Draw a mandala based on your date of birth. Graphic construction of a mandala

The graphic construction of the Mandala is carried out in a working square, which is divided into nine parts, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 9. This creates three levels of numbers.

The numbers in the square are arranged according to the occupied area. This square is called the Force square. The sum of the horizontal rows and diagonals is the number 6 (6, 15, 24, 15, 15), and the sum of the vertical ones forms the numbers of the periodic trinity: 3 (12), 6 (15) and 9 (18).
The number 6 is the number of a person, and the numbers of the periodic trinity can be determined as follows:
3 - masculine principle with the principle of trinity;
6 - the feminine principle, which is seen as the opposition of the masculine principle to itself (3+3);
9 is a neutral force that holds both principles together in a state of equilibrium and forms integrity with them (3+6, 3+3+3).

The initial data for constructing a numerological Mandala are: date of birth, as well as the person’s last name, first name and patronymic. Numerological analysis of this information is carried out in the language symbolism in which a person lives. A change in the living environment (country, language environment) changes a person’s karmic task and the method of its implementation. Full name analysis is carried out based on the vibrating method known in occultism. This method is based on theosophical addition and reduction of numbers. All letters of the surname, first name, patronymic after theosophical abbreviation are reduced to the numerological series from 1 to 9. This system is therefore called the nine-arcanum.

But there may be other options, if you neglect the signs Ё, Ъ, ь - in Russian and J, V, W - in Latin, then the correspondence tables will look different.

We will choose the following main vibration table, according to which the numerological code will be built:

As an example, let's take the following data: birthday - November 17, 1953; surname - Gaisinsky; name - Vadim; patronymic - Yakovlevich.
In accordance with the main vibration table, we build a number series for this person:
Last name - Gaisinsky = 4121161312(we got this series by assigning a number to each letter of the surname)
Name - Vadim = 31515.
Patronymic - Yakovlevich = 637346317.
By combining the full name, we get the number series: 412 116 1312 31515 637346317
Date of Birth: 11/17/1953. By combining it with the last row obtained, we get the final number series:

17111953 4121161312 31515 63734617

Let us make a theosophical reduction of each component of the number series:
Date of Birth consists of:
Birth Numbers 17=1+7=8
Birth Month 11=1 + 1=2
Year of birth 1953=1+9+5+3=18=1+8 = 9
The sum of the numbers of the day, month and year of birth is: 8+2+9=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
Last name 4+1+2+1+1+6+1+3+1+2=22=2+2=4
Name 3+1+5+1+5=15=1+5=6
Middle name 6+3+7+3+4+6+3+1+7=40=4+0=4

Let's analyze the information received. Birth Number = 8 is the vibration of Uranus. It matches the vibrations physical body. Birth month = 2 - these are the vibrations of the Moon. This means that it is the lunar cycles that have the greatest influence on astral body- the basis of energy and emotions. Year of birth = 9 corresponds to the vibrations of Neptune. It's vibrations Mental body, therefore Neptune will determine thoughts and their direction. Last name =4 - Mercury. The surname is the vibrational number of the Egregor to which the person is connected. Mercury will determine contacts, movements, the nature of obtaining information, strong-willed orientation, mental activity. This is the number of learning, rapid response and quality change. Mercury is the mediator of life. His task is the transformation of fortitude and its manifestation in real life.
Middle name = 4, also vibrations of Mercury. The patronymic is a way for a person to adapt to the world. Mercury in this case gives high survival, adaptability, conformity, responsibility, and efficiency.

Let's find the sum of all key (total) numbers:
These are the vibrations of Venus. What this number represents and how it affects a person’s life is discussed in detail in the analysis of the numerological Mandala.
Thus, we built a number series and obtained all the main vibration numbers.

This is what a graphic mandala looks like. The drawing is taken from the book “Dowsing for Everyone” by L.G. Puchko.

You could find another drawing, or even post your own. But I am of the opinion that you shouldn’t give out your autographs and photographs everywhere.

In the East, photographs have long been out of fashion, since a photograph, a fingerprint, a sample of handwriting and any other witness about a person can become a source of information about a person. And not only. With such a witness in my hands, knowledgeable person can easily deliver a targeted energy strike. And you shouldn’t forget about this either.

