The magic of numbers. Dreams according to the lunar calendar Lunar calendar for January dream book

Useful tips

The moon, as you know, influences not only whether certain everyday or important matters in our lives, but also helps solve dreams, affects the quality of sleep and the mood in which we wake up in the morning.

By following the movement of the Moon, you can draw conclusions about whether the dream you are having will be important, whether what you saw will come true, or better forget about him immediately. If you often see dreams and often notice that they can carry some important information, then this lunar calendar will help you navigate more easily.

Often after waking up we spend some time remember a vivid dream, but soon the routine takes over us and our thoughts, and the memory of dreams disappears. To prevent this from happening and to develop the habit of remembering and analyzing dreams, you should keep a dream diary, in which you will write down in the morning important dreams that you had at night.

Dreams are associated with the movement of the planets, but especially with the Moon. In this lunar calendar we will take into account the position of the Moon in signs, its aspects and location above or below the horizon.

In January 2017 most dreams that are clear and easy to interpret will be dreamed about in the middle of the month, on days close to the full moon, which will take place January 12(approximately from 9 to 18 January). The rest of the time it will be more difficult for you to solve dreams, but this will not make them any less interesting.

Particularly confusing and coded dreams, which will be very difficult to unravel, will most likely occur near the new moon (the new moon will take place January 28) – approximately from January 25 to 31.

We will mainly pay attention to the dreams that we have at night, because at night the Sun is under the Earth and gives way to the Moon, which is related to the subconscious. The numbers of the month will actually indicate the night when the day changes. For example, dream descriptions January 1 actually affects the period of night from December 31st to January 1st. In all cases, Moscow time is indicated.

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1 JANUARY, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:26.AQUARIUS. The beginning of the year coincides with the beginning lunar month. Today is the time of the waxing moon, New Year's Eve should be fun, positive, with a surge of strength. Dreams today may turn out to be quite memorable, unusual, and may give a hint on how to proceed next, what to do. However, understanding their meaning will not be easy. Remember the dream you had that night, if you manage to sleep: perhaps you will be able to decipher it a little later. You may dream about your friends and like-minded people, or various situations associated with them.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS , FISH from 12:58, Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57. Today it is quite possible to see prophetic dream, dreams promise to be beautiful and calm, so you will wake up without any heavy feelings after sleep. However, it is better not to try to unravel the meaning of the dream: its meaning will be hidden too far.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH. Today I will have dreams that have deep meaning. Most likely, they will be bright, fantastic, full of secrets and mysteries that you will definitely want to solve. These dreams will allow you to understand for yourself whether you have chosen the right road, whether you are moving in the right direction. For example, lighter and joyful dreams will show that you have chosen the right path, and heavy and oppressive dreams they will say that something needs to be changed. It is quite possible to see in a dream today fairy-tale heroes and situations that do not exist in reality.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH , ARIES from 19:21, Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20. Today, many dreams will turn out to be prophetic and deep, but they should not be taken literally, you should not think that everything will come true exactly as you see. Dreams can be quite heavy, oppressive, and in the morning you can be in bad mood because of this. Insomnia is possible, especially in the first half of the night.

Dreams today according to the lunar calendar

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES , Second phase of the moon from 22:48. This night, pay attention to what you hear in your dreams: some words, statements of other people, or maybe you read something in your sleep. This information can be quite important, and you can use it to your advantage if you decipher it correctly. Dreams this night may turn out to be quick, restless, and difficult to remember.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES , TAURUS from 23:19, Moon without course from 21:41 to 23:18. If you fall asleep just before the lunar phase changes, your sleep may turn out to be quite heavy and gloomy. However, this whole night is not the calmest. You may be tormented by nightmares and difficult dreams. These dreams can show things that lie very deep in the subconscious.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS. On Christmas Eve you will have beautiful and rich dreams, at the same time, this is a rather negative lunar day in terms of energy, when you may not see the most pleasant dreams. However, the negativity will soften a little thanks to positive aspect between the Moon and Venus. Try to spend the evening before Christmas in good and pleasant company, surround yourself good emotions. A dream that you have this night can show you a way out of a deadlock situation or indicate what will bring you maximum pleasure.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS , Moon without course from 05:23. Important dreams, most likely, they will dream about it in the morning. Pay attention to dreams in which you dream of food, food, feasts. Eating meat in a dream is a bad sign, but if the food is beautiful and tastes good, expect profit and pleasant gifts. A dream you had that night can indicate exactly how you should satisfy your material needs. Today there should be no nightmares, dreams will be light and non-stressful.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07, Moon without course until 01:06. The closer the Moon gets to the full moon, the easier the dreams will be to understand. Today you may still have dreams about how to achieve material stability. Also, dreams seen today may reflect your material problems, for example, if you are thinking about how to increase your income and you are consumed by your financial situation, dreams in which you lose money or cannot pay for an item purchased in a store are possible. Dreams will be more explicit than at the beginning of the month, and will not conceal very deep subconscious mysteries.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS. This night's dreams will show you how people in your inner circle treat you. If your relationship with them is tense in a dream, you quarrel or see aggression on their part, perhaps something is wrong in real life. Dreams can also indicate mistakes you make that you are unaware of. But some mistakes have something to do with people in your immediate social circle.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50, Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49. On this night you may see some events or some people connected with your past. It is also possible to see close relatives, including deceased ones, in a dream.

