What is bronchitis and how to treat it. Bronchitis. Description, types, causes, prevention and treatment of bronchitis Bronchitis causes risk factors main clinical forms

Is bronchitis an independent disease or a complication of another disease?

— Bronchitis can be an independent disease, or it can be a consequence of other diseases.

Viral infection begins with damage to the nasal pharynx, and then goes down. Influenza viruses multiply in the cells of the trachea and bronchi (breathing tubes). Viral or bacterial infection is the main cause of acute bronchitis. Moreover, the development of the disease is not caused by the microbes that we usually become infected with influenza, but by those that are in each person’s mouth and nose. If the body is weakened, for example, with a cold or lack of sleep, then its own microbes from oral cavity descend into the bronchi and begin to multiply. Acute bronchitis manifested by cough, weakness, increased fatigue, the temperature may also increase. Some patients are bothered by shortness of breath. Doctors listen for wheezing in the lungs. Subsequently, the disease disappears without a trace. Emergence chronic bronchitis most often associated with pollution environment and above all with smoking. This bad habit greatly increases the risk of bronchitis. And not only active smoking, but passive ones can also cause this disease.

When the signs of the disease return again and again, even during the period of remission (the lull of the disease), a person is often bothered by a cough. In the summer it may go away, but in the cold season the cough returns again.

Cough is the main symptom of bronchitis. What is characteristic of him?

- As a rule, the cough occurs in the morning and then goes away. large number sputum. And it also happens that a hacking cough bothers the patient, but there is no sputum.

Condition worsens when inhaled strong odors, contact with irritants or even cold bed linen. A cough often occurs at night, and it must be treated, otherwise it may develop in the lungs. bronchiectasis (bronchi dilation).

With a dry cough, doctors listen to a large number of whistling and buzzing wheezing sounds in the lungs. However, sometimes you don’t have to be a doctor to hear this. The patient himself feels them; many patients say that it is “as if an accordion is playing in their lungs.” This form of the disease is called chronic obstructive bronchitis and is more difficult to tolerate. Many patients begin to suffer from attacks of suffocation, in which people are forced to sit, leaning on their hands, as in bronchial asthma. During an attack, the person’s face often turns red and the neck veins swell. This is explained by the fact that with chronic bronchitis the body often lacks oxygen. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, causing insomnia. All this exhausts the patients, they become weaker and quickly tire. Shortness of breath is also a symptom of bronchitis. But to put accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

What complications can there be if treatment is not started on time?

- Bronchitis can be complicated by pneumonia or develop into chronic form. The sooner treatment is started, the better. Chronic bronchitis is especially dangerous. It is severe and difficult to treat. Special shape chronic bronchitis - chronic obstructive disease lung disease, if left untreated, can lead to disability.

Acute bronchitis is always complicated. bronchial asthma?

- Acute bronchitis and - absolutely various diseases. Bronchial asthma- this is first of all allergic disease. True, sometimes bronchitis turns into asthma.

How is bronchitis treated now?

Self-medication is dangerous! For bronchitis, doctors prescribe antibiotics. If a patient is treated frequently, he remembers the names of medications and the temptation arises to “get treatment like last time,” without consulting a doctor, of course. The result can be sad: antibiotics stop working on microbes, the exacerbation is delayed, and complications arise. There may be side effects from tablets: disruption of the stomach, intestines, liver, thrush, allergies.

In addition, many patients, trying to get rid of cough, drink sedatives a type of codeine that is addictive. Libexin and Tusuprex do not cause addiction, but they suppress the cough reflex.

Acute bronchitis does not require the use of antibiotics. With appropriate treatment, it goes away within a few days without consequences. Medicines that promote expectoration, as well as physical therapy, are helpful. If a person suffers from bronchitis more than three to four times a year, he is prescribed medications, improving immunity (polyvalent vaccines, for example, bronchomunal). But medications must be prescribed by a doctor in each specific case.

Does it help? traditional medicine in the fight against disease?

Folk remedies , of course, can help, but you need to be very careful with them (due to frequent allergies). - unsafe treatment, since the rules for collecting herbs are not always followed. That's why medicinal plants It's better to buy at a pharmacy.

With the help of herbal medicine, inflammation of the bronchial mucosa can be reduced.

What are the main preventive measures from bronchitis?

- Firstly, you need to stop smoking. One of the causes of bronchitis is tobacco addiction. Secondly, eliminate the source of infection. Hypothermia and overheating should be avoided. In addition, you need to harden the body (although this is easy to say and difficult to do). It is better to start hardening with childhood. Best time for starters health treatments- summer, but you need to act gradually. Foot baths are effective when the water temperature is reduced by one degree every two days.

A large role in the prevention of bronchitis is played by good nutrition. It is important that the food is rich in proteins, so do not forget about meat and fish. Now it is fashionable to lose weight, but for people suffering from chronic bronchitis, low weight- risk factor. In the spring, when there is an acute deficiency of vitamins, it is useful to take pharmaceutical drugs(multivitamins).

For example, ARVI, influenza, although it may also have a different origin. Bronchitis may occur due to exposure to aggressive physical or chemical factors, for example, dust, gasoline vapors, acetone, paints. The disease develops under the influence of atypical factors and may be of an allergic nature.

But predominantly bronchitis is of an infectious nature - bacterial or viral, and is almost always accompanied by diffuse inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which leads to a characteristic painful symptom - cough, which has different character, greatly exhausts a sick person, especially since its duration is quite long, on average 3 weeks.

In this article we want to talk about the features of the occurrence, course and treatment of bronchitis in adults. This topic becomes very relevant not only during ARVI epidemics, but even in the summer, when people do not expect the appearance of colds which are complicated by bronchitis. But, alas, no one is immune from bronchitis at any time of the year.

