Sample order for additional payment for an expanded scope of work. Personal allowance

may be assigned to a worker at the initiative of the employer, who independently determines the procedure for its payment through the adoption of relevant internal acts. Next, we will tell you what the procedure for processing such a payment might look like.

An allowance for work intensity and high achievements at work - what kind of payment is this?

Additional payment for additional work and high achievements are part of the salary and are stimulating in nature (part 1 of article 129 Labor Code RF). It should be noted that in the wording we set out in the Labor Code, this payment is not mentioned. Where did this term come from?

Like many concepts not disclosed by law, the name in question was introduced by by-law. In particular, it is found in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval of the list of types of payments...” dated December 29, 2007 No. 818 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 818).

The conditions and procedure for paying the bonus are established within the framework common system remuneration at the enterprise by collective agreement and/or local regulations(Part 2 of Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In Order No. 818, an allowance is provided for 2 reasons: for intensity of work and high results (this also includes bonus for increasing the volume of work). In this case, it is quite possible for one person to be paid an incentive on both grounds at the same time.

Note: there is an opinion that the bonus for intensity and high results is established for no more than 1 calendar year and is assigned only to highly qualified employees. This is not true, since each employer has the right to independently determine who gets what bonuses and what criteria to use to assign them.

How to arrange an additional payment for the intensity of work and its additional volume, an example of a service letter for an employee

The first step is to draw up a memo or memorandum from the immediate superior of the distinguished employee. It is compiled either in the form established by the enterprise, or in any form. The note must be accompanied by supporting documents on the basis of which the decision will be made, as well as the amount of the premium if approved.

A memo of this kind looks something like this:

To the Director of Mineral LLC

from the head of the planning department

Strelova V. I.

Service memo

I hereby bring to your attention that based on the results of work for November 2016, Trofimov Igor Petrovich, senior employee of the planning department, achieved the following results:

  • preparing an assessment plan land plots for 2017 completed 14 days ahead of schedule;
  • As a result of this plan, assessment costs were optimized and reduced by 20% of the expected.

In this regard, I believe it is possible to implement a bonus for intensity and high results in November 2016.

Appendix: land assessment plan for 2017.

Head of the OP: (signature) V.I. Strelov.

After reviewing the submitted note and the documents attached to it, subject to confirmation of the information received, the head of the organization issues an order to accrue the allowance.

The bonus can be issued in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the salary. The size is not normatively limited. In addition, by decision of the management of the enterprise, additional payments can be made either at a time, systematically or over a period of time.

What is meant by intensity and high results? Each organization, when introducing these additional payments, determines the essence of these terms. Also, criteria are independently established by which the levels of intensity and results of a particular employee’s work will be measured (the size of the bonus will also depend on them).

Sample order for additional payment for intensity and increase in the volume of work performed

The form of the order for additional payment is determined by the employer independently. However, it is important to understand that an order, unlike a memo, is a primary accounting document, since it reflects economic activity enterprises, therefore must contain a number mandatory details(Article 9 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ):

  • name of the organization;
  • date of issue of the order;
  • title of the document;
  • last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person in respect of whom the operation is being carried out;
  • the essence of the operation and monetary measurement;
  • basis of the order;
  • manager's signature;
  • place for the worker’s signature confirming the fact of familiarization with the document.

The completed order is sent to the accounting department to calculate the premium.

The document looks something like this:

Society with limited

responsibility of "Mineral"


O bonus for intensity and high performance results

Trofimov Igor Petrovich, senior employee of the planning department, for performing work beyond the plan by more than short term in accordance with clause 1.3 and clause 1.7 of the salary regulations at Mineral LLC dated 02/01/2010, pay in November 2016 an increase in the amount of 100% of the salary for work intensity and 50% of the salary for high results.

Reason: memo from the head of the planning department dated November 20, 2016.

Director of Mineral LLC: (signature) K. R. Kryukov

I have read the order: (signature) I. P. Trofimov


So, additional payment for additional volume of work and intensity of work is an incentive payment and is carried out at the discretion of the employer. All its parameters are determined by local regulations and are not regulated in any way by law.