Will a dream come true according to the lunar calendar?


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER , FULL MOON at 14:35, Moon without course from 14:36. Close to the full moon, you will have important and memorable dreams that will indicate what you are doing wrong in reality. Full moon dreams are prophetic, they are high probability will come true, so you should pay attention to them and not neglect the clues that you receive in a dream.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.LION from 03:09, Moon without course until 03:08. Intuition will be quite strong now, because most of the night the Moon will still be moving through the water sign Cancer. This night's dream can show you the true direction of the path along which you are moving. This is especially true for those who are a little confused in life, do not understand themselves and their actions, and are tormented by the fact that they do not know how to act further.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.LION , Moon without course from 18:17. This night, most likely, you will not have any important dreams that come true. In addition, on this night the Moon will not make any major aspects at all. You may dream enjoyable activities, your hobby or even just your daily routine. You should not take these dreams seriously.

JANUARY 15, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53, Moon without course until 06:52. Almost all night the Moon will move through the sign of Leo; dreams should not be painful. Rather, they will be light and relaxed. It is possible that you will see your children or lovers in a dream. However, it is worth paying attention to relationships with loved ones in a dream; it is likely that the dream will indicate the development of relationships with them in reality.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO. This night you can see yourself in a dream from the outside. The dream will be closely connected with your essence, with how you feel and see yourself in real life. Dreams about work or co-workers are not excluded. Today you can also see in your dreams your shortcomings and how exactly you can correct them.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO ,SCALES from 14:17, Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16. The dreams of this night can be quite heavy and oppressive. It is possible to see problems, and problems that do not exist in real life. These dreams may also indicate your responsibilities and debts.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES. This night you may see dreams that will tell you where to look for partners if you want to find them. You can see events that are different in time, mixed up in time. For example, you may dream that you are much younger than you really are, when both the events and people around you in the dream are from your distant future.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES , Moon without course from 11:55. Dreams this night can be quite unexpected and even shocking. It is likely to see your partners in strange circumstances or in a strange guise. This dream may contain clues about your true relationship with them, about how exactly they treat you, whether they are hiding something or whether they have everything in plain sight.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10, Moon without course until 01:09, Fourth phase of the Moon from 01:15. A change in the lunar phase usually carries heavy energy, because the Moon and the Sun will now be in conflict. In the first half of the night, you may have dreams showing where you should invest your talents, skills, and abilities. In the second half of the night, dreams may not be the most pleasant, but they will show a lot important information, understandable to those who know how to decipher dreams. The fact is that the further from the full moon, the less easy dreams will be to interpret.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION. Intuition is heightened now, because this is the time of the water Moon, so dreams can be vivid and very symbolic. However, these dreams can hardly be called easy, because in the second half of the night there will be quite tense 23rd lunar day. Even if your dreams are confusing and difficult that night, try to think about their meaning, because they will make you understand the essence of internal conflicts.

Lunar calendar for January: dreams

JANUARY 22, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:46, Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45. Dreams this night can be quite complex, confusing and will not always be clear to you, even if you seek help from dream specialists. It is possible that you have dreams that show your problems. intimate life. If, for example, you dream of lovers who do not exist in reality, the relationship with whom you hide from your partners, it is likely that your partners do not satisfy you in some way. Subconsciously, you strive to find someone else. However, indications of relationships can be expressed in a very veiled manner, hidden under symbols and signs.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS. This night's dreams may be light and not particularly memorable. It is possible that you may dream about distant countries or people from afar. These dreams most likely will not come true.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS , Moon without course from 20:33. The dreams you will have during this time will be based on your spiritual development. If you seek to know yourself and are looking for answers to important issues, this night can give you answers to them. People who don’t particularly think about the meaning of life will dream of empty and empty dreams. meaningful dreams that they will quickly forget.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44, Moon without course until 01:43. If work and climbing the career ladder occupy an important place in your life, expect dreams that will give clues about the development of events in these areas. In the dreams you have this night, you will most likely see yourself not in a distorted or symbolic form. Although it will not be so easy to understand the secret meaning of the dream, the events in these dreams will be quite simple.

