The best email spam mailing service. Free services for sending letters

“Subscribe to the newsletter!” - scream pop-ups on information sites. It’s not in vain that they scream, because every subscriber is worth its weight in gold, especially for young projects. Each subscriber is a regular reader who will come to you again and again.

That's only if you run new project, a problem may arise - letters need to be sent somehow. Don’t sit down and do it yourself!

No, you don't need to bother yourself with such routine work. Because there are special services for mass mailings.

There are a lot of them, and today we will introduce you to the ten most popular ones. Let's focus first on the tariffs of each, but a detailed analysis of the features and advantages is a topic for another article :)

Mad Mimi is a simple service for creating, sending, sharing and tracking emails on the Internet. Founded in 2008.

More than 40 million emails are sent from it every day.

The service offers 4 tariff plans:

Forms, templates, and email themes are available. Mad Mimi uses SSL to protect transmitted information - this is the same technology that banks and large electronic stores use to prevent eavesdropping, falsification or counterfeiting.

Without exaggeration, the most popular service is primarily due to its attractive rates. Operating since 2001, it is trusted by more than 12 million users.

The Russian version of the site is lame, so it is better to come here if you have at least basic knowledge of the language.

If you have 2,000 or fewer subscribers, you can send up to 12,000 emails per month completely free.

Another foreign service for email newsletters, with a convenient and intuitive interface. Uses cloud software technologies.

Streamcontact is reliable: email will be delivered to required time without delay.

Using the service, you can plan mailings, create new ones, conduct testing before sending, track targeted mailings, and send messages automatically.

Domestic mailing list service, founded in 2002. Very popular among small and medium-sized businesses on the RuNet.

Tariffs for services are quite reasonable:

Provides a visual editor, detailed statistics, full subscriber management, automatic mailing, surveys and testing, and many other useful features.

Domestic project founded in 2008. UniSender allows you to send both email and SMS mailings, set up letter chains, and embed social media buttons in your mailings.

The service rates are very affordable:

For mailings from 50,000 contacts, conditions are discussed individually.

A unified platform for email campaigns, SMS, push notifications and transactional emails. The service is easy to use, suitable for solving most problems standard tasks: send an email newsletter that can be viewed, including from mobile devices; make a series of letters, create letter templates, conduct testing, and much more.

A separate article, especially since the topic is not sufficiently promoted, and the channel itself is often underestimated?

ESP (Email Service Provider)

This is the primary work environment for an email marketer. His main tool, or rather - the whole complex tools. From just letter delivery systems over the past few years, ESPs have grown to the level of micro-CRM platforms, including mandatory functions which include: segmentation; data analysis; creating web letters, testing them, sending them and analyzing the results; automation.

90% of businesses, when seriously planning to implement email marketing, think about using the resources of their CMS or developing their own ESP, but the majority, sooner or later, decide to use a professional service. I’ll try to simplify the task for you if you haven’t made your choice yet.

Universal systems (for any budgets and bases, solving simple and complex problems)

Key Features: Email, RSS, Automation, Behavioral Segmentation, Analytics, Responsive Design, Complex Integration.

MailChimp is a universal service for comprehensive email marketing, a world leader offering many features, the ability to create adaptive letters and set up trigger campaigns without involving narrow specialists. Applies behavioral segmentation and allows the use of Big Data. Additional advantages: strong analytics, social profiles of subscribers, adaptive email design, many ready-made templates, tools for A/B testing.

Cool feature: you can configure mailing reports to be sent to your email; contacts who did not receive the letter are segmented into Hard Bounced (the address is blocked for mailing) and Soft Bounced (the message did not reach the recipient by accident).

Key Features: Email, SMS, Personalization, Automation, Trigger messages, Behavioral segmentation, RFM analysis.

eSputnik is a loyal system, ideal for both beginners and professionals. All functionality, including setting up emails about abandoned views and abandoned carts, is available for free. There is a unique RFM analysis function, thanks to which you can set up a series of letters focused on the customer’s life cycle: reanimate departed customers, encourage regular customers, stimulate repeat sales. The system has letter templates with dynamic data, many ready-made blocks, a generator of product cards and individual promotional codes, and a mailing script editor. Trigger messages are created and configured without the participation of programmers. This is a complete and very accessible laboratory for an email marketer.

Cool feature: the ability to use any type of dynamic content, automate the sending of letters when moving from segment to segment (for example, from Newbies to One-time Buyers).

Key Features: Email, SMS, push notifications, Personalization, Adaptive design, Automation, Generation of subscription forms.

SendPulse is a unified platform for transactional, trigger, mass email and SMS mailings, push notifications. The service uses adaptive email templates and has mobile application to send newsletters from any device. You have access to segmentation and personalization of email content, there is a subscription form generator, a mailing scheduler, and the ability to set up a series of emails that are launched after the activation of the event you select.

