First actions on the shore in case of true drowning. Drowning, providing first aid to a drowning person

Summer is a long-awaited time for many, but it is in summer that situations occur that are dangerous best case scenario allows you to get rid of it later with fear, and in the worst case it even leads to death; drowning, in fact, is one of such situations. First medical care in case of drowning, provided promptly and competently, can save a person’s life, and this, as you can guess, is by no means an exaggeration.

A man drowns: what happens to him?

At the moment when a person drowns, water enters through the upper respiratory tract, which, in turn, causes air to be pushed out. Therefore, the first event in drowning is laryngospasm, that is, a spasm of the vocal folds, resulting in the closure of the path to the trachea while breathing stops. This type of choking is defined as “dry choking.”

When too long stay victim in water and when a significant volume of liquid enters his respiratory tract, oxygen starvation. This, in turn, leads to the exclusion of the possibility of a vital reflex, which in this case is stopping breathing, and therefore a drowning person simply “inhales” water, which subsequently ends up in his lungs. Failure to provide first aid in case of drowning can result in the death of the victim before rescuers arrive at the scene.

Difference between sea and fresh water

Undoubtedly, it exists, no matter how you look at it. Thus, when more than one liter of water enters the human body, a number of its functions are disrupted, which is relevant regardless of the water options under consideration.

If fresh water enters the body, it ends up in the blood. This, in turn, leads to a change in its composition, which is especially reflected in the amount of protein and salt. In turn, this leads to trembling of the ventricles of the heart, a kind of “rupture” occurs.

When seawater accumulates in the lungs, blood plasma enters the pulmonary alveoli with subsequent accumulation there. This subsequently leads to .

Regardless of what kind of water ends up in the human body, its presence in it similar manifestations has an extremely negative impact on the condition of the victim and is life-threatening.

In case of severe overheating in the sun, overeating, or fatigue, you should refrain from swimming for a while. The fact is that a jump into cold water can lead to so-called reflex cardiac arrest, which can cause sudden death.

How long does a person remain alive if he loses the ability to breathe? Brain cells remain viable under hypoxic conditions for no more than 5-6 minutes. Although when drowning in cold water this time may increase. In any case, assistance to the victim must be provided before the medical team arrives. In this situation, minutes matter. This is why knowing how to provide help is very important.

Not all people, however, are ready to answer the question, much less show in practice how to act correctly in the event of drowning. And this is very sad. For some reason, many people believe that only employees of specialized services should have such skills, but an ordinary person far from medicine does not need to know this. But life sometimes puts people in difficult situations. It's very scary to see someone die close person, and don’t know how to help him.

What is drowning?

This is a life-threatening condition characterized by the inability to breathe as a result of a person falling into water or other liquid. This often causes the airways to fill with water, although this is not strictly necessary. Death by respiratory failure may occur even if the lungs remain “dry”. On this basis, by the way, they distinguish different types drowning.

Classification by mechanism leading to death

  1. True drowning. It is called that because in this case water (or other liquid) enters the lungs. The pathological processes underlying true drowning differ depending on whether the drowning occurred in fresh or salt water. In the first case, water quickly penetrates from the alveoli into the vascular bed, thinning the blood and destroying red blood cells. Salt water, on the contrary, promotes the release of plasma from the vessels, which is accompanied by thickening of the blood, as well as the development of pulmonary edema.
  2. Asphyxial drowning. In this case, water does not enter the lungs, since the glottis closes, protecting the airways from liquid penetration into them. However, breathing still becomes impossible, because with laryngospasm, air is also not allowed to pass through. A person dies from suffocation.
  3. The main cause of death is reflex cardiac arrest. The lungs remain “dry”. Similar situation possible when drowning in very cold water.

Classification according to the color of the victim’s skin

Types of drowning based on skin color:

  1. White asphyxia. As the name suggests, it is characterized by pronounced pallor skin. Occurs if there is no flooding respiratory tract liquid. This type is most typical for the syncope mechanism of drowning, when death occurs as a result of cessation of cardiac activity.
  2. Blue asphyxia. Occurs when the victim commits breathing movements, causing the lungs to fill with water. The skin becomes bluish due to severe hypoxia. Death occurs due to respiratory failure. Cardiac arrest occurs after breathing has stopped.

Appearance of the victim

Different types of drowning have certain differences in clinical manifestations.

