Hollywood smile. Beautiful smile - how to smile correctly and beautifully

Beautiful smile- one of those signs by which a person is greeted, along with clothes. This free way look amazing. A famous thinker once said: “If a face does not become more beautiful with a smile, then it is terrible.” We don’t entirely agree - we believe that this only means that the person has not yet read our article and does not know how to learn to smile beautifully. We know, and we will be happy to tell you.

What is a smile from a physiological point of view?

These are contractions of the facial muscles, in particular the cheeks, lips and eyes, and when you smile, the number of muscles involved is less than when you frown. A smile expresses a good mood, pleasure, an ironic state, fun, and also a greeting. Have you noticed that it is difficult for you not to start smiling when you notice that a friend is coming towards you? :) Also, a smile is the best remedy fill an awkward pause in a conversation or avoid answering a stupid question.

So a smile is a multifunctional facial and social tool, and everyone should learn to smile beautifully social person. This is usually produced naturally, but we are ready to give you a few practical advice that really work.

How to learn to smile beautifully

Work on the symmetry of your smile

What distinguishes a smile from a grin is symmetry - when the lips form a perfect arch, and not a Nike badge. Few people follow this, and mostly people smile asymmetrically, without giving it of great importance. But those who did pay attention to this notice that smiling at both corners of their mouth makes them look much better.

How to practice symmetry? It's very simple - practice in front of a mirror. Find the very position of your lips in which your smile is irresistible - in your opinion, or in the opinion of your inner circle. Then learn to hold this position over and over again. Rehearse as if you were going to act in a movie. But then don’t forget to rehearse one more type of smile so that you don’t look the same in all the photos.

Next step- maintain a symmetrical smile eyes closed. Smile in front of the mirror, then close your eyes. Do not open them for 15-20 seconds, and then see if you managed to keep your smile. Over time, the facial muscles will remember this position, and you will begin to be able to smile beautifully whenever you want. Your selfies will look amazing even on your smartphone's rear camera.

Pay attention to the condition of your teeth

Many people are embarrassed to smile full power, exposing his teeth. Perhaps for some it is even better, but, as a rule, a smile with open teeth looks much brighter, sincere, more beautiful and emotionally rich than with pursed lips. To make your “Hollywood grin” look perfect, you need to monitor the condition of your teeth.

But your smile can be adapted to your teeth structure if you don’t want to wear expensive braces. Let's say, if your lower row of teeth is not good, then simply do not expose it when you smile. If things are also so-so with the top one, then there should be at least a narrow line where your teeth look good. This is what should be demonstrated by smiling.

Smoking is known to have a bad effect on your teeth. poor nutrition, the sluggishness of their owner, who forgets to clean them, as well as toffees and other sweets that get stuck between the teeth. Coffee also has a negative effect on the whiteness of teeth. Here everyone makes their own choice of what is more important - all this, or a beautiful smile. If you notice caries on your front teeth (often appears between them), then do not delay your visit to the dentist - nothing will be drilled. A little whitening, restoration, educational conversation with the dentist - and voila: you are the happy owner of the smile of your dreams for a long time!

Be in a good mood

A high spirit will almost inevitably make your smile more attractive, because a sincere smile is the best. What should you do for this? Watch humorous programs (at worst, ours will do), communicate with people who make you smile and laugh. And if they do this, it means they don’t understand why you needed to learn to smile beautifully - for them, your smile is desirable and beautiful.

If there's a weight hanging over your cheeks, help them with your hands

When you don’t have the strength to smile, and your cheeks seem to be heavy, (washed) hands will always come to your aid. Pull the corners of your lips with them different sides and up with little effort. After this manipulation it will become easier to smile. The next exercise is to pull your entire cheeks up. It is this exercise that best clears the way for your irresistible smile and gives tone to your entire face. The larger the cheeks, the better the exercise works :)

Just smile more often. With or without reason

You don’t need a reason to smile at all - it itself can start a vicious circle of good mood for the whole day! Smile at yourself in the elevator, or at least just put a smile on your face - you are guaranteed to feel a little better. And the smile will be sharpened day after day. After all, a smile is a contraction of muscles, and they are trained by repetition of exercises. Imagine yourself in different situations, and smile according to them.

A short video about different types of smiles. Master class from the actress

How to smile beautifully

The ability to smile beautifully has always been valued - men like a beautiful smile, it helps in business, and we look more beautiful when we smile. How to smile beautifully, what it means to smile correctly - image specialists who “put smiles on” Hollywood stars will tell you about the laws of a beautiful smile.

So, the most important thing that those who want to smile correctly and beautifully need to understand is that the basis of a beautiful smile is symmetry. Achieving symmetry is quite difficult, because in everyday life We don’t pay attention to the development of certain muscles or facial expressions, which is why most people have a crooked smile when one half of the lips is not symmetrical to the other.

How to learn to smile beautifully? To begin, go to the mirror, smile and look at your mouth and lips. In 99 cases out of a hundred, distortions are visible to the naked eye. Hence, your first task is to stand in front of the mirror at home and train so that your smile becomes more or less symmetrical.
Let's face it, smiling beautifully isn't easy. Physiology states that for a barely noticeable smile a person uses about 20 muscles, and in a wide smile - more than forty. Therefore, training the facial muscles for those who want to smile beautifully and correctly is simply necessary.

How to smile beautifully - exercises

The simplest exercise for those who want to smile beautifully is the so-called fixation of the smile muscles. Here you are sitting in front of the mirror, smiling and, as it seems to you, you have found the very form of a smile that suits you. Using your fingertips, press on the edges of your lips, count to yourself to seven, release, count to seven again, and do five repetitions, pressing and releasing the tips of your lips. At the same time, the beautiful smile on your face should naturally remain. If it suddenly disappears or loses its shape, look again for the desired proportions of the smile and repeat the exercise until it completely disappears with a beautiful smile. Here we give you the opportunity to remember which muscles should be involved in your beautiful smile and what load they carry. After finishing the exercise, close your eyes and count to thirty, trying to maintain the smile you want, because your muscles still remember it. After half a minute, open your eyes and look - did you hold it? We need to ensure that the smile remains.

The second set of exercises necessary to smile beautifully is working with the shape of your lips. It’s hard to argue with the system that Angelina Jolie developed with her consultants. It not only gives a beautiful shape to the lips, but also helps to slightly enlarge the lips.

How to smile beautifully, or the light from within

Very important point for a beautiful smile - how natural and positive it is . Even the smoothest smile will not bring results if there is no good mood in it. Hence it is important not only physical exercise, but also psychology.

What does it mean? It's simple - train, remembering bright and fun moments from your life. When it was easy and good for you. A kiss from the man you love, a big bonus at work, the smile of your child, buying the shoes you dreamed of. In such cases, a happy and beautiful smile pops up on your face as if by itself. There are no such emotions - it doesn’t matter, invent them. Why do you learn to smile beautifully? To meet a man? So that your business goes uphill? So imagine your date, how he says that he admires you, or a business partner/employer who signs a contract with you on the most favorable terms. Here it is, a joyful, beautiful smile that brings light and goodness.

Now do you understand how to smile beautifully? This means smiling evenly (symmetrically) and really joyfully. This state must be remembered, and then you will smile so automatically, without a mirror. And don’t forget about makeup - dark colors don’t make your face look fun and happy, and beautiful teeth - to smile beautifully, they need to be cleaned, and periodic teeth whitening is always a good idea.

A beautiful smile is one of the elements of the image by which a person is greeted, along with clothes. However, not everyone knows how to smile correctly. Is it possible to learn to laugh and smile? How to look attractive in photographs? Should you show your teeth when you smile? Let's look at these questions in the article.

A smile is an essential element of communication

A beautiful and sincere smile is not only an essential element of a successful photograph. It is important in communication, helps to defuse the situation, melt the ice in a tense situation, and fill a pause in the conversation. In everyday life, a person who knows how to sincerely smile and laugh is conducive to communication and appears open to people.

A smile is the finishing touch in creating an image. If a person smiles correctly, he is successful in relationships and is able to find a way out. crisis situation. People intuitively draw in their heads psychological image stranger, given his clothing and behavior. Translation of sign language allows us to judge his education, upbringing and style of dialogue. It is easier to communicate with a smiling person.

Teeth: hiding or showing?

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Research suggests that even for a barely noticeable smile a person uses about 20 muscles, and if he stretches his lips wider, then all 40. The facial muscles need training, which ensures a smile. You shouldn’t hide your teeth and hold back your emotions for several reasons:

  • a smile lifts your spirits;
  • 70% of men believe that the fair sex is more beautiful with a smile than with makeup;
  • in a laughing person, the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for immunity, resistance to stress and provides an analgesic effect, increases by 85%.

Not all people have been blessed by nature with white and straight teeth, and some have lost their teeth due to disease. However, you can smile naturally and beautifully even without teeth - in this case, a closed smile that does not expose the dentition is suitable.

To make a person look attractive while smiling, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. If your teeth are crooked, the problem can be hidden by partially opening your mouth. This technique will add mystery to the image.
  2. It is worth thinking about the width of the smile - sometimes it is appropriate to expose only the top row of teeth.
  3. Uneven rows or missing units can be hidden by turning or tilting the head. Changing the angle will not allow the interlocutor to notice the flaw.
  4. When opening your mouth, you need to make sure that your gums are not exposed.

If your teeth are fairly straight, but have turned yellow due to smoking, eating dyes, or plaque accumulation, you can have them professional cleaning at the dentist. You can create a dazzlingly beautiful smile at home - special whitening gels, trays, strips and a diet will lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones. Malocclusion also subject to correction - today even adults get braces.

Woman's smile

Shape and condition of lips

The width of a smile directly depends on the shape of the lips. Thin lips in a wide smile become tense, so it is better to open your mouth so that upper canines touched the lower lip. If the upper dentition is crooked, some units are twisted, then it is better to partially hide the incisors and canines when smiling lower lip. Women can also follow a number of other rules:

  1. The skin of the lips should not peel or have cracks. It needs to be moisturized regularly and masks made (for example, from honey, sour cream). To maintain skin tone, you need to eat right and take vitamin complexes.
  2. In cold weather, it is advisable to carry hygienic lipstick or moisturizer with you, applying it to the skin from time to time.
  3. Thin lips should not be highlighted with dark lipstick - they will look even thinner. A pencil selected 1-2 shades darker than the skin will help to visually enlarge your lips. They need to outline the contour, retreating 1-2 mm from the edge of the lips. It is better to choose a light-colored lipstick.

Smile for a photo

Many women refuse to smile on camera, arguing with the phrase: “I have an ugly, unattractive smile.” However, to do good photo, it is not necessary to show all 32 teeth.

The Hollywood smile is not a wide-open mouth, but the ability to glow from within, smiling with your entire face. You need to learn to combine eyes that radiate kindness with a slight tension of the muscles that only slightly open the upper row of teeth.

The photo reflects a person’s mood, so you need to remember an anecdote or a funny incident from life - this greatly transforms your appearance. You need to imagine and move in front of the camera. Do not look intently or intensely into the lens. Natural behavior will allow you to take an unusual shot.

To make your photos lively and bright, it is better to practice near the mirror more often; taking selfies is a great chance to look at yourself from the outside and understand your mistakes. To get a sparkling smile with teeth, you need to wet them with your tongue so that the shine is visible in the frame.

Men smile too!

A man can also learn to smile beautifully. A smile should always be sincere, with a sparkle in the eyes, but a wide-open mouth is not always appropriate. For a man, a smile without exposing the teeth is more suitable - this approach allows you to leave a mystery on your face, intrigue and seduce a woman.

Male facial expressions should reflect internal state, otherwise it will feel fake. To lift your spirits you need to think about good moment life. When posing in front of the camera, you shouldn’t tighten all your muscles to appear brutal. It’s better to put aside uncertainty and tightness - then the photo will come out beautiful. Dental problems are perfectly hidden by a mustache or beard.

Exercise will help

Special exercises performed twice a day will help make your smile natural and attractive:

  1. Bring your finger to your lips at a distance of 2–3 cm, try to stretch your lips and reach it. Open and close your mouth tightly, then relax completely and repeat the exercise.
  2. Purse your lips, stretch them out with a tube and move them in different directions for 30 seconds, then relax and tense your muscles again.
  3. Pull your lips together and draw a figure eight in the air.
  4. Stick out your tongue, squeeze it with your lips and hold it in this position, and then relax as much as possible.
  5. Open your mouth slightly with your lips extended into a tube. Exhale sharply, as if blowing out a candle.
  6. Dial more air into the lungs, purse your lips tightly and exhale slowly.
  7. Stretch your lips into a wide smile, holding it for 3-5 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 5 times, and the result will be visible within a couple of weeks. They not only help you master the technique of smiling, but also help you delay the appearance of facial or age wrinkles.

It’s not without reason that they often say that a smile is the best curve on a woman’s body. This is the main tool of politicians, public figures and people who enjoy attention. The ability to create a beautiful smile lays the foundation for a man’s charisma and a woman’s charm, but not everyone is born with the ability to smile stunningly. However, learning to laugh and smile is quite possible.

How do you know if your smile is beautiful and natural?

It is easy to distinguish a natural smile from a forced one if the person has not worked on his facial muscles and didn’t practice smiling in front of the mirror. Each of us has at least once encountered a situation when there is no reason to smile, but it is worth smiling out of politeness.

To understand whether your smiling face looks open, you need to turn to your thoughts: if you are gloomy at heart, it is unlikely that the joy on your face will not be strained. For a smile to be charming and open, you need to think about the things that cause it in normal situation, and if you do this often, then a natural smile will become a habit, and pleasant thoughts will improve your mood.

The most charming smile is considered to be a symmetrical one. If you go to the mirror, make your smile as beautiful as possible and look closely, the asymmetrical details will become visible, and they can be completely corrected - that’s when the smile can be considered beautiful. If you do this periodically, then over time you will be able to smile charmingly, and an even and symmetrical smile will become a habit. Anyone can learn this.

Smile rules

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Perfect smiles from glossy magazine covers are the result of models working on themselves. It is enough to comply simple rules to learn exactly the same way, and then turn out well in photographs or simply delight others with your in a great mood without internal negativity, do not be ashamed of yourself and your joy.

Facial symmetry

The first rule of a good smile is the symmetry of the lips of the person smiling. Slight facial asymmetry is normal and characteristic of humans, but it is simply impossible to get rid of it.

Training in front of a mirror to achieve symmetry will help make your smile beautiful, and the simplest exercise - stretching your lips unnaturally wide - will bear fruit within a month.

Dental condition

The second rule is to maintain white teeth. In order to look charming, your teeth must be snow-white and well-groomed, and you need to take care of them with the help of high-quality toothpaste.

The third rule will be highly specialized, but necessary for a beautiful smile, professional teeth cleaning. Over time, plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, making removing deposits very difficult. important task. It is worth carrying out professional cleaning at least twice a year (this is also important for dental health).

Lips and makeup

The fourth rule would be healthy eating. From proper food The color of the skin of the face depends - when it is healthy, the joy on the face appears much brighter and more natural. When using cosmetics you can achieve the same effect, because blush and eyeshadow palettes will highlight not only the cheekbones and curves of the face, but also the lips.

Fifth the rule is well-groomed lip skin. Pharmacies sell a huge number of balms and lotions, medicines for colds and chapping.

How to learn to smile attractively?

Any skill, including the ability to maintain a perfect smile, is achieved with dedication and time. Beauty is in the details, and the components of the charm of any woman who enjoys attention are such aspects as control of the facial muscles, the use of cosmetics and a positive attitude, good thoughts.

Special exercises

Photographs are one of the reasons that push women to work on themselves, because everyone wants to look beautiful in a photo with a smile with teeth, and the words “I have bad teeth“and a smile is ugly” can be heard from representatives of the fair sex quite often. In order to achieve an ideal smile, or to make it wider, you need to find “your” shape, that is, sit in front of a mirror and, by controlling your facial muscles, determine which shape suits you best.

After ideal option will be found, you need to press your fingers on the edges of your lips and, counting to seven, release them, and then start the process again. This exercise is done about five times, with alternating fixation and relaxation of the lips, but the main condition remains maintaining a beautiful smile on the face while performing the exercise. This way you can achieve ideal lip proportions.

There are other exercises:

  • Stretch your lips as wide as possible for 15 seconds and, relaxing them, repeat. Perform 10-15 times.
  • Make a whistle with your lips and relax them. Do 15 times.
  • After inhaling the maximum volume of air, exhale it through tightly compressed lips for 20 times.

Cosmetic aspect

Makeup also plays an important role in the beauty of a smile. The expression of joy on the face can be spoiled by unsuitable or poor quality lipstick; dark shades of shadows will make the face gloomier, which is why the expression of joy will not look so open.

A beautiful and perfectly chosen lipstick will hide all the minor imperfections of the lips and make your teeth look more advantageous. For example, it is not recommended to use purple and brown shades - they set off the teeth, and they no longer look so white.

The ability to enjoy life

As has already been mentioned many times, the most charming smile is considered to be a sincere one, and it directly depends on a person’s positivity, his ability to laugh, enjoy life and inner happiness. In order to smile beautifully, you need to always think about the good, even when there is little of it in life. Sincere good emotions will cause a happy smiling face, which in turn will create many new pleasant memories.

