Red spots began to appear on the body. Red spots on the body in an adult: causes of appearance, types, methods of treatment

Many internal diseases are also manifested by changes in the skin. And one of the most common symptoms- appearance of red spots. If you have a red spot on your skin, then this can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, ranging from quite harmless to very dangerous. And the main thing is to be able to identify them in time.

Allergic reactions

The most common cause of red spots on the skin is allergies. These reasons can be very different:

  • Chemicals. Contact with potentially corrosive substances can lead to dermatitis. Characteristic sign– appearance soon after contact with the allergen, clear localization. Red spots are accompanied by itching and irritation. An allergen can be anything, from decorative cosmetics And household chemicals and ending with any random substances: soda, lemon juice, chlorine, vinegar and so on. It is even possible to react to various physical factors, such as cold or sunny color.
  • Hives. Not only external, but also internal allergens can cause red spots to appear on the skin. The most typical irritants are medications, chocolate, eggs, berries and fruits, especially exotic ones. Red spots with urticaria protrude somewhat above the skin, causing severe itching and irritation.

It is worth noting that an allergic reaction can be caused by almost any substance and factor. Most often it appears in children and adolescents, whose immune system is just learning to respond adequately to external stimuli. But it can also manifest itself in adults. The mechanisms of this process are not yet fully understood.

Infectious diseases

Many infections, fungal, viral and bacterial, can lead to the most different signs, including the appearance of red spots on the skin. Among the most probable causes It is worth listing the following:

  • Pyoderma. Skin inflammation caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal flora has many forms and manifestations, including the appearance of red spots. In this case, they most often look like o round spots covered with small blisters and rashes. Peeling is possible, sometimes itching or soreness appears. In some cases, ulcers and blisters appear filled with serous or sanguineous fluid.
  • Fungus. Multi-colored, pink, as well as some other forms of lichen and fungal infections are manifested primarily by the appearance of spots on the skin. When a large spot, up to two to three centimeters in diameter, appears on the body, followed by a number of smaller ones located along the stretch lines of the skin. With multi-colored fungus, the spots are small, tend to merge, and do not cause itching or other unpleasant sensations.
  • Viral diseases. Measles - all of them manifest themselves primarily as small red spots on the skin. With scarlet fever, they start on the face, then quickly spread throughout the body; with chickenpox, blisters appear on them.

There are many other microorganisms causing the appearance red spots, but these are the most likely candidates.

Dermatological diseases

It is logical that skin diseases are primarily manifested by changes on the skin. And we list some of the most likely reasons below:

  • Psoriasis. This disease has characteristic symptom: the appearance of flaky red spots on the skin that protrude above the surface. Sometimes they are crusty. These red spots cause severe itching. The nature of this disease is not yet completely clear. But for one reason, the immune system plays a decisive role in this. Next, you will learn in detail about.
  • Eczema. With eczema, areas of the skin appear covered with small, inflamed blisters. Eczema patches cause severe itching in the area of ​​the red patch on the skin and, sometimes, other discomfort. Eczema – complex disease, the provoking factors in this case can be any allergens, as well as internal diseases, stress, pregnancy and much more.
  • Hemangioma. Originally this benign tumor looks like a small reddish or pink mole, but it quickly grows, taking on the appearance of a spot.
  • Age spots. In some cases age spots may have a red tint. The reasons for their appearance are numerous, but the most likely is hormonal changes.

A number of others dermatological diseases can also cause red spots on the skin, but only a doctor can conduct a full diagnosis.

Other diseases

Many other diseases not related to the groups listed may also have red spots as the main symptom. Among the most likely reasons:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus. Typical presentation this complex and dangerous autoimmune disease– a red rash on the face in the shape of a butterfly. They are symmetrical, covering the nose and wings of the nose.
  • Vegetative vascular dystonia . With this disease during severe stress or nervous tension, red spots appear on the skin of the chest, face and hands, which disappear immediately after the cause of stress disappears. This disease occurs when there is a violation of tone nervous system. As a result, the uneven passage of impulses causes local expansion of microscopic capillaries, and as a result, reddening of the skin in spots.
  • Scleroderma. With this disease connective tissue gradually replaced by fibrous. Scleroderma has several forms: limited and systemic. In the first case, on early stage A limited red spot appears protruding above the surface of the skin. In the second, the fingers first undergo changes, the skin on them becomes inflamed, the phalanges become thinner, and the nails thicken. Read more about.

