What kind of doctor is an orthopedist? When should a child be taken to a pediatric orthopedist? Symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The head of the 4th traumatology and orthopedic department of the Moscow Regional Children's Orthopedic and Surgical Hospital, a doctor of the highest category, Andrei Strakhov, tells the story.

Why does the head bow?

The first thing the orthopedist will notice is whether the child's head is exactly on the midline. He will give the head the correct position, fix the shoulder girdle evenly and feel the tension of the neck muscles - is it the same on both sides. The doctor looks to see if the newborn has muscular torticollis.

Sometimes the mother can also notice it: no matter how she puts the baby, he always tilts his head to the side and turns it to the side. This is underdevelopment of the sternoclavicular heart muscle. Normally it consists of muscle fibers, and when it is underdeveloped, the fibers are replaced by connective tissue, which stretches less well. During birth, the baby walks through birth canal, changes the position of the head. The neck muscles have to work - sometimes contract, sometimes stretch, and where there is a lot of connective tissue and less elasticity, rupture and hemorrhage occur. This manifests itself as a slight swelling on the neck. You may not even notice it, especially since the swelling goes away after 3 weeks. But incorrect position the head remains. As doctors say: the child turns away from the sick side.

Correcting torticollis

If your baby is diagnosed with torticollis, begin treatment immediately.

● The doctor may prescribe orthopedic styles and collars that will support the head in the desired position.

● The child will be advised on the correct orthotic regimen. The crib will have to be placed so that the baby, seeing his mother enter the room, turns his head in the painful direction. You will have to hang toys on the side of the injured muscle, and on the same side you will have to play with the baby and feed him. Then the sore muscle will stretch.

● The baby will be prescribed therapeutic exercises and a special, not just restorative massage to stretch the sore muscle and strengthen the other, healthy one. As well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

A minor injury can take up to a year to heal. In serious cases, the child will be treated for up to three years, and if treatment does not help, surgery will be performed. There is no need to be afraid when you hear the diagnosis of torticollis, but you will definitely have to undergo treatment. Without treatment, this pathology will lead to serious deformations of the skull, the face will become ugly, the shoulders will become distorted, and this will subsequently be impossible to correct.

Folded legs

The second thing the orthopedist will look at in a month is the folded legs.

The legs must be the same length. When a mother straightens them on a newborn baby, one leg seems shorter to her, then the other. The orthopedist checks the length incorrectly. He bends the legs at the hip joints to 90 degrees, then bends the knees and looks to see if the knees are at the same level.

Are the folds on the butt and legs symmetrical? This is also visible to the mother. There should be two folds on each back thigh, one on each buttock. If one fold is higher than the other on the buttocks, or there are two folds on one thigh and one on the other, this may be a symptom of underdevelopment of the hip joint. But to make a diagnosis, you need to look for other symptoms. Or get a conclusion from a neurologist that the baby is not his patient. Because asymmetry of folds also occurs with increased tone on one side of the body.

The spread of the bent legs also does not completely indicate whether the baby has a dislocated hip joint or not. But the orthopedist will definitely check this dilution. He will place the baby on his back, bend his legs at the hip and knees and spread them apart, like a tobacco chicken. Each leg should be abducted 70–90 degrees, that is, it should almost lie on the table. But when one almost lies down, and the other clearly does not, this can also be either a symptom of underdevelopment of the joint or a sign increased tone. But a click when spreading always indicates a problem with the joint.

If joint underdevelopment is suspected, the baby will be referred to ultrasound examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should be started as soon as possible. It will require a lot of effort and time from parents, but now, in the first year of life, the joint can be helped to develop. Then, five to ten years later, admiring how the child is engaged in dancing or figure skating, the parents will not even remember that their baby (and for some reason girls are more susceptible to this pathology) could remain lame for life.

In the stirrups

What treatment will the baby now have?

● The doctor may prescribe wide swaddling with a Frejka pillow. It is placed between the legs and fixed on the baby's chest and hips. Parents sometimes feel that lying with such a pillow day and night is terribly uncomfortable. Actually this is not true. Using this pillow to spread the baby's legs, the doctor relieved the sore joint and gave it a normal position. The joint is now feeling good and will begin to develop quickly.