Key Features: Segmentation, Personalization, Analytics, Automation.

Sendsay is a service for comprehensive email marketing that allows you to deeply segment your contact base, including identifying potentially interesting segments using analytical capabilities. For personalization, you can use dynamic content, generate custom promotional codes and attachments. All functionality of the service is available to clients with databases of any size.

Cool feature: Analytics affects financial performance.

Systems for mass mailings (minimal automation)

Key Features: Email, RSS, Landing page generation, Responsive design, Preview, Autoresponders.

GetResponse is one of the most convenient platforms for email marketing. The Autoresponders 2.0 feature allows you to respond to customer activity at a basic level, responding to targeted actions (adding to the database, clicking on a link, purchasing, birthday) and scheduling the sending of letters taking into account time zones. The system has a landing page generator for newsletters with a large number of templates, an image gallery, and an advanced letter editor that allows you to create messages adapted for mobile devices.

Cool feature: video letters, preview for desktops and mobiles.

Key Features: Email, SMS, RSS, Responsive design, Autoresponders.

UniSender is a popular email service with many ready-made templates and the ability to segment subscribers according to several parameters at once. Detailed reports with the ability to upload them to colorful PDF files, simple integration with CMS or CRM.

Cool feature: ready-made solutions for different niches (strategy, templates and recommendations).


Key Features: Email, Social profiles, Autoresponders, Analysis of email openings from different devices.

MailerLite is the optimal platform for working with small contact databases. Friendly interface, convenient drag-and-drop email editor. In the system, you can plan automatic campaigns based on date, and independently develop subscription forms.

Cool feature: customer profiles where data from social networks is pulled.



Key features: email, automation, site tracking analytics, personalization, adaptive design, triggered mailing, creating autovon, tracking client engagement on the site, geotargeting.

A universal platform that allows you to automate marketing processes based on analytics of customer behavior on the site. It includes three functional components at once: an email newsletter service with the ability to create triggered newsletters, has a adaptive design function and many templates for letters, a CRM system for efficient processing of leads and quickly closing deals, a marketing automation system with the ability to build smart auto funnels. Intuitive interface, does not require the involvement of specialists for setup. Additional benefits: lead scoring – a system of awarding points to leads for targeted actions on the site, thus tracking their engagement.

Cool feature: setting up the structure according to the principle of “opened - did not open” the letter or “clicked - did not click” on the link in the letter. Thus, the user will not receive the next letter until he opens the previous one, which helps maintain the consistency of conveying meanings.

Key Features: User cards, Advanced segmentation, Multichannel communication (online chat, pop-up windows, email), Automation, Fast integration.

Carrot Quest is a service for comprehensive analysis of the behavior of users of your website, segmentation (by acquisition channel, actions, geography, data, loyalty) and sending personalized messages.

Cool feature: The system is interactive, allows you to receive and analyze responses from subscribers to your messages.

Key Features: Personalization, Cross-channel communication (Email, SMS, push), Triggered and manual letters, Automation.

MindBox is a business automation service. With its help, you can personalize your website and other points of contact with users, segment your base and automate the sending of email, sms and push messages.

Cool feature: opportunity to build profitable system loyalty using the SSO system (customer recognition in all channels).

Services for transactional mailings

Key Features: Instant integration with CRM, Customer profiles, Responsive design, Trend reports, Transactional letters.

SendGrid is a system that positions itself as a single platform for sending marketing and transactional messages. The last function is considered the most strong point service. With its help, you can send a large number of notifications and receive detailed reports on delivery, as well as the reasons for rejection of letters.

Key Features: Transactional emails, Integration with MailChimp, Sending messages worldwide, Analytics.

Mandrill is a MailChimp product designed for sending transactional messages. Most often used in conjunction with the parent service to implement full-fledged email marketing. There is a function for automatically generating templates, spam filters, and split testing of letters.

Services for triggered email campaigns

Key Features: Triggered mailings, Letter templates, Analytics.

TriggMine is a trigger email marketing system that offers 10 ready-made campaigns to increase sales: abandoned cart returns, welcome series of letters, resuscitation of registered users, congratulatory letters, letters to generate repeat sales, series of letters for VIP clients, post-sale campaigns, customer activation after the first purchase and others.

Key Features: Integration with UniSender, Collecting a subscriber base, Trigger mailings.

UniCharter is a UniSender product designed specifically for online stores. Offers an increase in the subscriber base using a pop-up subscription form that appears when you try to leave the site, as well as first and repeat sales by sending trigger emails after registration, first and subsequent purchases. The service also provides detailed reports on mailings and letter templates (optional).

Key Features: Triggered mailings, Free integration with 1-C and InSales, 6 automatic email campaigns, Creation of personal scripts for automatic letters.

MailTrig is a service that offers 6 types of ready-made trigger scripts: welcome series, return of inactive users, abandoned cart, bonuses for activity, payment reminder, thank you for your order. You can also customize your email series and receive detailed reports on deliveries, reads, and conversions.

