When you can't treat your teeth. Treating diseases with Easter eggs

Treatment easter egg held only on Easter week. We need to prepare more eggs for the holiday. Since ancient times, the egg has been considered a symbol of new life, fertility, and spring. An egg consecrated in the church protected against illness and misfortune. It is a symbol and proof of the Resurrection of Christ. Traditionally it was painted natural means, often in a red hue, as it symbolizes the blood of Christ. Krashenka is a universally recognized symbol of the creation of the world and creation, the Golden Egg of creation.

According to custom, the Easter egg is stored all year until next Easter. And at Easter they eat last year’s food. And if it spoils, it is disposed of in a special way: either buried or burned. Do not throw into garbage chutes or sewers.

For each disease, an egg of a certain color is selected:

  • red is used to improve the health of the musculoskeletal system and skin;
  • orange color is used to treat urinary and genitourinary system;
  • yellow color treats organs digestive system;
  • green color - to get rid of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • blue helped defeat diseases of the endocrine system;
  • blue is used to cure respiratory diseases;
  • purple has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Often craftswomen painted eggs with several different colors, skillfully applied beautiful drawings and combined shades.

After treatment with a spell and rollback, the egg must be buried in the ground. It’s better to do this under aspen and poplar: they take on bad, evil energy. You can also bury it under other trees: for women - under aspen, rowan, willow, and for men - under maple, poplar, oak, ash.

Stone eggs

When blessing dyes for Easter, you can also take with you eggs made from natural stone. They can roll out the disease many times. They are not thrown away, but are cleaned in a special way. After the disease has cleared, such stone paints are washed under running water and cleaned for 24 hours in salt water. If a healing course has been carried out with such an egg, then it is enough to bury it in flower pot for 40 days. You can treat with an Easter egg throughout the year, sometimes cleaning and charging it with earth.

Stone Effect
Agate heals respiratory diseases, stomach diseases, upper infections respiratory tract, hair loss. Blue agate helps thyroid gland. Red treats endocrine, cardiovascular system, viral infections. Yellow agate will heal the digestive system, white agate helps fight stress and aggression, and black agate increases sexual activity.
Beryl Helps with diseases of the digestive system and liver
Turquoise used for liver disorders, gall bladder, diseases thyroid gland, skin diseases
Opal heals the heart and nervous system
Coil establishes reproductive system, eliminates negative energy
Hematite relieves ailments of the kidneys, liver, spleen, genitourinary system, improves metabolic processes in the body.
Rhinestone used for disorders of the stomach and respiratory system
Jade normalizes blood pressure, will help with diseases of the spine, improve the functioning of the nervous system
Lapis lazuli heals the lymphatic system
Malachite will establish gastrointestinal tract, normalizes energy flows
White jade treats diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, rheumatism and nervous disorders
Obsidian used for infertility, bone diseases, diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system
Onyx indicated for people with gastric acidity disorders, eliminates pain
Selenite will establish bile production, adjust the functioning of the spleen and liver
Chrysolite and charoite help with nervous system disorders
Jasper exists in a variety of colors and treats only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Amber will help in all areas, heal, improve health

You need to roll out the paint in combination with a special prayer or spell. The spell for paint pain is as follows: roll an egg over the sore spot and read special words 33 times.

Egg shells also have magical properties. After mass and meals, the shells were collected and stored for later use, for treatment and other rituals.

There is an Easter tradition: when coming home after a church service, all family members take a blessed egg and knock them against each other. Whoever has it intact will remain healthy all year.

It happens that for a long time doctors cannot diagnose a patient, and the person gets worse every day. This ritual will help raise the sick person to his feet.

On Easter, Christ's Sunday, ask the patient to collect bones, shells from colored eggs, crumbs, etc. in his house - in general, all the scraps that will remain from the Easter table. After this, the person must go to the field (if he has his own garden, then it is better to go there) and bury the scraps in the ground. In this case, you need to imagine that the field is a rectangle, and in each corner of this rectangle you need to bury scraps. Returning home, the patient should not talk to anyone until the next morning; let him lie down and rest. Already in the morning there will be noticeable improvements in his condition.

