Treatment with mercury vapor. A mercury thermometer broke: what to do? Symptoms of chronic poisoning

Mercury is extremely toxic substance, the handling of which requires a person to have certain knowledge. That's why it's worth special attention devote to such an item in the house as mercury thermometer.

We all know very well that fragile things in the house sometimes break and break. A mercury thermometer is a rather fragile device; it is quite easy to break it. In this case, you also need poisonous metal.

But a person may not even notice that the thermometer is broken, and at this time the insidious mercury is already beginning to evaporate its toxic fumes. Therefore, every person should know the main symptoms of poisoning with this harmful substance. will help to identify poisoning in time and remove toxins that have entered the body as soon as possible.

Main symptoms of mercury poisoning

This type Symptoms of mercury poisoning begin to appear within an hour or two after it enters the human body.

Of course, there is no need to panic, daylight, the main thing is to collect and dispose of it correctly.

First aid for mercury vapor poisoning

Mercury vapor poisoning is very dangerous. And if you do not provide proper assistance in time and do not pay attention to the symptoms, then irreparable things can happen. So, what needs to be done with victims of mercury vapor:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the signs and call emergency services.
  • Urgently collect the mercury and open the windows.
  • Take the victim out of the room.
  • Without waiting for the doctors to arrive, rinse the victim’s stomach and give him something to drink activated carbon in the quantity required for its weight.
  • Give the victim plenty of fluids to drink. It can be ordinary water, tea, milk. Liquid will lead to a faster removal of toxins from the body. It is advisable to induce vomiting.
  • Give the victim water containing sulfur compounds to drink, add egg white and activated carbon.
  • Be sure to lay the victim in such a way that his head is turned to the side, otherwise he may choke.
  • If the victim loses consciousness, make sure that his tongue is not swallowed, and be sure to provide him with access to fresh air before the doctors arrive.
  • If in home medicine cabinet If you have calcium chloride or glucose solution, you can give the victim an injection before the ambulance arrives.
  • To thoroughly flush the stomach, you can use any laxative.

When providing first aid to victims of mercury vapor, it is important to remember that the life of the victims may depend on you. That is why you should not panic in such cases. Do everything thoughtfully and calmly, not forgetting that you need to clear the room of mercury.

A very informative and useful article. It contains information about the symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning, which not every person knows about. For example, from childhood I only remembered that a mercury thermometer must be handled very carefully, and if you break it, the worst can happen. My parents were able to convey this to me. I also remember an incident at school, when a fluorescent lamp was accidentally broken in the gym, the teacher quickly took us all out of the room, and ventilated the room. But I didn’t know about the symptoms of poisoning. Therefore, this article is more relevant than ever!

Mercury is a heavy metal. Its compounds in the form of salts and oxides are used in production; it is part of some paints and disinfectants. Moreover, the salts of this metal are more toxic than the oxides.

At home, mercury can be encountered when thermometers and energy-saving light bulbs are damaged. Metal vapor poisoning from one broken light bulb is unlikely. If light bulbs are damaged periodically, then chronic poisoning is quite possible. At school, in physics and chemistry lessons, reactions with mercury are carried out, so there are also cases of poisoning when safety precautions are violated when working with chemicals.

Entry routes for mercury

Mercury vapor poisoning can occur through the skin. In this case, intoxication develops slowly.

A more dangerous situation occurs when metal particles get on the mucous membranes or are swallowed. In this case, the liver experiences a toxic shock.

The most severe form of poisoning occurs after inhaling vapors or directly entering the bloodstream, since the liver is practically not involved in their neutralization.

Toxic dose of mercury

Most often, a person comes into contact with mercury when breaking a thermometer. Is it possible to get poisoned when a thermometer breaks?

“The thermometer contains about two grams of mercury. If half of this dose enters the human body, it is fatal.

Much depends on the age, gender, body weight of the person in contact with dangerous poison. The size of the room in which the mercury was released is also important.

The listed factors influence the severity of poisoning. The probability of mercury poisoning itself from a thermometer, if measures are not taken, is close to 100%, since its average toxic dose only 0.4 mg.