If the victim was conscious at the time of immersion in water, the scenario for the development of events looks something like this. A man tries to escape by swallowing water. Breathing becomes impossible, the body experiences hypoxia, as a result of which a characteristic bluish coloration of the skin appears. Dilatation of the veins of the neck is often observed. Foaming at the mouth pink color. If a person is removed from the water during the agony stage, breathing and cardiac activity may still persist.

If drowning was preceded by depression of central nervous system functions, laryngospasm often occurs. The lungs do not fill with water, but death also occurs as a result of asphyxia. The skin acquires a bluish tint.

Syncopal drowning occurs due to severe fright or cold shock. The cessation of cardiac activity comes first in the pathogenesis. The skin is pale, there is no discharge of fluid and foam from the victim’s nose and mouth, which is typical for other types of drowning. White asphyxia is most favorable for resuscitation; the time with it can be significantly longer.

Basic principles of drowning rescue

Types of drowning are varied and require different approaches to assistance, however general principles in all cases remain unchanged.

All activities include 2 stages:

  1. Removing the victim from the water.
  2. Providing assistance on shore.

How to properly save a drowning person?

No matter how different the types of drowning are, first aid for drowning should begin with ensuring the safety of the rescuer himself. A drowning person (if he is still conscious) can behave extremely inappropriately. That is why, when pulling a victim out of the water, you should be careful. Otherwise, the rescuer risks finding himself in the role of a drowning person.

If the person is close enough to the shore, you can try to reach him with a stick, use a rope or other devices to pull him out. If the victim is too far away, you will have to swim to get to him. The main thing in this situation is not to forget about the danger, because the victim can drown his savior. Therefore, you need to act quickly and unceremoniously. It is best to swim up to the drowning person from behind and wrap one arm around his neck, you can grab his hair (this is even safer), and then pull him to land as quickly as possible.

Remember: you don’t need to get into the water if you’re not a good swimmer!

when drowning. Actions on shore

There are different types of drowning, and their signs are discussed above. This knowledge must be taken into account when providing assistance to the victim.

  • Everything is extremely simple if the person removed from the water is conscious. The main actions will be aimed at warming him up and calming him down.
  • If a person is unconscious, the first thing to do is remove water from the respiratory tract. In case of white asphyxia, this is not necessary (the mechanism of this type of drowning is discussed above), you can immediately begin resuscitation.
  • For the blue type of drowning, we first clear the mouth and nose of algae, sand, etc. Then we press on the root of the tongue, thereby determining the presence of a gag reflex. The preservation of the latter means that the victim is alive, so the primary task will be to remove water from the lungs and stomach. To do this, we turn the victim onto his stomach, turn his head to the side, induce vomiting several times, press on the chest. Then we repeat these steps every 5-10 minutes until water stops coming out of the mouth and nose. It is necessary to monitor breathing and pulse, and be prepared to perform resuscitation.
  • If gag reflex is absent, it is urgent to check the presence of vital functions. Most likely there won't be any. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time removing water from the lungs (no more than 1-2 minutes), but begin resuscitation as quickly as possible.

Above were various approaches to helping the victim. There are different types of drowning; it is not surprising that they require different measures. However, it is always carried out according to a specific plan, which is not influenced by the causes that led to clinical death.

What is included in the revitalization package?

  • Restoration of airway patency.
  • Artificial respiration.
  • Indirect cardiac massage.

No matter how different the types of drowning, first aid always begins with clearing the mouth and nose of sand, algae, vomit, etc. Then water is removed from the lungs. For this purpose, the victim should be turned face down and placed with his stomach on his knee. The head will thus be lower than the body. Now you can press on the chest, stimulating the flow of fluid from the lungs. If help is provided small child, you can throw it over your shoulder head down or even take it by the legs and turn it over, thereby creating a more favorable conditions to drain water from the lungs.

Next, we proceed to the implementation. The victim should be laid on a hard surface, head thrown back, fingers pushed forward lower jaw and, pressing on the chin, open your mouth. Now you can begin to press your lips tightly to the victim’s mouth and exhale. The criterion for effectiveness will be the rise of the chest. After two exhalations we begin the Foundation right hand placed on the lower third of the sternum, left hand put it on top of the right one. We begin to perform chest compressions, making sure that the arms remain straight and do not bend at the elbows. According to the latest recommendations (2015), the ratio of exhalations to compressions should be 2:30, regardless of whether one or two rescuers perform resuscitation.