● To improve blood circulation in this area, the doctor may prescribe electrophoresis with various drugs.

● Ossification of the femoral head should occur between the third and sixth months. When it is delayed (this can be seen on an x-ray), electrophoresis with calcium and phosphorus is prescribed.

● Then the legs are fixed with a splint. If the underdevelopment is significant, there are Pavlik stirrups, they also keep the legs bent and spread apart, only in the stirrups does the child have some opportunity to move.

● If the dislocation is severe, the question of casting arises.

● If conservative treatment it didn’t help in a year, the child will have to have surgery, which is best done between one and three years. It is clear that the prospect is not happy, but it is better to undergo surgery than to become disabled.

● General massage, restorative baths with sea ​​salt, long walks fresh air and vitamin D is simply necessary. It improves the absorption and metabolism of calcium in the bones. Babies need to introduce egg yolk and cottage cheese into complementary foods in a timely manner and give it in combination with vitamin drinks– rose hips or lemon water, because vitamin C promotes calcium absorption.

Main vitamin

At three months it would be good to show the baby to the orthopedist again. The doctor will carefully look for the first signs of rickets: brittle hair, baldness on the back of the head, sweaty palms? Rickets not only makes bones weak, it also weakens muscles. And the baby is getting ready to sit down. If at 7 months he cannot sit correctly due to weak muscles, his spine will not form correctly. Kyphosis - a hunched back - may occur.

To prevent rickets, you need to take vitamin D3 in prophylactic doses. In our latitudes, there is not enough for the production of this vitamin in the body in spring, autumn and winter. sunlight. If the summer is dry, sunny and the baby lies naked in the shade outside every day from 9 to 11 o’clock, then he has enough ultraviolet radiation and does not need to take the vitamin. And if it rains for a month in the summer, prophylactic doses You should take vitamin D3 even during this season.

Orthopedists believe that vitamin D should be taken prophylactically to all children from one month to two years. But if the child is artificial feeding, this vitamin may already be part of the milk formula. Pay attention to this.

Let's get back on our feet

And an orthopedist should definitely see the child every year. If he had even the slightest orthopedic problems at birth, they will now be clearly visible.

The doctor will check:

● How correctly and proportionately the skeleton is developed. Aren't the shoulders shorter than the forearms, the thighs shorter than the shins?

● How proportionately the skull is developed.

● How the child places his foot. It’s too early to talk about gait; it is still being developed and will be visible at one and a half years.

● How joints work.

In order for the load on all joints to be distributed correctly, it must initially be correct in the ankle joint. Therefore, a child should not learn to walk barefoot or in socks or booties; he must have boots, leather, with a hard heel, a small heel, lace-up or Velcro. These shoes fit well ankle joint, then the loads on the knee and hip joints will also be correct.

By the way

A child should sit down independently at 7 months, stand on his feet at 9 months, and take his first steps at 10–11 months, holding onto a support. If he tries to do it earlier, don't encourage him! The bones are not ready yet. But if the rusher is still eager to fight, strengthen his muscles - give him an additional course of massage, a cycle water procedures with sea salt...

Orthopedist - what kind of doctor is this? He is a specialist who is advisable to contact in cases where any diseases or defects related to the musculoskeletal system arise. In considering what this doctor does, we can especially note developmental defects that are relevant to skeletal system, as well as congenital forms of pathologies and complications that develop as a result of infectious diseases. Among other things, this list includes domestic injuries along with various injuries and conditions within post-traumatic period. So, let's find out in more detail: what kind of doctor is an orthopedist, and what diseases does he treat?