Reasons for the development of bronchitis

As mentioned above, the most common and common cause of acute or chronic bronchitis among adults is viral, bacterial or atypical flora.

The main bacterial pathogens causing development inflammatory process V bronchial tree, today, are different strains of staphylococci, pneumococci or streptococci.

Bronchitis may have viral nature, it occurs against the background of damage to the bronchial mucosa by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, cytomegaloviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, enteroviruses, etc.

Atypical factors leading to bronchitis include quite rare bacterial pathogens, these are chlamydia, mycoplasma. They are called atypical because they biological characteristics force researchers to place them in an intermediate class between viruses and bacteria.

Very often, the cause of bronchitis is mixed pathogenic flora from the very beginning of the disease. But most often, against the background of damage to the bronchial mucosa, one type of infectious agent is associated with another type. For example, viral bronchitis gives way to bacterial bronchitis.

Viral infections almost always open the door to bacterial infection, create the most favorable conditions for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. That is why, in the midst of viral epidemics in winter period This is how bronchitis is often recorded in the adult population.

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Factors contributing to the occurrence of bronchitis among adults

The first and most important condition that is necessary for the occurrence of bronchitis is, of course, a weakening of the immune system in an adult, which, in its normal state, ensures the body’s resistance and immunity to various external environmental agents - viral and bacterial pathogenic flora.

Features of chronic bronchitis in adults

Chronic cough is characterized by a satisfactory condition; it almost always has a wet cough with easily discharged sputum of a mucopurulent or purulent nature. The peak of exacerbations usually occurs in winter. The disease begins to develop at a young age, but over time, chronic bronchitis becomes more pronounced, which occurs closer to 40-50 years of age.

During an exacerbation, weakness, poor health, a rise in body temperature to 38 degrees, chills, and increased sweating may occur. Even with a relatively satisfactory condition, a person’s performance decreases sharply, especially if shortness of breath occurs.

Chronic bronchitis has a high prevalence among the adult population, especially among men, among smokers, in which case it is often called “smoker’s cough.” Exacerbations occur more than 2-3 times within one year and are repeated with such frequency for more than 2 years. Every year the disease becomes more pronounced. The total duration of the disease in one year exceeds 3 months.

Why is “smoker's cough” dangerous?

With chronic bronchitis, not only the bronchial tree suffers, but certain areas of the lungs, and even the entire body as a whole. Most often, chronic bronchitis becomes obstructive, which is why the disease is called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which is abbreviated as COPD. This type of disease usually occurs due to smoking or in the absence of treatment.

Changes in the lungs against the background of COPD become irreversible, so the essence of therapy is no longer to completely cure the disease, but to treat complications, symptomatic treatment, strengthen the body, and alleviate the course of this disease.

If obstruction of the lungs persists for a long time, then a violation of the drainage function of all bronchi inevitably occurs. Air begins to linger in the alveoli and lung tissue. As soon as bronchospasm joins, the process of formation of pulmonary emphysema begins. As a result, pulmonary ventilation is quickly disrupted, respiratory failure develops, the cardiovascular system, nervous system and the entire body suffer.

If symptoms characteristic of COPD or smokers' cough occur, it is very important to conduct a differential diagnosis in order to timely exclude or detect diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, and cancer, which often occur against the background of COPD.

What examination is necessary for adult patients to clarify the diagnosis of bronchitis?

If you suspect chronic bronchitis, you will have to take a clinical blood test and take an x-ray of the lungs. Doctors often prescribe spirography to study the function of external respiration, which is very important for obstructive bronchitis in adult patients.

In order to exclude the development of bronchial asthma, spirography is performed with a drug load of Salbutamol or Berodual, which relieve bronchospasm.

With frequent exacerbations of bronchitis, adult patients are advised to undergo bronchoscopy to identify concomitant diseases of the respiratory tract, which have similar symptoms to bronchitis.

And very important is a laboratory cytological examination of sputum with its culture for microflora in order to identify the most suitable, optimal antibiotics for treatment that can be effectively used to treat bronchitis.

In some cases, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for antibodies to atypical infections - chlamydia and mycoplasma.

How can you not treat bronchitis?

Acute and chronic bronchitis are very serious diseases; they can be complicated by very serious diseases of the pulmonary system, which threaten not only a person’s health and ability to work, but also his life in general.

Self-medication without an objective examination in a medical institution usually leads to the fact that acute bronchitis in an adult patient is not completely cured, which is why it soon becomes chronic or complicated, for example, by pneumonia. Often people do not even suspect that they are developing cancer or tuberculosis under the mask of bronchitis.

The attitude of “it will go away on its own” or “I’ll cure it on my own without calling a doctor” is not applicable to bronchitis. And, of course, it is impossible to be treated for bronchitis while suffering the disease “on your feet.”

Treatment of bronchitis in adults is possible only on bed or semi-bed rest. But there are also “heroes” who continue to work during illness; they have every chance of acquiring cardiac complications or making acute bronchitis chronic.

Principles of nutrition and lifestyle during acute bronchitis and exacerbation of the chronic form

Against the background of the disease, each sick person should increase the amount of drinking per day to at least 3-3.5 liters. Alkaline fruit drinks, juices, jelly, teas, hot milk with Borjomi in a one-to-one ratio are perfect for drinking.

The composition of the daily food intake undergoes several changes, which should become complete in terms of proteins and vitamins. The daily diet must contain a sufficient amount of proteins and vitamins. It is important to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

But if there is an elevated body temperature and there are signs of intoxication, then a short fast will be quite acceptable, but only if the body requires it. It is important to remember that diets that restrict anything in the diet for bronchitis are strictly contraindicated.