Softcube is a Big Data analysis service that accurately determines the preferences of your website visitors. Generates 7 types of product recommendations to increase sales. Ready-made recommendation blocks (including up-sell and cross-sell) can be used in mailings. The service is integrated with the eSputnik system.

RetailRocket is a service that provides two types of services: personal product recommendations for your website and personalized trigger mailings based on the sales funnel. With its help, you can carry out: email retargeting of viewed products and abandoned carts, post-sale letters with related products, resuscitation of “asleep” users, etc.

Crossss is a recommendation service for retail projects, the features of which include: “smart lead generation” (displaying a subscription form when trying to close the site), automated welcome series of letters, return of “abandoned carts”, series of letters about “abandoned views”, resuscitation “asleep” customers by regularly sending personalized promotional emails.

Inspiration and email templates

Email-Competitors is the largest database of mailings sent by well-known companies in Runet, created to inspire email marketers. The filter system allows you to select mailings by niche, brand, and type of letter. You will also be able to view the source code of messages and statistics obtained as a result of sending them.

Themeforest is a huge database of paid website templates, newsletters and other web elements. Can also be considered as a source of inspiration for creating your own newsletters.

Testing email layout

Litmus is a system that allows you to evaluate in real time the appearance of your letter on various mobile devices, email services and popular browsers. Allows you to significantly save time on testing. Here you can make changes to the code and see how this affects the display of the letter. The service also detects broken links in the letter and shows what it looks like without pictures. Test results are published in a presentation, which is convenient to provide to the customer for evaluation.

Email on Acid is a system similar to Litmus for testing layout. In a minute, you can estimate how your letter will look on 45 devices, browsers and email services. The system also tests the mailing for the ability to pass spam filters of popular email clients. In addition, there is a system for analyzing user activity after sending your letter (from which devices it was opened, how long it took to read it, and what actions were taken after).

Checking emails for spam


Mail-Tester is a system that shows how successfully your letter can overcome spam filters of mail services, giving a score from 0 to 10. With its help, you can also check how it will look on a mobile and tablet, evaluate it with hidden images , and also see the text version. The service uses many evaluation parameters and makes recommendations on how to improve your message, shows errors and broken links.

Email deliverability

Postmaster reports show statistics about sent and delivered letters, deleted messages and messages ending up in the Spam folder. The service helps evaluate the deliverability of letters to clients, the relevance and quality of the mailing.

Postmaster Tools by Gmail

Postmaster Tools by Gmail shows the reputation of your domain, notes how many Gmail users marked your email as spam and how many of them ended up with it in the appropriate folder without passing the test of the service's filters.

Yandex. Post office

Base validation

Mailvalidator is a service for evaluating your subscriber base. Especially useful for those who are planning mailings to old clients. Allows you to exclude duplicates and addresses that are likely to identify your mailing as spam. The data is provided in the form of a visual report. The system can be integrated with your email service.

DaData is a service for automatic validation and correction of the address database. The system accurately determines the list of records that require correction.

Banner design is the optimal service for those who want to create bright, attractive newsletters without the participation of a designer. With it, you can generate amazing banners yourself in minutes.

Email Marketing Strategy

Leanstack is a system for instantly generating a one-page business model that will make it easy to define your marketing goals, problems, features target audience, competitive advantages and key metrics. With this visual map, you can quickly and easily build an email marketing strategy for your business.

The constant tool and main environment that helps in email marketing is the service. email newsletters. It is in them that you can create, configure and send letters to your subscriber base. In this article, we have compiled a rating of services and programs for sending mass emails so that you can choose the most convenient and profitable one for yourself.

Get to the point!

Each entrepreneur or email marketer has his own set of criteria by which he selects the ideal service for sending emails. We have compiled the top services according to the following criteria: free trial version, ready-made templates, statistics and click maps, spam checking, and automatic series of letters, integration with other systems, interface language and tariff costs.

But this does not mean that first place is the best. This is just a number. For our part, we simply selected the most interesting services among dozens. And you can determine the one that suits you, based on our description and five-minute personal study.

Name Website

Free version/
trial period

cost per month
Mailigen 30 days 540 rub.
Getresponse 30 days demo version 25$
CarrotQuest 14 days 1000 rub.
Mailchimp there is a free plan from 10$
Unisender there is a free plan from 628 rub.
Aweber 30 days from 19$
Sendsay there is a free plan from 750 rub.
Sendpulse there is a free plan from 496 rub.
eSputnik there is a free plan from 500 rub.
Estismale there is a free plan from 10$
Mailerlite there is a free plan from 10$
Campaign Monitor there is a trial version from 9$
Vertical Response there is a free plan from 11$
Benchmark Email there is a free plan from 14$
Madmimi there is a free plan from 10$
ePost Mailer No 2900 rub.
AMS Enterprise Eat 8250 rub.

