Holiday March 8th kindergarten senior. Scenario for the holiday “March 8!”, (senior group)

March 8th holiday for the senior group: Meetings in the spring cafe “Romashka”






Serving tables

Index "Cafe "Romashka"

Drawings for the competition “Who Sings Like” (frog, chicken, cat, dog, cow, crow)

Musical instruments

Progress of the matinee

In the hall there are tables served with dishes and tea treats, at which guests sit: mothers, grandmothers.

The children approach the second door of the hall, on which there is a sign “Romashka Cafe”.

Leading. Guys, look, what kind of pointer is this? (They read.) It turns out that the spring café “Romashka” opened today in our music hall. Would you like to take a look at it? Who knows what a “cafe” is?

Children. A cafe is a place where parents and their children come to relax, listen to music, watch artists perform, drink tea, coffee, juice.

Leading. Right. Let's go in. Look, the cafe already has its first visitors. Let's sit here too. Sit next to your moms.

Cheerful music is playing.

The heroes of “Sunny City” enter.

The button drags Dunno by the hand.

Dunno(rests). Well, where, where are you dragging me, Button? I don't understand anything. Finally, explain! My friend Gunka and I didn’t bother anyone, we made boats for streams... You tore me away from such an important matter, took me to some cafe...

Button. Calm down, Dunno, the boats and Gunka will wait. And I brought you not to “some” cafe, but to the spring cafe “Romashka”, here today the guys with their mothers and grandmothers are celebrating the first spring holiday - March 8th. And first of all, we need to say hello to them.

Button and Dunno say hello, the children and guests answer.

Button. And the guys themselves will tell you about this.

Children line up in a semicircle.

1st child.

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

2nd child.

More and more sunbeams

Now they are visiting us.

Girls and boys catch them

To color the holiday of mothers.

3rd child.

And the drops sing - zen-zen -

A thin violin

Every spring day shines

Mom's smile.

4th child.

Beautiful mothers,

Kind and beloved

We will now congratulate

We'll give them a song.

The song “Mom's Holiday” is performed, words by S. Vinogradov, music by Y. Guryev. The children sit down.

Dunno. Now I understand everything. You and I, Knopochka, found ourselves on a wonderful holiday. The guys will congratulate their mothers and grandmothers. What will you and I do?

Button. And we will be the owners of this spring cafe, as well as the hosts of the festive program.

Dunno. Yes, but I was never the host or the presenter.

Button. I think we can do it - it's worth a try.

Dunno. I agree!

Button. Then get started!


You just had time -

The fairy tale will be here now.

Children act out the fairy tale “In the Forest” (script and lyrics by T. Milovidova, music by L. Pechnikov).

Button. Guys, let's see if your mothers can solve riddles. Just don't tell me.


In the mornings of your guys

Mothers take... (to kindergarten).


To our little Marinka

I love to draw... (pictures).


I love to work

I don't like to be lazy.

I can do it smoothly myself

Make up your... (bed).


Yura and Vova have updates,

We sewed pants for the boys,

And there are pockets on the pants.

Who sewed the pants?.. (Moms)


I will help my mother

With her we will wash... (dishes).

Button. Well done, moms! For this, the children will give you a funny dance.

The polka “We wanted to dance” is performed, music by A. Spadavecchia, arranged by I. Kaplunova.

Dunno. And now I’m announcing a funny competition “Who Sings Like.” Let's compete: mothers and children. To the tune of the familiar song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle, first the children and then the mothers will sing. But they will sing not in their own voices, but in the voices of different animals and birds. Which ones, Knopochka and I will tell you.

Button, you show pictures of those animals and birds with whose voices mothers will have to sing, and I show pictures for the children.

Button. Fine.

The competition “Who Sings Like It” is accompanied by the soundtrack “Songs of the Lion Cub and the Turtle.”

Drawings are shown for children: a frog, a chicken, a cat. For mothers: dog, cow, crow.

The pictures are shown one by one.

Dunno. I think it turned out well.

Button. You know, Dunno, the guys and their mothers are doing well. And what first-class musicians they are! Do you want to listen to an orchestra where mothers and children will play?

Dunno. Dear mothers, can you play in an orchestra? (Answer.) Incredible! Let's listen.

The Tambourine orchestra plays (mothers receive bells).

Button. Well, Dunno, did you like it?

Dunno. Very! Listen, Knopochka, if I’m not mistaken, today is still Grandmothers’ Day.

Button. Certainly! Children, who is grandma? (The children answer that this is their father’s and mother’s mother.)

The presenter lists the children who came with their grandmothers.

Dunno. Guys, are you wondering what you and your grandmother like to do together?


With grandma we are letters

We'll figure it out in the book,

We play with dolls with her

And we bake pancakes.

Important secrets

I whisper in her ear,

Because grandma

Best friend!

Button. Children, what do you do if grandma gets sick?


My grandmother is sick

She's very sick,

Doesn't laugh, doesn't play,

Doesn't talk to me.

I'll give her delicious tea with raspberries, -

Take a sip, grandma,

I'll bring you an old handkerchief

And I'll wrap you in a scarf.

And the next morning it will be again

My grandma is healthy!

Dunno. But now we will check how the guys will treat their grandmothers.

Game “Cure Grandma”

At one end of the hall sit two grandmothers; at the other end, opposite them, are two children.

On the children's tables there is a jar of raspberry jam, spoon on saucer, thermometer, handkerchief.