Basic principles of treatment of bronchitis in adults

How and with what to treat bronchitis in adults is a very serious question, because the outcome and prevention of complications depend on the effectiveness of treatment. As we wrote above, bronchitis can be of different types according to its clinical course, and each of them has its own treatment regimen. But the basic principles of treatment of this nosological unit of the disease still exist. Therapy consists of four main stages.

Initially, you need to quit smoking, get rid of bad habits, and stop being in conditions with harmful environmental factors. All this will maximize the effectiveness of treatment.

The second stage involves the prescription of medications that can dilate the bronchi to facilitate the discharge of sputum and eliminate obstruction, respiratory failure, and shortness of breath by stimulating specific receptors. For this, bronchodilators for bronchitis for adults are used: Salbutamol, Fenterol, Berodual, Terbutaline, Eufillin, Theodard, Teopek, etc.

The third stage is the prescription of mucolytics and expectorants, which help make the sputum less thick and viscous. These drugs help to quickly clear it from the respiratory tract. Preparations of plant origin can be used - Thermopsis, Doctor Mom, marshmallow root, licorice, etc., or synthetic - Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, etc.

If necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy and antibacterial agents are prescribed. They become necessary if there is a threat of a complication, as indicated, for example, by a high temperature for more than 3 days, or an increase in it a few days after the onset of the disease, even during treatment.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which inflammatory processes occur in the bronchi, which are a system of branched tubes of different sizes and volumes. Through the bronchi, inhaled air passes from the larynx to the lungs. So, with bronchitis, the bronchi swell. This leads to excessive mucus production and poor air circulation.

What is bronchitis and how to treat it so as not to harm your health? To solve these issues, you need to know what types of bronchitis exist, what are their causes of development, symptoms, and how they are diagnosed. All these issues are worth understanding in more detail. So.

Types of bronchitis

In the generally accepted classification, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic forms of bronchitis. However, among doctors there is such a term as obstructive bronchitis.
The acute form of bronchitis is characterized by the course of a diffuse inflammatory process in the tissues of the mucous membranes of the tracheobronchial “tree”. Accompanied by cough, sputum production and increased volume of bronchial secretions.

The chronic form of this disease is also diffuse damage to the bronchi, but of a progressive nature. The acute course of this disease is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in combination with a restructuring of the excretory function of the bronchial mucosa. There are also violations of the protective and cleansing functions of the bronchi.

Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by blockage of the lumen of the bronchi due to significant swelling of their mucous membrane.

For what reasons does bronchitis develop?

  1. Secondary bacterial infection. When an acute respiratory viral infection or a common cold provokes the development of foci of inflammation in the tissues of the mucous membrane of the bronchial “tree”.
  2. In some cases, the cause of bronchitis is regular inhalation of toxic gases, vapors, and tobacco smoke.
  3. In the presence of a disease such as gastroesophageal reflux, hydrochloric acid can enter the mucous membranes of the larynx and esophagus. Sometimes this is a provoking factor for the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi. If such a situation occurs, consult a doctor who will inform you how to treat bronchitis in such cases.
  4. A genetic factor can also cause bronchitis. A person who has inherited a predisposition to developing respiratory diseases from their parents has a high chance of a common cold causing just such a complication.
  5. Another reason contributing to the development of bronchial inflammation is unfavorable climatic conditions - dampness, sudden weather changes, frequent fogs.

Who is at risk?

Long-term smokers and people who abuse alcohol, as well as those whose professional activities involve hazardous work, are most susceptible to the occurrence of bronchitis and its transformation into a chronic form:

  • bakery;
  • chemical;
  • woolen.

Risk factors

1. Weakened immunity, which, when normal, provides the body with resistance to the effects of any pathogenic flora. The immune system can fail for various reasons, for example, due to an acute infectious disease or the presence of any chronic disease. If your doctor, in addition to prescribing drug therapy, has recommended that you treat your bronchi at home, you can also use folk remedies to boost your immunity.

2. Age. The older a person is, the more susceptible his body becomes to the development of infectious diseases. Most patients suffering from bronchitis are over 50 years old.

3. Frequent hypothermia.

4. Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Chronic fatigue.

6. Residence or long-term stay in places where the environment is “poisoned” by radioactive substances.

7. Inhalation of polluted air, which contains:

  • ammonia;
  • alkali;
  • chlorine;
  • carbon oxides;
  • pollutants;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • pairs of various acids.

8. Chest injuries of varying severity.

9. The presence of foci of inflammation in the cavities of the oropharynx and nasopharynx, for example, sinusitis, sinusitis, sore throat.

10. Diseases that lead to functional disruptions of the pulmonary circulation.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis


At the very beginning of the rapid development of acute inflammation of the bronchi, a nonproductive cough appears, which often causes vomiting in children and restless sleep in adults. After a few days, the dry cough becomes productive. Sputum begins to be discharged, which has a greenish tint. This indicates that there was an infection of bacterial origin.

Along with the transformation of a dry cough into a productive cough, patients usually experience relief. If the sputum is not colored, but is cloudy, white or translucent, then there is no bacterial infection.

A cough with acute inflammation of the bronchial “tree” can last about 15 days. If the cough does not go away after 20 days, there is a high probability that the disease will become chronic. Therefore, if such a situation arises, seek medical help. In addition to the drug therapy prescribed by your doctor, ask how to treat bronchitis at home. This will help you achieve a positive result faster.


In acute bronchitis, as a rule, there is a slight increase in temperature (no more than 37.7⁰C). However, if, in addition to inflammation of the bronchi, there is another disease, such as acute respiratory infections or influenza, the body temperature can reach 40⁰C.