Another strong conspiracy, which will help cure a person from an unknown disease. It is also read precisely in those cases when a person is clearly ill, but doctors cannot make a diagnosis. On the third day after Easter, take holy water and read a special spell over it. Wash your face with the enchanted code three evenings in a row. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

"God created the sky,
God created the earth.
Create, Lord,
And health to the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
TO eternal life resurrected
So that th servant of God (name)
Resurrected to health.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

How to get your health back on Easter

This ritual will help restore lost health and waning strength even to an elderly person. To do this, collect from a birch tree thin, like parchment, white bark and brew it on Easter night, at three o’clock in the morning, while reading a special plot. Each time add three pinches of salt, three pinches of wood ash, three pinches of crushed shells of eggs boiled on Easter to the healing potion. Then let the patient drink this potion. The conspiracy to restore health is as follows:

"Like on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead,
So to the servant of God (name)
Deliverance and healing are granted.

A ritual if nothing helps a seriously ill patient

The Easter holiday has so much great strength that on this day you can get back on your feet even such a patient, whom all the doctors have already given up on. To do this, they take everything that is left over from Easter: shells from painted and blessed eggs, bones and scraps from breaking the fast at the all-night vigil, onion peels that were used to dye eggs for Easter, and the sweaty clothes of a seriously ill person. All this is carried to a deserted place and burned. And the remains of the fire are buried in four sides of their garden or yard. On the evening when you do all this, you cannot talk to anyone, milk the cows, or churn butter. In general, you can’t do anything homework. The whole family reads Akathist and Our Father. Usually after this, the dying person begins to feel relief and gradually gets better.

As for the leftovers from Easter, you need to ask them from healers, or knowledgeable people. Healers always collect and leave everything they need after big and great holidays. When you take from a healer or a smart person what is listed above, give him a new towel and three rubles. Keep in mind that leftovers from bolshaks, that is, from great holidays, as well as icons, are not given away for free. If the Lord has mercy on the sick person and he recovers, then you cannot tell anyone how and with what you helped him.

Easter spell for seizures

Treatment options for seizures folk magic quite a lot. But the most powerful of them is the Easter ritual. To cure seizures (epilepsy) in a person, take Easter egg shells, put them in your bosom and walk to the river. Standing against the current, take out the egg shells from your bosom and, throwing them backhand into the river, say:

"If only you, trouble, would go to distant shores,
The illness would not torment me,
It didn’t break my bones.
The fits would go away in the water,
God's servant (name) has left forever.
Save, Lord, and have mercy.
Forever and ever.

Easter spell for health for the whole year

This plot will allow you to stay in good health and not get sick all year long. They read it only once a year, except leap year. The spell for health is read on the seventh day of Easter:

“I was walking, servant of God (name), dear,
Came out to the deep blue sea,
Face to joy, back to grief.
The queen whitefish swims in the blue sea,
No one in the world can compare with her beauty and health.
The queen's eyes are glassy,
Her fins are tin,
The head is golden, and her soul is bast.
She doesn’t hear her own or anyone else’s pain,
The sea water sways her, shakes her,
She doesn't know any illnesses.
If only I (so-and-so) didn’t know about illnesses,
I never got sick or suffered.
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

Easter spell for a long life

Take a handful of wheat and keep it on your chest throughout the Easter service. Then throw this wheat backhand into the field and say:

"Mother wheat, you feed the old and the young,
And that’s why everyone is happy to see you.
From the grain you give both ten and twenty-five,
So I command you to multiply my years.
Be words, strong, molding, unchanging.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Easter spell against illness

If you collect the shells from Easter eggs, they can be useful for treating diseases. In order to treat a person, the shell is placed in water and the patient is washed with this water. When washing, you need to say:

"One star in the west, one in the east,
Under east side there is a cross,
And who will eat these eggs?
Who will hug the earth with one hand,
He will remove (such and such) from the cross of diseases.
How true is it that there was an egg in the chicken?
It’s true that with her egg that chicken will take away all the illness and all the pain.”

Conspiracy to not feel pain

They take an Easter egg, specially saved from Easter, and roll it over the sore spot with the words:

“Christ is risen, trampling down death by death.
People praise the Lord
A God's words my pain is driven away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You need to say this thirty-three times, and the pain will disappear.

Easter spell for tuberculosis

On the third day of Easter, an Easter egg is carried to the cemetery and placed on the grave of the deceased with the name of the patient. Before laying the egg, the patient must kiss it and say:

"Saint Magdalena took the egg,
She gave it to the Lord.
Somehow the testicle is smooth, without a blemish.
So (so-and-so)’s lungs would become clean,
Smooth without a blemish, without pain and without illness.
Forever and ever.

They leave the grave without looking back and without talking to anyone until they get home.

