What does the birch tree pose look like for conception? The “birch tree” position as a way to get pregnant: fact or fiction? We select positions taking into account physiological characteristics

There are several poses for successful conception. Main feature These provisions are that during sex they ensure maximum penetration of the male genital organ and its close contact with the uterus.

  • First position: the woman lies on her back and raises her pelvis, throwing her legs over the man’s shoulders. In this case, the angle of inclination of the partner’s genital organ is optimal for maximum penetration.
  • The second position is dog pose. The woman leans on her elbows and knees, the man enters her from behind. This position also provides deep penetration.
  • The third pose is birch tree. The woman lies on her shoulder blades and lifts her hips off the bed as much as possible, lifting them as high as possible. At the same time, the man helps her maintain balance, and his genital organ is in close contact with the uterus during frictions.

Unfavorable positions for conception are considered missionary, as well as the position when the woman is on top.

How to do the birch pose correctly to get pregnant

Birch tree pose helps to get pregnant photo poses:

There are two ways to use this position for conception. Many couples use the birch stand directly during sex. During ejaculation in this position, sperm reach the uterus faster, thereby increasing the likelihood of fertilization of the egg.

Others use this position after sexual intercourse. For example, while a man is taking a shower, a woman raises her legs up or leans them on the wall, holding her lower back with her hands. This position helps the sperm and egg “meet.” It is recommended to stand in this position for at least 10 minutes. The exercise is best performed during ovulation - this will increase the likelihood of conception.

So does the birch tree pose help you get pregnant or not?

On women's forums you can often come across the question: does the birch tree pose help you conceive a child? Opinions on this matter are divided. Many women who actively used such gymnastics during sexual intercourse managed to get pregnant. There are also those for whom it did not help.

According to experts, conception in such a position is quite possible, since it promotes close contact of the penis with the uterus. And the sperm have a greater chance of hitting the target.

However, this position is not suitable for everyone due to the individual curvature of the uterus.


Some women should be more careful about experimenting in bed, even when it comes to conception. It is not recommended to stand in the birch pose for a long time for those who:

  • problems at work endocrine system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • glaucoma and eye infections;
  • injury to the cervical vertebrae and back.

It is worth considering that the body and structure of the uterus are individual for each woman, so the birch tree position helps some people get pregnant, but for others it will be useless.

Sometimes, in order to get pregnant, you need to put in a lot of effort and resort to using poses for favorable conception. Of course, every woman’s body is individual, but there are still ways that can bring a couple closer to this long-awaited result. Let's take a look best poses to get pregnant.\r\n\r\nThe position on top is the least suitable for this, because it promotes the flow of sperm outward, and also makes it difficult for them to reach their intended destination. The emphasis should be on positions in which sperm will easily enter the uterus, then fertilize the egg. The most win-win position is when the woman is on the bottom.\r\n\r\n \r\n

The best positions to get pregnant

\r\nOr you can make love in any position, and then just before ejaculation, change the position to the above. It has been proven that the birch pose helps to get pregnant (photo).\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\nAnother effective position is when the man is behind the woman while she lies on her side or kneels. Chances of fastest conception increase significantly in women who are well acquainted with their physiological structure. Namely, with the location of the uterus.\r\n\r\nSince the uterus can be turned slightly to the side (with inflammation of the ovaries), have a bend, or the cervix can be located slightly higher than the uterus itself. Women who have cervical problems tend to have a harder time getting pregnant than others. Therefore, doctors recommend not to rush into the shower immediately after contact, and it is best to lie on the sofa for a while, about 20 minutes on your back or side.\r\n\r\nIf the uterus is turned to the left, then it is better to lie on the left side. With its normal position, it is effective to lie on your back, placing a pillow under your buttocks, while pressing your knees to your chest.\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\nThe position in which the woman is on her knees and the man is behind him is also considered very effective, but it is better not to use it for women with diseases of the appendages and kidneys. In this case, this can still bring very noticeable pain.\r\n\r\nPeople's belief says that if you conceive a child in the classic position, i.e. the woman is from below, then you can get pregnant with a girl, and if using the knee -elbow position, then you can get pregnant with a boy. If a woman wants to get pregnant with a girl, she needs to calculate the exact day when ovulation begins. If sexual intercourse occurs long before ovulation occurs, there is a high probability of conceiving a girl. If you want to get pregnant with a boy, sexual intercourse should occur after ovulation, at the time of ovulation or after.