Thus, if you have large or small red spots on your skin, they may be signs of the most various diseases, and it is impossible to say with certainty what exactly caused their appearance without medical education. Therefore, if they are detected, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In the medical literature, a spot is an element with normal density and relief, which does not rise above the surface of the skin and differs in color from the surrounding areas. Often, when describing their symptoms, people refer to a variety of elements of the rash as spots. The spots may peel off and grow around the periphery, merging with other elements. Element color in different situations is different, more often you have to deal with pink and red spots. The rash may be associated with inflammatory process, pigmentation disorder or have a vascular origin. Often red spots on the skin itch, causing a lot of anxiety.


In some diseases, spots first appear on the skin, which then transform into other elements - papules, vesicles, blisters. Diagnosis and treatment are determined by the reason why the spot appears on the skin: it itches more often if the rash is of allergic, fungal or psoriatic origin. Let's look at the possible reasons in more detail.

Allergic reactions

Allergic manifestations on the skin can occur in two situations: in response to direct contact of the skin with an irritating substance and when an allergen enters the body and has a general effect on the body.
The forms of manifestation of skin allergies can be different, in particular:

  • dermatitis,
  • hives,
  • exudative erythema multiforme.

Contact dermatitis occurs in response to local medicines, detergents, cosmetics. Drug allergies It occurs more often in people predisposed to such conditions, as well as when taking several drugs at once. Often, in the presence of several pathologies, different specialists prescribe drugs without taking into account their mutual influence.

Clinically, allergies are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • red spots and papules appear on the skin;
  • the skin may be swollen;
  • characterized by itching of varying severity;
  • with urticaria, blisters appear on the skin, initially resembling red swollen spots with uneven edges, which increase along the periphery and merge with each other, causing intense itching;
  • with erythema multiforme, spots are observed on the skin along with papules, pustules, blisters; the disease is characterized by pain and burning, itching is less common.

Despite the variety of manifestations, therapy different forms allergies have common features. Allergic reactions are treated as follows:

  • If a reaction to a particular drug is suspected, the drug is discontinued.
  • Sorbents and detoxicants are prescribed.
  • Antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, pipolfen).
  • For infection, which can develop when scratching elements of the rash, antibiotics can be prescribed locally or orally for a short course.
  • Antihistamine and corticosteroid ointments are also prescribed locally.
  • For erythema multiforme, in addition to the listed remedies, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and local applications of regenerating agents (solcoseryl, videstim) are effective.


A kind of allergy to the sun. Rashes, swelling and hyperemia are accompanied by itching and occur in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Drugs with a photosensitizing effect, in particular, some antibiotics, analgesics, quinine, and riboflavin, can enhance the reaction. Some components have the same effect cosmetics(bergamot oil, sandalwood), as well as chlorophyll, porphyrins.

For severe itching and swelling, it is prescribed antihistamines. Healing is accelerated by an ointment containing methyluracil or a suspension with zinc oxide. In summer, you should stay in the sun as little as possible, use products with UV filters, and protect your body with hats and closed clothing.

Spots with vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vascular dysfunction, which occurs due to a violation of their tone, leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin when physical activity, nervous tension, overheating. Itching usually does not occur. For normalization vascular tone useful physical exercise, dousing cool water, contrast shower.

Pityriasis rosea

Despite the name, the disease is not contagious. It usually occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Externally appears large pink spots on the skin, around which small spots appear. After a while, a red rim appears along the edge of the spots, and the center of the element acquires a yellowish tint. The disease is characterized by itching.

Pityriasis rosea usually goes away on its own without any treatment. Recommended hypoallergenic diet, restrictions on the use of cosmetics. Itching can be reduced with antihistamines. Corticosteroid ointments are sometimes used locally.

Pityriasis versicolor

The cause of the disease is a yeast-like fungus. It leads to the formation of reddish-brown spots with characteristic peeling. Elements of the rash are located on the back, chest, shoulders and neck. After sun exposure, the spots darken and peel off, leaving areas of hypopigmentation. Patients may experience itching and sweating. The disease is often accompanied by endocrine disorders, diseases digestive system, decreased immunity.