Easter spell for eye diseases

If a person becomes blind or has other eye disease, he should do so. After on Easter service the priest will say loudly: “Christ is risen!” - the one who has sore eyes should touch them with a colored egg and whisper:

"Christ is risen on Easter Sunday,
And my eyes will be saved from illness!”

After this, your vision should improve.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent went to the dentists, but not to a private clinic, as has now become fashionable, but to a regular one city ​​dentistry. To check whether high-quality medical care really costs so much and whether it is possible to get it in a public hospital?

“Take 4,500 rubles, you won’t go wrong”

Most of us remember a visit to the dentist when we can’t bear it and It's a dull pain prevents you from eating, sleeping, or working normally.

So I had a small hole in my tooth that lived its own life for about six months and didn’t bother me. And one evening it will hurt! So much so that it is impossible to tilt your head, as if someone is hitting with a sledgehammer. First, I rinsed with baking soda and waited patiently for it to go away. It didn't help. Somehow I fell asleep with painkillers. And in the morning I immediately opened the Internet and began calling the dentists closest to my house.

- Can I make an appointment with you for the evening?

No, everything is already taken, they told me at one clinic.

Yes, come over. What happened to you? - responded in another.

- The tooth hurt yesterday was impossible; by the evening, I’m afraid it will come back again. How much does the treatment cost?

Only a doctor will tell you this, but if you need to fill canals - from 2500 rubles and above.

- Yeah...

Two more clinics turned me down (I made an appointment two weeks in advance). And in the fifth, when asked about the price, they were dumbfounded: “Take 4,500 rubles with you, you can’t go wrong!” As a result, I signed up for the one that asked for two and a half thousand, and left work early. While I was driving through traffic jams, it dawned on me: after all, there is public hospitals! It's evening, but maybe we should take a chance and stop by? At least I'll make an appointment in the morning...

“Do you want a French injection or ours?”

“Good evening,” I smile at the receptionist. - Tell me, can the doctor see me? The tooth hurts a lot.

Are you registered in our area?

- No, I was just driving by.

Then only for money.

I happily sit down in the chair. Super, no registration, no queue. From the doorstep - and immediately to the doctor. Maybe my problem is just a trivial one.

Pulpitis, the doctor concludes, is not enough with one visit. Now we will clean the tooth and put the medicine. Can you come tomorrow at 8 am? In the meantime, go to the next office and put a little needle so you can drill in peace.

Do you need the French to numb the pain or ours, the Russians? - they asked me in the next office.

- How much does this French one cost? (To be honest, I don’t care anymore, as long as they do it faster, but I’m curious.)

100 rubles.

- Yes, of course!

Within five minutes my gums were numb.

Be patient, my dear, we’ll start sooner, we’ll finish faster,” the doctor reassured.

And practically without a break, she quickly and confidently processed my tooth in a total of 5 - 7 minutes.

That's it, I'm waiting for you tomorrow at 8.00.

- How much do I owe you? - I ask, pulling on my coat.

Not at all for now, as we approach the end, I will warn you.

The next morning, at exactly 8.00, without a queue, I found myself in the chair again. The doctor filled the canals and, as expected, sent me to take an X-ray. I paid 45 rubles to the cashier for the photo and brought it to the doctor’s office while still wet.

Well, great,” the doctor said with satisfaction, “now I’ll put in a temporary filling, and in a couple of days - a permanent one.” Oh, and your little tooth up there is completely destroyed! It needs to be removed urgently, God forbid, it gets inflamed. Come tonight, there will be good doctor, he will do everything carefully.

There’s nothing to do, in the evening after work I went to the dentist again (it looks like I’ll be registering here soon). I went to the right office. The neat doctor really did everything quickly and painlessly. I paid 300 rubles to the cashier, 100 of them for anesthesia, also French.

Two days later, as agreed, they gave me a permanent filling and polished it beautifully. At the cash register they spent a long time counting something on a calculator, wrote down the cost of each service on the receipt and took it out total figure- 826 rubles 90 kopecks.

Great,” I smiled.

Of course, nothing is bad for your health, someone will say. But I still can’t understand why there is such a difference in prices: 4,000 rubles per tooth for private owners and 800 rubles for the state. I decided to ask the experts about this.