Male and female smiles - are there any differences?

If we talk only about anatomical aspects, the difference between a man’s and a woman’s smile lies in the structure of the lips. In women, they are plumper and located higher, which exposes more teeth, and this makes the girl more open.

Women's smiles are more mysterious, and it is quite difficult to read their emotions. One can almost say for sure what the grin of a representative of the stronger sex is hiding. His position towards the interlocutor depends on the movement of his eyebrows when smiling: when they are raised, a man is ready to listen, and if they are lowered, then, on the contrary, he is going to stand his ground. If the smile comes out crooked, then the man feels uncomfortable and nervous, and if he smiles without blinking and his eyes widen, this may indicate danger emanating from him.


The most important thing in a beautiful smile is compliance with the requirements of symmetry. If people neglect this rule, they end up with asymmetrical smiles. In order to learn to smile beautifully and naturally, you need to work on developing your facial muscles and facial expressions. Always practice in front of the mirror, smile and soberly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your smile. In most cases, distortions are immediately visible.

Perform lip muscle strengthening exercises daily. Smile in front of the mirror several times, tensing your facial muscles until you get it perfect smile which suits you. Then press the edges of your lips with your fingertips and hold the smile in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. At the end of the lesson, close your eyes and smile again: the lip muscles will certainly remember the desired position and stretch your lips into a beautiful smile.

The second exercise to improve your smile involves the eyes, which also play a big role. Keep in mind that smiling with just your lips is not enough; with a beautiful smile, your eyes narrow and rays of happiness appear in them. Smile, fix the position of your eyes with your fingertips and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

An important component is not only the position of your lips and eyes, but also the naturalness and positivity of your smile. Such a smile is always associated with good mood experienced feelings. Do the following exercise in front of the mirror: remember the wonderful and pleasant moments of your life when you felt truly good, and a happy smile will appear on your face by itself.

If you have a wide mouth, a hint of a smile will be enough. Remember that a beautiful smile can have different purposes: for a loved one, for a manager at work, for acquaintances and friends, so practice using different types smiles in a given situation.

The components of a beautiful smile are also healthy teeth And fresh breath. Uneven or yellow teeth will make you feel embarrassed and will not allow you to smile naturally. Visit your dentist regularly, have your teeth whitened, remove dark coating and tartar.

It is also necessary to choose the right eye and lip makeup to make your smile beautiful. Poorly applied lipstick or the wrong color of gloss and eye shadow can ruin the impression of even the most beautiful smile. When making makeup, always adhere to the requirements of naturalness.

Watch the condition of your lips. Beautiful lips should be well-groomed, without peeling and redness. Use special lipsticks, lip balms and masks based on natural ingredients. Smile more often!


  • How to smile beautifully

A beautiful smile almost plays decisive role in a person's life. How often do we encounter in everyday life a situation where we can get what we want simply because charming smile. Fortunately, everyone can learn to smile beautifully.

The most important thing in a beautiful smile is symmetry. Of course, rarely does anyone have a naturally symmetrical face and lips, so achieving this can be extremely difficult. In order to evaluate the “material” that you have to work with, go to the mirror and smile at all 32. Usually, flaws are visible to the naked eye. And here's the first task: try to give your smile as much symmetry as possible. Yes, at first such a smile will look unnatural, but this will not last forever.

The main thing now is to learn to smile symmetrically. Use the technique "muscle fixation": smile symmetrically, press the corners of your lips with your fingertips, count to 7, release, count to 7 again, press, and so on 7 times. Of course, the smile must remain unchanged all this time. If you don't succeed in this exercise the first time, it's okay, just find the right proportions again and continue.

Don't forget about training your facial muscles. In easy time When smiling, a person uses about 20 muscles, and during a wide smile, more than 40. So maintaining muscle tone is a necessity.

When we smile sincerely, the muscles around the eyes. Don't forget this. As soon as you master a symmetrical smile, connect your eyes: watch how during sincere smile your eyes narrow slightly, wrinkles appear in the corners, and try to repeat.

After your smile is trimmed, it's time to give it a natural look. The easiest way "smile with eyes"- think about something pleasant and joyful. Also try to sincerely rejoice at every person you smile at, then problems with naturalness will not arise.

Don't forget to also monitor the condition of your teeth. While this doesn't really make a difference, it would still be a nice addition.