01 January 2017 Sunday
The moon is in the sign of Aquarius.
First Lunar Phase (Waxing Moon).
At 11:14 the 4th Lunar day begins.
until 11:14 the 3rd lunar day continues

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From this day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. Tasks of the day - liberation from your negative emotions, from disrespect for yourself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with your pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people on this day they are vulnerable, they can suffer defeat and even get injured - both physical and mental. The internal energy of the body is especially strong on this day, so you will have enough strength for both self-defense and starting new things. It is advisable to give yourself a lot of intense exercise on this day. physical activity, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unspent, will harm you and you may suffer internal organs, illness begins. On this day they work with metals and sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
Dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly pass in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the ending you want.
Medically You should pay attention to the area of ​​the back of the head and ears.
This lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or hooligan. Passion and activity will possess the person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from the strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
May become good athletes, military and also to succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed. at 11:14 the 4th lunar day begins

Symbol - Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This day is good for solitude and passivity. It’s good to do quiet household chores and relax peacefully with your family. This day is the first of the unfavorable ones - it is considered the day of the fall of man. All sorts of temptations are possible, you may be asked to choose between good and evil, you may be tempted to do something bad. Therefore, you need to think ten times before making a decision. Prayer will help you make the right decision. Group work is contraindicated; you cannot pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to be in nature on this day, unravel the threads. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries).
Divination. Only yes or no.
Dreams. Your parents may appear in one way or another in the dreams of these lunar days. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you inherited from them and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful. If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.
Medically The 4th lunar day is associated with the larynx, and the release of negative energy leads to osteochondrosis.
Procreation Day. Perhaps the soul of one of your ancestors will return to your family. A gentle child of home and family will be born if he does not become lazy. "Bathe each other" on this day of Love.
Those born on this lunar day can grow up to be big egoists or even become criminals. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide them on the right path.
They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as ourselves. But if they manage to solve the inner mystery, they become amazing people.

The Moon, as you know, influences not only whether certain everyday or important affairs in our life will be successful, but also helps solve dreams, affects the quality of sleep and the mood in which we wake up in the morning.

By following the movement of the Moon, you can draw conclusions about whether the dream you are having will be important, whether what you saw will come true, or better forget about him immediately. If you often see and often notice that they are capable of carrying some important information, then this one will help you navigate more easily.

Often after waking up we spend some time remember a vivid dream, but soon the routine takes over us and our thoughts, and the memory of dreams disappears. To prevent this from happening and to develop the habit of remembering and analyzing, you should keep a dream diary, in which you will write down in the morning important dreams that you had at night.

Dreams are associated with the movement of the planets, but especially with the Moon. In this lunar calendar we will take into account the position of the Moon in signs, its aspects and location above or below the horizon.

In January 2017 most dreams that are clear and easy to interpret will be dreamed about in the middle of the month, on days close to the full moon, which will take place January 12(approximately from 9 to 18 January). The rest of the time it will be more difficult for you to solve dreams, but this will not make them any less interesting.

Particularly confusing and coded dreams, which will be very difficult to unravel, will most likely occur near the new moon (the new moon will take place January 28) – approximately from January 25 to 31.

We will mainly pay attention to the dreams that we have at night, because at night the Sun is under the Earth and gives way to the Moon, which is related to the subconscious. The numbers of the month will actually indicate the night when the day changes. For example, dream descriptions January 1 actually affects the period of night from December 31st to January 1st. In all cases, Moscow time is indicated.


1 JANUARY, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:26.AQUARIUS. The beginning of the year coincides with the beginning of the lunar month. Today is the time of the waxing moon, New Year's Eve should be fun, positive, with a surge of strength. Dreams today may turn out to be quite memorable, unusual, and may give a hint on how to proceed next, what to do. However, understanding their meaning will not be easy. Remember the dream you had that night, if you manage to sleep: perhaps you will be able to decipher it a little later. You may dream about your friends and like-minded people, or various situations related to them.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS, FISH from 12:58, Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57. Today it is quite possible to have a prophetic dream; dreams promise to be beautiful and calm, so you will wake up without any heavy feelings after sleep. However, it is better not to try to unravel the meaning of the dream: its meaning will be hidden too far.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH. Today you will have dreams that have a deep meaning. Most likely, they will be bright, fantastic, full of secrets and riddles that you will certainly want to solve. These dreams will allow you to understand for yourself whether you have chosen the right road, whether you are moving in the right direction. For example, lighter and more joyful dreams will show that you have chosen the right path, while difficult and oppressive dreams will tell you that something needs to be changed. It is quite possible today to see fairy-tale characters and situations that do not exist in reality in your dreams.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH, ARIES from 19:21, Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20. Today, many dreams will turn out to be prophetic and deep, but they should not be taken literally, you should not think that everything will come true exactly as you see. Dreams can be quite heavy, oppressive, and in the morning you can be in a bad mood because of this. Insomnia is possible, especially in the first half of the night.