And in conclusion

Never forget about the rules of behavior on the water. It is easier to prevent a tragedy than to try to correct it. Remember: life is given only once. Take care of her and don't play with death.

Drowning is one of the common reasons death of young people. Thus, according to WHO, about 10 thousand people die every year as a result of drowning in Russia, 7,000 people die in the USA, 1,500 in England, and 500 in Australia. This indicates the relevance of the problem of providing assistance in case of drowning.

Drowning is an acute pathological condition that develops with accidental intentional immersion in liquid with the subsequent development of acute respiratory and heart failure as a result of liquid entering the respiratory tract.

The main causes of death on water are: inability to swim, drinking alcohol, leaving children without parental supervision, and violating safety rules. If adults die mainly due to their own negligence, then the death of children, as a rule, is on the conscience of their parents.

Accidents occur not only due to violations of the rules of behavior on the water, but also due to swimming in unequipped reservoirs, as well as due to accidents of swimming equipment. IN lately Underwater sports (diving) and snorkeling have become very popular. Having bought a breathing tube, mask and fins, some people believe that they are ready to master the underwater element. However, inability to handle equipment often ends in death.

If you stay under water for a long time, without being able to replenish the supply of oxygen in the body, a person may lose consciousness and die. Death on water is caused by overwork, overheating or hypothermia, alcohol intoxication and other related causes.

When relaxing on the water, you must follow the rules of conduct and safety measures:

    swimming should only take place in permitted places, on well-maintained beaches;

    do not swim near steep, steep banks with strong currents, or in swampy or overgrown areas;

    the water temperature should be no lower than 17-19 degrees, it is recommended to stay in it for no more than 20 minutes, and the time spent in the water should increase gradually by 3-5 minutes;

    It is better to swim several times for 15-20 minutes, since hypothermia may cause convulsions, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness;

    you should not enter or jump into the water after prolonged exposure to the sun, as sudden cooling in the water may cause cardiac arrest;

    It is not allowed to dive from bridges, piers, piers, or to swim close to passing boats, boats, or vessels;

    you cannot sail far from the shore on inflatable mattresses and rings if you do not know how to swim;

    while on boats, it is dangerous to change boats, board the boat, overload the boat beyond the established norm, ride near locks, dams and in the middle of the river fairway;

    it is important to know that restrictive signs on the water indicate the end of the water area with a checked bottom;

    Adults need to remember not to leave children alone unattended.

There are three types of drowning in water:

Blue (true, wet);

White (dry);

Death in water (syncopeal drowning).

With blue drowning water fills the airways and lungs, the drowning man, fighting for his life, makes convulsive movements and draws in water, which prevents the flow of air. The victim's skin ears, fingertips and mucous membranes of the lips acquire a violet-blue tint. With this type of drowning, the victim can be saved if the duration of stay under water does not exceed 4-6 minutes.

With white drowning spasm occurs vocal cords, they close and water does not enter the lungs, but air does not pass through. In this case, the skin and mucous membranes of the lips become pale, breathing and heart function stop. The victim is in a state of fainting and immediately sinks to the bottom. In this type of drowning, the victim can be saved after being under water for 10 minutes.

Syncopal type of drowning occurs as a result of a reflex arrest of cardiac activity and breathing. The most common variant of this type of drowning occurs when the victim is suddenly immersed in cold water. Occurs mainly in women and children.

Rules for removing a victim from the water.

If a drowning person is capable of independently ascending from under the water to the surface, but the feeling of fear does not allow him to stay on the surface and free himself from the water that has entered the respiratory tract, the main task of the rescuer’s help is to prevent the person from plunging into the water again. To do this, use a lifebuoy, an air mattress, a floating tree, a board, a pole, or a rope. If none of the above is at hand, then the rescuer himself must support the drowning person. In this case, you need to correctly swim to the drowning person, grab him, but be extremely careful.

You need to swim up from behind, grab it by the hair or under the armpits, turn it face up and hold your head above the surface of the water.

Maintaining this position of the victim, swim to the shore. If there is a boat nearby, the victim is pulled into it.

First aid measures for drowning.

First aid begins immediately after removing a drowning victim from the water.

The victim is placed with his stomach on the bent knee of the person providing assistance so that the head is lower than the chest, and any tissue (scarf, piece of cloth, part of clothing) is used to remove water, sand, algae, and vomit from the mouth and pharynx. Then, with several vigorous movements, the chest is compressed, thus pushing water out of the trachea and bronchi.