Main activities

So, an orthopedist deals with diseases related to the skeletal system. The specialization that a particular orthopedic doctor has determines the specific areas of his activity. Let's give existing options these kinds of directions:

  • Outpatient or, as it is otherwise called, conservative orthopedics. In this situation, consider the implementation preventive measures in relation to diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a clinical setting, where an orthopedist is seen. In addition, this area is concentrated within the framework of the implementation of non-operative therapeutic measures to influence diseases of the joints and bones.
  • Endoprosthetics technique. This direction is focused on the implementation of measures related to surgical prosthetics of bones and joints, which is especially important in those situations in which it is no longer possible to preserve them using other treatment methods.
  • Surgical field of activity. What kind of doctor is an orthopedic surgeon? Within this area of ​​orthopedics, the spine, feet, teeth and hands are treated. This direction is considered radical in treatment, as it affects the ligaments, joints and bones of a person.
  • What diseases does an orthopedist treat in traumatology? As treatment methods, conservative and surgical therapy is used, which is focused on influencing injuries that are in one way or another associated with the skeletal system. This also includes timely fixation of fractures along with measures aimed at correcting joint defects. In the field of traumatology, they also deal with the correction of old forms of defects. Sports orthopedics is also included in this area. Its goal is to treat specific injuries acquired by athletes in the course of their activities.
  • Pediatric orthopedics, or, as it is also called, adolescent orthopedics. This area of ​​orthopedics focuses on the prevention and required treatment of defects that are relevant to the skeletal system. What kind of doctor is a pediatric orthopedist? This is a specialist who sees small children under the age of one year. Quite often, older children along with teenagers become patients.

What does an orthopedist treat? Doctor's tasks

Based on all of the above features that determine the specifics of the orthopedist’s activities in the role of a specific specialist, it is necessary to summarize and indicate what this doctor treats:

  • Muscle diseases.
  • Joint problems.
  • Tendon strain.
  • Ligament damage.
  • Bone injuries.
  • Nerve endings.

An orthopedist does all this. What organs does this doctor treat? Regarding this issue, it should be noted that this specialist deals with the back, feet, shoulder blades, knee and hip joints, humerus, teeth and so on.

Orthopedist and the pathologies he deals with

What diseases do orthopedic doctors treat? If we talk about specific ailments, we should highlight next list their main types:

  • The presence of curvature of the feet along with flat feet, clubfoot.
  • Congenital diseases in the form of joint dysplasia and torticollis. Infants often need the help of an orthopedist. What doctor is this? More on this below.
  • The presence of bursitis and arthrosis in patients, that is, diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of the periarticular bursae and joints.
  • The development of osteochondrosis, that is chronic disease, which is accompanied by damage to the spine in the area of ​​specific segments.
  • Joint dislocations along with bone fractures and Ewing's tumor.
  • The development of rheumatoid arthritis, that is, a system-wide chronic disease, the course of which involves damage to the skeletal system, which can in turn lead to severe forms joint deformities. Such a pathology in some situations may be a prerequisite for subsequent disability in the patient.
  • Presence of osteogenic sarcoma.
  • Development of deforming osteosis along with chondromyxosarcoma.

When is it necessary to contact an orthopedist?

It should be noted that some types of diseases that have been listed are only a small part from their existing options. Among other things, a variety of such discrepancies are noted not only in pathologies, but also in methods of treatment, which relate to injuries and diseases of the skeletal system.

Diseases of the joints, bones, ligaments, spine and tissues that are located in the immediate environment of the affected area can be congenital or acquired during life, and, in addition, can have an infectious nature. Acquired pathologies are always associated with some kind of injury or occupational injuries along with metabolic disorders. Infectious diseases arise due to concomitant inflammation as a result of suffering from a particular disease.

Erased symptoms

The development of various bone disorders usually occurs very slowly, because the first symptoms that might require consultation with an orthopedist may be mild. But a serious and pronounced manifestation of symptoms will be noted at the stage of large-scale lesions that arise against the background pathological processes. Considering this feature, visiting the orthopedist’s office should become regular, and this must be done already with childhood.

Orthopedic traumatologist - what kind of doctor is this? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

When is it necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist?