Those who are having trouble getting pregnant should perhaps listen to popular advice.

Physiological positions for conception

In this matter, everything is important, including actions before and after sexual intercourse. Most doctors recommend not doing anything special - giving up douching, hygienic soap and similar products, because each woman has her own microenvironment inside, which should not be interfered with. Anything that changes the pH value in the vagina can harm sperm.

After sex, you shouldn’t rush, don’t get up right away, it’s better to lie on your side, take the “birch tree” position (raising your legs high), and stand in a “doggy style” position. The choice of position directly depends on the structure of your uterus (for example, with an internal bend, it is recommended to lie on your stomach, leaning towards the bend, and with a bicornuate organ, on the contrary, lift the small pelvis up, etc.). By the way, you can also involve your husband in serving in the “birch tree” position - stand together against the wall so that it’s not so offensive. Of course, the picture will be funny, but if you are lucky, there will be no less joy.

Partners can also be instructed to ensure that the “correct angle” is maintained in holding the legs (so that there is no “happy work”), as well as help lower slightly stiff legs and hold them in the right position. You don’t have to stretch your legs like a gymnast, the main thing is to lift your pelvis, preventing sperm from flowing out. Whether a concrete wall or the warm shoulder of your spouse will serve as a support is up to you. Advice from your gynecologist in this case will also not hurt.

Modern diagnostic equipment is also ready to come to your aid: ultrasound will help track the exit and maturation of the follicle (especially during stimulation) so that your active sexual energy had its focus on the right day and time.


Try to maintain your weight at a normal level. Ovulation will improve if you gain weight or lose a few kilograms, because the closer your actual weight is to the ideal weight listed in the statistical tables of body parameters, the better (you should be within at least 95 percent of ideal weight, but not higher than 120 percent).

Therapeutic massage

Session acupressure will help not only relieve pain during menstruation, but also normalize work internal organs. Remember that possible pain in the stomach - these are the consequences of your incorrect posture at the computer or an incorrect lifestyle (rare physical exercise, random meals), indicating stagnation of blood in the pelvis, tightness of internal organs, and their incorrect functioning.

Flower energy

According to research on the topic "energy indoor plants", in rooms where people spend a lot of time, especially in the bedroom and in the nursery, it is not recommended to place plants with sharp leaves and spines (cacti). Plants with round, cascading leaves emit positive energy. Among others, indoor vicus and spring willow deserve special fame. It is better to consult a specialist about the effects of other plants!


You should put a ficus in the bedroom and care for it like a living creature, treating it like a child. The substances that this plant secretes are biologically active and improve air environment habitat, which has a positive effect on the human body. Thus, ficus is a filter plant: its leaves are able to absorb formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and ammonia. Relieves irritability, gives a person a state of peace, balance, a sense of stability in life, extinguishes aggression, gives determination and purposefulness to the indecisive. If you don’t like ficus, then you can put another flower, get an animal, the main thing is to take care of it, worry, feel, regret to the point of tears, sincerely love and care. - then the level of “maternal” hormones will increase.

An infusion of spring palm tree bark, from light green branches, has a beneficial effect on well-being. The collected material should be poured with boiling water, allowed to boil, placed on a warm surface and covered with a lid. It should infuse for at least 2 hours. You can drink it in any quantity, including mixing it with tea.

Healing with traditional herbs

Among the plants there is a special one, the name of which indicates the ability to help women with their problems. This is the “hog (forest”) queen. Recognized by doctors as safe and very effective remedy. Improves ovarian function, prepares the uterus for childbirth, helps remove inflammatory processes. Hog queen widely used in medicine to treat: gynecological diseases inflammatory in nature, uterine fibroids, fibroids, infertility, uterine bleeding, toxicoses, disorders menstrual cycle, adhesive processes, obstruction and inflammation of the tubes. Doesn't have side effects. Infusions of this herb have a gentle effect on the body, unlike synthetic analogues.

