A yellow spot in the field of view. Bright dots before the eyes

Flashing of colored spots before the eyes occurs in a variety of situations. Reasons similar phenomenon range from overwork or improper lighting to serious illness. The nature of the spots is not a reliable diagnostic sign; in order to identify the exact cause of the constant flashing of yellow spots before the eyes, you need a full examination by an ophthalmologist.

Flashing colored spots in the eyes is not a disease or syndrome - it is a symptom of various pathological conditions. The spots themselves have a varied nature - they appear briefly in the eyes, move, are in the same area, persistent or appear under certain conditions.

If the spots exist for a short time and occur rarely, this is not danger sign. If the symptom is persistent and occurs under strictly defined circumstances, you should consult a doctor.


Situations in which yellow spots, many. As a rule, the symptom is associated with changes in arterial and intraocular pressure, disruption of natural processes in the eye, and diseases of the nervous system.


The exact cause and mechanism of development of migraine has not been established. It is known that disturbance of vascular tone in the head plays a role in the process. The main symptom of the disease is severe headaches that are difficult to respond to painkillers.

In addition to them, a number of additional manifestations are possible, including yellow spots. With migraine they may have different kind, but the most characteristic feature is that visual disturbances accompany headaches, but are absent at any other time.

Vitreous destruction

The vitreous body is the main transparent medium of the eye. It does not contain cells, the main thing is to give shape eyeball and ensure that light rays from the pupil enter the retina.

In a number of dystrophic processes in the eye, destruction of the structure occurs vitreous. This distorts the passage of light rays, causing visual effects, including yellow spots. Since the optical medium has a colloidal consistency, the foci of destruction move within it.

Colored spots move across the field of view, change appearance depending on lighting and other factors, appear and disappear.

Vitreous detachment

The separation of the vitreous from the walls of the eye is called detachment. This condition is accompanied by colored spots, flashes of light, distortion appearance surrounding objects, blurred vision. The spots migrate, size and shape change, but visual impairment is constantly progressing.

The macula, or macula, is the central area of ​​the retina where the clearest image is created. Visual cells in this area are most sensitive to various influences. If they are damaged, vision in the central region is impaired.

Macular edema occurs with pathologies of the blood vessels of the eye, intracranial pressure, and metabolic pathologies. It appears as a stable yellow spot in front of the eyes, the brightness of which varies. Vision at close range and vision in the central part are impaired. The phenomenon can be one-sided or two-sided.

Hemorrhage into the macula

This traumatic injury eyes, most often unilateral, but can be bilateral - with common diseases, causing disruption vascular tone, increased intracranial pressure.

Symptoms are one or more colored spots before the eyes, blurred vision in the central area and at close range, pain in the eye. There are symptoms of a head injury or a general illness that caused the hemorrhage.

Macular degeneration

Degenerative processes lead to gradual deterioration of vision. Near vision, central and light vision are impaired, while peripheral vision is preserved. Colored spots constantly flash before the eyes, their shape and size change depending on the lighting and the patient’s well-being. As the pathology develops, the yellow spots become dark.

A retinal burn occurs when it is exposed to bright light in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum. The most dangerous in this regard are the rays of the sun during an eclipse, as well as bright radiation in high mountain areas, and industrial laser installations.

The symptoms resemble the sensation that occurs when looking at a light source - a bright yellow, orange or red spot in front of the eyes.

But unlike this relatively harmless situation, with a burn, the colored spots do not go away on their own, but persist for a long time. They “obscure” surrounding objects and interfere with normal vision. Additional symptoms include eye pain, headache, nausea.

Stargart's disease, etc.

Stargart disease is an inherited degenerative condition of the retina. The patient's vision in the dark gradually deteriorates, color perception decreases, and floating yellow spots appear before the eyes. The disease begins early school age and is constantly progressing.

Other causes of yellow spots before the eyes:

  • Overwork;
  • Orthostatic phenomena (falling blood pressure when standing up suddenly);
  • Looking at a light source from the darkness.

These reasons are not dangerous to health; the most effective way to deal with spots in this case is to wait until they appear; the visual impairment will go away on its own. If this does not happen, perhaps it does. serious illness, with which you need to consult a doctor.

Watch a video about the disease:

Associated symptoms

The spots before the eyes themselves cannot serve as a basis for making a diagnosis - they are too nonspecific. When collecting anamnesis, the doctor pays attention to accompanying symptoms that suggest a disease that caused yellow spots before the eyes:

  1. Spots during a headache are a sign of migraine or head injury;
  2. Floating spots – destruction or detachment of the vitreous body;
  3. When looking at a light source - increased intraocular pressure, one of early symptoms glaucoma;
  4. Spots of varying size in the middle of the visual field – pathology of the macula;
  5. Spots that “obscure” surrounding objects – a burn;
  6. Spots when looking at white, tinnitus, headache - heatstroke.


The main treatment depends on the disease that caused pathological process in the eye.

After the examination, the patient is prescribed drugs and procedures that eliminate the underlying disease, stabilize general condition, improving nutrition and blood circulation in the eye.

If there is degenerative process, it can be slowed down by taking restorative medications.

Preventive measures

It makes no sense to prevent the appearance of circles before the eyes - you should fight the diseases that cause such a symptom. General pathologies that lead to vision impairment (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus), it is necessary to treat in a timely manner, maintain stable compensation.

To avoid the short-term appearance of spots before the eyes, you need to regularly perform eye exercises, observe the lighting regime, alternate visual stress with rest, and avoid looking directly at bright light sources without protective devices.

What causes flickering in the eyes? The reasons may vary. This has happened to every person at least once in their life, for example, when they suddenly get up from the couch. But sometimes glare appears in front of the eyes too often. They most often appear after a change in lighting or body position and only in some cases are a manifestation of health problems. Especially if the outbreaks are accompanied by a headache.

Special attention should attract flashes in the eyes that are repeated many times. Especially if this results in tinnitus, headache or dizziness, as well as disorientation in space. In this case, glare indicates the presence of pathologies.

There are a huge number of reasons why glare appears before the eyes. All of them indicate a dysfunction of the central nervous system ( central nervous system), resulting in deterioration of blood circulation in the vessels and, accordingly, impaired blood circulation to the brain. And this leads to problems with blood pressure and the functioning of some body systems.