What is a number mandala

We are smoothly moving into another area of ​​esoteric knowledge - numerology . This science is as old as dowsing.NumerologicalPeople have been using horoscopes for a very long time. From it you can understand and formulate the main task of a person for a given incarnation.

Besides this numerologicalThe horoscope contains a large amount of information, but we will not deal with this. And we will use the graphic construction of a horoscope, which includes information about both the essence and personality of a person. But in essence, it is a graphic portrait of a specific person. This is how the Universe, Space, and Elements see him.

Why do you need a mandala?

And for this very reason we can use it instead of our photograph, which we can attach to the diagram. And thereby create information communication between each other - space - client. And thereby enhance the dowsing effect when working with a pendulum.

How to calculatehuman number mandala

Those who wish can familiarize themselves with this science in more detail using the books of T.N. Zyurnyaeva.

But we will analyze the main points so that you can build your own mandala. But without delving into the philosophy of this science.

New terms and concepts appear again with which to work.

Essence Mandala

Based on the mandala of essence, we will understand the total vibrational flows of the day, month and year of birth.

In our example, the date of birth is 12/25/1909. We add the numbers until one number remains.

25=2+5=7 - purely dates of birth, according to the author, it represents the vibrations of the etheric and physical bodies.

12=1+2=3 - the number of the month of birth, the vibrational number of the astral body.

1909=1+9+0+9=19=1+9=10=1+0=1 - the number of the year of birth, the vibrational number of the mental body.

We add the resulting three numbers and get the Essence Number:

In our case 7+3+1=11=1+1=2

Personality Mandala

The personality mandala is represented by the total vibration flows of the first name, patronymic and last name.

Using the alphabet table in the 9 arcane system, we write down the number of the personality.

N I N A =6+1+6+1=14=1+4=5

I V A N O V N A =1+3+1+6+7++3+6+1=28=2+8=10=1+0=1

S M I R N O V A =1+5+1+9+6+7+3+1=33=3+3=6

We add the resulting three numbers and get the Personality Number.

In our case 5+1+6=12=1+2=3

Finding the Golden (alchemical) Number

To do this, add up the Essence Number and the Personality Number

In our case 2+3=5

Complete vibrating range

Let's dress the born essence in the clothes of personality and get a full vibration range.

In practice, it looks like this: full date of birth, interval, vibrational number of the essence, interval, first name, interval, patronymic, interval, last name, interval, golden number.

In our case, the complete vibration series looks like this:

There are some additions to the picture:

  • The entity code is an energetic connection from the entity number to the last digit of the year of birth (in this case from 2 to 9).
  • The personality lock represents an energetic connection from the golden number to the numerical vibration of the last digit of the surname (in our case from 5 to 1).
  • There are three more keys that connect the vibrations of all numbers into a sequence.

For convenience, I provide an empty mandala blank in which you can enter your data for work and meditation.

Now you are able to create your own individual graphic numerology mandala that can serve you for many years.

Human numeric code

— is sacred information and is subject to appropriate protection. It is placed in a protective square. Then in a circle - a symbol of the Universe. And four antennas from the four corners of the octagon to connect the mandala with the Cosmos. The colors symbolize the elements: yellow - earth, red - fire, green - wood, white - metal, blue - water.

And the result should be something similar to this option. Variant of another mandala.

If you want to complement me or you have your own developments in the field of dowsing or multidimensional medicine, be sure to leave a comment.

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Today we will delve into the complexity and talk about such a thing as a number mandala. Which is not only more complex, but also more accurate. Regarding accuracy, by the way, we will check this article on volunteers :)

A numerical mandala is a graphic display of a person’s fate, which is encrypted in his numbers. The source for numbers is date of birth, first name, last name and patronymic. As well as additional derivative numbers. But first things first.

M A ndala (emphasis on the first syllable so as not to be confused with the private parts of the body 🙂) is a sacred image. This is a geometric symbol of a complex structure, which is interpreted as a model of the universe, a “map of the cosmos.” The typical form is an outer circle, an inscribed square, within which is inscribed an inner circle, which is often segmented or lotus-shaped.

