Secrets of a beautiful smile. How to make your smile charming? How to smile beautifully - dental and cosmetic aspects of the issue

Our charm consists not only of manners and gestures, but also of the ability to build our gestures and smile beautifully. They say that an ugly smile can ruin the whole image of even a very good person. good person, and this is true.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

Have you noticed that for some people a smile is attractive, but for others it does not evoke reciprocal emotions? Believe me, a smile is not always a gift from nature; sometimes you have to learn to express your feelings, restrain a wide smile, or, conversely, try to show off your snow-white teeth to the maximum.

A beautiful smile does not always mean showing teeth; sometimes a smile with tightly closed lips looks much more pleasant.

If you don’t know how to smile beautifully, you can use our tips.

  1. Carefully examine your smile in the mirror - if your gums are exposed when you smile, then try to moderate your ardor, especially if your teeth are large or long. Try to smile so that your lips are just parted upper teeth– you shouldn’t even stretch your lips into a long smile.
  2. If your mouth is large, then you do not need to completely stretch your lips in a smile - a hint of a smile is enough, let it contain mystery, goodwill and sincerity.
  3. Another rule beautiful smile is its symmetry - often we have one corner of our lips lowered down much more than the other. When we smile, this disharmony manifests itself more strongly and spoils the smile. Sometimes there is such a manner - to smile to the side; you should know that such a sideways smile causes rejection in the interlocutor and is perceived as ironic or unfriendly.

In fact, every person, and even more so a woman who is an actress by nature, usually has a lot of smiles in her arsenal that are intended for different people and for various situations. They have been worked out for years, do not misfire and make a woman irresistible. If you don’t have the habit of rehearsing smiles in front of a mirror, then start doing it - such exercises are not only useful for communications, but also develop facial muscles and make it very expressive and emotional.

Find exercises to train a symmetrical smile or do those that linguists do, fixing in memory the correct symmetrical position of the lips. At the same time as doing the exercise, create a certain positive background for yourself so that your smile is filled with positive emotions from the inside.

If a woman has uneven or yellow teeth, then her smile suffers for two reasons - because of embarrassment and because in a careless smile, defects become obvious to others. Of course, beautiful teeth cost a lot of money, but this sacrifice will pay off handsomely - by wearing braces or whitening your teeth, you can make your smile simply irresistible.

Today everyone wears braces: from young schoolgirls to respectable adults.

You can correct the color of the enamel in many ways: professional whitening teeth, using special whitening strips, pastes and trays - an experienced dentist will identify the extent of the problem and choose the right way individually.

The condition of the lips is also of great importance for a beautiful smile - if the lips are peeling, then the smile can lead to the formation of cracks, painful sensations. Lip care in such cases includes the use of lip balms, masks made from honey and natural vegetable oils.

Makeup is also very important for a smile - if your lips are thin, then when you smile they get lost. Therefore it is necessary to draw clear outline and use natural shades of lipstick.

A beautiful smile is worth studying all the subtleties and putting them into practice - you will see how your life and mood will change!

A beautiful smile... What could be more beautiful? Cheerful and radiant, crafty and cunning, kind and open. Each carries positive energy, but only if it is sincere. A smile can relieve fatigue and tension from your face, and it also tells other people about your sympathy and goodwill towards them. Agree that communicating with a smiling person is much more pleasant than with a gloomy and gloomy one. He makes you feel good about yourself. Smile - important element successful photography, so don’t act serious in front of the camera. In this article we will talk about how to smile beautifully in a photo and share some secrets.


In our country, oddly enough, the American word “cheese” has become widespread, which is pronounced by the photographer a few seconds before the camera clicks and means that right now you need to smile. What do most people do when they hear this? magic word"? Raises the corners of his lips and depicts something very vaguely resembling a smile. But she is so tense and formal... Just like the American one. But we are not residents of the United States, which is why the smile should be really cheerful and sincere.
“How to smile beautifully during a photo shoot?” - you ask. Here are some actionable tips.

How are you in the mood?

Take pictures only in a good mood, as the camera very clearly captures your mood, and it will certainly appear in the picture. You don't want to end up frowning and dissatisfied with life? That's it. Therefore, only take photos if you really want to. And then you will not be tormented by the question of how to smile beautifully.