IN public dentistry equipment and prices, as in 2005

Ella NOVIKOVA, chief physician City Dental Clinic No. 3:

In all municipal dental clinics rooms have been allocated for providing paid assistance patients. They are installed modern equipment imported production: Italian, Czech. In other offices, the equipment is also good, its shelf life does not exceed the established norm - 3 years. For example, our clinic has a digital orthopantomograph worth 1,000,000 rubles. With its help, you can see all your teeth at once in one picture - very convenient. For us, a photograph on such a device costs 250 rubles, private clinic- within 500 rubles. Why is the cost of our services lower than in private clinics? It’s just that our prices do not include profit, they only contain cost. And private owners, naturally, are focused on profit. By the way, our prices are still at the 2005 level.


The municipal clinic has never heard of fifth-generation materials

Yulia RYABINKO, Marketing Director of Astrea Dentistry Center LLC:

The materials used by private clinics, in particular ours, are fifth generation. I very much doubt that the municipal hospital has even heard of them. Every six months we purchase some new equipment. After all medical equipment becomes obsolete very quickly, just like computers or cell phones. In addition, the level of sterility is very important - in our clinic, for example, a nurse washes the floor several times a day, patients wear shoe covers. Doctors private dentistry have the opportunity to regularly travel to specialization, at least once every six months. All this requires capital investment, and quite a lot. This is where the price of our services comes from.

Is it possible without any money at all?

Of course, you were treated for money, although state clinic, - my colleagues reproached me. - But try it on the policy. Let's see how you sing.

To get a ticket - at 7 am

"Why not?" - I thought. I found the clinic to which I was registered, and - for the umpteenth time! - dialed the registration number.

Are you registered in our area? - they immediately clarified with me. - And do you have a policy?

- Yes, sure!

Then, with your passport and insurance policy, come up tomorrow at half past eight and put the ticket aside.

Immediately there was a whiff of something that had long been forgotten. Early morning, gloomy line for tickets...

- But I need it today, right now there’s no way?

And suddenly - lo and behold! - “go to office No. 4 - there’s a long line there”...

According to the policy, only... cement!

The first person in line is the young guy ahead of me. And in front of him are three more (!) people. Horror. But there is nothing to do. We sit and wait.

About an hour and a half later it was my turn. I go into the office: ordinary-looking machines, in the paid office they seem to be the same. Only the spittoon is not very clean, apparently they didn’t have time to wash it after the last patient. Brrr!

Our dialogue with the doctor follows a familiar pattern:

Do you need paid pain relief or regular one?

- What will you install for free?

Lidocaine. By the way, do you have any allergies?

- I don’t even know, I don’t think they gave me lidocaine.

Well, now let's try...

But the main “ambush” was waiting for me with a seal.

Which one will we install? - the doctor asked me directly. - If you want an imported one, go pay 500 rubles at the cash register.

“I’m on the policy...” I decided to remind.

According to the policy, only... cement...

“It’s strange, but they told me that in state clinics they now work with the same materials as in private ones, and your equipment is high-quality,” I was surprised.

Yeah! Even for money, we get materials that are five years old, but you want it for insurance. So, are we going to install cement?

- Isn’t this harmful? - the last argument. And I hear: they say, the material is safe and environmentally friendly, but... it will fall out in a month, you will come to me again.

Well, no, I can’t afford to take time off from work again, endure the drill and the smell of dentistry. So, sorry, dear readers, but I didn’t succeed in a pure, that is, free, experiment - I still had to pay... But they gave me a guarantee (two weeks if I have a receipt). They installed a French filling and even matched it by color so that it wouldn’t be different if I suddenly opened my mouth wide.

It’s a shame, of course, that it wasn’t possible to get treatment completely free of charge. But not even for themselves, but for the doctors who understand that medical technology They have moved forward a long time ago, and they are forced to treat patients using the old-fashioned method and convince them to pay for a normal filling.

Read about how to undergo the necessary examinations and receive treatment for free in Moscow in the upcoming issues of KP - Health.

During the week of the most important Christian holiday, Easter, believers of all faiths celebrate the date of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Like any religious holiday, Palm Sunday has its prohibitions and recommendations.

Palm Sunday 2017 falls on April 9, this is the sixth Sunday of Great Lent, after Lazarus Saturday. As on the day of the Annunciation, which the Orthodox celebrated on April 7, on Friday, a relaxation of strict fasting is allowed on Palm Sunday.

READ ALSO: Palm Sunday: short sms congratulations for friends and family

Palm Sunday: what not to do

Church and folk traditions Work is not recommended on Palm Sunday, especially hard and dirty work. There is also a ban on washing, sewing and knitting. True, most priests insist that the ban on work cannot be taken literally, it’s just that on major church holidays you need to think more about God, and not about everyday matters. Since Verbnoe...