In this situation, as is already clear from the indicated area of ​​​​specialization of the doctor, we're talking about about its connection with various injuries, as well as the elimination of their consequences. In this regard, a number of reasons are identified that require a visit to the office of an orthopedist-traumatologist:

  • Fractures that result in impaired bone function.
  • The patient has suffered repeated fractures.
  • Residual signs of human transmission of polio.
  • Not stopping, but also persistent pain in the spine, limbs and joints.
  • The presence of sprains, bruises, frostbites, insect or animal bites.
  • Deformation of the limbs or other injuries inflicted on the spine or chest.
  • Damage to the functions of small and large joints.

Surgical and closed intervention

As part of the treatment, an orthopedic traumatologist can use surgical and closed intervention methods. This technique is called redressing. In this situation, they mean a step-by-step correction by an orthopedic doctor of pathological disorders that are relevant to the patient, and, in addition, deformations in the area of ​​individual joints that relate to the system of support and movement. The doctor makes this correction with his hands. Especially in this case, we are talking about correcting contracture, clubfoot, as well as curvature of the limbs as a result of rickets, fibrous ankylosis, fractures that resulted in improper fusion, and so on.

This is what an orthopedist treats and does. What doctor is this? This question can be heard from patients quite often.

When is an urgent visit to an orthopedist required?

A certain group of symptoms is identified, on the basis of which an urgent visit to an orthopedist is required, since such pathological condition can act as a kind of signal that will indicate the development of a serious pathogenic process, and, in fact, the disease itself. About such a need in medical care should be spoken in the event of the following symptoms:

  • Presence of crunching in the joints.
  • Poor joint mobility.
  • Feeling of numbness in hands.
  • The appearance of swelling of the joints.
  • Pain in the joints during any even minor movements.
  • The appearance of pain in the back.
  • Poor posture along with a quickly occurring feeling of fatigue.
  • Availability aching pain and muscle aches that are caused by weather changes.

Regular visit

In addition, there are a number of diseases, the development of which determines the need for a particular patient to regularly visit an orthopedist. Among them are the following types of diseases:

  • Presence of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The patient has suffered any spinal injuries.
  • Presence of arthrosis of the joints.
  • Shoulder or knee dislocations.
  • Development of osteochondrosis.

Moreover, orthopedists and traumatologists can advise preventive measures with regular sports activities, and, in addition, when choosing extreme species relaxation as a way of spending time. In this case, it will be possible to timely eliminate certain injuries, which, in turn, will make it possible to eliminate problems associated with them in the future.

What kind of doctor is a dental orthopedist?

This specialist eliminates the most various disorders in the oral cavity and maxillofacial area:

  • Restores integrity individual teeth. Manufactures microprostheses.
  • Restores the integrity of the dentition.
  • Manufactures prosthetics that replace soft tissue defects in the maxillofacial area after injuries, including after surgical interventions.
  • Treats diseases of the temporomandibular joint.
  • Carries out correction and repair of the patient’s existing prostheses.

This is what kind of doctor is an orthopedist in dentistry.

When should a child be taken to a pediatric orthopedist?

There are a number of different circumstances in which you should visit this specialist with your child. Thanks to timely contact with an orthopedist, you can achieve effective results regarding the elimination of developing pathologies. Plus, it becomes possible to correct the congenital forms of any diseases associated with motor system, if any. So, such circumstances include the presence of the following defects:

  • Defective hip position, which can be noted in a newborn baby. This usually happens with congenital dislocations.
  • Children get tired quickly when walking. Visually noticeable heaviness of gait. In this situation, we are usually talking about flat feet.
  • A noticeable stoop along with a constant tilt of the head towards the same shoulder. In this case, most likely, we have to talk about torticollis.
  • The child complains of the periodic appearance of pain in the arms and legs, and, in addition, in the neck or back.
  • The presence of clubfoot, in which it visually appears that the child is raking with his foot while walking.

How is the first appointment?