Dreams today according to the lunar calendar

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES, Second phase of the moon from 22:48. This night, pay attention to what you hear in your dreams: some words, statements of other people, or maybe you read something in your sleep. This information can be quite important, and you can use it to your advantage if you decipher it correctly. Dreams this night may turn out to be quick, restless, and difficult to remember.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES, TAURUS from 23:19, Moon without course from 21:41 to 23:18. If you fall asleep just before the lunar phase changes, your sleep may turn out to be quite heavy and gloomy. However, this whole night is not the calmest. You may be tormented by nightmares and difficult dreams. These dreams can show things that lie very deep in the subconscious.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS. On Christmas Eve you will have beautiful and rich dreams, at the same time, this is a rather negative lunar day in terms of energy, when you may not see the most pleasant dreams. However, the negativity will soften a little due to the positive aspect between the Moon and Venus. Try to spend the evening before Christmas in good and pleasant company, surround yourself with good emotions. A dream that you have this night can show you a way out of a deadlock situation or indicate what will bring you maximum pleasure.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS, Moon without course from 05:23. Important dreams will most likely occur in the morning. Pay attention to dreams in which you dream of food, food, feasts. Eating meat in a dream is a bad sign, but if the food is beautiful and tastes good, expect profit and pleasant gifts. A dream you had that night can indicate exactly how you should satisfy your material needs. Today there should be no nightmares, dreams will be light and non-stressful.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07, Moon without course until 01:06. The closer the Moon gets to the full moon, the easier the dreams will be to understand. Today you may still have dreams about how to achieve material stability. Also, dreams seen today may reflect your financial problems, for example, if you are thinking about how to increase your income and you are devastated by your financial situation, it is possible that you have dreams in which you lose money or are unable to pay for an item purchased in a store. Dreams will be more explicit than at the beginning of the month, and will not conceal very deep subconscious mysteries.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS. This night's dreams will show you how people in your inner circle treat you. If you are tense with them in a dream, you quarrel or see aggression on their part, perhaps something is wrong in real life. Dreams can also indicate mistakes you make that you are unaware of. But some mistakes have something to do with people in your immediate social circle.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50, Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49. On this night you may see some events or some people connected with your past. It is also possible to see close relatives, including deceased ones, in a dream.

Will a dream come true according to the lunar calendar?


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER, FULL MOON at 14:35, Moon without course from 14:36. Close to the full moon, you will have important and memorable dreams that will indicate what you are doing wrong in reality. Full moon dreams are prophetic, they are very likely to come true, so you should pay attention to them and not neglect the clues that you receive in a dream.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.LION from 03:09, Moon without course until 03:08. Intuition will be quite strong now, because most of the night the Moon will still be moving through the water sign Cancer. This night's dream can show you the true direction of the path along which you are moving. This is especially true for those who are a little confused in life, do not understand themselves and their actions, and are tormented by the fact that they do not know how to act further.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.LION, Moon without course from 18:17. This night, most likely, you will not have any important dreams that come true. In addition, on this night the Moon will not make any major aspects at all. You may dream about enjoyable activities, your hobby, or even just your daily routine. You should not take these dreams seriously.

JANUARY 15, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53, Moon without course until 06:52. Almost all night the Moon will move through the sign of Leo; dreams should not be painful. Rather, they will be light and relaxed. It is possible that you will see your children or lovers in a dream. However, it is worth paying attention to relationships with loved ones in a dream; it is likely that the dream will indicate the development of relationships with them in reality.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO. This night you can see yourself in a dream from the outside. The dream will be closely connected with your essence, with how you feel and see yourself in real life. Dreams about work or co-workers are not excluded. Today you can also see in your dreams your shortcomings and how exactly you can correct them.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO,SCALES from 14:17, Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16. The dreams of this night can be quite heavy and oppressive. It is possible to see problems, and problems that do not exist in real life. These dreams may also indicate your responsibilities and debts.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES. This night you may see dreams that will tell you where to look for partners if you want to find them. You can see events that are different in time, mixed up in time. For example, you may dream that you are much younger than you really are, when both the events and people around you in the dream are from your distant future.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES, Moon without course from 11:55. Dreams this night can be quite unexpected and even shocking. It is likely to see your partners in strange circumstances or in a strange guise. This dream may contain clues about your true relationship with them, about how exactly they treat you, whether they are hiding something or whether they have everything in plain sight.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10, Moon without course until 01:09, Fourth phase of the Moon from 01:15. A change in the lunar phase usually carries heavy energy, because the Moon and the Sun will now be in conflict. In the first half of the night, you may have dreams showing where you should invest your talents, skills, and abilities. In the second half of the night, dreams may not be the most pleasant, but they will show a lot of important information that is understandable to those who know how to decipher dreams. The fact is that the further from the full moon, the less easy dreams will be to interpret.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION. Intuition is heightened now, because this is the time of the water Moon, so dreams can be vivid and very symbolic. However, these dreams can hardly be called light, because in the second half of the night there will be a rather intense 23rd lunar day. Even if your dreams are confusing and difficult that night, try to think about their meaning, because they will make you understand the essence of internal conflicts.