In the case of a number mandala, the square symbolizes the sides of the universe - north, south, west, east. By the way, it would be nice to introduce a top and a bottom to be more in line with modern times. Next, the inner circle is an eight-petalled lotus. It symbolizes the passive feminine principle, the reproductive womb, inside which is placed the sign of the active masculine principle, which in this case is an individual numerological horoscope. An image of a number mandala is placed here.

Last name, first name, patronymic and number mandala

Now a few words about converting your full name into numbers. The natural numbers from 1 to 9 are associated with the letters of the Russian alphabet according to the so-called nine-arcan system. We have already met it in the article “Numerology of the name”. Let us therefore repeat:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E Yu I

Last name number reflects person's mental attitude for certain goals in life, ways of their implementation as a group, expressed by numbers in the natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the action of the main bodies solar system.

  • 1 - The sun, the world's source of energy, the creator of light, heat, and ultimately life. It affects a person’s creative potential, his vitality, will, and ambition. But the sun can also burn.
  • 2 - The Moon rules the collective unconscious, femininity, and has power over the expanses of water. Among the Indians, this is a symbol of the nourishing principle. Its gentle rays, coupled with the morning dew, confirmed the inhabitants of hot countries that it reconciles and strengthens, and promotes life in general.
  • 3 - Mars, planet of aggressiveness, belligerence, active energy. Because of its reddish hue, Mars is called the planet of warriors and heroes; it is believed that its vibrations influence the militancy of the spirit, leading to quarrels and wars.
  • 4 - Mercury, messenger of the gods, god of reason, eloquence, trade. He controls intelligence, contact, diplomacy. The Mercury type is eternally cheerful, quick-witted, changeable, like the wind of May. He transmits information material assets, has energy of the neuter kind
  • 5 - Jupiter is considered the planet of order and organization, good luck, all the most essential things.
  • 6 - Venus, rules harmony in all senses, matters of love, passion, pleasures, the emotional world and the world of affections of all kinds.
  • 7 - Saturn is considered a “bad” planet that deceives hopes, bringing death, failures, disasters, darkness. He is the “giver” of karma. Gray, cold, furthest behind the Sun. It shines with a dim, gloomy light.
  • 8 - Uranus, responsible for inventions, radio engineering, electronics, computer science, communications. Also for drastic changes, riots, revolutions.
  • 9 - Neptune, planet of receptivity. Neptune is associated with water, and water is a liquid that takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured. She rules the spiritual and mental sphere, mystical depths.

Please note - not planets, but the main bodies. The Sun and Moon are not planets. Moreover, Pluto is not here either, since this planet is deprived of the status of a planet.

Name number is the number of the purpose of life. Parents, by giving a name to a child, determine the purpose of his life.

Middle name number is a number whose vibration determines our relationship with our ancestors and the form of adaptation in the present through the connection of generations. It inclines a person to adapt to life and act in it in a certain way.

The sum of the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name is vibration number personalities, the number of the integral life program. This is a passive number of a person’s reaction to life circumstances.

Date of birth and number mandala

Birthday- vibrational number of the day, which is used to harmonize the physical body and health.

Date of birth month is a number used to bring our energy and emotions into harmony.

Year of birth- the number of thoughts - of the most subtle spiritual plane.

The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to vibrational number of essence. This is the main number that expresses the essence of a person. The numbers of the date of birth indicate on what the individual harmony of human bodies is based.

Golden alchemical number is the sum of numbers essence(dates of birth) and personalities(first name, patronymic, last name) of a person. With the help of vibrations of this number, a person influences the world and corrects his destiny.

Calculation of a numerical mandala using the example of a living person

First, we count by date of birth entity number and number of bodies.

  • Health number: 1
  • Number of emotions: 9
  • Number of thoughts: 3

Vibrational number of essence: 4

Now let's take on personality number.

  • Target number: Leo = 4
  • Number of fixtures: Alexandrovich = 9
  • Group number: Landing stage = 2

Personal vibration number: 6.

Golden alchemical number: 1

Graphic construction of a numerical mandala using the example of a living person

In order to deal with all this, we will need to build four mandalas. First - essence mandala, includes birth date numbers and the vibrational number of the essence, which is sometimes called the code. Second - personality mandala(combines the mandalas of first name, patronymic, last name and golden alchemical number). Sixth - combined mandala: both personality and essence, closed by a lock - a golden alchemical number. This is the purpose of all constructions, to find out what is given.