The most common reasons flicker:

  • Most often, the cause of glare is a change in intracranial pressure and impaired blood circulation to the brain. In this case, white highlights or black spots may appear before the eyes in the sun.
  • Due to changes in intracranial pressure, the blood vessels of the eyes become congested and floaters appear. Often bunnies and glare in the sun appear when blood pressure increases or decreases.

In addition to the above, there are others serious reasons the appearance of spots before the eyes, namely:

  • Bleeding in the brain. In this case, flies and bright flashes appear, which foreshadow loss of consciousness.
  • Problems with the spine. Black and white flies often indicate pathologies of the spine, because in this case, pinching of nerves and blood vessels occurs, blood flow worsens, especially when cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, both the brain and the eyes suffer.
  • Vitamin deficiency, unbalanced nutrition, exhausting diets and exhaustion.
  • Traumatic brain injury or eye injury.
  • Hypotension or hypertension. With hypotension, flickering dots, darkening, glare or floating spots appear before the eyes.
  • Mental and emotional stress, stress and nervous breakdowns. In this state, blood pressure changes sharply, which is why flickering appears in the eyes.

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Severe poisoning. Flashes in the eyes can appear due to toxic exposure, which leads to disruption of the functions of the visual organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus in a severe stage. This disease leads to vascular damage.
  • Anemia. With this disease, flickering in the eyes occurs regularly.
  • Internal bleeding.

Flashes in the eyes can occur in pregnant women. This dangerous condition, so you should consult your doctor immediately.

Often glare and bunnies appear after overheating in the sun and can portend sunstroke. Even bright sunlight, if you look at the sun without glasses, can cause white and black spots to appear before your eyes.

Eye problems

Flickering in the eyes can occur directly due to eye diseases. How dangerous can glare and bunnies be?

If flies appear not at the moment of physical or emotional stress, but regularly, then the person’s condition may be critical. Problems may be an impending hemorrhage or retinal tear. In this case, outbreaks appear constantly and become familiar to a person. You need to go to the hospital immediately to prevent your vision from deteriorating.

Another quite serious cause of glare is retinal detachment. In addition to the flies, the image is blurred.

Flashes in the eyes, as if from sunlight, can appear with the following visual impairments:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the eyes, inflammation of the vessels that supply the retina with nutrients.
  2. Tumor diseases that can affect the retina.
  3. Impaired blood circulation in the organs of vision.
  4. Injuries to the lens that lead to retinal detachment.
  5. Clouding of the lens and development of cataracts.
  6. Vitreous detachment.

Retinal detachment or tension occurs as a result of irritation visual analyzer. The important thing is that flicker in the eyes can take on different forms. Highlights can be in the form of black and white spots, bright flashes (bunnies), lines, zigzags and rings. As a rule, they appear for a split second. Normally, flashes or spots may appear after sleep or bright light.

What should you do about floaters?

With constant floaters in the eyes without medical care cannot be avoided, because you need to find out the cause of this condition. In addition to the visual organs, all body systems are examined and possible serious diseases are identified.

Usually it is enough to perform an ophthalmoscopy, take blood tests and undergo an ultrasound ( ultrasound examination) or CT (computed tomography) examination. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed.

Preventing flicker:

  • When floaters appear in the eyes, it is necessary to exclude the fact that the body is severely depleted. You need to adhere to a rest regime, sleep at least 8 hours and avoid stress.
  • It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of low high pressure or anemia. If the cause of glare is due to these disturbances, then it is enough to adjust the diet.
  • If you have anemia, you need to eat more meat (especially veal), liver and apples. If necessary, you can undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing iron.
  • To prevent floaters, it is important to keep your sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and hemoglobin levels within normal limits.
  • To improve blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen, you need to do hiking. You need to walk for at least half an hour.
  • Carrots, greens, nuts, fruits, blueberries and dried apricots will be very useful for the visual organs.
  • To prevent eye diseases, you need to take a break after every hour of working at the computer.
  • When bright sun rays best to wear sunglasses.

Glare and spots in front of the eyes very often appear when there is a sudden change in body position, especially after sleep. They may also indicate physical or emotional exhaustion. In this case, floaters are accompanied by headache or dizziness.

If flashes in the eyes appear regularly, then you need to visit a doctor; they may indicate anemia, changes in blood pressure, or much more serious problems with health.

The appearance of spots before the eyes is one of the main signs of the development of pathology in the body. However, in some cases, such symptoms indicate that you need to take a break. Most often, “black flies” appear in people over fifty years of age, but young people are also not free from this anomaly. The appearance of spots that do not go away for a long time, plus are accompanied by a deterioration in health, is a serious reason to seek professional help.

More often they are called “flies”. They may include:

  • Blood clots;
  • Crystals;
  • Neoplasm cells.

In this case, the reason for the dots lies in destructive processes affecting the vitreous body. The closer to the retina the “pest” that provoked the clouding is, the greater the number of “flies” appear in front of the affected organ of vision.

Spots in the eyes: causes

Provoke the appearance unpleasant symptom The following factors may:

  • Overwork of the lens. Long stay near a computer monitor or prolonged reading in low light conditions reduces performance musculoskeletal system organ of vision, surrounding objects acquire a blurry outline. These moments provoke a decrease in the degree of susceptibility of the lens and retina, and subsequently lead to the development of myopia;
  • Impact of external factors. If a person has been in a dark room for a long time, then the light is suddenly turned on, spots will appear for a short period of time. The reason is that light rays burn the retina. Negative symptoms last for fifteen minutes. The consequences of a light strike can also be white spots in front of the eyes or multi-colored highlights;
  • Increased pressure. When the indicator increases to one hundred and twenty units, a person experiences dizziness, headache, feeling unwell and dark spots before the eyes;
  • Mechanical injury to the cornea or damage to the organ of vision;
  • Exhaustion of the body, severe mental or physical fatigue;
  • Pathologies of the vitreous body. The element is located between the lens and the retina and is responsible for color perception. Degenerative changes lead to the fact that its dense structure turns into a kind of jelly. At first, the patient notices small “floaters” in the peripheral vision, but over time they move closer to the center of the eye and can reach the pupil. This disease is more often diagnosed in people in adulthood, especially if they previously had problems with the visual system. You should not ignore this dangerous symptom, as it can lead to blindness. This disease is called macular degeneration.