What to do if the thermometer breaks? This will be discussed below.

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning

Poisoning can occur acutely, for example, when inhaling vapors, subacutely and chronically, when the body does not enter large number mercury, but for a long time.

An acute course is rare and may occur in industrial accidents where mercury is used, and in other similar cases. More often there is chronic mercury poisoning from a thermometer, the symptoms of which develop gradually.

Common symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning will be:

It is important to understand that in each case the set of symptoms is individual and depends on many factors. Classic manifestations of poisoning are one thing, but cases in practice are completely different.

How to determine mercury poisoning? Symptoms are mostly nonspecific and occur with poisoning by other heavy metals, as well as inflammatory diseases various organs who also suffer from mercury intoxication. Clear evidence is provided by a blood test for the concentration of a toxic substance, which is detected in case of poisoning from 180 mcg/l and above.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning during pregnancy

Mercury poisoning during pregnancy is rare, but does occur.

The symptoms will be the same as in non-pregnant women. Intoxication is dangerous due to the threat of fetal death.

What to do if you have mercury poisoning

What to do if the thermometer breaks

Compliance with safety precautions when working with mercury in production, as well as undergoing regular medical examinations For timely detection Heavy metal intoxication reduces the risk of getting sick. At home preventive measures are to replace all mercury thermometers with electronic ones and be more careful with energy-saving lamps.

What to do if the thermometer breaks?

  1. Treat this responsibly and without panic.
  2. Get everyone out of the room.
  3. Close the door and open the windows.
  4. Children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and people with serious chronic diseases should not collect mercury.
  5. It is necessary to isolate mercury using rubber gloves in a sealed glass container. To protect yourself from inhaling toxic fumes, wear a cotton-gauze or medical mask. Feet must have shoe covers.
  6. Collect mercury with sheets of paper and using adhesive tape - gluing small balls with the sticky surface of the tape.
  7. Place everything that has had contact with mercury in a plastic bag.
  8. Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or ask them for the number where to go to clean the room and dispose of the collected metal.

Most favorable outcome have acute poisoning mild degree gravity. Greatest defeat organs occurs during prolonged intoxication. In this case, the consequences of mercury poisoning from a thermometer will be the formation of severe chronic diseases damaged organs, not to mention death. Timely request for medical care will reduce these consequences to a minimum.

Mercury is a heavy metal that is widely used in medicine and industry. IN normal conditions is in a liquid state with active evaporation. Poisoning by this substance is not uncommon; people who come into contact with mercury-containing drugs and devices are susceptible to it. Intoxication occurs not due to interaction with the metal itself, but with its vapors, which abound in rooms where a thermometer or mercury lamp was broken.

Uses of mercury

Despite its toxic properties, mercury has been found wide application in different industries:

  • chemical;
  • metallurgy;
  • military-industrial complex;
  • heavy engineering;
  • electrical engineering;
  • instrument making;
  • oil refining

Even in agriculture, heavy metal has found its place - it is used to treat seeds. But for most people, mercury is firmly associated with thermometers and fluorescent lamps. And it is their damage that is “culpable” in most cases of mercury vapor poisoning.

Main routes of mercury poisoning

Ambient natural environment although it contains mercury and its vapors, their concentration is too low to cause even mild poisoning. Typically, poisoning occurs as a result of improper handling of substances or devices containing mercury or its compounds, including:

  • household appliances and tools. These include thermometers (one device contains about 2 g of liquid metal), gas-discharge lamps, DRSh, DRL (contain several tens of milligrams of mercury, depending on the model);
  • medical drugs and accessories. Among them are some vaccines and antidotes in which mercury plays the role of a preservative. Other sources of infection include dental fillings with amalgam;
  • seafood. Fish accumulate mercury, and in some cases the concentration of mercury exceeds its content in sea ​​water several tens of times.

There are also many man-made sources of infection: daguerreotype (an ancient method of photography, now practically not used), burning gas and coal in industrial scale, breakdown of industrial mercury pumps, pressure gauges and other equipment containing a hazardous substance. Most of the industrial equipment with mercury is outdated and is not used today, but some enterprises continue to operate it due to a lack of funding.

