Earn rubles from advertising. Placing custom texts. Participation in advertising surveys

The opportunity to earn good money via the Internet is of interest to many, this is especially true for those who have certain problems with traditional employment. The reasons may be significant or far-fetched, but this does not mean that you should give up: making money on the Internet from advertising really exists, people receive a certain profit. It’s worth figuring out exactly what type of activity in this direction can bring good dividends when minimum costs, and after that you can get down to business.

Types of earnings from advertising

Those who profit from can be divided into two groups. The first one receives little and sooner or later is disappointed, the second one receives a lot, but this requires certain expenses. For example, boxes and teaser applications that are popular among beginners are quite low-paying earnings on the Internet from advertising (these are just paid visitors to advertised resources). For what purpose advertisers attract this particular category of visitors is a separate conversation, and there are probably many reasons. It is impossible for an ordinary user to earn a significant amount, even if he registers on several dozen such sites.

Significantly higher than other types of earnings. This is the placement of advertising links, articles and reviews on your own resource, and there are many resources offering different types placement of links, from manual to automatic. These are the well-known “Blogun”, “Rotaban”, Sape and other less popular resources. Contextual advertising is offered by systems such as YandexDirect and Google AdSense.

Earn money on the Internet by viewing advertisements

Books are the name of resources that charge users approximately 2-5 kopecks for one click and viewing an advertising site for 20-60 seconds. A simple calculation will show which one wages expects users within an hour of work. If we assume the most expensive click, then this is approximately three rubles per hour. It’s not inspiring, but making money like this on the Internet by viewing ads really doesn’t require any investment.

The exception is very cunning owners of axleboxes who offer paid access to a special section where there is a lot of advertising. Trying to make a profit on pennies does not bring any noticeable profit, so you should not bet on axle boxes. They are only good as a kind of rosary while watching the series.

Earning money by placing advertising links

Even a completely free blog on one of the popular blog hosting sites can become a platform for posting paid links and advertising reviews. Of course, advertisers value such resources lower than an autonomous blog with a second-level domain hosted on paid hosting.

This way of making money on the Internet from advertising has its own disadvantages - a link for which you paid once and relatively little remains on your resource forever. Over time, the link mass increases and worsens the characteristics of the blog, reducing the attractiveness of the resource for advertisers.

Attracting users to advertisers' websites

But contextual advertising from venerable corporations has virtually no disadvantages. The vast majority of reputable sites make money on this, they are selected in such a way as not to destroy the design and layout of the resource. The placed contextual advertising script shows the user exactly what he usually looks for on the Internet himself, thus attracting targeted visitors to the advertiser’s website, varying degrees interested in its topic.

Making money on the Internet from advertising does not necessarily require having an offline blog or website. Google AdSense offers everyone who wants to use the power of the Google corporation completely free of charge - to do this, you need to place your own resource on the Blogger hosting, its functionality allows you to immediately place scripts from Adsense and make a profit for attracted visitors.

Earning money without investment: a magical myth

It’s worth figuring out whether it’s really possible to make money on the Internet from advertising without investment, or whether there’s some kind of secret hidden here. As already mentioned, an offline website or blog on a second-level domain and on paid hosting already implies certain investments. At a minimum, this is payment for a domain and hosting. But even if you get by free platforms and a third-level domain, you have to invest substantial reserves in the development of the resource. And if this is not money, then you have to pay for the profit with time and effort.

Profit in this case depends on the number of visitors on your personal resource, and they come subject to availability large quantity in-demand content. This can be not only articles, but also photographic materials, video or audio content. It takes time to create it, and simply pressing a button and getting a lot of money will not work. And if we consider that time is equal to money, as in one famous saying, then a simple question arises: when will the site begin to make a profit if one person does everything? Naturally, this will not happen soon.

How much can you earn from advertising?

The question of profit is far from the least important in choosing a field of activity. Most of those who believe that advertising on the Internet is a waste of time have actually made some serious tactical mistakes in the process, and it has not brought the expected dividends. In fact, making money from advertising on the Internet is exactly the same job as any other: it requires time, effort, work on yourself and learning in the process.