Other symptoms that indicate the presence of acute bronchitis:

  • fatigue;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • wheezing when coughing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest.

It is important to understand!

1. Only a productive cough with a small amount of easily separated sputum is useful. After all, this is an important cleansing function of the respiratory system. The bronchi of a healthy adult are capable of producing up to 30 g of sputum per day. Any deviations from the specified norm (quantitative, qualitative) indicate pathology.

2. In most cases, when treating acute bronchitis, doctors make favorable prognoses. But if the disease is “neglected,” in addition to becoming chronic, severe complications may develop in the form of:

  • acute pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • "pulmonary heart".

3. Do not suffer the disease on your feet, believing that cough, weakness throughout the body and low temperature are a common cold. Bronchial inflammation, the symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of which directly depend on the causes that caused it, should not be taken lightly. Be careful!

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

We are talking about the presence of chronic inflammation of the bronchi only when the patient’s cough continues for at least 3 months, occurring at any time of the year. Thus, we can conclude that cough is the main symptom of this form of the disease.

In chronic bronchitis, a “dull” and “deep” cough with a large amount of sputum is noted, which intensifies in the morning. This clinical picture may indicate the development of one of the complications – bronchiectasis.

Also, this form of the disease may be accompanied by a low temperature that rises from time to time. Bronchitis that has become chronic is characterized by alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations. Exacerbations usually occur against the background of hypothermia, colds and a weakened immune response.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Such bronchitis, in addition to cough, fever and general weakness, is accompanied by progressive shortness of breath (especially during physical exertion). This is due to deformation of the bronchi, which develops gradually. The deformation entails blockage of the lumens of the bronchi.

When the disease is in the initial stages of its development, blockage of the lumens of the bronchi is a reversible process. That is, after the release of mucous fluid and treatment, the functions of the bronchi can be normalized.

If the disease has been neglected, for example, when there was inadequate treatment of bronchitis at home or its complete absence, bronchial obstruction is an irreversible process. After all, by this time the walls of the bronchi had already undergone significant deformation and, as a result, had greatly narrowed.

Methods for diagnosing bronchitis

To confirm suspicions about the development of bronchitis, the following studies are carried out:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • spirography (allows you to assess the state of external respiration functions). When carrying out this analysis, as a rule, Berodual or Salbutamol are used, which are able to relieve bronchospasms;
  • radiography of the lungs and bronchi;
  • culture of sputum microflora;
  • cytological analysis of sputum;
  • bronchoscopy. This analysis allows you to differentiate bronchitis from other diseases that are similar in symptoms;
  • blood test to detect antibodies to atypical infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia).

Nutrition and lifestyle during treatment of bronchitis at home

During the treatment of any disease of the respiratory system, including bronchitis, the patient is recommended to increase the volume of fluid consumed to 3 liters per day. Can be used:

  • herbal teas;
  • water without gas;
  • jelly;
  • milk in combination with Borjomi (1:1);
  • fruit drinks;
  • compotes.

The diet also needs to be adjusted to include a sufficient amount of protein foods and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

If intoxication with fever occurs, short-term fasting may be required. But before using this treatment method, you must consult a doctor.

Following any diet that limits the intake of certain foods is not recommended during the treatment of bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis: how to treat it at home?

Recipe No. 1

Heat 150 ml of vegetable oil (preferably unrefined) in a water bath. Soak a terry towel in oil and wrap the patient's chest and back. Wrap the top in plastic, put on a cotton shirt and cover with a warm blanket. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours.

Due to the fact that the body quickly gets used to the effects of oil compresses, this procedure should not be carried out every day, but at intervals of 2-3 days.

Recipe No. 2

According to people who know first-hand how to cure bronchitis at home, this folk remedy can once and for all get rid of this disease, including chronic ones. You will need to place in a 250 g container:

  • pine resin;
  • crushed wax;
  • natural honey (preferably flower);
  • vegetable oil.

Place the mixture on the fire and heat until a homogeneous mass is formed, stirring continuously. But you shouldn’t bring it to a boil. After this, the mass should be cooled and consumed 1 dessert spoon half an hour before meals. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a glass container with a lid.

Recipe No. 3

Place butter and natural honey (in equal proportions) in an enamel saucepan and put on fire. Stir until the ingredients form a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture should be applied to the upper back and chest area every evening. From above these places are covered with gauze cloth (it is acceptable to replace it with cellophane).

Then you need to put on warm clothes and lie down under the blanket. It is permissible to keep the compress all night. Oil and honey compresses are an effective remedy, according to people who have independently overcome acute bronchitis. Treatment at home using such compresses allows you to feel much better just a week after starting these daily procedures.

Recipe No. 4

Place 20 g of carrot and sunflower seeds in a glass jar. Piss them off with a glass of aqueous-alcohol solution, which is prepared at a 50/50 ratio. Seal the jar tightly and leave to infuse for 1 week. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day between meals, washed down with warm milk. After a couple of days, the condition will improve significantly, and after some more time the disease will completely recede.

Chronic bronchitis: how to treat at home?

Recipe No. 1

Mix 200 g of lard (melted and passed through a sieve), butter (without salt in its composition) and granulated sugar in an enamel saucepan. Heat the mixture in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then add 30 g of natural cocoa and heat for another 5 minutes. When approximately 10 minutes have passed and the mass has cooled down a little, add a glass of natural honey (preferably buckwheat) to it.