Most often, a person is poisoned by mercury when a household thermometer is damaged. 2 g of mercury can be fatal if ingested, but if spilled metal is cleaned up quickly, the risk of acute poisoning is reduced. If mercury is not removed, or not completely removed, the accumulation of vapors continues for several months and sometimes years.

Women and children are especially vulnerable to the effects of mercury vapor.

Signs of mercury poisoning

Mercury vapor intoxication is divided into two types:

  • spicy. It is quite rare and is associated with industrial accidents that result in large amounts of metal being spilled. It appears quickly, and deaths are common;
  • chronic. Occurs during prolonged contact with metal vapors, for example, due to insufficient cleaning after a broken thermometer or lamp. Mercury accumulation can continue for months and sometimes years.

The symptoms of poisoning are the same in both cases, but the speed of their development is different. General signs intoxications in the order of their occurrence:

  • asthenic syndrome. Appears as chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Memory decreases, the person becomes irritable. Headaches are common;
  • mercury tremor. Expressed in constant trembling of the tongue, fingers, in rare cases the whole body (typical of acute poisoning). If measures are not taken, convulsions develop, after which coma may occur;
  • attack of hypotension. A decrease in pressure is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, sweating, and sometimes an increase in body temperature. Sharp decline pressure can lead to vascular collapse;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • the gums acquire a bright red tint, which is later replaced by a dark coating;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. These symptoms of mercury poisoning are associated with the formation of ulcers in the intestines and stomach. Internal bleeding may also occur;
  • non-infectious pneumonia. At acute poisoning accompanied by hemoptysis;
  • renal and liver failure. Develops gradually with chronic intoxication as it accumulates harmful substances in organs.

The symptoms listed above are average. Each body has an individual sensitivity to toxins, so some people develop all these signs, while others suffer, for example, only vomiting and low blood pressure. In addition, symptoms of mercury poisoning are characteristic of exposure to other heavy metals and some organic poisons.

The exact cause of the malaise can only be determined by a blood test - 180 mcg/l or more of mercury indicates intoxication.

First aid for mercury poisoning

If the victim has obvious signs mercury poisoning, you need to provide first aid by first calling an ambulance.

  • if respiratory or cardiac activity is impaired, resuscitation measures must be started ( indirect massage hearts, artificial respiration) and carry them out until spontaneous breathing and heartbeat resume;
  • rinse the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Medical assistance for mercury poisoning is necessary in all cases. emergency situation testify:

  • severe bleeding from the mouth;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • intense abdominal pain;
  • signs of pulmonary edema.


  • If mercury is swallowed, perform gastric lavage at home;
  • use activated carbon. In this case, it is useless - it does not bind mercury, the poisoning is not stopped, and a lot of time is wasted.

The patient is hospitalized, further therapy is carried out in a hospital setting under the constant supervision of doctors.

Treatment of mercury poisoning

The main task is to remove the toxic substance from the body. The faster this is done, the lower the risk of developing complications, which can be very dangerous, including the death of the patient. If urine and blood tests show high concentration mercury is used:

  • Dimercaprol;
  • D-penicillamine.

These drugs bind mercury and accelerate its excretion in the urine.

If mercury poisoning occurs as a result of ingestion, gastric lavage should be done. In the clinic, polythiol resins are used for this, which bind the metal and facilitate its exit from the body, preventing the further development of intoxication. Gastric lavage during treatment of mercury poisoning is done exclusively in a hospital.

For chronic poisoning the following are used:

  • N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine;
  • D-penicillamine.

The principle of action of these drugs is similar - they form complexes with mercury, binding it, and in this form removing it from the body, however, these drugs can cope with a large number mercury accumulated in the body.

Complications and consequences of mercury poisoning

If you do not apply for it in a timely manner qualified help and do not reduce the concentration of the toxic substance in the body, the consequences of mercury poisoning can be extremely severe. The risk of complications is especially high for people suffering from diseases of the immune system, oncological diseases, blood pathologies, children and pregnant women.