for January: dreams

JANUARY 22, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION, SAGITTARIUS from 13:46, Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45. Dreams this night can be quite complex, confusing and will not always be clear to you, even if you seek help from dream specialists. It is possible that you have dreams that show problems in your intimate life. If, for example, you dream of lovers who do not exist in reality, with whom you are hiding from your partners, it is likely that your partners do not satisfy you in some way. Subconsciously, you strive to find someone else. However, indications of this can be expressed in a very veiled manner, hidden under symbols and signs.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS. This night's dreams may be light and not particularly memorable. It is possible that you may dream about distant countries or people from afar. These dreams most likely will not come true.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS, Moon without course from 20:33. The dreams you will have during this time will be based on your spiritual development. If you seek to know yourself and are looking for answers to important questions, this night can give you answers. People who do not particularly think about the meaning of life will have empty and meaningless dreams that they will quickly forget.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44, Moon without course until 01:43. If work and climbing the career ladder occupy an important place in your life, expect dreams that will give clues about the development of events in these areas. In the dreams you have this night, you will most likely see yourself not in a distorted or symbolic form. Although it will not be so easy to understand the secret meaning of the dream, the events in these dreams will be quite simple.

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN. Listen carefully and try to remember the information that you receive from the dream, or the words of the people who will appear in your dream. This information will help you understand what you really want. The dreams that you will have today may seem uninteresting and meaningless, since the information in them will be too encoded.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS from 11:38, Moon without course from 10:18 to 11:37. This night may be quite eventful in terms of dreams, but it will be very difficult to decipher them. These could be dreams about work, about your goals and your aspirations. It is possible that in a dream you will see yourself in the future; you will be active in achieving what you want. A dream can help you look at your weaknesses from the outside, and if you correctly understand the hints, you can use these weaknesses or eradicate them for your own benefit.

When do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar?


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS, NEW MOON at 03:07. It’s time for heavy dreams, you may have nightmares, the dreams are quite unpleasant and will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Negative dreams indicate what is worth changing, what to pay attention to, what problems to get rid of, what to change in yourself. Don't be afraid of these dreams, they are extremely important. The dreams that you will have in the morning, on the contrary, promise to be positive and memorable, although it will be very difficult to unravel their meaning. It is likely that you will have dreams that will give indications of relationships with your friends in the coming month. Today, it’s better to wake up early, because the first lunar day will begin early in the morning - the most magical time of the month, when you should think about your dreams, make wishes, and make plans.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS, FISHfrom 19:11, Moon without course from 08:52 to 19:10. Dreams today are dictated by intuition. The meaning does not lie on the surface, it is hidden somewhere very deep, so these dreams may well seem empty and uninteresting. However, if now in your life there is difficult situation, a dream seen today can help you find non-standard solution problems.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH. The beginning of the lunar month can give you good mood, a surge of vigor and strength. We advise you to get a good night's sleep from Sunday to Monday, then the whole next week you'll feel pretty good. Dreams that occurred on the night of January 30 may, at first glance, be easy to understand, but they may contain a rather veiled meaning. Don't trust your first impression after sleep. The dreams you see this night can show you your true capabilities.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH. This night you can see vivid and rather fantastic dreams. The fantasy of the subconscious will work at full strength, you may be surprised how interesting and unusual your fantasy stories can turn out to be. However, you should think about how to connect reality with a dream, the connection will not be obvious, but its existence cannot be denied.

The Moon, as you know, influences not only whether certain everyday or important affairs in our life will be successful, but also helps solve dreams, affects the quality of sleep and the mood in which we wake up in the morning.

By following the movement of the Moon, you can draw conclusions about whether the dream you are having will be important, whether what you saw will come true, or better forget about him immediately. If you often see dreams and often notice that they can carry some important information, then this lunar calendar will help you navigate more easily.

Often after waking up we spend some time remember a vivid dream, but soon the routine takes over us and our thoughts, and the memory of dreams disappears. To prevent this from happening and to develop the habit of remembering and analyzing dreams, you should keep a dream diary, in which you will write down in the morning important dreams that you had at night.

Dreams are associated with the movement of the planets, but especially with the Moon. In this lunar calendar we will take into account the position of the Moon in signs, its aspects and location above or below the horizon.

In January 2017 the most dreams that are clear and easy to interpret will be dreamed about in the middle of the month, on days close to the full moon, which will take place on January 12 (approximately from January 9 to 18). The rest of the time it will be more difficult for you to solve dreams, but this will not make them any less interesting.

Particularly confusing and coded dreams, which will be very difficult to unravel, will most likely occur near the new moon (the new moon will take place on January 28) - from approximately January 25 to 31.