Are you sad? Pleasant memories will help

If it so happens that for some reason you are a little sad, or your thoughts are busy with business, remember something cheerful or pleasant: the face of a loved one, a funny incident. It can be any little thing that makes you smile. Your face will transform on its own positive thoughts. Let your imagination run wild. It is very important that the photographer captures exactly this moment.

Don't freeze in front of the camera

You shouldn’t stand there with a frozen smile for several minutes while the photographer chooses the best angle for the photo. Experiment, laugh, smile as if you are flirting with the camera. It is then that the photograph will turn out to be the most attractive and natural, and no one will be able to accuse you of being pretentious.

A smile from ear to ear, but indifferent eyes...

Sometimes you can see a photograph of a smiling person, but something about it confuses you. If you look closely, you can understand what exactly. It looks like a smile from all over the mouth, but it’s insincere. It is very easy to guess this. The lips laugh, but the eyes remain indifferent. A real smile affects them too. The look becomes warm and cheerful. If you can't laugh with your eyes, practice in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your eyes when you smile. The muscles around them should also be involved. Try smiling in different ways and at the same time you will understand which smile suits you best. You can cover your mouth with a piece of paper, laugh only with your eyes. Here is one of the main secrets of how to learn to smile beautifully. A few workouts will help make your face look natural during a photo shoot.

Man's smile

Many representatives strong half Humanity is wondering how to smile beautifully for a man. Of course, seriousness is also suitable for a guy, but a few cheerful photographs will not be superfluous. There are no special tips here, you just need to be sincere and remember something or someone really pleasant while photographing. However, it should be remembered that a man is better suited to a mysterious smile, which can intrigue and charm women.

How to smile beautifully with teeth?

Quite a difficult question that interests both women and men. A radiant smile, during which snow-white and straight teeth are visible, can make a stunning impression both in life and in photographs. It’s good if your teeth are beautiful, but what to do if their condition leaves much to be desired? Yellow tint, curvature, irregular shape- all this can discourage any person from smiling with teeth. That is why in photographs you can often see a forced smile so that the teeth are not visible. Some may even develop complexes on this basis. How to smile beautifully in this case? If you decide that you want to sparkle your teeth while smiling, you need to visit a dentist who can whiten your teeth, remove tartar from them, and in some cases correct crookedness. It is worth noting that the above services may not be cheap, however the result will surpass all expectations. You will no longer experience a feeling of tightness and embarrassment during a photo shoot. Also, do not forget about regular brushing of your teeth to avoid caries and other unpleasant problems with the oral cavity.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

"Are there any special exercises"- you ask. Of course there are. We are happy to present them to you as part of this article. So, first read carefully and then get down to business.

  1. Start by smiling as wide as you can. Hold your lips in this position for a few seconds and then relax. During this exercise, the muscles in this area of ​​the face are activated. If you practice regularly, your smile will become more beautiful over time.
  2. The second exercise is to close your lips, stretch them out and try to draw a figure eight in the air. It may not work out at first, but with a little effort, everything will work out. You need to repeat the exercise 5-8 times.
  3. Don't forget about the cheeks. You need to draw in a lot of air so that they become round, then tighten your lips and slowly exhale air through them. Repeat several times.
  4. Extend your tongue and then clasp it tightly with your teeth. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then relax.

It is advisable to do all these exercises in front of a mirror. After some time, you will be able to regulate your facial muscles much better, and your smile will become more charming.


Another important component of a woman’s smile is properly applied makeup. Choose the shade of lipstick or gloss that suits you best. Do not use flashy tones. Everything should be harmonious and natural. Apply lipstick carefully so that it evenly covers the entire lip area. It is not advisable for young girls to use lip pencil, especially bright colors. Everything should be in moderation. A girl’s beautiful smile will decorate a photograph and can also become a powerful tool in charming a man.