We emphasize that in this case, in work book, at the request of the part-time worker, a record can be made that he worked under the second contract. In cases where the combination occurs in the same profession or position specified in the employment contract, we can talk about expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work. When performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee, the employee may be entrusted with performing duties both in his specialty or position, and in another.

Order to perform additional work

Order to perform additional work.

Expansion of service areas (filling sample)

Order to carry out additional. Expansion of service areas (filling sample)


On instructions to perform additional

work by expanding the service area

Based on Art.

Art. 60.2, 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in connection with the presence of a vacancy

Establish to the HR department inspector O.I. Stovoy additional payment for expanding service areas in the amount of 7,000 (seven thousand) rubles per month.

Reason: additional agreement dated October 19, 2011 No. 15-td/01 to the employment contract dated October 12, 2009 No. 15-td.

Sample order for additional payment for an expanded scope of work

(Fill out the order form and receive the document by email)

Code Form according to OKUD

Municipal educational institution "Chernorechenskaya secondary school of the Orenburg region" according to OKPO

Date of compilation 03.12.2007

In connection with the implementation of an additional amount of work, in accordance with Art.

151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

1. Produce to the cleaner Kovalenko L.P. monthly supplement to wages for completing additional volume in the amount of 2000.0 rubles. (excluding the Ural coefficient)

Director A.V.

Skobtsova position

personal signature signature decryption

The employee is familiar with the order (instruction)




Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Sample order to increase the volume of work performed

monthly supplement to official salary Parkhomenko O.V. in the amount of 500 rubles for increasing the volume of work performed. 4. Bring this order to the attention of all employees of the organization.

The order has been familiarized with SIGNATURE O.V. Parkhomenko ___ June 2006 General Director SIGNATURE A.K. Orlov

You can also download an example of an act about violation labor discipline

How to establish an additional payment for increasing the volume of work?

At the same time, the employer must remember his obligation to provide equal pay for work of equal value (para. 6 hours second art. 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The surcharge can be set either as a fixed monetary amount or as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary) or the employee’s salary.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Situation: how to formalize the execution, which are not included in job responsibilities employee Performing work that is not part of the employee’s job responsibilities can be done in one of four ways: When internal part-time job The employee performs additional work in his free time (Art.

60.1 and part 1 of Art. 282 Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Ukts abb

- this is the performance of additional work both in a different and in the same profession (position), if such work is performed by another employee under an employment contract. The period during which an employee performs the functions of an absent employee is limited to the period of absence of such employee for, including, for example:
  1. if an employee goes on vacation;
  2. before closing vacant position etc.
  3. in case of temporary disability of the employee;

Additional payment for increasing the volume of work

Based on the concluded agreement, the employer will issue an order on the temporary performance of additional duties, with which the employee should be familiarized with signature. Below is a sample order for additional payment for increasing volume.

Is information about additional workload included in the work book? Data on combining professions, increasing the volume of work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from the main job is not required to be entered into the work book.

Sometimes organizations need to increase the workload on employees. The law allows this, but only after issuing a special order and subject to certain rules.

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What is an increase in the scope of work

Some enterprise employees confuse two concepts from the personnel lexicon: combining and increasing the volume of work.

They are somewhat similar, but have one fundamental difference: when combined, a person performs duties in two different professions or positions, while simultaneously holding two positions in the staffing table.

When the volume of work increases, this does not happen: the employee, in addition to his standard functions, simultaneously undertakes to perform additional tasks without taking up a second staff position.

It should be noted that increasing the volume of work is beneficial to both parties labor relations: for the employer, because he doesn’t have to bother creating a new workplace (especially if the additional functionality is not that great), and for his subordinate, because he gets the opportunity to earn more.

Who may be affected by the increase in the volume of work?

In general, you can assign additional responsibilities to any employee of the organization or even several. It is only important that the level of education, work experience, qualifications and position correspond to the newly assigned functions.

Conditions for increasing

Before allowing a subordinate to perform new additional duties, the management of the enterprise must obtain his approval for this.