In case of blue drowning, you can use the technique of pressing on the root of the victim’s tongue, thereby reproducing the gag reflex and removing water from the respiratory tract and stomach.

After the airways are cleared of water, the victim is placed on his back on a flat surface and, in the absence of breathing and cardiac activity, resuscitation measures begin.

In the white type of drowning, if the victim is unconscious after being removed from the water, it is necessary to lay the victim on a flat surface, throw back his head, push the lower jaw forward, then with your fingers wrapped in a handkerchief, clean the oral cavity of silt, algae, and vomit.

If the airway cannot be restored, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately.

It is unacceptable to waste time removing water from the lungs and stomach, or transferring the victim to a warm room if there are signs of clinical death!

If the victim is conscious when being pulled ashore, his pulse and breathing are preserved, then it is enough to lay him on a flat surface. At the same time, the head should be lowered. It is necessary to undress the victim, rub him with a dry towel, give him hot tea or coffee, wrap him up and let him rest.

Victim in mandatory should be hospitalized because there is a risk of complications.

A life-threatening condition, which is characterized by the onset of asphyxia when fluid enters the lungs with subsequent swelling, is called drowning. In the absence of timely resuscitation measures, a person may die suddenly from acute respiratory failure. This should not be allowed, so it is useful for everyone to remember what pre-medical actions on the part of the rescuer includes urgent Care when drowning. Act immediately.

What is first aid for drowning

Before starting resuscitation measures, it is important to understand what processes occur in the body during drowning. If in the lungs large quantities hits fresh water, the cyclical contraction of the cardiac ventricles is disrupted, extensive edema develops, and the function of the systemic circulation ceases. When salt water penetrates the body, the blood thickens pathologically, which leads to stretching and rupture of the alveoli, swelling of the lungs, impaired gas exchange and subsequent rupture of the myocardium with fatal for the patient.

In both cases, in the absence of first aid, the victim may die. This cannot be allowed. First aid for drowning includes: special complex resuscitation measures aimed at forcing the passage of water in order to maintain functionality internal organs, systems. It is important to provide assistance to a drowning person no later than 6 minutes from the moment of loss of consciousness. Otherwise, extensive cerebral edema develops and the victim dies. Thanks to compliance with the algorithm of actions, the statistics of drownings decreased.

First aid rules for drowning

The first step is to pull the victim ashore, followed by first aid for drowning. It is important to know the basic and simple rules that will help save a person’s life:

  1. The first step is to clearly determine the victim’s pulse and signs of breathing.
  2. Be sure to call an ambulance, and before arriving, take all necessary measures to maintain the body’s vital signs.
  3. It is necessary to place the person on a horizontal surface on his back, carefully place his head, and place a cushion under his neck.
  4. Remove the remains of wet clothing from the victim and try to restore impaired heat exchange (if possible, warm the patient).
  5. Clean the nose and mouth of an unconscious person, be sure to stretch out the tongue, thereby avoiding aggravating the attack of suffocation.
  6. Implement one of the methods artificial respiration- “mouth to mouth” and “mouth to nose” (if you manage to unclench the victim’s jaw during drowning).
  7. It is important to carry out resuscitation measures in case of drowning competently, otherwise the person can only be harmed and his condition worsened.

Rescue a person on the water

Rescue of a person takes place in two successive stages: quick extraction from the water and assistance to the drowning person already on the shore. In the first case, it is necessary to pull the victim out of the pond as soon as possible and avoid drowning yourself. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the following activities:

  1. When drowning, you need to swim up to the person from behind and grab him so that he does not reflexively grab onto his savior. Otherwise, two people may die at once.
  2. It's best to grab the hair and pull. This is the most convenient way, which is not very painful for the victim, but practical for the savior for the purpose of quickly moving through the water towards the shore. In addition, you can comfortably grab your arm just above the elbow.
  3. If a drowning victim still grabs onto his savior as a reflex, you should not push him away or resist. It is necessary to take in as much air as possible into the lungs and dive deeply, then he reflexively unclenches his fingers and increases the chances of his salvation.
  4. If the patient has already gone under water, you need to dive, grab his hair or hands, and then lift him to the surface of the water. The head should be elevated to avoid further entry of excess water into the lungs and systemic circulation.
  5. It is only necessary to drag a drowning person through the water face up, so that he does not drink even more water. Thus, it turns out to significantly increase the chances of the unfortunate person being rescued already on the shore of the reservoir.
  6. Before first aid is provided to a drowning person, it is necessary to assess the characteristics of the reservoir - fresh or salt water. This is very important for implementation further actions rescuer.
  7. Place the patient on his stomach and provide first aid depending on the specific type of drowning (wet or dry).