One of the most common causes of the appearance of “floaters” is detachment of the retina. This deviation is dangerous to health and can lead to complete loss of vision. Leukoma can also be the “culprit” of black dots or threads. The disease is accompanied by clouding of the cornea; if the dangerous process is not blocked in time, the risk of blindness increases.


“Flies” never come to a person “alone”; in addition to the dancing dots, the following signs are observed:

  • Deterioration in health;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Split image;
  • Chills;
  • Problems with coordination;
  • Migraine;
  • Ear congestion, etc.

If the anomaly is provoked by an ophthalmological disease, then in parallel with the “spots” the following are observed:

  • Problems with visual acuity;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • A sharp reaction to any light stimulus.

The general symptomatic picture depends on what exactly caused the spots to appear; for this reason, the above signs help to form only a general picture of the disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have black floaters flying before your eyes, first of all, pay a visit to your ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, if he does not identify any defects in the functioning of the organ of vision, then the patient is referred for consultation to other specialists:

  • You need to visit a cardiologist if the appearance of spots is caused by surges in blood pressure;
  • A neurologist examines a person if he suspects a stroke or spasm of blood vessels in the brain. In some cases, the help of a neurosurgeon is required;
  • If dark threads appear regularly and are caused by a lack of vitamins in the body, you will need to consult a therapist;
  • “Floaters” caused by diabetes are treated by an endocrinologist.

The problem requires an integrated approach and several surveys, since this symptom often a sign of abnormal performance internal organs.

Diagnostic features

The appearance of dark spots or threads before the eyes requires immediate attention. medical examination. Don't wait for them to go away on their own, visit a doctor who can find out the cause of their occurrence. Ophthalmologists use a slit lamp to examine the visual system. It helps to assess the condition of the fundus and cornea. With its help, the doctor can detect hemarthrosis and analyze the structure of the “front sight”.

If the cause of the spots lies in the pathology of the internal organs, you will need to undergo following methods diagnostics:

  • General clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • Urine examination;
  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • Blood test for fasting glycemia;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Performed if the patient has had a skull injury in the recent past.

If the development of malukodystrophy is suspected, testing is carried out using an Amsler grid, which is a small piece of paper (10*10 cm) lined in a cage. In the middle of the sheet there is a large black dot, its main purpose is to fix the organ of vision.

The test passes as follows: the patient closes one eye and looks at the dot; if the lines begin to “float” or disappear altogether, it means that he is developing malukodystrophy. Requires long and complex therapy. Fluorescein angiography is performed to confirm or refute the diagnosis. A special substance is injected into the vein, which stains new vessels and existing pathologies.

The use of modern equipment and unique techniques makes it possible to find out the cause of the unpleasant symptom that appears on the iris.

How to treat dark spots in the eyes?

When floaters appear, first of all, you need to patch up the blood vessels to restore uninterrupted blood circulation. The following medications are used for this:

  • "Papaverine";
  • "Routin";
  • “Anginin”, etc.

Any drug and its dosage are prescribed only by a doctor; if you care about your health, then do not self-medicate.

When a neoplasm appears in the form of additional blood vessels, use unique drug"Lucentis". It is injected into the cavity of the eye to block the proliferation of blood vessels and their growth. The course of injections includes five procedures with breaks, the duration of therapy is twelve months. Improvements in the functioning of the organ of vision are visible after the first injection.

Start fighting dark spots Without knowing the cause of their occurrence, this is a waste of time and money. If a patient suffers from high blood sugar levels, then therapy should be aimed at getting rid of the pathology; accordingly, certain medications and procedures are required. Taking medications without consulting a doctor can lead to vision loss.

The course of therapy often includes taking medications aimed at compensating for the lack of vitamins and beneficial elements. These include:

  • "Difarel";
  • "Senton"
  • "Vibalt", etc.

Floaters in front of the eyes are better visible against the background of bright objects white. When a person looks at the black spots, trying to catch his gaze, nothing comes of it - the black spots in the eyes move along with the gaze.

People describe the characteristics of flies differently. For example, when looking at the bright sun, welding, or a light bulb, people often say: “I see purple (or other color) spots.” A person may complain that he sees white or colored spots in the form of sticks, circles, or cobwebs before his eyes. They can be described in different words.

Don't worry if floaters are a rare occurrence. Over time, the frequency of the symptom may increase. It is important to find out whether black sticks or dots are constantly or periodically flying before your eyes.

In women, the appearance of floaters before the eyes is possible during pregnancy. This may be a sign of anemia - low blood hemoglobin, arterial hypotension– low blood pressure, vitamin deficiency. On later During pregnancy, floaters can be the first sign of a life-threatening condition - eclampsia.

If a child sees flickering spots before his eyes, he needs to figure out when they appear. After looking at the sun, sitting for a long time watching TV, playing computer games, after being tired, or for no reason? This symptom is not always dangerous. But for the peace of mind of parents, as well as the prevention of ophthalmic diseases, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Watch a video about what flies are and when they are completely harmless:

What causes floaters before the eyes and how to treat them

Let's figure out why we sometimes see colored or colorless flies flying in the air. Black spots in the eyes can be caused by ophthalmological reasons.

Changes in the vitreous

Destructive changes in the vitreous body are a violation of the structure. Normal vitreous is transparent. During destruction, appeared blood clots, crystals, dead cells cast a shadow on the retina.

A person notices that colorless worms and strings are floating in his eyes. Destruction occurs more often between the ages of 40–50 years.

Subject to surgical vitrectomy. The essence of the operation is the removal of the destroyed structure and subsequent replacement with an artificial implant.


Traumatic damage to the organ of vision, hemorrhage. Associated with receiving a blow, mechanical damage to the organ of vision or head. Floaters look like colored (blue, green, red) spots, shiny dots.

Therapy is aimed at the main cause - treatment of injury, concussion, brain contusion. In case of hemorrhage you will need surgical removal blood clots.

Retinal detachment – ​​occurs acutely after intense physical exercise, severe stress, trauma. It appears as bright, flickering flies. Threatens complete blindness.

Treatment – ​​laser correction under local anesthesia. The essence of the operation is to solder the retina into place using a laser.

