting at the table are divided into groups. Each person is given a vase in which all kinds of sweets are mixed - small chocolates, lollipops, bagels, regular chocolates. Additionally, bags or paper envelopes are distributed in quantities equal to the number types of sweets in a vase. The presenter counts down the time during which the teams must put all types into different bags. The fastest team wins.

Active “anniversary” competitions

Piggy bank of the hero of the day

Empty space is required for the competition to take place. Each participant receives a coin to be placed on the toe of a boot or shoe. After ten meters there is a finish line (it can be lined with a ribbon or an ordinary rope), where there is a symbolic piggy bank. It can be just a liter empty jar. At the signal, the “race” begins. You need to run so that the coin never falls off your toe.. The one to whom this happened is eliminated. The most dexterous and fastest wins. The competition can be held in a team version in the form of a relay race. Then each team has its own piggy bank. The winners are those who were able to put the largest number of coins into the piggy bank within a certain time.

Which ones should I make? Remember - in such cases the main thing is not to overdo it with humor! From ours you will learn what additional table competitions you can come up with for your birthday. At this address you will read about how to compose a congratulations on the anniversary of a female colleague.

Damaged photocopier

Two teams must have an equal number of people, with a minimum of five people. They line up in lines, one looking at the back of the other's head. The very first ones are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. The presenter approaches the latter and secretly shows the same picture for everyone. After this, the last participant displays this picture on the back of the person in front with his finger. Then the next one, and so on - until the first one in the line, who draws what he understood on paper. The team whose final picture is most similar to the original wins.


As equipment, you need to make several sets of paper fish in advance different colors, which are tied to strings. Participants are divided into two or three teams. Each member of the group has a fish of the color chosen by the team tied to the back of their belt. The length of the thread should be adjusted so that the fish barely reaches the floor. At the leader’s signal, everyone, trying not to touch their own, tries to step on the opponent’s fish in order to leave it lying on the floor. The winners are the team that still has fish left on their belts.

Rescue from thirst

The players are divided into two groups. At the same distance from each - a table with an empty plastic bottle. The competition is held like a relay race. The first participant with two glasses (preferably also plastic) full of water in his hands jumps on one leg towards the bottle. Pours the remaining contents of the glasses into it. You need to go back by jumping on the other leg. The next one takes the baton, and so on until the end. The rescue group that fills their bottle the fastest wins. As one option, you can form doubles teams with men and women. The essence is the same, but now you don’t need to jump. The man takes one of the women in his arms. She keeps the glasses filled. The couple pours out their water and heads back. A woman is always in the arms of a man. The winners are determined, as in the previous version, by the speed of filling the container.

Changing places

Several participating couples are dancing. When the music stops, the man and woman in each couple must exchange an item of clothing. The couple that takes the longest to change clothes is eliminated. The rest continue and so on until only one pair remains. In addition to presenting a prize, its participants must certainly be praised for “such an original outfit.”

Let's put the puzzle together

Several teams of two or three people are given a photo of the birthday girl cut into a puzzle. It is desirable that the photos are identical and cut into an equal number of elements. At the signal, everyone begins to put together their puzzle. The winner is the fastest team. As an option, you can give out a bag with letters that can be put into one phrase. This phrase should be relevant to congratulating the hero of the day. The essence of the competition, as in the previous one, is to compose your phrase faster.

Egg dinner

Pair competition for several people. Each willing couple is given one unpeeled, hard-boiled egg. Before this, everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs. Now, without freeing their hands, the couple must peel the egg and eat it as quickly as possible. The winner is the most “hungry” participants who finished it first.

Collective bullseye

Those wishing to participate in the competition line up in a circle. The first player is given an ordinary apple, which he squeezes well with his chin. Then, without using hands to help, the apple is also passed to the neighbor - from chin to chin. The one who drops it is eliminated. The winner is the last one left with the apple. The following competition can also be used to celebrate a woman’s anniversary; each eliminated participant will make a toast to the hero of the occasion. Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kViTdRjbIvA