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Hello, dear readers. Palm Sunday is an amazing holiday, shrouded in legends and secrets since ancient times. Today you will find out how this holiday came to us.

Why a willow twig?

Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter. What date is Palm Sunday this year? Since Easter comes every year on different days, then Palm Sunday does not have one date. In 2017, this holiday will fall on April 9.

According to the Christian version, it was on this day that the Lord entered Jerusalem. How was it?

In 30 AD era, all the surrounding areas of Jerusalem were excited by the rumor of a traveler who heals the sick and revives the dead! Rumors spread about Jesus Christ, who performed miracles of healing.

The city authorities became concerned about the security of their position, and the common people saw their savior in the Teacher. To be unnoticed, the Savior rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Besides this...

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What can and cannot be done on Palm Sunday, said a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” in Ukraine, an expert in the project “The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics,” clairvoyant Larisa Gutanu, writes lady.siteua.org.

It is noted that it is customary to prepare willow for consecration in advance. If the spring is cold or Easter is early, when the willow does not have time to bloom, you should cut off the branches several days in advance and place them in water indoors.

“Parishioners attend church on the morning of Palm Sunday, attend the service, and light a candle, which symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ. After the service, the willow is blessed. The blessed branches are carried home,” says Larisa Gutanu.


“At home they pat the household, especially children, with the blessed willow. At the same time they repeat: “Willow-whip, hit until you cry.” I don’t hit, the willow hits! Be healthy like water, strong like a willow, rich like the earth - said the clairvoyant. – If you want to protect your home from misfortunes, plant what you brought...

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Palm Sunday, one of the most anticipated Orthodox holidays, in 2016 falls on April 9. Its other name sounds like the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday this year, as in all previous years, is celebrated exactly one week before Easter.

Western Christians call it Palm Sunday, since, according to the Gospel, the inhabitants of Jerusalem greeted Jesus Christ with the help of date palms, the branches of which covered his path.

We usually call today's holiday Palm Sunday for the reason that the climate does not allow palm trees to be grown. At the same time, we should not forget that the willow symbolizes purity and virtue, and its buds, which bloom in early spring, symbolize new life. Today, all Orthodox believers will decorate their homes with willows, since this plant has healing and even magical properties. He is credited with the ability to cure a number of diseases, and a simple...

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What Orthodox Christians certainly do in memory of the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. How to celebrate Palm Sunday correctly so that good luck will accompany you all year long.

April 9 is Palm Sunday. It is believed that on this day Jesus entered Jerusalem, where the people greeted him with palm branches. In Ukraine, such trees almost never grow, so they were replaced with willow branches - “seals”.

In addition, in our area, pagan and Christian traditions are closely intertwined, so many beliefs and traditions originate from our ancestors.

What to do on Palm Sunday 2017

Bless willow branches in the church. You need to keep the consecrated willow for a whole year - near the icon. On Palm Sunday, you need to comb your hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” Then put the comb in water and pour it over the willow. If you transplant on Palm Sunday houseplant, then it will grow well and attract...

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Many believers are interested in the question of what should not be done on Palm Sunday? Before answering the question of what you should not do on Palm Sunday, you need to remember once again what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. According to the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. The city where he will be crucified and where he will be resurrected.

People greeted him as the Messiah with palm branches. In Rus', there were no palm branches, therefore, they were quickly and successfully replaced with branches of willow and willow - the first spring plants, which produce buds in our territories. Until now, the people consider the willow to be a symbol of health and vitality, fertility.

In this big church holiday You cannot work, do handicrafts, sew or knit, or do laundry or potter in the garden. But the most important thing every believer must do is to prepare himself for Holy Week, which will end with the most important holiday for Orthodox Christians - Easter.


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April 24, 2016 is the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, or Vai Week. People call the holiday Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter.

The magical properties of willow.

It was believed that the willow has quite magical properties. She protected people from the machinations of evil spirits, and protected livestock and crops from any disasters. That is why the consecrated willow was kept for the entire year.

There was a custom of hitting each other lightly with willow. At the same time saying:

“The willow whips, beats you to tears. I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow."

Often parents touched their children with willow so that they would always be healthy and beautiful.

They believed that the willow and its catkins had healing power. Counting good medicine for fever, they always ate exactly nine pussy willow catkins. Very sick children were bathed in water with willow branches.

It was considered a bad omen to plant willow. They said the following:

“Who willow...