Honey is added at the very end due to the fact that when heated, it loses most of its healing properties. Stir the mixture and leave until completely cooled. Keep refrigerated. Take 10 g once a day on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Recipe No. 2

Mix and heat in a water bath, 10 g each:

  • rye flour;
  • mustard powder;
  • melted lard (can be replaced with unrefined sunflower oil);
  • vodka;
  • natural honey;
  • aloe juice

Keep the mixture in a water bath for 5 minutes, then set the container with the mixture aside so that it cools down quite a bit. In the meantime, gauze is applied to the patient’s lung area, the prepared mixture is placed on top, then another layer of gauze is applied. After this, wrap the lung area with cling film and put on warm clothes. Leave the compress overnight. To prevent the bandage from slipping, you can wrap the body with an elastic bandage on top of the film.

Recipe No. 3

Mix the following ingredients in a container (10 g each):

  • natural honey;
  • melted pork lard;
  • cocoa;
  • tincture of eleutherococcus.

Heat the components in a water bath for about 10 minutes. You will get a daily portion of the decoction, which must be consumed throughout the day. To obtain the most positive result, it is recommended to take this medicine with a warm oat decoction.

Recipe No. 4

Pour half a kilo of granulated sugar with a liter of water, place two small peeled onions (whole) in the same container. Boil until half the liquid has evaporated. Then remove the onions from the resulting syrup. Cool and consume 100 g of syrup per day in two doses.

How to treat bronchitis at home if it is in obstructive form?

Recipe No. 1

Dried buckwheat flowers (sold in a pharmacy) in the amount of 50 g, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours, then strain. Drink the resulting infusion within 1 day. Every morning you should prepare a new infusion. The course of treatment lasts a week, depending on the condition and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Recipe No. 2

To prepare the following medicine, you will need an enamel container, into which you need to pour 1 liter of milk, adding 30 g of dried sage herb. Boil the milk and sage for about 15 minutes. After this, let the broth brew. Then you should strain the broth and add 30 g of natural honey to it. Take the medicine 50 g every two hours.

Recipe No. 3

Grate two large onions with a grater and pour in 50 g of vinegar (9%). Leave for 40 minutes and rub through gauze. Then add 200 g of natural honey and stir until smooth. Use 1 dessert spoon every half hour.

Recipe No. 4

An excellent folk remedy against the obstructive form of bronchitis is an infusion of tangerine peel, which in the amount of 20 g must be poured into a glass of boiling water and left for about 3 hours. Take 10 g three times a day.

Prevention of bronchitis

  1. Regularly ventilate living spaces and perform daily wet cleaning.
  2. If you have a bad habit like smoking, try to get rid of it. If this is difficult for you to do, you can mitigate the harmful effects of tobacco toxins on the body, including the bronchi. Prepare a decoction of linden. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. dried linden flowers and let it brew for a couple of hours. Take half a glass twice a day.
  3. To improve blood circulation in the bronchi, inflate balloons every day for 5 minutes.
  4. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  5. Always pay attention to the weather and dress according to the season. Do not overcool your body.

Finally, you need to give advice that will be useful when independently treating bronchitis. Before preparing this or that medicine, make sure that you do not have allergies, as well as individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. Be healthy!

The Latin name of the disease consists of two parts: “ bronze» – bronchus And "itis"inflammation, which means inflammation of the bronchi. In most cases, bronchitis is seasonal. With the first rays of sun, the days become warm and the evenings become extremely cold. A sharp contrast in temperature, clothes not chosen for the weather, and the person is already sick. As you understand, we are talking about spring. However, make no mistake - bronchitis has nothing to do with a cold; it just appears easier against its background. The next “favorable” factor is autumn. The disease is infectious.

During the peak period of illnesses, doctors advise visiting hospitals with a protective mask or at least wearing one within the walls of a medical institution. Now it's time to learn more about what bronchitis is. The essence of the disease lies in inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of the so-called bronchial tree, which occurs as a result of the aggressive influence of a wide variety of factors on the human body.

Causes of bronchitis

There are a large number of viral infections, the entry of which into our body does not cause an increase in temperature. Even if “yes”, it is insignificant. This is why people prefer to attend work, thereby putting themselves at risk for patients with complications. As a rule, bronchitis begins exclusively with a dry cough, which occurs only in the morning with a feeling of dryness or spasm of the larynx. Quite often the disease is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Subsequent progression is accompanied by coughing up colorless, transparent or gray-yellow sputum. It is not uncommon for small amounts of blood to be present in the mucus.

Adults may suffer from bronchitis due to excessive smoking. It is worth noting that tobacco smoke is the most basic and dominant factor in this disease, which can smoothly develop into a chronic disease, which in turn provokes severe pulmonary disease and heart disease.

Bronchitis - symptoms of the disease

The most important sign of bronchitis has always been and remains a cough, during which yellowish-gray or greenish sputum is released. There may be blood in it. Coughing is a protective function of our body, during which the airways are cleared. However, only a wet cough, which removes liquid sputum, is useful. The normal functioning of the bronchi consists of daily production of about 30 grams. secretion, which prevents them from overheating, moisturizes, warms the air we inhale and performs a barrier function.

Dry cough, as a rule, manifests itself in the first days and indicates a viral factor of the disease. A cough that produces greenish mucus indicates bacterial bronchitis. However, in this case, the cough will evolve from dry to wet. In the case of an acute course of the disease, a paroxysmal cough is possible, accompanied by pain in the chest area or even headaches. The disease may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, up to 38 degrees or higher, or by its fluctuations. Based on the exacerbation of the disease, the gaps between races will decrease.

Let's summarize all the symptoms indicating the presence of the disease:

  • cough;
  • temperature increase: significant or insignificant;
  • throat spasms, painful sensations;
  • wheezing, difficulty breathing.

Types of bronchitis


Viral - affects the lower respiratory tract. This disease mainly occurs in children and is associated with a weak immune system and huge crowding of children's groups. It is provoked by the entry into the body through the nasopharynx of an infection settled in the bronchi. Reproduction leads to damage to the internal mucous membrane, which in turn destroys the body's defense system.

Risk factors:

  • dampness and cold;
  • dormitories, kindergartens and schools (large crowds of people);
  • nasopharyngeal infection;
  • impaired nasal breathing


Personal contact. By airborne droplets. Inhaling particles of saliva during an infected person's cough or nasal secretions will cause infection. In this case, the handkerchief is not an obstacle.


  • significant body temperature (about 38);
  • wet cough with difficult sputum production;

Acceptable treatments:

  • warm, plentiful drink;
  • air humidification;
  • steam inhalations;
  • jars, mustard plasters, rubbing (if there is no temperature);
  • vitamin therapy and immunostimulation.


  • protein-rich foods;
  • fractional portions up to five times a day;
  • eating foods rich in vitamins A, C and E;
  • drink: tea with raspberries, lemon, linden, fruit and vegetable juices, milk with honey and alkaline mineral water;
  • eating fresh antimicrobial onions that also thins sputum.


A rare but extremely serious disease. The symptoms are the same as in viral cases, but differ in the appearance of thick and dark sputum. Treatment occurs through the use of antibiotics, which will depend on the strain of the infecting bacterium. The viral treatment method is powerless here. It is necessary to adhere to bed rest. Painkillers may be used. Inhalations and hot showers are beneficial. Smoking is completely contraindicated.



It is provoked by a localized immune conflict between allergen and antibodies in the large and medium bronchi. It is not accompanied by attacks of suffocation or pronounced bronchospastic components, since both the bronchi and bronchioles do not take any part in the disease, remaining intact.


  • dust;
  • saliva or animal hair;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals;
  • food;
  • vaccine;
  • household chemicals


  • dry paroxysmal cough;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath when exhaling;
  • periods of exacerbation and recession alternate;
  • wheezing in the lungs: sometimes dry, sometimes wet;
  • increased levels of eosinophils in the blood;
  • significant presence of immunoglobulin E.


  • diet (exclusion of irritating foods);
  • antihistamines;
  • alkaline inhalations;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • use of herbal preparations;
  • physical therapy, hardening;

Treatment cannot be carried out on your own as the consequences can be extremely negative and serious.


They are caused by inhaled, soluble in the moisture of the lungs, toxic-chemical compounds that lead to damage to cellular structures or cell metabolites, accompanied by impaired microcirculation and the development of an acute inflammatory reaction.


  • irritating-suffocating acute effect;
  • rawness;
  • burning;
  • bronchospasm;
  • acute laryngospasm;
  • coughing;
  • slight choking;
  • other lesions of the upper respiratory tract.

This form of the disease is fraught with severe pulmonary edema.

Types of bronchitis

Spicy– accompanied by high fever, low chest cough, and general malaise. Manifests against the background of acute viral respiratory diseases. Without complications, it lasts no more than 7 or 10 days, after which complete recovery occurs.

Chronic– provoke numerous episodes of acute bronchitis or prolonged exposure to any kind of irritating factors: gases, dust, smoking. As a rule, teenagers and adults suffer from it. Among its symptoms is a pronounced prolonged cough from several months to two or more years. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is productive and deep, and in other cases: dry, wet or unproductive.

Obstructive- a type of acute or chronic, in which the air flow through the bronchi is disrupted or their walls are damaged, which leads to absolute air obstruction.

Professional– a special type of inflammation of the bronchial tree under the influence of industrial irritants.
It has three forms of gravity.

I stage– constant prolonged cough for 2 or 3 years.

Shortness of breath during exercise. Breathing is harsh, dry wheezing, forced exhalation. Exacerbations are extremely rare. In X-rays, the pattern of the lungs is enhanced. There is no heart failure.

II stage– constant prolonged paroxysmal cough with sputum production. Physical activity causes difficulty breathing. Rare attacks of suffocation appear. Breathing is harsh and weakened. In the lower parts of the lungs there are whistling dry, sometimes wet, rales. Frequent exacerbations. Exhausting sputum with pus. Changes in the pulmonary pattern are moderately pronounced. The patient is assigned the third disability group.

III stage– Constant cough. Shortness of breath at rest. In case of minor physical stress - suffocation. Exacerbations are frequent and prolonged. Often develops into bronchial asthma. The change in the pulmonary pattern is extremely significant. A second disability group is assigned.

Each of the above types of bronchitis may differ in accordance with the leading factors shaping the disease: the severity of its course and treatment methods.

Course of the disease and possible complications

Basically, the disease proceeds without complications and ends with absolute recovery. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can cause a number of complications, including: pneumonia and bronchiectasis. The presence of blood clots in sputum may indicate the onset of tuberculosis.

Bronchitis in children. Treatment

The child’s respiratory organs, which are not sufficiently strong, quickly become infected. Such infection can lead to inflammation of the bronchi or bronchitis.

If you notice that your child has symptoms of a cold, and is also suffering from a severe dry cough, then most likely the disease is evident. If breathing is accompanied by whistling, obstructive bronchitis is possible.

Treatment of bronchitis in children:
Its insidiousness lies in the depletion of the bronchi and the approach of asthma. Treatment should begin immediately. It is always important to begin treatment of any cough without delay and until it completely disappears. The doctor will definitely prescribe decongestants or antispasmodics. Relieving bronchial spasms is the first step. There may be recommendations regarding mustard plasters on the calf muscles or steaming the legs. In the case of a wet cough, a compress will not be amiss, which is contraindicated in case of fever or wheezing.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

The patient must be provided with bed rest and drink plenty of herbal teas and honey. In the absence of fever, thermal procedures on the chest are possible. Inhalations made from anise, eucalyptus, and menthol will be useful. In the case of acute forms of bronchitis, expectorants, antitussives and necessarily antiallergic drugs are prescribed, which are aimed at expanding the lumen in the bronchi. Vitamins, as well as micro- and macroelements, are mandatory.