Very often, patients are interested in how the first appointment with an orthopedist occurs. In order to get a rough idea of ​​this, we will tell you about the main nuances of visiting this specialist:

  • The orthopedist visually evaluates anatomical structure, relevant for the skeletal system. In this situation, the correctness along with the incorrectness of the structure is analyzed. This stage is especially important when examining newborns.
  • The specialist determines the range of motion relevant to the affected joints.
  • The doctor prescribes fluoroscopy, during which, as a rule, the alleged diagnosis is clarified or refuted.
  • The presence of complex forms of diseases may require the need for such research methods as computed tomography along with magnetic resonance imaging.

We looked at who this orthopedic doctor is and what this specialist treats.

An orthopedist is a specialist who treats and diagnoses diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The list of announced conditions includes not only damage and injury bone tissue, but also its pathologies, congenital anomalies and developmental defects, as well as complications that develop as a result of infectious diseases. In addition, the scope of treatment of a traumatologist-orthopedic surgeon includes post-traumatic conditions and bone restoration. muscular system. A separate area in the context of orthopedics is surgical prosthetics of joints and the restoration of their inherent functions.

The main directions of modern orthopedics are:

  1. Conservative or outpatient orthopedics. Its goal is the treatment and prevention of diseases of the skeletal system in outpatient setting. That is, treatment is carried out in a clinic and then at home. The therapeutic principles of treatment are non-surgical, that is, they apply conservative methods correction of such conditions.
  2. Endoprosthetics. The goal of this area is joint replacement and bone repositioning. This method of treatment is relevant in cases where destruction of a certain bone segment has occurred as a result of degenerative processes and it is not possible to save a certain inert segment. Therefore, it is replaced by prostheses made of different materials.
  3. Surgical orthopedics. Involves radical treatment methods different areas influences: hands, feet, spine, teeth. This area is especially in demand in sports orthopedics.
  4. Traumatology. An orthopedist is another word for a traumatologist. However, these two terms are not synonymous. An orthopedist treats primarily pathologies of the skeletal system, while a traumatologist specializes in injuries and injuries. Sports injuries can also be included in this section. The main methods of treatment can be both conservative and surgical. Treatment is aimed at correcting joint defects, injuries and pathologies, as well as complications in complex and advanced cases.
  5. Children's and adolescent orthopedics. Provides prevention and treatment of congenital anomalies and developmental defects. This group includes infants from birth to adolescence.

What does an orthopedist treat?

Taking into account the above-described areas of modern orthopedics, it is possible to determine what a given specialist treats.

So, the objects of correction by this specialist are:

  • ligaments and tendons;
  • joints and bones;
  • muscles.

The scope of activity of this specialist is the following areas of the body:

  • joints (elbow, shoulder, wrist, knee, hip, ankle);
  • back (intervertebral discs);
  • shoulder blades

An orthopedic doctor treats the following ailments:

  • congenital diseases (torticollis, joint dysplasia);
  • arthritis of various types;
  • arthrosis;
  • synovitis;
  • bursitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the periarticular bursae);
  • osteochondrosis (inflammation of intervertebral discs);
  • injuries and bone damage (subluxations, dislocations, fractures, bruises);
  • osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis ( systemic disease, which is characterized by degenerative-deformational lesions);
  • flat feet (congenital or acquired foot defect);
  • poor posture and curvature of the spinal column (scoliosis and kyphosis).

When is it necessary to consult an orthopedist?

This specialist is contacted when there are pathologies of bones, ligaments and tendons, diseases of the joints and soft tissues, in the case of congenital or acquired ailments of bone tissue, as well as complications due to infectious diseases (various arthritis and arthrosis). As a result of infectious diseases, degenerative-dystrophic processes of bones develop, which lead to their slow deformation and destruction. Consultation with a specialist is necessary for injuries and bone damage as a result of accidents and traffic accidents.

In what cases do they resort to the help of an orthopedist-traumatologist?

It is clear that the specialization of such a doctor is injuries and damage, their treatment and recovery.

Thus, such a specialist is contacted:

  • for bone fractures that impair their functionality;
  • with residual effects after suffering from polio;
  • for diseases of the spine;
  • for pain and visible deformation of the joints;
  • with dislocations and subluxations;
  • with complete rupture and partial tears of ligamentous fibers;
  • with bruises;
  • with frostbite;
  • with simultaneous deformation of the joints on the upper and lower extremities.