Treat pityriasis versicolor using antifungals (fluconazole, ketoconazole and others) and exfoliants (salicylic alcohol).


The etiology of the disease is not fully understood. Psoriasis is non-infectious in nature and is not transmitted from one person to another. With this disease, spots are often localized on the extensor surfaces. They usually merge with each other, occupying vast surfaces. There may be itching of varying intensity. The course is long-term and recurrent. The disease is difficult to treat and requires individual approach and complex therapy.

Atopic dermatitis

Unlike photodermatoses, exacerbations of the disease occur during the cold season. The disease manifests itself as red spots, itching, and peeling. Used for treatment hormonal ointments and antihistamines.

Red spots can also occur with other pathologies, in particular with systemic lupus erythematosus, insect bites, and childhood infections such as measles, scarlet fever, and rubella. A qualified specialist will help you correctly determine the cause. Don't delay seeing your doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness.

When red rashes appear on the skin, it is necessary to take measures for treatment, since the causes of their appearance can indicate both stress and a serious illness. The sooner measures are taken to treat them, the more successfully you can get rid of them. Next, you will learn what types of red rashes on the skin there are, their signs and treatment.

Types of red spots on the body

Redness on the body is usually divided into several types, depending on the reason that caused it. For example, red spots may appear due to sun abuse or due to an infectious disease.

Let's look at the most common reasons why red rashes occur and their characteristic signs.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

The cream contains exclusively natural ingredients, including bee products and plant extracts. High efficiency, virtually no contraindications and minimal risks side effects. Amazing results of treatment with this drug are evident in the first weeks of use. I recommend it.

Causes of red spots on the body

The causes of redness are often associated with processes that occur in the body. In this case, changes occurring on the skin are harbingers of disorders in the body. They can be either completely harmless or symptoms of a serious illness, about common reasons We will discuss the appearance of red spots further below.

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction is usually understood as the body’s sensitivity to certain substances, foods, pollen, animal dander, etc. Often characterized by watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose, the body is often covered in spots. It should be noted that Allergy symptoms may vary due to individual characteristics body.


The term urticaria means allergic-toxic disease, which can appear both upon contact with allergens and upon ingestion. Toxic substances can also be produced by the body itself.

With urticaria, disturbing red spots appear, itchy and slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. It can be caused by both food and external irritants. It may be accompanied febrile state, increased body temperature, chills, possibly nausea.


Tired of fighting dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, discomfort and itching, redness, rashes in the form of blisters, cracks, weeping wounds, hyperemia, burning are signs of dermatitis.

Treatment requires integrated approach And a good helper There will be this cream, which has a 100% natural composition.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first use
  • Eliminates rashes and peeling skin in 3-5 days
  • Reduces excessive skin cell activity
  • After 19-21 days, completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Infectious diseases

One of the symptoms of infectious diseases may be the appearance of a red rash and spots. They are often accompanied by weakness, deterioration in general health and an increase in body temperature. In case of infectious diseases, you should contact medical care and isolate the patient from other people until complete recovery.

Is a viral disease that often occurs in childhood. Usually infection occurs through contact and by airborne droplets, easily transmitted. Therefore, with this disease, the patient should be isolated from healthy people.

The onset of the disease is usually characterized by cough and increased body temperature. Usually the spots start on the face and then spread over the entire surface of the body. In this case, the rashes have a lumpy shape, can merge with each other, and over time begin to dry out and peel off.

The danger of measles is that it can cause complications such as pneumonia, stomatitis and hepatitis.


In the photo you can see that rash on body due to measles has its own characteristic features. After three to four days, the spots lighten, but leave behind pigments (brown spots on the skin).

Stories from our readers!
"I suffered from dermatitis. My hands and face were covered small spots and cracks. No matter what I tried, the drugs only helped for a while. A colleague advised me to order this cream.

Finally, thanks to the cream, I completely got rid of the problem. After the third procedure, the burning and itching disappeared, and after 4 weeks the signs of dermatitis disappeared. I am very pleased and recommend using this cream to all people suffering from skin problems."

Represents an acute infectious disease which is caused by a virus. Children without rubella vaccination and women are prone to the disease.

With rubella, the virus enters the body and can remain there from 10 to 25 days in a latent state, then spreads throughout the body. A runny nose and sore throat may occur. The disease is more severe in adults - body temperature rises to 39 degrees, muscles and head may ache. Rubella poses a great danger to pregnant women, causing severe fetal defects.