The proposal itself can be expressed either in writing or in orally, but consent must be recorded only in writing.

Thus, the employee will testify that he voluntarily agreed to increase the amount of work, and the employer, in the future, if something happens, will have on hand evidence that there were no violations of legal norms on his part.

After the employee writes a statement of consent to increase the scope of work, an additional agreement to the employment contract must be concluded with him.

It is made in two copies (similar to an employment contract) and contains the same sections and clauses. It is necessary to carefully specify the conditions for increasing the workload: number of hours, amount of additional payment, period, etc. In the additional agreement, it would not be out of place to indicate that the employee who has taken on additional functions is not relieved of his main responsibilities.

Is it possible to refuse additional load?

By law, a company employee who has received increased load, has the right to refuse it at any time. The employer can also do this.

The only thing that needs to be observed for this is to notify the other party of your desire in writing three days before the event.

Document Format

To date, this order does not have a unified form. This means that it can be written in any form, based on your own vision of the document and taking into account the characteristics of the organization. However, if there is an established template within the enterprise that is mandatory for use, the order to increase the scope of work must be written according to its type.

How to issue an order to increase the scope of work

The execution of a document can also be absolutely free: the order can be made “live” (handwritten version) or printed on a computer. If an electronic form is used, after final preparation, it must be printed. This is necessary so that the head of the organization, as well as all employees designated in it, can sign their autographs under the document.

You can print the order on a regular piece of paper, or on a piece of paper with the company’s details and logo printed in advance. It is necessary to certify an order with a seal only when this condition is a requirement from the management of the enterprise.

The order should be made in one original copy, if necessary, it can be photocopied, having all additional copies properly certified (for example, for transfer to structural divisions companies).

Do I need to register?

Information about the order must be entered in a special accounting document - a journal. As a rule, it is kept by the secretary of the organization, and it includes data on all issued management orders. The journal not only certifies the fact of creating an order, but also, if necessary, makes it possible to easily find the required order. In the journal, it is enough to note the name and number of the order, the date of its issue.

How long and how to store an order

The issued order must be kept certain rules. The original document is filed in a special folder with other similar administrative acts. It contains the period specified in the local documentation of the enterprise or for the period established by Russian legislation.

After it ceases to be relevant, it can be destroyed (but also subject to a certain algorithm of actions).

Sample order to increase the scope of work

If you need to create an order to increase the scope of work, read these recommendations carefully and familiarize yourself with the sample document - it will help you create your own order form.

First of all, write:

  • company name;
  • title of the document;
  • number, place and date of its compilation.

After that, go to the main block. Write here:

  • justification for creating the order (i.e. indicate the real reason why you needed to give additional workload to the employee);
  • basis (here you should refer to the relevant article of the law);
  • after the word “I order”, write in respect of whom the order is issued: position, full name of the employee;
  • a list of additional work (this is not necessary; instead, you can make a link to the additional agreement to the employment contract);
  • amount of surcharge (in numbers and in words);
  • the date from which the employee’s workload will increase;
  • responsible for execution this order employee.

Finally, collect all the required signatures.

please tell me how to correctly draw up an order and an additional agreement to the employment contract establishing additional payment for increasing the volume of work without exemption from the work specified employment contract. Thanks in advance.


Answer to the question:

The Labor Code provides for three ways for an employee to perform additional work without being exempt from the main one:

  • combination of positions (professions),
  • increase in the scope of work (expansion of service areas),
  • as well as performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee ().

The named methods are united by the fact that additional duties are carried out without interruption from the main job and during the established duration of working hours (shift) (). If such work is performed outside the working day, then it will be an internal part-time job (, Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer’s choice of the form of performance of additional duties depends on the nature of the work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of each method.

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Additional work on the basis of increasing the volume of work can be entrusted to the employee only with his written consent (). It can be expressed in an employee statement or formalized in a proposal to increase the scope of work (for a sample, see the Attached Materials).

After receiving the employee’s consent, you need to draw up an additional agreement to his employment contract (). It must indicate: what this increase in work is, additional work, its content and volume; the amount of additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the period during which the employee will perform additional work (for a sample, see the Attached Materials).