What does a pediatric orthopedist treat?

A pediatric specialist treats a number of diseases of the skeletal system in children that develop as a result of pathologies and injuries. Pathologies that need correction by a pediatric specialist:

  • congenital hip dysplasia;
  • hallux valgus;
  • acquired flat feet;
  • congenital dislocation and subluxation of the shoulder, hip and knee joints;
  • pain in a child while walking;
  • poor posture in a child (with stooping, scoliosis and kyphosis);
  • torticollis;
  • clubfoot;
  • pain in the arms and legs;
  • joint damage due to infectious diseases.

With timely and adequate treatment, excellent results can be achieved, including complete cure of the child, as well as correction of congenital and acquired pathologies.

When is it necessary to urgently consult an orthopedist?

There are a number of symptoms that should not be ignored. They require urgent correction, as they are fraught with serious complications and sometimes threaten the patient’s life. Also, certain pathologies of the musculoskeletal system require urgent consultation and treatment from a specialist. Signals indicating the seriousness of the situation are the following symptoms:

  • crunching and crepitation of bones (usually with fractures);
  • numbness and stiffness of the limbs;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • joint pain both at rest and in motion;
  • back pain;
  • poor general condition;
  • muscle aches and aching pain;
  • old injuries.

There are also a number of diseases that require systematic treatment and regular monitoring:

  • arthrosis accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic processes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, systemic and autoimmune disease;
  • previous spinal injuries;
  • femoral neck fracture;
  • shoulder and knee dislocation;
  • osteochondrosis.

What should be the first appointment with an orthopedic surgeon?

Many patients are interested in how the first appointment with an orthopedist goes, in order to have a rough idea and prepare for this event. So, how does the doctor act at the first appointment? First of all, he carries out:

  1. A visual examination, during which he assesses the development of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to determine the correct or abnormal development(especially when examining a newborn baby).
  2. Performs palpation of the affected areas to identify the localization of the pathological process.
  3. The stage and degree of bone damage and their functional mobility are determined.
  4. Performs redressing. This is the so-called closed intervention. The doctor forcibly repositions the bones by stretching or compressing the tissue to correct an improperly healed fracture. All manipulations are carried out only by hand.

For accurate diagnosis The doctor prescribes the following instrumental techniques:

  1. X-ray. This is the simplest and available method diagnostics The method is especially effective for degenerative diseases.
  2. Spiral computed tomography. Using SCT, you can obtain an accurate image of the affected areas.
  3. Magnetic - resonance tomography. This method research is the most informative and able to detect initial stage illness at any stage of development.

Laboratory tests are also required for an accurate diagnosis:

  • general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • urine test;
  • serological blood test;
  • coagulogram (data on blood clotting);
  • RT prothrombin time and fibrogen;
  • partially activated prothrombin time;
  • blood test for rheumatoid factor.

In individual cases, other tests and analyzes may be performed.

If the reason for visiting a doctor is an injury, then you should contact a traumatologist. Usually in this case there is a need for urgent treatment(fracture, dislocation, bruise).

When there is a need for planned and conservative treatment, it is necessary to consult an orthopedic doctor.

Where does a traumatologist-orthopedist see?

This specialist accepts specialized clinics ah (specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system) and in general medical institutions (clinics). Institutions can be either private or public. Also, such a specialist can work in a private office or in a specialized trauma center.

What goals does the doctor pursue for the patient at the first appointment?

  • diagnoses the disease;
  • prescribes treatment;
  • provides professional interaction with other specialists;
  • advises patients on further treatment.

In some cases, an intermediate examination is prescribed to adjust therapeutic actions during the dynamics process.

During the treatment process, the doctor may send the patient for a consultation with a related specialist (if necessary). When visiting a doctor, you must inform him about past illnesses and injuries. musculoskeletal system, features of lifestyle and diet, about labor activity and psycho - emotional state. Don’t be shy to ask questions to your doctor and demand popular explanations from him regarding your ailments.