Mercury intoxication can cause the following disorders:

  • mental disorders;
  • persistent dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • damage to the kidneys and liver, up to the development of renal/liver failure;
  • Minamata disease (damage to the central nervous system with loss of coordination, hearing, vision and speech impairment).
Severe mercury poisoning can be fatal.

In pregnant women, mercury intoxication can result in serious pathologies of the fetus, and the risk of stillbirth increases.


The main recommendation is to avoid contact with dangerous substances if possible. But this may not always be the case, especially for those people who work in chemical industry and metallurgy. A few rules that will reduce the risk of poisoning to a minimum:

  • Handle household thermometers and fluorescent lamps carefully. It sounds trivial, but most mercury poisoning occurs due to mercury damage;
  • If a device containing mercury is broken, the metal should be removed as quickly as possible. The room is wet cleaned, mercury balls are placed in a hermetically sealed container with water. It is strictly forbidden to remove mercury with a vacuum cleaner! The best option– contact the SES and call a demercurization specialist.
  • If you come into contact with mercury, rinse your mouth with potassium chlorate. People working with toxic substances are recommended to do this daily at the end of their work shift.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Mercury poisoning from a thermometer is not as uncommon as is commonly believed. Despite the presence of many electronic instruments for measuring temperature, in every home you can find the same thermometer from Soviet times.

Mercury- the only metal that is in a liquid state. Its fumes are incredibly toxic.

Poisoned by mercury from a thermometer

Mercury vapor poisoning from a thermometer can occur:

  • if the metal balls were not completely removed from the floor, got into small crevices,
  • the thermometer was broken over the sofa, fabric, carpet, and the mercury had time to be absorbed,
  • if the child has swallowed the substance.

Almost all people know that when broken thermometer, then you need to call the appropriate services. However, almost no one does this, trying to cope with the problem on their own. As a result, after cleaning, particles may remain unnoticed and evaporate.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of mercury poisoning from a thermometer vary depending on what form of intoxication is present.

There are two types of poisoning - acute and chronic.

Acute poisoning

Most often it occurs as a result of swallowing metal balls.

Signs of mercury poisoning from a thermometer are:

  • weakness appears
  • pain in the head and throat,
  • appetite disappears
  • a metallic taste appears in the mouth,
  • gums swell and begin to bleed,
  • salivation increases,
  • diarrhea, painful sensations in the intestines, stomach,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • the temperature rises.

Most often, mercury pellet poisoning is diagnosed in children. The fact is that the child is simply interested in trying out what it is on his tongue.

However, it is worth considering that the fact that a child or adult swallowed the substance is safer for health than inhaling the vapors.

The fact is that signs of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer, in the acute form, appear quite quickly, about an hour after the incident.

Therefore, the victim can have time to provide the necessary first aid.

Mercury poisoning from a thermometer: signs

However, most often diagnosed chronic form, which occurs during vapor poisoning.

As a rule, the reason for this is inattention and reluctance to call a special team. Some of the mercury remains in the room and evaporates, releasing toxic fumes.

Symptoms of poisoning with mercury vapor from a thermometer appear after some time.

You may notice the following:

  • weakness, fatigue,
  • constant drowsiness,
  • constant headaches,
  • nervous system disorders,
  • weakening of attention,
  • trembling of fingers and toes,
  • problems arise in the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • the thyroid gland changes in size to a larger extent,
  • sensitivity to odors is reduced.

These signs of poisoning with mercury vapor from a thermometer are noticeable after inhaling the vapor for a fairly long time.

At the same time, they will appear in the child much earlier, because all processes in children's body pass much faster than in adults. Knowing how such poisoning manifests itself, it becomes possible to provide help in a timely manner.

First aid and treatment

If signs indicating mercury poisoning are detected, the following measures must be taken:

  • If poisoning occurs in vapors, then the person must be removed from the room and provided with access to fresh air.
  • In case of poisoning through swallowing, the nasal mucous membranes are washed, oral cavity, eye, skin. The fact is that mercury can penetrate the body even through the skin. For rinsing, use cool water or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If necessary, carry out resuscitation actions, for example, when breathing stops.