1. Mailigen

This service is distinguished by the fact that each client has a personal account manager. The Premium tariff includes consultation and customization of the service to suit the client’s needs. They also have attentive and fast support.

For beginners, the service gives tips, for example, it creates a checklist with the steps necessary to launch the first email campaign. You can segment your audience by activity and user data. When choosing the latter, the service offers 10+ conditions related by logic and/or.

In terms of analytics, the tool has a small twist: it shows the time of email opening and builds hourly graphs of subscriber activity. This way you will know when to send letters.

The working interface of the service looks like this:

  • Block designer and template gallery. The selection is small, but the templates are nice. They can also be ordered from the service itself;
  • Transactional and trigger emails can only be configured using the API. If there is no programmer, you can use the services of a service specialist;
  • Mailing analytics and reports in real time;
  • Integration with social networks and Google Analytics;
  • A/B tests;
  • Spam check.
  • No click map;
  • It integrates with only 31 systems, among which there are few CMS.


A service with huge functionality that is suitable for small businesses. It has a simple interface that even a beginner in email marketing can understand.

The highlight of GetResponse that sets it apart from others is its flexible subscriber segmentation. When sending letters, you can exclude some segments and add others. You can also do this with individual lists of subscribers. For example, you have created three separate mail lists, and you can send letters only to selected subscribers from these three lists.

Instead of a free plan, the developers offer a demo version for 30 days. Tariff plan GetResponse starts at $25 per month.

  • Interface and support in Russian;
  • 500+ beautiful templates and 1000 free images;
  • Transactional and trigger emails are configured using the API;
  • Integration with 121 systems and social networks;
  • Campaign analytics, heatmap and
  • Spam rating of letters;
  • A/B tests.
  • Although the support is in Russian, it can be difficult to contact. True, this minus will not affect Enterprise account clients;
  • There are many complaints about accounts being blocked without explanation.
  • If a visitor subscribes through 5 different forms for different campaigns, then the accounting is kept as for 5 different people, and accordingly you pay the rate for 5 people, not 1

Our detailed review full functionality and a promotional code for a discount in the article “”.

3. Carrot Quest

This is a service for communicating and managing users based on their behavior. It combines several tools at once: eCRM, online chats, push notifications, pop-up windows, web analytics and email newsletters. Let's look at the last one.

CarrotQuest positions itself as a tool that increases business efficiency through detailed data about each subscriber. One of the advantages is deep segmentation of the user based on his activity and behavior on the site. In addition to standard analytics, the service tracks the impact of mailings on conversion and purchases. It also builds a funnel with stages: opening → going to the site → achieving the goal.

The trial version lasts 14 days. The paid tariff starts from 1000 rubles. and depends on the number of site visitors. This is inconvenient for those who only need an email newsletter service, and not a comprehensive business tool.

  • Advanced segmentation and deep analytics;
  • Block constructor and HTML editor;
  • Personalized trigger letters;
  • Collects emails from any form on the site, even if the visitor has not confirmed sending;
  • A/B testing.
  • Difficult setup of the service and its integration with the site;
  • Not enough integrations with CRM systems;
  • Inconvenient pricing.

4. Mailchimp

One of the most popular mailing services with a good reputation among email marketers. It contains everything necessary tools to create, manage and track emails. The service has a convenient and simple interface that you can quickly understand.

Mailchimp provides advanced analytics. It shows the percentage of opens, bounces, clicks, audience growth, subscriber engagement by country, etc. From interesting reports: comparison of the effectiveness of campaigns with other mailings in Mailchimp from your business area.

It also has income reports. The service integrates data from your website and then analyzes which subscribers visited the site and what target action they completed.

Mailchimp has a great free plan: 12,000 emails for 2,000 subscribers. This is a great plus if you have just started collecting your email database. But now paid tariffs are not so profitable and range from $10 to $199 per month.

  • Favorable free plan;
  • More than 100 thematic templates with user-friendly design;
  • Integration with Google Analytics, 872 CRM, CMS systems and social networks;
  • Transactional and trigger emails are sent using the API. If you do not have a programmer, the service will provide the services of its specialist;
  • A/B testing;
  • Advanced analytics and click map;
  • Spam check.
  • Interface language and technical support are in English only;
  • When adding your own template, editing it is only possible in a code editor;
  • Sometimes capital letter in groups it changes to lowercase.

5. Unisender

Email and SMS mailing service with a nice design and basic functions. The first impression it creates is simplicity. It allows you to easily and intuitively understand setting up campaigns. But if you have any questions, the service offers paid consultation or marketing services.

Unisender has a convenient email builder with 80 adaptive templates. And integration occurs with 42 major CRM and CMS systems (for example, WordPress, Bitrix24, Joomla and 1C).

With the free plan, you can only send 1,000 emails with a base size of 100 people. Also, in the “Seldom” tariff, the fee is charged per letter (0.31 rubles). Tariff prices start from 628 rubles. per month.