The question is how to find good doctor, remains relevant at all times. After all, this is quite a difficult task. If there are fears that you may end up with the “wrong doctor,” you need to inquire on the websites of specialized clinics and clinics. Pay attention to the reviews left, and also ask directly at the medical institution, because right under the door good doctor there are always a lot of people. It would also be useful to ask friends and relatives who have encountered diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

When is urgent care needed from an orthopedist-traumatologist?

A consultation with such a specialist would be useful if you have the following symptoms:

  • for fractures in case of urgent medical care;
  • for injuries and bruises, dislocations and subluxations;
  • when ligamentous fibers rupture;
  • with muscle strain;
  • in the presence of osteomyelitis;
  • at constant pain in the spine, arms and legs;
  • with the appearance of lameness and abnormal gait;
  • with frostbite of the limb and damage to blood vessels.

If the patient has open fracture, the doctor will disinfect the wound, correctly place the bone fragments, and apply a plaster cast.

For severe joint pain, a blockade with novocaine is performed. This procedure can quickly eliminate painful sensations, dock inflammatory process, restore normal blood supply and alleviate the patient’s suffering. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, analgesics, antibiotics (for infectious diseases), antispasmodics, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

For patients with a weak skeletal corset, exercises are prescribed individually physical therapy. After cupping acute pain the patient gradually increases the load to restore functionality to the limbs. Manual therapy and massage are very effective. Also, we must not forget about physiotherapeutic procedures, which, sometimes, have best action than all other treatment methods.

In advanced and complex cases that cannot be treated, endoprosthesis replacement is performed, the purpose of which is to replace the diseased area with an artificial endoprosthesis.

For the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, arthroscopy of the joint is performed, during which true information can be obtained and adequate treatment can be prescribed. This is a very effective minimally invasive treatment method, the so-called mini-surgery. The patient is in the hospital for three days, after which he returns to his usual way of life.

Podiatrist literally means: “a doctor who teaches integrity.”

So, orthopedics is a branch of medicine that studies the prevention and treatment of bone and muscle deformities.

Who is an orthopedist?

An orthopedist is a doctor who treats musculoskeletal disorders caused by developmental defects or diseases. A pediatric orthopedist studies the causes of development congenital pathologies bones and muscles, eliminates deformities and restores the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Used as conservative methods treatment (physical therapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic insoles, corsets, splints, prostheses, plaster casts, manual therapy), and surgical operations: osteotomies, tendon transfers.

An orthopedist is undergoing residency or postgraduate training medical university. The course covers disaster surgery, prosthetics, and rehabilitation. Orthopedists work in endoprosthetics clinics, rehabilitation centers, orthopedic sanatoriums, clinics. Orthopedics is one of the most complex and in demand medical specialties. Due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the largest number of patients become disabled.

Examinations by a pediatric orthopedist are mandatory at 1, 3, 9 months of life and before admission to kindergarten. It is imperative to contact a pediatric orthopedist if a schoolchild has poor posture, when starting sports or dancing, if everyday movements are difficult, coordination is impaired, the child is clumsy, if the feet hurt when walking. Any violation of posture and gait is within the competence of the orthopedic doctor.

Orthopedists of Ukraine are increasingly doing internships in countries Western Europe. Modern achievements orthopedics in our country make it possible to effectively prevent and treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and carry out rehabilitation after injuries. Some clinics provide medical services at the level of European clinics. There is an exchange of experience, there are internships and exchange programs.

Most orthopedic patients are treated in a clinic setting. Surgery It is not used as often as it seems at first glance.

What tests should be taken when visiting an orthopedist?

The orthopedist may need the results general analysis blood, urine, coagulation test (preoperative), prothrombin time and prothrombin index. They are needed for assessment general condition health and prevention of complications during surgery.

What diagnostic methods does the orthopedist use?

The orthopedist conducts an examination and is guided by the results of ultrasound, X-ray, MRI and CT when making a diagnosis.

What does an orthopedist do?