However, first of all, you need to call the doctors. Correctly provided first aid can save a person's life.

The following applies:

  • Gastric lavage using a tube several times a day.
  • . In this case it is Unithiol. On initial stage it is used intravenously.
  • A variety of diuretics are used to more quickly remove poison from the body.
  • If necessary, hemodialysis is performed.
  • Drugs are prescribed to support the functionality of other organs.
  • A certain vitamin therapy is used.

Treatment depends on the severity of the poisoning.

When a thermometer breaks, a person is at first lost and does not know what to do.

First of all, don't panic. You should do the following:

  • Drive everyone out of the room, while making sure that no one comes close to the place where the mercury has scattered, because it sticks very well to the soles of shoes.
  • The door to the room must be closed, but the windows, on the contrary, must be opened, but so that there are no drafts.
  • You need to put shoe covers on your feet, or, in extreme cases, plastic bags, rubber gloves on your hands, and cover your mouth and nose with a bandage.
  • Using a sheet of paper, you need to very carefully collect the balls of the substance and pour them into a container with cool water. Small particles are collected with something sticky, for example, tape or adhesive tape.
  • If mercury gets into a hard-to-reach place, you can use a bulb or syringes to collect it.
  • If necessary, you need to disassemble the baseboards.
  • Floors must be thoroughly washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or bleach. Rags and clothing that have been in contact with mercury should be placed in bags and destroyed.
  • The container with the collected substance is given to the authorities that deal with this.

By following these rules, you can avoid mercury intoxication from a thermometer and its consequences.

What not to do if the thermometer breaks

If the thermometer breaks, then you should abandon the following methods:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to collect the substance. It risks remaining there forever and evaporating, gradually poisoning a person.
  • Use a broom. It will not help, but will only spread the mercury even further.
  • Get rid of poison by throwing it away in public places (garbage chute).
  • If mercury gets on things, it is better to throw them out rather than try to wash them off.

And, of course, you can’t just sit with your hands folded and hope for someone’s help. We need to act immediately.

Consequences of mercury poisoning from a thermometer

The consequences of mercury poisoning from a thermometer can be varied. With mild intoxication, recovery is quite quick and easy.

In more serious cases, problems with nervous system, digestion, kidneys. Possible mental retardation.

Mercury poisoning can lead to negative consequences, if the necessary measures are not taken in time.

Video: The thermometer broke, what should I do?

Mercury poisoning usually occurs in mild form and the symptoms are similar to when a person eats stale food. In other words, everything looks normal eating disorder stomach:

  • malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea with vomiting.

If the diagnosis is established quickly and treatment is carried out in a timely manner, then literally a few days are enough for its treatment - the patient recovers quickly.

Symptoms of poisoning

If a person constantly, for more than one month, or even a year, encounters mercury at his place of work or residence, chronic poisoning occurs. This may be the air saturated with mercury vapor if the level is slightly exceeded. The nervous system is initially affected.

Depending on the degree of poisoning, the age of the person, how strong immune system, symptoms may vary:

  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • headaches;
  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • fatigue;
  • emotional instability, which may manifest itself in uncertainty or shyness, etc.;
  • attention and memory are weakened.

After a few days, other symptoms more characteristic of mercury poisoning appear:

  • tremor of fingers, if you stretch your arms, after a while, if not treated mercury poisoning Trembling of the lips and eyelids may also increase, with in serious condition– whole body;
  • gums begin to bleed;
  • frequent urination;
  • catarrhal manifestation upper paths breathing;
  • skin sensitivity decreases, as does taste;
  • sweating increases;
  • An enlarged thyroid gland or negative changes in cardiovascular activity may occur.

Even if a person completely stops contact with mercury, symptoms may appear several years later.

For acute form Mercury poisoning is characterized by:

  • there is a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • cough;
  • nausea;
  • elevated temperature.

Mercury negatively affects all organs of the body.