  • Russian interface and support;
  • Statistics on 36 indicators and click map;
  • A/B testing;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica;
  • Trigger and transactional emails are sent via API. To do this you will need a programmer, service additional services does not provide.
  • When registering for a trial period, the service requests a bunch of personal information;
  • Sometimes patterns slip;
  • No spam check.


The service positions itself as a convenient tool for small and medium-sized businesses. It has many advantages, for example, it allows you to segment your database by actions on the site. Also in the service you will find 700+ templates adapted for mobile devices. And the gallery contains 3000+ stock images.

There is no free version; instead, the developers offer a trial period of 30 days. Plans range from $19 to $149 per month. And if your database has more than 25 thousand subscribers, then you need to contact the administration to calculate the cost. But in this service there are no restrictions on letters on any tariff.

  • 700+ ready-made templates;
  • Trigger and transactional letters are configured using the API and your programmer;
  • Click statistics and income graphs;
  • Tracking subscriber activity;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and 1000+ other systems;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • Interface language – English only;
  • For the trial period, you need to enter personal data, bank card details and 1 dollar;
  • There are only two conditions for automating emails: when subscribing to a newsletter or by assigning a tag.

7. Sendsay

This email campaign is suitable for online stores as it helps increase sales through advanced segmentation. You can “target” with different emails to separate groups subscribers: by city, age, interests. Also send letters with the product of the week, new arrivals, etc.

Sendsay is part of the mailing list service. This means that letters from the service reach their recipients and very rarely end up in spam. With the free “Start” tariff, you can send up to 1000 letters to 200 subscribers. Paid subscription per month starts from 750 rubles.

  • Interface and support in Russian;
  • A service specialist helps with integration with CMS and CRM systems;
  • Click statistics and tracking subscriber activity;
  • Integration with Google Analytics;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • Inconvenient interface when working with templates, of which there are only 39;
  • Long moderation of letters, up to one day;
  • Support may not respond for a long time.

8. Send Pulse

Mailing service with a user-friendly interface and fast moderation of letters. One of its highlights is SendPulse Artificial Intelligence. This is an opportunity to send repeated mailings to a base of subscribers who did not open the letter. At the same time, the service reacts to the activity of each user: it determines the time when the user most often opens letters and the communication channel he is accustomed to. Thus, SendPulse sends repeated mailings taking into account these two parameters.

Mailing analytics includes statistics on deliveries, opens, clicks, spam complaints and unsubscribes. There is also a click map, a graph of subscriber activity by day, and error statistics. As for the free plan, you can send up to 15,000 emails to 2,500 subscribers monthly. The paid plan starts at RUB 496/month.

  • 130+ free templates with different designs;
  • Implementation of trigger and transactional emails via API. You can use the services of a service specialist;
  • Favorable free plan;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica;
  • Large catalog of integration with scripts for online stores, CRM and CMS systems.
  • Campaign statistics and click map;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • Sometimes personal patterns go wrong, but support helps solve the problem.

9. eSputnik

This is one of the most flexible email newsletter services on the RuNet, which is especially suitable for online stores. If you decide to switch from another tool to eSputnik, they will help you with this. The highlight is blocks with dynamic data. Their content changes depending on the data of the subscriber to whom the letter is sent. So, for example, you can send “Abandoned View”, “Abandoned Cart”, etc.

The service generates product cards. In blocks with products, you only add a link to the product, and eSputnik itself inserts it into the letter. The tool also has advanced segmentation. You add any fields in the contact profile, for example, how many purchases the subscriber has made. And in order not to bother your clients with letters, use the “Anxiety level” function and set the desired value.

The first 2500 letters to 500 contacts are sent free of charge. Subscription rates start from 500 rubles. eSputnik also offers a subscription fee: the user pays 0.125 rubles for 1 letter.

  • Wide functionality for online stores;
  • Interface and support in Russian;
  • Implementation of trigger and transactional emails via API. You can use the services of a service specialist;
  • Integration with Google Analytics;
  • Integration with other platforms and services via API and Zapier;
  • Campaign statistics and click map;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • Few ready-made templates. Development of individual templates for an additional fee.


An email marketing service that specializes in automated mass mailings. It has flexible segmentation of subscribers: by geography, age, gender, interests, activity, position in the sales funnel, etc. The service also has two built-in plugins: Glavred (checking for stop words and compliance with information style) and SpamAssassin (checking for spam -words).

With the free plan, you can send an unlimited number of emails to 250 contacts. Paid subscription starts at $10 per 1,000 contacts.

  • Interface language and support in Russian;
  • Advanced personalization and segmentation capabilities;
  • High email deliverability (99.8%);
  • Ready-made banners and templates, as well as their import from other services;
  • Detailed analytics of mailings with a timeline for opening letters;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica, with social networks, CRM and CMS systems via API;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • The interface is not obvious, some functions cannot be found immediately.

