How to check on your hand how many children there will be. Line of children on the palm - how to find out the gender of the child? On which hand to look how many children there will be

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available for anyone to study. Having carefully examined your palm, even ordinary person will be able to “read” fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life by marriage

It is customary to guess by using the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the heart line.

One trait foreshadows a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong, stable relationships. There may be several strokes, they may be different lengths and depth. Many weakly expressed features mean frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines indicate a long-term relationship that leads to official marriage. This is what practitioners focus on:


Determine the period of life in which there is the greatest chance of being born, but approximately. Mentally divide the space between the heart line and the upper border of the Mount of Mercury into three. Each such part is approximately 25 years. Look at which of these segments the marriage line and the line of children are located in.

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Please note

You can tell fortunes using both your right and left hands. This is usually done on the hand with which you perform most actions.

If the love line is continuous and clear, this indicates a strong marriage. Short branched sections of the love line indicate large quantities romantic interests.

For a man, the lines of children can mean not only his own offspring, but also those children to whom he is strongly attached - for example, adopted ones.

Useful advice

The marriage line and the lines of children are better visible if you bend your palm slightly. In some people they may be absent altogether. This does not mean that a person will live his whole life without love or will not have children.

You can use another way to determine the number of children if the right lines not visible on the hand. To do this you will need a needle with a long thread. Take the tip of the thread in your right hand and release the needle. Spread your left palm, protruding slightly thumb. “Tune” the needle by placing it in the gap between thumb and the rest. Raise and lower the needle several times in this gap so that it does not rise or fall beyond the plane of the palm. “Hang” the needle over the middle of your palm. If she starts moving in a circle, there will be a girl, if she swings, it will be a boy. The changeable nature of the movement may mean twins. “Tune” the needle again. If you have more than one child, the needle will start moving again. Repeat the action until the needle suspended above the center of the palm immediately stops.


  • how to find out how many children I will have

Modern society has become more tolerant of divorce. According to statistics, 50 to 80% disintegrate married couples. And yet there are enough examples around each of us strong alliances. This allows us to maintain the belief that in our time it is possible to create a strong family.

You will need

  • If you want to know how many times you will listen to Mendelssohn's waltz on own wedding, you need to analyze a number of points in your life.


To predict your own success in marriage, find out what the personal profile of each of your parents is. How many times is it customary to go out or with relatives on your mother’s side? How are things going with this for your ancestors on your father’s side? The stronger the marriages of your closest relatives, the greater the chances that you will get married only once in your life.

Analyze who your chosen ones are. Think about the personal life of each person you choose as a partner. If you are attracted to people who change from time to time, then you risk going through divorces several times. On the contrary, if you meet people with strong family values ​​who take marriage seriously, it is likely that you will be able to create a strong family once and for all.

Think about it, your own life values. Analyze what is most important to you in life. That's the beauty of it human existence that we, as intelligent beings, are capable of overcoming all adversity. Even if you grew up in a dysfunctional family or had only one parent, this does not mean that you will also be unhappy in life. family life. If you are sure that you need someone, that you want to live with someone all your life, then by adhering to these values, you can achieve your unpleasant family traditions.


  • how to find out how many marriages I will have

Remember how, as a child, you dreamed of a big family with a bunch of kids. But are your wishes destined to come true? There is an old way to determine how much you will have children. This method does not have logical explanation, but it has survived to this day thanks to its reliability.

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The birth of a child is an event that irrevocably changes the life of every person. Many would be glad to know in advance how many children they will have and whether they will have any at all. Modern science does not have precise methods definitions. Ancient palmistry comes to the rescue, allowing you to predict using the lines on the palm.

Indian Brahmins, as well as priests in Ancient Greece and Rome. From ancient books it is known that they rarely made mistakes. Therefore, our article is about how to tell fortunes for children by reading their hands.

To find out if you will have children, you need to take a good look at your palm. Often the drawing on it is pale and unclear, so use the photo as a hint.

The lines of children on the hand are located between the clearly visible line of the heart and the base of the little finger (the finger symbolizes the god Mercury).

The horizontal lines in this part are responsible for marriage, and the small vertical processes extending from them signal exactly how many babies you can expect.

Don't panic if you don't find baby signs on the Mount of Mercury. This happens all the time, just look at the hands of your parents or friends. In this case, use the additional tips below.

Law of Probability

If you see four or five small vertical lines on your hand, don't worry. You won't necessarily become a father or mother of many children.

In palmistry, the lines of children do not mean at all that you will have exactly that many descendants. This is just a certain number of chances of having a baby. And how you implement them depends on you personally and on many other factors influencing your destiny.

Therefore, fortune telling is sometimes considered wrong. After all, spontaneous and purposeful terminations of pregnancy, etc. are often not taken into account. Only clear and deep lines indicate a high probability of the birth of a baby.