– viral or bacterial inflammation of the choroid of the organ of vision. In addition to floaters, there are symptoms: lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm (difficulty raising the eyelid), blurred vision, swelling, suppuration of the eyes.

The main drugs are eye drops “Floxal”, “Tobrex”.

Diseases of internal organs

Floaters before the eyes can be caused by somatic causes, which are treated by specialized doctors. Somatic causes are diseases of internal organs.


Cervical osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the appearance of spots and lightning before the eyes is associated with impaired blood circulation in the neck. Additional symptoms: pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, dizziness, curvature of the spine.

Therapists (or neurologists) treat osteochondrosis with muscle relaxants: Mydocalm, Sirdalud; anti-inflammatory drugs: Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen; B vitamins: “Milgamma”, “Neurovit”.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of vascular tone, which results in many different symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, cold extremities, redness of the skin during stress and anxiety, mood swings, difficulty falling asleep and waking up. The flickering of flies is seen in the form of strokes and stripes.

The therapist prescribes drugs that calm the nervous system: “Novopassit”, “Mexidol”, “Tenoten”, “Neuromultivit”.


Anemia – a decrease in blood hemoglobin less than 110 g/l. For this state Not only black or colorless spots in the eyes are characteristic. Symptoms come to the fore: dizziness, weakness, nausea, changes in the skin, hair, nails.

Doctors provide therapy general profile. Iron supplements will help increase hemoglobin: “Sorbifer”, “Fenuls”.


Arterial hypertension - an increase in blood pressure above 130/90 mmHg. Art. At sharp changes pressure, luminous dots sparkle in front of a person’s eyes, some describe them as gray, others as colored. This phenomenon is short-lived, so it is difficult to distinguish the color.

Therapists treat uncomplicated hypertension. Assign antihypertensive drugs: “Lisinopril”, “Enap”, “Losartan”.


Migraine is a headache in one side of the head. Accompanied by an aura: nausea, sometimes vomiting, clouding of consciousness. From the side of the organ of vision, black small cobwebs are observed in front of the eyes. Neurologists and therapists use serotonin receptor agonists in the form of tablets for treatment: Rapided, Sumatriptan, Imigran.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system that leads to disability. The motor function of the body is impaired, and a person does not notice this immediately. Flashing flies is an additional symptom.

Therapy includes drugs that improve the functions of the immune system and slow down the progression of the disease: Copaxone, Betaferon, Avonex. For appointment medicines you need to contact a neurologist.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus of the first or second type. This diagnosis is established when there is a repeatedly recorded increase in blood glucose. In diabetes, the blood vessels of the brain are affected, which can lead to the appearance of floaters.

An endocrinologist deals with the problem of diabetes mellitus. Therapy consists of prescribing glucose-lowering tablets: Metformin, Gliclazide or insulin therapy: Actrapid, Humalog, Lantus.

Acute cerebrovascular accident – ​​stroke. Dots before the eyes are an insignificant, not the main symptom. A stroke is characterized by sudden onset: headache and dizziness, facial asymmetry, impaired consciousness, impaired speech, vision, and motor functions.

The range of drugs is extensive. Mandatory list: “Heparin”, “Aspirin”, “Trental”, “Plavix”, “Etamzilat”, “Piracetam”. A stroke is a life- and health-threatening condition that requires emergency medical care by neurologists in a hospital setting.

Ophthalmic treatment

Ophthalmological treatment of spots before the eyes caused by somatic diseases involves the use of Emoxipin drops. They improve the condition of the vascular wall. Instill 1 drop 3 times a day – 1 month. To improve metabolic processes throughout the body, Wobenzym tablets are prescribed. Take 15 tablets per day, divided into 3 times. Course 2–4 weeks.

Treatment will also help get rid of flies folk remedies: honey drops in combination with aloe juice or drops with propolis. Instill 3 times a day for 1–2 weeks.

Local massage gives good results. It improves the outflow of blood and lymph, accelerating metabolic processes(i.e. exchange). Massage with light pressure movements over the entire eye area. Do it 2 times a day. daily.


Dark floaters that often and persistently appear before the eyes require diagnostic procedures:

  • CBC - for the purpose of determining hemoglobin.
  • Biochemical blood test - to determine glucose levels.
  • Blood pressure measurement.
  • Measuring intraocular pressure.
  • Biomicroscopy is an examination of the organ of vision through a slit lamp. Provides an opportunity to assess the condition of the fundus and disc optic nerve, retinal vessels.
  • Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy - examination using an ophthalmoscope. Allows you to detect early changes in the visual organ in diseases such as diabetes, anemia, multiple sclerosis, hypertension.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging - performed if a stroke is suspected, or if there is a head injury. Provides layer-by-layer graphic sections of the organ under study.

Floating or flickering spots in the eyes caused by factors environment(sun, bright lights from instruments) do not require detailed diagnostics.


Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid the appearance of new spots in the field of vision of the eye.

  1. Lead healthy image life: eat well, exercise regularly, sleep 7–8 hours a day.
  2. Quitting alcohol and smoking will improve not only vision, but also health in adults.
  3. Wear sunglasses on a sunny day.
  4. Wear a protective mask when welding.
  5. Get annual preventative medical examinations.
  6. Do special gymnastics for the visual organ. Look as far as possible to the left, right, up, down. Take a break. Repeat 5-10 times. Perform at least 1 day per day.
  7. Perform local self-massage to improve blood and lymph drainage.
  8. Recommendation for women: be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed. Use specialized eye makeup removers. Never lather your eyes with regular soap.

Flashing floaters is a common symptom. Most cases do not pose a risk to vision. Exceptions are diseases of the organ of vision or other organs. They require medical attention.

Additionally, we invite you to watch a video where Elena Malysheva talks about the causes of spots before the eyes, treatment and possible complications:

Share this article about eye floaters with your friends. Tell us about your experience in the comments. Health to you and your loved ones.

Pathologies of the organs of vision in lately they are getting younger, for which there are explanations:

  • great emotional and physical stress;
  • prolonged stay in front of a PC monitor, as well as in front of a TV and other gadgets that require excessive concentration of vision;
  • lack of rest for the eyes (outdoor walks, etc.).

If any deviations in the field of vision appear (spots, spots, lightning appear in the eyes), it is very important to determine the reason that provoked this condition.