11. Mailerlite

The service is designed for freelancers, bloggers and small businesses. It is simple in design and easy to understand even for a beginner. One of the features of the service is automatic repeated mailings. If the subscriber has not opened the letter, then after some time it is sent to him again, but this time modified. According to MailerLite, this increases email open rates by 30%.

With the free plan, you can send an unlimited number of emails per 1,000 subscribers. Paid plans start at $10. But if you have more than 50 thousand subscribers, then the price is calculated individually.

  • Interface and support in Russian;
  • Support responds quickly (up to 5 minutes) and helps to understand the problems;
  • Although the service only has 21 templates, they have a nice design;
  • Transactional and trigger letters are configured via API;
  • Statistics for each letter and user separately;
  • Click map and integration with Google Analytics;
  • A/B tests.
  • Frequent problems with servers, due to which the site is down or letters are not delivered;
  • Few integrations (46), especially with CRM systems;
  • No spam check.

12. Campaign monitor

Another service whose clients are 200,000 small and medium-sized businesses. Despite the fact that the service only has 53 templates, they all look stylish and adapt to any device. The problem with HTML templates is that you often have to create them yourself, using less attractive fonts.

Subscriber segmentation is similar to the GetResponse service. In Campaign Monitor, you also create segments and exclude or add them when sending. Automatic mailing in the service is flexible and allows you to create letters in accordance with the sales funnel.

But there is a fly in the ointment: data is not imported from your site automatically. They have to be collected either through Getresponse subscription forms or through the API. First they are loaded into one group, and then you add them to automation. And so every time new subscribers appear.

In the trial version, you can create a campaign and send emails to only 5 subscribers. The service starts at $9 per month.

  • Nice ready-made templates;
  • Integration with CRM and CMS and other systems for e-commerce;
  • Integration with Google Analytics;
  • Flexible segmentation;
  • Email tracking and analytics;
  • A/B testing;
  • Spam check.
  • The interface and support are entirely in English;
  • Inconvenient free version, which does not allow you to evaluate all the capabilities of the service.

13.Vertical Response

This service is especially suitable for those who add a lot of pictures to their emails. The image editor has wide possibilities: playing with contrasts, saturation and focus, adding stickers, etc. Thus, you do not need to go to separate application for image editing. Everything in one place.

But the service also has weak point. When you import a list of subscribers, not all user data will be loaded, since the required fields are missing. This is reflected in segmentation. For example, an online store will not be able to send offer letters only to women. To do this, you will have to separately upload lists of women or men, and then import them into the service.

With the free version, you can send 4,000 emails to 300 contacts per month. The minimum cost of the tariff is $11 per month with no limit on letters.

  • Functional image editor;
  • Automated follow-up emails;
  • Implementation of trigger and transactional letters via API;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and 31 systems (Salesforce, Zapier, WordPress, etc.);
  • Email statistics and click map;
  • A/B testing.
  • Inflexible segmentation;
  • There are many templates, but they have a simple design.

14. Benchmark Email

A service with a convenient and intuitive interface. It offers 400+ templates with modern designs that adapt to any device. The text editor needs improvement; it has few fonts and no Header 1. The image editor also has little functionality; for example, you will have to resize images in a third-party application.

Overall, Benchmark Email has all the standard features for email marketing. But they are not as deeply thought out as those of other competing services. But the tool has a favorable free plan, in which you can send 14,000 letters to 2,000 contacts per month. Paid package starts from $14/month.

  • User-friendly interface;
  • 400+ neat templates in modern design;
  • Advantageous free version;
  • Database segmentation and automation by triggers;
  • Standard statistics on mailings;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and 300+ systems, applications and social networks;
  • A/B tests;
  • Spam check.
  • Interface and support in English;
  • The text and image editors need improvement.

15. Madmimi

Small business tool with favorable prices in comparison with other services. The interface is very simplified, as is the functionality itself. Initially, the project’s authors’ idea was not to develop a mailing service, but to develop an ideal tool for letter design. Templates are limited only by color choice, but the block designer has ample opportunities to create your own template. You can also order it from the authors of the project.

The service does not have the ability to segment the audience or view advanced analytics on mailings. But letters sent from Madmimi do not end up in spam. The service is suitable exclusively for those who need to create beautiful letters. The authors of the project are aimed at this niche.

With the free plan, you can send emails to only 100 subscribers. The tariff plan starts from $10 per month.

  • Block constructor;
  • Service specialists are ready to help with setting up the API for trigger and transactional letters;
  • Reports on clicks, opens and engagement;
  • Integration with Google Analytics;
  • Spam check.
  • Interface and support are in English only;
  • The service is easy to use, but has limited functionality;
  • Does not provide the ability to conduct A/B testing;
  • No click map.