First aid for dry drowning

This type of drowning is also called asphyxial, pale. Progressive spasm of the glottis prevents the entry of water into the airways. All further pathological processes organisms are more associated with the onset of shock and attacks of suffocation; in the absence of the first resuscitation measures, they can cost the victim his life. Overall, the clinical outcome is more favorable than with wet fatigue. The sequence of actions of the rescuer is as follows (there are only 6 minutes left):

  1. First aid for drowning begins with releasing the tongue to prevent the person from suffocating.
  2. Next, clean the nasal and oral cavities (sand, mud, and silt may accumulate in these).
  3. Turn the patient face down so that water comes out of the lungs, be sure to check for a pulse and signs respiratory function.
  4. Lay on your back with your head thrown back, for example, place a roll of folded clothing under your neck.
  5. Carry out respiratory resuscitation, and to do this, perform artificial respiration “through the mouth to the nose” or “from the mouth to the mouth”.

It is necessary to talk in more detail about the technique of performing mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration with simultaneous execution indirect massage hearts. So, lay the person on his back, free him from wet, constricting clothing, tilt his head back (the chin should rise) and pinch his nose. Perform two blows into the mouth, then place one palm on top of the other on the chest. Keeping your limbs straight, press down on your sternum up to 15 times in 10 seconds. Then blow air through your mouth again. In a minute, do 72 manipulations - 12 exhalations, 60 pressures.

If the person regains consciousness and coughs, quickly turn your head to the side. Otherwise, he may again choke on the water leaving his lungs. When performing such complex measures to save the life of a drowning person, the participation of two people is necessary. First aid for drowning, with vigilant monitoring of the pulse, must be provided until the person regains consciousness or undeniable signs of death appear, for example, complete cardiac arrest, cadaveric spots on the skin and symptoms of rigor.

In case of wet drowning

In this case we're talking about about true drowning(also called “blue” asphyxia), when even with first aid the chances of salvation are low. The main symptoms are cyanosis of the skin, reflex cardiac arrest (with syncopal drowning), cold sweat, the presence of white or pink foam at the mouth, clinical death, absence of pulse and signs of breathing. You need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Pull the victim ashore by grabbing the arm, hair, head or other part of the body.
  2. Then place it on your stomach and clean your mouth thoroughly, nasal cavity from the accumulation of sand and silt.
  3. Raise the patient and force the gag reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue.
  4. Induce vomiting from the lungs, stomach and systemic blood flow no remaining liquid will come out. Additionally, you can pat the drowned man on the back.
  5. Then turn him on his side, bend his knees, and let him cough after experiencing hypoxia of brain cells. The skin gradually acquires a natural color.
  6. If the gag reflex does not appear, turn the drowned man on his back, carry out resuscitation measures using artificial respiration and chest compressions in several approaches.

Precautions when providing medical care

If you want to save the life of another person, it is important not to unknowingly ruin your own. Therefore, it is necessary to swim to the drowned man so that he does not drown his savior in fear. When moving towards the shore, you will have to act with one hand, since the other limb holds the patient unconscious or in in a state of shock. Other rescuer precautions that are relevant to the topic: First Aid for Drowning are listed below:

  1. Necessary quick removal wet and tight clothing, otherwise clinical picture becomes noticeably more complicated, while the patient’s chances of survival are reduced.
  2. Termination of first aid is possible in three cases: if an ambulance arrives, when the drowned man comes to his senses and coughs, if the signs of death are obvious.
  3. One should not be surprised by the emergence of oral cavity foam. When drowning in sea water, she white(fluffy), in fresh water drowned people - with admixtures of blood.
  4. If a child is injured, the rescuer must turn him face down, leaning on the thigh of his own leg.
  5. If the patient is able to open his jaw, artificial respiration can be performed using the mouth-nose technique.
  6. When compressing the chest (pressure), the hands of both hands must be placed on the chest at a point that is located two fingers above the lower end of the sternum.
  7. During resuscitation measures, the arms must remain straight and the body weight is transferred to them. Pressing on the sternum is allowed only with the soft part of the palm.


Drowning is a condition in which the airways fill with water (dirt, silt), resulting in the flow of air into the lungs being disrupted. If the victim is not given first aid for drowning for some time, cardiac arrest will occur and he will die.