An orthopedist treats flat feet, scoliosis, consequences of injuries, birth defects development with assistance from physical therapy, manual therapy or operations. It treats clubfoot, torticollis, joint pathology, and corrects their vicious position. An orthopedist treats injuries: sprains, bruises, dislocations, fractures, burns.

The spine pays for our ability to walk upright from the moment we take our first steps. Throughout his life he experiences enormous stress. An orthopedist also deals with problems of spinal pathology. Most common problem scoliosis has been present since childhood.

For children and adults with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedist can prescribe the production of individual orthopedic insoles. He can also prescribe a course of physical therapy, conduct therapeutic measures for household and sports injuries.

In advanced cases, the patient is transferred to the hands of orthopedic surgeons specializing in endoprosthetics (artificial joint replacement). It may be needed for a disease such as arthrosis, when the cartilage in the joint wears out, or for fractures, for example, of the femoral neck. Also within the competence of an orthopedic doctor is the treatment of neck deformities and chest. A pediatric orthopedist helps children with complications after cerebral palsy and polio get back on their feet together with a neurologist. Orthopedic examination plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of hip dysplasia and congenital hip dislocation. The orthopedist also treats rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis - inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints.

If you have a family history of people with neurological diseases, or if you have been injured in the past or been in an accident, do not forget to see an orthopedist once a year. This will save you from complications.

The orthopedist conducts an examination on the couch, assesses the range of motion in the joint and prescribes an ultrasound of the joints, X-rays, MRI or CT.

The ancient Incas treated wounds and fractures; they knew how to perform operations on the skull, set dislocations and fuse bones.

With the development of orthopedics, the profession of an orthopedist has become high-tech. An orthopedist must have an engineering mindset, have golden hands, and be able to put into practice knowledge about the biomechanics of the body. Germany is a pioneer in the pace of development of orthopedics today. A good orthopedist is responsible, has the skills of an engineer and sculptor, and has excellent fine motor skills and a pronounced tendency to work with his hands. The ability to empathize must be combined with determination. An orthopedist must be able to correctly decipher x-rays, MRI slices.

What diseases does an orthopedist treat?

We have the ability to walk and jump thanks to our bones and joints. When they are young, they are very strong and flexible. But gradually age makes itself felt. And for some people, joint problems are congenital. There are several hundred orthopedic diagnoses today.

When to see an orthopedist:

  1. For pain in the hands and shoulders.
  2. For knee and hip pain.
  3. For lower back pain.
  4. For foot pain.
  5. For problems with posture.
  6. For fractures, dislocations.
  7. If your joints crack or hurt due to the weather.

With flat feet, the arches of the feet are lowered. Causes of flat feet: congenital weakness of the ligaments, overweight. If by the evening your feet are very tired, your lower back hurts, or your leg size is increasing, do not put off going to the clinic. Treatment for flat feet is aimed at strengthening the muscles. A complete cure is impossible.

Dysplasia, fractures and arthrosis most often lead to the need to replace joints. Endoprosthetics is very complex operation, which is handled by an orthopedic surgeon.

  • Hold five-minute breaks in the middle of the lesson, during which children bend over, shake their hands, etc.
  • The length of the seat should correspond to the length of the child's hips.
  • When sitting, the child's knee and thigh form a right angle.
  • The child's back should rest on the back of the chair.
  • An empty schoolchild's backpack should not weigh more than 500 g; for a child in grades 1-3, the total weight of a backpack with textbooks and notebooks should not be more than 2 kg. For high school students – more than 3.5 kg. You should buy orthopedic backpacks with a hard back. The backpack must be put on both straps at the same time.
  • Neurological diseases and low physical activity, excess weight and incorrectly selected shoes often lead to the development of flat feet in preschool, junior and middle age school age. Ligaments stretch when walking on a flat surface. Also, exercises with walking on heels and toes are ineffective for flat feet. It's better to walk barefoot on pebbles. It is better to choose shoes for younger schoolchildren with a hard back.
  • An orthopedist helps maintain motor activity from childhood to old age.