Comes separately seventh mandala- mandala of numerological code. It includes numbers of health, emotions, thoughts, essence number; numbers of goals, devices, groups, personality numbers; golden alchemical number. This mandala shows what powers a person can acquire when he learns to use the potential of individual mandalas. That is, it shows how you can use what is given.

Rules for drawing a number mandala:

  1. The arrows go from one number to another in the order in which they are written.
  2. Repeated arrows from the same number are indicated by the corresponding number of small arrows next to the number where the energy moves.
  3. If the transition is from a number to the same number, then a dot is placed next to it.
  4. If the arrow goes through a number (for example, from 1 to 3 or from 1 to 9) or through several numbers (from 2 to 9), then an arc arrow is drawn that goes around the square along the outer arc.
  5. The main rule is that the arrows do not interfere with each other too much.

Additional rules for drawing an essence mandala.

  1. The essence mandala is drawn in red.
  2. The entity code (the connection from the entity number to the last number in a series of numbers) is drawn with a double red line or a double red circle (if the numbers in the code match).

What does this look like in practice? Very simple. Let's start with the essence mandala. Date of birth 09/01/1983, entity number 4. This means our row is 191983 4 with the entity code from 4 to 3. Step by step it is drawn like this:

  1. 1-9 full arrow, 9-1 and 1-9 small arrows.
  2. 9-8 arrow; 8-3 - arrow in the outer circle.
  3. 4-3 double arrow (entity code) in the outer circle.

Essence Mandala Drawing:

As you can see, the essence mandala is very simple to draw. By the way, the openness of the numerical mandala of an entity is a sign of the openness and insecurity of the entity. But symmetry is a sign of stability and balance. So for now everything is fine.

Additional rules for drawing a personality mandala.

  1. The personality mandala is drawn in accordance with the number series of the name,
  2. The identity lock is either a double blue line, or two circles around one dot if the code consists of matching numbers.
  3. Personality keys (the relationship between the last digit of the first name and the first digit of the patronymic, the last digit of the patronymic and the first digit of the last name) are drawn with a dotted line. Or, if the numbers match, they are indicated by shaded circles.

The personality mandala has the following sequence: 463 1463116597317 5621931869 1. In this case, we have 2 keys (from 3 to 1, from the first name to the patronymic; from 7 to 5 - from the patronymic to the last name) and 1 lock - from the golden alchemical number 1 to the last digit last names 9. Step by step:

  1. Name Mandala
  2. Key from first name to patronymic (3 - 1) and patronymic mandala
  3. Key from patronymic to surname and surname mandala
  4. Lock.

As a result, we get a personality mandala:

Additional rules for drawing a combined mandala.

Our numbers for the combined mandala: 191983 4 463 1463116597317 5621931869 1

  1. The mandala of essence and personality are connected by an umbilical cord (the last number in the number series of the date and the first number in the number series of the name; in our case, from 3 to 4). This is a red dotted line. Or a shaded circle around the point if these numbers match.

In our case, the combined mandala looks like this:

Numerological code mandala.

This mandala is a numerical series of numbers of health, emotions, thoughts, the number of essence, purpose, adaptation, group, personality number, golden alchemical number. In our case it is 193449261. The mandala looks like this:

This is how we got pies with bananas :) Now we all need to decipher it.

Decoding numerical mandalas. General approach

The process of decoding numerical mandalas is complex and confusing. First of all, because there are so many transitions from number to number (from 1 to 1, from 1 to 2, from 1 to 3 ... from 1 to 9, from 2 to 1, from 2 to 2, ... ... etc. .d.), each of which has its own meaning. In addition, the figures formed by the mandala, the closed-open nature of the figures, and so on are important. There is also symmetry...

In general, anyone interested in delving into all these details is welcome. We will try to develop a certain general principle that will allow us to obtain general data for working on ourselves. Otherwise, why draw or build anything at all?

So, the basis of our general principle- this is the correspondence of numbers from 1 to 9 to the main bodies of the Solar system. And, therefore, their characteristics. Brief characteristics see in the middle of the article. Standard numerological meanings of numbers from our section are also helpful.