And here the nature of the spots and their color play an important role.

White spots before the eyes

White spots in the eyes or clouding can be both a primary pathology and one of the symptoms of the development of diseases in various structures eyes:

Lens pathologies

Changes in the lens usually lead to a disease such as cataracts. The disease manifests itself as clouding varying degrees, expressed in a clouded white-gray spot on the pupil.

Cataracts develop due to degenerative changes in the substance of the lens. This explains the fact that this disease is observed mainly in elderly patients.

Cataracts are treated conservatively. Therapy is prescribed at the primary stage and consists of the use of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the structures of the visual organs.

If the disease is advanced, it is treated by surgical intervention: the affected lens is removed and an intraocular lens is implanted in its place.

Corneal changes

Corneal opacities are medically called leukoma. The pathology can be total or spread only to a certain area of ​​the cornea.

White spots that appear before the eyes come in different sizes: very small or those that can be seen with the naked eye.

The pathology may not have any effect on the functionality of the visual organs, but it can also provoke the development of blindness.

Blurred vision can also occur for the following reasons:

  • tuberculosis accompanied by keratitis;
  • syphilis and other infectious diseases. Note that after inflammatory processes, characteristic scars remain on the cornea;
  • eye injuries;
  • contact with toxic substances.

Photo 2: Leukoma is treated surgically, but first of all, the disease that caused the clouding is eliminated, and only then the damaged cornea is removed and subsequent plastic surgery is performed. Source: flickr (Carlos P Wendell).

Retinal changes

At insufficient blood supply the retina may also appear white spots in front of the eyes. This pathology in medicine it is called retinal angiopathy. It may occur against the background traumas suffered, due to hypertension, atherosclerosis, low blood pressure, exposure to toxic substances.

Without enough nutrients, the retina weakens, which leads to its thinning, detachment and even rupture.

Angiopathy can occur as a result of diabetic disease, vascular abnormalities, Alzheimer's disease, osteochondrosis and scoliosis, as well as in people who smoke.

Angiopathy syndromes are:

  • white “midges” near the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • white spots;
  • Possible eye pain;
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • vision may be completely lost.

Yellow and bright spots before the eyes

Sometimes a person may see various objects in the form of circles or yellow spots. They can be floating, barely noticeable, and sometimes very bright, like flashes. It is very important here to note the nature of these manifestations: they occur periodically or are constantly present.

In some cases, the described symptom may be accompanied by a number of other manifestations:

  • headache;
  • bright flashes of light;
  • dizziness;
  • sore eyes;
  • double or blurred vision;
  • a sharp increase in the size of spots;
  • flashing circles.

Causes of pathology

Only a qualified doctor can help here, since the pathology is very serious.

These deviations require urgent medical attention and timely treatment.

How to treat yellow spots

Treatment of the pathology depends on the root cause of its occurrence.

With macular edema in mandatory the underlying disease is identified and eliminated.

If a hemorrhage occurs, doctors usually prescribe blood-absorbing agents.

Pink and purple spots

Objects of pink and purple color may indicate the development of diseases of the following nature:

Such phenomena can be observed in patients suffering from cataracts or glaucoma.

Patients undergoing therapy may also see pink circles:

  • cortisone;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • drugs for disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Photo 3: If purple-pink circles are accompanied by double vision, it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by an ophthalmologist and neurologist. Most likely, damage to the stem structures occurred. In this case, the patient will be prescribed an MRI or CT scan of the brain. Source: flickr (F.Scholkmann).

Dark, blue and brown spots

If a person sees dark dots or floating spots that can move or “float,” this most likely indicates eye fatigue. Doctors recommend periodically doing eye exercises (rotational movements, moving vision from side to side and up and down). These exercises will eliminate spasms from the eye muscles and normalize vision.

Also dark circles may indicate that your blood pressure has risen, so it is worth measuring it and taking appropriate medications.

If the symptom does not disappear but continues to bother you, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. This may indicate retinal detachment and the development of various inflammatory processes in the organs of vision.

Photo 4: This phenomenon can sometimes be observed in absolutely healthy person, if, for example, he stands up suddenly or looks at a very bright object. Source: flickr (Pavilyun Kartika).

Homeopathy for spots in the eyes

In most cases, the following homeopathic remedies are prescribed for this pathology:

  1. From black, brown and yellow circles, in case of a blurry picture, for the haze the following are prescribed: Agaricus, Coffea tosta, Thuja, Sulfur, Terebinthinae oleum, Nux vomica.
  2. From floaters, and also if the patient cannot long time to concentrate the gaze on an object, Argentum nitricum is prescribed.
  3. Baryta sulphurica is a good remedy for blurred vision and bright flashes.
  4. Effectively helps against haze and pain in bright light homeopathic medicine Coffea tosta.
  5. If cataracts begin to develop, the homeopathic remedy Senega is often prescribed.
  6. If the dots dance and vision noticeably decreases, Natrium carbonicum is prescribed.
  7. For white sparkling spots, the drug Viola odorata is prescribed.

sudden bright spots before the eyes

Tell me, please, does it mean anything if for some time now I have been seeing bright luminous dots shining in front of my eyes for a split second at intervals of 2-3 times a day? Small, but sudden and very bright.

Detachment or rupture of the retina, quickly see an ophthalmologist and undergo surgery.

That's for sure. I mean, is it really possible that if they glow for a couple of seconds a day, then it immediately breaks or peels off.

I just don’t want to believe in it((and there are so many problems. And if, for example, these dots do not appear within a week, can this be considered simple manifestations any other illness. and can this retinal tear “heal” itself if it stops appearing? sorry for the stupid question.. it just seems like there is no reason to break this apart from working near the computer..

An ophthalmologist can tell you this in 10 minutes. And to make it clear, you can go blind. Has your desire to go increased now? It won’t be able to grow overgrown on its own, only surgery.

Yes, the fact is that I have already been to the ophthalmologist five times, though for other problems - pain in the area of ​​​​the right eye above. So I think that at least one of them should have noticed what was coming. Or the detachment may occur within a month without any previous signs that the doctor could notice.

The pain could be a harbinger, run faster, you can go to another one, since the current one is not trustworthy. Time is against you.