  • A male baby is expected if the process is long and very wide.
  • But the chances of giving birth to a little princess increase significantly with a short and rather thin line.

Sometimes thin and thick ones are almost the same length. This means that the girl will become the darling of the family.

The V sign indicates high probability the arrival of twins into our world.

Order of appearance

  • You can find out who will be born first - a boy or a girl - by the high or short stroke located closer to the edge of the palm.
  • With a large distance between the lines, the age difference will be more significant.
  • If the lines of children found on the hand come from one and the same, the laws of palmistry say that they will all be born from the same partner.

  • Take a close look at the Mount of Venus - the tubercle at the lower phalanx of the thumb. Count the vertical stripes crossing it and find out the number of your descendants.
  • This is also indicated by vertical strokes located on the middle phalanx of the little or middle finger. Some sources claim that we're talking about about the number of male representatives.
  • The base of the thumb surrounds the family ring. The number of islands here coincides with the number of potential heirs.
  • Just below the heart line is the hill of positive Mars. If there are horizontal lines here, it means you definitely won’t avoid diapers and diapers. Their number indicates how many times you will encounter the miracle of motherhood or fatherhood. Try to notice even the most subtle touches.

  • At the beginning of the distinct heart line, short, fir-tree-like branches can often be seen. They point to future children.
  • Take a closer look at the short lines extending from the life line. These are lines of joy, symbolizing the arrival of a new person into this world.

Comparison of hand lines

Many people ask which hand they should use to guess. Study both. Often the pattern on them is different. But there is nothing wrong with this from an esoteric point of view.

On the left you will see the potential number of children, and on the right you will see the actual number.

In other words, left palm shows what is destined from above, and the right one shows the actual situation or the near future.
Along with this, there is an opinion that right-handers and left-handers will receive a more accurate answer using their leading hand.

Fortune telling with a partner

You can clarify the number of children you have in common by looking not only at your own hands, but also at your partner’s palms. In some cases they are completely different. A woman, for example, visualizes 4 strokes, but her husband or lover only has two. Thus, the father of the remaining children will likely be another man.

On the other hand, if larger number probable descendants are found in a man, this indicates his extramarital affairs, and sometimes about adopted children and even nephews.

Questions about the future - near and far - have always worried and will continue to worry people. The opportunity to look into the future, to see what lies ahead, seems attractive, especially if it concerns important moments in a person’s life.

Is it possible to find out, without resorting to the help of professionals, how many children you will have? We suggest trying several methods of fortune telling, handed down to us from our ancestors.

Fortune telling by hand lines

Palmistry as a science goes back hundreds of years. Reading fate in the palm of your hand is one of the most common ways to look into the future. There is an opinion that even at birth, a person’s entire fate is imprinted in the lines on his palms, so that almost everything can be figured out by his hand.

The main way to determine the number of offspring

How can you tell by the lines of your hand? possible quantity future children? This will be indicated by lines “drawn” horizontally in the area of ​​the edge of the palm near the little finger. In the picture below these are lines numbered 1.

Each such line represents one child that you are destined to bring into the world. That's what they're called: lines of children.

Alternative way

Another way is to carefully examine the second phalanges of the fingers (in the image under the number 2). As a rule, it is considered indicative middle finger and little finger. The number of vertical stripes will indicate the likely number of children.

Indian technique

Another important line is called the family ring. It is located at the junction of your thumb and palm and can also predict how many times you will be able to become a parent. We have this line marked with the number 3. Each island on this line means one child. This is the method of Indian palmists.

"Branches" of the life line

Herringbone-shaped lines that seem to extend from the life line (it runs in the middle of the palm) will also show the number of your children. These lines are marked with the number 6.

Features of deciphering “children’s” lines on the palm

Fortune telling by hand is not a simple matter. The number of lines does not always coincide with the children actually born.

Take a closer look - the lines are thinner, barely noticeable, and can only mean a chance of birth. They can mean miscarriages or even the possibility of a pregnancy that has been interfered with by modern contraception.

Boys or girls?

Note that shorter lines or islands indicate that the birth is a girl, while longer ones indicate that it is a boy. In addition, the distance between the lines indicates the time that will pass between the births of children.

If the lines are close to each other, the children will be close in age, and vice versa. If you see the letter V (tick) - expect twins.

Right or left palm: which is more accurate?

We also add that for a right-handed person, a more accurate number of children should be looked at in the right palm. It is she who rather indicates the real state of affairs, while the left one will tell about the possibilities.

For a left-handed person, fortune telling by lines on the hand should be read exactly the other way around - the left one will indicate reality, and the right one will indicate possibility.

Features of fortune telling by male and female hands

There is also a difference for such fortune telling by male and female palms. The fact is that for women, the lines indicate how many children she will give birth to in her life. But for men, the lines show the number of children whom he will sincerely and deeply love.