The second point is the movement of energy from one body to another. Of course, the differences will be in what kind of energy is supplied and how it is processed. For example, the hot energy of the Sun (1) can be easily absorbed by the Moon (2); however, the moon reflects light, if not heat. Therefore, we can say that line 1-2 is distinguished by energy absorption. However, this is not just absorption, but its transformation into a new quality, transformation, creation of something new. Therefore, we can say that there is a cooling creativity.

The third point is that we look at how much the mandalas of essence and personality coincide - or do not coincide. And we conclude about strengths and weaknesses.

The fourth point is to look at the flow of energy in the mandala of the numerological code and compare it with the combined mandala. We draw conclusions again on the basis of coincidences and discrepancies, but from the point of view of what can be supported and what can be weakened.

Also possible for consideration are the most common paths of energy movement. And, of course, the most “problematic” connections.

Mutual compensation is also important. Let's say 5 receives 4 inputs and outputs 1. There is an excess or blocking. Or 3 produces 7 and receives 1, and then the dotted line. There is depletion/superpower in this area.

A little difficult? Maybe. But it’s much easier than remembering the meanings of hundreds of combinations of pairs of numbers.

Decoding the numerical mandalas of a living person.

So let's see how this works in practice. We have Lev Aleksandrovich Landingrader in our project, and his main numbers:

  • Health number - 1, Sun. Conclusion - a lot of health. Sometimes even too much.
  • The number of emotions is 9, Neptune. That is, emotionally he is receptivity itself. Possible ability to empathize.
  • Number of thoughts - 3, Mars. Militancy, aggressiveness mental activity. There may be a tendency towards invention and imagination. Which is very similar to the truth - one alcohol structurizer to obtain USEFUL structured vodka is worth it.

The vibrational number of the essence is 4. The essence and basis of harmony of the three previous numbers. Mercury. Intelligence, contact, diplomacy. Very similar to the truth - because in order to combine all these qualities, you need both ingenuity and diplomacy.

  • Target number - 4, Mercury. The purpose in life is the transfer of information. It seems that Lev Aleksandrovich, working as one of the authors of the site, is achieving his goal.
  • The number of the device is 9. Neptune. That is, the type of device is aquatic. Takes any form. Perhaps I'll have to ask.
  • The number of the group is 2, Moon. In the area of ​​groups, Lev Aleksandrovich, in theory, plays a secondary role. Well, if you consider me to be the first role, then everything is correct.

The vibrational number of a person is 6. The passive number of a person’s reaction to life circumstances. Venus. Harmony and Love. Nice passive reactions :)

Golden alchemical number: 1. The sun is how a person influences the world and corrects fate. Theoretically, this impact should be powerful, strong, like a stream solar energy. From what I know, this is exactly the case.

So, the main numbers and their characteristics have many similarities with the character of Lev Alexandrovich. Let's see what the number mandalas say.

Simple. Almost symmetrical. Not closed. There is a lack of entanglement in the basis of existence. However, the lack of closure indicates that the foundations of existence are easy to shift. However, the symmetry of the mandala gives a good chance to return to the original state again. Roughly speaking, after drinking, Lev Alexandrovich must recover quickly and get to work with tripled energy. Quite possible - but he doesn't drink alcohol at all. So we will watch :)

Most energy (including a double portion from vibration number essence) gets a three. Who is it with us? This is Mars, aggressiveness and belligerence. By the way, these are precisely the qualities we get when we try to distract Lev Alexandrovich, encouraging him to waste his energy. We'll know. And act more carefully :)

Interactions with the outside world. Confused. It is based on a symmetrical rectangle 1-3-6-4. First of all, it is responsible for the “looping” of energy. The maximum energy is received by 1, 3, 9. The unit is also closed on itself. The maximum energy is given by 1. The largest “transport” nodes are 1, 3, 4, 6, 9.

Of course, the first thing that catches your eye is the global role of the unit. Creativity is in full swing. Judging by the reactions of others, sometimes even too much. But Lev Aleksandrovich is not inclined to pay much attention to these details - especially because of the symmetrical basic rectangle that adds balance. Slight slope in right side mandalas are compensated by the intensity of the flows.

The next thing is that those nodes that send and receive are also transport nodes. In other words, there is no “dead end” here. What portends the most effective way wasting energy and time.