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What should you not do on Palm Sunday?

Not every believer is familiar with what not to do on Palm Sunday. On the one hand, this is a big holiday, on the other hand, Lent imposes some restrictions on it.

Why is the holiday called Palm Sunday?

The inhabitants of Jerusalem always greeted kings entering the city with palm branches, which were thrown in front of them. And kings usually rode into the city on donkeys as a sign that they arrived in peace.

When Jesus raised Lazarus, the news spread and people in Jerusalem began to wait for him. The Savior decided to enter the city on a donkey, and the people greeted him with palm branches.

Since palm trees do not grow in northern countries, the willow tree, which blooms earlier than many other plants, was chosen for the ceremony celebrating the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Is it possible or not to work on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter. You can't work on this day...

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What to do on Palm Sunday: traditions and rituals

Thousands of years ago, during Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem, people lined the path of the Messiah with freshly cut palm branches. This magnificent tradition was adopted by the peoples of the East and used it when welcoming important guests. There are no palms, boxwoods or olives in our territories. Therefore, the only suitable seasonal plant was willow. Its branches delight with lush buds and retain their appearance for a long time even without water.

What do lay believers do on Palm Sunday, and what traditions do they follow from year to year? Of course, the former scope of the celebration has long been lost, but the most important rituals are still relevant today. Just like a hundred years ago, people continue to collect willow bouquets, rush to consecrate them in the temple and bring them to home. There they beat children and relatives with branches, driving away bad weather from them. An important place is given to the festive meal. Even if it is Lenten, it is very long-awaited. On Palm Sunday, fish is allowed, which...

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It is difficult to find a person who is happy to visit the dentist. Even if it appears pain syndrome, we patiently wait for it to “go away on its own.” Unfortunately, it does not go away; on the contrary, tooth decay continues. And if it was possible to get by in the beginning simple treatment caries, the lost time leads to the need for tooth extraction.

Pregnant women are at increased risk, as hormonal changes occur in the body, immunity decreases, hidden diseases worsen, including caries, dental cysts, and bleeding gums often appear. But it can be easily removed with oil tea tree: just apply 2 drops per toothbrush while brushing your teeth. For prevention, eat apples and foods containing calcium.

Women are afraid to have their teeth treated, citing the fact that they will harm the child. But much more harm to the baby will be caused by a constant source of infection in the body of the expectant mother, which is a sore tooth.

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What dental pathologies can be treated for pregnant women:

  • stomatitis,
  • gingivitis,
  • caries,
  • pulpitis,
  • periodontitis,
  • periodontal disease,
  • periodontitis,
  • odontogenic periostitis (flux).

The need for tooth extraction is questionable, especially in the first and third trimester. If possible, it is better to postpone surgery until the second trimester or postpartum period. Pregnant women should not have their wisdom teeth removed, because there is a high probability of complications, the temperature may rise, inflammation may develop, and there will be a need for antibiotics. All this will have an extremely negative impact on the baby.

But if a cyst is discovered and suppuration has begun, then the tooth needs to be removed; here, the lesser of two evils is chosen.

Choice of local anesthesia

Anesthetics prohibited for pregnant women are drugs containing adrenaline. These include such a common remedy as lidocaine. For local anesthesia When treating teeth, an injection of Ultracain or Ubistezin is used. They have a low degree of impact on blood vessels and do not penetrate the placental barrier.

In addition, arsenic should not be used for dental treatment during pregnancy: there is a high probability of its toxic effect on the baby.

Favorable and unfavorable periods for dental treatment

  • The best is the second trimester, namely the period from 13 to 24 weeks. The placenta, which protects the baby, is already fully formed, the mother’s immunity has strengthened, so it is possible to medical intervention even with the use of painkillers.
  • Dental treatment is also most optimal during the 8th month of pregnancy and from 36 to 38 weeks. The use of anesthetics is permitted.
  • At 31 weeks, vasodilation occurs, so any intervention will be perceived as very painful.
  • At 39 and 40 weeks expectant mother It’s better not to disturb: the body is completely tuned to childbirth, and any interference is unacceptable.

Radiography of pregnant women

It is contraindicated throughout pregnancy. If there is an urgent need for it, you need to use a lead apron to protect the chest and pelvic area. The best option There will be an examination using a radiovisiograph.

Help with dental disease

  • before planned pregnancy;
  • 1 time per month in the first trimester;
  • 2 times a month up to 30 weeks;
  • 3 times a month until 39 weeks.