At the signal, the children take a “thermometer” and put it on their grandmother; they run, scoop up jam with a spoon, carry it on a saucer, and give it to grandma to eat; they run for a scarf and wrap their grandmother up. Who's faster? You can play 2-3 times.

Leading. So that our grandmothers are always cheerful and healthy, we wish them to live to see their golden wedding. And so that at this golden wedding you dance the same way as you do now.

To the soundtrack of the song “Golden Wedding” (music by R. Pauls) grandmothers dance with their grandchildren.

Dunno. These are the grannies! Great!

Button. Dunno, in my opinion, you are doing a good job of being the host and host of this wonderful holiday.

Dunno. You think? I'm glad. But you know, Button, to tell the truth, out of habit, I’m a little tired.

Button. It's OK. Now you and the guys will have a little rest and relax, because mothers will sing a lullaby for their daughters and sons. Guys, climb onto your mothers and grandmothers’ laps and listen to the singing that is most dear to you.

The lullaby “Sleep, my joy, sleep” (music by W. Mozart) is performed by mothers.

Dunno. Indeed, after singing like that, my fatigue disappeared somewhere.

Button. You can still enjoy this, because now the children will sing their lullaby for mothers and grandmothers.

The song “Evening Round Dance” (words by S. Cherny, music by N. Eliseev) is performed by children.

Dunno. It seems to me, Knopochka, that not everyone has received congratulations at our holiday today.

Button. Yes, Dunno, it seems so to me too.

Dunno. And, in my opinion, the boys have already prepared this congratulation.

The boys come out into the hall.

1st boy.

Long live girls

With or without braids!

May the sun smile on you

From the azure skies!

2nd boy.

Sometimes we don't notice

How we offend girls:

And we take away the toys,

And we drag them by the bows.

3rd boy

And for everything that we are guilty of,

Forgive us, girls,

Don't hold it against us

We love you anyway!

4th boy.

Long live the skinny ones,

Long live fatties!

Everyone who has earrings

And there are freckles on my nose!

All the boys

We congratulate you all,

We invite you to dance!

The dance "Kremena" is performed. Dunno dances with Button.

Leading. Now, guys, invite your family to dance.

Free dance (song “Mama” from the film of the same name). Everyone sits down.

Button. Our holiday program at the Romashka cafe is coming to an end.


Our holiday is already over,

What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

I wish you all good health.


Be cheerful, healthy,

Boys—gentlemen—enter with bouquets of flowers behind them and stand in a semicircle.

Child Tell me why the drops sparkle everywhere,

Do they shine on the asphalt and hang from branches?

Child Tell me why these days you have your own songs

Did the streams sing playfully and loudly?

And the sun warms the earth again?

Child After all, this is the holiday of all mothers!

And with this holiday of warmth and light

Spring is slowly coming to earth!

Child Gentlemen, where are our girls?

Child And, really, where are they?

Child They're probably late...

Child Can't be! All at once?

Child Ah-ah-ah! Then everything is clear!

Child What do you understand?

Child Like what? Well, for example:

Child And here they are!

All together: Our girls are coming!

To the music of Oginsky’s “Polonaise,” the girls enter one after another.

Child Today the number 8 is the favorite number of all others.

We congratulate our girls on the holiday

Child Who is beautiful in his outfit, who is himself.

Most are beautiful at heart.

Child Every girl has a piece of sunshine in her! Happy spring everyone!

All: We love you very much!

Child To our dear friends

We want to give a song!


Presenter: Spring is a special time of year. It is extraordinary, fabulous, magical. In spring everything comes to life, many mysterious and amazing transformations occur. And what miracles happen in spring! Do you hear? It seems to me that miracles are already...

An oriental melody sounds. The Padishah enters with his servants

FADISHAHS: Wah, wah, wah!

Everyone is singing and having fun and not the least bit angry.

I am the great Padishah! I am the ruler of all holidays in the world!

Why are children everywhere having fun today without me?

Stop the fun! Disperse everyone! I want to eat and sleep!

HOST: Oh, oh. oh! What's happened? I don't understand! Where did this formidable Padishah come from? And how is it possible to stop the fun and disperse everyone?


I am a treacherous Padishah from another country

And all the people of the earth should know me.

And neither your songs nor your cheerful laughter

I don’t need them at all, I’m angry at the whole world!

CHORUS Nobody knows what kind of villain he is -

If he hears fun, he will disperse the children!

1 servant There is silence everywhere in his palace

Not even the trees dare to make noise

2 servant I prefer peace and food

And now, hurry up and leave, everyone!

CHORUS: Nobody knows what kind of villain he is

If he hears fun, he will disperse the children.

HOST: Well, this is a holiday of spring, a holiday of mothers, a holiday of all women, finally!

PADISHAH: Shut up, woman! Enough, I don't want to hear anything! Book of holidays here!

(The servants bow and bring out the book)

PADISHAH (leaves through the book)- Here is a holiday of deceivers and liars, here are cunning people, here is overeating, disobedience. And this one - what's his name?

PADISHAH: Well, there’s no such holiday in my book.

Listen to my advice:

There is nothing for you to do here, go home!

Not that magic beads I'll take it

And I will cast a terrible spell on you!

Children will then forget everything about how to sing, dance, laugh,

And only peace and silence will reign forever!

The padishah begins to finger his rosary, closing his eyes and swaying, whispering a spell.