Combined mandala. She only emphasizes: the main points are one and nine, between which energy flies like clockwork. At the same time, the essence (health, strength) strongly supports the purposeful activities of Lev Alexandrovich. On the one hand, this is good. On the other hand, you need to take into account important nuance: as soon as a health problem appears, all activities (especially nine, receptivity, empathy) will be covered with a copper basin until recovery.

But it seems that Lev Aleksandrovich suspects this, since he is a storehouse of various health systems, which he not only knows, but also puts into practice. I should learn from him... Maybe I should make a mandala for myself?

The basis is the nine, as well as two closed loops that it generates, and which return to it, feeding and strengthening. Since the number code mandala is what needs to be done in life in general, and for correction weak points in particular, we observe an important pattern.

As we found out, with problems with creative energy in general, and health in particular, Lev Alexandrovich’s ability to feel and perceive is primarily affected. What adversely affects his personal and public life. But the number mandala gives a recipe - a double loop. Let's look at it in more detail.

The first loop is 93449. The second loop is 92619. Or, Neptune - Mars - Mercury squared - Neptune again. Second loop: Neptune - Moon - Venus - Sun - Neptune. How can this be used in practice? For example, like this:

  1. Perceive the environment.
  2. Act actively and vigorously
  3. Communicate and communicate again (for example, about the results of actions)
  4. And perceive again.

That is, the first loop encourages you to act more when problems arise and to further coordinate the results of actions with the environment - and so on over and over again. What is not surprising is healthy recipe even for me.

Second loop:

  1. Perceive the environment.
  2. Reflect the sun = listen to other people's ideas
  3. Perceive them with love and harmonize
  4. Add a little bit of your own.
  5. Perceive.

Also great recipe if you lack your own creative strength and health, focus on other people. Listen to their advice - but not hostilely, but gently and lovingly. And then there’s a little bit of ourselves, and again we perceive the results. Great tactic!

That’s it, let’s run to teach Lev Alexandrovich life :)

And we conclude:

Compared to numerical analysis and the Pythagorean square, number mandalas are MUCH b O coincided to a greater extent with the real state of affairs.

Moreover, they give excellent directions of amplification and correction. Let's see what happens...

How are you doing with this?

Based on materials from http://belsu.narod.ru/mandala/02man.htm

strongIn our case, the combined mandala looks like this: h4 style=”text-align: center;”

Construction of a number mandala

The graphic construction of the mandala is carried out in a working square, divided into nine small squares, into which numbers from 1 to 9 are entered.

Numbers in small squares are inscribed on three levels from left to right. Upper level- these are the Sun, Moon and Mars (1, 2, 3). Below are two more levels: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus (4,5,6), and even lower - Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (7,8,9). Energy moves from one level to another from the end point of one level to the first point of the next.

The procedure for graphically constructing a mandala

1. First, the mandala of the essence is depicted in red (in Fig. 3 it is a bold line). The numbers of the recorded number series of the date of birth in the working square of the mandala are connected by lines on which the direction of movement is indicated by an arrow. If this is a short line between two adjacent numbers, then the arrow is placed directly on the line at its end. If it is a long horizontal or vertical line, then the air arrow is placed above the line with outside square at the end of the line. Above the diagonals, arrows are placed inside the square. There is no need to draw a mandala square - some points may not be used. The entity code is highlighted with a double red line: 3-5.

If the code consists of one digit, then a red dot is placed next to this digit, which is surrounded by a double red circle.

2. The red dashed line represents the first key between the essence and the personality, from the last digit of the year to the first digit of the name. This is the so-called “umbilical cord”, the 5-2 connection.

3. We, as it were, “put” personality on the essence. Starting from the first digit of the name, all the digits of the name, patronymic, and surname are connected in a row in the working square of the mandala in blue (shown in the figures as a thin line), except for two connections: between the last digit of the name and the first digit of the patronymic, as well as the last digit of the patronymic and the first digit surnames. These connections are drawn with blue dashed lines (1-1, 1-6). If such a connection has already been depicted previously in red or blue, then a blue dashed line is drawn parallel to it indicating the direction of the ray.

If the previous connection of two numbers is repeated, then a second arrow is placed on the existing line in the same direction.