In addition to the above, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • in case of pregnancy, there may be a miscarriage or premature birth of the baby;
  • mastopathy;
  • pregnancy can be very difficult;
  • in the case of birth, the baby is weak or non-viable, or mentally retarded.

Has mercury spilled from a thermometer? How to avoid poisoning from mercury vapor?

If someone in the house accidentally breaks a thermometer and mercury spills, what should you do? The main thing is not to panic, you need to act quickly, correctly and collectedly, then you can avoid negative consequences.

      1. 1.If there are children in the room, they must be taken out quickly, since small child may want to play with shiny (mercury) balls.
      2. 2. It is necessary to illuminate the place where the mercury has scattered; for this, a lamp is placed, but not very close, but at a somewhat distant distance from the place where the mercury is located. When the light falls, all the droplets will become visible and you can collect them.
      3. 3. Wear rubber gloves on your hands, since the skin should not come into contact with mercury.
      4. 4.Neither a broom, nor a hard brush, nor a vacuum cleaner will work; you need to collect mercury balls either with a soft brush, or a piece of paper, or cotton wool. If mercury gets stuck in a crack, you need to sprinkle it with sand, then it will be easy to sweep it out with a brush onto a piece of paper.
      5. 5. Very carefully pour the mercury into a glass container filled with water or a solution of potassium permanganate.
      6. 6.Next in the room, in the place where the mercury was scattered, disinfection is carried out. To do this, take a solution of potassium permanganate (0.2%) or soap and soda (per 1 liter of water - 40 g of soap, 30 g of soda) and wet the area where the mercury was scattered directly.
      7. 7.After a few days, the area where disinfection was carried out should be rinsed with ordinary clean water.

If mercury somehow gets on clothing, it is processed, and urgently, as follows:

  • rinse for half an hour in cold water;
  • half an hour - in a solution of soap and soda, the temperature should be 70°C;
  • at the same temperature, clothes are also washed in an alkaline solution for 20 minutes;
  • rinse again in regular cold water.
  1. - Mercury must be collected in a container that is closed with a lid.
  2. - The person who removed mercury from the room needs to drink a lot of liquid. After all, mercury formations leave the human body through the kidneys.
  3. - Now it is necessary to ventilate the room well - this is done to remove those mercury vapors that may have accumulated in the air. It takes a long time to ventilate – several hours.

Sometimes it happens that small mercury droplets cannot be collected; there are several ways that can help:

  • you can take a syringe;
  • use a rubber bulb;
  • use a band-aid or tape;
  • plasticine.

Treatment of poisoning

In case of mercury poisoning, the main goal is to reduce the effect of mercury on the human body. Complete elimination this substance from the body. At the first sign, you need to go to the hospital for qualified medical help.

And while the ambulance is on its way, you can help yourself. Well, if there is milk in the refrigerator, you need to drink it, and then induce vomiting to remove the liquid.

If mercury poisoning is diagnosed in the hospital, then the patient’s stomach is initially washed and activated charcoal is given to drink. Sodium thiosulfate is also administered intravenously and certain measures are taken to protect the kidneys and liver.

If the case is very severe, then they can introduce the BAL drug, which was created for some of its purposes by the British military, but over time it has been proven that it is very effective in treating patients poisoned by mercury and some other heavy metals.

Consequences of mercury poisoning

It seems that the amount of mercury that is in the thermometer is so insignificant and minuscule that there cannot be any significant harm. But do not forget that mercury is toxic substance, especially her couple. If mercury is in a room, then people living in it will constantly breathe poisoned air - this threatens unpleasant consequences for their health.

The effect of mercury will not be immediately visible, and the symptoms are not clear and are the same as can be the case with various other diseases. Ultimately, this can lead to neurotic problems or kidney diseases.

With chronic poisoning, the risks of developing hypertension and atherosclerosis, as well as tuberculosis, increase. This substance can also have a negative effect on gallbladder, and liver, and genitals, especially in women.

If treatment is not carried out on time, then it may decrease and mental activity, exhaustion and convulsions appear.