16. ePochta Mailer

A program for sending letters by email, which is installed on your computer. It has the basic functionality for creating mass email campaigns. The advantage of ePochta Mailer is that it has no restrictions on the number of subscribers. This distinguishes the program from web services, where the tariff depends on the size of the base.

To receive analytics on mailings, you need to subscribe to the online service – ePochta Tracker. Its cost is 550 rubles. per month. The tool shows the number of clicks on a link, the geography of subscribers, the time and date of audience activity, how long and often the newsletter is read, etc. In general, the analytics is deep, but the separation of statistics from the main program is inconvenient.

The cost of ePochta Mailer is 2,900 rubles. When updates are released, the user pays for the transition to new version. Before you buy the program, you can download the demo version for free.

  • Interface and support in Russian;
  • Text and HTML editor;
  • Ready-made templates;
  • Spam check;
  • Integration with other services via API;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.
  • The interface is simple and clear, but it seems that it was developed back in the 90s. Templates give the same impression;
  • Compared to web services, segmentation and automation are not deep;
  • There are many complaints about the work of technical support;
  • Separation of analytics and email settings into two different programs.

17. AMS Enterprise

Another email newsletter program with the ability to create highly personalized letters. For example, take into account the subscriber’s full name, his position, the company where he works, etc. In the program, the user sets rules according to which the data in the letter changes depending on the addressee, his interests and field of activity.

AMS Enterprise automatically launches emails based on time or when Windows starts, depending on your settings. You can also create flexible rules to automate mailings. The cost of AMS Enterprise is 8,250 rubles. Before purchasing, the developers offer a trial period.

  • The program is purchased only once; there is no need to pay for annual updates;
  • Unlimited number of recipients;
  • Deep personalization and dynamic data.
  • Text and HTML message format;
  • Statistics on mailings in real time;
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica.
  • Ambiguous and outdated interface;
  • Difficult program setup;
  • Few integrations with other tools;
  • No spam checking;
  • Small functionality.

Briefly about the main thing

The services we have listed have all the basic functionality. But the choice depends on your goals and needs for business development. Write down the main tasks that you want to solve using email newsletters. Then compare whether the service has the necessary functionality for this.

Some need ready-made templates, some can do without deep segmentation, and others urgently need dynamic blocks or .

The easiest way to attract or retain customers is through direct marketing methods. The oldest, but still effective method interaction with the target audience is.

What are mailings?

Mailings - a budget way marketing communications. Sending emails allows you to quickly promote various goods and services on the market (advertising and PR), as well as actively interact with an existing customer base (loyalty, informing about new products), therefore it is in a good way promotion.

The most popular forms of email newsletters are:

  • letters and commercial proposals;
  • advertising brochures and catalogues;
  • greeting cards and invitations.

Initially, such letters were sent manually to a pre-prepared list of recipients, which took a lot of time and effort - monotonous work completely killed the motivation of valuable employees. Times have changed! Nowadays it is much more profitable to carry out automatic sending using online email marketing services.

Mailing services operate on cloud technology, which ensures a high level of reliability in the delivery of letters and relative ease of passing spam filters.

This tool allows you to create a huge database of contacts online from different sources, manage multiple mailings and conduct accurate analysis their effectiveness.

Paid and free mailing services

Modern services are rarely 100% paid or free - competition in this area is too high to lose customers. Most services offer both options, albeit under different conditions.

Payment for services is mainly carried out through electronic money(most often Webmoney, Qiwi or Yandex.Money), much less often payment by bank cards is possible (usually Visa or MasterCard, sometimes credit cards).

Most popular services

Subscribe (Sendsay) - leader of e-mailers

Subscribe (after rebranding Sendsay) is one of the oldest email newsletter services on the Runet - it has been in steady demand since 1999. It occupies a stable position in the market (more than 5 million subscribers and 50 thousand subscriptions) and is even included in the top 20 of the world's best mailing services. We are pleased with the reliability and ease of management, but are disappointed by a number of limitations associated with managing the client base and the abundance of self-promotion in each newsletter.

The free service package divides letters into three conditional groups: “Gold”, “Silver” and “Bronze”, which on the one hand is quite convenient, but on the other hand may not always correspond to your vision. Service administrators distribute letters into categories, focusing on what materials will potentially be of interest to recipients.

Delivery efficiency is: 99.9%

official website.

Smart Responder - great opportunities for mass mailings. (Updated: The service has been closed)

Smart Responder is a very popular domestic service focused on the needs of medium and small businesses. Known in Runet since 2002 as useful tool for direct marketing. Analysis of the effectiveness of mailings is facilitated by the ability to add to letters and redirect recipients to a specified site (after subscription). (Updated: The service has been closed)

The free package allows you to interact with 1000 subscribers, sending them 50 thousand emails monthly.

The email design is quite simple - users can only choose from 10 ready-made templates. Database import from Microsoft files is available, integration via API is possible, and interaction with some CRM systems is also possible.