If there are two or more identical numbers in a number series, then one arrow is drawn, and dots are placed next to this number to highlight this repetition of numbers. If two numbers in a row - one dot and one arrow, if three numbers in a row - two dots and one arrow.

If two numbers in a row appear in a certain key, this is represented by a dot in a dashed circle.

4. The construction of the mandala is completed by the “lock” line. It is drawn from the golden alchemical number to the last digit of the surname with a double blue line indicating the direction (9-6).

Each line in the mandala is interpreted separately. The presence or absence of some lines indicates what a person is like. That is why energy vibrations on different planes that arise when different programs are combined are so carefully separated. For example, goal and adaptation number series. Very often, it is in this regard that men receive magical abilities; Women have practically no such opportunity.

The mandala looks like this. The basis - the essence - is highlighted in red. Blue personality lines may cover this base; then a blue line is drawn parallel to the red one indicating the direction. If the blue line passes along the blue line for the second time, then a second arrow is placed on the existing blue line.

If there was a short connection, and then a long one appeared, then the short connection is drawn to the long one and an air arrow is placed on top. If the same number appears in a row in a mandala, then a dot is placed next to it, that is given point deepens. If a long connection is repeated, then another arrow is marked on the air arrow.

Essence Mandala

08/03/1945 = 30 = 3 (Mars).

If the date contains a zero in the numbers of the day, month or year, then we skip it, do not depict it in the mandala, but take it into account in the vibration series. The presence of a zero in a number series indicates that a person has special powers. Zero is a sign of great power.

We connect all the numbers sequentially inside the working square of the mandala. In our example, the mandala of the essence is closed, which speaks of the self-sufficiency and invulnerability of the human essence.

The only main line is 1-9 (the desire for general harmony). This line is present in all people born in the 20th century. The remaining lines indicate what a person will go through to achieve this goal. Lines 1-8, 8-3 are designed to support a person, help him live with the problems of the present moment. Line 4-5 directs the dissemination of information supporting the law. Line 3-5 (code line) says that a person’s actions should contribute to the implementation and maintenance of laws in society.

Name Mandala

A name is a manifestation of the energy through which a person achieves his goal.

Let's consider the numerological series of the name: 2123661 = 3 (Mars). The goal manifests itself harmoniously. Support in A person sees achieving a goal in establishing harmony with himself and the world around him. Since achieving the goal ends with the number 3 (Mars), it is possible that a person will have a desire to insist on his own. IN best case scenario this is the desire to achieve some higher goal, to give a push, an impulse to something new. Line 1-3 says that the moment of beginning is always very important for a person. When choosing a goal, he comes from emotions, focuses on the present moment, and takes a long time to try the goal on himself. If he finds a good moment, then this further inflames his emotions and he actively pursues the goal, while striving for harmonization and for it to bring him pleasure, perhaps as self-affirmation.

Middle name mandala

The patronymic mandala indicates what our relationships with our ancestors are based on, the ways in which a person adapts in the present through the connection of generations.

Let's take the numerological series as an example: 13167361 = 1 (Sun).

The experience of ancestors helps at the beginning of any business (1-3-1), harmonizing it (1-6) and determining the exact goal (6-7). The need to prove oneself (7-3) is expressed in the desire for a harmonious combination of love and achieving material results. Ultimately, the ancestors direct the spiritual, creative development of a given individual.

Last name mandala

The surname mandala is the energy circuit of the egregor to which a person is connected.

Let's consider the vibrational numerological series of the surname, consisting of the following numbers: 61919731316 = 2 (Moon).

The task that the egregor sets for a person is to achieve harmony ( digital series begins and ends with the number 6). A person must make a choice and, through his actions, help the egregor in the development of the world (1-9, 1-9) through his own evolution (7-3), following unknown paths.

Personality Mandala

A person’s identity is determined by the sum of the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name. The personality number shows through which planetary vibration a person reacts to life. Our personality is a “clothing” that corresponds or does not correspond to the essence. A person can express himself to a greater extent if the vibrations of the essence and personality coincide. The coincidence of the lines indicates through which the entity can manifest itself.

For example, the numbering series of a person consists of numbers: 21236611316736161919731316 = 6 (Venus).

The identity code (in Fig. 7) is depicted by a double blue line. In our example, the personality code - 66 - is represented by a dot placed in a double circle.