It is a disease in which rashes and peeling of the skin occur. It is often accompanied by a sore throat and fever.

Scarlet fever is caused by streptococci, which can be acquired by airborne droplets or through dirty dishes, clothes and other things.

With this disease, inflammation occurs in the nasopharynx, where toxins are produced that cause poisoning of the body, under the influence of which rashes are formed. Toxic substances affect the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which it begins to peel off severely. Features of scarlet fever are the risk of serious complications.


In the photo you can see that with scarlet fever are formed very small rashes, especially in the elbow and knee bends - thickening and darkening of the rashes is observed. Palatine tonsils coated, the tongue is inflamed, the papillae are enlarged. After a few days, peeling of the skin may appear, for example on the palms.

Autoimmune processes

Autoimmune diseases are called processes in which the activity of the immune system is impaired. In this case, the body begins to reject its own tissues, perceiving them as foreign. This group diseases can be called systemic, since organs and the body as a whole can be affected.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disease in which the body destroys its own cells and destroys them. With lupus erythematosus, substances begin to be produced that damage the internal organs and systems of a person. Most of the patients are women.

On at the moment the causes of the disease are unknown, it can probably be inherited and be caused by a defect immune system body.

When lupus erythematosus begins, red, butterfly-shaped rashes appear on the face. It may be accompanied by a spontaneous increase in body temperature, joint pain appears, fatigue, weakness and frequent awakenings at night increase.


It develops slowly - weakness and joint diseases may begin. In the photo you can see that the disease manifests itself in the form of “butterfly”-shaped rashes on the wings of the nose, as well as redness in the décolleté area.

Dermatological diseases

The most common causes include eczema and psoriasis. Let's consider them further.

It is a skin disease in which itchy blisters and scales appear. With eczema, small blisters may form on the surface of the body, which may itch, and red spots may appear nearby.

This disease may be due to both contact with allergens and internal diseases, stress and other factors.

Eczema is not a contagious disease, in which rashes form on the skin various shapes, which can cause a burning sensation and itching. Before treatment for this disease, an examination is carried out, on the basis of which hormonal ointments and sedatives can be prescribed.


Example of rashes for eczema in the photo.

- This chronic disease skin that is not infectious. It is characterized by the formation of bright pink spots that itch and peel. With psoriasis they appear bright spots on the body that are peeling. This disease is not contagious. It lasts a long time and occurs at all ages.

The disease often appears when the immune system is weakened, which can be caused by both skin injuries and diseases. endocrine system and other factors.

A feature of psoriasis is its wave-like course, in which its symptoms can either worsen or fade. Over time, the intensity of exacerbations and the area affected increases, the disease invades new areas of the body. Psoriasis can also affect the nail plates.


If you look at the photos of patients psoriasis, then the disease begins with small spots and further spreads throughout the body. Rashes with a scaly surface form on the surface of the skin; they become enlarged and itchy.

Other diseases

Reddish rashes may also appear due to other diseases that are not bacterial or viral nature. These may include vegetative-vascular dystonia and neuroses.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

This syndrome is otherwise called autonomic dysfunction , includes various disorders work internal organs and functions that are caused by a disorder of their nervous regulation.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, red rashes may occur during stress, nervous tension, strong excitement. Often occur on the face and neck area. The spots are caused by a rush of blood to these areas of the body and are caused by a violation of thermoregulation or uneven passage of nerve impulses.


You can see in the photo red spots with vegetative-vascular dystonia, they do not cause physical discomfort and go away on their own after the condition normalizes.

Spots are primary elements of the rash, different in nature, the appearance of which indicates some kind of pathology that occurs not only in the layers of the skin, but also in other organs. The most common causes of stains include allergies and various infectious agents. Among other symptoms, the most common “companion” of red spots is itching.

Skin, allergic and infectious diseases most often accompanied by the appearance of itchy spots on the body. Depending on the nature of the disease, the spots have a certain location, size, and duration of appearance.

A spot(s) is a primary feature that is characterized by a change in color (usually red or pink) a specific area of ​​the mucous membranes or skin surface. They are characterized by following signs: size, location and duration of appearance. The spot, together with the blister, tubercle, node and nodule, are classified as non-banded elements. They are on the same level with the surrounding tissues and feel little different from healthy areas of skin.