The amount of additional payment is determined by agreement of the parties and depends on the volume and content of additional work (). At the same time, the employer must remember his obligation to provide equal pay for work of equal value (). The surcharge can be set either as a fixed monetary amount or as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary) or the employee’s salary.

It should be remembered that information about combining professions, increasing the volume of work (expanding service areas), performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from the main job Not must be entered into the work book. However, if necessary, they can be added to the employee’s personal card

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Situation: how to formalize the performance of work that is not part of the employee’s job responsibilities

Work that is not part of the employee’s job responsibilities can be completed in one of four ways:

  • How ();
  • How ();
  • How ();

The choice of option depends on the nature of the additional work and the frequency with which the employee must perform it. If an employee will have to do a new job for him for a certain time, then it is better to arrange an internal part-time or combination job.

With an internal part-time job, the employee performs additional work in his free time from his main job (and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For this purpose the employer ().

When combining professions, an employee does additional work during his regular working day. In this case, additional work is subject to payment and is possible only with the written consent of the employee. Such rules are established in Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

By expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work performed, we mean performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by an employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position ().

In this case, the assignment of additional work to an employee for additional payment should be formalized by the employee and the employer signing an additional agreement to the employment contract, which will determine both the content and scope, as well as the duration future work, as well as additional payment for its implementation (Article , Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on the additional agreement to the employment contract, issue an order assigning the employee the appropriate work and establishing additional payment. Submit a copy of the order to the accounting department for calculation and payment of additional payments to the employee.

Information on combining professions, expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract does not need to be entered into the employee’s work book and personal card (, clause, Rules approved, Instructions approved) .

2. Sample: Order to increase the volume of work (expanding service areas)

ORDER No. 467

about expanding the service area

Moscow 17.06.2016

In accordance with articles 60.2 and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


additional work by expanding the service area within the established

duration of the working day: maintain on the basis of incoming and outgoing documents

cash book, carry out operations for receiving, recording, issuing and storing cash

funds and securities.

2. Establish an additional payment for additional work in the amount of 10,000 rubles. per month.

3. When calculating salaries, accounting departments should be guided by this order.

4. To inform the HR department of V.N. Zaitsev with this order signed.

March 2005 No. 255.

3. Sample: Additional agreement on increasing the volume of work (expanding service areas)

on expanding service areas
to employment contract No. 347 dated May 20, 2015.
Moscow September 07, 2015

Society with limited liability"......." (TIN.......) hereinafter referred to as "Employer", represented by General Director........., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and..............., referred to as “Employee”, on the other hand, have entered into this additional agreement on as follows:
1. Subject of the additional agreement
1.1. With the consent of the Employee and in accordance with Art. 60.2, art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation The employee is entrusted with performing additional work as an accountant by expanding service areas for additional payment, during the established working day, along with the work specified in the employment contract.
1.2. The employee is assigned to perform additional job responsibilities in accordance with the official accountant-accountant. (or specify separately:
1. Formation of a database of personal accounts (hereinafter referred to as DB) of apartment (premises) owners.
2. Posting received payments to personal accounts.
3. Making the necessary changes to the database to keep it up to date.
4. Formation of a list of debtors.
5. Issuance of certificates on the status of personal accounts.
6. Reception of owners of apartments (premises).
7. Control and reception primary documentation for calculating payments for housing and communal services apartment building located at:______________________________
managed by LLC "xxx".)
2. Employee remuneration
2.1. The employee is given an additional payment in the amount of 6,700 (six thousand seven hundred) rubles per month.
3. Term of the additional agreement
3.1. The additional work assigned to the Employee will be carried out from 09.09.2015 until the vacancy of the accounting accountant is filled without interruption from the main work specified in the employment contract.
4. Final provisions
4.1. This additional agreement is drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties, and is a mandatory annex to Employment Agreement No. 347 dated May 20, 2015, concluded between the Parties.