Acute bronchitis

Traditional medicine

Treatment occurs against the background of treatment for ARVI. Increasingly, the disease is caused by atypical pathogens: microplasma and chlamydia. There is no specific treatment. In general, treatment follows the principle of a cold. General care, combating high fever, treating cough, thinning sputum. The use of antibiotics is possible only in the case of a bacterial infection or based on the patient’s condition and is decided exclusively by the attending physician.

Traditional treatment of bronchitis

1. Decoction of primrose root. 30 or 40 gr. For 1 liter of water 3 tbsp. spoons of mixture. Take three times a day.

2. Knotweed (grass) knotweed. Has a strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Used in a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon or 20 drops of fresh juice 3 times a day in summer.

3. Coltsfoot. Expectorant. Used internally in the form of a decoction of 2 or 3 tbsp. spoons after two hours or a compress from the remaining cake on the chest.

Chronic bronchitis

Traditional medicine

It is a prolonged or recurrent inflammation of the bronchi, which is not associated with general or local damage, mild or manifested by cough. A cough for 3 months a year or two years in a row is considered chronic. It proceeds slowly and over a long period of time. They treat inflammation in the bronchi, improving their permeability. Restore immunity. As a rule, sulfonamides or antibiotics are prescribed. It is attributed to drinking plenty of fluids and inhaling phytoncides contained in onions and garlic. Bronchospasmolytic, mucolytic and expectorant agents are used. Food should be highly vitamin-rich and high-calorie.

Traditional treatment of bronchitis

1. Chopped onions – 500 gr., sugar – 400 gr., honey – 50 gr. diluted in 1 liter of water. Cook the mixture over low heat for 3 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 to 6 times a day.

2. Tangerine peel (dry, crushed) – 10 g, boiling water – 100 ml. Leave and strain. Take 5 times a day, 1st tbsp. spoon before eating.

is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the mucous membrane of the walls bronchi . The human bronchi are a highly branched network of tubes that carry the air that a person inhales from the larynx to the lungs. If an infection enters the body or an inflammatory process occurs in the bronchi, then the process of air circulation to the lungs and back is disrupted. Swelling of the bronchi appears, and mucus secretion increases significantly.

In most cases, the development of bronchitis occurs immediately after a person suffers acute respiratory infection or a cold. Due to the fact that these diseases are quite common, bronchitis is also diagnosed quite often, and a person can suffer from bronchitis several times throughout his life. If the correct treatment tactics are used, bronchitis can be cured within a few days after the onset, however cough It does not go away so quickly, and sometimes lasts for several more weeks. Those who suffer from bronchitis especially often may develop later chronic .

Types of bronchitis

It is customary to distinguish bronchitis spicy and bronchitis chronic . In acute bronchitis, the patient experiences an acute diffuse inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the trachiobronchial tree. At the same time, the amount of bronchial secretion increases significantly, and the person develops a strong cough, during which sputum is released.

In chronic bronchitis, progressive diffuse damage to the bronchial tree occurs, in which the secretory apparatus of the mucous membrane is rebuilt and inflammation develops. The patient experiences increased mucus secretion , violated cleansing And protective bronchial function . Patients diagnosed with chronic bronchitis develop a cough with sputum production. Moreover, this state lasts for several months a year.

In acute and chronic bronchitis, the treatment of diseases is significantly different.

Causes of bronchitis

Bronchitis in children and adults is caused by the same viruses that provoke the occurrence of acute respiratory infections or colds . But at the same time, a characteristic feature of bronchitis is the likelihood of a secondary infection.

In some cases, the occurrence of bronchitis can be triggered by prolonged inhalation of smoke, dust, and toxic gases. Also, bronchitis can be caused by bronchitis that enters the esophagus and larynx from the stomach in some diseases.

It is important to consider that people who smoke or those who constantly inhale cigarette smoke have a much higher risk of developing bronchitis. The latter is especially important when raising children in families with smoking parents. In such a situation, children often develop bronchitis , pneumonia , .

Also a risk factor is weakened immunity due to chronic or acute diseases. Those who are forced to constantly work in places where there is a high content of dust or chemicals often suffer from bronchitis.

Symptoms of bronchitis

The most striking symptoms of bronchitis are the presence of a cough, which produces sputum that is opaque in appearance. There is a constant soreness and discomfort in the throat. The person's body temperature rises slightly. If such symptoms of bronchitis persist for several days, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. It is especially important to pay attention to such symptoms if the patient has concomitant diseases, for example, heart failure or bronchial asthma .

With a constant cough, the sputum produced is greenish or yellow-gray in color, and in some cases it may contain blood impurities. If during coughing only clear or whitish mucus is released, then there may be no bacterial infection. Coughing is a manifestation of the body’s protective ability, which allows you to clear the airways. But it is important that the cough is wet, because only in this case can sputum be removed from the bronchi.

During normal operation, the bronchi produce approximately 30 grams every day mucous secretion A. Mucus, which is produced during normal functioning of the bronchi, is important for performing a barrier and protective function. Thanks to the presence of this mucus, the surface of the bronchi is not damaged, the air that a person inhales is moistened and warmed, and foreign particles are removed from it.