The key between the first and last name programs (in our example 1-1) is represented by a dot placed in a dashed circle.

The key between the middle name and last name programs (1-6) is depicted as a parallel dashed line.

The presence of complete main lines (1-3, 7-9, 1-9, 3-7) and the “Bow” figure indicates the assignment of a special task to this person, expressed in the need for personal spiritual and creative development and active work in transforming society.

Combined mandala

The goal of all constructions is a combined mandala, which includes all mandalas except the mandala of the numerological code. It is the combined mandala that is the object for meditation.

To build a combined mandala, you need to write a number series in a certain sequence.

The series begins with the date of birth along with the final number (3.08.1945 = 3), then the numerological series of the first name, patronymic and last name is written in a row without final numbers (2123661 13167361 61919731316), the series is closed with the number of the golden alchemical number (sum of personality and essence 6+3 = 9). This results in a digital series:

The essence code (3-5) is an energetic connection from a person’s essence number to the last digit of the year of his birth. In the mandala, this line is highlighted with a double red line. The essence code determines the main power of a person’s essence, which he must use to solve the problems of a given incarnation.

Keys (5-2, 1-1, 1-6) show human capabilities, which can only be realized by combining the programs of essence-personality, personality-adaptation, adaptation-egregor. For example, the key of combining the programs of essence and personality (5-2) may mean that a person shows the ability to influence the present moment only when he has separated the potential and tasks of essence and personality and acts, realizing their difference.

The personality lock (9-6) represents the energetic connection from the golden alchemical number to the last digit of the surname. In the mandala, this line is highlighted with a double blue line. It defines the highest goal for which a person came into this world.

Quote By T. Zyurnyaeva "Number mandala"


The "Networks of Light" around the Earth are the planes of etheric structures around our planet. They exist at different dimensional levels and appear in different geometric forms.
We were given, through Ursula Irgang, a scientist and amazing healer from Austria, radiation or resonance patterns to activate the Spiritual Code in our DNA and restore the Divine Plan on Earth.
Networks of Light are the language of Light, so they simultaneously carry and transmit information. They are the bridge between the etheric plane of the Higher dimensions and etheric body third dimension.
They create a stream of spirals carrying a light code, which are fixed (anchored) in human body, which ensures the flow of information into the human consciousness.

Network of Light Mandalas - Restoring Divine Order:

Mandalas are part and elements of the One Whole and are given to us to support our development.
The basis of the Light Mandala Network is the first nine numbers of Creation, which are the basis for all other numbers.
Each number has a corresponding letter and color. Using various methods calculations, which are always based on the Fibonacci series, bring these mandalas into existence.
9 numbers and 9 colors of different frequencies reveal the matrix and are a holistic cosmogram. They contain the biophysical wavelengths of all 10 planets. This can be expressed as follows: Networks of Light Mandalas manifest visually through various thought forms that present themselves as pure energy. Neither number nor color contains emotions, they are what they are and are absolutely pure in nature.
The high vibrations respond to the etheric field of the aura and activate the encoded DNA strands. These spirals contain information from the Source Matrix. In cases where there are blocks arising from negative thought forms and emotions that cannot be removed, the Network of Light Mandalas can return them to the level of consciousness and remove them.

Greatest effect render those mandalas that are calculated and drawn independently without the help of a computer.

Healing from mental, emotional, physical illnesses;
Purification of space, water, medicines, etc.;
Neutralization negative influence electronics, environment, energy fields, etc.;
Harmonization brain activity and connections between the left and right hemispheres;
Searching for answers to questions or unresolved life or internal problems;

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To work with a personal Mandala or any other, it is necessary to express the intention of energetic interaction with the Mandala.

For example:

“I express pure conscious focused loving intention of energetic interaction with the Mandala for... (solving a situation, restoring health).”
You can turn on calm relaxing music, take a few deep breaths, relax and place yourself in the center of the Mandala. You can do it with intention, visualize yourself in the center, or in any way convenient for you. Try not to think about anything and just look at the Mandala.

If you have any question related to healing, you can ask it. If during the work you do not hear an answer, it will come within 24 hours.
You can see, hear, read, feel it.
The main thing is to be attentive to the signs of the universe.

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