Normally, there should be no spots on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. Their appearance in combination with other symptoms, including itching, indicates pathological condition. The cause of spots is not always associated with skin diseases; very often their appearance is a symptom of infectious, allergic, and somatic pathologies.

Characteristics of spots

Inflammatory spots

The appearance of such spots on the skin is associated with the expansion blood vessels. If you press on them, the redness disappears. After the pressure stops, the pathological color appears again. The size of the spots affects their name. Roseola is usually called a spot from 2 to 25 mm. Spots larger than 25 mm are called erythema. Very often symptoms such as: itching skin, erythema, general intoxication are characteristic of many diseases of an infectious nature.

Non-inflammatory spots

The reasons for their appearance: diseases of internal organs, rupture, as well as malformations of blood vessels. Such spots do not disappear with pressure. Petechiae are spots the size of a dot (as if drawn with a red pen). If the size of the spot is no more than 2 cm, then it is called purpura. Ecchymoses are hemorrhages with a diameter of more than 2 cm.

Allergic diseases

Allergic diseases are manifested by a peculiar reaction of the body in response to the introduction of an allergen into it. Pathological process allergic reaction can be local and general. In almost all cases, it is accompanied by the appearance of a polymorphic rash, including spots and itching. Common allergic skin reactions include:

Allergic dermatitis

Inflammation of the skin that occurs in response to the introduction of an allergen into the body, and it can be any substance to which the body reacts with a hypersensitive reaction. Depending on the nature of the allergen, the following dermatitis is distinguished: phytodematitis, toxicoderma, contact dermatitis etc.

The main symptoms of all allergic dermatitis are redness and itching, which are localized in various parts of the body. The spots may have different sizes. At the site of redness of the skin, other elements of the rash may appear, filled with transparent contents. Subsequently, weeping (erosions with a wet surface), crusts and scales form in their place.


Pathological process with chronic course, which occurs for several reasons: a change in the functioning of the nervous system, a violation metabolic processes, tendency to allergic reactions, etc. The main signs of neurodermatitis: strong itchy skin and redness (hyperemia), against which a monomorphic rash appears in the form of small nodules. Over time, plaques form from the nodules. With neurdermatitis, weeping does not occur. Pathological areas, depending on the form of the disease, can be located on different areas bodies;


Non-contagious inflammation of the skin of an allergic nature, characterized by the appearance of severe itching, inflammation of the skin, on the surface of which many red spots form, and only then rashes of a polymorphic (various) nature: vesicles, erosions, crusts. At the site of eczema, the skin becomes dry and thickened; when an infection occurs at the site of scratching, weeping and slight bleeding are observed. There are several types of eczema;

Serum sickness

An allergic reaction that occurs in response to introduction into the human body with therapeutic purpose serums of animal origin. Serum sickness is characterized by a polymorphic rash. Redness of the skin is similar to the erythema characteristic of measles. The formation of spots is accompanied by severe itching, as well as swelling, joint pain, increased body temperature, myocarditis, etc.

Fungal diseases

Common fungal skin diseases include:


An infectious skin disease that can appear on any part of the skin. The causative agent is a fungus. Main signs: appearance of spots round shape, resembling the shape of a coin. The spots are very itchy and slightly flaky. The pores of the fungus are transmitted from person to person through direct contact. By affecting the scalp, the fungus causes baldness;


A group of diseases in which fungal infection epidermis. A representative of this group is trichophytosis. It appears as large, red, itchy spots that appear on the face and scalp.

Bacterial and viral

Infectious diseases accompanied by the formation of spots and itching include:

An infectious, contagious disease caused by streptococcus. A bright red rash appears after general symptoms of intoxication. The rash covers the surface except the skin in the mouth area. The skin of a person sick with scarlet fever is covered with small, bright red dots that feel rough surface. The rash itches and after 5–7 days the skin begins to peel off. Lastly, peeling and skin rejection occurs on the palms and heels of the patient;


An infectious disease with a vector-borne mechanism of transmission of bacteria such as spirochetes, which are spread through the bite of ticks. At the site of the bite, a red, itchy spot of a regular, round shape appears. After a few days, the spot increases in size from 5 to 10 cm, and turns pale in the center. By appearance resembles a target. Some patients report itching of the spot. Borellosis is characterized by general symptoms intoxication;

Herpes zoster

A disease of a viral nature. The causative agent is a virus chickenpox. Having suffered from a disease in childhood, years after the activation of the virus in the nerve endings, a clinic of another appears - herpes zoster. The very first symptom is the appearance of red spots, most often along the intercostal nerves. Subsequently, rashes in the form of bubbles form in their place. The appearance of spots and blisters is accompanied by severe itching.