4. Magazines and books: Personnel matters April 2014 No. 4 We arrange temporary performance of additional duties

Combining positions (professions) is the performance by an employee of additional work in another position (profession) (). An employee cannot combine positions of the same name. Most often, combination is established when a staff position in an organization is not filled (vacant) for some reason. For example, a secretary, along with his work, can temporarily perform the labor function of a resigned personnel officer on a part-time basis until a new employee is hired for this position.

An increase in the volume of work (expansion of service areas) is the performance by an employee of additional work in the same profession, but in a volume exceeding that established by the employment contract (). For example, if a cleaner, working for one pay, must clean 80 sq. m of space, then, as part of an increase in the volume of work, she can be instructed to clean an additional 20 square meters. m in her main working hours. Of course, if she is able to cope with such a volume.


If the position that the employee will temporarily fill involves direct service material assets, enter into an agreement with him on full financial liability ( , )

Fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee is the performance by an employee of additional work in the same profession or in another (). In this case, it is assumed that the replaced employee continues to be registered in the organization, but for some reason is not able to perform his duties. In other words, temporary replacement is allowed only for occupied positions and is not allowed for vacant ones. So, an engineer can temporarily perform the duties of a supply manager while he is on sick leave.

It must be borne in mind that if an acting employee is released from his main job, then this is a temporary transfer to another job ().

Step 2. Obtain written consent from the employee

Additional work on the basis of combination, performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee or increase in the volume of work can be entrusted to the employee only with his written consent (). It can be expressed in an employee application or formalized in a proposal for combination (increase in the volume of work, temporary replacement) (sample below).

In the "Personnel Documents" section

you will find samples: order to establish combination (

Step 3. We conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract

After receiving the employee’s consent, you need to draw up an additional agreement to his employment contract (). It must indicate: the name of the position for which additional work will be performed, its content and volume; the amount of additional payment for combining positions (increasing the volume of work, temporary replacement); the period during which the employee will perform additional work.

If the combination of professions is due to the presence of a vacant position in the organization, then the condition on the period of work in the additional agreement can be formulated as follows: “The employee is entrusted with performing the duties of an accountant in the order of combining positions with an additional payment of 40 percent of the salary for the combined position from April 7, 2014 until the vacancy is filled.”


If the manager does not formalize or pay for additional work in any way, he may be brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine from 1000 to 5000 rubles ()

When performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee, when it is impossible to accurately determine the moment of his return to work, the additional agreement with the replacement employee can indicate: “The employee is entrusted with performing the duties of an accountant in the order of combining positions with an additional payment of 40 percent of the salary for the combined position from April 7, 2014 until the absent employee returns to work.”

Step 4. We issue an order for the temporary performance of additional duties

Based on the concluded agreement, issue an order for the temporary performance of additional duties (sample below). The document must indicate the work being assigned, the deadline for its completion and the terms of payment. Please familiarize yourself with the employee's order against signature ().

It should be remembered that information about combining professions, increasing the volume of work (expanding service areas), performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from the main job does not need to be entered into the work book. However, if necessary, they can be added to the employee’s personal card (sample below).

Step 5. Set the surcharge

Despite the fact that labor legislation does not set minimum and maximum dimensions additional payments for temporary performance of additional duties, the employee must be paid for this work. The amount of additional payment is determined by agreement of the parties and depends on the volume and content of additional work (). At the same time, the employer must remember his obligation to provide equal pay for work of equal value (). The surcharge can be set either as a fixed monetary amount or as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary) or the employee’s salary.

The employer has the right not to pay for additional work if the employee’s employment contract or job description stipulates the obligation to combine his position with the position of a temporarily absent employee with a similar position. labor function. Such a combination is considered to be performing work under an employment contract, and no additional payment will be accrued to the employee (,).

Remember the main thing

Note the experts who took part in the preparation of the material:


Head of the HR Department of Person-Group T LLC (Tomsk):

Temporary performance of additional duties without release from the main job is possible in three forms: combining positions (professions), increasing the volume of work (expanding service areas), and also performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee. When combining positions, the employee performs additional work in another position; in case of temporary substitution - both in the same profession and in a different one. An increase in the volume of work involves working in the same position, but on a larger scale.


Legal Advisor, Insurance Joint Stock Company "Energogarant" (Moscow):

- The employer must properly formalize and pay the employee for additional work. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee, draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract and issue an order in any form. There is no need to make an entry in the work book about the temporary performance of additional duties, but this information can be entered into your personal card.


Head of HR Administration and HR Accounting Practice at Adolex LLC (Moscow):

The additional agreement to the employment contract must contain the following prerequisites: method of assigning responsibilities to an employee to perform additional work (combining or expanding the service area, increasing the volume of work), a list of assigned work. And also the period during which the employee will perform it, the amount of additional payment.

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  • There is no such concept as a personal allowance in legislative acts, but a conclusion about its legality can be drawn from Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which allows employers to establish any allowances and additional payments to their employees.

    Personal salary increase: justification

    Personal allowances to the basic salary may be provided for in the following documents:

    • local regulatory documents governing the calculation of wages and bonuses;
    • the employment contract of a specific employee.

    In local regulations, as a rule, allowances are prescribed without reference to a specific person. They are established for specific work or merit. If a personal allowance is specified in the employment contract of a particular employee, then it applies only to him.

    Personal allowances are used to achieve the following goals:

    • payment to an employee for performing tasks not related to the job description;
    • motivation and encouragement of individual employees.

    Personal allowances can be either permanent or one-time. That is, they can be paid constantly, or accrued only in the month when the employee performs additional work.

    All these nuances must be specified in the order by which the employee is assigned a personal allowance.

    Order on personal allowance: sample

    The order on personal allowance establishes it for a specific employee. It must be issued even if the bonus is specified in the employment contract. This is necessary so that the accounting department has grounds for calculating an allowance, since an employment contract is a document containing personal data, and therefore a limited number of persons have access to it.

    The order is drawn up in any form, on the organization’s letterhead. It must contain the following details:

    • Date and order number;
    • Full name of the employee to whom the bonus is set;
    • Type and size of the allowance;
    • The procedure for its calculation;
    • The period for which it is established;
    • Document on the basis on which it is calculated;
    • Manager's signature;
    • Signature of the employee confirming familiarization with the order.

    You can also draw up an order on a unified T-11 or T-11a form, especially if the orders are drawn up in a specialized personnel or accounting program.

    Such an order needs to be kept for only 5 years, but in practice it is better to keep it until the tax audit to prove the validity of attributing these amounts to salary expenses. And if the bonus is permanently established for the employee, then a copy of the order can be placed in his personal file.

    What can you set a personal allowance for?

    The criteria by which a personal allowance is established are determined by the administration of the enterprise.

    It can be installed:

    • for achieving certain labor indicators(volume of revenue, expansion of the range of job responsibilities, useful initiative of the employee, etc.);
    • for carrying out one-time orders not included in job description employee;
    • for the constant fulfillment of various orders and tasks;
    • for work in special conditions etc.

    In fact, a personal allowance can even be called an additional payment for combining positions or a bonus. The only thing is that it is undesirable to use it for those payments that are regulated by law (payment for night, holiday, overtime).

    The personal allowance is removed as follows:

    • if it was a one-time payment, then its payment is stopped immediately after accrual. Additional reasons for this are unnecessary;
    • if the premium was established for an indefinite period, then it is removed by issuing an appropriate order, which indicates the basis and period for termination of the supplement.

    The employee will definitely need to be familiarized with this order.

    Types of personal allowances

    A personal salary supplement can be of the following types:

    • a fixed sum of money that is added to the employee’s basic salary;
    • percentage of the established amount (salary, full salary, bonus, etc.)

    Moreover, one employee can be provided with several types of bonuses at once, both percentage and in a fixed amount.

    A personal salary supplement is a monetary amount that can be expressed either as a fixed amount or as a percentage. It is established by internal documents of the company or the employment contract of a specific employee. In addition, an order for the bonus is issued, which serves as the basis for its calculation when calculating wages.

    You can download the form of the unified form T-11 for ordering a personal allowance and see an example of how to fill it out.