Thus, adopted children, nephews, and so on can also be shown on a man’s palm. For men, it's all about affection and care.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread

There's another one interesting way get information about how many children you will have. He came to us from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. A few decades ago, this was a popular girl’s fortune telling.

Preparatory stage

  1. Thread the needle as you would for sewing, without tying a knot. It is usually recommended to take white threads.
  2. The woman should place her hand, palm up, parallel to the floor. The hand is suspended, not supported by anything.
  3. Place your thumb aside and place your other fingers together.
  4. With your other hand (more often this is done by another girl), take the tip of the thread, the needle should hang freely.
  5. Next, the needle is lowered three times into free space between palm and thumb.

After this ritual, you can begin fortune telling.

Let's find out the number and gender of future children

The needle is brought to the middle of the palm. If fate foretells you a son, then the needle should swing by itself like a pendulum; if it is a daughter, then the needle will spin around its axis. After stopping the needle, try again. Each new movement of the needle will mean another son or daughter.

It is believed that such fortune telling only shows the actual number of children, and not the possible one. This means that miscarriages and terminated pregnancies will not be indicated.

If the baby is already born, the needle will still show it. Check to see if your baby will have a brother or sister.

There is an opinion that you need to tie a knot on a thread or read a prayer during fortune telling, but most often this is not done.

Fortune telling by date of birth

You can also try to predict the number of future children by the date of birth of the parents.

Numerology method

The science of numbers suggests determining the number of future children by adding up all the numbers from your date of birth and adding the number of children born to your parents (from all their marriages).

For example, you were born on February 3, 1987 and your mom and dad, besides you, have 2 more children. Add 3+2+1+9+8+7+3. Here the last number 3 is the number of children in your parents’ family (together with you).

Based on the final number (we got 33, which means we add 3+3 and get 6) you can find out how much big family awaits you in the future.

“1” - You have a high chance of becoming a happy mother of many children. If all pregnancies end in childbirth, you will become the most happy woman! High fertility makes it possible to have many children. In this case, of course, you will be able to plan conception.

“2” - Most likely, you will have only one child. There are chances, but not very high, of giving birth to a second one. It may not work the first time. Your first baby will be very attached to you and to the house, and the second one will high probability will love his father more or begin an independent life in his early youth.

“3” - The number of your future children depends only on you. It is very possible that you will never be able to find a worthy father to conceive. In this case, the inability to have children is due to negative karma or an insult you caused to someone.

“4” - Excellent prospects! This number means that you will have two children, of different sexes. In this case, your first-born will appear in your early youth, and your second baby will brighten your life at a more mature age. Brother and sister will be very close and friendly, despite the age difference.

“5” - This number foreshadows your chance of having twins, if there were such cases in your family. It is very possible that you will give birth to more children, perhaps from a different father.

"6"— Big chance have several children, and they will be born, apparently, in different marriages. However, the children will be very close to each other throughout their lives.

“7” - Maybe you will not have the chance to give birth to children, or maybe only one child will be born, due to circumstances, raised with the maximum help of a grandmother or other very close relative. But still the baby will love and respect his mother very much.

“8” - Unfortunately, there is a high probability that you will not be able to give birth to a child or that you will only have one child. However, it is quite possible that you will decide to adopt a baby and become no less attached to him than to your own.

“9” - Fate predicts that you will experience the happiness of motherhood twice. However, you make the decision yourself and will be able to give birth to one or several children. Moreover, most likely you will be married more than once and your children will have different fathers.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

Romantic and pretty too old way fortune telling for children - using a wedding ring. This method also came to us from our great-grandmothers.

Using a wedding ring, you can find out whether a woman will become a mother and what gender her children will be born in in two ways. The first is similar to fortune telling with a needle - a thread is threaded through a ring, and such a pendulum is passed over the woman’s open palm.

The second method involves using water energy. You need to pour water into a glass or jar. When doing fortune telling, you should always use running water, since tap water is considered “dead” and does not carry energy. Therefore, for fortune telling, it is better to use spring or melt water.

The wedding ring with a thread threaded through it should be held over a container of water. Again, if the ring makes pendulum movements (from side to side), then expect a son, if you describe circles, then a daughter. The number of times the ring moves, the number of children should be born.

Fortune telling by stones

Despite the fact that this is the simplest fortune telling, it is considered quite accurate. Over time, the stones absorb energy and information coming from the outside world.

For such fortune telling, you need to prepare several stones, a marker or ink, and a basin of water. Let us remind you that for fortune telling it is best to use running water.

Write numbers on each stone, numbering them in order. If the marker does not write well on the stone, you can write numbers on pieces of paper and attach them to the surface of the stones in any way. Now lower the stones into the water until it completely covers them. All that remains is to wait.