It should be noted a number of other infectious diseases in which spots are observed, but there is no itching of the skin, these include: measles, rubella, etc. In addition, small and shallow 1st degree thermal and chemical burns, diaper rash, grade 1 bedsores may be accompanied by spots and itching.


Only a doctor can determine the cause of itchy spots. Specialists who treat diseases accompanied by rash and itching: dermatologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, therapist, gynecologist, etc.

The examination of the patient begins with an examination. In time, his doctor determines the nature, quantity, and symmetry of the rash in the form of redness. Taken into account general health patient, contact with people who have had infectious diseases. Based on the initial symptoms and survey, a preliminary diagnosis is established, which is confirmed by additional instrumental and laboratory tests (taking blood, urine for general and biochemical analysis) research methods.

For clarification skin disease are carried out next research: skin biopsy and histological examination, staining of scrapings, exposure ultraviolet rays on the surface of the epidermis, etc.

Treatment and prevention

It is possible to eliminate stains only after establishing the exact cause and prescribing etiotropic (affecting the cause) treatment. If this is a skin disease, then medications are most often prescribed for local treatment. For diseases of an allergic nature, antihistamines are prescribed as etiotropic treatment.

A reliable method of treatment allergic diseases- is precise definition allergen and complete prevention of contact with it by the human body. For diseases of an infectious nature, antibacterial, antiviral, and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. Locally at severe itching, to prevent scratching, ointments containing hormones, herbs, etc. are prescribed.

Nonspecific prevention of diseases accompanied by itching and rashes comes down to healthy image life, rational nutrition, basic hygienic measures, prevention of contact with patients with infectious and skin diseases.

It is important to remember that the skin is one of the first organs to react to many diseases with rashes and itching. When the first symptoms appear, you should not hesitate and contact a specialist who, after examination, will prescribe complex treatment.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Then skin is the state of the human body. She is the reflection general condition body, since various ailments associated with internal organs, it changes: the color changes, it becomes thinner, roughness appears, etc. In particular, red spots on the body are a fairly common sign of health problems. If they appear, a doctor's consultation is required to determine accurate diagnosis. You can’t delay it, as spots are a signal of serious illness.

Most often, the trigger is irritants, causing allergies, and diseases of an infectious nature. The spots also vary in appearance: dense, single or grouped, slightly protruding due to swelling or remaining at the same level with the epidermis.

Typically, spots are divided according to the following criteria:

  • roseola - small spots of scarlet shades no more than 5 mm in diameter;
  • pinpoint rash - a small cluster of small spots;
  • large-spotted rash – a small number of spots up to 20 mm;
  • erythema - redness covering a large area;
  • hemorrhages inside and under the skin.

It should be noted that sometimes redness after scrubs, massages and others cosmetic procedures are also taken as signs of any disease. It's wrong because it's mechanical damage, not related to the condition of internal organs. Such spots are a consequence of vasodilation at the site of exposure, which increases blood flow. They disappear quickly and leave no traces.

Also, do not be alarmed if erythema or large-spotted rash occurs. Such rashes are most likely a consequence of nervousness, strong change emotional state person. As a rule, they often appear in situations of stress and some time after leaving the stressful situation, disappear and do not itch.

Red spots after bites

However, redness may indicate the occurrence of serious illness: faces, gouty arthritis and others. With neurodermatitis, photodermatitis and psoriasis, skin color also changes. In general, about 80 ailments can be caused by red. The most common cases of visiting clinics are:

Some of the causes of redness are relatively harmless and can be treated on your own. Yes, when slight swelling and zude can be cooked warm bath and pour it there sea ​​salt. For oral administration, you can dilute Zyrtec or Fenistil drops in water. Another remedy, Fenistil gel, is used externally: all that remains is to lubricate the itchy areas.