Mucus contains many biologically active substances that can improve local immunity bronchi. When infectious or non-infectious pathogens enter the bronchi, the cells of the bronchial mucosa are damaged. And as a result of the inflammatory process, the viscosity of the mucus increases, and its quantity also increases. Because of this, a person’s breathing becomes difficult, the lungs work improperly, and pathogenic microorganisms develop in the mucous secretion.

There are other characteristic symptoms of bronchitis. With this disease, a person often feels a spasm in the throat, a sore throat, wheezing and difficulty breathing appear, and the body temperature may rise slightly.

Diagnosis of bronchitis

In the process of diagnosing acute bronchitis, the specialist first of all carefully listens to the bronchi and lungs of the patient, using a stethoscope. In order to obtain more accurate results, while excluding the presence of pneumonia or other diseases, an X-ray examination is performed. In most cases, diagnosis is made without much difficulty by using medical history as well as information about the presence of symptoms. But sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to obtain laboratory test results.

To do this, first of all, it is carried out, the results of which, in the presence of bronchitis, will be leukocytosis , increased At biochemical blood tests an elevated level of acute phase proteins in the blood and increased activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme are detected. In some cases it is possible to develop hypoxemia . During the diagnostic process it is also possible to carry out
bacteriological research And serological analysis .

To recognize whether a patient has chronic bronchitis, the doctor studies the clinical picture of the disease, analyzing the symptoms. In the process of interviewing the patient, it is important to find out whether he is a heavy smoker, whether there are occupational hazards in the workplace, etc.

X-ray of the lungs does not always show changes, but subsequently develops pneumosclerosis . With exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, the amount of in the blood. Also, an X-ray examination allows you to exclude diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of bronchitis: lung cancer , and other diseases.

To determine the patency of the bronchi, the size of the lung volumes, and the state of gas exchange, special methods of functional diagnostics are used. In some cases it is necessary to carry out bronchoscopy , as well as apply other diagnostic methods.

Also, when diagnosing chronic bronchitis, laboratory tests are performed. Results general blood test reveal a small leukocytosis and some increase ESR during the period of exacerbation. Biochemical tests demonstrate increased levels of sialic acids, a seromucoid. If chronic purulent bronchitis worsens, then the analysis shows the presence SRV . In addition, in the process of diagnosing chronic bronchitis, analysis and bacteriological examination of sputum , and also immunological studies .

Treatment of bronchitis

In the acute form of the disease, treatment of bronchitis is symptomatic. The patient is prescribed bed rest in a well-ventilated room, constant drinking of warm liquids, hot foot baths, mustard plasters, cups. All these procedures are used if bronchitis occurs in children.

It is important to regularly take medications that produce an expectorant effect. This , marshmallow syrup , and other means. If the patient has a high body temperature, then it is quite appropriate to take . for bronchitis are prescribed if the disease is also accompanied by .

If the patient’s chronic form of the disease worsens, then treatment of bronchitis is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the bronchi, improving their patency, as well as restoring immunological reactivity.

Antibiotics for this form of bronchitis are also prescribed. However, the specialist must select the optimal course of taking such drugs in order to effectively suppress the activity of the infection. The doctor determines how long the course of antibacterial treatment will last in each individual case.

Antibiotics for bronchitis should be selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of bronchial secretions.

Also, treatment of bronchitis involves the use of some home folk remedies. Thus, the use of inhalation with the release of phytoncides of garlic or onion brings a good treatment effect. Similar should be done twice a day. The course includes twenty inhalations. Sometimes patients with bronchitis are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.



Prevention of bronchitis

In order to prevent the development or recurrence of bronchitis, you should definitely stop smoking. It is equally important to eliminate all negative factors at work or in everyday life that adversely affect the general condition of the patient. After recovery from the disease, you should periodically take vitamin complexes and strengthening agents.

For the most effective prevention of bronchitis in children and adults, all colds and inflammatory processes in the throat and lungs should be immediately treated. Both children and adults should promptly clear mucus from the nasopharynx and treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat. In the process of preventing bronchitis, it is important to remove polyps and change the deviated nasal septum.

As a factor preventing bronchitis in the future, it is important to stay on the seashore in places with a warm climate.

To prevent chronic bronchitis, it is important to do special breathing exercises and constantly harden yourself. Patients with chronic bronchitis should undergo regular examinations by a doctor.

To prevent the development of bronchitis in children, one should not allow chronic type, take all measures to treat respiratory tract inflammation in a timely manner.

In adults, to prevent bronchitis, it will be important to completely quit smoking, as well as regular alcohol consumption. Such abuses have a negative impact on the general condition of the body and, as a result, bronchitis and other diseases may appear.

Obstructive bronchitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis is characterized by the presence of bronchial obstruction syndrome. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in children in the second or third year of life. With this form of bronchitis, symptoms of bronchial obstruction often appear immediately after the onset of ARVI. In more rare cases, obstructive bronchitis appears two to three days after the onset of the disease. The child is breathing heavily, the breathing is wheezing, the exhalation is prolonged, and wheezing can be heard from a distance. Children show anxiety, but their general condition is satisfactory. The child can maintain normal body temperature. There is swelling of the chest. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is aimed at restoring bronchial patency. In this case, the same methods are used as in the treatment of acute bronchitis. However, it should be borne in mind that pneumonia is a common complication of obstructive bronchitis.

Complications of bronchitis

Patients with bronchitis, especially its chronic form, often experience a number of complications. First of all, complications can be diseases caused by infection - pneumonia , bronchospastic and asthmatic components , bronchiectosis .

The second group of complications is provoked directly by the development of bronchitis. This emphysema , hemoptysis , pulmonary failure , cor pulmonale .

The most severe complication of obstructive bronchitis sometimes becomes acute .