Tell me, if I was literally examined by an ophthalmologist for about a month or two, in theory he should have noticed changes in the retina?

The ophthalmologist doesn't care about your vision, so he could easily not notice it. Maybe her child is sick, maybe there is something else there that caused the doctor to be inattentive. Of course, you can reassure yourself, well, since the doctor didn’t see anything, then everything is fine. Only when there are problems with the retina, will it hurt you or the doctor?

Go to an ophthalmologist and have your retina examined. If you don't do anything now, it won't be possible to fix it later.

Although, the moles somehow live and don’t get upset. If you want to live like a mole, then don't go anywhere.

I went to the ophthalmologist - he said it’s okay that these flashes are from a migraine or headache..

Exactly. In the English-speaking world they are called floaters; Google the migraine connection if interested.

Go to a good ophthalmologist, MNTK Eye Microsurgery, for example.

Only he can make a diagnosis after examination.

I had a bright spot of light all over my right eye, which then diminished to a small one. The ophthalmologist at the clinic said nothing. After hardware examination diagnosed.

Don't let your eyes roll, you only have two, no spare ones

I went to the eye doctor... they said it was nothing to worry about, that these flare-ups were due to a migraine or headache...

So, the ophthalmologist at the clinic told me that this is a consequence of your three-day migraine due to the flu. Go to a neurologist.

But in reality it was not a headache.

The eyes cannot be “no big deal.” It seems so to me.

horror... yes, I went to a good eye doctor, but they probably don’t care whether they are German or Russian...

And now you feel better, the operation was performed.

Peck on your tongue))

They scared you from above about retinal detachment. I suppose in that case you wouldn’t be able to see, but I’m not a doctor, so I won’t say.

I have a different situation)

A neurologist and an ophthalmologist are needed here. And not just any ophthalmologist - they threatened me with retinal detachment, but they looked at me on some kind of machine that was not even in the department. Then they did laser coagulation(I trust our ophthalmologists and do not consider this extortion of money out of nowhere). If necessary, I can give coordinates, although there can be difficulties, sometimes patients wait for weeks to see an ophthalmologist (On the other hand, there is rarely a queue for a fee.

I am in Germany, so, unfortunately, I will not be able to be at the Moscow clinic. Tell me, please, were the “harbingers” of detachment sufficiently manifested or not often and not very manifested? That is, I now have these flashing dots three or four times a day, sometimes they are a little more and have a green tint, but they don’t bother me that much.. It happened to you too.

I just don’t know what’s better here - waste your nerves and try to go through a bunch of more doctors, or calm down with the hope that it’s from migraines...

No, I didn't have any symptoms at all. I just came to check my vision and resolve the issue of correcting myopia (operations are performed when the “minus” does not fall). And the ophthalmologist didn’t like my fundus.

I saw a neurologist (including on the problem of pain over the right eye), he threw up his hands.. The ophthalmologist seemed to like the fundus and did not raise any suspicions.. I’ll probably take the risk and won’t twitch for now, otherwise I won’t have enough nerves, and making an appointment with the doctors there is a month of waiting..

Orders are not discussed

If this flickering part does not fall into the center of vision, then everything is visible normally, only everything around it flickers, as if in a “frenzy”. What could cause this? And in the place of flickering, such as loss of vision.

If this happens rarely, there is no reason to see a doctor. If flickering in your eyes bothers you often, you should sound the alarm. This may be the first sign of an impending illness. Why do “midges” appear in the eyes? From time to time, flickering in the eyes can occur due to neuropsychological, emotional and physical overload, sudden body movements, and stress on the visual organs.

Symptoms of such a disease can also be a narrowing of vision, “black flakes” or a “swarm of midges” before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes appears with decompensated diabetes mellitus, which signals a worsening situation when not only the vessels of the brain are affected, but also the retina. Acute internal bleeding can also cause spots in front of the eyes, and this may be the only sign of such bleeding.

Also causes increased glare in the eyes intracranial pressure, pinched blood vessels in the cervical region and even migraine. If a person has hypotension, this can also lead to flashing dots before the eyes. During pregnancy, the appearance of flickering in the eyes may indicate the development of eclampsia - a condition that is extremely dangerous for both the pregnant woman and her child.

If the frequency of occurrence of midges in the eyes is rare (state after sleep, a flash of bright light, etc.), there is no need to worry. You are healthy! At MONIKI they diagnosed destruction of the vitreous body and narrowing of retinal vessels. It all started with the appearance of a flickering dot in the eye; it gradually began to expand, taking the shape of a flickering circle. I see everything in the center, but not at the edges, the flickering interferes.

In addition to this, I'm numb left hand and a kind of pre-fainting state. A slight weakness remained, which quickly passed, as if nothing had happened. At the same time, it was a normal working day and no nerves.

The last time was more severe, some pictures appeared before my eyes, something familiar... I went to the doctor, he confirmed that nervous soil, but never said what to do about it. I did an MRI, it revealed cervical chondrosis and about 4 years ago I was diagnosed with VSD. Please tell me what kind of attack this is and how to deal with it?

I can’t look at the light (at the sky, snow, monitor) because I see hundreds of flying transparent dots... And this happens all the time! In the solarium in general better eyes... Then the arc slowly rises up and disappears after a few minutes. Or maybe this is a migraine with an aura, if there is no obvious headache? Actually, there are headaches... But with headaches, these light flickers are not present. It is with these eye manifestations that I wrote that there are no headaches, and there are none later...

Then after about 30 minutes there was this “flickering”. Before this happened 3 days ago.. It may be caused by impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the retina and other parts of the visual analyzer. My vision is perfect and I have never had any eye diseases, I have been seeing them for thirty years now and so far everything is fine.

I see these dots too. The main criterion is “chaotic movement”. They are moving. And there are both translucent balls and bright sparks. (“a static loop on the eye” also exists, but this is different. It moves along with the movement of the eye). And this is different. These are luminous points, they can be seen if you peer into space at a distance of centimeters from the eye. It is better visible in sunny weather, but also indoors if you look closely.

I tried to see the aura of my hand first. It seems to have worked, but I’m not sure that it’s exactly the aura. The color was light gray turning into blue (closer to blue, not sure). 1-2 maybe 3 cm. And when I concentrate my gaze on people, I see a light gray or white glow above the head and shoulders. Please tell me, is this an aura? Thanks in advance! They move in different directions, rotating all the time.

Many people see sparkles of light before their eyes, and this is not just blood moving through the capillaries of the retina

In horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Then you need to direct your gaze IN FRONT OF THE TREE AND IMAGINE that the entire crown seems to be swaying. It is better to first look at something from the side or on top of the tree, but so that it is within sight. And it all started with these words. I just wanted to see what was described with my own eyes... As you continue to ascend, you may begin to see movement in the corners of your eyes (peripheral vision).

People's aura will become apparent and you will see an outline of this energy physical eyes. You will feel like you are swimming in a sea of ​​vibrating energy, and you are. You may feel like you are floating through life instead of walking. You will immediately feel the strong emotions of others as soon as they enter the room and see the room bathed in the light of their emotions.”… This is crystallized Light, Honey Prana, the Energy of Universal Magic and Sorcery.

This is the Magic of the Fifth Dimension and it fills everything around. Bless Her by mentally showering all those you love and honor. This is the Energy of Highest Gratitude. Now use not only words, but also TEA and Thank you, creating its image and light in space.

Very unpleasant flickering and sensations. I close my eyes, sit for 2-3 minutes and it goes away. I didn’t have a headache after that either. Well then on to the next day there were pains, but not constant, but like shooting... And with these flickerings there was fear, a state of panic, weakness... Maybe because of this fear and panic it seemed that my memory had worsened at that moment, I couldn’t remember a lot... precisely in those 15... 20 min. Then everything was restored as it had passed and I calmed down.

Flickering in the eyes can also be caused by cervical osteochondrosis spinal column. In this flickering arc nothing is visible, only flickering, quite bright. Moving your gaze moves this flickering curved line. It turns out like an arc around the gaze, mostly on the right. When a person is anemic, the flickering in the eyes becomes almost continuous and leads to weakened vision.

Glare in the eyes: causes and treatment

Glare in the eyes causes very good reasons, which become harbingers of serious disorders in the human body. Disorders in the cardiovascular and nervous system, diseases of the eye organs - that’s why the phenomenon should not be left to chance. Is it possible to get rid of glare? How to competently carry out preventive measures?

Sometimes shiny dots fly before your eyes if you just suddenly rise from a sofa or chair, but sometimes they blur your vision, even if you are resting and in a relaxed state. Often "white flies" or black dots flash very often, and in some cases they begin to pulsate and darken in the light.

Dangerous sparkles! Sparkles in the eyes, which are accompanied by headaches and migraines, are considered dangerous. Such symptoms indicate the danger of a stroke or even a heart attack. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in time, find the cause, make the correct diagnosis and undergo a full course of treatment.

Reasons for flashing flies

Glare in the eyes occurs due to banal overwork or a reaction to too bright sunlight, especially after leaving a dark room. Doctors are alarmed by constant complaints of glare and spots, when attacks are repeated several times a week and are accompanied by tinnitus, a state of disorientation or loss of consciousness. Such glare in the eyes is nothing more than “sos” signals, which are signaled by the body. This is a good reason to go immediately full examination body.

Neurological factors, in particular osteochondrosis, are a common cause. With this disease the roots spinal cord are infringed, and impulses stop flowing to all systems of the body. If glare is not treated, tissue hypoxia begins to develop and vision deteriorates significantly.

In pregnant women, glare in front of the eyes can be a sign of very dangerous phenomenon, which is called “eclampsia”: blood pressure rises sharply, which provokes miscarriage or premature birth. What other causes of flickering vision could be:

  1. Disruption of the central nervous system.
  2. Onset of diabetes mellitus.
  3. Past infection (ARVI).
  4. Poor blood circulation in the brain.
  5. Blood pressure surges.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Nervous exhaustion.

Do you know what white spots in the eyes mean? Causes of white spots before the eyes.

How the aura manifests itself before an epileptic attack, read here.

Beware of bad habits!

Doctors have proven that drinkers and smokers often have shiny spots before their eyes. From bad habits everyone suffers cardiovascular system human, but especially strongly - the optic nerve. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages and nicotine, it is gradually destroyed. It all starts with glare, which people don't take seriously. And it ends quite sadly: cases have been recorded total loss vision only due to bad human habits.

Removing glare

The first thing that is important to do when spots appear in the eyes, be it floaters, glare or flicker, is to check your vision and the condition of the fundus of the eye using good equipment from an experienced ophthalmologist. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a therapist and measure intraocular and blood pressure. It is recommended to take tests: general analysis urine and blood. Do not look for prescriptions before consultation traditional medicine. With such problems you should consult a doctor.

The main goal of any course of treatment is to eliminate the cause that caused the disorders and completely heal the person from these unpleasant manifestations. Traditional therapy includes:

  1. Antibacterial and antiviral drugs (if the cause is infection).
  2. For diabetes mellitus, doctors revise the dosage of insulin and use other drugs that lower blood glucose levels.
  3. When there is a surge in blood pressure, the patient is recommended to keep a diary (record pressure readings) and is also prescribed special medications (see Drugs for hypertension).
  4. If glare is caused by bleeding, hemostatic and replacement therapy must be carried out.
  5. Absolutely all patients are recommended to take a course of vitamins and medications that strengthen the immune system.
  6. If vision begins to decline during treatment, the doctor is obliged to completely reconsider his prescriptions.

The importance of diet! Interestingly, some foods are considered excellent anti-glare products. Tired of catching flies with your eyes? Load up on nuts, greens, fruits and vegetables. Dried apricots, blueberries, bell pepper are considered the best natural cures for glare. Also you can’t do without healthy proteins– veal and beef liver.

Taking care of your eyes

The rhythm of our life is very busy. We spend a lot of time at work, on computers, and put a lot of strain on our eyes. The best way restore vision after hard work - completely eliminate the load by giving up watching TV and reading. But we have the power to minimize the damage we cause to our eyes.

  1. Alternate work with rest. Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  2. Try to walk more: walking saturates tissues with oxygen, improves metabolism and muscle tone.
  3. Do gymnastics periodically, close your eyes with a special device for rest and sleep.
  4. Take care of your eyes and hide them behind high-quality glasses in summer: ultraviolet rays have an extremely negative effect on our eyes and impair vision. It is important to choose optics that have a protective filter rather than one that simply dims the bright light.
  5. Eat delicious low-fat food, periodically pamper yourself with a massage, engage in feasible sports - a healthy lifestyle strengthens both your eyesight and your entire body.

Find out how to get rid of floaters before your eyes. Causes of defects in visual perception.

Why do sparks appear before the eyes with the syndrome? vertebral artery, read here.

How optic nerve atrophy manifests itself, you will learn from this article: http://golmozg.ru/zabolevanie/atrofiya-zritelnogo-nerva.html. Causes and treatment.

Having good vision and not suffering from constant glare and flickering before your eyes means feeling cheerful, young and healthy. As you can see, you can achieve positive dynamics if you simply take care of yourself and pay a little more attention to your body.

I had this problem due to stress. The fact is that first the parents died, and then the husband became seriously ill. In the morning I woke up with flies and went to sleep with them too. The doctor said that I need to be less nervous and also maintain my vision from the inside. Prescribed orlit, more fresh air and mild antidepressants. Now everything is fine, the family and my eyes are in order.

Flashes in the eyes

Flashes in the eyes - what is it?

The flash of light symptom is a false sensation that occurs in the eyes. At the same time, the person sees luminous images various shapes. They can be in the form of lightning, balls, flashing spots of various colors.

Symptoms of flashes in the eyes

The symptom of flashes in the eyes is one of the common eye complaints. Very often combined with the complaint of the appearance of flying flies in front of the eye. As a rule, it indicates the presence of disorders in the retina.

Causes of flashes in the eyes.

Flashes before the eyes can be a fairly harmless symptom associated with normal eye strain. However, the cause of flashing eyes may be an indicator of a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. Let us list the main causes of flashes in the eyes.

1. Posterior vitreous detachment. The vitreous is a gel-like substance that fills the center of the eye and is attached to the retina. With age, the vitreous shrinks and peels away from its place. The vitreous pulls on the retina and causes flashes of light in the eyes. Similar symptoms appear when the eye moves. There is no specific treatment. However, with such a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo regular eye examination, Symptoms of vitreous detachment may hide the development of a more serious disease - retinal detachment. which can lead to irreversible vision loss.

Posterior vitreous detachment video

2.Retinal detachment and retinal tears. Flashes of light in front of the eyes can be a sign of the onset of retinal detachment. It is especially worth paying attention if these symptoms appear in you after intense physical activity or severe stress. Flashes of light may be accompanied by the appearance of a veil in front of the eye and sharp decline vision. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency.

3. Migraine. Visual symptoms may appear before headache attacks. Flashes of light, which may appear as bright white zigzag lines, sparkles or geometric patterns, often accompany a migraine. Flashes usually appear in the peripheral visual fields and may appear in one or both eyes. Mild flashes of light in the eyes can occur without a headache. This phenomenon is called ocular migraine. Neurologists treat this problem.

4. Vascular diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.) Sometimes with chronic vascular diseases, people complain of the periodic appearance of flashes before their eyes in the dark or with their eyes closed. This is due to short-term spasms and poor circulation in the retinal tissue itself.

5. Intracranial tumors of the occipital lobe of the brain. Flashes of light for this reason come in different colors and shapes. They are permanent.

6. Inflammatory diseases of the retina and choroid (retinitis, choroiditis). Always accompanied with additional symptoms inflammation: decreased vision and blurred eyes.

7.An eye injury or a blow to the head may cause flashes of light to appear in front of the eyes. An overdose of certain medications can also cause a person to see flashes of light.

Treatment for flashes of light in the eyes

In most cases visual symptom“flashes of light in the eyes” occur once and are not repeated. With posterior vitreous detachment, patients may be bothered by periodic flashes in the eyes, but they do not require special treatment. In other cases, in order to eliminate the problem of flashes of light in the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. For example, with retinitis and choroiditis, after treatment, flashes in the eyes completely disappear.

Sometimes, to identify the causes and treat flashes in the eyes, a comprehensive examination is necessary not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a neurologist, therapist and endocrinologist.

Dots before eyes

The editor of the British Medical Journal was once asked the question: “Why do dots appear before my eyes? What is the reason and how to treat them?” The editor replied that these points may indicate some kind of disorder in the body, for example, poor condition of the blood vessels or liver. But they can also be the result of clouding of the vitreous humor, the transparent part of the eye. In this case, the points are completely harmless and there is nothing to worry about.

There is, of course, the possibility that they could be caused by a truly dangerous eye disease such as chorioretinitis (inflammation of the retina) or retinal dissection. But in these cases, the dots won't appear to be just "dots", they will appear as twinkling lights shining around objects at night. At the same time, you will receive other evidence that something is wrong with your eyes.

The editor also said that there is no treatment for removing spots in front of the eyes. Still, it is necessary to get checked. If there is nothing special going on with the eyes, the examination should show whether there is any disorder associated with the blood vessels, liver, and so on. If all the tests give negative results, then it is best to simply ignore these “dots”, since they do not indicate anything serious.

One of our friends had bright, flashing dots before her eyes. She went to the ophthalmologist. The doctor did not find any abnormalities in her eyes and said goodbye to her with the following words: “If you find out what caused them, let me know. I already have five such points recent years" A general examination showed that our friend had an inflamed tooth and the infection was spreading throughout the body. This has already led to anemia, as well as a deficiency of all vitamins and minerals. After the tooth was removed, a proper diet supplemented with vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as bone meal, dissipated the spots within a few weeks.

you see luminous points in the air before your eyes that move chaotically. What is this.? molecules.?))

I also saw when the pressure was 240x160

then hemorrhage occurred in the eyes.

I see “It” at night in the dark sky, smaller than the smallest stars, I can distinguish satellites and airplanes. “Plasmoids” are different. I agree with Dust and Quadcopters. But they behave too Reasonably: they don’t like to be looked at - they run away, go under bright stars, but they can’t stand for a long time, they try to rise higher - to go behind the light clouds, here they are given away by a weak purple glow, and they themselves create an unstable trail like an airplane, change speed, and sometimes go after a flying airplane (I have an Echelon for airplanes above my house South -North-South), have

All religions are now Cargo to me:_((

Look at the Picture - a distance of 80 km is not Khukhry-Mukhra, you can see Stardust)))