First of all, you need to understand what led to the symptoms, what it could be: light form allergies or something more serious.

And the body in case of infection or allergen is caused defensive reaction body. These are quite special cases, because about 30–40% of people in the world suffer from allergies (in industrial and densely populated cities, the rates of allergy sufferers are highest).

Chickenpox rash

The first thing that is diagnosed is a red rash, after which blisters up to 5 mm in diameter, filled with water, appear in its place. After a couple of days, the water bubbles dry out, forming a dried layer.

Smallpox should not be confused with chickenpox. With chickenpox, there are blisters and rashes on the skin at the same time. They are treated with green paint.

Rubella and enterovirus infection

On the body, red dots begin to spread to the face. Quite quickly, spots appear in the buttocks, back and neck. As a rule, there is no fight against the rash itself, but the doctor prescribes antihistamines and drugs to reduce fever.

Herpes zoster

Red spots on the body of an adult who has had chickenpox are also called “herpes zoster.” Vivid symptoms This ailment can be called a significant increase in temperature, acute burning in the armpits (where redness and blisters subsequently form) and in the intercostal nerves.

Severe cases of the disease require taking antibiotics and applying ointments to the reddened areas. It is especially difficult to tolerate if it extends below the groin area.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

The first symptoms of scarlet fever are a sore throat, and a rash is a sign of intoxication. Body temperature rises to 40˚C, single plaques of 1–2 mm appear. Red spots on the body itch and become inflamed, combining into one large reddened area. Roseola is found in the groin and armpits.

Scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics. In this case, treatment of the rash is not provided. For peeling, phyto-baths are recommended.


The cause of this serious disease is streptococcus that has penetrated the dermis. The temperature rises (up to 40˚C) and erythema forms above the area of ​​infection.

When erysipelas occurs, it is necessary to take antibiotics and treat diseased areas of the body with antiseptics.


This fungal infection. It can appear anywhere, but usually red spots are diagnosed on the legs, arms and head. Typical sign ringworm– ring-shaped spots with a diameter of about 20 mm, with itching and peeling.

Antibiotics are prescribed and antifungal drugs. Skin treatment – ​​local, using zinc ointment, Mikozolon, iodine tincture or salicylic alcohol.

It must be remembered that the disease is easily transmitted through touch, so the patient must be isolated and his things must be disinfected, otherwise the disease will easily spread to other people. You can put a scarf on the patient's head to cover microsporia. It needs to be washed every day, boiled and thoroughly ironed. The same procedure should be applied to bedding a couple of times a week.


Tick-borne borreliosis

The cause of this disease is ixodid ticks, which spread bacteria. First of all, round red spots form in the place where the tick bit. After this, intoxication appears. They subsequently grow to 2–10 times their original size.

Immunoallergic nature of the rash

The allergen causes the formation of round spots. Skin allergies are difficult to treat, since anything can become an irritant, but the essence of the disease is not in the substances themselves, but in the degree of sensitivity.

Ointments with hormones, soda baths and herbal baths are prescribed as treatment.

It is worth remembering that reddened areas should disappear quickly. If their presence is prolonged, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Pityriasis rosea

On the body, medium-sized scarlet-colored plaques with a diameter of 30–50 mm are found, which are otherwise called “mother spots.” Then they are surrounded by others, smaller ones. The causes of the disease include general weakened immunity and herpespirus. The treatment is quite lengthy.

Allergic urticaria

Occurs due to an allergic reaction to poison, certain foods, temperature changes, sunbathing, toxins in the digestive tract. Small dots form and accumulate into large plaques and itchy blisters.


The primary stage is characterized by a pink rash. At severe form eczema spots begin to itch.


The cause of this disease is long stay under ultraviolet rays. The skin turns red, hurts and itches.

Lichen planus

The disease is characterized by large reddened areas formed from round and polygonal spots.

Complex treatment is prescribed: immunomodulators, antiviral, desensitizing drugs.

Treatment of allergic spots

Appointed step-by-step treatment. It is necessary to take into account the causes, location and characteristics of the spots. It is also important to isolate yourself from irritants: dust, wool, some food.

To get rid of skin spots and prevent recurrence, cleansing is prescribed digestive tract from toxins with enterosorbents ( activated carbon, "Lactofiltrum", "Enterosgel"). Patients report impressive result for mild cases of illness.