Gradually, the numbers will begin to wear off under the influence of water. Watch carefully - the last number saved will indicate the number of children in the future.

Instead of numbers, you can write names on the stones. Then the stones will “tell you” what gender of child you should expect.

Instead of an afterword

Fortune telling is fortune telling, but I would like to remind you of one eternal female phrase that has been heard throughout the centuries - “The main thing is to be healthy.” In fact, most likely, all these fortune-telling are just a tribute to simple curiosity.

After all, how often does it happen that a husband dreams of an “heir” and a future football player, and then dotes on his beloved princess daughter, or a mother was expecting a daughter-helper, but got the most beloved son in the world!

The main thing is that children in the family are welcome and healthy. And if the fortune telling is “wrong”, you can always try again!

Women, and sometimes men too, wonder how to find out how many children there will be. Why this question is so important is unknown, but one thing is for sure: science is not yet able to give a clear answer. Doctors only say that everyone either has potential or not, and if it does, then the number of children is limited only childbearing age and aging. So we have to resort to less scientific methods. It should be noted that they also talk about opportunities, and how to manage them is our business.

Fortune telling for children

If you want to use hand fortune telling to find out whether you will have offspring and how many, you need to turn to the active hand, that is, for right-handed people the fate is written on the right, for left-handed people - on the left. A professional palmist will deduce your destiny, taking into account various factors from the past, present and future. But you can get by on our own. So, how to find out how many children there will be according to your hand? To do this you need to do the following.

We look at the straightened (not outstretched) palm of the woman’s hand, more precisely, at the hill of Mercury. It is located directly under the little finger, and there are small vertical lines on it that indicate whether this person is planning to have children.

  1. A deep and extended line directed towards the center of the palm indicates that a child will be born and will live happily ever after.
  2. If the line is almost parallel to the edge of the palm, then the life of your descendant will be difficult and ambiguous.
  3. Broken deep line - the child’s life will be very difficult.
  4. Barely noticeable features are potential children who may be born, or may remain just a dream of their parents.
  5. A long line means most likely a boy will be born, a short line means a girl.
  6. The "V" sign indicates that twins are highly likely.

However, not only women, but also men are interested in how to find out how many children there will be, and a man’s hand can also determine his offspring. However, a man’s palm does not show direct descendants, but those children whom he will personally take care of, even if they are not relatives. The palmist conducts the process of fortune telling for men in the same way as for a woman’s palm, paying attention to the lines on the Mount of Mercury.

Another method to find out how many children there will be by hand is the following. You need to clench your inactive (for right-handed people - left) hand into a fist and look at the palm from the side of the little finger. At the base of the little finger there will be two lines formed due to the fold - on the finger and on the palm itself. The number of clearly defined grooves between them indicates the number of descendants.

Folk methods of fortune telling for children

However, not everyone can and wants to turn to palmists, but they are still interested in how to find out how many children there will be and when; this can be done for free without the help of palm fortune telling and even without turning to other specialists.

The easiest way is to look at wedding ring. To do this, take your ring and hang it on a long thread. According to the bed ritual, the length should be “elbow” - about 20 centimeters. Hold the tail of the thread in right hand, and slowly lift the ring from the left palm so as not to swing. We hold it at a height of 1–2 centimeters above the palm. If the ring still sways, then you should have a boy, if it describes circles or rotates around its axis, then you should have a girl.

We determine the number of children by still holding the tail of the thread in one hand and placing the ring on the other. Slowly lift the ring from the palm and lower it again, repeat this 12 times. The number of children you will have will be as many times as you can lift the ring without it spinning or swaying.

Another way to find out how many children there will be is very similar to the previous one, only it uses not a wedding ring, but a needle and thread. Both of these methods show not only your own offspring, but all the children you will care for and see often: stepsons, nephews, adopted children.

Fortune telling by date of birth

If you are interested in how to find out how many children there will be by date of birth, then there are several ways, but they are all based on the birth dates of both parents - common system does not exist. However, one thing can be determined almost exactly: the sex of the unborn child based on the age of the parents at the time of conception.

The fact is that in men and women, the blood is renewed at a certain frequency: for men this period is 4 years, for women - 3. Whose blood is “younger” at the moment of conception, that gender will become dominant. If a woman Rh negative blood, then everything will be exactly the opposite. It is also necessary to take into account if one of the parents has suffered significant blood loss: at such a time the blood is renewed unscheduled and the countdown must be carried out from the last such event, as if from a “second birth”.

There are also other ways to find out how many children there will be, but they are all very diverse and often simply impractical. For example, numerologists and astrologers require you to indicate not only the place and day of birth, but also the hour and even minutes, which very few people know about themselves. So the main thing is to believe that your child will definitely be born, take care of yourself and hope for the best.

Video about how to find out how many children there will be by hand