HOST: What to do? In such a situation, only a miracle can help us!

Music is playing. Scheherazade enters.

HOST: Who are you, beautiful stranger?

SCHEHERAZADE: I am Scheherazade from the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights.” Someone asked for help, I heard the sounds of a magic flute.

HOST: Yes, yes. We really need help.

SCHEHERAZADE: I'm listening, what happened?

HOST: Oh, Scheherazade, I myself don’t know what happened. We have gathered here for a holiday to have fun. Suddenly the formidable Padishah appeared, said that we were bothering him, began to drive us out, and now he whispers some strange spell. Maybe you can explain what happened. So what should we do?

SCHEHERAZADE: You are in a fairy tale, where miracles are all around,

I am the Fairy of all fairy tales, there is my fairy-tale home,

I will try, friends, to help you,

I'll tell him a story, even though it's not night.

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world

And we cannot live in the world without them.

The heroes of my fairy tales give you warmth,

And good always defeats evil in them.

I guess I’ll start...

Scheherazade grabs the Shah's rosary

PADISHAH: Grab her!

SCHEHERAZADE: Wait, O Great Padishah! You will always be able to get your beads. I want to tell you one of mine wonderful tales. A tale about Spring, about mother, oh women's holiday. Not only will I tell you, but with the help of the guys you will be able to see it, are you ready to listen?

The music of Spring sounds. Enter SPRING

SPRING: I am Spring - red. Woke everyone up from sleep.

And frogs, and snakes, and bears, and hedgehogs

I woke everyone up from sleep, dressed the ground with grass

And I gave leaves to the trees and bushes.

She told the birds to sing, she told the flowers to bloom.

Child Playful Spring gives you gifts,

The snow outside the window is getting dark,

And the timid tits jump, rejoicing,

They sing: - Happy Women's Day, Happy Women's Day!

Child And the air outside is not winter at all,

Ask quickly, which one?

It smells like birch, it smells like aspen,

It smells like spring today!


The flowers are very delicate - these are snowdrops,

Visible in dark thawed patches.

And all these are the first, the very first

For mom, gifts from naughty spring.


SCHEHERAZADE: Come on, friends, in simple words

We'll all talk about mom now.

Child Let the sun shine tenderly

Let the birds meet the dawn

About the most wonderful thing in the world

I'm talking about my mother.

Child How many of them are kind and gentle

It's time for the holiday today,

The snowdrop blooms for them

And the sun gives warmth.

Child May the first snowdrop give you tenderness

The spring sun will give warmth,

And the March wind brings hope

And happiness and joy and only warmth.

I love you, my dear, my mom!

Child We are your kind smiles huge bouquet we'll collect

For you, our dear ones, we sing a song today.


SCHEHERAZADE: Today our grandmothers came to our holiday,

They found their grandchildren dressed up and cheerful.

Child My grandmother and I live together very happily:

We bake pies together, we’ll go for walks together,

We wash the dishes together.

True, true, I won’t lie!

Child Our holiday is fun today, so let's hurry up

We will tenderly sing a song about our grandmother


PADISHAH: Oh, and grandmothers are lucky to have such grandchildren.

PADISHAH: I'm kind of hungry. Don't you want to? No? Wah, Wah Wah! How interesting. They don't want to eat. But you don’t need to persuade me. Hey servants. Bring me food and more! And you continue your fairy tale, O Star of my eyes.

SCHEHERAZADE: And so, my fairy tale is coming to an end, the most interesting thing remains, but if you want to listen to it to the end, you must write this wonderful spring holiday into your book.

PADISHAH: Bring me pen and ink immediately, I will immediately write this holiday in my book as one of my favorite holidays. (enters)

SCHEHERAZADE: Spring will bring us happiness, may it be a fruitful year

Our people are famous for their work and good deeds

Spring has come to our every home

Celebrate the holiday with us!

HOST: Thank you, Scheherazade, for your fairy tale. Now there's a surprise. To all girls, grandmothers, mothers from gentlemen.


Child We are finishing our holiday, congratulations to everyone once again

Child Dear women, we wish you: be happy in April and May!

HOST: Our holiday has come to an end. This concludes the concert. We wish you not to get sick! Stay young forever, Do not grow old with your soul over the years!

March 8 is Women's Day. Of course, this is the most favorite spring holiday and the most anticipated. Our scenario for March 8th for the senior group of kindergarten will help you have a fun and unforgettable holiday, giving all women a spring light mood and smiles. It's called "Rainbow for Mom."



We use songs:

"Dear Angel"
"Spring is Coming"
"My parents"
"Grandma's Prayer"
"Sing to me, grandma"

We use dances:

"Flowers and Ladybug"
"Moths and Bugs"
Parable about mom
Playing musical instruments for children
"Music of the Rain"


Game "Put the baby to sleep"
Game "Cook borscht"
Game "Flower Positions for Mom"

Cheerful music is playing. Teacher's exit

TEACHER: Hello, guests of our holiday! We are glad to meet you in this wonderful and cozy room, which today is filled with warm sun rays, the amazing smiles of our friends, the freshness of spring. Indeed, the spring holiday on March 8 awakens the most sincere emotions and feelings in all of us. The guys from our senior group were no exception, who spent a very long time preparing their congratulations for you, dear mothers, grandmothers, and girlfriends.
So, to your incessant applause, we welcome in our hall the youngest participants of our holiday.