How to prepare the tincture

Pour 3 packets of herbs, 10 grams each, with 300 ml of vodka. Leave for at least a week covered in the dark. The resulting infusion yellow. Daily portion - 5 ml. It should be divided into 3-4 doses per day. Small but frequent doses are the unspoken rule for the treatment of hormonal changes and diseases in gynecology. It is better to drink the first 3 doses (20–30 drops) in the first half of the day, since the endocrine system peaks at the beginning of the working day, up to 2 hours, after which its activity decreases (doctors recommend taking vitamins and hormones in the morning). Taking the infusion over time is uneven.

Pregnancy out of my head

Remember how Zeus gave birth to a daughter from his head? Of course, in every legend there is a share of fiction, but there is also a share of truth in them. Thus, yogis first of all teach to control the mind: they believe that this is the main healing of a person.

Yes, it also happens that doctors throw up their hands, admitting that they are powerless to help, they advise you to believe in yourself in spite of all diagnoses and... a miracle. In addition to hormonal therapy, which is directly related to the case, antidepressants and immunostimulants are prescribed.

“Psychogenic” infertility is diagnosed by psychotherapists if they recognize your “obsession” with the problem - constant expectation, severe disappointment in case of unfulfilled hopes. Remember good omens: hold the pregnant woman’s belly, drink from her mug, i.e., recharge with the positive energy of the pregnant woman. A change of environment is prescribed as treatment, active image life - sports, communication with friends, treatment in a specialized sanatorium. Harmonious thoughts and feelings affect blood circulation and cleanse it. They also contribute to the speedy recovery of the body - do not waste your energy on negative thoughts! Do not distract him by solving “extraneous” problems.

Take a break from your career: “Work addiction and constant voltage can put a heavy burden on the ability to conceive, assures Dr. Levine. - I saw a lot of people making a career and told them: “Think about the attitude that you give to your body. Your body knows that periods of excessive stress are not perfect time in order to get pregnant."

Each organism has its own “time”, its own cyclicity, its own successful and unsuccessful phases. Some you need to endure, others you just need to forget about. The body is changing, perhaps what was inaccessible to you yesterday is already available today. Just don’t think that everything went too smoothly for all the women with children you met! Each has its own story, its own life. Believe that everything will be fine. Repeat often the words of the healers addressed to the unborn baby: “I love you, I’m waiting for you.” Any prayer on the topic of childbirth, even exclusively “homemade”, but sincere, from the heart, contributes to the appropriate mood of the body to achieve the intended result.

“Birch” - an exercise familiar from school lessons physical culture. The position is used during intercourse of partners. This body position helps a man penetrate a woman’s vagina; the head of the penis is as close as possible to the cervix, which increases the percentage of sperm entering the uterus and retaining them.

A woman’s physiology is designed in such a way that in order to conceive, it is necessary to fertilize an egg in the fallopian tube.

To this end seminal fluid passes through the acidic environment of the vagina, cervical mucus, fallopian tube and enters the egg cell, where fertilization occurs. The fallopian tubes are located in a woman’s body above the vagina, and standing in the “birch tree” position helps retain the man’s seminal material in the vagina.

Execution technique

To achieve positive result The “birch” position should be performed as follows:

  • the woman raises her legs up into a candle stand, supports her back with her hands, and the partner carefully enters her;
  • after sexual intercourse, a woman leans her legs against the wall and freezes in this position for 5-10 (depending on exposure and physical training women). You can use the wall near the bed, sofa;
  • You can also throw your legs over your partner. This is necessary for the best and unhindered passage of sperm into the cervix. However, it is worth remembering that no discomfort or painful sensations there shouldn't be.

Use the pose carefully, it can be damaged cervical vertebra or back.

What is special about the pose?

Not every woman, due to numerous physiological reasons, can take the following body position: stand in the “birch tree” pose. It happens that a partner does not feel comfortable positioning himself next to a woman standing upside down. Then you need to lie on your side or lie on your stomach after intercourse for 30 minutes. You can't get out of bed right away. You can also take a pose when the pelvis is higher than the position of the head. To consolidate the result, you should not wash yourself after the act for two hours.

Additional options for conception positions:

  • – the woman lies on her back, and the partner is on top;
  • on the side - the man enters the partner from behind;
  • “dogi style” - the woman is on her knees, and .