Since the Internet is changing dynamically, you need to not only be willing to learn something new, but in some cases be able to calculate the future. The cost of one click in Google AdSense depends on the topic; there are cheap and expensive ads, from one cent to several dollars per click.

Pitfalls: where can problems arise?

Even such primitive methods of earning money as axle boxes are fraught with considerable danger. It is very easy to fall into confusion: after all, a person can really be busy with clicks, watching advertisements, and collecting bonuses. However, without attracting referrals, the final profit will be microscopic. Of course, this is the same way to make money on the Internet without investments - viewing advertisements does not require any financial investment, but this is a real chronophage, insidious and deceptive.

If you engage in contextual advertising and fundamentally do not invest a penny in it, then all the profit received will be yours, and in case of failure, only time and effort will be lost. It is a personal matter for each person whether to consider these losses significant or not.

Prospects for earning money from advertising

The times of chaotic advertising are gradually giving way to the living space of the context - scripts do not affect the site’s position in search results and do not sag significant indicators. Of course, some users will use special programs that hide advertising from them, but their number can be neglected.

Now making money on the Internet with the help of advertising is experiencing a new rise and is gaining new quality characteristics. This is partly due to new search engine algorithms that require sites to be meaningful and useful to visitors. In general, these changes are for the better, and advertising is becoming reliable source income.

Making money from advertising on the Internet is one of the fastest, easiest and most effective ways making profit from the World Wide Web. It is available to everyone almost anywhere in the world. Moreover, there are quite a lot of ways to make money from this and not all of them require start-up capital or your own website. For some, it is enough that you have stable online access and free time.

Earn money from advertising if you have your own web resource

The most common approach to making money from online advertising is placing it on your own web resource. Monetization in this case can occur using the tools listed below.

Contextual Internet advertising

A type of advertising, the content of which depends on the content of the page or the interests of the user (determined by queries in search engines), i.e. from the context. It is quite popular because it shows high returns and is initially aimed at its target audience, and not at the general public.

The implementation of contextual advertising occurs either with the help of specialists or thanks to services such as Yandex Direct or Google AdSense. Earnings depend on the advertiser’s payment per click and how many such clicks there were. Average price one click fluctuates around 0.05-0.1 dollars.

Banner Internet advertising

These are static or animated images with a hyperlink to the advertiser's website. Earnings from online banner advertising directly depend on what the advertiser pays for: per view - 1000 impressions costs from 10 to 500 rubles; per click - from 0.001 to 0.1 rubles per click; during the demonstration (month, six months) - the cost is determined individually. And also on the popularity of the banner among visitors, its effectiveness (conversion).

Selling links

This income from advertising on the Internet involves the sale of anchor and non-anchor links (temporary, eternal) to third-party resources to increase their “authority” in the eyes of search engines. This dangerous look earnings, since if such activity is detected on a massive scale, search engines can impose an AGS-type filter on all links originating from the site or block it completely. The cost of links can be found on such resources as Gogetlinks, GetGoodlinks.ru, Miralinks, Blogun, Rotapost and Sape.ru.

Earning money from affiliate programs

They make money on affiliate programs by receiving commissions from sales of various services and a wide variety of goods, if the buyer purchased them based on your recommendation, i.e. via an affiliate (referral) link. The amount of profit in this case depends on the size and quality of the site’s traffic, as well as on the terms of the affiliate program. Some pay 5-10% of the purchase (online stores), and others pay up to 100% (cashbacks, hosting).

Placing custom texts

This is the placement of custom content on your resource: reviews, testimonials, articles with hidden advertising or anti-advertising. It’s not difficult to make money from this, but the amount of profit depends on the views and authority of the site - it must be trusted. It is worth noting that custom texts do not always need to be written yourself; the advertiser can issue material completely ready for placement.

Teaser advertising

This type of advertising lures people using their curiosity. Its essence is that users are given a piece of information as a “riddle”, beginning interesting story or a question, the essence of which can be revealed (found out) only after clicking on the link. Income from posting teasers depends on the method of monetization, advertiser payment and popularity advertising platform.

Pop-up windows

These are advertisements in windows that pop up on the device screen after the user has performed some action. You can make good money with Pop-up windows if they are used correctly without annoying users. The amount of income depends on the topic, authority and popularity of the web resource. For clicks in narrowly targeted areas they pay 0.1-2 dollars.

Video advertising

Everything is simple here. You post a video on your website that contains open or hidden advertising. At the same time, the video itself can be useful, and the advertising text in it will occupy only a small part. You can earn quite a lot from a specific type of advertising if you pay through commissions on purchases made. Or little if they pay for clicks or views.

Earning money from advertising if you don’t have money, special skills or your own website

The next group of earnings from advertising on the Internet is suitable for those who do not own a personal website or specific professional skills for the creation or distribution of advertising content. That is, absolutely everyone will be able to earn money: which allows even the easy way or it can be temporary, if you want to increase your budget a little.

Internet surfing (viewing advertisements)

It’s elementary, it couldn’t be simpler. You watch advertisements, download applications or respond to mailings, i.e. you are engaged in “cheating” either the advertising itself or the advertised content (site). The income from this is small - from 10 to 300 rubles per day, but it is simple and accessible to everyone. True, it eats up a lot of time.

Participation in advertising surveys

Another type of income available to everyone is from advertising in the online Universe. But the income from it is even less than from surfing, since surveys are rarely conducted, and they pay little for them - on average from 20 to 100 rubles. It takes 5-20 minutes to fill out one survey, depending on the number of questions.


This involves writing simple “selling” texts or simple advertising brochures, leaflets, advertisements, attractive slogans and the like, where a monetary reward is paid for the number of characters written. The amount is measured in characters with or without spaces, so the price of one thousand characters varies on average from 0.30 to 5 dollars.

Advertising posting

A fairly simple way to earn money, since everyone can write posts and comments on forums, social networks or under videos. The main thing is to understand that some resources will ban you for this. True, such prohibitions can be circumvented. The amount paid depends on the advertising platform - on average from 50 cents to 20 dollars per post. For posts on some English-language resources, they can pay much higher. In addition, there are sites where, based solely on the number of views by visitors, the rules usually include the criterion of accruing profit only for every 1000 impressions.

Advertising on social networks

We are talking about using your “authority” in one or another social network to advertise services or goods by reposting and spamming in private messages to subscribers. They pay for the time the post is on the page (from 100 to 1000 rubles, if there are a lot of subscribers and the page is not littered with advertising), per click (0.1-20 rubles) or per action (for example, subscription). A very simple type, which does not require any investment of money or skills, is offered by many sites specially designed for PR. The main thing is to have more live subscribers.

How to make a lot of money from advertising on the Internet


This trend, which is gaining popularity, is called “Infobusiness”. In this case, we are talking about creating a product or services related to online advertising or making money from it. For example, creating teaching aids on how to place banners or teasers on your website or how to make money from advertising on social networks. Depending on the person’s skills, this may require quite a lot of time, which is needed both for preparing the training material and for its promotion (implementation). You can sell your information business not only on the Internet (books, videos, blogs, webinars, courses), but also offline (lectures, seminars). Potential profit - from 10 thousand rubles to 100 thousand dollars per month.

Traffic arbitrage

Internet traffic arbitrage refers to the resale of advertising consumer attention (advertising traffic) under more favorable conditions. The difference between the purchase price and the sale price is arbitrage (or marginal profit). As a rule, this type earnings include the use of affiliate programs or promotion of web resources. That is, you either purposefully participate in various network programs and increase the number of active referrals in them, or increase the popularity of sites, blogs, and social pages. networks or on YouTube, using someone else’s reputation (authority) for this.

There are 3 main types of arbitration on the network:

  1. direct - purchased traffic is directly transferred to affiliate programs or a promoted resource;
  2. via Landing page - purchased traffic is transferred to a landing page where visitors are asked to follow a referral link;
  3. via Landing page + e-mail registration or Landing page + login via social networks - users are required to register to continue further actions.

You can make money on arbitrage both by selling traffic and by reselling it. The amount of income depends on the quality of traffic and its quantity.

Creation of an advertising product on the Internet

This means direct participation in the creation of a high-quality advertising product (media, graphics, texts, audio) or participation in organizing this process at a professional level. For example, in creating advertising campaigns(promotion of web resources), videos, banners or teasers. You can earn a lot from this. In this case, income can be permanent (salary), one-time (payment for work done) or in the form of commissions (percentage of sales).


From all the above methods, choose the most suitable and rational decision It won't be difficult for a beginner. Having estimated all the possible pros and cons from the tables, everyone can try to make money from advertising on the Internet. But the amount of income will appear not from your desires, but from your actions, and either it will be a modest monthly part-time job, or an area that will reward you financial independence and will eliminate the need to wake up every morning to an alarm clock so as not to be late for a boring office job.

Find your calling, don’t be afraid to experiment and see you on the site!

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Making money from advertising on the Internet is a very well-known and not the hard way receiving a stable income. Starting with the basics, let's talk about proven options for making money for both website owners and ordinary users.

Of course, the conversation will gravitate more towards advertising for the blog. Find out the approximate amount of money you can squeeze out using the site and how long the initial preparations for your business vision may take.

What is the importance of advertising on the Internet?

Advertising occupies an important stage in the promotion of consumption resources necessary for people. IN real life- she's everywhere. On TVs, mobile applications, public transport, on houses and street poles.

When visiting a site with advertising, most people develop a dislike for such content and often lead to the visitor leaving the site. But why not think: “Can I also make money through advertising, like website owners?” Many people would do well to approach such a source of income with understanding.

Who makes the biggest profit from advertising:

1. Authors of popular Youtube channels. Undoubtedly, the contingent of bloggers receives large profits for promotional video, integration, pre-roll on YouTube. If you are interested in video format, we recommend that you read the latest article about making money on Youtube .

2. Administrators of highly visited sites. By selling banner space, running contextual advertising, or selling links, you can earn up to $20,000. But to achieve such an income you will have to work hard. Maybe you will spend 6 months, or maybe two years. It all depends on many factors of the site, as well as the starting budget for development (if promotion takes a long time).

The higher the traffic, the greater the chance that you will be noticed by a rich advertiser.

2. How to make money from advertising without a website and investments for a beginner

If you don’t have a website, are you able to make money from advertising without investment? If suddenly you don’t have enough patience to create your own personal blog or you have financial problems, then you should familiarize yourself with such a concept as axle boxes/surfing the Internet .
Every owner of his Internet project wants promotion to happen as quickly as possible and with minimal financial costs. To do this, they resort to long-known methods - buying attendance, posting tasks, and watching advertisements for money.

Regarding the latter, you are redirected to the advertiser’s website and asked to either simply look at the advertisement, or click on the site for a long time. Although it is different on each resource.

This is not a very profitable business and requires a lot of time to complete, so think about it before you start. Daily profit will be from 50 to 400-500 rubles, depending on your hard work.

3. Earn money from advertising using the site

Let's briefly:

A blog is an online diary or a place where the author’s entries on various topics are published on a regular basis in order to increase audience coverage.

A blogger is the main person of a blog. It is different from the normal owner information project the fact that he is ready to interact with his readers, make direct contact, answer questions of interest, discuss the topic of the next article, and more.

With the increasing popularity of a blog comes advertising that consumes target audience. Each blog has its own approach to advertising. Some carefully and discreetly insert integrated advertising, while others unashamedly release entire reviews of the advertised resource. Loyalty is the key word here.

What types of blogs are there: Types of blogs

  • Own domain and hosting. Completely independent in all organizational aspects. Large scope of operation without restrictions.
  • Using a third-party blog CMS (shell). For example, two blogging platforms are suitable: Livejournal, and also Blogger. Created specifically for those who want everything at once, without extra marks. The toolkit is as convenient as possible for use both at home and outside.
Now, let's talk about the acquired capabilities after creating a blog. The first and most important thing is the emergence of monetization.

What is monetization? This is the most main way earnings from webmasters. The term means making a profit from an Internet resource.

The webmaster has a large selection of advertisements placed on the site. Full list The services sold can be seen below:
  • Contextual advertising and banners;
  • Paid Sponsored Reviews & Recommendations / Integrated Mentions;
  • Teaser / Popunder / Clickunder;
  • Attaching links from affiliate programs;
  • Selling external Follow links;
  • Implemented video courses from third-party authors.

4. The main ways to make money from advertising on the Internet - Monetization of advertising business on the site

Method No. 1: Income from contextual advertising

The simplest option for monetizing a site is contextual advertising, which can easily fit into any article and generate high income! This is a less expensive method, because for the initial preparations you only need:
  • Create an account on such popular sites as Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. What to choose from this is up to you. Each advertiser's terms of partnership are different.
  • Next, implement the created banner code on the site. Actually, nothing complicated. Typically, the banner begins to function 10 - 30 minutes after installation.
Profit is calculated simply according to the scheme 50/50 (approximately): one part for the system, the other for your pocket.

Contextual advertising has the ability to select the right topic for users of a particular site. For example, on the website the most common contextual advertising of trading exchanges, SEO audit, banks, forex, binary options and other earnings on the Internet. This has a positive effect on both user loyalty and the ongoing profit of the web resource owner.

Let's look at a typical article PPC ad. You can clearly see it in this article, but suddenly you are using Adblock:

I think we need to learn more about each context system:

1) Yandex Direct- Although it is popular mainly in the CIS countries, it does not lower the quality bar to this day. The conditions of acceptance for webmasters here are stricter than those of Google, because each web resource is pre-moderated for compliance with all terms of cooperation. Don't forget to check it out.

But Yandex also constantly brings advantages. For example, quite recently the minimum attendance threshold was 500 visitors/day, but now this number has decreased to 100 visitors/day throughout the entire month.

2) Google Adsense- The main leader of the party. It works with all countries and brings the greatest income to the site owner. According to experts, Yandex’s pricing policy is still inferior to Google’s. Indeed, the use of this platform is most beneficial for advertisers, because the system tries to select advertisements whose content matches the interests of the user and the language used.

As was said, Google Adsense provides advertising to everyone without entrance exam. But at the same time, if he discovers stolen content on the web resource he is using, he can easily ban the account or warn him for the first time.

3) Begun- lost its former glory over time context service, trying to keep itself on the same level as Yandex and Google. The initial passage for young webmasters opens when daily traffic reaches 500 - 1000 visitors/day. Perhaps it is precisely because of the quality selection that advertisers speak well about the Runner. Worth checking out.

You should also not miss the fact that the conditions for site moderation are not very simple. It is much easier to put a banner advertising code, because the topic does not really matter and the conditions are more restrained. So we are slowly moving towards banner advertising.

When using Google Adsense, please note that there is such interesting feature, how to create and set up experiments to help understand motivations incoming traffic, what size, color or what percentage of completed requests should I deliver? It can be found in the optimization section:

Many people really underestimate this functionality; from our own experience, we can emphasize that the collected monthly data from the experiment will help increase profits by 30-50%!

Method No. 2: Using Banner Advertising

This modern approach to advertising, the basis of which is the visual attraction of a new user. The scope of the banner niche is quite extensive, which allows you to advertise almost anything. In terms of popularity, ordinary banners are on par with contextual presentation, but they have many differences from each other. Let's look at the differences between banner and contextual advertising...

Differences between banner and contextual advertising:

According to statistical calculations, the probability of a user clicking on a banner is much lower and equals 0.05-2%, while for contextual advertising this figure is 10%. This is understandable, because contextual advertising gives more meaning and more clearly encourages action.

Banners are suitable for sites with a “wide” audience. The contextual version is better absorbed in narrow topics. But banners have the property of being visible around the clock. And therefore suitable for distributing a brand or other services for a wide range of audience attraction. This is what it looks like:

But there is one caveat - a huge difference in the cost of each of the services. Banners cost almost 10 times less. Although banners have a small percentage of clicks, the services that sell them also pay for views - be sure to take this into account.

Earning money from banners is fully automated and your income also depends on the resource traffic factor. Some banner agencies provide a choice of tariffs: pay-per-clicks and pay-per-views, but you can only choose one. Try to experiment with each method of earning money and determine the only one that works for yourself.

Types of banners on the Internet:

  1. Flash animation- in this form there can be more than one link, as well as sound and animated support for the user around the site (Sites most often used are casinos, gaming and adult ones);
  2. Branded- promotion trademark, popularization (PR) of a certain brand;
  3. Commodity- offer to use any service provided by following a hyperlink.
Often banner advertising They buy from branded companies, for whose advertising they can raise good money, even for ordinary views.

Method No. 3: Popunder / Clickunder / Teaser advertising

This type of advertising is very different from the ones discussed above. Here the element of surprise and unconscious passion for advertising is taken as a basis. You need to have good attendance to get big money.
As usual, a pop-up window appears when the user clicks on any block of the site. As a rule, this approach irritates people quite a bit, but there are still those who will be interested and click on the window.

For 1000 impressions they pay approximately 80 - 150 rubles or more . This is directly dependent on the theme of the website. For example, ideal option For such advertising, it is customary to consider video hosting, because the advertising code can easily be inserted into the video player, which will increase the number of views of the window.

Method No. 4: Selling highlighted reviews and articles

Such earnings will not be available immediately, because naturally, in order to accept orders for a review, you need to gain traffic. Most often, your website will be found on search engines for a certain topic if it occupies top positions on the first page.

Be sure to leave contact information (feedback) so that the advertiser can quickly discuss all the requirements and nuances with you.

The cost of review articles can exceed 10,000 rubles(The cost is regulated by the topic and the presence of external follow links).

Method No. 5: Income from advertising affiliate programs

A very fickle, but profitable way to make money from advertising. It provides payment for user actions and CPA affiliates help with this. More precisely, the user must become interested and follow an affiliate link to a specific site, in most cases register, and then fulfill certain conditions, for example:
  • Enter the required personal data;
  • File distribution;
  • Earnings on various financial projects, such as forex and binary options;
  • Attracting your own referrals;
  • Selling goods on the Internet.

As a result, you will receive a percentage of the invited partner’s profit on an ongoing basis (or according to a tariff). This option is good if you recommend various products and services in your content.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of affiliate networks in quite detail in the extended article - Earning money from affiliate programs on the Internet.

Method No. 6: Selling external follow links from the site

The main advantage of making money by selling links is that it is possible even with low daily traffic.
Why sell links? For a long time, external links have had a strong influence on the SEO promotion of a project. In 2010, the global purchase and sale of follow links across the Internet began. Link exchanges were opened, offering website upgrades (linking) and promotion to top positions in search engines.

Over time, search engines have learned to combat link spam and lower the rankings of webmasters. On at the moment external links are not such an important promotion unit, but they are still in demand.

Selling links affects both the Yandex search engine and Google. Links from bold sites increase the level of trust and authority of the site. To check sites for donation indicators (trust), we recommend visiting the site xtool.ru.

TIC is the main indicator when selling links for Yandex. Google calls this indicator PR (Page Rank). The higher the indicators, the more expensive the link is.

5. Final Questions + Adsense Video

As expected, we suggest you refer to the answers to frequently asked questions and for details to the financial part advertising business.

- How to buy a ready-made website and start making money on advertising?

To do this on the Internet, you need to contact special website creation companies. For example, fl.ru, telderi.ru and others. They will help you choose a creation rate, or go to an auction of used sites with public income indicators and, as a result, decide on the price. It all depends on the goals, be it a simple website, corporate, online store - prices are different everywhere: from 500 to 30,000 rubles and higher.

- How to independently organize the development of a website?

You need to approach this matter with the utmost caution. It’s one thing to simply create a website - there are many tutorials on YouTube about this, but you can’t explain everything right away. Another thing is to start rapid promotion in search engines. convertmonster.ru- the site helps to develop skills SEO analysis and optimization for beginner webmasters. Read at your leisure.

Organize a clear plan for implementing your business. Spend at least 2 hours a day and after six months the first money will not keep you waiting. Approximate earnings will start from 2,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles or more. Rest, of course, is for everyone, but don’t abandon your project for too long, this may have a bad effect on its progress. A competent approach guarantees stable income on advertising, the day is not far off when a million rubles will not be the maximum income.

- Pay taxes to the state for advertising: is it necessary?

Very controversial issue. On the one hand, a small number of webmasters have paid taxes on their profits on the Internet at least once in their lives, certainly in the Russian Federation. It is unknown what will happen next. Taxation is unlikely to come after you if your monthly income is no more than $500. To avoid problems, of course you need to pay taxes if the state suddenly issues a warning.

And finally we come to the video format. The found video presents the main features of Google Adsense. Why contextual advertising? Because it is this that brings the greatest profit among all types of advertising:

Here is the final speech. Being a website owner is not easy, you need to constantly experiment with various factors maintaining the site and choosing the most optimal options promotion. Building your business on advertising is difficult, but possible. The main thing to remember is that profitable earnings On the Internet, advertising comes with high website traffic.
P.S. We also advise you to pay attention to other

Most of all money on the Internet is transferred into virtual format through advertising. Companies want to attract customers and promote their brands, so they allocate hundreds of thousands of rubles every month for advertising campaigns. Who gets this money? Those who create their own platforms.

We will look at both options in this article, you just have to decide which is better. Creating your own project is much more profitable, but also much more difficult; viewing advertisements is more suitable for part-time work.

Earning money from advertising without investment

The article about that tells where you can launch the resource for free. As for channels and communities, you don’t need any money at all to open them.

After the launch of the site, effective promotion is required. Until there are many subscribers in the group or channel, no one will pay for advertising posts. On websites, traffic is an important parameter.

The most difficult thing is development; not everyone is able to do this effectively; most sites remain unpromoted.

In order not to search for those who want to order advertising, you can use special services. Advertisers register there and add sites, after which banners, teasers and contextual ads are placed. Here are the most popular projects:

These systems are only suitable for monetizing websites. There is a universal project Blogun, where they order advertising on YouTube channels, in social networks and on blogs.

With its help, you can see how much other users earn from advertising on the Internet:

These are statistics from one of the sites on which 118 advertising publications were posted. If we count according to average prices, it turns out that the owner of the resource earned 59,000 rubles only in this system.

Statistics from one of the VKontakte groups, to which only 16,348 users are subscribed. For brief overview the owner charges 740 rubles, and he has already posted 131 entries. It turns out total profit 96940 rubles.

As you can see, the owners of well-promoted groups and websites earn substantial amounts of money on the Internet through advertising.

Most beginners decide to use social networks; if you are one of them, then you will need instructions. Start from scratch, and to take big money from advertisers, choose profitable topics, for example, finance or cars.

Can you make money by watching advertisements on the Internet?

You can earn many times more with mailers, since there are always available tasks where you are asked to watch an advertisement or click on it from some site:

You will find such instructions on the Wmmail and Seosprint websites. They pay 1-3 cents per execution, but this is not so little if you calculate how much it costs per hour or day.

It’s even easier to receive money through browser plugins. You just need to install them and continue using the Internet. Open any websites, surf social networks and chat with friends.

Sometimes a banner will be shown in the corner or header of the site, wait until the timer ends and get a reward:

Download plugins for Teaser and Surfearner, they can work together. Such advertising will not bother you; it appears rarely, the main thing is not to keep track of the balance, since good amounts they run for a long time. Just carry on with your business and let the extensions bring you profits automatically.

Now you know how to make money on the Internet by watching advertisements and a more profitable way by creating your own platform. Of course, it is more profitable to create a website or group, but it will take a long time to promote them, so some beginners are better off using the second option.