Spring music sounds, Dance-out

Child 1.

The holiday begins not with flowers,
There are many reasons for this
It begins with warm words,
From the sparkle in the eyes of our dear mothers

Child 2.

And only then the streams will ring,
And the snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
All the women in the world will smile
And spring will come to our hall.

Child 3.

And in order to really bring a holiday to the guests,
Find the colors of the rainbow
So let's find the colors together
So that spring gives us colorful happiness

Presenter. So, children, for life to be bright, it should be colored with the most different colors. Look at this leaf - it's white, not interesting. So, today let's take a trip through the colors of the rainbow and create a picture out of them. The first color is red, the color of life, flowers, love.

Child 4.

Mom, mom's hands
Gently stroke it and it will become warmer.
Mom, mother's heart,
It will shine with love - it will become brighter.

Child 5.

The most beautiful are our mothers
We love them more and more every day
And when we become adults
We will not stop loving you either.

Child 6.

As dear and gentle as you
I can't find it in the whole world!
It's good mom that you exist.
I can’t count your merits

(Flowers and ladybugs come out)

Ladybug 1.
Ah, my friends! Just look at the lawn - it’s full of flowers.

Flower 1.
Yes, we are wonderful flowers, and we have amazingly beautiful colorful hats

Ladybug 2.
Tell me, flowers, what good are you here, what are you doing here all the time?

Flower 2.
We bring love to the world, bloom again and again every spring, and make people happy.

Ladybug 3.
Well, we came to the holiday to congratulate all women and girls on the most colorful spring holidays on March 8th!

Flower 3.
Oh, what a great idea! And to best congratulate everyone, let’s dance together!

Ladybug 4.
Wonderful! Squad of Ladybugs - stand in a circle, invite a flower!

Dance "Flowers and Ladybugs"

So we found love and flowers, red symbols (the teacher shows a red ribbon and attaches it to a Whatman paper. A moth flies into the hall to the music)

I'm beautiful and light
I am a golden moth.
I came here to see you.
I found the orange color for you.
But to give it to you
You must dance for me.

Butterfly 1.
We are glad to meet you
On our joyful holiday.

Butterfly 2.
Of course, we will all dance,
Let's give joy to our mothers.

Dance of Moths and Fireflies

Take my gift
Attach it to the picture
And it's time for me to fly,
There are still other children waiting for me.
(the moth gives an orange ribbon and flies out)

Here is another color that the moth helped us find, this is the color of joy and friendship - orange

Child 7.
There is a blossoming branch on my window,
Pink petals reach for the light
Indeed, it’s as if the kindergarten grew on the window,
So that mommy's eyes are filled with sunshine.

Child 8.
Sun warm earth warms,
Flowers and grass grow faster
And mothers keep our children warm,
Because our mothers give a lot of warmth

(the child-sun comes out to the music)

Me, little sunshine
Cheerful rays
I came to visit you
With green leaves
Brought you a gift
yellow smile
To fix it in the spring
Children make all their mistakes

As you all know - yellow symbol of the holiday, symbol of the sun and joy. Therefore, in the spring my color becomes very popular. And I am happy to give you my yellow ribbon!

The presenter attaches a ribbon to whatman paper

We thank the sun for coming to us, it’s good to sing in sunny weather, our girls know this

Girls' song "I am your daughter"

What wonderful singers are in our kindergarten!
And how beautiful! What outfits they prepared! I think you girls will become real helpers for your mothers
And now it’s time for me to go.
(the sun sets, the bees run out)

Bee 1.
I'm a yellow bee, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing
WITH yellow I'm friends
I smile and hum
And I bring joy to people

Bee 2.
I'm a sweet little bee, Maya the bee
I know yellow is the color of happiness
I'll give it to you
Today is the holiday of your mothers.
(the bee gives a yellow ribbon to the teacher)

Bee 3.
Girls, dear, enough for you
Today is the holiday of our mothers
To bring joy to mothers
We will dance for them.

Dance of the Bees

Child 9.
Spring! Spring! The air is ringing,
And a bright sky.
He gives blueness to the eyes,
And the voices are dispersed.

Child 10.
Spring! Spring! How high
On the wings of the breeze.
The clouds are flying
Touching the sun's ray

Child 11.
Spring is coming to us for a holiday,
Everything shines with rays.
Today is the holiday of our mothers!
It sounds everywhere on earth.

(Spring comes to the music)
I came to your holiday
And brought warmth to everyone.
I smile at the sun:
- Hello, golden!
I smile at the flower -
Let it bloom!
I smile at the rain:
- Lean like a bucket!
I smile at my friends
I wish everyone well!

Song "Spring is Coming"

I loved your song
And I made everything green.
All the groves and all the meadows,
Even river banks
I brought you green
And now it's time for me to go to the forest
(spring gives up the green ribbon and leaves)

Child 12.
Snowdrops are blooming in the forest for mom,
Drops are ringing, streams are babbling,
For mother, the whole earth blooms with gardens,
Spring gives her its songs

Child 13.
Look how beautiful it is all around,
Spring has unraveled her braid,
And droplets of transparent rain,
Dew was scattered everywhere.

Playing musical instruments. "Music of the Rain"
(the child gives the pigeon a ribbon to the teacher)
Presenter. Blue is a symbol of sincerity, understanding - exactly what we lack in life, it wonderfully complements other colors of the rainbow.

Child 14.
Mom, sister and grandmother,
We love you - no one can take that away
But daddy, for the holiday
We must also remember.

Child 15.
Spring holiday - Women's Day
Smiles, beauty and sincere hearts
I can even hold my mommy in my arms, believe me, I’m not lazy
He is happy to wear it - my father

Song "My Parents"
Child 16.
Peace and tranquility in the family?
Thank you dad.
You will caress your mother too,
And if necessary, scold me
So for you and me
Gentlemen will dance!

Dance of the Gentlemen
(the gentleman child gives the blue ribbon to the teacher)
Presenter. Here we go blue We found the rainbow, it is the color of peace, strength, courage.

"How children were looking for a sister or brother"
There are two of us children in the family,
And it happens more now.
Except mommy and daddy
We would like a sister or a brother.

That's what we guys wanted
What did we go look for in the garden beds?
We searched the whole garden -
They just caught a frog,
We saw a bear and a snail
And not a single baby.

A head of cabbage was examined -
They sorted through each leaf.
We were picking in the garden,
Even the chickens laughed at us:

- Co-co-co.
If in cabbage
Someday a baby will show up
It won't be no child
And the little cabbage
Well, we dug up the garden,
And they hurried to the stork:

- Hello, our dear stork,
You fly so far
You bring a lot of kids to everyone
Both boys and girls
So we ask for diapers
And in them a sister or brother,
So that we don't get bored playing

Here the stork is in shock
He looked at us for a long time and ran away.
And frogs, let's laugh:
- Where can a stork get a baby?
He has storks
And frogs have little frogs...
You human need children -
Go to people and ask, believe me

We didn't waste time -
We were in a hurry to the supermarket:
We looked under the shelves
All the boxes were opened.
They ran around the entire store -
No children were found there.
The consultant was found
And they asked him:

- Is there a section here where the babies are?
Both girls and boys and diapers?
The consultant answers us:
- There are no children for sale.
- Where do children come from then?
We really need to answer
Do you need a newborn -
mom and dad awarded by God

Our parents didn't scold us
Why have we been walking for so long?
And they promised us a child
Either a boy or a girl.
Mom conferred with dad
Then she became plump
Looked a little plump
And soon she gave birth to a girl

Presenter. Bravo, guys! Now we’ll take a look at how our dads help our moms with housework.

Game "Baby Cradling"

The presenter invites dads to swaddle the baby dolls with one hand, and then sing a lullaby.

Presenter. Now let’s check how our children help their mothers cook in the kitchen.

Game "Cook borscht"

Two teams of children are chosen, placed in two columns, and the first team member is given a basket. On the opposite edge of the hall there is a large basket filled with various vegetables and fruits. The participants’ task is to run to the basket of vegetables and put one of the vegetables, which is part of the borscht, into their basket.

Presenter. The last color of the rainbow is purple, it is the color of wisdom, it is the color that reflects our grandparents.

Child 17.
Dear grannies, congratulations to you all,
I wish you joy, happiness and health.
May the sun shine brightly for you,
Flowers abound and grass spreads.
I wish you to live a hundred years,
Love grandchildren and children.
Let old age not rush you, let it forgive you
But don’t let your heart know your misfortune.

Song "Sing to me, grandma"

Child 18.
I'll sing a song to my grandmother
About the sun and my love
There is no better person in the world
I love grandma more than all the candies!

Child 19.
I love my mommy
Dad, brother, grandmother.
Gray-haired grandfather,
Good morning, dear

Child 20.
I am to all, all women
Now I will bring joy,
I'll sing them a song
I will pretend that I love them.

Song "Dear Angel"
(Children congratulate their parents and give gifts to their mothers).

This is the scenario for the holiday on March 8 for the senior group of the kindergarten “Rainbow for Mom” that we wanted to offer you.
We also invite you to look

Give children a holiday... Is it easy or difficult? It's easy if you really want it. It’s also easy because, having created a bright, joyful holiday atmosphere full of surprises, we introduce children to the very environment in which they feel like fish in water. After all, every child in itself is the embodiment of joy in this world. This means that a holiday is natural and necessary for him.

Is it difficult? Yes. Because a holiday is the result of a long, multifaceted work, it is a synthesis various types activities. The holiday must be thought out and organized in detail. This is the main task of educators and teachers.

There are no trifles at a holiday. A cluttered moment, a missed action, an incorrect intonation - and children will immediately sense the falseness, hide their emotions and, worst of all, stop trusting you. Therefore, give children a real, bright, memorable holiday that would make them sound inner world for a child to discover his individuality is a lot of work.

But any work brings joy when you do something with pleasure, enthusiasm, putting your soul into it. We have everything to create a festive atmosphere: a great desire to do it; a team of like-minded teachers - creative, enterprising people; the theater studio, which is the epicenter of the festive atmosphere, the basic platform for the preparation of holiday heroes; a wonderful music hall, its decoration reminiscent of a theater stage; costumes, attributes, decorations; our faithful allies and helpers are our parents and, of course, our main value for the sake of which all this exists are our students.

And so the holiday was invented, organized, carried out. A greater and better reward than the flushed faces of the children, their eyes shining with joy and a surge of emotions, their endless conversations, the exchange of impressions from the fairy tale in which they were the main characters, from the feeling of their own importance and strength (after all, they defeated the forest evil spirits and saved Spring, it is thanks to their efforts that Baba Yaga became kind and beautiful), it is impossible to wish for.

Using the proposed scenarios for holidays and entertainment in your work, dear teachers, music directors, educators, parents, you will certainly be able to perform this wonderful miracle - give children a holiday.

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Scripts. Senior group

Scenario for the holiday for March 8 “My mother is the best in the world” for children of the older group Purpose: the script is intended for kindergarten teachers and music directors. Goal: to give children ideas about the holiday “March 8”, to cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards their mother. Characters: presenter, brownie Kuzya, Kikimora. Presenter: Today we feel as comfortable as at home. Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall. Moms came to us - we are glad to see you all! And we will begin the joyful holiday...

Scenario for the holiday at the preschool educational institution on March 8, “Warmth of hearts for our mothers.” Senior group The holiday script is built taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it may be of interest both for experienced teachers and for young professionals Venue: music hall. Decoration of the hall: inscription on the central wall - March 8, flowers, butterflies. Equipment: cubes, two scoops, two buckets, two brooms, rope, ribbons, decorations, bags for girls, lipsticks, scarves, Whatman paper - 3 pcs., felt-tip pens, Technical means: sound reproduction...

Scenario “Adventures in the Flower City” (celebratory performance for the Day of March 8 in the senior group) Characters: Presenter - Dunno - Sineglazka - Pilyulkin - Vintik - Shpuntik - Cheesecake - Pyshechka - Brush - Tsvetik Progress of the holiday. The hall is festively decorated in the style of the Flower City ( balls, flowers, turrets). Presenter: In one flowery city there lived short people. Dear, good girls and boys. The little ones had very funny names. They lived in a flowery city. The guys were very nice! Meet the guys soon, They...

Concert for mothers on March 8th. Senior group “And spring has come to us again” (music cafe for mothers) Goal: To create a festive mood, to form in children aesthetic feelings, call positive emotions. Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands. And spring has come to us again. We feel her breath. The rivers woke up from their sleep, and the birds could already be heard chirping. With spring, our brightest holiday comes to visit us. We congratulate our mothers, We send them warm greetings! 1-child....

Scenario musical performance in kindergarten “March 8 and Thumbelina” Presenter: Once on the eve of March 8, when all the fairy-tale characters were preparing for the holiday, the girl Thumbelina became sad. Thumbelina comes out. Dance of Thumbelina Thumbelina: There is such a day in March, With a number like a pretzel. Everyone is happy about him, of course, but I’m the only one who’s sad. I would like to get married. Where can I find a groom? Ved.: Her friend, the Field Mouse, heard the words of Thumbelina, and came running to give good advice. Mouse comes out. Dance of the Mouse.(P.Drang...

Beauty contest for March 8th in kindergarten for older children preschool age Goal: creating a festive atmosphere in the team of children and their parents. Tasks. 1. Development creativity preschool children. 2. Involving parents to participate in joint educational activities when preparing children's numbers and costumes. 3. Fostering a respectful attitude towards adults and peers. Boys enter the hall. Reader 1. - Spring has come to our house again! Again we are all waiting for the holiday...

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Senior preschool age Author: Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, instructor in physical culture. MDOBU "Novoarbansky kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy settlement. Purpose: Holiday on March 8, for children of the senior group of preschool age. Description of work: the material can be used by teachers, music directors for holding a holiday on March 8 March Goal: to form love for mother, respect for women, develop interest in tradition...

Scenario for March 8. A holiday for children of the older group. Goal: To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Cultivate love for mother, the desire to give gifts made with your own hands. The material is intended for preschool teachers. I propose to hold a holiday “March 8” for children of senior preparatory age. Since I have been working with older children for 10 years, I used the event for children 5-6 years old. Are they active...

1-child. For you, dear mothers! Dear ones, for you! The concert is cheerful, joyful. We will arrange it now! 1. Song-dance “Kind sweet mother” 2-child. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers! The sun is smiling at you now, dear mothers! 3- child. The birds composed a ringing song just for you! We wish you, mothers, that you live joyfully! 4-child. Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere. We are grateful to you for everything, you are dearer to us, dearer to us! 2. Song-dance “Lullaby for Mom” Poems How many...

Celebration scenario for March 8th for older preschoolers " Better than mom not to be found" Presenter. And again spring has come to us. We feel its breath. The rivers have woken up from sleep, And the birds can already be heard chirping. With spring comes to visit us Our holiday, the brightest. We congratulate our mothers, We salute them warm greetings! Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle 1st child: Let the sun shine tenderly, Let the birds greet the dawn! About the most wonderful one in the world, I speak about my mother 2nd child: How many of them...

Scenario of the holiday for the International women's day“A lovely creature, sheer charm” A holiday dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. For older kindergarten groups. Goal: 1. create a festive atmosphere; 2. develop the ability to behave in public; 3. promote the disclosure and realization of creative abilities; 4. cultivate an attentive, sensitive attitude towards your loved ones. Attributes and equipment: piano, recordings of music from the film “Goodbye Mary Poppins!”; suit for Men...

Holiday scenario for March 8th for children of senior preschool age " Fairy-tale heroes visiting mothers.”Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Chistikova This scenario will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with older children to hold a holiday. Celebration scenario for March 8 for children of senior preschool age “Fairy-tale characters visiting mothers.”In the hall There are tables in any form at which parents sit. Host: Mom! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds in every language...

SCENARIO OF THE MARCH 8 HOLIDAY for children of senior preschool age “SPRING NOTES” Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Turcheneva, music director of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1” in the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region. Description: This material will be of interest to teachers and music directors, as well as parents who want to learn poems and songs with their children to congratulate relatives. The script can be used in working with children of senior preschool age (5 - 7 years old) T...

Entertainment script for March 8th for children of senior preschool age (Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.) Presenter: Spring, spring is walking through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light. Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this. Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate all mothers around the planet. "Thank you!" - Both adults and children tell mothers. Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters on the holiday of spring, on International Women's Day - March 8th. (Children read poetry) 1. Look outside the window...

Scenario for children of the older group, dedicated to March 8 “This is what Mother’s country is” Presenter. Hello dear guests, We are glad to see you all. Let this one of ours fly by unnoticed holiday hour! Anton Mom's heart knows no peace, Mom's heart is like a torch burning, Mom's heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent. Presenter. No one can replace motherly love for us, Don’t try, don’t, friends. Only mother’s heart will warm you with love, take a deep breath, embrace you lovingly... Dance with balloons Kirill. Oh guys...

Scenario for the holiday on March 8 in the senior group (work is involved in All-Russian competition for teachers on best scenario events "March 8 - Mother's Day")

Children enter the hall in pairs to the music “Solar Drops” and stand in a semicircle near the central wall


When everything around is sparkling,

And let me congratulate you,

Happy International Women's Day!

I wish you health and happiness,

So that you never grow old,

May you always prosper

In the name of happiness and goodness!


1 child:

Mom is an expensive word

in that word there is warmth and light

Hello to our mothers.


Eighth of March! Spring day!

And if there is a blizzard outside the window,

You, our dear mothers,

Always keeps the kids warm.


Our kind and dear ones,

With all my heart for you -

The concert is fun and joyful

We'll arrange it now.

Child. The holiday is bright and cheerful

He came to us early in the spring.

So the sun is shining brightly,

Smiling at you and me.

Sky in delicate watercolor

Turns blue in the sky.

Young March with its drop

Warms my soul.

Child. Forest snowdrops

From the leaves they whisper to us:

“We opened up today

For your dear mothers! "

The streams are noisy, sparkling,

They ring here and there.

The spring holiday has arrived

Our dear mothers.

Child. We wish mothers happiness,

We will dance and sing for them.

Our dear mothers!

Happy Women's Day!


Everything is ready for the holiday

So what are we waiting for?

We sing a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Children will sing the song “Mama”

Children sit on chairs.

Leading. How tenderly, with love, your children speak and sing about you, mothers.

Now we’ll find out what your parents think about you guys!

A funny roll call game with parents

Leading. In the morning he gets out of bed:

“Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the shoes? Where's the sock? »

I made the bed myself,

And I watered the flowers myself,

I helped my mother set the table...

Do you have such a son? (Parents answer...)

I scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I’m tired!

I can’t clean up, I’ll help you tomorrow!

I don’t want to, period!

Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer...)

And other daughters are a miracle! Wash all the dishes

They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves were still crumbs,

They work, they try... Do you like them? (Parents answer...)

Leading. That means what kind of kids you have! Then listen to the words of recognition from your children.

Competition “Road to Mom”.

Two children per team stand opposite their mothers. In their hands are drops of cardboard or flowers. You need to reach your mother drop by drop. A drop is added when a kind word is said to mom. Whoever makes the path to mom faster wins.

Leading. And now I suggest checking out what wonderful housewives our mothers are.

Contest " Delicious dish»

There are pieces of paper hanging on strings on strings with names written on them. different products(as unsuitable as possible for each other - for example, on one there is physalis, on the other - herring, on the third - bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, spun and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, the mother must quickly come up with and tell what dish she can prepare from these products and what she will call it.

Leading. Children know, adults know -

Being a mother is not easy at all.

Mom needs to know a lot:

How to cook, how to wash,

Take care of everyone...

Yes...moms have a difficult job.

Children act out the skit “Three Mothers”.


There is a table and three chairs on the stage. A doll sits on one of the chairs. There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table.
Tanyusha in the evening
I came from a walk
And the doll asked:
A girl enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, and takes the doll in her arms.
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.
How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Granny screamed for dinner more than once,
And you answered: now and now.
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And I asked my mother:
The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again there was not a minute to eat,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Everyone eats cheesecakes.
Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
All together.
Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

Child. The sun is shining very, very strongly

The snow is shining, the sun is glad!

It's blue-blue-blue-

Blue-eyed and red March

Found our mother

Sent her congratulations!

Child: The dance continues

Our children's holiday concert.

To all mothers, grandmothers, sisters

Today the children say hello!

Children will perform a pair dance “Ah, Seryozhka!”

Leading. Grandmothers are sitting in our hall. Dear grandmothers, I am glad to congratulate you, people of different ages, but close in spirit, on this holiday! It is you who, with your warmth and affection, teach us to always be kind and sensitive.


My grandmother and I are old friends.

How good my grandmother is!

He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them

And there are always new ones in stock.

But grandma’s hands are just a treasure!

Grandma's hands are not allowed to be idle.

Golden, dexterous, how I love them!

No, you probably won’t find others like them!


My granny has the kindest look

If everyone is asleep, her eyes are not sleeping.

She sews and knits, bakes pies,

He will tell me a story, he will sing me a song.

He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

He will silently smile and hug you!

Children will perform the song “Ladushki”

Leading. Well, what is a grandmother without a grandson or granddaughter? As soon as a baby appears in the family, the grandmother rushes to the aid of the young: she bathes him for the first time and swaddles him. Let's remember our youth? Let's swaddle the baby doll.

Competition "Swaddle the Baby"

Two members of the team “swaddle” the dolls at the same time. Accuracy and speed are assessed.


Without spring, we know

There is no such thing as a mother's holiday!

Where should we look for her?

How should we call her?

Swallow (child) flies into the door

Leading. The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow flies to our garden in the spring.

Martin. I am a swallow migrant.

I am the first to arrive from the south and announce the arrival of Spring.

I brought a letter for you from Vesna. Here it is!

(gives the letter.)

Leading. Thank you Swallow! (swallow flies away)

The presenter unfolds it and reads the letter

Hello my guys!

I'll tell you everything in order:

I am Winter, sister of Spring,

Snow, cold mistress!

I played snowballs with you

And I took everyone on a sled,

I sculpted a snow woman...

I haven't forgotten anything!

But it's time for me to get ready

Yes, return to the north.

Don't be bored without me

And welcome the Red Spring!

From my heart I wish you

Sing and have fun

So that everyone around you can

Make strong friends!

Then the flowers will bloom,

The sun will laugh

The birds will sing songs,

And... Spring will wake up!

Well, winter tells us to have fun and wake up spring! Let's take her advice!

What is all this noise and commotion?

Someone is eager to visit us!

Well, let's sit quietly,

Who is this? Let's see!

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom to the music.

Baba Yaga.

In the dark thicket at the edge

I live in my hut.

I can do magic

It's fun to fly on a broom.

I see there are a lot of guys here...

What is this?

Children. Kindergarten!

Baba Yaga.

So, it was not in vain that I was confused!

So, I got there!

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

Leshay brother told me:

- You should fly to kindergarten!

The children are celebrating spring there,

Happy holiday to everyone:

Grandmothers, girls, mothers...

And you won't be there!

You didn't invite me,

They forgot about the beauty!

(Points to himself.)

I will not forgive the insult

I will take revenge on you now! Wow!

I'm canceling the fun

I'm kicking everyone out of here!

(Threatens the guys, scares them.)


Stop being angry, Yaga!

Well, where is this good?

Don't waste your energy in vain,

We are not afraid of you!

Baba Yaga.

Oh, aren't you afraid of me?

Okay, then hang in there!

I'm about to scream (screams),

I’ll knock like a broom (knocks).

And I won’t let spring come to you -

I'll make you feel so bored!

We are friends with boredom,

We can't be cheered up!

Boredom won't let you laugh

Run, jump, tumble...

You won't get spring,

You won't wake up spring!

Well, without spring, everyone knows

There is no such thing as Mother's Day! Here!

Leading. Baba Yaga, our children will instantly cheer you up and you will become kinder.

Child. Spring will only touch cold earth
And suddenly the magic happens:
Flowers bloom through the ice and snow
And the luscious grasses rise.
Child. How many flowers have bloomed around,

Our hall is so beautiful and light!

The flowers and I will spin

So that Spring can return to us!

A dance with flowers is performed.

Baba Yaga.

You made me happy with your dance!

But I won't give up that easily.

No! This won't happen!

With the help of the game I will

Test your dexterity!

Aren't you afraid?

Attraction “Dress up your mother”, “Tie a scarf for the girl”.

Baba Yaga.

Oh, and clever people

Lives in this kindergarten!

But it's time to know when to stop

We need to run to the forest quickly!

Wake up the red spring,

To please you all!

Don't forget me in the future

Invite us to visit more often!


Baba Yaga “flies away” to the music.


We laughed and danced

They played noisy games!

But there is still no spring!

What's the mystery? What's the secret?

Maybe we'll go to a round dance,

Shall we start a song together?

Children will sing a song about spring.

(Spring enters to the music)


Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday.

I heard your songs...

But did I get there?

Is everyone singing and playing here?

And they welcome me, spring?

Children. Yes! Here!

Presenter. Spring is red, because today is Women's Day, March 8, and our guys congratulate all mothers. Now they will read a poem for them.

He only comes to that house where they help their mother,

We will sweep the floor in the apartment and set the table ourselves.

We will cook dinner for her, We will sing and dance with her,

We will paint her portrait as a gift.

We will sing a song for mom and congratulate her on Women’s Day!

Presenter. You guys come out and surprise us all with your dance!

Dance "Waltz".

Spring. You amused me and surprised me with your dance. And I want to congratulate you on the holiday

I wish you happiness and joy

Both big and little ones.

To you, girls and boys,

Fidgets, naughty girls,

I want to give flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

To see them first

Everyone needs to close their eyes!

Children close their eyes, Spring lays out flowers on the floor (planar, back side sweets attached); music sounds.

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

You can open your eyes!

Leading. What a miracle! Look, guys, what a beautiful flower meadow!


And these flowers are not simple, they have a surprise!

Well, guys, don't yawn,

Take it apart, flower by flower!

Music is playing, children are sorting flowers.

Congratulations to you once again,

I wish you to be cheerful!

It's time for me to return

Goodbye, kids!

Spring leaves the hall to the music.


We sang and danced

We entertained you as best we could!

Goodbye, good morning!

We are waiting for you again for the holiday!