The “cowgirl” position is considered unsuccessful when the partner is on top, because a lot of seminal material comes out of the vagina.

How effective is the birch tree pose for conceiving a child?

Everyone speaks about the effectiveness of the pose in their own way: for some it helped them get pregnant, but for others it turned out to be absolutely useless.

It all depends on individual characteristics organisms of both partners.

Gynecologists say that to conceive you need:

  • undergo examination for both halves;
  • correctly calculate your fertile day;
  • use an ultrasound machine to track the maturation of the follicle;
  • have sex in the morning and preferably every other day.


The described poses are not suitable for every woman; it is better to select them individually with a specialist, since everyone’s body is different, there are diseases, different structure uterus.

When the uterus is bent, it is suitable when the partner is behind. If the cervix is ​​located above or below the usual level, best option- “partner over woman.”

Many couples find it quite problematic to conceive a child various reasons. There is an opinion on the Internet that the birch tree pose helps to get pregnant and people have no choice but to try various methods, including birch. So this is another fiction that is actively walking around the Internet or real way become a mother? Let's consider whether it is true that the birch pose helps to get pregnant.

Birch exercise is special complex to strengthen the muscles of the back and legs, which is actively used in yoga, physical therapy. To perform the birch tree, you need to stand on your shoulder blades, leaning on your forearms. The pelvis should be located higher than the head and shoulders, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows.

It is difficult to perform the exercise correctly the first time. To maintain the pose for a long time, training is necessary. Their purpose is to prepare the body for stress. In addition, birch is used in yoga to improve blood supply to the brain, strengthen muscles and spine, and activate kidney function.

This exercise is the most in the best possible way affects women reproductive system. Thanks to daily exercises, blood circulation in the pelvis will improve and muscles will become stronger. As a result, organs will receive more nutrients and conception will occur faster. In addition, the birch exercise will strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles, which will greatly help a woman during childbirth.

After sex

Fertilization is the process of contact between a sperm and a female reproductive cell in fallopian tube. The whole complexity of the process lies in the fact that it is difficult for sperm to get into the fallopian tube. Becoming an obstacle on the way acidic environment vagina, cervical mucus.

After sexual intercourse, seminal fluid simply flows out; this does not happen when the legs are bent, and therefore the birch tree pose helps to get pregnant. But here women have a question about how long they need to stand in a birch tree to get pregnant. It is recommended to remain in this position for approximately 20 minutes. This is enough for sperm to penetrate the cervix.

Since the exercise is quite difficult, a woman can throw her legs over the back of the sofa or lean against the wall. And you don’t have to lie on your shoulder blades. After sex, it is important that the pelvis is higher than the torso.

Sex position

Sometimes a gynecologist can recommend the birch tree position as one of the sex positions. This position is especially recommended when the uterus is bent. During the process, the uterus and the male reproductive organ come into maximum contact, increasing the penetration of seminal fluid into the woman’s body.

The problem is the woman’s unpreparedness for such loads and the man’s difficulty in being able to have intercourse (it all depends on height). It is strictly forbidden to use the pose without prior preparation, as the spine or neck may be damaged.

Photo of birch tree pose for sex. Source: makesexnotwar.ru

Not all gynecologists trust advice from the Internet. Most experts believe that the birch tree pose for and after conception is a myth that is best not used. This opinion was formed due to the fact that the process should occur naturally in a normal position, without the use of additional, sometimes hazardous to health, methods.

During sexual intercourse, about a million sperm enter a woman’s body, and therefore, even if half die on the way to the uterus, there will be enough left to fertilize the egg. Because of this, the position of the body during sex does not matter.

If after sexual intercourse a girl cannot get into the birch tree position due to: excess body weight, disorders in organ systems or the spine, or banal embarrassment, then you can simply lie on your stomach or side.

So does birch help you get pregnant? In practice, many women have been able to become pregnant through the use of a simple set of exercises. On at the moment With scientific point it has not been proven that this particular position is the reason for the positive result on the test. Most experts believe that the couple simply chose the right fertile day to conceive.

Therefore, whether to try or not is everyone’s decision, since one can only judge from the experience of other women. There is nothing wrong with experiments, the exercise does not cause harm, but it can help strengthen the body, make the figure more noticeable, and the girl more flexible.