It is necessary to talk about one more miraculous power of a smile. It can lift the spirits of even the person from whom it comes. Psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile at yourself - warmly, dreamily and sweetly stretch. It is also worth thinking that the coming day will be positive and successful. Only after this can you get out of bed and begin your daily morning routine. It is very important that this seemingly trivial ritual becomes daily. You will see how your life will soon change, because you will begin to think positively. Smile, laugh as often as possible, and not only in front of the camera.

We hope that after reading this article, you received an answer to the question of how to smile beautifully, and you will be able to shine with a radiant smile. And one last piece of advice. Look at the smiling face of the child, kind and sincere. Children do not know how to smile under duress, which is why their smile is so real. Try and follow their example. Laugh as if you have no problems, enjoy life for any reason and do not pay attention to the stereotype that Russians are unsmiling people. You can change this opinion.

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to choose nice shot of all the ones you photographed? And all because your smile often looks forced and unnatural. Some people choose not to smile at all in photos, which makes their faces look gloomy and stern. It turns out that you can learn to smile beautifully. Use some of our tips and no one will be able to take their eyes off your glowing face in the photo.

If you want to learn how to smile naturally in photos, you need to relax your facial muscles before posing. And in order to relax the muscles of the mouth area, while no one is watching, do this exercise several times: move the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth.

If you notice that the word “cheese” said during the shooting does not give the desired effect, and your smile in the photo seems too forced, replace this word with another one containing the drawn-out sound “e”.

Mentally make yourself laugh before you start taking photos. Remember the funniest episode in your life, and your smile will definitely come out natural.

What makes up the idea of ​​a person?

People like to smile not only in photographs. IN everyday life a smiling, charming person is conducive to communication, he is open to other people and is successful in interpersonal relationships. Having looked at the stranger, people notice how he is dressed and picture in their imagination psychological portrait When translating sign language, they judge education and upbringing by the manner and style of dialogue.

However, a positive image can be immediately ruined by an ugly smile. After all, in society it is important not only to look good and have good manners, but also to be able to smile beautifully. Thus, a smile is considered as the most important and final touch in the formation of self-image.

How to hide defects in appearance?

To know for sure what other people think of you, smile and carefully examine your smile in the mirror. If you notice that your gums are showing too much, don't open your mouth too wide. Learn to smile from the corners of your mouth, slightly opening your upper teeth. Believe me, the breadth of a smile does not always indicate the sincerity of its owner. Do not stretch your mouth all the way, even if you have large teeth or big mouth. Let your smile have a slight shade of mysterious goodwill.

Nature has not endowed all people with symmetrical facial features. So, if you notice a distortion in the corners of your mouth in your smiling reflection, rehearse several variations of a smile and remember the position of your lips in the most successful cases. Otherwise, people may think that you are grinning sarcastically, with your mouth curled slightly to the side.

A smile trains facial expressions

The more often you smile in front of the mirror, the more mobile your facial muscles will become. In addition, this exercise will give you confidence and good mood for the whole day.

Correct teeth defects

And, of course, in order to smile beautifully, you need to have an invaluable arsenal, consisting of two rows of straight and white teeth. Curvature of teeth will be corrected by braces, and yellow discoloration special diet, whitening gels, strips or trays. If you are unsatisfied with the condition of your teeth, visit a qualified dentist, he will select effective method correction and whitening. Of course, the help of a specialist will require considerable financial expenses, but investments in your own health and beauty will pay off handsomely in the future.

Lip condition, makeup

A beautiful smile does not mean flaky, dry, chapped lips. Remember to moisturize regularly hygiene products, masks and nourishing balms. Men can just lubricate problem lips cream. Moisturizing your lips is especially important during the frosty and windy season.

If a woman has naturally thin lips, then she will have to give up bright lipstick. In this case, the smile visually divides the mouth into two thin stripes, and this is not very beautiful. That's why ladies with thin lips It is necessary to use natural shades of lipstick or shimmering gloss. You can also use a little trick: use a contour pencil 2 shades darker than the main one, moving both the upper and lower borders of the lips 2-3 millimeters.

Hollywood stars, world-famous singers, supermodels - they all smile charmingly from film and television screens. In an effort to get closer to the ideal, many go to the dentist for whitening, veneers, or straightening their teeth with braces. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

“After Game of Thrones, not many people believe I can smile,” says actress Emilia Clarke. And she loves to convince us otherwise!