First aid for drowning in water

First aid for drowning begins in the water. To do this, the rescuer must know that at the moment of trying to remove a drowning person from a pond, he (the drowning person), making unconscious and uncoordinated movements, can pull him along with him. To avoid this, if the incident occurred not far from the shore, you must try to save the drowning person without entering the water by handing him any floating object or stick. If this cannot be accomplished, then it is necessary to swim up to the drowning person from behind. Taking him by the armpits with your hands and turning him over on his back, swim to the shore, where you immediately need to provide first aid in case of drowning and call an ambulance. If possible, verbal contact should be maintained with the victim.

Types of drownings and first aid for them

There are two types of drowning - pale (white asphyxia) and blue (blue asphyxia or true drowning). These names indicate the color of the victim's skin (white and blue, respectively).

Drowning occurs when a person is submerged in water unconscious or in a state of panic shock, such as during a disaster. As a result of body contact with cold water sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest occurs. Water entering the larynx promotes a reflex closure of the glottis, as a result of which the airways become impassable and water does not penetrate into the lungs. That is why pale drowning has a more favorable prognosis for saving the life of the victim.

First aid for pale type drowning should be provided immediately after removing the victim to land. If he is not breathing, then artificial respiration must be started, which is performed as follows:

  • Place the victim on a hard surface with his head tilted back;
  • From available materials (clothes, pillows, etc.), make cushions and place one under your shoulders and two on the sides of your head;
  • Free the victim's chest, abdomen and neck from the pressure of clothing;
  • Open your mouth and extend your lower jaw. If there is vomit in the mouth, remove it;
  • Pinch the victim's nose and, inhaling, cover his mouth with your lips. Then exhale gradually and smoothly;
  • If after the measures taken the victim does not begin to breathe, then after counting to 4, repeat the breath.

If there is no heartbeat, artificial respiration must be performed simultaneously with indoor massage hearts:

  • Place your palms (one on top) on the victim’s chest;
  • Straighten your elbows and press with all your weight;
  • You need to make at least 30 pressures, each lasting about 1 second.

By performing alternate artificial respiration and chest compressions (every 30 chest compressions, “dilute” with two breaths), you can support the life of a person who shows no signs of life for about an hour. Therefore, these procedures must be done before breathing appears or before the ambulance arrives.

If arrival medical workers is not expected, then stop providing the first first aid in case of drowning, it is necessary only when cadaveric spots appear on the victim’s body, and joint stiffness, in other words, rigor mortis, becomes noticeable.

Blue drowning occurs when a person is gradually immersed in water, during which he tries with all his might to stay on the surface. At this time, breathing is disrupted, the victim begins to swallow water, which enters the stomach. Difficulty breathing causes oxygen starvation (which is where blue skin), which begins to increase with final immersion in water. As a result, the person first loses consciousness and develops pulmonary edema, and only then does cardiac arrest occur.

To provide first aid for blue type drowning, you first need to rid the airways of the water that has filled them. To do this, you need to turn the victim’s body upside down and create an inclination of the torso towards the head, placing the chest (its bottom part) on your leg, bent at the knee. In this case, it is advisable to tilt the victim’s head back slightly. You should not waste time measuring your pulse; you need to induce a gag reflex as quickly as possible by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. All of these activities should only take a few seconds to complete.

When coughing or vomiting occurs, it is necessary to quickly remove water from the stomach and lungs using the same manipulation - pressing on the root of the tongue. This must be done until the release of water from the respiratory tract stops. After this, lay the victim on his side, warm him with all available means (blanket, bottled water, heated in the sun, etc.), change into dry clothes and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Please note that the risk of cardiac arrest, cerebral and pulmonary edema, as well as the development renal failure the victim will persist for another 5 days. Therefore, even with feeling good he must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

If pressing on the root of the tongue did not cause either a cough or a gag reflex, and there are no pieces of eaten food in the water flowing from the mouth, and there is still no breathing, it is no longer worth spending time on extracting water from the victim’s lungs and stomach. Immediately turn him over onto his back and begin performing artificial respiration and chest compressions. How to do this is described above.

As you can see, these two types of drownings and first aid for them are almost identical. Their only difference lies in the drowning process itself and the procedure for providing assistance.

Know that being prepared to prevent an accident on the water, as well as provide first aid in case of drowning, is the responsibility of every person!