Delivery efficiency is: 99.8%.

You can use the service by going to the official website.

MadMimi is an excellent business tool

MadMimi is an extremely simple and effective mailing service. The main disadvantage is the small number of functions, which is compensated by the excellent free version. An important advantage for small and medium-sized businesses will be prompt service technical support.

The free version allows you to manage a base of 25 thousand subscribers and send 12,500 emails monthly. The design of messages is laconic, there is a choice of different shades for block templates.

The letters are optimized for mobile devices, there is integration via API and with some platforms for online stores, it is possible to manually import client databases from Microsoft documents.

Delivery efficiency is: (exact data not specified).

You can use the service by going to the official website.

Mailchimp - simple, fast, reliable

Mailchimp is a worthy favorite of the Russian Internet community. A nice interface and simple controls make it indispensable for sending mass mailings.

The main disadvantages can be considered high cost paid version, as well as a possible language barrier when interacting with technical support (English only).

The free version is designed to send 12,000 emails monthly and create a base of 2,000 subscribers. Personalization of mailings is carried out on high level- in a matter of minutes you can create a nice design based on ready-made templates(more than a hundred interesting solutions). I'm pleased with the ability to import a contact database (manually), the availability of API integration, as well as with different CRM systems and platforms for creating .

Delivery efficiency is: 96-99%

You can use the service by going to the official website.

GetResponse - ideal for reputation

GetResponse is the brainchild of Polish developers. The service will be useful to companies operating not only in the CIS, but also abroad. Technical support is provided in Russian, English and Polish.

It is possible to import a database (manually from Microsoft documents, automatic from Google services). The postal service has powerful internal analytics that allow users to easily evaluate the effectiveness of mailings.

The free version is available for a month after registration.

Unfortunately, the “trial” package is very limited - you can create a very small database of recipients (up to 250 people). But the letters are designed extremely attractively thanks to a large number of extraordinary templates (more than 500 design varieties).

The effectiveness of email campaigns

Email newsletters are effective if they hit the target. Are you trying to reach your target audience and minimize the percentage of emails ending up in spam? Follow the basic guidelines:

  1. Intriguing subject line. The headline should be relevant to the essence of your proposal and grab the reader's attention. Let's allow moderate humor and “selling” tricks. Do you constantly notify your customer or partner base about new changes? Try to invent as much as possible original titles for each shipment.
  2. Clear content. Brevity - prerequisite for email distribution. The first two paragraphs of the letter should contain 60-80% of the main message. Would you like to provide more information? Add a more extensive attachment to the “selling” part.
  3. No unnecessary investments. Avoid sending a large number of attachments. Ideally, their number should not exceed 2-3 documents (text and graphic). An interested client will find a way to contact you (don't forget to include up-to-date contact information). You should definitely not send archives via email - such letters are instantly sent to spam.

Using a decent email marketing service

Whether an email reaches its recipient depends 30-40% on the quality of the service you choose. Especially when it comes to large-scale and frequent mailings. You should not get involved with “quarrelsome” email mailing services, which, upon receiving several complaints about spam, arrange real quests for their clients (requests to reactivate a huge database of email addresses, blocking mailings until the complainants provide a written apology for spam, etc.)

  • high rates of opening letters (in comparison with the total mass of ignored ones);
  • the frequency of recipients clicking on the link specified in the text (or the number of live calls);
  • minimal sending to spam.

However, competent letter writing and cooperation with powerful email marketing services make the task much easier. Popular services show a very high delivery rate - from 98 to 99.5% hits!

Is your business directly connected to the Internet? Then you have probably already faced the task of launching an e-mail newsletter for clients more than once. It is with the help of it that you can convey the necessary information to the client, and most importantly, notify about discounts, promotions or innovations.A letter to a client’s e-mail box is one of the most convenient and practical methods of communicating with users on the Internet. . Of course, manually sending letters to each client separately is very time-consuming and difficult. Therefore, special services have been developed to solve these types of problems. You have probably already read the material on our blog; this article will help you send out mailings to clients and make it as successful as possible. But don't let your emails be perceived as . It will negatively impact your company's reputation.

Learn more about 9 popular E-MAIL email clients.

In this article we will look at the most popular and practical services for sending letters. Let's get acquainted with their functionality, interface and pricing policy. I hope this selection will help make your newsletter even more successful and faster.

So, the article presents the following services for mailing:

In order to choose the most effective service for your business, you initially need to decide on several criteria:

  • what mailing frequency do you need;
  • what kind of subscriber base do you have;
  • Do you need emails with HTML elements or are you ready to use suggested templates;
  • are there analytics capabilities and integration with Google Analytics;
  • the budget you are willing to spend on using the service.

In order to choose exactly the service that will be the ideal solution for your business, you need to test several of them. In addition, most of the presented lists have a free period or free plans, which will help you make your choice.

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