Smiling is good for you!

Of course, beautiful teeth - straight, white and healthy - are one of the foundations dazzling smile. But that's not all! Equally important is the correct position of the lips, which is ensured by the correct position of the facial muscles. This is exactly what many actors, singers and other celebrities learn in order to pose for the cameras. After all, a beautiful smile is not only symmetrical; It is also important for her how many teeth are exposed, whether they are visible lower teeth whether the upper teeth touch lower lip what the eyes look like when you smile.

Every year, Jennifer Lawrence's teeth get whiter and her smile becomes more attractive.

However, sometimes those who have veneers need to learn to smile again. New teeth affect both diction and the facial muscles that are responsible for smiling. Adaptation takes some time, although the effort is worth it.

Kate Beckinsale once had gum surgery and veneers. Now her smile is considered one of the best in Hollywood.

You don't need a trainer or a gym to make your smile perfect. There are many smile exercises you can do at home. As a result, facial muscle tone and blood circulation improve, and this in turn helps to avoid early aging, sagging skin and even get rid of stress. This is why smiling is very beneficial. Let's get started!

Exercises for a smile

The first stage is, of course, preparation. First, you need to thoroughly wash your face and wash your hands - after all, you will be touching your face, so your hands should also be clean. Before you start doing gymnastics, you need to apply moisturizer to your face, especially on your neck, chin, mouth and cheeks. And, of course, the lips themselves also need to be moisturized with balm or hygienic lipstick. The same must be done after finishing gymnastics.

Why is this necessary? When we repeat exercises intended for these muscles many times, the load on them may well lead to the appearance of new wrinkles or deepen those that already exist. This happens if the skin is dry or not elastic enough. That's why you should take care of hydration.

First you need to understand what exactly your smile should be like. How to measure the width of a smile that perfectly matches your face? Sit in front of the mirror, close your lips, but do not squeeze them too tightly. Then place your longest finger (most often the middle one) on them. It needs to be aligned with the midline of the face - the second joint from the nail should be in the center of the lips. From fingertip to knuckle, this is the ideal width for your smile. Remember the location of these two points relative to the eyes.

  1. Now you need to smile as wide as you can. Look, does the width of this smile match what you measured with your finger? If not, then correct it. Check that the smile is truly symmetrical, correct any imperfections if you see them, and fix the corners of the lips with your fingers. The smile must be held in this position for 15 seconds. After this, you need to relax, rest and repeat the exercise. It should be repeated 10 times a day during the first week of training and 20 times a day starting from the second week.
  2. The next exercise is a tube or duck. You need to stretch your lips with a tube as far as you can and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then relax again. As in the previous case, at first you can do 10 repetitions, and from the second week - 20.
  3. For the third exercise, you need to place three fingers on each cheek - index, middle and ring. Gently pull your cheeks down and smile as you do so. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax. You need to repeat the same as the first two exercises.

Relaxing gymnastics for facial muscles

We've all heard the expression "a forced smile." Usually people feel that she is not inviting, that she is not sincere - or that she looks like she is trying to hide something.

Taylor Swift's smile is forced here.

A truly beautiful smile will only appear on a relaxed face. Moreover, as some scientists claim, in order to relax the muscles of the body, it is enough to relax the muscles of the face. It improves skin quality, increases blood circulation and reduces stress. Here simple gymnastics to relax your face.

  1. For the first exercise, you should open your mouth as wide as possible, so that you feel the tension of the skin on your cheeks, lips and chin. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat a few more times.
  2. The second exercise begins with a deep breath. Then you need to open your mouth wide, extend your tongue as far forward as you can, and look up. Then - a strong, sharp exhalation with the characteristic sound “Ha!” The exercise is performed 10 times.
  3. And finally, something like a massage. You need to lightly pinch your cheeks. Lightly pinch all over the skin on your cheeks.

Everything and everyone - 6 simple exercises for training facial muscles will allow you to keep him in good shape. Beautiful skin, a healthy glow and a charming smile for a long time - this is the result of facial fitness!

Julia Klouda, head of an online magazine about dentistry