We will mainly pay attention to the dreams that we have at night, because at night the Sun is under the Earth and gives way to the Moon, which is related to the subconscious. The numbers of the month will actually indicate the night when the day changes. For example, dream descriptions January 1st actually affects the night period from December 31st to January 1st. In all cases, Moscow time is indicated.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for January 2017 section:


1 JANUARY, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:26.AQUARIUS. The beginning of the year coincides with the beginning of the lunar month. Today is the time of the waxing moon, New Year's Eve should be fun, positive, with a surge of strength. Dreams today may turn out to be quite memorable, unusual, and may give a hint on how to proceed next, what to do. However, understanding their meaning will not be easy. Remember the dream you had that night, if you manage to sleep: perhaps you will be able to decipher it a little later. You may dream about your friends and like-minded people, or various situations related to them.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS, FISH from 12:58, Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57. Today it is quite possible to have a prophetic dream; dreams promise to be beautiful and calm, so you will wake up without any heavy feelings after sleep. However, it is better not to try to unravel the meaning of the dream: its meaning will be hidden too far.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH. Today you will have dreams that have a deep meaning. Most likely, they will be bright, fantastic, full of secrets and riddles that you will certainly want to solve. These dreams will allow you to understand for yourself whether you have chosen the right road, whether you are moving in the right direction. For example, lighter and more joyful dreams will show that you have chosen the right path, while difficult and oppressive dreams will tell you that something needs to be changed. It is quite possible today to see fairy-tale characters and situations that do not exist in reality in your dreams.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH, ARIES from 19:21, Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20. Today, many dreams will turn out to be prophetic and deep, but they should not be taken literally, you should not think that everything will come true exactly as you see. Dreams can be quite heavy, oppressive, and in the morning you can be in a bad mood because of this. Insomnia is possible, especially in the first half of the night.

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES, Second phase of the moon from 22:48. This night, pay attention to what you hear in your dreams: some words, statements of other people, or maybe you read something in your sleep. This information can be quite important, and you can use it to your advantage if you decipher it correctly. Dreams this night may turn out to be quick, restless, and difficult to remember.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES, TAURUSfrom 23:19, Moon without course from 21:41 to 23:18. If you fall asleep just before the lunar phase changes, your sleep may turn out to be quite heavy and gloomy. However, this whole night is not the calmest. You may be tormented by nightmares and difficult dreams. These dreams can show things that lie very deep in the subconscious.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS. On Christmas Eve you will have beautiful and rich dreams, at the same time, this is a rather negative lunar day in terms of energy, when you may not see the most pleasant dreams. However, the negativity will soften a little due to the positive aspect between the Moon and Venus. Try to spend the evening before Christmas in good and pleasant company, surround yourself with good emotions. A dream that you have this night can show you a way out of a deadlock situation or indicate what will bring you maximum pleasure.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS, Moon without course from 05:23. Important dreams will most likely occur in the morning. Pay attention to dreams in which you dream of food, food, feasts. Eating meat in a dream is a bad sign, but if the food is beautiful and tastes good, expect profit and pleasant gifts. A dream you had that night can indicate exactly how you should satisfy your material needs. Today there should be no nightmares, dreams will be light and non-stressful.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07, Moon without course until 01:06. The closer the Moon gets to the full moon, the easier the dreams will be to understand. Today you may still have dreams about how to achieve material stability. Also, dreams seen today may reflect your financial problems, for example, if you are thinking about how to increase your income and you are bothered by your financial situation, it is possible that you have dreams in which you lose money or cannot pay for an item purchased in a store. Dreams will be more explicit than at the beginning of the month, and will not conceal very deep subconscious mysteries.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS. This night's dreams will show you how people in your inner circle treat you. If your relationship with them in a dream is tense, you quarrel or see aggression on their part, perhaps something is wrong in real life. Dreams can also indicate mistakes you make that you are unaware of. But some mistakes have something to do with people in your immediate social circle.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50, Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49. On this night you may see some events or some people connected with your past. It is also possible to see close relatives, including deceased ones, in a dream.


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER, FULL MOON at 14:35, Moon without course from 14:36. Close to the full moon, you will have important and memorable dreams that will indicate what you are doing wrong in reality. Full moon dreams are prophetic, they are very likely to come true, so you should pay attention to them and not neglect the clues that you receive in a dream.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.LION from 03:09, Moon without course until 03:08. Intuition will be quite strong now, because most of the night the Moon will still be moving through the water sign Cancer. This night's dream can show you the true direction of the path along which you are moving. This is especially true for those who are a little confused in life, do not understand themselves and their actions, and are tormented by the fact that they do not know how to act further.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.LION, Moon without course from 18:17. This night, most likely, you will not have any important dreams that come true. In addition, on this night the Moon will not make any major aspects at all. You may dream about enjoyable activities, your hobby, or even just your daily routine. You should not take these dreams seriously.

