The Republic of Kazakhstan is a presidential form of government. Form of government of the Republic of Kazakhstan: constitutional model and practice of public administration Mukhamedzhanov Baurzhan Alimovich

Republic of Kazakhstan.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the Kazakh people.

Capital of Kazakhstan. Astana.

Area of ​​Kazakhstan. 2,724,900 km2.

Population of Kazakhstan. 16,847 thousand people

Administrative divisions of Kazakhstan. The state is divided into 14 regions.

Form of government of Kazakhstan. Republic.

Head of State of Kazakhstan. President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Higher legislature Kazakhstan. Bicameral parliament (Senate and Mazhilis), whose term of office is 5 years.

Supreme executive body of Kazakhstan. Cabinet of Ministers.

Large cities of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent, Semey, Pavlodar, Oshkemen.

State language Kazakhstan. Kazakh, Russian.

Religion of Kazakhstan. 47% are Muslims, 44% are Orthodox, 2% are Protestants.

Ethnic composition of Kazakhstan. 41.9% are Kazakhs, 37% are Russians, 5.2% are Germans, 4.7% are Germans, 2.1% are Uzbeks, 2% are Tatars.

Currency of Kazakhstan. Tenge = 100 tiyn.

Fauna of Kazakhstan. Representatives of the animal world of Kazakhstan are the saiga (protected by the state), ground squirrel, hamster, vole, marmot, hare, goitered gazelle. In the mountains there are squirrel, wolverine, lynx, in the mountains - argali, snow leopard, brown bear.

Sights of Kazakhstan. There are 12 museums in Almaty, including a wooden one Orthodox church XIX century, Museum of Kazakhstan. In Taraz there is the Karakhan mausoleum (11th century), in Karaganda there is a large botanical garden. Tourists are attracted by mountainous areas and the resort area of ​​Lake Balkhash.

Useful information for tourists

For a long time the most distinctive feature The Kazakh people had hospitality. The dear guest was warmly welcomed, seated in the place of honor, and treated to the best that was in the house. Meat is the basis of most dishes. Delicacy meat products - kazy, chuzhuk, zhal, zhaya and karta - are prepared from horse meat. In traditional Kazakh cuisine, preference is always given to cooking. Milk and fermented milk products have long been widely used. Kumis, shubat and ayran are easier to preserve in nomadic conditions. Bread is baked in the form of flatbreads, the favorite dough product is baursaks, and the most popular drink is tea with milk. Any feast in a Kazakh family usually begins with milk drinks - kumis, shubat or ayran, then tea is served with milk, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. After this comes the turn of cold horse meat appetizers - kazy, chuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, karta. The only one hot snack in Kazakh cuisine - kuyrdak. And yet the most favorite dish was and is beshbarmak, or meat in Kazakh. Beshbarmak is as popular among the Kazakhs as dumplings among the Russian people and pilaf among

Presidential form of government - feature of the form of government in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which lies in the fact that in the system of separation of powers the President of the Republic occupies legal status“above the branches of government. This means that the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by his legal status, is not integrated, not “built in” to any extent in any of the branches state power- neither in the legislative, nor in the executive, nor in the judicial, and is outside the branches of state power as the head of state and as its highest official. Therefore, in accordance with Article 40 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1995, it is the President of the Republic who determines the main directions of internal and foreign policy state, represents Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations and ensures the coordinated functioning of all branches of government and the responsibility of government bodies to the people. In addition, the President of the Republic does not own limited right speak on behalf of the people and the state, as elected directly and directly by the people.

On the other hand, the constitutional powers of the President of the Republic allow him to interfere with the powers of the legislative, executive and judicial powers. In the sphere of the legislative branch of state power, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues related to the legislative and legislative process:

He has the right to initiate at a joint meeting of the Chambers of Parliament the issue of delegating legislative powers to him in accordance with subparagraph 3 of Article 53 of the Constitution. In the event that Parliament delegates legislative powers to the President of the Republic, the President of the Republic will issue laws.

In addition, the President of the Republic, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 61 of the Constitution, has the right of legislative initiative. The President of the Republic, like members of Parliament or the Government, can initiate those draft laws that provide for a reduction in state revenues or an increase in state expenditures. As a rule, draft laws providing for a reduction in state revenues or an increase in state expenditures can be introduced only if there is a positive opinion from the Government of the Republic. However, for draft legislative acts submitted to the Mazhilis of Parliament in accordance with the legislative initiative of the President of the Republic, a positive opinion of the Government is not required, even if the draft laws initiated by the President of the Republic provide for a reduction in state revenues or an increase in state expenditures (clause 6 of Article 61 of the Constitution) . The President of the Republic also instructs the Government to submit a bill to the Mazhilis of Parliament. In this case, the content of bills may be determined by the President of the Republic. In addition, the President of the Republic has the right to submit for consideration by Parliament a draft on introducing amendments and additions to the Constitution.

Paragraph 2 of Article 61 of the Constitution establishes that the President of the Republic has the right to determine the priority of consideration of draft laws, as well as to declare the consideration of a draft law urgent, meaning that Parliament must consider this draft within a month from the date of its submission. If Parliament fails to comply with this requirement, the President of the Republic has the right to issue a decree that has the force of law, which is valid until Parliament adopts a new law in the manner prescribed by the Constitution.

In addition, the President of the Republic not only signs laws, but also has the right to veto laws adopted by Parliament, and can also appeal to the Constitutional Council to verify the constitutionality of laws adopted by Parliament. True, Parliament can overcome the President’s objections to laws adopted by Parliament with at least two-thirds of the votes of deputies of each of the Chambers of Parliament by consistently considering this issue, first in the Mazhilis, and then in the Senate. The President's objections to constitutional laws are overcome in the same manner, but by no less than three-quarters of the votes of total number deputies of each of the Chambers of Parliament (clause 2, clause 2, article 54 of the Constitution).

During the period between sessions of Parliament, the President of the Republic, on his own initiative, at the proposal of the chairmen of the Chambers or at least one third of the total number of deputies of Parliament, may convene an extraordinary session of Parliament. It can only consider issues that served as the basis for its convening, including, in our opinion, issues related to the need for urgent adoption of certain laws or ratification of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The President of the Republic, like the Prime Minister and members of the Government, the Chairman of the National Bank, the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the National Security Committee, has the right to attend any meetings of the Chambers of Parliament and be heard, for example, on the content of certain bills.

The President of the Republic, after consultations with the chairmen of the Chambers of Parliament and the Prime Minister, has the right to early dissolve the Parliament or the Mazhilis of the Parliament. However, it should be borne in mind here that, unlike other countries where heads of state can dissolve only the lower house of parliament, the President of Kazakhstan can dissolve the entire Parliament of the country along with the Senate and the Mazhilis, or only the Mazhilis of the Parliament. The grounds for the dissolution of Parliament or the Mazhilis of Parliament by the President of the Republic are established in paragraph 1 of Article 63 of the Constitution. The dissolution of Parliament or the Mazhilis of Parliament may also be associated with issues of the legislative (legislative) process. Thus, the President of the Republic can actively influence the legislative branch of government on issues of lawmaking and legislative process.

In the sphere of the executive branch of government, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Forms the Government in the manner prescribed by the Constitution. The specified authority of the President of the Republic includes the appointment, with the consent of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, of the Prime Minister of the Republic, determination of the structure of the Government, appointment of members of the Government, etc. In addition, the President of the Republic creates, abolishes and reorganizes the central executive bodies of the Republic that are not part of the Government, and presides over meetings of the Government on particularly important issues. The President of the Republic, within ten days, considers the issue of accepting or rejecting the resignation of the Government or any of its members, and also has the right, on his own initiative, to decide to terminate the powers of the Government and dismiss any of its members.

At the local level executive bodies The President of the Republic appoints akims of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital with the consent of the maslikhats of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital, respectively. Akims of other administrative-territorial units can either be appointed or elected to office, but in the manner determined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The President of the Republic has the right, at his discretion, to dismiss akims from office. It is unclear here whether the President of the Republic has the right to dismiss, at his discretion, elected akims from positions, or only appointed ones (see paragraph 4 of Article 87 of the Constitution).

As for the powers of the President of the Republic in relation to acts of the executive branch of state power, he cancels or suspends, in whole or in part, the effect of acts of the Government and the Prime Minister of the Republic, akims of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital (clause 3 of Article 44 of the Constitution) .

In addition, the President of the Republic has powers in relation to state bodies directly subordinate to him and accountable to him on issues of education, abolition and reorganization of these bodies, and also appoints and dismisses their leaders. These bodies may be included in the system of executive bodies of the Republic, depending on their goals, objectives, functions, powers, etc. The President of the Republic also has other powers in relation to the bodies directly subordinate and accountable to him.

In the sphere of the judicial branch of state power, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Based on the recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council, it submits to the Senate of Parliament for election and dismissal of the Chairman and judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic, and also, on the recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council, appoints and dismisses chairmen and judges of local and other courts.

In addition, the President of the Republic pardons citizens, including those sentenced by the court of the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to death penalty. Thus, the court's conviction for the death penalty may not be carried out if the President of the Republic pardons the person sentenced to death. It should also be borne in mind that the actions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan cannot be the subject of consideration in court 126 .

In addition, the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan provide for the President of the Republic to exercise other powers, for example, to raise objections to decisions of the Constitutional Council in whole or in part, etc., which characterize the peculiarity of the presidential form of government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


State power in the Republic of Kazakhstan is united, carried out on the basis of the Constitution and laws in accordance with the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial branches and interaction with each other using a system of checks and balances


Republic of Kazakhstan

ensures the coordinated functioning of all branches of government and the responsibility of government bodies to the people

Representative power 127

Executive branch

Judicial branch


Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest representative body of the Republic, exercising legislative functions. Parliament belongs to the legislative branch of government


Republic of Kazakhstan

exercises executive power of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads the system of executive bodies and manages their activities

Supreme Court

Republic of Kazakhstan

is the highest judicial body in civil, criminal and other cases within the jurisdiction of local and other courts, exercises supervision over their activities in the procedural forms provided for by law and provides clarifications on issues judicial practice

Local representative bodies - maslikhats

express the will of the population of the relevant administrative-territorial units and, taking into account national interests, determine the measures necessary for its implementation and control their implementation. Maslikhats do not belong to the legislative branch of government, since maslikhats do not issue legislative acts

Local executive bodies

are part of the unified system of executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensure the implementation of national policy executive branch in combination with the interests and development needs of the relevant territory

Local And other Courts Republic established by law

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government. According to the Constitution, the country establishes itself as democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest values ​​of which are man, his life, rights and freedoms.

Kazakhstan gained independence on December 16, 1991. The capital is the city of Astana. The state language is Kazakh, Russian has the status of a language interethnic communication. Currency- tenge.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the head of state, its highest official, who determines the main directions of the state's domestic and foreign policy and represents Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations. The President is a symbol and guarantor of the unity of the people and state power, the inviolability of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The government exercises executive power, heads the system of executive bodies and manages their activities.

Legislative functions are performed by the Parliament, which consists of two Chambers - the Senate and the Mazhilis, operating on a permanent basis. The Senate is formed by deputies representing two people from each region, city of republican significance and the capital. Fifteen deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President, taking into account the need to ensure representation of national, cultural and other significant interests of society.

The Mazhilis consists of one hundred and seven deputies, nine of them are elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The term of office of Senate deputies is six years, Mazhilis deputies are five years. Currently, three parties are represented in the Mazhilis - Nur Otan, Ak Zhol and the Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan.

The administrative-territorial structure of the country includes 14 regions and 2 cities of republican significance.

The population of Kazakhstan exceeds 18 million people. The ethnic structure of society, according to the 2009 national census, looks like as follows: Kazakhs - 63.07%, Russians - 23.7%, Uzbeks - 2.85%, Ukrainians - 2.08%, Uighurs - 1.4%, Tatars - 1.28%, Germans - 1.11%, others - 4.51%.

Occupying an area of ​​2 million 724.9 thousand square kilometers, the country is in ninth place in terms of area in the world. In the north and west the republic has common boundaries with Russia - 7,591 km (the longest continuous land border in the world), in the east with China - 1,783 km, in the south with Kyrgyzstan - 1,242 km, Uzbekistan - 2,351 km and Turkmenistan - 426 km. Total length land borders- 13,200 km.

Kazakhstan is the most large country in a world that doesn't have direct output into the World Ocean. Most of the country's territory is made up of deserts - 44% and semi-deserts - 14%. Steppes occupy 26% of the area of ​​Kazakhstan, forests - 5.5%. There are 8.5 thousand rivers in the country. The northeastern part of the Caspian Sea is included within the republic. The Aral Sea is divided between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. There are 48 thousand large and small lakes in Kazakhstan. The largest of them are Balkhash, Zaysan and Alakol. The remoteness from the oceans determines the country's sharply continental climate.

The country's mineral resource base consists of more than 5 thousand deposits, the estimated value of which is estimated at tens of trillions of dollars. The republic ranks first in the world in proven reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, second in silver, lead and chromite, third in copper and fluorite, fourth in molybdenum, sixth in gold.

Kazakhstan also has significant oil and gas resources (9th place in the world in terms of proven oil reserves), which are concentrated in the western regions. In addition, the republic ranks 8th in coal reserves and 2nd in uranium reserves.

Kazakhstan is one of the world's top ten grain exporters and one of the leaders in flour exports. 70% of arable land in the north is occupied by grain and industrial crops - wheat, barley, millet. In the south of the country rice, cotton, and tobacco are grown. Kazakhstan is also famous for its gardens, vineyards and melons. One of the leading areas of agriculture is livestock farming.

The main export goods are products of mining, fuel and energy, metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as the grain industry. The republic's main trading partners are Russia, China, European and CIS countries.

To diversify the economy, the country is successfully implementing a program of industrial and innovative development, in accordance with which old enterprises are modernized and new enterprises are opened.

Kazakhstan is implementing a large-scale “New Silk Road” project, which should revive the country’s historical role as the main connecting link of the continent and turn it into the largest business and transit hub in the region - a kind of bridge between Europe and Asia. By 2020, the volume of transit cargo traffic through the republic should almost double.

In 2014, the Head of State announced the “Nurly Zhol” large-scale infrastructure construction program, designed to connect the regions of Kazakhstan with main roads and modernize the logistics, social and industrial infrastructure.

Kazakhstan has begun to implement the “Plan of the Nation - 100 Concrete Steps”, which provides for fundamental changes in order to implement the Five People's Reforms: the formation of a professional state apparatus, ensuring the rule of law, industrialization and economic growth, identity and unity, and the formation of an accountable state.

The country is undergoing large-scale social modernization - new schools, vocational colleges and universities are being built, modern medical clinics and hospitals, the system is being improved social support population.

Currently, representatives of 130 ethnic groups live in the republic, and a consultative and advisory body for the harmonization of interethnic relations, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, is successfully operating. Congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions are held in Astana on a regular basis.

As a leader in Central Asia, the republic makes a significant contribution to strengthening the stability of the region. The country has also achieved great success on the world stage. This is evidenced by Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OSCE and the holding of the Summit of this authoritative international organization in December 2010. A significant initiative of the country was the launch and development of the CICA project - the Asian analogue of the OSCE. Positive Feedback received the creative activity of Kazakhstan as the chairman of the leading organization of the Islamic world - OIC. The country is also a recognized leader in the global anti-nuclear movement.

Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Stable growth in all sectors of the economy, international recognition, political stability became the basis for the prosperity of Kazakhstani society. Kazakhstan is a country looking to the future, which preserves its cultural traditions and successfully realizes its enormous creative potential in the modern dynamic world.

Video tour of Kazakhstan

A republican form of government has been approved in Kazakhstan. The legal basis for choosing this form of government is the following constitutional provisions:

the people as the only source of state power:

division of government into branches: legislative, executive, judicial

the supremacy and supreme legal force of the Constitution adopted by the people.

Parliament itself can serve both monarchical and presidential forms of government. But under a republican form of government, Parliament is not dominated by the monarch, who, as a rule, has an absolute veto. Parliament is created by the people of Kazakhstan directly (Mazhilis) and through their representatives (Senate). The Parliament of Kazakhstan, as a representative body, carries out the legislative process on behalf of the people. A republican form of government can provide maximum or minimum freedoms to citizens.

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides citizens with a fairly wide range of rights and freedoms so that they can use them to meet the necessary political, material, and spiritual needs. Thus, electoral legislation creates conditions for a significant part of the population to participate in the elections of deputies to representative bodies. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan not only proclaims the people as the only source of state power. She spends legal basis to realize the sovereignty of the people. The people have the right to adopt acts that have the highest legal force. In accordance with the Constitution, the right to speak on behalf of the people and the state belongs to the President and Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is a deep democratic idea here. Parliament, like the President, speaking on behalf of the people, expresses not its own subjective will, but the will and interests of the people. Only in this case is speaking on behalf of the people constitutional. The exercise of state power by its three branches within the framework of the powers granted to them does not allow usurpation of power and thereby ensures the functioning of state bodies on the basis of democratic principles. Thus, only Parliament deals with legislation. And only in cases provided for by the Constitution can the President exercise legislative powers. The executive branch under no circumstances exercises legislative powers. The same applies to the judiciary. This supports the highest authority and legal force of laws expressing the concentrated will of the people.

The republican form of government does not recognize hereditary power or the possession of state power for a long time.

The republican form of government is not simply based on the will of the people. It directs government bodies to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, to harmonize them with the interests of the state. At the same time, the priority of human rights and freedoms is ensured over state interests. The state cannot restrict the rights and freedoms of a person, a citizen, except in cases expressly provided for in the Constitution. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan notes that the rights and freedoms of a citizen can be limited only by laws and only to the extent necessary in order to protect the constitutional system, protect public order, human rights and freedoms, health and morality of the population. Here you should pay attention to two important circumstances.

The first is the possibility of restricting rights and freedoms in exceptional cases, and then on the basis and in accordance with the law, i.e. normative legal act adopted by the Parliament, and in certain cases by the President. No other by-law, not even the high level, it is impossible to limit the rights and freedoms of man and citizen under the pretext of protecting the constitutional order, protecting public order, etc. etc.

The second is the protection of public morality. Moral norms are not as clear and formally defined as legal norms. But nevertheless they are the basis for the formation legal norms and serve as a cementing element public life. Constitutional protection of public morality is the highest manifestation humanism republican form board in Kazakhstan.

The institution of presidency in Kazakhstan began to take shape several months before the collapse of the USSR. On April 24, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted a law establishing the post of President of the Kazakh SSR and introducing corresponding amendments to the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR. The law determined the place of the president in the system of supreme bodies of state power, as well as his powers. This law, which had constitutional significance, did not talk about the division of state power. The omnipotence of the Soviets still remained. Moreover, the President was entrusted with the responsibility of “facilitating the exercise of full power by the Councils of People’s Deputies.” The Supreme Council remained supreme government agency who had the right to decide all issues state life. The first President of the Kazakh SSR was elected by the Supreme Council of the KAZSSR by secret ballot. The first President of the Kazakh SSR was N.A. Nazarbayev. An analysis of the powers of the President shows that he was largely dependent on the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, although he was called the head of the Republic, he was not the head of a sovereign, independent state. The actions and powers of the Kazakh SSR were limited by the competence of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the President of the USSR.

This status of the President of the Kazakh SSR remained until the collapse of the USSR and the adoption of the declaration of sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR. At this stage, we can talk about the full power of the Supreme Council, a kind of parliamentary Republic. At the same time, the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR contained powers that were subsequently further developed. These, in particular, include the right of veto, powers to ensure interaction between the highest bodies of state power and administration of the Kazakh SSR, and the suspension of acts of the Government of the Republic.

From the moment of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the second stage of the formation of the institution of presidency begins.

The main thing at this stage is that the President becomes the head of an independent state. In this regard, the powers associated with interactions with allied bodies, especially with the President of the USSR, disappeared, since he was no longer there. In connection with the adoption of the principle of separation of state power into legislative, executive and judicial branches, the President was recognized not only as the head of state, but also as the executive branch of the Republic.

The first, strong breakthrough to the presidential system of government was made by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1993, when it delegated the right to pass laws to the President. This was a constitutional innovation adopted by the Supreme Council on the eve of its dissolution. It can be considered that from the moment the Law on the delegation of temporary legislative powers to the President was adopted, the process of rapid formation of a presidential form of government in the Republic of Kazakhstan began. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1995 declared Kazakhstan a unitary state with a presidential form of government. The Constitution uses the expression " presidential uniform government." Such a concept is, to a certain extent, controversial. In scientific literature, the "form of government" is understood as a republic and a monarchy. Presidential power, like parliamentary power, is characterized in the literature as a system of government.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the 1995 Constitution, a presidential system of government was established. The presidential system of government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by the following points:

The President is the head of state.

The government in all its activities is responsible to the President, and only in cases provided for in the Constitution is it accountable to Parliament.

The President appoints members of the Government.

At his own discretion, dismisses members of the Government.

Has the right to veto laws passed by Parliament.

In cases provided for by the Constitution, the President issues laws, as well as decrees that have the force of laws.

The President can determine the priority for the adoption of laws:

may dissolve Parliament:

ex officio is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces:

at its discretion, determines the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state, and therefore the Government:

has the right to convene an extraordinary session of Parliament at its discretion:

has the right to hold a referendum at its own discretion:

has limited power to declare a state of emergency in the country:

has a limited right to introduce martial law, partial or general mobilization throughout the territory or in certain localities:

has the right to pardon, awards, grant citizenship:

Specified provisions of the status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

indicate the establishment of a presidential system of government with some peculiar features. It is these moments that mainly characterize the powers of presidents under the presidential system in all states. .


(Republic of Kazakhstan)

General information

Geographical location. Kazakhstan is a state in Central Asia. In the north it borders with Russia, in the east - with China, in the south - with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the west it is washed by the Caspian Sea.

Square. The territory of Kazakhstan occupies 2,717,300 square meters.

Main cities administrative division. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. Largest cities: Almaty (1,262 thousand people), Karaganda (613 thousand people), Chimkent (401 thousand people), Semey (Semipalatinsk) (339 thousand)

people), Pavlodar (337 thousand people), Oshkemen (Tselinograd) (330 thousand people). Administrative division of the country: 20 regions.

State system

Kazakhstan is a republic.

The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral Supreme Council

Relief. Most of the territory of Kazakhstan is occupied by a plain, framed by mountains in the east and southeast. The difference in altitude between the east and west of the country is huge. The mountains along the border with Kyrgyzstan rise to almost 5000 m above sea level, and the Karagiye (Batyr) depression on Mangyshlak is located 132 m below sea level.

Geological structure and minerals.

The country's subsoil contains reserves of uranium, lead, zinc, chromium, gold, bismuth, copper, molybdenum, oil, phosphorites, bauxite, iron, and manganese.

Climate. The climate of the country is sharply continental. The average January temperature is from -19°C to -4°C, the average July temperature is from +19°C to +26°C.

In summer the temperature can reach +45°C, and in winter 45°C.

Inland waters. The main rivers of the country: Ural and Emba, flowing into the Caspian Sea; Syr Darya, flowing into the Aral Sea; Or, flowing into Lake Balkhash; The Tobol, Irtysh and Ishim flow north and empty into the Arctic Ocean.

Soils and vegetation.

The soils are chernozem, chestnut, brown, gray soil, brown. Based on the nature of vegetation, lowland Kazakhstan is divided into three zones: steppe (feather grass, fescue, timothy), semi-desert (wormwood, tyrsik) and desert (drought-resistant shrubs).

Tien Shan spruce and Siberian fir. Forests occupy 3% of the area of ​​Kazakhstan.

Animal world. Representatives of the fauna include the state-protected saiga antelope, ground squirrel, hamster, vole, marmot, hare, goitered gazelle, and argali. The forests are home to squirrel, wolverine, lynx, snow leopard, and brown bear.

Population and language

The country's population is about 16.847 million.

people, average population density is about 6 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Kazakhs - 41.9%, Russians - 37%, Ukrainians - 5.2%, Germans - 4.7%, Uzbeks - 2.1%, Tatars - 2%. Languages: Kazakh (state), Russian.


Muslims - 47%, Orthodox - 44%, Protestants - 2%.

Brief historical sketch

The territory of modern Kazakhstan was inhabited by Turkic tribes from the 8th century.

In the 13th century. Kazakhstan became part of the Mongol Empire and remained there until the 18th century. IN early XVI V. The first Cossack detachments founded settlements along the Ural River and over time spread to the territory of the northern part of modern Kazakhstan, but until the 30s of the 19th century. Russia did not undertake active actions on the colonization of Kazakhstan.

In the 1830s Russian army organized a campaign to the south, and by 1866 the entire territory of modern Kazakhstan was under Russian rule. In 1918, an autonomous republic was proclaimed in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, but it was soon captured by the Bolsheviks, who in 1920 proclaimed an autonomous republic on the territory of Kazakhstan. Until 1936 it was called the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in 1936 it became part of the USSR as a union republic.

Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan declared independence.

Brief Economic Essay

Mining of coal, oil, natural gas, iron, copper, lead-zinc, nickel ores, bauxite and other minerals. Leading industries: non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, chemical, mechanical engineering, light, food. Oil refining and production of building materials are also developed. Crops of grain (mainly wheat), feed and industrial crops (sunflower, cotton, curly flax).

Fruit growing, viticulture, melon growing. Meat and wool sheep breeding, meat and meat and dairy cattle breeding; They also breed pigs, camels and horses. Resorts: Borovoe, Alma-Arasan, Saryagach, etc.

The monetary unit is tenge.

General information about Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent. Its territory is 2,724,900 square meters. km (1,049,150 sq. km). It is the second largest country in the CIS and the ninth largest country in the world. On its territory, Kazakhstan has more than twelve countries of the European Union!

It borders Kazakhstan with China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The total length of the border is 12,187 km.

Kazakhstan is more than 3,000 km long (two time zones) from the lower Volga in the west to the foothills of the Altai Mountains in the east and almost 2,000 kilometers from West Siberian Plain in the north to the Kyzylkum desert in the south.

The distance of a state from the oceans and the extent of its territory are determined climatic conditions Kazakhstan. The climate here is strongly continental with average temperatures between -19 … -4 °C in January and July between +19 … + 26 °C.

In winter, temperatures can drop to -45°C, and in summer - at +30°C.

population: 17.948.000 (01.07.2014)
Fixed capital: Astana (since December 10, 1997) with a population of 828,759 people (06/02/2014).

Administrative division: Kazakhstan is administratively divided into 14 regions, 84 cities, 159 districts, 241 towns and 2,042 villages.

In terms of population, the cities of Kazakhstan are divided as follows:

  • 300-400 thousand

    residents - Karaganda, Shymkent, Pavlodar, Taraz and Ust-Kamenogorsk;

  • 200-280 thousand

    Vlada of Kazakhstan

    residents - Uralsk, Temirtau, Kostanay, Aktobe, Petropavlovsk and Semipalatinsk;

  • 110-160 thousand inhabitants. Dzhezkazgan, Ekibastuz, Kyzylorda, Aktau, Kokshetau and Atyrau.

language: As official language Kazakh language is adopted.

Russian is widely used.

currency: The Kazakh currency is the tenge, equal to 100 tui (since 1993).

National symbols: Flag, coat of arms

Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

National holidays:

  • Independence Day - from December 16 to 17.

Public holidays:

  • New Year - January 1-2;
  • International Women's Day - March 8;
  • Nauryz Meiramy - March 21-23;
  • People's Unity Day in Kazakhstan - May 1;
  • Father of the Father - May 7;
  • Victory Day - May 9;
  • Capital Day - July 6;
  • Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan - August 30;
  • First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - December 1.
  • The first day of Kurban Ayeta, celebrated in the Muslim calendar, and January 7th is the holiday of Orthodox Christmas.

religion: The Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational country with representatives of more than 120 countries.

The main religion is Islam, but Kazakhs are tolerant of other religions and peoples living on their territory, such as Christianity, Judaism, etc. recent years Many mosques and churches were built in the country.

geography: There are 8,500 rivers on the territory of Kazakhstan. The length of seven of them (the longest), exceeding 1000 km, including the Ural and Emba streams in the Caspian Sea, Sir Daria, flowing into the Aral Sea, Irtysh, Ishim and Tobol, carries its waters into the Arctic Ocean. There are 48 thousand lakes in Kazakhstan.

The largest of them are Balkhash, Zaisan, Alakol, Tengiz and Seletengiz. Kazakhstan occupies the north and half of the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. The Kazakh coast of the Caspian Sea is 2340 km. Most of the territory of Kazakhstan is occupied by deserts and steppes. The rest of the area is occupied by semi-shells and forests. Flora and fauna consist of 155 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 150 species and 250 species medicinal plants, among which there are very rare cases.

minerals: A large territory of Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources.

Companies involved in the extraction and processing of coal, oil, gas, non-ferrous and ferrous metals play a leading role in the national economy. The main minerals are: non-ferrous and ores of ferrous metals, uranium.

Kazakhstan is exploring the world's largest reserves of chromium, vanadium, bismuth, fluorine, iron, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, phosphorite, copper, potassium, cobalt, cadmium and kaolin. There are about 160 oil and gas fields, including the largest - Tengiz. There are 750 mills on the Tengiz and Royal fields. 1.1 billion. Tone. Kazakhstan has 160 million tons of coal reserves in 155 locations, including ten coal, bitumen and brown coal. Iron ore sources in Kazakhstan are among the cleanest polluting in the world. Kazakhstan has the world's second largest reserves of phosphate rocks (Russia) due to the Zhanatas and Karatau deposits. Kazakhstan is the leading aluminum producer in the world. Huge reserves of copper ore are found in Dzhezkazgan, the second largest oil field in the world.

Kazakhstan has significant resources for salt and construction timber.