JANUARY 15, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGOfrom 06:53, Moon without course until 06:52. Almost all night the Moon will move through the sign of Leo; dreams should not be painful. Rather, they will be light and relaxed. It is possible that you will see your children or lovers in a dream. However, it is worth paying attention to relationships with loved ones in a dream; it is likely that the dream will indicate the development of relationships with them in reality.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO. This night you can see yourself in a dream from the outside. The dream will be closely connected with your essence, with how you feel and see yourself in real life. Dreams about work or co-workers are not excluded. Today you can also see in your dreams your shortcomings and how exactly you can correct them.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO,SCALES from 14:17, Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16. The dreams of this night can be quite heavy and oppressive. It is possible to see problems, and problems that do not exist in real life. These dreams may also indicate your responsibilities and debts.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES. This night you may see dreams that will tell you where to look for partners if you want to find them. You can see events that are different in time, mixed up in time. For example, you may dream that you are much younger than you really are, when both the events and people around you in the dream are from your distant future.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES, Moon without course from 11:55. Dreams this night can be quite unexpected and even shocking. It is likely to see your partners in strange circumstances or in a strange guise. This dream may contain clues about your true relationship with them, about how exactly they treat you, whether they are hiding something or whether they have everything in plain sight.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10, Moon without course until 01:09, Fourth phase of the Moon from 01:15. A change in the lunar phase usually carries heavy energy, because the Moon and the Sun will now be in conflict. In the first half of the night, you may have dreams showing where you should invest your talents, skills, and abilities. In the second half of the night, dreams may not be the most pleasant, but they will show a lot of important information that is understandable to those who know how to decipher dreams. The fact is that the further from the full moon, the less easy dreams will be to interpret.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION. Intuition is heightened now, because this is the time of the water Moon, so dreams can be vivid and very symbolic. However, these dreams can hardly be called light, because in the second half of the night there will be a rather intense 23rd lunar day. Even if your dreams are confusing and difficult that night, try to think about their meaning, because they will make you understand the essence of internal conflicts.

JANUARY 22, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION, SAGITTARIUS from 13:46, Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45. Dreams this night can be quite complex, confusing and will not always be clear to you, even if you seek help from dream specialists. It is possible that you have dreams that show problems in your intimate life. If, for example, you dream of lovers who do not exist in reality, the relationship with whom you hide from your partners, it is likely that your partners do not satisfy you in some way. Subconsciously, you strive to find someone else. However, indications of relationships can be expressed in a very veiled manner, hidden under symbols and signs.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS. This night's dreams may be light and not particularly memorable. It is possible that you may dream about distant countries or people from afar. These dreams most likely will not come true.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS, Moon without course from 20:33. The dreams you will have during this time will be based on your spiritual development. If you seek to know yourself and are looking for answers to important questions, this night can give you answers. People who do not particularly think about the meaning of life will have empty and meaningless dreams that they will quickly forget.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44, Moon without course until 01:43. If work and climbing the career ladder occupy an important place in your life, expect dreams that will give clues about the development of events in these areas. In the dreams you have this night, you will most likely see yourself not in a distorted or symbolic form. Although it will not be so easy to understand the secret meaning of the dream, the events in these dreams will be quite simple.

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN. Listen carefully and try to remember the information that you receive from the dream, or the words of the people who will appear in your dream. This information will help you understand what you really want. The dreams that you will have today may seem uninteresting and meaningless, since the information in them will be too encoded.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS from 11:38, Moon without course from 10:18 to 11:37. This night may be quite eventful in terms of dreams, but it will be very difficult to decipher them. These could be dreams about work, about your goals and your aspirations. It is possible that in a dream you will see yourself in the future; you will be active in achieving what you want. A dream can help you look at your weaknesses from the outside, and if you correctly understand the hints, you can use these weaknesses or eradicate them for your own benefit.


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS, NEW MOON at 03:07. It’s time for heavy dreams, you may have nightmares, the dreams are quite unpleasant and will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Negative dreams indicate what you should change, what you should pay attention to, what problems you should get rid of, what you should change in yourself. Don't be afraid of these dreams, they are extremely important. The dreams that you will have in the morning, on the contrary, promise to be positive and memorable, although it will be very difficult to unravel their meaning. It is likely that you will have dreams that will give indications of relationships with your friends in the coming month. Today, it’s better to wake up early, because early in the morning the first lunar day will begin - the most magical time of the month, when you should think about your dreams, make wishes, and make plans.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS, FISHfrom 19:11, Moon without course from 08:52 to 19:10. Dreams today are dictated by intuition. The meaning does not lie on the surface, it is hidden somewhere very deep, so these dreams may well seem empty and uninteresting. However, if there is a difficult situation in your life now, a dream you saw today can help you find a non-standard solution to the problem.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH. The beginning of the lunar month can give you a good mood, a surge of vigor and strength. We advise you to get a good night's sleep from Sunday to Monday, then you will feel pretty good throughout the next week. Dreams that occurred on the night of January 30 may, at first glance, be easy to understand, but they may contain a rather veiled meaning. Don't trust your first impression after sleep. The dreams you see this night can show you your true capabilities.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH. This night you can see vivid and rather fantastic dreams. The fantasy of the subconscious will work at full strength, you may be surprised how interesting and unusual your fantasy stories can turn out to be. However, you should think about how to connect reality with a dream, the connection will not be obvious, but its existence cannot be denied.

Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Leo

Under the sign of Leo, the lunar calendar promises success in matters that require energy expenditure. If you organize cultural event or corporate party, it will bring success! The Moon in the sign Leo is a favorable time for team building and establishing business contacts. The lunar horoscope for today promises a strong craving for relaxation and entertainment. On this day, entertainment establishments will make a profit. Some people have a tendency towards excitement and adventurism; these are precisely the traits that are inherent in representatives of the Leo sign.

If you have financial matters ahead that involve large expenses, it is recommended that you think through them carefully and postpone them until better times. It is not advisable to draw up contracts related to real estate.

Lunar day today

15th lunar day

Today there is a high probability various kinds temptations. The outcome will depend only on you and your true intentions. You should be careful not to make too many mistakes.

The day is conducive to maintaining strong family relationships. Great for family dinners and meetings with loved ones with whom communication has long been interrupted.

The dream that appeared this night will surely come true in reality. Moreover, you will be able to see it very soon. Perhaps on the same day. The emotions that the realization of this dream will bring you depend only on the mood of the vision itself.

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year. This way you can find out when it is better to cut your hair on lunar days favorable for haircuts.

Waning Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waning Moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. You should not expect efficiency and quick decision-making from him. This is the most last phase, which leads to a sharp reduction in activity.

During this period, you should sum up the results of previously started tasks or carry out their leisurely continuation. You should not start implementing new ideas; it is better to postpone such matters for a more appropriate time.

As for health, the lunar day today is conducive to reducing any type of training. This also applies mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal altercations with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to irresolvable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what lunar day it is today. The current period encourages you to take all problems and joys too seriously. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Lunar horoscope Friday

Friday is the day of the week, which is under the influence of Venus, personifying mystery, lightness, mystery. The lunar horoscope for today promises good luck for the female half.
From time immemorial, Friday has been considered women's day. It is not advisable for young girls to overload themselves with activities and be subjected to heavy workload; they can take time to take care of themselves, take stock of the whole week, freeing themselves from unnecessary tasks.
On this day you can prepare plans for the coming week, but you should not implement all the ideas on one day.

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work.
A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates results through dreams.
All the stories that you manage to remember by the morning will find a place in real life. The meaning of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events.
If you dreamed of something pleasant, then you should expect good luck in life.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for January 13th

Today the experienced strategist in you will awaken. Without getting hung up on small problems and details, decisively make fateful, important decisions - only in this case will you achieve success!

The horoscope promises that in the next 24 hours you will be the most charming and attractive person, to whom others will forgive mistakes, sins and even unfulfilled promises.

Feel like everything is happening in slow motion today? This must be experienced and accepted. Could it be bad weather or insomnia that tormented you the night before?

According to your horoscope, this is a great time for visits, or for receiving guests. You will participate in small talk and entertainment with sincere desire and pleasure.

This song definitely helps you build and live today. The soul is light and carefree. And with such a wonderful feeling of freedom and happiness, you will calmly go to bed and see wonderful dreams.

It's not going to be an easy day! Any little thing or mistake you make can ruin your mood. Be extremely careful, collected and check that you have turned off electrical appliances and taken all the necessary things with you when leaving the apartment.

Today you will feel the need to make changes in your life. Don’t resist this impulse, but on the contrary, push yourself to innovate. Let it be a new hairstyle, an experiment with the wardrobe, an attempt to find some good habit or get rid of harmful ones.

And you need to remember the saying: my tongue is my enemy. You hate lying and being a hypocrite, but today you will have to face a particularly inadequate reaction to your sincerity and integrity.

Your attempts to convince others that you are right are doomed to failure. Don’t waste your own energy fighting windmills, but do as you see fit. Perhaps then people will appreciate your achievements and understand that they were mistaken in disagreeing with you.

Today you will have the difficult test of listening to the confession of an offended person. An outburst of negativity: complaints, lamentations will not only have a depressing effect on you, but will also deprive you of the opportunity to calmly complete all the tasks planned for the day.

You generate great ideas at great speed. Your head is bright and full of smart thoughts. Will it be possible to implement them? Don’t even doubt it, the stars are positioned in such a way that any of your ideas will definitely be given the green light!

The holiday has arrived on your street! Today you have the right not to work, but to enjoy your vacation, visit the theater, concert, go to a banquet, or even just lie in bed with a fascinating book.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 05/02/2019

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday have great value. There is a high probability that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem...